Savvy Maritime Academy

Yacht Steward(ess) Training Academy (IAMI GUEST ACCredited)

Refine Your Yacht Steward(ess) Skills in Just 10 Days With Savvy Maritime Academy in Fort Lauderdale

Preparation Is Key To A Successful Steward(ess) Career

Knowledge , preparation , and most importantly, relevant practical exposure are key to you being able to fulfill your duties as superyacht steward(ess) with confidence and competence! At Savvy, we have have ensured that all of your bases are covered in the most relevant luxury yacht training facility available. With staff that have 75 years of combined industry experience you will learn from those who have an abundance of knowledge to share with you . Our Steward(ess) course is internationally recognized and accredited by the International Association of Maritime Institutions (IAMI).

Course Breakdown:

The course runs in our Fort Lauderdale practical training facility as well as on board an operational superyacht based in the area

  • Steward/ess Familiarization & Introduction to Yachting - Incl. GUEST Unit 23
  • Superyacht Housekeeping, Cleaning & Laundry - Incl. GUEST Unit 32
  • Food & Beverage Service: - Incl. GUEST Unit 02 (Food & Beverage) - Incl. GUEST Unit 03 (Wine & Mixology) - Including Cigar Service
  • Additional Modules - Flower knowledge & arrangements - Vessel operations & basic deck work - Work schedule samples & responsibilities
  • Employment Guidance & Assistance

Steward(ess) interior training

Section 1: Steward/ess Familiarization & Introduction to Yachting

Including the IAMI GUEST Introduction to Yachting & Yachting Life (Unit 23) Module

Before we begin with the practical steward(ess) training, we ensure that you have an accurate understanding of how the yachting industry works. Having realistic expectations of life on board a yacht ensures that you can effectively adapt to this unique new working environment.

  • The demographics of the yachting sector, its sub-divisions & relevant Industries
  • Professional Yacht CV presentation, & job search etiquette
  • Employment Contracts, SEAS, & salary expectations
  • Life at sea as a crew member Yacht orientation & seamanship terminology
  • Ethical Code of Conduct / Yacht Standing Orders
  • The roles of each department & duties of crew positions
  • The onboard hierarchy & chain of command
  • The onboard standards of personal presentation & hygiene
  • The expected etiquette & behaviours as a crew member
  • The standards of attention to detail required onboard a yacht
  • The Importance of communication & communication styles
  • The etiquette of meeting & interacting with guests, including privacy & discretion
  • The diversities & differences of cultures & behaviours
  • Maintaining personal health & wellbeing (including mental preparation and care) & how to find support
  • The responsibilities of employers & crew for health & safety in the maritime industry
  • How to make the most of your time in the yachting industry
  • Tax & Finances - how to thrive

Savvy Steward(ess) students during their final day practical assessment.

Section 2: Steward(ess) Housekeeping, Cleaning & Laundry

Including the IAMI GUEST Basic Houskeeping & Laundry (Unit 32) Module

Housekeeping Stewardess Training

Superyacht Standard Housekeeping Skills

  • Care of arts and furnishing
  • Table linen care
  • How to make beds to a superyacht standard
  • Turn up and turn down cabin service
  • Housekeeping basics
  • Cleaning and sanitation
  • Laundry care and ironing strategies
  • Basic interior checklists and inventories
  • How to organize lockers and cupboards
  • How to stow and unstow valuable items

Yacht Stewardess Service Training

Section 3: Food & Beverage Service

Including the IAMI GUEST Food & Beverage Service (Unit 02) & Basic Wine Bartending & Mixology (Unit 03) Modules

Superyacht Food Service Module

  • The principles of food and beverages service operations for guests
  • Different food service techniques and service styles
  • Service standards and expectations
  • Silver Service
  • Guests relations, grooming, and etiquette
  • Food presentation
  • Table setting and napkin folding

Coffee and Tea, Cheese and Caviar, Cigar Service

  • Distinguishing the different Types of coffee
  • Basic types of coffee recipes, techniques, and service rules
  • Steps and presentation for different types of tea
  • How to create a cheese board
  • Different kinds of caviar and how to serve it
  • Presenting, cutting, lighting, and storing of fine cigars

Wines, Cocktail Making, and Bartending

  • Classification of wines
  • Correct service techniques
  • Glass types, decanter use and wine accessories
  • Mastering the corkscrew
  • Spirits and liquor familiarity
  • Cocktail making with common recipes and ingredients
  • Correct use of tools and techniques


Section 4: Additional Modules

Extra steward(ess) skills and knowledge to help you stand out from the crowd!

Basic Knowledge of Fresh Flower Arrangements

  • How to condition and care for flowers
  • Different types of flowers and the arranging tools used
  • Designing flower arrangements (practical assessment)

Nautical Terminology, Vessel Operations & Basic Deck Work

  • Learning lights, shapes and emergency sounds & signals
  • Terms that interior crew should know
  • Knowing basic nautical knots
  • Line handling and fenders

Samples of work Schedules & Responsibilities

  • Sample of daily, weekly, monthly tasks and projects
  • Sample schedule and steward/ess duties when guest are ON board
  • Sample schedule and steward/ess duties when guests are NOT on board

Savvy Steward(ess) Graduate

Steward(ess) Guidance & Employment

We aim for you to be employed shortly after your course ends and are happy to assist with the placement process. A few additional aspects covered:

  • References from head of departments & captains (provided competence and the correct attitude is shown)
  • Resume advice and assistance
  • Connections to crew agencies, & employers
  • Interview preparation and guidance
  • Guidance on how to conduct yourself once on board
  • Career advice on how to progress once employed including course progression and recordkeeping etc.


stewardess yacht formation

10 Day Steward/ess Course (IAMI GUEST Accredited) 26 Aug. – 06 Sept.

10 day steward/ess course (iami guest accredited) 16 sept. – 27 sept., 10 day steward/ess course (iami guest accredited) 07 oct. – 18 oct., 10 day steward/ess course (iami guest accredited) 21 oct. – 08 nov. (1 week interval flibs), 10 day steward/ess course (iami guest accredited) 11 nov. – 22 nov., 10 day steward/ess course (iami guest accredited) 09 dec. – 20 dec..


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Complete Your Steward / Stewardess Training With Us In Fort Lauderdale, USA

Fort Lauderdale is the ideal city to complete your steward(ess) yacht training. Savvy Maritime Academy is close to all essential services and most importantly, where you need to be to find your dream job on a yacht. Our staff are well connected and respected in the yachting industry. We will help connect you to contacts and job opportunities both in and out of the area.

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How to Become a Yacht Stewardess: Everything You Need to Know About the Job

Posted on: 11/26/2018


The annual salary for a yacht stewardess starts at  around $40,000  plus tips. While that may not seem like a lot to some, while you are living on the ship all of your expenses will be covered by the charter guest.

Being a yacht stewardess is a great way to see the world, meet incredible people, be fed every meal by a great chef, and live a more present lifestyle free of cell phones and constant connection. Away from your family and friends on the open water, you will find peace and adventure.

Read on to learn how to become a yacht stewardess and begin your dream career today. 

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How to Become a Yacht Stewardess: The Education Requirements

If you want to land a job as a stewardess, you will need to take some short courses that ensure safety and good service on the yacht. 

If you are looking for an entry-level position, then you will take the most standard courses, while those looking to become a chief stewardess will have to go back to school for further certifications. 

When you are first getting started in the yachting industry, you will need to complete an  STCW certification course   at an academy like the Maritime Professional Training Academy in Fort Lauderdale.

This  course costs   around a thousand dollars and is typically completed over about a week-long time range. 

How Hard is it to Get Hired as a Stewardess?

Getting hired as a stewardess aboard a yacht is generally not considered to be difficult. Once you have your STCW certification, you will be legally qualified to take a position.

In order to get a job, you should move to a major port city. In the United States, nine times out of ten that is going to mean Fort Lauderdale. Your other option is Newport in Rhode Island. While there are other cities in the country where you may be able to find a position, these hotspots are the best place for those new to the industry to scoop up work.

Once you land in the city, you can hit the docks with your resume looking for people who need to fill positions. In this industry, when you need someone, you need them now, so be prepared to start as soon as the next day.

If you have any hospitality experience such as bartending or entertaining guests, this is helpful to list on your resume.

What Time of Year Do They Hire in Fort Lauderdale?

To get hired as a stewardess, you should head to Fort Lauderdale in between seasons. This is where you will find the most stationary yachts giving you the best chance of landing a position.

There are two primary yachting seasons - summer and winter. To get hired for the summer season, you will need to be in Fort Lauderdale between April and June. For the winter season, you should arrive between September and mid-December.

These down-times are when yachts are in port preparing for the next season and you will be able to set up interviews with many different ship captains or owners at one time. 

Those are also the months that you would have off once you become part of a crew while the yachts are repaired and maintained for the next season.

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What Do I Do if I Don't Get Hired There?

When you are new to the yachting industry (the term is "green"), you may find it difficult to secure a position. When you begin asking around for advice, many experienced crew members will tell you to head to St. Martin to look for work. 

St. Martin is where many of the yachts head and make a port out of for the season. If you are there you can often find positions that crop up from other stewardesses who didn't work out or were unable to fulfill their obligation.

In order to do this, you will need to purchase a round-trip ticket in order to get through customs. You can cancel your returning flight at a later date if you find a position.

If you choose this route, be cautious when you talk to customs people at the airport. Don't tell them that you are coming to look for work. It can raise a lot of questions and prevent your entry in some cases. Just like how people coming to America aren't able to work, there are similar visa requirements for the island.

However, since you will be hired aboard an international vessel, those laws won't apply to you. But trying to explain all of that to an ornery customs agent isn't the best way to spend your first twelve hours in the city.

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Consider Registering with a Crew Agency

One of the best ways to find open positions aboard yachts is by registering with a crew agency. They will be able to pair you up with openings and act as an advocate on your behalf.

Before you hit the agency, make sure you spruce up your resume. You need to sell your abilities and talents to potential captains.

These agencies typically don't require any fee from you to join, so you might as well give it a shot. The agencies are paid by the ship captains once they agree to your placement.

If you go with an agency, you will still need to attend individual interviews and secure the position in the same way you would if you found it on your own. It's just a great way to aggregate leads and provides a lot of exposure for your resume bringing you more potential opportunities.

To stay on an agencies books, you will need to check in with them weekly while you are in between gigs. This is so that they can ensure that you are still available. Once you find placement, you will be required to check out.

Make sure you follow through with doing this or you may find it difficult to work with the same agent when you are in need of work again.

Networking Tips

Once you move to town, you will need to begin by walking the docks and meeting people. Dress professionally and make friends, this is a social industry where the right recommendation can go a long way.

Be proactive and positive while you network. You need to be confident in yourself and your ability to find a job if you want anyone else to believe in you.

Useful Skills to Have

While anyone can find a home aboard a yacht with the right attitude and certifications, there are certain skills that will move you up the hiring list. 

Those that have basic cooking skills, experience babysitting, formal service training, experience working in a bar or food service, mechanical experience, carpentry skills, and diving experience will all find it much easier to find work and they can also help you command more pay.

How to Secure the Most Pay

When you are first starting out as a crew member, your salary is usually a baseline. Over time, as you gain experience, you will be able to command a higher salary. 

Other factors that impact your wage include the size of the boat, the number of responsibilities that you will have, whether the vessel is chartered or for private use, and your ability to make a commitment to being on board long term.

Jobs that offer other benefits like medical and vacation time may offer lower pay as a trade-off, so decide what is important to you before you decide what vessels to head to look for work.

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A Note on Commitment

When you step aboard a yacht as a crew member for the first time, you will be very excited and eager to get started. But over time with subsequent charters, you may begin to lose your excitement, especially if your charter guests are particularly difficult or if you get into an argument with another crew member. 

While cruising around the world is a dream come true for many, you have to remember that it isn't a vacation. You will be expected to work hospitality hours, which are long and hard and often go late into the night. 

You will also have to contend with the personalities of the other crew members and try not to step on anyone's toes, both while you're staying in Fort Lauderdale   and on your ship. If you don't have an easy-going personality type, then this may not be the position for you. 

Once you take a job on a yacht, you need to make sure that you finish out your contract if you want to find employment anywhere else. Don't allow gossip,  bad etiquette  and drama to ruin your potential career.

Where to Stay While Finding a Position

Having learned how to become a yacht stewardess, you know your next step needs to be certification and moving to Fort Lauderdale to find a position.

Check out these great listings for a safe, affordable  place to stay .


What Does a Yacht Stewardess Do?

Depending on the size of the yacht, there are between 1 and 5+ yacht stewardess. The duties and responsibilities as a yacht stewardess will vary with the size of the yacht and number of crew on the yacht. Your first job as a stewardess on a larger size yacht will consist of learning the basic duties of a stewardess. Crew Mess duties, detailing, cleaning windows, polishing is high on the agenda to keep the yacht in immaculate condition at all times.

Onboard a smaller yacht with a lower number of stewardess, responsibilities will increase to more hands-on duties such as; tender driving, anchoring, mooring procedures, assist within the galley or deck operations.

The workload varies depending on the yacht, season, itinerary, and whether you have guests onboard. The busiest times are usually pre-season, boat shows or guest arrivals and while guests are onboard. A yacht stewardess position on a superyacht requires energetic professionals and as you’ll constantly be on your feet. While guests are not on board its common to have a typical 8-5 schedule with weekends off if working fulltime, if there is a trip or event with guests, hours will be much longer, and work will be much more demanding.

What are the responsibilities of a Yacht Stewardess?

  • Providing 5-star service to guests and ensuring guest satisfaction
  • Providing excellent guest service, silver service and bartending skills when needed
  • Maintaining laundry, housekeeping and wardrobe tasks for both guests and yacht crew
  • Floral arrangements and decorations
  • Excellent knowledge of fine dining, wines and cocktails
  • Maintenance of guest-cabin care and detailed cleaning
  • Assisting with inventory and restocking provisions
  • Watchkeeping within the crew mess
  • Stowage for sea
  • Attention to detail
  • To maintain a safe and secure environment

Yacht Stewardess Table Setting

Yacht Stewardess Job Descriptions

In bigger superyachts, the purser serves in her own capacity as an administrative presence, employed to take care of recruitment and keep financial records. The cases where the purser is employed to act is mostly when the population of the members of the yacht crew is considerable. Otherwise, the office and its responsibilities are merged with that of the chief stewardess. The Purser is charged with keeping an eye on the book-keeping, workforce management, crew member accreditations and yacht crew member documentations, crew training, monitoring the inventory and making orders for necessities and requirements like foodstuff and wine stock, crew uniforms, required utensils and cleaning materials. They also manage the protocol duties and logistics of transporting guests between the yachts and scheduled locations as well as concluding contracts for deliveries.

Your adventure is waiting...

For course schedules and availability.

Skills required:  To be a purser, you must have garnered sufficient experience at least as a Chief Stewardess on smaller yachts. The administrative workload on this position demands a very meticulous level of management as well as a versatility in the skill of organization of paperwork for each division on the superyacht’s crew. Also, as the purser will be involved with the yacht owners and their guests a lot when planning for guest excursions and occasions. It is essential that the purser has strong communication skills and has efficient strategies and expertise for drafting in new yacht crew members as the requirement surfaces. 

Salary expectations:  There is considerable crossover between the duties of a Purser and a Chief Stewardess, but on larger yachts where both roles are filled, a Purser can expect to earn between  $6,000 to $12,000+ per month .

Chief Stewardess

This role is predominantly taken up by females, hence the feminization of the position. That is not to say that there are not many famous chief stewards in charge of management in the yachting industry. The interior department headed by the chief stewardess is established to provide hospitable service for the guests of the yacht owner and the owner himself. Also, the department takes up the duties related to creating and maintaining a snug interior on the yacht. These responsibilities are not limited to Crew and guest refectory handling, detailing, cleaning, preparing the cabin, floral decoration and arrangement, burnishing, laundry and more. The Chief stewardess in charge of the management of the interior department by planning and assigning tasks to be performed by all stewardesses. In smaller yachts, the chief stewardess reports directly to the captain and is also responsible for extra duties like the logistics and planning of guest-transporting between the yachts, crew training and scheduled locations or events. They are also in charge of currency conversion for new locations.

Skills required:  Attention to detail and exquisite taste is extremely desirable in chief stewardesses. The necessary skills will naturally develop after some time spent in service as a stewardess, and the ability to execute the role of a stewardess is measured by comparisons to first-class ratings; anything below a five-star rating for any service is deemed unsatisfactory. Experienced chief stewardesses are remarkably prudent, and they can divine in addition to excellently satisfying the wants and needs of the yacht owners and their guests aboard the yacht at all times.

Salary expectations:  Depending on experience and the size of the vessel, the current salary range for a Chief Stewardess is between  $4,500 to $9,000+ per month .

A Yacht Stewardess functions under the supervision of the chief stewardess and are tasked with making sure that the yacht interior is maintained at pristine condition while offering the best grade of hospitable service. Their responsibilities range from services like dishing food and serving drinks, filling out as baristas to domestic duties like setting the tables, preparing the cabin or doing the laundry. They are also charged with housekeeping duties which might be relegated to an entire department, which is overseen by a housekeeping head in much larger yachts. There could also be some different departments for each of the other duties like cleaning. Position Requirements: In short, while being animated and enthusiastic will earn you praises, it is more important to the perfection of the service that you able to work extremely hard with a smile on your face and pride in your ability. Also, having prior experience in delivering silver service, being a decent cocktail maker or barista will make your application a smoother process. More importantly, to be hired as a stewardess to work in a superyacht, you must have received some specific education and accreditation that qualifies you for the job. Some of the required certifications include:

Skills required:  As with an entry-level deckhand position, success in this role comes down to being prepared to work hard and keep a smile on your face. Previous experience of providing silver service or having skills as a barista or cocktail maker can boost your potential to secure a job, but the most important quality to possess remains a positive attitude and a sense of pride in achieving the highest standards in your work.

Salary expectations:  An entry-level stewardess can expect to earn between  $2,700 to $3,200 per month . On larger yachts, the stepping-stone position of the second stewardess can provide greater responsibility by sharing some of the chief stewardess’ duties and earnings increase to an average of between  $3,300 to $5,500 per month .

Yacht Stewardess

Yacht Stewardess Training and Qualifications:

Essential Certificates You Must Hold Before You Can Get a Stewardess Job on a Yacht are:

1. STCW Basic Training

2. ENG 1 (Seafarers Medical Certificate)

3. Passport and visas, if applicable

What does the STCW (95 + 10) Basic Safety Training course include?

  • Personal Survival Techniques (STCW A-VI/1-1)
  • Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (STCW A-VI/1-2)
  • Elementary First Aid (STCW A-VI/1-3)
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (STCW A-VI/1-4)
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness (STCW A-VI/6-1)

How To Become a Yacht Stewardess With No Experience?

There is no need to question if it can be done, people get entry-level jobs as stewardesses on superyacht more often than you think. The thing they will agree on is that getting the job as a stewardess is as much about having the right certifications and skills to pull off your duties efficiently, as being able to maintain an enthusiastic outlook as you carry out your tasks.

You can start with a day job as a member of a small crew on a yacht or superyacht, depending on which you can get first. Although the work you will be assigned to might look mundane, the attitude you bring forward when working is what will set you apart for a more permanent role in the nearest future. That is not to say the right attitude is all you need if you really want to get this job; you have to consider mastering some skills like your bartending skills or your proficiency in providing silver service before considering an application.

Stewardesses are mostly tasked with either Crew and guest refectory handling, detailing, clean up, preparing the cabin, floral decoration and arrangement, burnishing, or laundry. Getting experience enough to bring your service level towards perfection is essential. A few courses or practices you can indulge in to gain experience or certification include:

Some courses/past experiences which will help you stand out from the other yacht stewardess and crucial to landing a yacht stewardess job are, but not limited to:

  • Basically, anything hospitality/service related: hotel, cruise ships, cleaning, bars and restaurants
  • Any spa/beauty experience: masseuse, personal training, yoga, manicure, pedicure, hair and make-up.
  • Table service (e.g. silver service, napkin folding, etc)
  • Childcare/Teaching: Nanny, Baby-sitting experience or teaching kids.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene or cooking experience
  • Floral Arrangements
  • Bartending: sommelier, cocktail, mixologist, service experience
  • Anything boat related: sailing, boat driving, diving, fishing, wakeboarding, kite surfing etc.

Yacht Crew Stewardess Job

Starting a Career as a Yacht Stewardess

One thing many experienced crew members agree on that has surprised them about their yachting careers, is the sheer number of questions. You first ask yourself some questions before you begin your yachting career. You go ahead to find answers to more questions when you gain enough interest, and then you spend the rest of your life answering questions from your family members and friends every time you open your mouth to explain that you work on a vessel of luxury like a yacht. Or you reveal the experiences you’ve enjoyed and endured on your travels. Of course, you can expect the questions to be even more suffocating when a certain set of people get to know that you work aboard a ‘super-’ yacht. Ultimately, you should always be prepared for when they all ask, googly-eyed, for how to get in on the action. Can you blame them?

Stewardess First Yacht Job

It is no hidden secret that yachts are synonymous with luxury nowadays. Coupled with its nature as a luxurious means of travel, the experience for the yacht crew is matched perfectly by the financial rewards sponsored by ultra-wealthy owners, the yachting industry gives people that lift into the world of the rich and powerful while offering work conditions that are a few inches short of heavenly. With the open and beautiful seas as your office, you start getting the gist of why getting to start a career in this glitzy occupation is extremely intimidating for most people.

Indeed, as a long-term career, breaking into the ranks can admittedly be a tough nut to crack. There are predictably many requirements, most of which are not on the work advert. Fortunately, a career as a yacht crew member always fulfils its promise to be worthwhile, with a lucrative, secure and perfect opportunity waiting for those who can successfully claim this profession choice. While getting a job aboard a superyacht is the lure, achieving your dreams depends on the amount of knowledge you have acquired on how to begin your journey, what type of jobs are available as a stewardess on the yacht and which of these job types fits your individual, in terms of your disposition, talent or aptitudes and capacity.

That is the sole purpose behind this little knowledge reservoir on starting a career as a stewardess on a superyacht. This way, you get a definitive idea on what will be required of you to stand a chance, as well as what you can do to improve your chances of getting a job as an attendant aboard a superyacht. All you should do now is to inject as much eagerness and resolve into your quest as you can muster, and the job will not be far from your grasp.

What differentiates a yacht and a cruise ship from a superyacht?

Stewardess Yacht Career

Simply put, a superyacht is a massive yacht, usually over 75 feet in length, driven either by motor or sail. Superyachts are predominantly owned by private investors, and they usually require that the superyachts are staffed by specialized crews. The yachts are mostly put to work for their owners, but often available to others via crewed charters. This means that while cruise ships are built to treat a large population of people, that could number in thousands or hundreds, superyachts are designed to offer a more intense experience to a remarkably less number of people, typically at most 12 people.

Over the years, yachts of different sizes have tread the seas in the yachting industry, from the average superyachts to magnificent giga-yachts that have lengths up to 320 feet. The building cost for each of these yachts exceeds hundreds of millions of dollars. Perhaps more astonishingly, the running costs for the maintenance and other necessities can be estimated to approach a tenth of the original building cost! Every year! It goes without saying that owning a superyacht is exclusive to the extremely wealthy and even to charter the vessel is a glory that those of the same status can enjoy.

With this much money spent on them by their owners, superyachts are always beautiful creatures. They are built with the most impressive methods, best materials and very grand designs. Superyachts are also stocked with enough variety, luxury and extravagance that sincerely borders on indulgence. However, the true value of these superyachts to these elites of society is not just in their beauty. Instead, they serve as a representation of their standing in society, and that is why they spend a heartbreaking sum regularly to keep the yachts up-to-date with recent technological advancements and inventions. It is for this reason that many documentaries have been made to give others an insight into the glamorous life of these top-of-the-food-chain individuals, through their yachts. More important for you to note is that there are more than 9,000 superyachts currently travelling the seas per recorded sales data, with a continually observed increase. This means more job opportunities for crew member positions.

What else do I need to do?

  • Always present yourself in a professional manner
  • Prepare a  Superyacht CV
  • Dress well and yacht appropriate
  • Maintaining a respectful, friendly attitude during courses and interviews can make a big impression on potential employers and valuable network contacts

Do you have an immaculate room or are you a little OCD when it comes to cleaning, organizing and cleanliness? Well if not it won’t be long before you are a neat freak. Yacht Stews and Interior crew are masters of all. Imagine labeling every single item in your cupboards or detailing a toaster (that’s right you probably never even heard of the term “detailing” before. It basically means clean something that an average person will think is already clean. It’s not a bad thing, in fact, it’s a skill that will pay off in both your personal and professional life.   If you have what it takes to be a yacht stewardess, stay open-minded, show your eagerness to learn and let your personality shine!

How Much Does a Yacht Stewardess Earn?

At entry-level, a Junior Yacht Stewardess could expect to earn between  $2,700 and $3,200 per month.  An experienced yacht stewardess could earn upwards of $4,000 per month depending on the size of the vessel and previous deckhand experience, training and certification. These numbers are based on an average, all yachts are different and sometimes pay more or less depending.

8 Steps to Getting a Stewardess Job:

Step 1:  Research – Understanding the position and requirements Step 2:   STCW Basic Training Step 3:   ENG1 Step 4:   Training and Qualifications Step 5:  Register with a SuperYacht Crew Agency Step 6:  Upload a quality CV Step 7:  Network Step 8:   Dock Walking  – Day Work

In a quick summary, getting a job as a stewardess on a yacht can be a challenge, however, if you have read this far, the first step of the search for a stewardess job is already complete.

The next step will be to book a Stewardess Course, and you are in the right place! We offer elite preparation and training to students who want to excel within the Superyacht industry and become fully certified. If you have any questions or are interested in our Superyacht Stewardess Career Course, get in touch with us by clicking here .

Article was written by Superyacht Crew Agency

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How Do You Become a Stewardess/Steward On a Yacht?

Home Blog How Do You Become a Stewardess/Steward On a Yacht?

stewardess yacht formation

The allure of the open sea, exotic destinations, and the luxury of superyachts draw many to the profession of a yacht stewardess or steward. It’s a role that combines hospitality, meticulous attention to detail, and a love for travel into one exciting package. If you’ve ever wondered how to start your journey in this exclusive industry, you’re in the right place. This guide will walk you through the steps to becoming a certified yacht stewardess or steward, covering essential qualifications, the reality of the job, and much more.

What Does a Yacht Stewardess Do?

Serving as an essential crew member on a high-end leisure yacht, a yacht stewardess/steward, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the onboard experience for guests. Responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks aimed at ensuring guest comfort, including but not limited to, meal preparation, serving beverages and food, upkeeping the yacht’s interior cleanliness, and fulfilling any particular guest needs. Additionally, you might be tasked with orchestrating social gatherings on the yacht and offering bespoke concierge services. The role demands exceptional customer service abilities, meticulous attention to detail, and the capacity to thrive in a dynamic, upscale setting.

What Qualifications Do You Need To Be a Stewardess/Steward On a Yacht?

The foundation of a successful career on a superyacht is built on a combination of formal qualifications and hands-on experience. At a minimum, aspiring stewards and stewardesses should obtain the following certifications:

  • STCW 95+10 Basic Safety Training : A mandatory certification for anyone working at sea for any crew members working on foreign-flagged vessels, covering basic safety procedures, firefighting, and sea survival techniques.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene : A Level 2 certification is often required to ensure you can safely handle and prepare food.
  • Silver Service & Interior Training : Specialised training that teaches the high standards of personal service expected on luxury yachts.
  • ENG1 Medical Certificate:  This is mandatory for all crew members working on Superyachts to prove you are fit to work at sea.

Where Can I Complete These Qualifications?

STCW 95 –

Food Hygiene Level 2 ( MCA approved )   –

Silver Service & Interior Training –

ENG1 Medical Certificate: –

For AMSA Medical:

Is It Hard to Be a Stewardess on a Yacht?

While the job comes with the opportunity to visit breathtaking locations and work on some of the most beautiful vessels in the world, it’s not without its challenges. The role demands long hours, flexibility, and the ability to maintain high standards of service under pressure. However, for those with a passion for excellence and a love of the sea, the rewards far outweigh the challenges.

How Do You Become a Certified Yacht Stewardess?

Becoming a certified yacht stewardess or steward involves more than just obtaining the necessary qualifications. It’s about building a portfolio of skills and experiences that make you stand out. Networking within the industry and gaining experience through day work or entry-level positions on yachts can be invaluable. Additionally, many opt to complete professional yachting courses offered by specialised training academies like SCA, which are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful career.

stewardess yacht formation

What Is the Salary of a Yacht Stewardess?

Typically, a junior stewardess can anticipate earning between USD $3,000 and USD $3,500 monthly, with the exact figure largely influenced by the vessel’s size. This range is generally applicable to individuals new to the stewardess role or those with limited experience in the position.

As one progresses and accumulates more experience, potentially advancing to a second stew position on a larger yacht and assuming additional duties alongside the chief stewardess, the expected monthly income can rise to between USD $3,500 and USD $5,500. The salary at this intermediate level is contingent upon the yacht’s dimensions, as well as the individual’s training and certifications.

In the top-tier position of chief stewardess, where the breadth of responsibilities significantly expands to encompass the majority of the interior crew’s tasks, the salary range can span from USD $5,000 to over USD $9,000 per month. This reflects the demanding nature and extensive obligations associated with the role

Can My Land-Based Skills Be Transferred To Superyachting as a Stewardess/Steward?

Of course , there are plenty of land-based skills that will really help you stand out and potentially help you land a job sooner.These skills below are some of the common skills that can be transferred to a Superyacht role:

Hospitality & Guest Service: Experience in hospitality ensures you can provide exceptional service, making guests feel at home and attending to their needs with professionalism and care.

Event Planning: Your ability to plan and execute events means you can organise unforgettable experiences for guests, from intimate dinners to lavish parties.

Barista & Bartender: Skills in crafting beverages, from morning coffees to evening cocktails, add a touch of sophistication and personalisation to the guest experience.

Housekeeping: Meticulous housekeeping standards are essential for maintaining the pristine condition of the interior, ensuring every space is welcoming and comfortable.

Nanny: Experience in childcare allows you to offer dedicated and professional care to guests’ children, ensuring they are safe, entertained, and well-cared for.

Yoga Instructor: As a yoga instructor, you can lead sessions that enhance guests’ wellness and relaxation, contributing to their overall experience of luxury and rejuvenation.

Floristry: Your floristry skills can beautify the yacht’s spaces, creating inviting and refreshing environments through the artful arrangement of flowers.

Cooking: Culinary skills enable you to contribute to the yacht’s dining experiences, whether it’s assisting in the kitchen or preparing special meals for guests with dietary preferences.

Can Yacht Stewardess Have Tattoos?

The yachting industry is known for its strict presentation standards, and visible tattoos can sometimes be a barrier to employment. However, attitudes are evolving, and many yachts now adopt a more flexible approach, especially if tattoos can be easily covered. It’s always best to check the specific policy of the yacht or management company you’re applying to.

Each yacht has its own unique culture and policies, particularly when it comes to tattoos. While some yachts are more lenient, embracing both small and large visible tattoos, others may enforce strict policies against them. It’s important to be transparent about any visible tattoos you have. However, there’s no need to disclose tattoos that are not visible.

How To Become a Yacht Stewardess/Steward in Australia?

While the foundational training is much the same, AMSA ( Australian Maritime Safety Authority ) requires crew working on commercial vessels within Australia to have an AMSA COST STCW.This can be confusing for some as they have almost the same units of safety training as the MCA approved STCW certificates which crew generally have when they want to work overseas.

To keep things simple if you are want to work in Australia on private & foreign flagged vessels here in Australia you can use your MCA approved STCW 95 issued by the marshall islands which SCA offers, this would allow you to still work here on private & foreign-flagged vessels in Australia then giving you the option to head overseas later when you gain more expereince.

If you wish to only work in Australia on commercial vessels eg charter boats , tour boats etc… you should obtain an AMSA COST.

What Should I Do Next To Become a Yacht Stewardess/Steward?

The next step is to complete your training and decide whether you want to head overseas or remain in Australia, we advise students to gain some temp work here in Australia if they can before heading overseas as it’s always good to have valuable experience in the progressively competitive industry that is Superyachting.

How Do I Find Superyacht Job Position Listings?

The best place to look is on crew agency websites or job search platforms like Yotspot which has a large number of job listings you can look through,  create a profile and update your account with your CV and all your certificates then you will be able to apply for jobs.

Below is a list of almost all the crew agencies from around the world which you can sign up with to increase your chances of landing a job. It is a lot of work creating profiles and uploading documents, however, it could increase your chances of being connected with the right job at the right time.


yotspot photo

Are There Facebook Groups That Post Job Listings?

Yes, there are multiple facebook groups that post job listings all the time , its great to sign up with as many as you can to increase your chances of finding a job.Please note : make sure to clean up your Facebook profile before signing up to the groups as future employers may see your profile and you want to make a good first impression.

Some groups include:

Antibes Yacht crew 

Palma Yacht

Australian Pacific Yacht crew 

stewardess yacht formation

Where Can I Book My Courses?

To book your Superyacht courses head to the link below , we offer an interior training package that will not only give you the mandatory safety training but the essential skills and knowledge to start your career as a superyacht stewardess/steward.


A career as a stewardess or steward on a superyacht offers an unparalleled opportunity to combine your love for the sea with a passion for hospitality and service. By obtaining the right qualifications, gaining relevant experience, and continuously striving for excellence, you can embark on a rewarding journey in this exclusive industry. Whether you’re drawn to the adventure, the challenge, or the luxury lifestyle, the world of superyachting awaits.

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Superyacht Crew Academy

Superyacht Crew Academy Provides training and certification for people who wish to work on Superyachts anywhere in the world and within the Australian Maritime Industry. Legal Name: Club Sail Pty. Ltd. Trading as: Superyacht Crew Academy Registered Training Organisation no. 91462

Unit 25a/5 Ponderosa Parade, Warriewood, NSW 2102, Australia.

+61 2 9979 9669

[email protected]

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Powered by STCW Direct

Yacht Steward(ess) Training

€1,100  EUR

This course is perfect for those who want to start their career as stewards / stewardesses on yachts or brush up on their yacht interior skills. We offer a truly unique and hands-on experience with live practice sessions onboard a superyacht. 

The 5-day Yacht Steward(ess) training includes such modules as: 

  • Yachting and yachting life: demographics of the industry, professional search for a position, life at sea, health and wellbeing, personal presentation, communication etc.
  • Laundry, fabrics and furnishings, safety: professional laundry practices and procedures, handling personal affairs, hanging, storing and placing garments etc.
  • Food and beverage service: standards of presentation, serving food and beverages on yachts, mis en place in service areas, food safery, dierary requirements etc.
  • Wine, bartending and mixology: wine basics, professional wine service, wine storage onboard a yacht, main spirits and classic service for spirits, tools and methods of cocktail mixing.

Our Yacht Steward/ Stewardess Training is a G.U.E.S.T program accredited by the International Association of Maritime Institutions (IAMI) and is the only internationally accredited maritime hospitality program available to crew working in the luxury superyacht sector.

This course is available on the following days: (please check the availability with the training school)

  • 7th October 2024 (3 places)

Seascope France

Seascope France

19 Avenue Thiers, l'Hippocampe Antibes Alpes Maritimes 06600 France

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  • Yacht Department Directory
  • Interior Department
  • Steward/ess

About the Steward/ess

The stewardess onboard a superyacht is a hard worker with a positive, can-do attitude that takes instruction well and has an impeccable attention to detail. No detail is overlooked by a successful yacht stewardess (i.e. towel folds, perfectly ironed pillow cases). A friendly, professional character with guests is essential as is discretion and maintenance of guest privacy. This candidate will have one year of experience on a yacht or very strong experience on shore.


Job Responsibilities

  • Setting stewardess schedules for guest service and cleaning
  • Interior cleaning and maintenance
  • Interior inventory
  • Interior accounting
  • Liaison with guests and service - meals and bartending
  • Liaison with galley for meal services
  • Orchestrating guest activities
  • Boat stowage for sea
  • Assisting with lines and fenders on deck
  • Assisting captain with ships paperwork

Required Skills

  • Ability to delegate
  • Good communications, organization and diplomacy
  • Vast knowledge of wines, service and housekeeping
  • Knowledge of restaurants and activities in cruising areas
  • Familiar with ISM and ISPS protocols
  • Knowledge of flower and table decorations
  • Attention to detail
  • Financial management

Salary Modifiers

  • Experience in five-star establishments (i.e. Michelin star restaurant, fine hotel)
  • Wine certification
  • Tender driving certification
  • Limited computer skills

Position Statistics

Career path, chief stewardess, head of housekeeping, second stewardess, laundry stewardess, junior stewardess.

stewardess yacht formation

Take the course at our own pace, all online.

stewardess yacht formation


Yacht stewardess, the seaworthy.

Yacht Stewardess

Training Course

But you lack the confidence in your stew skills (after all they are so specialised), and you want to make yourself more desirable for the job hunt! You want to impress your chief stew and have been practicing all the napkin and toilet paper folds you can find.. But the reality is, your stew skills aren’t up to scratch and you’re feeling under prepared to embark on this new yachting journey!

You truly believe in what you have to offer, and you know that you are going to make an amazing yacht stew...

stewardess yacht formation

The self doubts kicking and you know you can't keep up the fake it till you make it facade when stepping into a stew role onboard

You’re not feeling as prepared as you would like when it comes to starting out in the yachting world

You’re still left wondering how to do all the stew things the right way to impress your chief stew

You want to be the most desirable candidate for the job yet still unsure what you need to learn

You’ve started getting closer to your dream of becoming a yacht stewardess BUT....

Let me guess..

stewardess yacht formation's The thing. You're not alone. I've been exactly where you are and I can tell you from chief stew to junior stew it doesn’t have to be this way. 

Achieve your dream stew job faster with the right training and tools on hand Have FIVE STAR feedback from your chief stew (Hello amazing CV) Make a good name for yourself as once you’re in the industry, your reputation is your resume! Have the confidence to start a new stew job and tackle all the yachting industry throws at you. You got this! 

Let's get you ready for your new dream stew job. Throw in the bowlines because you can:

I'm talking about learning the interior skills that usually take years to master (and mistakes made along the way). because you deserve an experience that allows you to start your yachting career on the right foot. one where you can climb the ladder faster than you can open a bottle of dom pérignon for the guests. it's possible, hold tight, as i’ve got the secrets (and the tools)  to unlocking your stew potential.

stewardess yacht formation

Wondering how you can achieve these game changing outcomes? I thought you’d never ask...

Word on the street is if you're ready to start your new stew career with confidence then I'm here to show you how. Inside this training course you'll FIND:

Learn how to be a professional yacht stewardess with video training, downloadable checklists and tools to help you as a junior stew. This course teaches the need to know practical side to working in the interior on a yacht from housekeeping, cleaning, laundry and service to table settings, food and beverage, flower care and more!

Training course.

From how to keep the orchids alive onboard to housekeeping and cleaning tips to save you time, organising a guests wardrobe, laundry hacks, table setting, service cheat sheets + more!


Learn the practical side to service training, housekeeping, turn up and turn down service, bed making, ironing, correct ways of cleaning and products to use, barista coffee making, wine service and more!


This course will ensure you are ready for a yacht stewardess role, with 10 tailored interior modules taught by a chief stew with 6+ years experience. It will give you the skills + the professional know-how so you stand out on the CV pile . 

Yacht Stew Training

That's not all, when you join the program you'll also receive these bonuses:

The different service roles onboard Setting your mise-en-place Correct Sequence of Service Learn the four main types of service -Silver service, plated, synchronised and buffet as well other styles used onboard. Silverware cheatsheet to remember all the items BONUS: Pre-meal checklist 

Managing Crew and Guest laundry Laundry products used and correct amounts to add in Tips to improve laundry efficiency Daily checklist How to clean laundry machines Superyacht laundry care and stain treating guide  How to correctly iron (Linen, Guest Clothes, Uniforms) and use the machines from the roller to steam iron to other machines used onboard

Pre-Charter Checklist Cleaning tips to improve your efficiency Using the correct products on surfaces What goes in a cleaning caddy Hoover parts and cleaning guide Looking after luxury materials Correct treatment of silverware onboard from industry experts- Langfords

Video training Housekeeping Manual Guest Turn up and Turn down Detailing Guide Bed Making Tutorial  Guest Luggage (Unpacking and Packing) Wardrobe Management Performing maintenance duties onboard  How to stow a boat correctly


Gallery for inspiration Napkin folding guide Table setting guide The correct glassware to use Table Decor Schedule to organise your daily themes

Table Setting

How to care for flowers and plants onboard Provisioning library Flower ordering template

Flower Care

 Barista coffee video tutorial Tea Types and brew Guide Learn all about wine and how to correctly serve it  Cocktail Recipes +  garnishes  Bar set up checklist

Food & Beverage

Certificate upon completion of the course, for a full outline of the course curriculum click here.

stewardess yacht formation

valued at $220

The easiest provisioning template you’ll ever use to keep the boat organised. Can be used for food & beverage, toiletries, cleaning products, laundry products, stationery and more! Adjust it to suit your boat, enter your ideal quantity to have onboard and it will calculate how much to order and when items are soon to go out of date. 

The best provisioning template in the industry

stewardess yacht formation

valued at $190

You will learn the tips and tricks that only come from years of experience in maintaining a superyacht to five star luxury standards.  As well as access the full list of cleaning products used onboard and what surfaces they can and can't be used on.  

Masterclass: Chief Stew cleaning essentials

Pre Meal Checklist Stewardess

valued at $120

You don’t have to remember it all with this tick as you go checklist. From setting up your mise-en-place to everything that needs to be on the table, how a pantry needs to be pre-service and timer check ins- what's required 45 mins, 30mins and 5 minutes before a service. 


stewardess yacht formation

valued at $130

Direct access to the international crew agencies database filled with over 50 agencies address, phone, website, email and job boards. Sending your CV out for jobs has NEVER been easier.

Worldwide list of Yacht Crew Agencies

stewardess yacht formation

Includes The Seaworthy Yacht Stew Training, The Yachting Kickstarter Guide and CV Toolkit

3 course bundle

Limited offer

Save when you pay in full. Payment plan available contact  [email protected]

One-time payment of

So, are you ready to stop dreaming and start doing .

Usually $655

I help aspiring yachties (just like you) confidently break into the industry by teaching what is required to prepare for a career as yacht stewardess, the proven steps to successfully land your first job, AND how to survive and thrive in this unique industry.  My passion for helping junior crew is fuelled by the belief there is a world of possibility out there if you're willing to chase it.  My courses are based on practical knowledge and tools which will help you succeed in your new dream role.  Yachting is the best career move I ever made and now I get to SHARE all my knowledge with junior crew on how to break into this incredible industry with confidence. I hope to be able to support you along your yachting journey. 

An Australian Chief Stewardess with six years experience in the Superyacht industry. 

Hey, i'm jess. , meet the face behind the seaworthy stew .

M_Y Lady Pamela  (1)


Featured in:.

stewardess yacht formation

There are so many possibilities waiting for you. I can't wait to share with you the tools and knowledge that helped me have a very successful career in yachting! All you gotta do is join me inside The Seaworthy Yacht Stewardess Training Course. See you in there?

Imagine: Having NO more doubts  The confidence to succeed BEING GUIDED BY A CHIEF STEW AND HAVING THE SUPPORT BEHInD YOU ALL THE WAY New skills for your CV

I'll be your biggest cheerleader...

Yacht Stewardess Tray

Includes practical modules, checklists and cheat sheets to make life onboard so much easier 


Made by a Chief stew for junior stews

100% remote learning (take it at your own pace), say goodbye to trying to lock in course dates that don't fit your schedule

Don't pay thousands of dollars for training that leaves you still feeling lost.  Here are some of the ways THE SEAWORTHY STEW SCHOOL is different:

The Seaworthy Yacht Stewardess course is like no other. Based 100% online, with practical skills and theory to help you build your skills for your dream career.

Nadine Binoculars Capri Stewardess

Ask Jess Anything!

Yes, you will receive a certificate with the date to show when you completed The Seaworthy Stew Yacht Stewardess Course.  


It depends how much experience you have in all departments (Housekeeping, laundry & Service). If you have been in the industry less than 6 months this course would be very useful for you. OR if you are a SOLE STEW and need guidance and tools to help you run the interior as efficiently as possible. 


Currently there is no qualification, instead when you complete this course you gain a certificate of completion from The Seaworthy Stew School which can be used for supporting documents and on your CV. We are working on the accreditation process as a part of the G.U.E.S.T Program. 


With 10 Interior modules there is A LOT of information to access, I recommend breaking it down into bite sized chunks and go through the modules when you can.  The content is designed so you can refer back to and use the checklists and cheat sheets when needed throughout your stew career. 


stewardess yacht formation

You are already in a great stew position onboard and have years of experience under your belt. You don't like checklists, manuals, cheat sheets and practical training. All these things are totally essential to all things stewardessing! You are wanting to pursue a role of a deckhand or engineer onboard. The job role is very different to being a stewardess.

This program is for aspiring and junior stews. It's not right for you if:

to fast-track her career, leading to better boats with bigger pay cheques.

ready for all the industry throws at her. and willing to take action.

a junior stew who is looking to start her dream stew career with confidence.

This program is right for you if you're ready to stop dreaming and start doing. You're in the right place if you are:

What other's say about the course....

Chanel Hobbis

I’ve been in the industry for over a year now and found your junior stew course so helpful, enriching and informative. The information, videos, and the guides are amazing and I would highly recommend the course to anyone wanting to further their knowledge in yachting! It’s an amazing stew course! So glad I completed it, I now feel so much more confident and I have learnt a lot of new tricks! Thank you Jess. 

Elle Yacht Stew


Elle Westhoff

I’m soooo impressed with the Seaworthy stews new junior stew course! Jess has covered absolutely everything you need to know in order to kickstart your career as a stewardess in the yachting industry. I wish there were something like this out there when I started off and can not recommend it enough! From video training and downloads that are super helpful when starting out. This course has all the fundamentals of being the best stew you can be including housekeeping, laundry and service in major detail! If you are looking into taking the leap of faith of starting your dream career as a superyacht stewardess. Look no more because Jess has you covered!

stewardess yacht formation


Sophie, UK 

Wow, just finished The Seaworthy Yacht Stew Course and I just want to say thank you for putting it together. I absolutely loved learning about all the topics and will be going over each part, again and again, the go-to guides are such a valuable resource. This is stuff I really wanted to know about, I’ve taken so much from this course. Absolutely brilliant and worth every penny! 

stewardess yacht formation


Jess's course covers all the things I wish I knew when first starting my yachting career. As a chief stew for 5 years now I can say combining all these foundational skills with the added support and downloads is one priceless resource to help junior stews really understand what to do and how to do it well and I would highly consider hiring someone who has been through The Seaworthy Yacht Stew Course! I've personally worked with Jess and she knows her stuff! It’s fresh, modern and everything you need to impress, I’ll be looking for this training on cv’s next time I’m trying to find the perfect stew.

stewardess yacht formation

"I’ll be looking for this training on cv’s next time I’m trying to find the perfect stew."

This course will ensure you are ready for the yacht stewardess role, with 10 tailored interior modules taught by a chief stew with 6 years experience. It will give you the skills + the professional know-how so you stand out on the CV pile . The Seaworthy Yacht Stewardess Course is designed to set you on your pathway as a professional yacht Stewardess and will make you a desirable candidate for the job.

Let's get you job ready! Learn everything you need to step into your new stew role with confidence.

So what are you waiting for.

stewardess yacht formation

Limited Offer

Save when you pay in full. Payment plan available contact  [email protected]

(Usually $655)

stewardess yacht formation

Got questions? Let's chat!



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Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Yacht Stewardess

Last Updated: June 18, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Finn Kobler . Finn Kobler graduated from USC in 2022 with a BFA in Writing for Screen/Television. He is a two-time California State Champion and record holder in Original Prose/Poetry, a 2018 finalist for the Los Angeles Youth Poet Laureate, and he's written micro-budget films that have been screened in over 150 theaters nationwide. Growing up, Finn spent every summer helping his family's nonprofit arts program, Showdown Stage Company, empower people through accessible media. He hopes to continue that mission with his writing at wikiHow. There are 19 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 6,360 times.

If you’re social and love to travel, yacht stewarding might be the perfect career for you! Spending months at a time exploring exotic locations, helping out on the boat, meeting and working with lifelong friends all day long. It’s a job as rewarding as it is exciting. Keep reading and we’ll teach you everything you need to know about becoming a yacht stewardess.

Yacht Stewardess Job Requirements

Step 1 Complete your STCW Basic Safety Training.

  • SCTW certificates are valid for up to five years. After five years, you must take a fire fighting and sea survival refresher course.
  • Make sure your course is certified by a national maritime organization in the country where you complete it.

Step 2 Get your ENG1 Medical Certificate.

  • Medical conditions that may inhibit you from receiving your ENG1 include, but are not limited to: epilepsy, heart disease, kidney failure, color-blindness, and history of drug/alcohol addiction. [3] X Research source
  • If you are working on a small boat operating 60 miles from shore or less, an ML5 will suffice as a substitute for an ENG1.

Step 3 Ensure your travel documents are up to date.

How to Find a Job as a Yacht Stewardess

Step 1 Travel to a yachting hub.

  • Living near a yacht hub between jobs can be expensive. Look into a crew house - a privately-owned, budget-friendly accommodation where yachties and former yachties live - to stay while you network, complete your training and look for work. [5] X Research source

Step 2 Network with other yachties.

  • Make sure you look presentable while you network. Yacht stewardesses are extremely clean and well-groomed. Dress for the part you want by wearing deck shoes and an appropriate yacht shirt.

Step 3 Work through a recruitment agency.

  • Jobs like bartending, nannying, customer service, and cleaning all look good as these types of duties will be performed on the yacht.
  • Look into doing free day work on boats to help build your sea legs and make connections with captains and crew.

Step 5 Create a memorable CV.

  • All yacht CV’s list certifications, work history, nationality, spoken languages, body modifications, references, and relevant skills. Some are even more in-depth with details like smoking habits and overall objective. [9] X Research source
  • There are several free yacht CV templates online to help ensure yours fits the industry norm.
  • Don’t be afraid to play around with the formatting. Your CV should be professional but also as unique as possible.

Step 6 Deliver a good interview.

  • Most interviewers are also looking for excellent presentation, leadership, and communication. Make sure to highlight these attributes when you answer their questions. [11] X Research source

You’d Make a Good Yacht Stewardess If…

Step 1 You’re comfortable being away from home.

Benefits of Being a Yacht Stewardess

Step 1 It gives you a chance to see the world.

A Day in the Life of a Yacht Stewardess

Step 1 You’ll have lots of different jobs day-to-day.

Yacht Stewardess Pay

Yacht stewardesses are paid well.

  • Yacht stewardesses also have no living expenses since food, housing, electricity, water, even toiletries are provided on the ship. [22] X Research source
  • Depending on the countries you sail out of, this can sometimes be tax-free!
  • Tips are usually divided evenly among the crew.

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STCW Direct

Yacht Steward(ess) Training

€1,100  EUR

This course is perfect for those who want to start their career as stewards / stewardesses on yachts or brush up on their yacht interior skills. We offer a truly unique and hands-on experience with live practice sessions onboard a superyacht. 

The 5-day Yacht Steward(ess) training includes such modules as: 

  • Yachting and yachting life: demographics of the industry, professional search for a position, life at sea, health and wellbeing, personal presentation, communication etc.
  • Laundry, fabrics and furnishings, safety: professional laundry practices and procedures, handling personal affairs, hanging, storing and placing garments etc.
  • Food and beverage service: standards of presentation, serving food and beverages on yachts, mis en place in service areas, food safery, dierary requirements etc.
  • Wine, bartending and mixology: wine basics, professional wine service, wine storage onboard a yacht, main spirits and classic service for spirits, tools and methods of cocktail mixing.

Our Yacht Steward/ Stewardess Training is a G.U.E.S.T program accredited by the International Association of Maritime Institutions (IAMI) and is the only internationally accredited maritime hospitality program available to crew working in the luxury superyacht sector.

This course is available on the following days: (please check the availability with the training school)

  • 07 October 2024 3 places

Seascope France

Seascope France

5.0 average rating Read reviews

19 Avenue Thiers, l'Hippocampe Antibes Alpes Maritimes 06600 France

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Yacrew - We stand with Ukraine!

Powered by STCW Direct

Yacht Steward(ess) Training Full Package

€2,400  EUR

This pack is designed for future yacht stewards and stewardesses who want to stand out and have additional skills for a successful career onboard: STCW Basic Safety Training, G.U.E.S.T Introduction to Interior training, and Powerboat Level 2. STCW BST is a mandatory training for all seafarers, G.U.E.S.T Interior program will equip you with the skills and knowledge to be able to offer excellent service on yachts, and PB2 allows you to drive tender and advance your career on superyacht.

STCW Basic Safety Training is a 5-day course comprised of five modules:

  • Personal Safety & Social Responsibility: understanding of on-board working conditions, safety procedures and accident prevention.
  • Personal Survival Techniques: survival at sea in the event of an emergency, life-raft familiarisation.
  • Elementary First Aid: basic first aid training & resuscitation.
  • Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting: fire causes, prevention, extinguishing techniques.
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness: importance of on-board security and how to recognise and react in the event of security threats.

The course provides students with an important introduction to working at sea and will equip them with necessary skills and knowledge to work safely onboard a seagoing vessel. Once students obtain STCW Basic Safety Training, they meet the minimum mandatory requirement for working on superyachts and commercial vessels over 24 metres in length.

The STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping) courses are run in accordance with section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code including the Manila amendments introduced in 2010.

Yacht Steward/ Stewardess Training is accredited by the International Association of Maritime Institutions (IAMI) and is the only internationally accredited maritime hospitality program available to crew working in the luxury superyacht sector. Covered modules include:

  • Yachting and yachting life: demographics of the industry, professional search for a position, life at sea, health and wellbeing, personal presentation, communication etc.
  • Laundry, fabrics and furnishings, safety: professional laundry practices and procedures, handling personal affairs, hanging, storing and placing garments etc.
  • Food and beverage service: standards of presentation, serving food and beverages on yachts, mis en place in service areas, food safery, dierary requirements etc.
  • Wine, bartending and mixology: wine basics, professional wine service, wine storage onboard a yacht, main spirits and classic service for spirits, tools and methods of cocktail mixing.

RYA Powerboat Level 2 is a 2-day comprehensive course covers all aspects of powerboats, boat handling, safety and pilotage. The RYA Level 2 certificates are recognized by the UK Coastguard and are used as a Tender License on board larger yachts.

Training vessels used include: 6.5m Capelli Tender.

This course is available on the following days: (please check the availability with the training school)

  • 3rd October 2024 (3 places)
  • 7th October 2024 (3 places)

Seascope France

Seascope France

19 Avenue Thiers, l'Hippocampe Antibes Alpes Maritimes 06600 France

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Yacht Stew/Stewardess Training Courses

Essential stewardess courses to distinguish you in the competitive market.

Essential Superyacht Stew/Stewardess Qualifications:

Certain training courses are essential for you to qualify for employment onboard certain types of yacht and superyachts. Additional training, specific to the role of the steward(ess) is beneficial to those who are new to the industry, would like to refine and broaden their skill set, or to those who would like to progress in their career as a yacht steward(ess).

Below is a list of courses you should complete as essential yacht stew/stewardess training in order to meet the general employment requirements for both private and commercial superyachts.

  • STCW Basic Training
  • Food Safety & Hygiene Level II
  • Proficiency in Security Certificate

Hostess in attesa d'imbarco su uno yacht

STCW Basic Safety Training

In order for you to legally obtain a job on a  commercial  superyacht (over 24m) you have to be certified with all four basic safety training modules, which are as follows:

  • Personal Survival Techniques | PST (A-VI/1-1)
  • Fire Fighting Fire Prevention | FFP (A-VI/1-2)
  • Elementary First Aid | EFA (A-VI/1-3)
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities | PSSR (A-VI/1-4)

STCW Basic Training courses can be booked on an individual bases or booked in combination with other essential deckhand courses. You can  find out more about STCW Basic Training , connect with an  STCW Basic Training Centre near you , or continue to other deckhand safety training courses below.

*Although this is a commercial requirement, it is generally seen as a requirement for employment onboard private vessels by yacht owners, captains, management companies or flag states. Failure to obtain STCW Basic training can severely limit employment opportunities.

Find out more information about the STCW Basic Training

Find an STCW Basic Training Course / school near me

Food Safety / Food Hygiene Level 2 Certificate:

All MLC complaint vessels require staff involved in food handling and catering activities on board to hold a recognised food safety certification. Due to the fact that there are a number of awarding bodies, accepted by different flag states, you are likely to encounter variations in this course. It is important to ensure that a) the course that you choose is MLC compliant and b) accepted by the flag state that you choose to work under. In order to meet the requirements of the majority of flag states, including the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency, it is recommended to pursue an MCA approved version of the course.

We have ensured that the training providers listed for this course on My Crew Kit are approved by or accepted the MCA. You can find out more information about the course and find an in class or online version of the class on the link below:

MCA Approved Food Safety / Hygiene in Catering Level II

Food Hygiene Certificate Galileo

Proficiency in Security Awareness / Duties Certificate

(STCW A-VI/6-1) & (STCW A-VI/6-1)

In order to work on an ISPS-compliant vessel, an STCW proficiency in security certificate is required. Proficiency in Designated Security Awareness (PSA)  is the minimum requirement, whereas  Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD)  is required for crew who are designated security duties on such vessels.

Both courses can be done in class or online. *ISPS complaint yachts are commercial yachts larger than 500GT (Usually commercial yachts +50m in length)*

Find out more about the PSA & PDSD STCW Certifications and connect with a training provider, or continue reading about further deckhand training below.

Find a PDSD course 

Additional / Beneficial Yacht Stew/Steward(ess) Qualifications:

These are additional courses and certifications specific to the duties associated with a yacht steward(ess).

Introductory Superyacht Stewardess Course:

Super yacht stewardess serving guests at training school

This yacht stewardess crash course will better prepare you for the industry and teach you some basic skills and principals. Usually grouped with the above essential courses and offered as a combined training package. Stewardess courses are useful for people with no transferable skills that are unfamiliar with the industry. Although these courses are helpful and should improve your chances of gaining employment, they may not necessarily be accredited or internationally recognised. Although the Syllabus is dependant on the training provider, similar topics are usually covered. These yacht steward(ess) courses are available in both online and in-class formats.

Find a Recommended Superyacht Stewardess Course Training Provider

GUEST Hospitality Steward / Stewardess Training Program:

The G.U.E.S.T Hospitality program is accredited by the International Association of Maritime Institutions (IAMI) who are recognised by the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA). The program provides interior yacht crew with a clearly defined training routes upon which to grow a career upon. The hospitality program, tailored towards the role of the yacht steward(ess) is comprised of three levels of assessment ( Introduction , Advanced & Management Level) as well as specialist modules for specific duties.

GUEST Hospitality Program

The Hospitality Introduction Program is appropriate for entry level crew and consists of four modules that are as follows:

  • Unit 23: GUEST Introduction to Yachting & Yachting Life​
  • Unit 32: GUEST Basic Housekeeping & Laundry Service
  • Unit 02: GUEST Basic Food & Beverages Service
  • Unit 03: GUEST Basic Wine, Bartending & Mixology

Additional training, information and topics deemed as appropriate by the training provider in question may be included with the packages and/or modules offered. Both online and in-class training options are available.

Find Out More / Connect With a Training Provider

Hospitality Specialist Training Modules are available for those who would like to refine specific skills.

  • Unit 06 | Cigar Services
  • Unit 10 | Floristry & Plant Maintenance
  • Unit 11 | Barista & Hot Beverages
  • Unit 12 | Advanced Wine Appreciation Module 1
  • Unit 13 | Advanced Wine Appreciation Module 2
  • Unit 14 | Advanced Bartending & Mixology Module 1
  • Unit 15 | Advanced Bartending & Mixology Module 2

Power Boat Level II :

Many yachts, especially those less than 50m, may require a stew to drive a tender from time to time, it can, therefore, increase your employability on smaller vessels.

Find a Power Boat II training course

Crew sitting in a small powerboat during their level 2 training to work on yachts

WSET Wine Training

The Wine & Spirit Education Trust provides globally recognised education and qualifications in wines, spirits and sake, for yacht crew who have service-related roles.

Find a WSET Training Centre

Transferable Skills and Training:

Previous jobs or training that you have experienced may be positive to your yachting skill set. Have you worked or training as a waitress/waiter, beautician, hairstylist, makeup artist or masseuse/masseur? Training and skills such as these will compliment your yacht stewardess training and boost your chances of finding a job on a yacht.

Find out more about transferable skills / move to step 3

stewardess beautician training

Find Steward(ess) Training Near you:

Find stewardess training courses in the selected countries below. You can refine the location on the results page.

South Africa 

United Kingdom 

United States

View All Regions

Yacht Steward(ess) Training in South Africa:

Find training courses in Durban or Cape Town , South Africa or connect with a featured training provider below:

Trilogy Luxury Training

Yacht steward(ess) training in the united states:.

Find training courses in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Cape Canaveral & Orlando Florida on the links below or view all stewardess training providers in the United States.

Fort Lauderdale

Yacht steward(ess) training in france.

Find superyacht stewardess courses in Antibes and Cannes or view all stewardess training providers in France.

Yacht Steward(ess) Training in the United Kingdom

Find superyacht stewardess courses in Antibes and Cannes or view all stewardess training providers in The United Kingdom

Yacht Steward(ess) Training in Spain

Palma de mallorca.

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7 skills every Superyacht Stewardess needs to succeed

  • 7 skills every Superyacht Stewardess nee...

There are few jobs more satisfying and rewarding than that of a Superyacht Stewardess!

From getting to spend your days in the sunshine out at sea with other amazing crew members to being able to enjoy delicious meals (and gain a fantastic salary on top!), Superyacht Stewardess jobs will certainly leave you wanting for nothing.

However, in order to really succeed at being a Stewardess – and therefore get the best experience out of the job possible – there are a few important skills you’ll need under your belt!

Read on to discover what these are…

stewardess yacht formation

7 skills you’ll need to succeed as a Superyacht Stewardess:

1. customer service.

Perhaps the most obvious but most stand-out skill you’ll need to succeed in Superyacht Stewardess jobs is customer service.

From the moment you leave your cabin in the morning to the second you turn in for the night (and sometimes in between), you’ll be kept busy ensuring that your guests aboard the Superyacht have everything they need, and are enjoying as much of their time as possible.

This means being empathetic towards your guest’s needs, being able to talk in a positive way (even when things go wrong), being patient, being able to communicate with guests effectively, and wearing your best smile around the clock!

Remember: You’ll be living on board the boat alongside your guests for the duration of their stay, and (depending on the size of the Stewardess team) your face and actions will be very easy to recall – so it’s important that you get this right!

2. Being a team player

As a Superyacht Stewardess , you’ll likely be working as part of a team of Stewardesses, and reporting to a Chief Stewardess. The size of your team will depend on the size of the Superyacht you’re working on; so, you may very well find yourself Stewardess-ing alongside the same people for days at a time.

You may also be asked to help out in other departments – for example, supporting the Deckhands with mooring the yacht or scrubbing the decks.

Whoever you end up working with, and on whatever task, in order for everything to remain ship-shape, you’ll need to be a good team player .

This essentially means ensuring that you use your skills to not only succeed in your own work, but in helping others to achieve their goals, too – especially as you’ll be with your fellow crew members 24/7!

3. Communication skills

Good communication skills are essential in any role, but particularly to become a successful Superyacht Stewardess – and not just with your guests, but with the rest of the crew !

In fact, you’ll need to keep all crew members informed of what’s going on at all times, both in person and over the radio, so that everyone else can perform their duties correctly and – most importantly – safely.

For example, if a guest shares with you at dinner time that they have a specific allergy, you must be able to communicate this properly to the Superyacht kitchens and chef to ensure there’s no cross-contamination.

stewardess yacht formation

4. Problem solving

Try as you might, there will be days where things don’t quite go according to plan. Plates are dropped, pillows go missing… and as a Stewardess, it’s up to you to try and find a way to turn things around!

This is where problem solving skills will be your best ally, enabling you to quickly understand and resolve any issues you come across before they escalate, whilst maintaining your composure and keeping guests on the Superyacht happy.

5. Flexibility and time management

Stewardess Superyacht jobs are highly varied – one minute you could be changing bedding in a guest’s cabin, the next serving drinks above deck, then suddenly back downstairs mopping up a spill!

Not only that but, as mentioned above, you may be asked to support other departments on board the yacht.

To avoid becoming overwhelmed by this, you’ll need to have strong time management skills and be as flexible as possible so that you can ensure you complete your tasks to a high standard, and quickly.

6. Attention to detail

As the saying goes “it’s the little things that count,” and nothing could be truer for your yacht guests! Anything from a dusty sink to a spillage in the hallway can turn your guests’ day and overall Superyacht experience from good to bad in an instant.

Equally, going that extra mile to make your guests feel truly special can take their experience from good to great!

As a Stewardess, you’ll therefore need to keep this in mind at all times, ensuring that everything from your detail cleaning of the guests’ cabins to the tidiness of your uniform is on point.

7. Staying positive!

Superyacht Stewardess jobs are tons are fun, but can involve long working hours and challenging shifts . However, it’s really important that you remain positive so you can ensure that your guests have the best possible experience while they’re on board!

This isn’t just about you on your own, though; staying positive also means injecting optimism into other members of the crew, and keeping everyone motivated so that this fantastic experience can be felt across the yacht!

stewardess yacht formation

How can you gain these skills? 

This blog has shared a pretty long list of skills that you’ll need to succeed in Superyacht Stewardess jobs, and might appear quite overwhelming at first! It’s very likely though that you’ll have picked up a lot of the above skills from any work experience or volunteering you’ve completed in the past.

If not, however, not to worry; your Superyacht Stewardess training will help you gain the rest, and prepare you for what is sure to be a wonderful and rewarding experience working as a Superyacht Stewardess !

In fact, as part of our training course, you’ll receive specialist customer service training, Superyacht interior training, guidance on how to use the radio for communications, and much more.

So, with that all said… ready to gain the skills you need to succeed in your Stewardess career?

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stewardess yacht formation

Cannes : une formation Personnel de Bord pour devenir steward sur Yacht

stewardess yacht formation

Depuis cinq ans, la Faculté des Métiers de la Ville de Cannes propose une  formation  pour le personnel navigant. Cette formation,  unique en France , concerne l’hôtellerie de luxe et l’hôtellerie embarquée.

Cette formation,  fruit d’un travail partenarial entre la Ville de Cannes, la Communauté d’Agglomération des Pays de Lérins, le Conseil Régional, Pôle Emploi, et le Groupement des Equipages Professionnels du Yachting (GEPY) et la Fédération des Industries Nautiques , est  certifiante .

A la clef de cette formation, la possibilité d’intégrer le service d’un yacht  mais aussi les palaces de la Côte d’Azur. 80 % des étudiants de ce cursus bénéficient d’une insertion à terre ou en mer, avec des salaires attractifs. Cette formation complète et courte souhaite ouvrir de nouveaux horizons aux apprenants.

La filière nautique et le yachting en particulier représentent sur le département des Alpes Maritimes un enjeu économique important. Les professionnels du secteur peinent cependant à recruter du personnel qualifié.

A l’origine de la création du pôle nautique et de la marque Mer de Lérins , la communauté d’agglomération et la ville de Cannes ont souhaité apporter une réponse concrète avec la mise en œuvre de la formation « Personnel de Bord ».

La formation dure 4 mois , mêlant cours théoriques et pratiques, ainsi qu’une période en immersion professionnelle.

Au programme, la réalisation d’une pièce imposée en art floral avec la confection d’un centre de table , suivie d’un examen écrit, et d’un entretien oral avec les représentants de la Fédération des Industries Nautiques.

Le jury paritaire venant de Paris et de Nantes détermine des critères exigeants sur :

  • la production des pièces techniques,
  • les écrits, les oraux et le suivi des stages en entreprise.

Une charte de qualité impliquant le respect du référentiel, la mise en conformité pédagogique, les infrastructures, la politique de communication et le taux de placement permet également de favoriser la réussite des étudiants.

Pour accéder à cette formation, rendez-vous sur le site internet de la Faculté des Métiers de Cannes en cliquant sur ce lien . Des financements extérieurs sont envisageables.

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Waterspouts are common in Florida. One might have led to seven deaths in Italy this week

Seven people died this week near Palermo, Italy when a 184-feet-long luxury sail boat capsized and rapidly sank after being struck by a pre-dawn storm on Monday (Aug. 21). The boat was carrying 22 passengers and crew.

It is believed the ship named Bayesian was struck by a tornado over the water - otherwise known as a waterspout - causing Bayesian to capsize. Other factors may have contributed.

In Southwest Florida and other places in the Sunshine State waterspouts are a common. The warm waters and humidity around Florida and the Gulf Coast are ideal for waterspout formation so we get more than our fair share.

What is a waterspout?

According to the  National Weather Service , a waterspout is a swirling column of air and water mist. Waterspouts can grow to diameters of  over 300 feet  and last for up to an hour, though they usually only last from 5 to 10 minutes.

More: Divers find body of Mike Lynch's daughter Hannah, 18, missing after superyacht sank

What's the difference between a waterspout and a tornado?

Depends on what kind of waterspout you have. There are two kinds:

Tornadic waterspouts  are simply tornados that formed over water, or that moved from land to the water. They usually come along with severe thunderstorms, high winds and seas, hail, and often a lot of lightning. 

Fair weather waterspouts  are much more common, especially from late spring to early fall, and much less dangerous. They generally form along the base of developing cumulus clouds when showers and non-severe thunderstorms are forming, but they aren't connected to storms or even high winds. You can get fair weather waterspouts whenever you have really humid conditions and water that's warmer than the air. Think of a really big, misty dirt devil.

Why does Florida get so many waterspouts?

Waterspouts are common in tropical and subtropical areas and along with Florida have been seen in the Great Lakes, the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Australia and elsewhere.

But if you really want to see lots of them, head to the Florida Keys where the waters there, especially from Marathon past Key West on westward to the Dry Tortugas , may see 400 to 500 waterspouts a year according to NOAA meteorologist and waterspout expert Dr. Joseph Golden, who called the Keys the "greatest, natural vortex lab in the world."

What's the difference between a waterspout and a funnel cloud?

A  funnel cloud  is a column of rotating air and water mist that is coming down from the bottom of a cloud but hasn't touched ground or water yet. Tornadoes and tornadic waterspouts both start out as funnel clouds.

Fair weather waterspouts start at the water level and grow upward toward the clouds so they never actually pass through the funnel cloud stage.

Are waterspouts dangerous?

Tornadic waterspouts are  extremely  dangerous, with tremendous force and windspeed, and should be treated as tornadoes.

Fair weather waterspouts tend to form under slow-moving clouds so they don't move very far or very fast, and they dissipate quickly over land.

What should I do if I see a waterspout?

If you're on land or swimming, watch the column carefully for movement and be prepared to leave the area if the waterspout appears to be moving quickly. 

If you're in a boat,  move at a 90-degree angle  to the waterspout's apparent movement. Never move closer to get a better look, and never try to navigate through a waterspout. Even if they're weaker than tornados fair weather waterspouts can still do significant damage to you and your boat.

Listen for special marine warnings about waterspout sightings that are broadcast on  NOAA Weather Radio .

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Stewardess , All guides

Stewardess on a superyacht -10 steps to find your first job.

  • July 13, 2021

How to become a Yacht Stewardess ?

Step 1 – Get Qualified Step 2 – Get the right skills and training Step 3 – Get the perfect Yachting CV Step 4 – Location – Plan your journey with your mentor Step 5 – Daywork and experience

Step 6 – Get the right Yachtie Network and Contacts

Step 7 – Get a Strong Superyacht Reference Step 8 – Start applying for our Superyacht jobs Step 9 – Ace your job interviews with your coach Step 10 – Get a job, bank account and sign contract Claim your Yachtie Careers Deckhand and Stewardess offer

Step 1 – Get Qualified as a Stewardess

Despite what you will hear…. To start working on a Superyacht there are only 3 Basic Documents required to make you qualified, and in order to start as a Stewardess you need:

  • Passport (Valid 12 months)
  • Basic Safety STCW Training
  • Medical Certificate (Valid 6 months at least)

Step 2 – Get the right skills and stewardess training

To get an edge over other crew, some yachts require additional certificates to be held by a minimum amount of crew on board. This is called safe manning certification . If you are a Stewardess starting you should consider these:

  • Food and Hygiene Level 2
  • Crowd and Crisis Management

This is included in Yachtiecareers Stewardess Superyacht Course

Step 3 – Get the perfect Yachting CV

You will need to write a perfect Superyacht Stewardess CV. The sections of your CV should include:

  • Contact Information
  • Personal Information
  • Skills and Qualifications
  • Certificates
  • Education & Languages

With Yachtiecareers we write the CV for you , in order to make you avoid make the mistakes of other crew and give you an edge over the competition to get your first job.

  • We make sure your strengths are highlighted
  • We work with graphic designers to make the lay-out appeal to Captains and recruiters
  • We write it so that the overall message is selling your persona
  • We structure the information correctly.
  • We use industry expert writers for sentencing, paragraphing to make your CV stand out
  • Most importantly you get a personal CV and can avoid using a CV-template looking like the other 20 CVs in the pile.

Step 4 – Location – Plan your journey with your Personal guide

Are you in Europe or in the US ?  Depending on your location, you can use our guides and knowledge to maximise your chances to get daywork in each city.

The best places to start Yachting, in order to succeed are the following:

  • Fort Lauderdale
  • US West Coast

To become a Yacht Stewardess those are location hubs for Superyachts, offering you most chances to secure a job, furthermore it will connect you with people in the Yachting Industry, in addition to the Yachtiecareers network.

  • Antibes, France
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Palme de Mallorca, Spain
  • Split, Croatia
  • Genoa, Italy

That is the top-list , recommended to find daywork with no experience by Yachtiecareers, moreover it will enable you to travel and see some of the most beautiful places in Europe.

Step 5 – Daywork and experience

The best way to find daywork is to speak with your Yachtiecareers Instructor and network in the location you are currently in. You need to be flexible and ready to work and step in at short notice.

When I was starting Yachting , I spent one day day working in Portofino in Italy , the next one in Monaco and 2 days later I was in Cannes in France.

Towards the end of the week I was doing a crossing on a 50m yacht from Antibes, France to Venice, Italy. 

You need to be flexible and ready to work and step in at short notice, in order to get the right opportunities.

  • Network in your Location
  • Use Yachtiecareers Partner Daywork App to find daywork with one click
  • Let your Instructor find daywork for you
  • Have your phone ready at all times
  • Have your CV and business cards ready 
  • Use your crew house contacts
  • Join relevant Facebook groups (this is not always a good idea)

We can assist you finding daywork, just text your Instructor on WhatsApp.

Step 7 – Get a Strong Superyacht Reference

Just like any other profession, network is everything. When you complete our training we are confident in your abilities and are happy to provide you with a reference.

If I am looking for a Stewardess on board and I get a recommendation from a friend or someone I know, because I will choose your CV over 10 other CVs with stronger experience. That is just reality.

So build references and network using YachtieCareers, your Instructors, people you meet in Yachting hubs and ask during your Daywork.

Step 8 – Start applying for our Superyacht jobs

The way to find Superyacht jobs as a Stewardess with no experience can be hard. By all means you can register, on regular crew agencies, crew databases and apply for jobs daily.

However you will be competing with thousands of other crew, the chances that I will even read your CV are very slim.  And if I do get your CV it will be in a pile with 20 other CVs. At this point it is very important your CV has the perfect lay-out and structure.

At Yachtiecareers  we have created a Superyacht recruitment platform where we focus only on junior crew.   In addition to that the yachts we work with only contact us with junior crew requests and with the help of your personal Instructor you can get connected to people in the industry making it easier to land that first job. 

Other ways is to network and daywork. Do nor apply for hundreds (100) of online jobs without having the perfect CV and experience, it will just be a waste of time, moreover you should spend your time more wisely.

Step 9 – Ace your job interviews with your coach

At this point, you are very close to securing your first job, since you have completed the right training and used our step by step guide to secure your first job interview, because the CV they have received has displayed your key strengths.

Stewardess Yacht training qualifications Instructor Stewardess skills

Before the interview, your Chief Stewardess Instructor will prepare you for the questions you might face before starting, remember that 90% of the questions will be about your CV, so know your own CV inside out before the interview to explain your past experiences.

As long as you appear willing to start the job, humble and showing a happy attitude it will get you on board if you follow the interview guide from your Instructor, as result you will secure your first Superyacht job.

Step 10 – Get a stewardess job, bank account and sign your contract

Great, because you followed our guide it has led to you securing your first Superyacht  Stewardess job.

Now the fun starts. It is time to pack, to sign your contract and to get a Bank account. 

We will go through your contract with you, moreover we will make sure it is either MLC compliant or giving you the basic rights as yacht crew. If you have got the interview by using the Yachtiecareers network, the Yacht will be compliant.

  • We help you with your Bank Account, to get the right currency and setting it up online
  • Make sure to bring your Medical Certificate, Passport and STCW certificates originals.
  • Get your flight tickets
  • Sign the contract
  • Pack your personal belonging, you might be away a long time, therefor there is limited space on board, so you have to get it all in to one suitcase !

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STCW training in Sweden

2024 Dates full.   Book Final  4 spot for October date with payment plan “paylater50”

Get free yacht cv and yacht job offers

What we know about the Bayesian superyacht that sank

The Bayesian, which capsized in the early hours of Monday, was an award-winning yacht with the second-tallest mast in the world.

stewardess yacht formation

News reporter @niamhielynch

Friday 23 August 2024 12:37, UK

Pic: Perini Navi

The Bayesian, an award-winning superyacht, sank during bad weather off the coast of Sicily in the early hours of Monday.

On Thursday, authorities confirmed divers had found the bodies of British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, Morgan Stanley International boss Jonathan Bloomer, his wife Judy, and one of Mr Lynch's lawyers Chris Morvillo, and his wife Neda.

Recaldo Thomas, the on-board chef, was the first to be confirmed dead earlier this week.

Mr Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, was rescued along with 14 others - including Charlotte Golunski, a mother who told la Repubblica she held her one-year-old baby above the waves to save her from drowning.

Mr Lynch's 18-year-old daughter Hannah is missing, but believed to be the seventh body recovered from the wreckage on Friday.

But what do we know about the ship?

The British-flagged 56-metre ship - previously called the Salute - was built in 2008 by Italian shipyard Perini Navi, and refitted in 2020.

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stewardess yacht formation

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Rescue personnel transport what is believed to be the body of Hannah Lynch, daughter of British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, at the scene where a luxury yacht sank, off the coast of Porticello, near the Sicilian city of Palermo, Italy, August 23, 2024. REUTERS/Louiza Vradi

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Its 72-metre mast was the world's tallest aluminium mast, and the second-tallest overall. The yacht could reach a maximum speed of 15 knots and weighed 543 tonnes.

The French design house Remi Tessier fitted out the Japanese-style interior decor, with touches of light and dark beige and dark wood furnishings, as well as a teak deck.

Pic: Danny Wheelz

It won the best exterior styling at The World Superyacht Awards in 2009, and best interior at the International Superyacht Society Awards 2008.

It had six guest bedrooms - one master, three doubles, and two twins - holding 12 people, and could carry another 10 crew members.

Pictures show air conditioning units in several of the bedrooms, which could counter expert claims open windows may have caused water to rush in and tip the boat over faster. says it was owned by a firm called Revtom Limited. Mike Lynch's wife, Ms Bacares, is named as the sole shareholder of the firm on company documents.

Read more from Sky News: Lynch's co-defendant dies after being hit by car We can learn from Lynch's unsuccessful prosecution

The yacht's name would resonate with Mr Lynch because his PhD thesis and the software that made his fortune involved a statistical method known as Bayesian inference, based on an 18th-century theory, which helps forecasters predict outcomes more reliably.

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It was listed for rent for up to €195,000 (£166,000) a week, according to online charter sites.

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A Waterspout Was Seen When a Luxury Yacht Sank. What Is It?

Witnesses reported seeing the tornado-like phenomenon hit the Bayesian, a sailing yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily on Monday.

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The Bayesian sailing yacht

By Eve Sampson

What caused the sinking on Monday of a sailing yacht carrying the British billionaire Mike Lynch and 21 other people off the coast of Sicily is still unknown. But some attention has focused on observations by witnesses, who described seeing a small tornado-like column known as a waterspout forming over the water during an abrupt and violent storm as the vessel sank.

Fifteen passengers on the 180-foot yacht, the Bayesian, escaped on a raft before being rescued by a neighboring cruise ship. The body of the ship’s cook was recovered on Monday and six people remain unaccounted for , including Mr. Lynch and his daughter Hannah, according to officials with Sicily’s civil protection agency.

Prosecutors in the nearby city of Termini Imerese have opened an inquiry into the cause of the sinking.

Here is what to know about waterspouts, a surprisingly common weather phenomenon that may have helped sink the luxury yacht.

What are waterspouts?

Waterspouts are columns of spinning air and moisture — similar to tornadoes over water, according to the National Weather Service .

While some form in fair weather, and are aptly called fair weather waterspouts, another more dangerous variety called tornadic waterspouts develops downward from a thunderstorm. These tornadic waterspouts can either form as regular tornadoes over land and move out to sea, or form in a storm already over a large body of water, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association .

Fair weather waterspouts are weak, often dissipate quickly and do not cause major damage, according to the agencies, but tornadic waterspouts are more often associated with high winds, dangerous and frequent lightning, and hail. The Italian authorities recorded strong winds and intense lightning activity at the time the yacht went down.

How common are waterspouts?

Experts say waterspouts may be more common than tornadoes, but because oceans are so vast, they are more difficult to track — and as difficult to predict.

“The Mediterranean is possibly one of the places where waterspouts are most likely around the world due to the warm ocean surface and a climate that is very susceptible to thunderstorms throughout the summer and autumn,” according to a statement by Peter Inness, a meteorologist at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Inness pointed to a 2022 study by scientists from University of Barcelona , which found that waterspouts occurred more frequently over warmer sea surfaces. The North Atlantic ocean has been unusually hot for over a year, repeatedly reaching record highs for the time of year , according to data from the oceanic association.

The International Centre for Waterspout Research on Monday said on X , the platform formerly known as Twitter, that it had confirmed 18 waterspouts near Italy in recent days, and several fishermen in the area of the accident told Italian media that they had witnessed a waterspout near the yacht.

What may have happened?

Karsten Börner, the captain of the nearby boat that rescued the 15 passengers, said in an interview that he saw the Bayesian about 490 feet away before the wind and lightning picked up.

While it was difficult to see what happened amid the storm, “my theory was that she was capsized first and then went down over the stern,” he said.

Towering over 237 feet tall, the Bayesian mast was one of the tallest aluminum masts in the world and it also had a special keel that could be raised or lowered, according to its manufacturer, Perini Navi. A keel is the downward-extending centerline underneath a boat that can help stabilize the vessel.

“In this case, having a tall aluminum mast would not make it the safest port to be in case of a storm,” said Andrea Ratti, associate professor of nautical design and architecture technology the Politecnico di Milano.

He added that “a lot of questions will remain until we have other elements at our disposal.”

Elisabetta Povoledo contributed reporting.

Eve Sampson is a reporter covering international news and a member of the 2024-25 Times Fellowship class, a program for journalists early in their careers. More about Eve Sampson

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Bayesian Yacht Sinking: Climate Change Created Perfect Storm for Waterspouts

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Storm Tornado Boat Transportation and Vehicle

The waterspout blamed for the deadly sinking of a luxury superyacht carrying the British tech billionaire Mike Lynch in Italy has been called a freak “black swan” event. But scientists believe this kind of marine tornado is becoming more common with global warming.

While the cause of the sinking of the Bayesian hasn’t officially been determined, weather conditions and witness reports from Sicily, where the yacht was anchored off the coast, have led experts to suspect a waterspout, a whirling column of air and water mist. The key factor for waterspout formation is warm water—and the past year has seen the ocean surface heat up to record-breaking temperatures , in part due to climate change.

“If this rate of warming is going to be continuing in the future, it’s very possible these phenomena will be common and not rare,” says Michalis Sioutas, a meteorology PhD who studies waterspouts in Greece and is a board member of the Hellenic Meteorological Society. “It’s very possible to talk about waterspouts or even tornadoes and extreme storms becoming common.”

The 180-foot Bayesian sank in a matter of minutes after being caught in a sudden storm with strong winds and intense lightning at around 4 am on Monday. Fifteen people who had been aboard were rescued, and one person was found dead. Six people are missing, including British tech billionaire Mike Lynch, who was recently cleared of fraud charges over the sale of his company to Hewlett-Packard. On Wednesday, the bodies of five people were recovered from the sunken ship but have yet to be identified.

Fishermen saw a waterspout near the yacht shortly before it sank, and a nearby schooner was tossed about by what its captain, Karsten Borner, called a “hurricane gust,” which he believes capsized the Bayesian . Experts have said the conditions were ripe for a waterspout.

This extreme weather phenomenon occurs when warm, moist air rises rapidly over water, spinning as winds change direction at different heights. The result is a long, bending funnel of spray between the water and the clouds, tapering off as it rises as much as 10,000 feet into the heavens.

It comes in two flavors. The more vanilla kind is a fair weather waterspout , which forms in relatively calm and even sunny conditions, often under a billowy cumulus cloud. It happens more often in places like the Great Lakes and the Florida Keys, reaches wind speeds of 50 miles per hour, and usually breaks up before it can cause significant damage.

Then there are severe waterspouts, essentially tornadoes over water, which “are another beast” entirely, according to Wade Szilagyi, a retired forecaster at the Meteorological Service of Canada who now directs the International Center for Waterspout Research. These tornadic waterspouts can move from land to water, or vice versa, and twist at 125 miles per hour or more. They’ve been known to throw debris, rip apart buildings, and overturn boats.

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A waterspout documented by Sioutas in Methoni, Greece, in 2004 picked up a boat and sent it sailing through the air, striking and killing a 10-year-old boy. Last year, a sudden storm and waterspout with winds of over 40 miles per hour overturned a tourist boat carrying off-duty intelligence agents on Italy’s Lake Maggiore, killing four. Sioutas says waterspouts can even generate “massive water displacements similar to tsunamis,” citing the gigantic waves that struck the coast of the Greek island of Samos during a 2004 cyclone, tossing boulders like toys.

Tornadic waterspouts spring up only in stormy weather with strong winds, lightning, and sometimes hail, and are the product of two main ingredients: wind shear and rising, unstable air. The process begins when masses of cold and warm air collide. This brings together winds from different directions that start to spin around each other, creating vortices. If a thunderstorm also converges in the area, it can provide the instability, sucking warm air up into itself at dizzying speeds. Over water, it starts carrying moisture up as well. Szilagyi compares the waterspout’s development to a twirling figure skater.

“You can think of the skater, if she just spins around normally, that’s like the little vortex that’s already started,” he says. “But if she brings her arms in, then that’s like the column of that unstable warm air, pulling, stretching that vortex upward. She starts to spin faster.”

Waterspouts have been known and feared since ancient times. In the 1550s in Malta, a waterspout plowed through the harbor of Valletta, reportedly destroying an armada of warships and killing hundreds of people. It’s even thought that old stories of fish or frogs raining down on land may be the product of waterspouts sweeping the creatures up into the clouds.

Now global warming may be supercharging the phenomenon. The International Panel on Climate Change has not found a definite link—there hasn’t been much research into how climate change may be affecting waterspouts—but experts say that the conditions for waterspouts to form are happening more often. A 2022 study of 234 waterspouts in the Spanish Mediterranean over the past three decades found that they were more likely to break out when the sea surface was warmer, especially above 23 degrees Celsius (73 degrees Fahrenheit). And water temperatures are now at unprecedented levels.

Last year was the warmest on record for the ocean. The heat content of the upper 6,500 feet of the seas was the highest ever seen. The seas broke temperature records every single day between May 2023 and May 2024. Marine heat waves struck areas from Antarctica to the Mediterranean.

“Warmer oceans have more energy and more humidity to transfer to the atmosphere, the most important fuels for storms,” says Luca Mercalli, president of the Italian Meteorological Society. “The contrast of warm sea and colder air that flows over energizes vertical winds that could result in downbursts or waterspouts.” (A downburst is a powerful cascade of wind and rain from a thundercloud.)

That perfect storm of waterspout conditions hit Italy around the time the Bayesian sank. In recent days, a mass of high-level cold air has swept down from the Alps and over the country’s western coast, meeting the exceptionally warm air just above the sea surface. Four days before the Bayesian went down, sea surface temperatures were the hottest ever recorded across the Mediterranean Sea, with a daily median of 28.71 degrees Celsius. The ocean near where the Bayesian was anchored has reached almost 30 degrees Celsius this week, four degrees higher than the 20-year summer average, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.

Cold and warm air clashed. Winds started spinning, and overheated water provided the ingredient of instability needed for a waterspout outbreak. As a result, a total of 28 waterspouts were documented off the western coast of Italy from August 17 to August 20, according to the International Center for Waterspout Research.

The total number of waterspouts reported has been increasing in recent years, although a major factor has been that more people are able to capture them with phone cameras and post them on social media, Szilagyi says. But he says that warming waters and a longer waterspout season due to climate change are also contributing. In particular, he believes the number of severe waterspouts are on the rise.

“With the increased water temperatures, that’s probably resulting in more frequent tornadic waterspouts,” Szilagyi says. “There’s no scientific evidence yet that they’re getting even stronger. It’s just that they’re becoming more frequent.”

Warming sea waters are also expected to boost other extreme weather events like Mediterranean hurricanes, or “medicanes,” one of which contributed to the flash flood that killed thousands of people in Libya last year .

In this brave new world, countries need to improve early-warning systems and invest more in research to forecast and observe trends in waterspouts, scientists say. “We have to prepared for more dangerous waterspouts possibly in the future,” Sioutas says. “Significantly warmer waters contribute very significantly to the creation of waterspouts, especially the violent ones.”

Updated 8-22-2024 1:15 pm BST: A previous version of the story stated that the ship’s mast had snapped; this detail has been removed as damage to the mast has not been confirmed.

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A sea tornado just sank a yacht in the Mediterranean. We might be seeing more of them.

A deadly waterspout is strongly suspected of sinking a yacht off the coast of Italy. Scientists weigh in on whether they’ll worsen as the planet warms.

An orange life-ring hangs at the bow of ship. In the distance, a waterspout touches down in the sea.

A superyacht carrying 22 people, including British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, sank off the coast of Palermo, Italy, in the early hours of August 19.  

The 183-foot Bayesian yacht is believed to have been hit by a waterspout —a tornado that forms over the ocean—and some experts are concerned that climate change could worsen these storms in the Mediterranean and other quickly warming waters.

Here’s what you need to know about waterspouts and whether hotter temperatures could cause more of them.

What is a waterspout?

A waterspout is a tornado that forms over water. “The tornado doesn't really care what surface it’s over,” says David Sills, executive director of the Northern Tornadoes Project at Western University in Ontario, Canada. “Whether it's a city or a forest or crops or water, the tornado is going to do its thing."  

These columns of rotating air “form where an air boundary exists, for example where warm and cold air collide,” says a spokesperson at the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) via email.

A waterspout in the Mediterranean Sea, which appears as a vertical column, like a tornado, extending from the rough sea surface into the clouds above.

Changes in wind direction at different heights can cause a rotation.

“Imagine just above the ocean, the wind is blowing in one direction,” says Peter Inness , meteorologist at the University of Reading. When the wind higher up blows in another direction, “the air between those two levels of wind starts rotating around the horizontal axis.”

The warm air below rises and these “spinning parcels of air are also lifted and stretched in this process and can concentrate on the surface of the water creating a vortex,” says the BOM.

As the air is sucked upwards into the storm, the spinning intensifies like taking the plug out of the bath, says Innes: “the water going down the plughole rotates very intensely because it's being sucked downwards.”

It’s similar to a figure skater, adds Sills: “When they bring in their arms, and then they spin faster and faster.”  

How dangerous are waterspouts for boats?

Although the wind associated with waterspouts can reach 55 miles per hour, they typically move at under 25 miles per hour, are short-lived, and don’t cause much damage. “They usually only impact any single point for a few minutes,” says the BOM.

The Bayesian was moored overnight when it sank. Although people have attributed this to a waterspout, it’s not yet been confirmed.  

“It was dark and there are no images available,” says Luca Mercalli, president of the Italian Meteorological Society , via email.

Boats are designed to right themselves when blown over by strong winds. “Those sailboats have a big, heavy keel so that when you start to go over, it pulls you back up,” says Sills.

But if water gets into the ship, it can lose buoyancy. “It's called a knockdown,” he says. “Time spent over like that means water and waves can get into open doors and it starts to take on water. Then you start to sink.”

The rapid change in wind strength and direction are also dangerous for boats, says Innes, “because it could result in the boat rocking backward and forward very violently.”

Will climate change cause more waterspouts?

One study has found more frequent waterspouts off the coast of Spain’s Balearic Islands when sea surface temperatures are higher, particularly between 73 and 78°F.

This year, “the Mediterranean is [over 5°F] above average,” says Mercalli, which is “an anomaly considered "extreme". These unusually warm waters could be partly due to climate change as well as year-on-year variability.

Some people are concerned that climate change could cause an increase in tornadoes on land and water.

“Global warming will increase all weather extreme events, because it injects more energy into the atmosphere,” says Mercalli.

But experts are wary of confirming a definite link with climate change. “Waterspouts are a very short-lived and local scale phenomena, and therefore difficult to attribute to impacts of climate change,” says the BOM.

The Mediterranean is warming more quickly than the rest of the ocean. Although climate change will make sea surface temperatures warmer, it’s unclear how it will affect the other conditions needed to create waterspouts.

Waterspouts need a temperature difference between air and sea. If the air is warming at the same rate as the bodies of water, an increase in waterspouts is unlikely, says Sills.  

Low pressure is also needed. “Even if the water is really warm, if you've got an area of high pressure over the Mediterranean, you won't get those thunderstorms,” says Inness. “You won't get waterspouts.”

Wind direction also comes into play. In this region, humid air from the north is more likely to cause storms than dry winds coming up from North Africa.    

Due to poor historic data, it’s not possible to confirm that waterspouts are increasing, says Mercalli, “but surely all heavy storms, including thunderstorms that generate strong winds, downbursts, heavy rains and hail are increasing worldwide and in Italy.”

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  29. A waterspout just sank a yacht in the Mediterranean. We might be seeing

    The 183-foot Bayesian yacht is believed to have been hit by a waterspout—a tornado that forms over the ocean—and some experts are concerned that climate change could worsen these storms in ...

  30. Superyacht guests were celebrating Mike Lynch's acquittal when disaster

    The yacht had the world's tallest aluminium mast at almost 250ft. ... A former chief stewardess who had previously crewed the Bayesian said the boat had always previously withstood the choppiest ...