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Die 10 teuersten Luxusyachten der Welt – Welche ist die größte Yacht der Welt?
Das sind die teuersten luxusyachten weltweit.
Wer Geld hat, will das auch zeigen. Statussymbole wie Villen und Autos dürfen dabei nicht fehlen. Die reichsten Menschen gönnen sich aber auch so manche Luxusyacht. Wir haben für euch recherchiert, es ist erstaunlich wieviel Geld man für eine luxuriöse Yacht braucht. Spannender Fakt nebenbei, die meisten der hier angeführten Luxusyachten sind in Deutschland gebaut worden! Und nun zeigen wir euch die 10 teuersten Luxusyachten der Welt.
10 Al Said Mega Yacht – 240 Millionen Euro
Die „Al Said“ wurde im Auftrag des Sultans des Oman „Qabus ibn Said“ gefertigt. Eigentümer ist offiziell das Sultanat Oman, welches die Luxusyacht dem Sultan des Oman zur Verfügung stellt. Die Yacht wurde in Deutschland gebaut und kann bis zu 65 Gäste beherbergen. Rund 150 Crew-Mitglieder sollen sich dabei um den angemessenen Luxus der Gäste kümmern.
Ein eigenes Kino sowie eine großzügige Saunalandschaft soll den Gästen die nötige Unterhaltung bieten. Außerdem hat die Yacht einen Konzertsaal, wo ein 50-köpfiges Orchester seinen Platz findet. Ein Hubschrauberlandeplatz am Deck des Mega-Schiffes gehört wie bei fast allen aufgelisteten Luxusyachten mittlerweile zum Standard.
- Besitzer: Sultan Qabus ibn Said
- Erbauer: Lürssen
- Länge: 155 Meter
- Breite: 14 Meter
- Geschwindigkeit: 25 Knoten
p.lange / Bigstock.com
9 The Rising Sun – 250 Millionen Euro
Die Yacht wurde ursprünglich 2004 für den Oracle Gründer Larry Ellison gebaut. Im Jahr 2007 gab er bereits die Hälfte seiner Yacht-Anteile an David Geffen ab bevor er sie 2010 ganz verkaufte. Der Grund für den Verkauf war laut Ellison die unpraktische Größe der Yacht. Er lies sich später die kleinere Yacht „Musashi“ bauen.
Die „Rising Sun“ wurde wie auch die meisten anderen Luxusyachten in Deutschland gebaut und hat auf ihren 5 Decks mir rund 8000 m2 insgesamt 82 Räume. Das Deck besteht komplett aus Teak-Holz und hat einen eigenen Basketballplatz, welcher jederzeit als Hubschrauberlandeplatz umfunktioniert werden kann. Eine 45 köpfige Crew ist für das Wohl der bis zu 16 Gäste zuständig. Oprah Winfrey machte übrigens bereits Urlaub auf dieser Yacht.
- Besitzer: David Geffen
- Länge: 138 Meter
- Breite: 19 Meter
- Geschwindigkeit: 28 Knoten
Foto: Svedenhaus [GFDL]
8 „A“ Motor-Yacht – 270 Millionen Euro
Die „A“ Motor-Yacht ist im Besitz des Russischen Milliardärs Andrey Melnichenko. Das Design wurde an ein Uboot bzw. an ein US-Kampfschiff mit Radard-Tarnfunktion angelehnt, wodurch diese einzigartige und besondere Form entstand. Auf der Vorderseite des Schiffs befindet sich ein Helipad und ein Pool. An der Rückseite befindet sich ein weiterer Pool und ein Lounge-Bereich mit Jacuzzi, welcher einen Glasboden besitzt um in die schiffseigene Disco hinunter zu sehen. Im Innenbereich befinden sich drei Aufzüge um in die Eignersuite als auch die sechs Gästesuiten zu gelangen. Das verbaute Glas soll auch einen Bombenangriff überstehen. Angeblich steht die Motor-Yacht mittlerweile zum Verkauf, da die Segelyacht „A“ (Platz 4) die Nachfolge der Motor-Yacht angetreten hat.
- Besitzer: Andrey Melnichenko
- Erbauer: Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft
- Länge: 119 Meter
- Breite: 18,9 Meter
- Geschwindigkeit: 23 Knoten
Foto: johnbraid / Bigstock.com
7 Dubai Yacht – 325 Millionen Euro
Platz 7 der teuersten Luxusyachten belegt diese Lady. Die Dubai, drittlängeste Yacht der Welt wurde ebenfalls in Deutschland von Blohm + Voss in Kooperation mit Lürssen gebaut. Jedoch wurde 1997 der Bau vom ursprünglichen Auftraggeber gestoppt und erst 2001 von Scheich „Muhammad bin Raschid Al Maktum“ übernommen. Der Herrscher des Emirates Dubai lies die gleichnamige und halbfertige Yacht inklusive Schmimmdock nach Dubai transportieren und von der lokal ansässigen Platinum Yachts FZCO Werft fertigstellen. Die Dubai war von 2006 – 2009 die längste der Luxusyachten der Welt und kann auf acht Decks bis zu 115 Gäste beherbergen.
- Besitzer: Scheich „Muhammad bin Raschid Al Maktum“, Herrscher von Dubai
- Erbauer: Blohm + Voss
- Länge: 126 Meter
- Breite: 22 Meter
- Geschwindigkeit: 26 Knoten
Foto: Imre Solt [GFDL]
6 „A“ – Die größte Segelyacht der Welt – 400 Millionen Euro
Die „SY A“ ist mit ihren drei Masten die größte Segelyacht der Welt und ebenfalls in Besitz des Russischen Milliardärs Andrey Melnichenko, welcher auch bereits die „A“ Motoryacht besitzt. Damit ist der Russe bereits das zweite Mal in unserer Liste vertreten. Die Masten sind dabei fast 90 Meter hoch und das größte der automatischen Segel hat eine Fläche von 1.767 m². Die A Segelyacht kann als Antrieb auf ihre drei Segeln zurückgreifen, aber auch mit den zwei verbauten Dieselaggregaten oder rein von zwei Elektromotoren betrieben werden. Das Deck besteht aus Teak-Holz. Erbaut wurde die größte Luxus-Segelyacht der Welt ebenfalls in Deutschland von der Werft Nobiskrug in Rendsburg.
- Erbauer: Nobiskrug
- Länge: 142,8 Meter
- Breite: 24,9 Meter
- Geschwindigkeit: 21 Knoten
Foto: KarleHorn & Waldi / Wikimedia [ CC BY-SA 4.0 ]
5 Topaz Yacht – 420 Millionen Euro
Der Besteller und Besitzer der Topaz Superyacht ist Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan , Mitglied der Herrscherfamilie von Abu Dhabi. Der Scheich ist übrigens auch Besitzer des Premier League Fußballclubs Manchester City. Erbaut wurde die Yacht in Deutschland von Lürrsen in Bremen. Auf den acht Decks befinden sich zwei Hubschrauber Landeplätze und ein Jacuzzi. In 26 Kabinen bietet die Topaz einen Platz für bis zu 62 Gäste. Über die Innenausstattung ist leider sehr wenig bekannt. Star-Innendesigner Terence Disdale zeigt sich für das Interieur verantwortlich, der auch bei Arbramowitschs Mega-Yacht Hand anlegte.
- Besitzer: Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan
- Erbauer: Lürrsen
- Länge: 147,25 Meter
- Breite: 21,5 Meter
Foto: Moshi Anahory / wikimedia [ CC BY-SA 2.0 ]
4 Dilbar – 450 Millionen Euro
Die Dilbar Superyacht ist zwar nicht die längste Yacht, allerdings vom Volumen gesehen her die „größte“ Yacht der Welt. Auf 3.800 Quadratmeter Wohnfläche sollen in „nur“ 12 Luxus-Kabinen bis zu 24 Gäste Platz finden. Allerdings besitzt das Mega-Schiff 53 weitere Kabinen für die Crew. Der Luxus an Board ist also für den russischen Milliardär Alisher Usmanov (geschätztes Vermögen: 13,03 Milliarden Euro) und seine Gäste Programm. Die Dilbar besitzt den größten Pool, welcher in einer Yacht je verbaut wurde. Er soll 25 Meter lang sein und 180 Kubikmeter Wasser führen. Auf dem Deck befinden sich zwei Hubschrauber-Landeplätze. In nur 52 Monaten wurde die Yacht in der deutschen Werft Lürssen gefertigt.
- Besitzer: Alisher Usmanov
- Erbauer: Lürssen
- Länge: 156 Meter
- Breite: 23,5 Meter
- Geschwindigkeit: 22,5 Knoten
Foto: Alberto-g-rovi / Wikimedia [ CC-BY 3.0 ]
3 Serene Yacht – 500 Millionen Euro
Die „Serene“ Yacht wurde vom Russischen Wodka Milliardär „Yuri Shefler“ bei der italienischen Werft Fincantieri in Auftrag gegeben und lief 2011 vom Stapel. Bill Gates hat sich die Yacht im Jahr 2014 für einen Urlaub ausgeliehen. Preis: 5 Millionen US-Dollar/Woche. Insgesamt finden 24 Gäste in 12 luxuriösen Kabinen Platz. Außerdem beinhaltet die Serene eine Kletterhalle, zwei Helipads, drei Swimmingpools, ein Kino und einen kompletten Spa Bereich. Unter Deck soll ein Unterwasser-Raum eingerichtet sein und genügend Platz für ein Uboot bieten. Die Serene belegt damit Platz 3 der teuersten Luxusyachten.
Im Jahr 2015 hat der Saudiarabische Prinzen „Mohammed bin Salman“ die Serene für 500 Millionen Euro gekauft und seit dem befindet sie sich in seinem Besitz. Angeblich ist das teuerste Gemälde der Welt „Salvator Mundi“ von Leonardo da Vinci an Board der Yacht. Es wurde 2017 für 450 Millionen US-Dollar versteigert und sollte eigentlich im Abu Dhabi Louvre ausgestellt werden. Der Prinzen soll das Gemälde allerdings so gefallen haben, dass er es auf seiner Yacht aufhängen lies. Diese Vermutung wurde jedoch bisher nicht bestätigt.
- Besitzer: Prinz Mohammed bin Salman
- Erbauer: Fincantieri
- Länge: 133,9 Meter
- Breite: 18,5 Meter
Foto: Nick Wells / wikimedia
2 Azzam – Die größte Yacht der Welt – 530 Millionen Euro
Die „Azzam“ ist die längste Yacht der Welt und im Besitz des Präsidenten der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate: Scheich „Chalifa bin Zayid Al Nahyan“. Erbaut und fertig gestellt wurde das Wunderwerk der Technik in Bremen von der Lürssen Werft im Jahr 2013. Insgesamt ist die Yacht in sieben Decks unterteilt. Das Herzstück ist dabei der Azzam-Salon im mittleren Teil des Schiffes, welcher 29 Meter lang und 18 Meter breit ist und keine tragenden Stützen beinhaltet, also völlig offen gebaut ist. 94.000 PS treiben die Azzam auf eine Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 30 Knoten an. Ein Hubschrauber-Landeplatz ist bei dieser Größer sowieso schon Standard. 🙂
- Besitzer: Scheich „Chalifa bin Zayid Al Nahyan“, Präsident der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate
- Länge: 180,6 Meter
- Breite: 20,8 Meter
- Geschwindigkeit: 34 Knoten
Foto: ChrisKarsten / wikimedia [ CC-BY-SA 3.0 ]
1 Eclipse – Die teuerste Yacht der Welt – 850 Millionen Euro
Der russische Multi-Milliardär Roman Abramowitsch ist der Besitzer der teuersten Yacht der Welt. Die „Eclipse“ war von 2010 bis zum Bau der „Azzam“ 2013 die längste Yacht der Welt und wurde in Hamburg gefertigt. Obwohl die Eclipse nach dem Stapellauf noch einmal eine Verlängerung bekam, musste Abramowitsch den Titel schnell wieder abgeben. Allerdings ist die Eclipse aufgrund von mehrfachen Aufrüstungen mittlerweile um einiges teurer als die Yacht des Scheichs. Ursprünglich lagen die Schätzungen des Kaufpreis bei rund 350 Millionen Euro.
Nach dem Umbau 2015 soll die teuerste Yacht der Welt fast eine Milliarde Euro wert sein . Sie bietet einen Platz für 36 Gäste und 70 Bedienstete und beinhaltet eine eigene Disco, ein Kino, zwei Pools (einer davon 16 Meter lang), 2 Hubschrauber-Landeplätze, 4 Motorboote und 20 Jetskis. Außerdem ist ein unglaubliches Sicherheitssystem verbaut, welches mit einem Raketenabwehrsystem und einem Uboot für den Ernstfall ausgestattet ist. Zudem wurden gepanzerte Wände und schusssicheres Glas verbaut und auch gegen Paparazzis will der Russe mit einem Laser-System vorgehen, welches die Digitalkameras blendet.
- Besitzer: Roman Abramowitsch
- Erbauer: Blohm + Voss
- Länge: 162,5 Meter
Foto: Moshi Anahory / Flickr [ CC-BY-SA 2.0 ]
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The 15 Most Expensive Yachts in the World
These dream machines show what's possible when money is no object., rachel cormack.
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As superyachts continue to get bigger and more extravagant than ever before, so too do the accompanying price tags. According to the Boats Group’s market index, the average cost of a yacht above 80 feet in the US last year was $5.3 million. As you’ll see below, though, there are a handful of high-end vessels that blow that figure out of the water.
Although it’s difficult to get exact prices in what is a fiercely secretive industry, sales of luxury yachts have surged amid the pandemic and the ultra-wealthy are more willing than ever to fork out for ostentatious ocean goers. Case in point: Billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos reportedly parted with $485 million for his Oceanco megayacht that’s currently in build.
Believe it or not, that’s quite a modest price compared to at least half of the entries on this list. Lürssen’s Dilbar , for instance, is rumored to have cost in the ballpark of $800 million. As alluded to, the shipyards behind these lavish, nine-figure designs seldom share details regarding ownership or price. Therefore, the amounts cited here are estimates pulled together from Wikipedia and other reliable sources. Still, the 15 vessels here give you a good idea of what’s possible when money is no object and the best builders in the business are at your whim.
Lürssen: ‘Dilbar’ — $800 Million
Delivered in 2016, Lürssen’s Dilbar is the largest motor yacht in the world by gross tonnage. It’s also the most expensive with an original price tag in the ballpark of $800 million. Weighing in at 15,917 tons, the monolithic 512-footer is one of the most complex and challenging vessels the German yard has ever built. Penned by Espen Øino, Dilbar features a classic profile and a light ivory hull with bronze accents. Onboard, meanwhile, the elegant interiors were brought to life by Winch Design and outfitted with only the best luxury materials. The pièce de résistance is, of course, the 82-foot swimming pool. Lürssen says it is the largest pool ever to have been installed on a yacht. Seafarers also have access to 41,000 square feet of saloons, staterooms, spas and cinemas to explore. German authorities impounded Dilbar earlier this year after establishing it was linked to a Russian billionaire. According to the US Treasury Department, the yacht is now worth between $600 million and $700 million, with annual maintenance costs of about $60 million.
Blohm+Voss: ‘Eclipse’ — $600 Million
The epic 533-foot Blohm+Voss superyacht Eclipse took half a decade to come to fruition before it was finally delivered to Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich in 2010. At that time, it was the largest yacht in the world and certainly one of the most expensive. It has now been 20-odd years and Eclipse still sits at the top of both lists and is estimated to be worth over $600 million. Designed inside and out by Terence Disdale, the vessel is equipped with 17 staterooms, a 185-foot-long owner’s deck with a palatial owner’s suite, a giant swimming pool that doubles as a dance floor, a gym, a beach club and a spa. Other highlights include a helicopter hangar with space for three choppers and a garage that can hold six tenders. On top of that, Eclipse has a top-end speed of 21 knots, with a range of 6,000 nautical miles.
Lürssen: ‘Azzam’ — $600 Million
Lürssen has proven itself adept at delivering sizable (and expensive) vessels. In fact, the German yard is behind the world’s longest superyacht, which reportedly set one private owner back more than $600 million. Delivered in 2013, Azzam measures just shy of 593 feet and offers a volume of 13,136 GT. Penned by Nauta Yacht, the yacht’s exterior is characterized by a long, sleek forward area and a series of tiers ascending to the skydeck. The interior, meanwhile, was brought to life by Christophe Leoni and showcases luxurious decor inspired by the Empire style of the early 19th century. Azzam is no slouch on the high seas, either, with a top speed of more than 30 knots. Astonishingly, the behemoth only took three years to build after one year of engineering. Azzam also underwent a refit in 2020 that likely resulted in a few more dollars being spent on her.
Lürssen: ‘Al Said’ — $600 Million
Another nine-figure Lürssen megayacht on the list is Al Saïd . Delivered in 2008, the 508-footer reportedly set the Sultan of Oman roughly $600 million and, well, you can tell. Designed by Espen Øino, Al Saïd ’s exterior is reminiscent of a classic cruise liner with the twin-exhaust stacks in the center of the superstructure. Sporting a steel hull and lightweight aluminum superstructure, the yacht is capable of 25 knots flat out, with a cruising speed of 22 knots. Inside, meanwhile, the contemporary interior was penned by Redman Whiteley Dixon. Highlights include a concert hall that can hold a 50-piece orchestra.
Lürssen: ‘A+’ (Topaz) — $527 Million
Lürssen megayacht A+ , previously known as Topaz , reportedly cost approximately $527 million (€400 million) to come to fruition. It is the fourth-largest yacht ever built by the German shipyard and was launched back in 2012. It’s rumored that Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan, the deputy prime minister of the UAE and owner of Manchester City Football Club, took delivery of the vessel and is the current owner. A+ ’s exterior was penned by Tim Heywood Designs, while her interior was brought to life by Terence Disdale. She is equipped with cabins for 62 guests and 72 crew, as well as two helipads, a pool and a large swim platform. What more do you need?
Fincantieri: ‘Serene’ — $444 Million
Fincantieri’s first superyacht turned out to be big in terms of both proportions and price. The 439-footer was the largest yacht ever launched in Italy when it hit the water in 2011 and cost approximately $444 million (€450 million) to complete. Designed by Espen Øino, the seven-deck vessel is characterized by a sleek blue hull, a contrasting white superstructure and a ton of racy curves. She’s brimming with amenities, too, including an enclosed winter garden for dining in any season, a tender garage large enough to house a submarine and a supersized swimming pool for soaking. She also has two helipads and a hangar to facilitate comings and goings. Although the details of Serene ’s interior remain tightly under wraps, we do know Pascale Reymond of Reymond Langton Design penned the 43,056-square-foot living quarters.
Platinum Yachts: ‘Dubai’ — $400 Million
Dubai was, quite literally, built for royalty at a princely fee of roughly $400 million. The superyacht was originally commissioned by Prince Jefri Bolkiah of Brunei as a joint project between Blohm+Voss and Lürssen. The duo only got to finish the bare hull and skeletal superstructure before construction was halted in 1998. The incomplete design was then sold to the government of Dubai and turned into a royal yacht for the country’s ruler. The 532-footer, which was finished off by Platinum Yachts, was delivered to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in 2006. Penned by Winch Design, Dubai spans seven decks and can sleep 24 guests and 88 crew. Befitting a sheikh, she is also equipped with a landing pad for a Black Hawk helicopter, a submarine garage, a disco and a cinema.
Blohm+Voss : ‘Motor Yacht A’ — $300 Million
Legend has it that architect Philippe Starck sketched the design for Motor Yacht A on a napkin in a matter of minutes. Blohm + Voss then sold the superyacht for approximately $300 million. Commissioned by Russian industrialist Andrey Melnichenko, the 390-footer is characterized by a minimalist exterior and a highly distinctive pelican bow that cuts a striking silhouette. With a beam of 62 feet, the vessel offers a generous interior volume of 5,500 GT. She offers accommodation for 14 guests and 42 crew. She also has no less than three swimming pools, one of which has a glass bottom that creates a wow factor on the deck below. Melnichenko kept Motor Yacht A for nearly a decade before replacing it with Nobiskrug’s Sailing Yacht A . The 468-footer is not only the largest sailing yacht in the world, but also the most expensive with an estimated value of $578 million .
Lürssen: ‘Radiant’ — $300 Million
The tale behind Radiant ’s price tag is almost as long as the 360-footer itself. Rumor has it, the superyacht was built for Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky at a cost of roughly $149 million (€148.5 million). After Berezovsky ran into financial difficulties, he asked Edmiston to list the vessel for $352 million (€350 million) and it eventually sold for a hair under that. Delivered in 2010, Radiant sports a steel hull, an aluminum superstructure and gorgeous teak decking. She can comfortably accommodate up to 20 guests in 10 suites, as well as up to 44 crew. Her top-tier amenities include a movie theatre, a beauty salon, a beach club, a gym, a pool, a Jacuzzi, a helipad and a fully stocked tender garage. Certainly sounds worthy of $300 million to us.
Lürssen: ‘Pelorus’ — $300 Million
In the late ‘90s, Saudi Arabian businessman Abdulmohsen Abdulmalik Al-Sheikh commissioned Lürssen to create Pelorus . The 377-footer hit the seas in 2003 and was the 11th-largest yacht in the world at the time. During her maiden voyage, Pelorus was sold to Roman Abramovich. The Russian entrepreneur had it altered by Blohm & Voss, adding a second helipad and other lavish amenities. Fast forward to 2009, Irina Abramovich received the yacht as part of her divorce settlement from Roman. She sold it to David Geffen in 2011 via broker Merle Wood for $300 million. Pelorus features a sleek exterior designed by Tim Heywood and a beachy chic interior penned by Terence Disdale. She has several terraces with doors that open out to the sea to create a true indoor/outdoor feel.
Peters Werft: ‘Al Mirqab’ — $300 Million
The 436-foot Al Mirqab is one of the largest yachts in the world and has a price tag to match. Launched in 2008, the $300 million vessel was built for Qatar’s former prime minister under the supervision of Kusch Yachts in the Peters Werft shipyard in Germany. Penned by Tim Heywood, the elegant exterior pairs a long, navy-blue hull with a contrasting white superstructure. The interior, meanwhile, was brought to life by Andrew Winch and has won several awards. Arguably, the most striking feature is the Arabic-influenced motifs on the marble floors. Another highlight is the swimming pool on the lower deck, which can be opened up to the sea via side hatches in the hull. Al Mirqab has staterooms for 36, and crew quarters for 45. She was also treated to a refit in 2014 and thus looks fresher than your average 14-year-old vessel.
Abeking & Rasmussen: ‘Aviva’ — $250 Million
Abeking & Rasmussen’s Aviva shows what kind of lavish amenities you can get with $250 million. The 323-footer, which was delivered in 2017, features the largest gym on any yacht. It’s so big, in fact, that it houses a full-size paddle tennis court that pulls double duty as a soccer field when the nets are down. Penned by Toby Silverton and Reymond Langton Design, Aviva pairs a curvacious blue exterior with a chic modern interior. She is equipped with a hybrid propulsion system that enables her to reach up to 11 knots using only electric motors or 20 knots with the addition of diesel power. The yacht is reportedly the sequel to another smaller Aviva that was delivered to British billionaire Joe Lewis in 2007. The yacht was launched just 33 months after the signing of the contract, which is quite an impressive feat given the complexity and scope of the project.
Lürssen: ‘Octopus’ — $200 Million
Launched in 2003 at a cost of approximately $200 million, Octopus was built by Lürssen for late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. The 414-footer is regularly loaned out for expeditions and scientific research initiatives. A true explorer, it features a dive center with a hyperbaric chamber, a yellow submarine named Pagoo and a remotely operated vehicle that can dive thousands of feet below the surface. Of course, this is complemented by state-of-the-art research technology. In addition, Octopus features two helipads, a hangar and seven tenders to facilitate comings and goings. She is also equipped with 13 staterooms, several bars, a recording studio, a cinema, a spa, a gym, a library and a basketball court. (You might remember Allen once owned the Portland Trail Blazers.) What’s more, Octopus appears to be climbing in price as time goes on. In 2019, the vessel was listed for sale for a cool $325 million .
Lürssen: ‘Rising Sun’ — $200 Million
Rising Sun was designed by one of the brightest minds in the industry: the late, legendary Jon Bannenberg. In fact, it was the last yacht the Australian designer penned before he died in 2002. The $200 million vessel was built by Lürssen and delivered to Oracle CEO Larry Ellison two years later in 2004. The 138-footer is characterized by large expanses of glass that let in plenty of the sun’s rays. In addition, it offers 86,000 square feet of living space brought to life by Seccombe Design. There are nine cabins for up to 18 guests and generous crew quarters for up to 46 crew. Elsewhere, you’ll find a gym, a cinema, a wine cellar and a basketball court. As for grunt, Rising Sun promises a maximum speed of 28 knots and a cruising speed of 26 knots. She was last refitted in 2011 and is currently owned by billionaire David Geffen.
Lürssen: ‘Solandge’ — $150 Million
Lürssen’s Solandge is rumored to have cost $150 million to come to fruition, and you can tell. Delivered in 2013, the 279-footer is replete with the finest materials. The floor, for example, sports no less than 50 types of exotic wood. There are also around 50 samples of natural stone in the bathrooms. Designed by Espen Øino, Solandge has a sleek exterior with elegant, clean lines. Aileen Rodriguez’s interior, meanwhile, is full to the brim with extravagant amenities. The spa comprises multiple pools on different decks, along with a hammam and a sauna. In addition, the yacht features a beauty salon is equipped with a sink and crane that together creates “snow” à la a snow room, as well as a gym and a massage room. As Lürssen puts it, Solandge was built with pure yachting pleasure in mind.
Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…
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Das sind die 10 teuersten Yachten der Welt
Das sind die teuersten Yachten der Welt und diesen Oligarchen gehören sie.
Die Luxus-Welt ist ein Kosmos für sich – und bringt uns immer wieder aufs Neue zum Staunen, im Positiven, so wie im Negativen. Eine Yacht für hunderte Millionen Euro? Na, klar! Das sind die 10 teuersten Yachten weltweit.
#1: Eclipse – Die teuerste Yacht der Welt
Die Eclipse ist die teuerste aller Yachten und beeindruckt mit ihrem unvergleichlichen Luxus. Interior und Exterior des Modells wurden von dem renommierten Designer Terence Disdale entworfen – und von der deutschen Schiffswerft Blohm und Voss gebaut. Heute thronen auf den neun Decks des Schiffes unter anderem mehrere Pools, ein Kino, eine Diskothek, zwei Hubschrauberlandeplätze, vier Motorboote, ein U-Boot und ein Raketenabwehrsystem. Und auch für 36 Gästekabinen ist gesorgt. Zum Zeitpunkt ihres Starts im Jahr 2010 war die Eclipse mit einer Länge von 162,5 Metern die größte Superyacht der Welt. Mitterweile wurde sie aber von der Azzam-Yacht überholt. Heute gehört die teuerste Yacht der Welt mit einem geschätzten Gesamtpreis von rund 850 Millionen Euro dem russischen Ölmilliardär Roman Abramowitsch.
#2: Dilbar – Die Elfenbein-Yacht
Der geschätzte Preis der Dilbar liegt zwischen 600 und 800 Millionen US-Dollar – die genauen Besitzverhältnisse bei dem Schiff sind unklar. Die zweit teuerste Yacht der Welt besteht aus mehreren Unterhaltungs- und Erholungsflächen. Und auch der größte (25 Meter) Indoor-Pool, der je auf einer Yacht installiert wurde, befindet sich auf diesem Gefährt. Das Außendesign zeigt ein klassisches Profil mit bronzefarbenen Akzenten und einem elfenbeinfarbenem Rumpf made by Espen Øino.
#3: Azzam – Der Riese unter den Yachten
Unter den Luxusyachten gilt die Azzam mit ganzen 180,65 Metern als die längste Yacht der Welt. Das Luxusschiff wurde von Ingenieur und Chefdesigner Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi entworfen. Der französische Designer Christophe Leoni widmete sich dem besonderen Interieur im Empire-Stil des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Der Bau der Yacht dauerte drei Jahre – 2013 wurde sie schließlich ausgeliefert. Ursprünglicher Eigentümer war der ehemalige Präsident der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Scheich Chalifa bin Zayid Al Nahyan, Nach seinem Tod 2022 wurde die Yacht verkauft. An wen, ist bis heute unklar. Klar ist aber: Mit einem Preis von 613,7 Millionen Euro ist diese Yacht ein Vermögen wert.
#4: Solaris – Die prunkvolle Glas-Yacht
Diese 140 Meter lange Yacht wurde von Designer Marc Newsonder entworfen und anschließend 2021 von der nordeutschen Llloyd Werft erbaut. Im Besitz der rund 550 Millionen-Euro-Yacht ist Roman Abramovich. Der russische Milliardär und FC-Chelsea-Besitzer ist bekannt für seine Sammlung an Luxusyachten . Mehr als 2000 Quadratmeter Glasflächen und die größten, bisher in einer Yacht verbauten Scheiben, befinden sich laut Lloyd auf diesem besonderen Stück.
#5: Segelyacht “A” – Eine Yacht ohne Besitzer
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Laut italienischer Regierung hat diese Segelyacht namens “A” einen Wert von rund 530 Millionen Euro. Das Schiff wurde von dem französischen Designer und Architekt Philippe Stark designt und 2014 erstmals in Betrieb genommen. Besitzer ist der russische Milliardär Andrei Igorewitsch Melnitschenko, allerdings wurde die “A” aufgrund von Sanktionen gegen russische Oligarchen im Zusammenhang mit dem Russisch-ukrainischen-Krieg konfisziert. Unter den reichsten Milliardären liegt Melnitschenko auf Rang 105 mit einem geschätzten Vermögen von 11,6 Milliarden Dollar.
#6: Serene – Der Freizeit-Gigant
Lange war die Serene-Yacht im Besitz des russischen Milliardärs Yuri Scheffler, bis sie schließlich von Mohammed bin Salman, dem Erbprinz und Vize-Premierminister von Saudi-Arabien, für umgerechnet circa 460 Millionen Euro erworben wurde. Auf dem Schiff befinden sich diverse Freizeiteinrichtungen, darunter eine Bibliothek, ein Spa, ein Bar-Restaurant und sogar ein Theater. Um das Interieur kümmerte sich Reymond Langton Design; Espen Øino war für das Äußere des Schiffes verantwortlich.
#7: Koru – Die langersehnte Amazon-Yacht
2023 konnte Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos endlich seine langersehnte “Koru” in Empfang nehmen. 2018 hatte er die Segelyacht bestellt, es dauerte aber ganze fünf Jahre, bis das Gefährt fertiggestellt werden konnte. Das exterieure Design von Dykstra Naval Architects und das Interieur von Mlinaric, Henry und Zervudachi wurde von dem niederländischen Luxusyachtbauer Oceanco umgesetzt. Bei diesem Modell geht man von einem stolzen Preis bis zu 460 Millionen Euro aus.
#8: A+ (Topaz) – Die Yacht der Kaimaninseln
Das Design der 147-Meter-langen A+ Yacht wurde von Tim Heywood und Terence Disdale ins Leben gerufen und anschließend von der Lürssen Werft gebaut – 2012 wurde sie dann fertiggestellt. Aktuell ist der Scheich und Vizepräsident der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan, Eigentümer des Bootes, dessen geschätzter Wert bei circa 415 Millionen Euro liegt. Aktuell fährt die Megayacht unter der Flagge der Kaimaninseln .
#9: Dubai – Made in Hamburg
Besitzer dieser Yacht ist Scheich und Premierminister der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Sie wurde über einen Zeitraum von ganzen 10 Jahren vom Industriekonzern Blohm + Voss gebaut; hinter dem Design steckt Andrew Winch. Heute zählt das Boot zu den teuersten Yachten weltweit und mit einer beeindruckenden Länge von 162 Metern auch zu den größten. Ob Whirlpools, Swimmingpool, Nachtclub, oder Weinkeller: Hier finden Sie alles. Preislich liegt das Luxusgefährt bei rund 370 Millionen Euro.
#10: Flying Fox – Diese Yacht können Sie mieten
Auch diese 136-Meter-Yacht ist derzeit auf den Kaimaninseln registriert und kann für einige Kreuzfahrtziele aktiv gechartert werden. Auch sie wurde von der Lurssen Werft gebaut und 2019 an den russischen Milliardär Dmitry Kamenshchik ausgeliefert, der der Eigentümer des Flughafens Domodedowo in der Nähe von Moskau ist. Für das äußere Design des Schiffes setzte sich Espen Øino ein, während das Innendesign von Mark Berryman Design entworfen wurde. Der geschätzte Preis beläuft sich hierbei auf circa 370 Millionen Euro.
Supreme History – Das ist (eigentlich) die teuerste Yacht der Welt
Die History Supreme ist die teuerste Yacht der Welt . Zumindest theoretisch. Rubert Kuok, der reichste Mann Malaysias, soll das Luxusstück für satte 4,8 Milliarden Dollar gekauft haben. Ein Preis, der Abramowitschs Eclipse absolut in den Schatten stellt. Dabei ist die Yacht nicht mal sonderlich groß: ca. 30 Meter misst das Gefährt. Dafür bringt das Schiff aber einiges an Gewicht mit. Und zwar ziemlich genau 100 Tonnen, die sich aus purem Gold und Platin zusammensetzen. Hinter diesem Auftrag soll Designer Stuart Hughes, der normalerweise iPhone-Hüllen oder Whiskey-Flaschen mit Gold und Diamanten schmückt, stecken. Die Geschichte über das neue milliardenschwere Boot verbreitete sich schnell – und stellte sich bald als der größte PR-Schwindel in der Bootsfahrt-Geschichte heraus. Hughes hatte die Bilder für das Boot angeblich ohne Erlaubnis von einer Unternehmens-Website heruntergeladen und bearbeitet. Die Yacht hat es also nie gegeben. Schade eigentlich.
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Top 5 der teuersten Yachten der Welt
Wenn Sie eine bestimmte Geldsumme zur Verfügung haben, gönnt man sich schon mal das Ein oder Andere, oder? Eine Uhr oder ein oldtimer zum Beispiel. Nun, einige Leute gehen schon um einiges weiter. Eine Yacht gilt als einer der luxuriösesten Dinge, die ein Mensch besitzen kann; ein Symbol für Wohlstand und Reichtum. Wir haben eine Liste der fünf teuersten und extravagantesten Yachten der Welt zusammengestellt.
5. Dubai - 330,5 Millionen Euro Diese Yacht gehört derzeit Scheich Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, dem Premierminister der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und Gewalthaber der Emirate von Dubai. Ursprünglich aber war es ein gemeinsames Projekt von Blohm + Voss und der Lürssen Werft für den Prinzen Jefri Bolkiah von Brunei. Das Schief lief, über 10 Jahre nach dem Planungsbeginn des Projekts, 2006 vom Stapel und ist bis heute die drittgrößte Yacht der Welt: sie ist 162 Meter lang und kann über 115 Gästen beherbergen.
Die luxuriösesten Merkmale des Schiffes sind verschiedene Liegewiesen, Whirlpools und ein Swimmingpool mit handgefertigten Fliesen. Der hauptverantwortliche Innendesigner war Scheich Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum selbst. Die aufwendige und opulente Innenausstattung der Dubai umfasst handgemachte Mosaiken und eine kreisförmige Treppe mit Stufen aus Glas, die ihre Farbe wechseln. Das riesige Deck des Bootes besteht aus einem abgetrennten Inhaber-Deck, einer Lounge, einigen geräumigen Wohnbereichen und einer Vielzahl von VIP- und Gäste-Suiten. Natürlich hat die Dubai auch einen Hubschrauberlandeplatz für Hubschrauber von bis zu 9,5 Tonnen. Also, das kann man doch mal luxuriöses Reisen nennen.
4. Azzam - 613,7 Millionen Euro
Ein weiterer Luxus-Liner in königlichem Besitz in den Arabischen Emiraten. Die Azzam gehört dem Scheich Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nayan, dem Präsidenten der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und Emir von Abu Dhabi. Gebaut wurde die Yacht von der Lürssen Werft und man munkelt, dass sie die “komplexeste und faszinierendste Yacht ist, die je gebaut wurde”. Wie auch immer: die eindrucksvollste Eigenschaft dieser Yacht ist nicht der Preis, nicht die extravagante Innenausstattung, sondern ihre Größe. Mit einer Länge von 180 Metern nimmt die Azzam den stolzen ersten Platz der größten Privatyachten der Welt ein. Und die Superyacht ist nicht nur wahnsinnig lang, sondern zudem auch noch äußerst schnell: Sie erreicht Geschwindigkeiten von über 55 km/h (30 Knoten).
Zuständig für das Interieur der Azzam ist der Designer Christophe Leoni, der es beschreibt als "anspruchsvoll und luxuriös in einer Jahrhundertwende des Empire-Stils".
3. Streets of Monaco - 1,03 Milliarden Euro
Wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, wurde diese schwimmende Extravaganz als Nachbildung der Stadt Monaco designt, oder genauer: ein Abschnitt von Monte Carlo. Diese Yacht von Yacht Island Design aus Derbyshire County in England soll einen Wert von über 1,03 Milliarden Euro haben. Der Preis kommt durch das unkonventionelle Design zu Stande. Dazu gehören kleine Versionen berühmter Sehenswürdigkeiten von Monaco, wie z.B. dem Monte Carlo Casino, der Rennstrecke, dem Hotel de Paris, La Rascasse, Loews Hotes und dem Café de Paris. Darüber hinaus verfügt die Streets of Monaco über mehrere Swimmingpools, Tennisplätze, eine Cafè-Bar mit Unterwasser-Sehenswürdigkeiten, einen Mini-Wasserfall, Hubschrauber und ein U-Boot. Kernstück des Schiffes ist das Atrium, wo sich neben der 3-stöckigen Penthouse-Wohnung des zukünftigen Streets of Monaco-Besitzers sieben Gäste-Suiten befinden. Wir können jetzt nur raten, wer der Milliardär sein wird, der in dieses extravagante Projekt investieren wird.
2. Eclipse - 425 Millionen bis 1,1 Milliarden Euro
Diese Yacht steht nach der Azzam auf dem zweiten Platz der längsten Privatyachten in der Welt. Die Eclipse gehört einem der reichsten Menschen der Welt, dem russischen Geschäftsmann Roman Abramovich. Diese Luxusyacht ist 162,5 Meter lang und sie wurde von Blohm + Voss konstruiert. Der genaue Preis dieses schwimmenden Juwels ist nicht bekannt und die Schätzungen basieren auf der extravaganten Einrichtung des Schiffs. Zur Einrichtung gehören zwei Hubschrauberlandeplätze, ein U-Boot, 24 Gästekabinen, zwei Swimmingpools, mehrere Whirlpools und eine Disko. Was dieses Schiff besonders macht ist sein Sicherheitssystem. Die Eclipse ist mit einem Raketenabwehrsystem, Alarmsystemen gegen Einbruch und sogar mit einem Anti-Paparazzi-System ausgestattet, das durch gezielte Lichtstrahlen verhindert, dass Bilder mit Kameraobjektiven aufgenommen werden können. Die bescheidene Anzahl von 70 Besatzungsmitgliedern ist erforderlich, um das Schiff zu unterhalten. Es scheint, als ob Herr Abramovich ein wenig übervorsichtig ist.
1. History Supreme - 4,2 Milliarden Euro
Die Zeit ist reif, um die Yacht aller Yachten vorzustellen; die einzig wahre History Supreme. Und sie kostet mehr als die vorherigen vier Boote zusammen, aber das nicht ohne Grund. Dieses Stück schwimmenden Edelschmucks wurde in Großbritannien vom Designer Stuart Hughes geplant und es dauerte über drei Jahre, das Projekt abzuschließen.
Werfen wir einen Blick darauf, was die Yacht so unfassbar teuer macht! Zunächst wurde dieses Schiff aus nichts anderem als solidem Gold und Platin gebaut - um genau zu sein: 100.000kg davon! Ein dünne Goldschicht ummantelt den Rumpf des Schiffs, das Deck, die Relinge, die Treppen, den Essbereich und sogar den Anker! Das verborgene Kunstwerk in diesem Luxusboot ist das Hauptschlafzimmer: darin findet sich ein Wandstück aus Meteorit, eine Statue aus T-Rex-Knochen, ein 68 Kilogramm schweres Panorama-Aquarium aus 24-Karat Gold und eine Likörflasche mit einem 18,5 Karat schweren Diamanten, der 42 Millionen Dollar kostet! Das zur Schau stellen von Reichtum ist so eine Sache, aber diese Yacht gehört in eine ganz andere Kategorie von dem, was wir "reich" nennen. Es wirkt alles ein wenig übertrieben, oder? Na, das ist es auch! Als die Nachricht über diese Yacht vor ein paar Wochen herauskam, waren viele Menschen empört. Doch es stellte sich heraus, dass die ganze Geschichte ein Schwindel war. Aber hätten Sie wirklich geglaubt, dass ein Boot dieser Größe aus 100.000kg Massivgold tatsächlich schwimmt?
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The 10 Most Expensive Superyachts In The World, As Of 2022
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Tekashi 6ix9ine signs new record deal with kartel music worth over $6 million, taylor swift announces eras tour book and the tortured poets department: the anthology on cd and vinyl, quick links, pelorus – $300 million, al said – $300 million, radiant – $320 million, a or motor yacht a –$323 million, serene – $330 million, dubai – $350 million, motor yacht a+ – $527 million (formerly known as topaz), azzam – $600 million, eclipse – $1.5 billion, history supreme – $4.8 billion.
Inside the gilded chambers of a superyacht, the residents can relax in the utmost luxury with help from the staff for anything they could need and even Jeff Bezos own a megayacht . Extravagant features befitting the multibillionaires who own these works of art include several swimming pools, dance floors, cinemas, bars, and lounges. In addition, their owners arrive in luxury using helicopters that land on the boat's deck. Some celebrities own luxury yacht because of these features.
Each yacht is an exquisite work of art, equipped with cutting-edge propulsion systems. Cutting through the water at incredible speeds, their passengers experience not even the slightest pain. The boats' high prices are justified by the superior quality of the materials used in their construction. Here are the most expensive yachts in the world.
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Pelorus is in a league of its own. It was constructed by Lürssen in 2003 and is one of the world's largest yachts. The current owner, Hong Kong real estate mogul Samuel Tak Lee, paid an undisclosed member of the UAE royal family a cool $1 billion for the boat. The 115-meter-long ship was named pelorious, from the Greek for large. Terence Disdale was responsible for the interior design, and Tim Heywood did the exterior.
Both of the boat's engines are made by Wärtsilä, and together they allow it to reach a top speed of 20 knots. Not visible from anywhere else on board is the main suite's adjoining private deck, one of the ship's most outstanding features. Pelorus has gone through many different owners over the years. Hollywood billionaire David Geffen once owned it; before that, a Saudi Arabian businessman sold it to Roman Abramovich.
The Al Said is owned by the Sultan of Oman and is the seventh longest in the world at over 159 meters, as reported by Boat International. Super Yacht Times reports that Al Said can accommodate up to 70 guests and more than 150 crew members. This is something not everyone can afford, thankfully, there are tons of expensive yachts that one can rent . The yacht, named for the late Sultan of Oman Qaboos Bin Said Al Said, is rumored to have an unidentified member of the Omani royal family. Little information about its plush amenities is available, although its performance hall can fit a 50-piece orchestra.
Lurssen launched this high-end motor yacht built in 2009. The boat currently belongs to Abdulla Al Futtaim, a multimillionaire in the United Arab Emirates. Two MTU, 16V 1163 TB73L engines are under the hood, each producing 8715 horsepower. The yacht's top speed is 21 knots, and it can reach that speed quickly. The 96,000-gallon fuel capacity of the Radiant is remarkable.
The Radiant is undoubtedly impressive as the 32nd largest luxury yacht in the world. It has enough room to accommodate 20 guests and 44 staff members. The Radiant has a gym, sauna, steam room, sauna, massage room, swimming platform, tender garage, movie theater, air conditioning, and jacuzzi on the deck. It has been stated that the ship is armed with a strong water cannon that can fend off attacks.
Although the Motor Yacht A's name isn't particularly creative, the ship itself is 400 feet in length and features an innovative design. Blohm + Voss of Hamburg created this extravagant yacht for Russian oligarch Andrey and his wife, Aleksandra Melnichenko, in the style of a stealthy warship or submarine.
The Motor Yacht A is, as predicted, a paragon of luxury just like Tiger Woods' $20 million superyacht . There are six guest bedrooms, which guests can turn into four larger cabins thanks to the boat's moveable walls, and the main bedroom and disco measure 2,500 square feet.
EspenOeino, a world-renowned yacht designer, was responsible for engineering and designing the yacht's stunning appearance while they hired Reymond Langton Design to create luxurious interiors. They constructed this high-end boat in Italy in August of 2011. Yuri Shefler, a Russian vodka magnate, commissioned Fincantieri, an Italian shipyard, to build it to his specifications.
The Serene is an 8321-ton ship that is 439.4 feet long, 60.844 feet wide, and has a good beam of 10 feet. It is powered by a pair of screws, a big selling point. Up to 24 passengers and 52 staff members can rest comfortably. One of the world's largest super yachts, Serene can carry up to 64 passengers.
Prince Jefri Bolkiah of Brunei commissioned the Dubai from Blohm + Voss and Lürssen shipyards more than a decade before the ship's launch in 2006. Platinum Yachts bought it for His Highness Sheik Mohammed Rashid al-Maktoum, who had its lavish interior designed.
The boat's most luxurious features are the sun decks, jacuzzis, and pool with intricate hand-tiled designs. The circular glass steps of the magnificent staircase change color with the sunlight streaming in from the upper deck. The interior is similarly adorned with handmade mosaics of intricate patterns.
Topaz has an overall length of 147 meters, a beam of 21 meters, and a gross capacity of 11,589. The dual Pielstick diesel technical marvel has an impressive 7990 HP engine, allowing it to pull at a service speed of 22.9 knots with a maximum speed of almost 25.5 knots.
Power for the Topaz's stabilizers, other onboard electronics, and the ship's navigational systems comes from two diesel generators. In case of emergency, a diesel generator is included.
The 179-meter yacht has held the title of largest private yacht since 2013. The German shipyard Lürssen Yachts created a technologically advanced floating work of art. Azzam has a missile defense system and a bulletproof main suite. This boat is so well-balanced that even at full speed, the chandelier in the interior remains unruffled.
In addition, the total 35,048 kW output of its four engines makes it one of the world's fastest yachts , allowing it to reach speeds of up to 30 knots.
Eclipse was constructed in Hamburg by Blohm + Voss and is 536 feet long, making it the second largest ship in the world. The enormous size of the Eclipse is due to the boat's loads of luxurious amenities . This includes 24 guest cabins, two swimming pools, multiple hot tubs, a disco hall, three launch boats, two helicopter pads, and a mini-submarine that can dive as deep as 50 meters.
Additionally, the main bedroom and bridge of the yacht have fitted armor plates and bulletproof windows for optimal security, and the Eclipse is equipped with intruder detection systems and a missile defense system.
Stuart Hughes created the superyacht History Supreme for a mysterious Malaysian billionaire whom Forbes suspects to be Robert Kuok, founder of the Shangri-La Hotel and Resorts company, with a net worth of $12 billion. The superyacht has a meteorite rock sculpture and a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton statue. The master cabin is adorned with a 68-kilogram, 24-karat-gold Aquavista Panoramic Wall Aquarium
The ship's liquor bottle displays a rare 18.5-carat diamond estimated to be worth $45 million on its own. Last but not least, among the numerous lavish amenities on the History Supreme, the world's priciest yacht, is an iPhone encased in 500 cut diamonds. Guests may customize the home button with one of two diamonds weighing 7.4 or 8 carats.
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Sources: The Guardian , Super Yacht Fan , Luxury Yacht Concierge
- Luxury Lifestyle
- The Rich & Powerful
Top 10 most expensive luxury yachts in the world
By Frédéric Messina
How to remain indifferent to the acquisitions and the lifestyle of the richest people in the world: luxurious villas, private jets, or even real floating palaces: luxury yachts. Billionaires around the world are indeed engaged in a veritable incessant battle to become the “King of the Seas”. After the most luxurious cars and the 5 most unique private jets in the world, Fly Aeolus presents you its Top 10 of the most expensive luxury yachts in the world.
10. Al Mirqab: 250 million Euros
Built by the German Peters Werft shipyard in Wewelsfleth, under the name of “May project”, it is now owned by Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani, former prime minister of Qatar.
With a length of 133 meters, the Al Mirqab has 10 luxury suites to accommodate 24 guests, with two VIP suites. It can accommodate a total of 60 passengers, not counting the 60 crewmembers. It has a jacuzzi on the aft deck, a swimming pool, a library, a cinema and a helipad.
9. Rising Sun: 300 million Euros
Built by the German shipyard Lürssen Yachts, the Rising Sun was originally ordered by the CEO of Oracle Corporation, Lawrence Ellison. But the latter is now co-owned by Ellison and David Geffen, one of the creators of DreamWorks SKG.
This yacht has eighty-two rooms spread over five floors. There is a gym, a cinema, a wine cellar, and a basketball court which also serves as a helipad. In 2014, the aft part of the ship was completely redesigned to accommodate a huge carbon pool. The work was carried out at the shipyards of La Ciotat, in the French Riviera .
8. Serene: 350 million Euros
The Serene was owned by Russian billionaire Yuri Scheffler before being bought by Mohammed bin Salman, heir Prince and Vice Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. This 134-meter-long boat has endless details that make it one of the most luxurious yachts in the world.
This mega-yacht was built by the Italian shipyard Fincanyieri . It has 2,700m² of living space, including 12 luxury cabins that can accommodate up to 24 passengers. Nearly 20 meters high, it has 7 decks, two helipads, a bar-restaurant, a library, a spa, a theatre, and a warehouse that can accommodate other boats, including a submarine.
7. A+ (ex Topaz): 400 million Euros
The Topaz is owned by billionaire Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyane, current Vice Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and member of the Abu Dhabi Royal Family.
This sea monster was built by the German shipbuilding company Lürssen Yachts . On more than 147 meters, there are two helipads, a gymnasium, a conference room, and a cinema room. There are also two Jacuzzis on the back deck, next to the pool. Its eight decks are connected by an elevator that serves 26 luxury suites, all equipped to accommodate up to 52 guests.
6. Dubaï: 450 million Euros
Built by the German industrial group Blohm+Voss and measuring 162 meters in length, this yacht belongs to Mohammed ben Rachid Al Maktoum, current Emir of Dubai.
Its facilities are designed to accommodate over sixty guests. Dubai has 2 lounges, a large dining room for 30 people, a helipad, a swimming pool on the back deck, three Jacuzzis, a nightclub, a spa, a cinema, a wine cellar, and a warehouse. that can accommodate jets-skis and other diving equipment.
5. The Sailing Yacht “A”: 500 million Euros
We end our selection with Sailing Yacht “A” which stands out from all its competitors as it is the largest sailing yacht in the world. It is owned by Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko, industrialist, and philanthropist.
This extraordinary yacht was built by the German shipyard Nobiskrug . Measuring 140 meters in length, this naval masterpiece houses a gymnasium, a huge swimming pool with spa, an underwater observation pod, a helipad, and a submarine. It can accommodate around sixty passengers, including crew members. Its technical characteristics are impressive: the “A” is an ecological yacht equipped with advanced electrical technology. Indeed, it is equipped with a variable-speed hybrid propulsion system, with two 3600 kW diesel engines and two 4300 kW electric motors.
4. Azzam: 550 million Euros
Once again, the German shipbuilding company Lürssen Yachts is behind this oversized yacht. This wonder belongs to Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyane, Emir of Abu Dhabi and President of the United Arab Emirates. She was the largest private yacht in the world, before the REV OCEAN took her place with a length of 182 meters.
According to its builder, this yacht is one of the most complex yachts ever built. Even though we don’t know exactly what is inside, we know that it has a helipad, a cinema, a nightclub, an anti-missile system and a submarine. The interior, faithful to the sophisticated tastes of the Emir, is signed by designer Christophe Leoni.
3. Dilbar: 600 million Euros
We have just entered the Top 3 of the most expensive luxury yachts in the world.
Also built by German firm Lürssen, the Bilbar is owned by Russian oligarch and businessman Alicher Ousmanov. This name simply refers to the first name of his mother.
With a total length of 156 meters, it is the 4th longest yacht in the world. This yacht also has the largest indoor swimming pool ever installed on a yacht: 25 meters in length with a capacity of 180m3 of water. We can also find 2 helipads and 40 guests can be comfortably accommodated, knowing that its crew is composed of 80 people.
2. Eclipse: 700 million Euros
Russian oligarch and billionaire, Roman Abramovich is the proud owner of the world’s second most expensive yacht. Measuring just over 163 meters in length, its interior and exterior decor is designed by British designer architect Terence Disdale. With 6 decks and 24 cabins, it can accommodate around 40 guests and 70 crew members.
This luxury acht was built by the German industrial group Blohm+Voss. It has a nightclub, a cinema room, a giant aquarium, an art gallery, a bank, a casino, a wine cellar, a spa, two helipads, and an inner port with a capacity of three large speedboats, dozens of jet skis, and a submarine. It also has a very high level of security with a surveillance system with intrusion detection, armoured walls and bulletproof glazing, an anti-missile defence system, and an anti-paparazzi digital anti-photography system.
1. History Supreme: 4 billion Euros
Finally, here is the most expensive and luxurious yacht in the world. This ultra-luxurious yacht is believed to be owned by Malaysia’s richest man, Robert Kuok. One of the most amazing features is its small size compared to its price: 30 meters long. Overall, this is 120 meters shorter than these main luxury yachts competitors.
However, it is the precious metals used in its design that make it the most expensive and luxurious yacht in the world. Decorated entirely in gold (100 tons in total for its conception), this yacht is nothing but a luxury one-upmanship, and even has on board a giant 24-karat gold aquarium, diamond liquor bottles and a wall made up of meteorites and tyrannosaurus bones.
Did you believe that ? This boat never existed and this story would is invented from scratch. Pictures of the so-called “History Supreme” are actually retouched photos of the “OneHundred”, a yacht of the Italian shipyard BaiaYacths.
The most expensive yacht in the world would therefore be officially the Eclipse of Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich.
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The 30 Most Expensive Yachts in the World
Posted October 6, 2022 in Brokerage & New Build by Janine St.Denis
Whether you use this list for inspiration for your next trip, or are just curious about luxury vessels, you’ll enjoy our roundup of the 30 most expensive yachts in the world .
Price: $ 1.5 billion (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 70 members
Size: 533 ft. long
Builder: Blohm & Voss
Eclipse is a stunning superyacht owned by Roman Abramovich, a billionaire Russian oligarch. Featuring amenities such as a gym, a dance floor, a beach club, a beauty salon, two helipads, a 16-meter swimming pool, and a state-of-the-art security system.
The missile detection system and bulletproof windows in the master suite also add an extra level of security.
2. Scheherazade
Price: $700 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 40 members
Size: 459 ft.
Builder: Lurssen
Previously named Lightning, the Scheherazade is a motor yacht that’s fit to entertain with two helipads, two jacuzzis, two outdoor fire pits, a movie theater, a spa, and a gym.
Price: $600 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 80 Members
Size: 524 ft.
Launched in 2022 by Lurssen, Blue is one of the largest yachts in the world. This megayacht can accommodate approximately 48 guests in 24 luxurious staterooms. Featuring two helipads, a teak-paneled deck, a steel hull, and an aluminum superstructure, this is a true statement of gorgeous naval architecture.
Price: $ 600 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 60 members
Size: 590 ft. long
Builder: Lurssen Yachts
Complete with a missile defense system, a bullet-proof master suite, and the ability to reach speeds of 35 mph, the Azzam was made with security in mind.
While the vessel is the largest superyacht in the world, it was designed with elegance in mind, too. The Azzam was made in reverse, with the interior plans drawn up before the exterior plans, making the Azzam sleek and efficient.
5. Crescent
Size: 445 ft.
Despite being one of the world’s most expensive superyachts, the Crescent is a bit of a mystery—even to insiders in the yachting world. The ship’s owners have remained anonymous and little is known about the ship’s interior. The few details we know, however, are impressive.
The yacht has a beach club, large swimming pools, a huge master suite, and a state-of-the-art entertainment system.
Crew Size: 60 members
Size: 461 ft.
Builder: Lloyd Werft
If you love water toys and subs, then you’ll likely find the Solaris impressive. The Solaris features a crane to launch toys, subs, and tenders.
One of the major attractions of this vessel is the beach club on the top floor. It’s an ideal location for soaking in the sun and relaxing after a long day of play.
The Solaris is an explorer yacht and is also the largest yacht built by Lloyd Werft. We don’t have many details on the interior design, but if the sleek, white, beautiful exterior is any indication, it’s likely exquisite.
Price: $ 527 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 79 members
Size: 482 ft. long
Year: 2012
While this yacht was originally known as Topaz, it now goes by “A+”. When it first launched, it was the fourth largest luxury yacht in the world. Though the A+ was robbed of that title a few years later, it’s still an impressive superyacht.
The amenities include a jacuzzi, swimming pool, double helipad, cinema, gym, and multiple conference rooms.
Price: $500 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Size: 465 ft.
Nord was designed for global exploration and has an extremely distinctive exterior design. The bow aesthetic has never been seen before on any yacht and it makes for a striking first impression.
With a sports and diving center on the lower deck and a swimming pool higher up, the superyacht is an athlete’s dream.
9. Fulk Al Salamah
Crew Size: 100 members
Size: 538 ft.
Builder: Mariotti
With a name that translates to “Ship of Peace”, this yacht was designed for a genuinely relaxing voyage. Although the yacht isn’t currently used for recreation (it operates as a support vessel and transport ship for the Royal Navy of Oman), the ship has the same layout and amenities of a superyacht.
10. Motor Yacht A
Price: $ 440 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 42 members
Size: 400 ft.
With a 2,500-square-foot master bedroom, a disco, a helicopter hanger, a 30’ separate speedboat, and a glass-bottom swimming pool, this yacht deserves its “A” name.
It’s widely considered to be one of the largest superyachts and can accommodate up to 14 guests and a 42-member crew,
11. Flying Fox
Price: $400 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 54 members
Size: 446 ft.
Known as the most expensive charter yacht in the world, the Flying Fox has all the amenities of a floating resort, including a cinema, beauty salon, luxury spa, pool, and gym. It’s little wonder that Beyonce and Jay-Z chartered the vessel in 2021.
A week aboard this yacht costs around $3 million.
Crew Size: 88 crew members
Size: 531 ft.
Builder: Unknown
This yacht carries a rich history. It’s owned by the ruler of Dubai (hence the name), though it went through several name iterations during the planning process, including Panhandle, Golden Star, and Platinum.
The fine dining room on the lower deck is massive—it can accommodate up to 90 guests—and is painted in stunning blue and burgundy tones.
This floating palace features VIP and social areas and a split-level owner’s deck.
13. Radiant
Price: $ 320 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 44 members
Size: 361 ft.
If you have a fear of pirates on the high seas, you’ll appreciate one of the more unique features of the Radiant: the water cannon! This superyacht is equipped with a high-powered water cannon to defend against pirate attack.
It also has multiple swimming pools, a helipad, a massage room, a movie theater, a gym, a swimming platform, and a jacuzzi.
14. Al Said
Price: $ 300 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 154 members
Size: 508 ft.
This superyacht was built in secrecy, and not much is known about it even today. The Al Said has a colossal concert room with enough space for a 50-person orchestra. Other than that, her amenities and movements remain a mystery.
Price: $300 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 52 members
Size: 439 ft.
Builder: Fincantieri
Year: 2011
It’s safe to say they spared no expense during the building of the Serene; It’s currently the tenth most expensive yacht in the world.
The Serene has multiple swimming pools, two helipads, a submarine, and an underwater viewing room.
16. Pelorus
Crew Size: 46 members
Size: 377 ft.
The Pelorus is the kind of yacht that exists on a plane above the rest. It’s one of the biggest yachts in the world and can cruise at a top speed of 20 knots. The private deck attached to the master suite is entirely private and can’t be seen from any other part of the yacht.
The yacht also includes two helipads, landing boats, and jet skis.
Price: $256 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 48 members
Size: 360 ft.
Dilbar was originally known as Project Omar and includes a spa, pool, beach club, private cinema, and spacious cabins that are as high up as the main deck. It even has a spacious dining room and a salon with a piano.
It may be smaller than the other yachts on this list, but it’s classy and spectacular both inside and out.
18. Seven Seas
Price: $250 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 30 members
Size: 358 ft.
Builder: Oceanco
This is the second Seven Seas yacht built by Oceanco, the 2010 version of the yacht now being named Man of Steel. The owner being the master director, Steven Spielberg himself, this yacht is known for its luxury cabins and beautiful architecture. While it may not have the bells and whistles of some superyachts, the Seven Seas demands to be admired.
19. Al Mirqab
Crew Size: 55 members
Size: 436 ft.
Builder: Peterswerft-Kusch
Year: 2008
When Al Mirqab was completed in 2008, it was called the second most beautiful yacht in the world.
The Al Mirqab features 10 staterooms, VIP suites, a helipad, an enormous swimming pool, a cinema, a jacuzzi, and all the watersports equipment a person could want.
20. Lady Moura
Price: $ 210 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 60 members
Size: 344 ft.
Year: 1990
This superyacht comes with a wide variety of impressive features that include a pool with a retractable roof, a helicopter, and ship-wide decorative lettering and embellishments made of 24-karat gold. But perhaps most impressive is the sand-covered hydraulic platform that extends out the side of the vessel to give guests a unique, beach-like experience in the middle of the ocean.
An interesting experience Lady Moura had was when she ran aground during Cannes film festival in 2007 and took on water.
21. Octopus
Price: $ 200 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 56 members
Size: 414 ft.
Year: 2003
Few yachts can compete with the lavish interior of the Octopus. This superyacht includes a large study, a basketball court, a glass-bottom swimming pool, a recording studio, and an outside bar with a whirlpool.
You’ll also find not one, but two submarines aboard and two helipads.
22. The Rising Sun
Price: $200 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 45 members
Size: 453 ft.
Builder: Lurssen
This massive vessel has 82 rooms over five different floors. It also has a basketball court, a movie theater, and a wine cellar.
The Rising Sun is currently the 12th largest superyacht in the world, and it continues to undergo numerous updates to its fixtures and fittings.
23. Ecstasea
Crew Size: 24 members
Size: 282 ft.
Builder: Feadship
The Ecstasea (get it, Ecstasy?) has more than just a clever name—Thanks to the ship’s many artistic design details, the superyacht has won multiple design awards for its stellar interior.
The Ecstasea features a massage room, gym, sauna, several indoor and outdoor bars, and a steam room.
24. Man of Steel
Price: $ 184 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 28 members
Size: 282.2 ft.
The Man of Steel has a contemporary and elegant interior that was designed with careful attention to detail.
Packed to the brim with luxury features, this yacht includes a touch-and-go helipad, a cinema, a private owner’s deck, and a variety of custom-built tenders.
25. Solandge
Price: $ 180 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Size: 280 ft.
The Solandge is another yacht-for-charter that costs about $1.1 million for a week-long charter vacation. This superyacht has numerous unique facilities that make it worth the expensive price tag, such as eight VIP suits, a glass art installation by Murano, and a grand piano.
Price: $ 150 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 25 members
Size: 322 ft.
Builder: Abeking & Rasmussen
The Aviva boasts a full-size tennis court and a collection of precious art pieces (including a Picasso).
The ship’s interior prioritizes comfort and a welcoming feeling of “home,” as the ship’s owner lives on the yacht for several months a year.
27. Lionheart
Price: $150 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Size: 295 ft.
Builder: Benetti
Year: 2016
With six VIP suites, luxury pools, and private balconies, it makes sense why Lionheart has attracted famous faces such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Kate Moss, and Simon Cowell. Lionheart is Benetti’s largest yacht since Nabila, which was later called Trump Princess and owned by (you guessed it) Donald Trump.
28. The Maltese Falcon
Crew Size: 18 members
Size: 289 ft.
Builder: Perini Navi
The Maltese Falcon is a superyacht that turns heads wherever it sails. It’s one of the most exclusive yachts on the charter market, and when you get a glimpse at this floating masterpiece, it’s easy to see why.
This vessel has both the award-winning performance of a sailing yacht and the onboard space of a motor yacht—It’s the best of both worlds.
29. The Venus
Price: $ 138 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Crew Size: 22 members
Size: 260 ft.
Builder: Feadship Yachts
Venus is a well-known superyacht, due to its famous owner (it was custom-built for Apple founder Steve Jobs) and its remarkably unique exterior. With its metallic silver paint job and stainless steel details, the ship is a visual spectacle.
Because the build of this yacht was shrouded in secrecy, little is known about the interior or the layout.
30. Savarona
Price: $100 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known)
Size: 408 ft.
Year: 1931
Savarona is one of the oldest luxury superyachts on the market and is available for charter. While it has been refurbished over the years, Savarona still retains some traditional charm that makes it a unique experience separate from any other superyacht.
Amenities include waterskiing, windsurfing, a movie theater, two spas, and two separate sauna and steam rooms.
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The most expensive superyachts sold in 2022
Related articles, superyacht directory.
While this year's brokerage market could not quite match the record-smashing results of 2021, there were still more than €3.6 billion in sales secured. Out of the 600 superyachts to change hands in 2022 so far, we look back on the most significant - and most expensive - sales of the year...
Golden Odyssey
Length: 123.2m Asking €150,000,000
Lürssen delivered Golden Odyssey in 2015 to Prince Khalid of Saudi Arabia, as a replacement for an 80 metre vessel of the same name. In October 2022, the yacht exchanged hands in a court-ordered private sale in Malta. Golden Odyssey 's overall length makes her the 36th largest yacht in the world, featuring an exterior by Martin Francis and interior design by Alberto Pinto . Little else is known about the elusive superyacht and her shipyard remained tight-lipped throughout her build. Golden Odyssey was recently spotted pulling into the Blohm+Voss shipyard for a refit under new ownership.
Length: 74.5m Asking €130,000,000 with Burgess
Elandess was built in Germany by Abeking & Rasmussen and remains the shipyard's second-largest launch to date. An exterior and interior by British studio Harrison Eidsgaard won her four Neptunes at the 2019 Design and Innovation Awards with judges applauding her showstopping semi-submerged Neptune lounge with windows that extend above and below the waterline and amphitheatre-style seating. Elandess can accommodate up to 14 guests in 7 rooms with spaces designed to suit three generations of a family. She has been renamed M'Brace .
Elandess was sold by Burgess and Seattle Yachts.
Length: 72.2m Asking $95,000,000 with Burgess
The Delta Marine superyacht Albatross was sold in-house in December 2022 after only 10 weeks on the brokerage market. Paired with Delta Marine's naval architecture, the yacht features an exterior design by the award-winning Espen Øino and interiors by Francois Zuretti . Albatross comes as a fully-equipped explorer vessel with an impressive 7,400 nautical mile range, a helipad and a full-beam garage for up to five tenders. The yacht welcomes 12 guests in six suites and had only ever been used privately prior to her first listing in September 2022.
Albatross was sold by Burgess and KAYZ Marine.
Carinthia VII
Length: 97.2m Asking €95,000,000 with Fraser
The mighty Carinthia VII was due to attend the Monaco Yacht Show this year but sold before she could make it to Port Hercule. Her iconic profile with its sweeping reverse is the work of Tim Heywood , finished in 'Carinthia Blue'. Onboard amenities include a helipad on the yacht's bow, Jacuzzi on the sundeck, gym, sauna, and various lounge and dining spaces scattered throughout the vessel's near-100-metre length. Carinthia VII can welcome 14 guests across her six decks and 16-metre beam.
Carinthia VII was sold by Fraser and RYacht.
Length: 92.42m Asking €90,000,000 with Burgess and Fraser
Nobiskrug 's Tatoosh was delivered in 2000 as the world's 12th-largest private yacht. In the past two decades, she may have tumbled down the ranks as shipyards push the 100-metre mark but she is still regarded as one of the most memorable builds of her time. Her exterior is the collaborative effort of Bastiaan Sonneveld and Claus Kusch , with interiors by Terence Disdale and Achille Associates . Onboard features include a French limestone fireplace, a six-foot-deep swimming pool on the aft deck, two helicopter pads, a cinema and room for 19 guests with an additional 30 crew. Tatoosh was famously owned by Microsoft co-founder and technology billionaire Paul Allen.
Tatoosh was sold by Fraser and Burgess.
Length: 80m Asking €85,000,000 with IYC
The flagship of Turkish shipyard Bilgin Yachts , Tatiana , features a "bullet-like" appearance penned by Unique Yacht Design with an interior by H2 Yacht Design that incorporates a light colour palette, textured materials and use of precious stones throughout. She was even shortlisted as a finalist in her size category for best displacement motor yacht at the 2022 BOAT World Superyacht Awards. Sold in January, Tatiana houses a bar, Porsche-designed pool table, indoor swimming pool, cinema and various lounge spaces.
Tatiana was sold by IYC and Fraser.
Length: 82.48m Asking €78,500,000 with Burgess
The steel and aluminium Abeking & Rasmussen motor yacht Secret was delivered in 2013 and sold after more than three years on the market. The yacht features an exterior by Sam Sorgiovanni with a loud Jim Harris interior that sleeps 12 guests in six cabins, comprising a master suite, VIP suite, four doubles and a guest cabin. The main saloon features as the yacht's primary gathering space with an abundance of seating beneath a chandelier and a sit-up bar facing the aft deck. Elsewhere, the yacht has Quantum zero-speed stabilisers and twin Caterpillar diesel engines that supply a cruising speed of 14 knots topping out at 16.5 knots. She was renamed Sea Pearl .
Secret was sold by Burgess and Fraser.
Stella Maris
Length: 72.1m Asking €75,000,000 with SuperYachtsMonaco
Penned by legendary superyacht designer Espen Øino with naval architecture by Laurent Giles , Stella Maris was delivered by Italian yard Viareggio Superyachts as their flagship in 2013. The yacht's contemporary interior decor was styled by Michela Reverberi and features a calm, neutral colour palette. Stella Maris offers accommodation for a total of 12 guests in seven cabins with extensive wellness facilities including two spa pools, a sauna, hammam, a dedicated massage room and a gym all within the lower deck beach club.
Stella Maris was sold by SuperYachtsMonaco and World Yacht Group.
Length: 61.5m Asking €59,000,000 with Burgess
Originally Lammouche , the motor yacht from Sanlorenzo has been renamed twice since its 2021 delivery as Cloud 9 and then Lemon Tree shortly after it was purchased in April of this year. The vessel was designed by Italian studio Officina Italiana Design with her interiors the collaborative work of Francesco Paszkowski Design and Margherita Casprini . Her four decks offer two swimming pools, a large owner's apartment on a private upper deck and a sky lounge that can be turned into a cinema area for the yacht's 12 guests. The yacht is powered by two Caterpillar diesel engines for a top speed of 16.5 knots and is currently available for charter with Y.CO from €485,000 per week .
Cloud 9 was sold by Burgess and United Yacht Sales.
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Yachting World
- Digital Edition
Best luxury yacht: 7 ultimate luxury cruisers you can buy
- Toby Hodges
- March 14, 2024
Toby Hodges takes a look at all the nominees and the winner of the best luxury yacht category in the European Yacht of the Year Awards
The definition of the best luxury yacht will differ according to personal opinion and from boat to boat. This year’s nominees in the luxury yacht category of the European Yacht of the Year Awards proved that perfectly.
The European Yacht of the Year awards are selected by a broad panel of expert judges from across the globe. These are people who spend their professional lives sailing and comparing yachts, so you can be certain that the yachts which stand out in this field are truly the best of the best on the market.
The best luxury yachts
Best luxury yacht winner 2024 – arcona 50.
When you enter the fiercely competitive 50ft luxury performance yacht market you better get it right. And the jury felt Arcona managed that. This watershed design for the traditional Swedish brand, by X-Yachts co-founder and former designer Niels Jeppesen, is a big, contemporary new Arcona, one that sees it move away from its cruiser-racer heritage and classic interiors.
The on trend styling inside and out is backed up by a premium level of build and finish quality and sailing performance – particularly if you have the performance sails, traveller and deep (2.95m) keel options the test boat carried, although the latter does limit your berthing and anchoring options.
While I doubt it’ll be raced or will suit typical bluewater use, it offers a purity of performance push-button sailing: a handsome prospect upwind in a light breeze, it transforms into a powerful reaching machine with stacks of control.
As chairman of our jury, Jochen Rieker, puts it: “The boat certainly did not win for her somewhat borrowed looks. She wins by checking all the boxes in all other respects. Slipping along gracefully in the lightest of airs, holding her stride and her balance in more demanding conditions, offering warmth, light and this reassuring feeling of utter quality down below – there simply isn’t anything to fault.”
Contest 50CS
The Contest 50CS, for example, is an archetype luxury cruising yacht, one built to the highest standards and that could take you to most waters in impeccable comfort. This model is, uniquely, available in two versions: this more conventional 50CS with aft master cabin, or the forward owner’s suite version on the aft cockpit Contest 49CS . We ran a full test on the latter after spending two days aboard in the North Sea, where that noticeably high freeboard, which may not aid boarding nor windage, helped keep us dry on deck in a steady Force 6 gusting 7.
As the 50CS proved, this Judel/Vrolijk design keeps slipping along in the light stuff too, providing enjoyable sailing in 6 knots breeze under a code sail. The centre cockpit offers a deep protected guest area, but also links well to the spacious aft deck.
And the Wetzels-Brown-designed interiors of Contests today are stunning and hard to match. The engineering, access to usable stowage, details and finish on the 50CS is first class and to get this level of quality at this size is special.
Both Contest and X-Yachts are early adopters of hybrid power, offering their bluewater cruisers with optional electric drives. For the XC 47 this was designed-in from the start to offer Oceanvolt’s award-winning new 25kW regenerative drive.
The XC 47 is another wonderfully engineered and thought out yacht for distance cruising, in particular for those who also enjoy hands-on helming pleasure. That should come as no surprise to any X aficionados, but what really struck me most about this yacht was the stowage, and the forethought needed to create that, together with how practical it has been made.
That may sound slightly anticlimactic but ask any long-term cruiser and stowage is always a priority. On deck, this constitutes a huge lazarette and sail locker, plus clever systems for launching a dinghy via davits and a liferaft canister, while below decks every square inch of space has been used effectively, with lockers hinged with gas struts.
It’s clear the Danish yard went to considerable time and effort, even building a full mock up of the interior that could be canted 20° each way.
If the deck saloon style looks didn’t sell this model to all – this is the first full non-Jeppesen designed X – the jury were converted once they’d taken the helm. ‘Quirky’ became ‘muscular and bold’. The ease with which it can be sailed from the cockpit was also appreciated.
While I understand many offshore cruisers like a protected centre cockpit and more sun protection, the attention to detail, stowage and practicalities, combined with the direct steering, motion and enjoyable sailing this X offers make it a standout new offering.
Jeanneau Yachts 55
Meanwhile the Jeanneau Yachts 55 stands out for different, unique reasons in this category, offering a completely new concept in comfort on deck while at anchor and a novel accommodation layout. Its focus is on outdoor living space.
What helps place this in a luxury bracket is not simply the price or the creative input of superyacht specialist design duo Philppe Briand and Andrew Winch, rather that its layout creates a palatial amount of private space for the owner’s suite. Guest cabins have their own direct access from the extensive cockpit via gullwing doors.
It certainly makes sense for solo owners or couples using it as a warm water apartment. How many people this will suit is another question, as it segregates any guests, crew or children from the galley and saloon.
I used the term monocat when I first viewed it, as the 55 really does attempt to mix the two worlds, particularly in terms of providing owner privacy and lounging space. Choose the rigid hard top and windshield and there’s a vast amount of covered area including a dinette and chart table – plus a bimini can shade all that extensive aft deck too.
The penalty comes in additional weight and wetted surface, and is felt in the handling and performance, the latter particularly in lighter breeze with the optional in-mast furling, self tacking headsail and shallow draught package we had. However, it’s set up to be easily managed from the mid cockpit with good visibility from the twin helms and easy circulation thanks to the ramped side decks. Full report in YW February 2024.
Best luxury yacht 2023
Best luxury yacht winner – oyster 495.
It is hard to imagine that the decor of a yacht can change its look and feel quite this much, yet the layout of this second 495, Eddie Jordan’s dramatic looking Tuga , is in fact identical to the first boat that I spent several days aboard last summer.
At its heart is a wonderfully (Humphreys) designed and engineered luxury bluewater cruiser conceived from the ground up, built in a new dedicated facility to a repeatable quality very few yards are capable of.
The 495 offers consistent passage making speeds in real voluminous comfort – whether enjoyed from the deep cockpit or the best-in-class aft cabin. Deck stowage and mechanical space is also superb.
Then factor in the family appeal of Oyster’s after sales and world rally programme and you start to appreciate the premium world this sub 50-footer gives access to.
The first yacht fully conceived under CEO Richard Hadida’s reign, this is also the smallest completely new Oyster 495 since 2005 – and it’s a triumph. It was our September 2022 cover star in which we featured the full review from our Oyster 495 three day test .
Beneteau Oceanis Yacht 60
The Oceanis Yacht 60 is a very different beast indeed to the 62 it replaces as flagship for the Beneteau range. The yard has learned plenty from the success of the First 53/OY 54 and wanted to create a 60 in this style and with the same deck layout (albeit larger and wider) and ease of circulation.
The construction experience of the smaller model clearly helped too, as this is a whopping five tonnes lighter than the bulky OY62 and with a deeper (2.6m) keel. The telling result is on the water. It feels sporty to helm and we averaged a knot slower than the single figure 6-8 knot windspeeds upwind and matched them reaching with Code 0 and a slight swell.
The vast cockpit works well, sheltered below the semi rigid bimini, it has plentiful lounging space with sailing systems led aft to the twin helms. The interior sees a 3+3 layout, where Beneteau wanted to get rid of the corridor effect of the OY62. The galley is forward to help open out space, while the forward suite with offset berth and headboard aft works well to give space with privacy.
This is an attractive, voluminous yacht that leaves a good overall impression whether under sail, on or below decks.
Ice 62 Targa
It all looks pretty funky below decks on the Ice 62 Targa too, especially if you’re watching the masthead fore and aft cameras (plus bow and prop cam) on central displays mounted in the saloon while you slip out of the dock! The Ice is a seriously impressive, contemporary yacht, one that in looks, performance and execution, won over many of the judges.
The first to launch is a highly customised project for a passionate sailing owner who covers long distances solo – he’d already sailed it 3,000 miles around the Med that autumn. It’s impressively stiff, sails handsomely and, thanks to a telescopic keel, points well. We matched single figure windspeeds, and clocked up to the high 9s in 12 knots wind.
Umberto Felci’s team spent 4,000 hours on the design, providing lots of space and light to the interior and a chillout zone in the semi raised saloon. This was easily the coolest looking yacht, with its aggressive reverse bow, chamfered gunwales and carbon T-top bimini, and all engineered and built to a high standard.
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One day in Sergiev Posad, the perfect day trip from Moscow
July 6, 2018 by Karen Turner Leave a Comment
Moscow is a stunning city, however culture lovers cannot miss the stunning Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius in Sergiev Posad. This stunning Russian UNESCO recognized monastery is an easy day trip from Moscow and perfect for those interested in learning about the Russian Orthodox Church. Keep reading for tips on visiting Sergiev Posad from Moscow.
- 0.1 Why you must visit Sergiev Posad
- 0.2 How to visit Sergiev Posad from Moscow
- 0.3 History of Sergiev Posad
- 0.4.1 Avoid major Russian holidays and popular tourist holidays.
- 0.4.2 You must dress appropriately.
- 0.4.3 Bring cash for food
- 0.4.4 Buy bread and dumplings
- 0.4.5 Be careful with your selfie sticks & respect pilgrims/monks
- 0.4.6 The water is holy!
- 0.4.7 Most buildings aren’t for the general public, only pilgrims
- 0.4.8 Visit the museum to see the treasures
- 1 Have you been to Sergiev Posad?
How to visit Sergiev Posad from Moscow
If you have a car, there’s free ample parking about fifteen minutes away, close to Hotel Optimalniy. To visit Sergiev Posad from Moscow, you can take the express train towards Aleksandrov and get off at Sergiev Posad.
Alternatively, you can take the suburban train from Yaroslavsky train station. (You may need to ask for help at the ticket booth as I personally struggled with the suburban ticket machine.)
If you’re less keen on figuring out the trains, you can take a private tour of Sergiev Posad from Moscow, including transport .
History of Sergiev Posad
Sergiev Posad was originally a lavra. A lavra is monastery with with cells to enable monks to have time to privately reflect on religion. Sergiev Posad was founded in 1337 by St Sergius of Radonezh. St. Serguis is one of the most well known Russian saints who went to become a monk together with his brother and decided to build this lavra in a secluded forest to enable them to reflect more on religion. After, this time other monks chose to join their lavra. In 1345, the lavra became a monastery, which had a small wooden church at its core.
In 1408, the monastery was burned down by the Tatars although it was rebuilt again. By the 1500s, Sergiev Posad held the Moscow Patriarchate and it became one of the most important places in the Russian Orthodox religion.
Eventually, the lavra turned into a posad. A posad is a fortified settlement that that adjoins a monastery. These craftsmen and merchants often created their own shops in the surrounding area. This was the basis of the city of Sergiev Posad, which surrounds the monastery today. Even Ivan the Terrible came here for a blessing. Sidenote: Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession (a Soviet movie filmed in 1973) was filmed in an almost identical location.)
In a later period, the walls kept out an army with over 30,000 soldiers. As a result, it was often a hiding place for royal family members. Luckily, this stunning monastery survived the Stalin era with its icons intact. The most famous icon at Sergiev Posad is the Trinity, which was painted by famous Russian painter Andrei Rublev.
What you need to know before visiting Sergiev Posad
Avoid major Russian holidays and popular tourist holidays.
Did you really think that one of the major Russian Orthodox monasteries outside of Moscow wouldn’t be visited by many tourists? It’s a popular destination with tour bus groups visiting Russia from all over the world. You can avoid the bulk of the tourist groups by visiting early or late in the day as most groups will visit in the early afternoon.
Be very careful about when you visit as there will be major crowds if you overlap with a major Orthodox holiday. In particular, the Russian Christmas season and Easter season are popular times to visit Sergiev Posad as the monastery is a major place for pilgrims.
I visited after New Year’s Eve in the week leading up to Orthodox Christmas. It was busier than usual with pilgrims, according to my friend, so check the Orthodox calendar before you visit.
You must dress appropriately.
The Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius is one of the most holy places in the Russian Orthodox Church, so you must think about what you wear. Even if you visit in winter, you’ll want to dress warmly as the Russian winters live up to their reputation.
In winter, appropriate dress isn’t as much an issue, however I was actually a bit self conscious about my hair showing as many women had their hair covered. I also saw many women in long skirts although it’s not required.
I’d recommend avoiding skimpy clothes and/or ripped clothes. If you’re a woman visiting in non-winter months, I’d recommend wearing a long skirt and wearing something to cover your shoulders/arms with .
In winter, bring a baklava (if you struggle with breathing in cold air), warm gloves that allow you to use your camera/phone (I prefer leather gloves with a wool lining) , a hat , a good winter coat , and a good scarf. You’ll spend most of your time walking around the grounds, so it’s important to dress warmly. I was wearing jeans with tights underneath in addition to regular sneakers although winter boots are a good idea.
Bring cash for food
We had several issues at the monastery where the restaurants didn’t accept cards. Simply, bring cash if you intend to buy things although the official gift shop accepted credit cards. At the gift shop, you can purchase a number of souvenirs, including intricately wooden souvenirs as well as religious texts.
Buy bread and dumplings
Although a couple of people online complained about the high prices at the restaurant by the monastery, I was very pleased to have the tea as well as the dumplings on the cold day that I visited. The monastery bread is famous among Russians and absolutely delicious, so be sure to follow the lead of the locals. (The restaurant near the entrance was cash only at the time that I visited earlier this year.)
Be careful with your selfie sticks & respect pilgrims/monks
Many people are here to pray, so be careful with your selfie sticks as they’re not appreciated here due to the crowds. Similarly, try to be respectful of those in prayer as this is truly a very meaningful pilgrimage location.
The water is holy!
There’s a famous well here–and it’s considered good luck to purchase holy water at St Sergius Lavra. The water is considered to be holy as one of the first to drink the water was a blind monk who was cured after drinking it. (You can purchase it at the gift shop.)
Most buildings aren’t for the general public, only pilgrims
You will see a lot of people lined up around the grounds of St. Serguis Lavra at some of the smaller chapels intended for the general public as the main churches are intended for monks. Most of these people are awaiting blessings. If you’re not Russian Orthodox, abstain from waiting in line as you are not allowed to take photos inside. Behind the most beautiful buildings, you’ll see the seminary as well as a number of buildings reserved for monks/pilgrims, rather than the general public.
Visit the museum to see the treasures
You can book a tour of the monastery by the monks in English by reserving ahead on their website or calling one of the numbers on their websites to book an excursion. Be sure to book in advance as this is popular and not that many tours are offered. Phone number to call: 8 (496) 540-57-21
If you’re interested in viewing some of the 120,000+ artifacts that are housed here, be sure to visit the museum of church treasures behind the Trinity cathedral, which costs an entry fee. The main monastery is free to visit, so this is a good deal by comparison.
Have you been to Sergiev Posad?
About Karen Turner
New Yorker–born and raised. Currently living in the Hague, the Netherlands after stints in Paris and Amsterdam. Lover of travel, adventure, nature, city, dresses, and cats.
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Heyman 42 PPH : Neue, wohl bestaussehende Deckssalonyacht im Test
Jochen Rieker
· 19.10.2024
Heyman 42 PPH fehlt es nicht an distinguierter Eleganz
Diverse verbesserungen geplant, segelleistungen gehen in ordnung, quasi außer konkurrenz.
- Konstrukteur Gabriel Heyman ist ein a
Die Messwerte zum Test der Heyman 42 PPH
Die heyman 42 pph im detail, ausstattung, preise und werft, yacht-bewertung der heyman 42 pph.
Wer länger auf ihr unterwegs ist, und da reichen schon anderthalb Spätsommertage auf der windigen Ostsee, fragt sich irgendwann unweigerlich, warum eigentlich nicht alle Fahrtenyachten als Deckssalon-Konstruktionen gebaut werden. Schon das Anbordkommen gleicht bei der Heyman 42 einer Offenbarung.
Der Niedergang, wenn man denn überhaupt davon sprechen mag, führt gerade mal zwei flache Stufen tiefer, nicht in den Keller, der im modernen Bootsbau ohnehin als Metapher ausgedient hat, weil heute praktisch alle Schiffe über Rumpffenster und dadurch auch unter Deck über viel natürliches Licht verfügen. Auf der Schwedin aber gewinnt der Begriff „Transparenz“ eine ganz eigene Bedeutung. Das Drinnen verschmilzt hier mit dem Draußen so uneingeschränkt, dass die Crew im Salon oder der Pantry nie den Bezug zur Umgebung verliert – sei es die Kieler Außenförde oder der Liegeplatz am Treidelsteg in Schilksee, wo wir das imposante Boot im Rahmen der Selektion für Europas Yacht des Jahres erstmals erproben können.
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Sie stand schon auf unserer Test-Liste, seit wir vor zwei Jahren erste Zeichnungen einsehen konnten, aus vielerlei Gründen. Da ist, zum einen, ihr Konstrukteur und Namensgeber, Gabriel Heyman, der zwar nicht zu den bekanntesten Architekten der Zunft zählt, aber fraglos zu deren innovativsten Köpfen. Da sind die vielen genialen Ideen, die das Boot über das Gros des Marktes stellen, etwa die „falschen“ achteren Rumpffenster, die sich zu seitlichen Tritten ausklappen lassen, oder die aufstellbaren Solarpaneele auf dem vorderen Kajütaufbau, die eine höhere Leistungsausbeute ermöglichen oder wahlweise eine bequeme Rückenlehne bilden, wenn man sich auf dem Vordeck ausstrecken möchte.Und da ist das Gesamtkonzept eines universell einsetzbaren Langfahrtschiffs mit allem Komfort einer Deckssalonyacht und dem Tiefgang eines Kleinkreuzers, was es so kein zweites Mal am Markt gibt.
Meistgelesene Artikel
Wie alle Boote ihrer Art ist die neue Skandinavierin freilich ein teures Vergnügen: Um die 700.000 Euro kostet sie segelklar ab Werft. Wer diese Summe erübrigen kann, darf sich auf eine seltene und selten gut gebaute Yacht freuen, die in jedem Hafen wohlwollende Blicke auf sich zieht.
Ihre Linien haben etwas von der Ernsthaftigkeit und Praktikabilität eines Lotsenboots: viel Sprung, klassisches Yachtheck, gerader Aufbau. Gleichwohl fehlt es der Heyman nicht an distinguierter Eleganz. Weil sie bewusst als Eignerschiff konzipiert wurde, hat sie nur zwei Kabinen und eine Nasszelle, allesamt mittschiffs oder vorn untergebracht.
So bleibt achtern ein riesiges, zudem niedriges, aber hoch umsülltes Cockpit mit sehr großen Backskisten. Mehr als 4,5 Kubikmeter Stauraum bietet allein die Plicht; dazu gibt es eine große Vorpiek, die Leichtwindsegel, Festmacher, Fender und Ankerkette samt E‑Winde mit Verholspill aufnimmt. Genau so muss das sein auf einem Boot, das dafür ausgelegt ist, seine Crew Wochen und Monate an Bord zu beherbergen.
Der Ausbau, bei dem sich Mahagoni und mattweiß lackierte Oberflächen abwechseln, nimmt Anleihen bei Yachten aus Neuengland. Oberflächengüte, Spaltmaße und Solidität erreichen mühelos Oberklasseniveau. Selbst bei 6 Beaufort und buckeliger Ostseewelle war unter Deck kein Quietschen oder Knarzen vernehmbar.
Verwunderlich ist das nicht: Die Heyman wird in Estland bei Ridas Yacht gebaut, einer Werft für anspruchsvollste Komposit-Aufträge, One-offs, Refits und Kleinserienmodelle. Man muss sich den Betrieb als Manufaktur vorstellen, nicht als Fabrik mit Taktfertigung. Das sieht und spürt man im ganzen Schiff, etwa am Handy- und Kleinteile-Schapp vis-à-vis vom dezidierten Ölzeugschrank in der zentralen Dinette, wo jedes Fach über eine eigene USB-Ladebuchse verfügt. Es sind solche liebenswerten Lösungen, welche das Boot besonders machen.
Aber die Heyman 42 bietet auch in den Standarddisziplinen meist mehr als üblich. So stimmen die Komfortmaße wie Stehhöhe, Kojenlänge und -breite, Sitztiefe und Lehnenneigung im Salon durchweg. Die Stauräume unter Deck erfüllen wie jene an Deck selbst anspruchsvolle Langfahrt-Anforderungen.
Einschränkungen in der Komfortwertung gibt es nur in Bezug auf die Gästekammer, die unterm Deckssalon liegt. Sie ist zwar groß, luftig und hell, verfügt aber ab Werft über keine direkte Frischluftzufuhr; die Luken öffnen lediglich zum Salon hin, nicht ins Freie. Auf Wunsch lässt sich immerhin ein leise laufendes Gebläse ordern, das Luft durch das Gitter achtern des Backbord-Aufbaufensters ansaugt und nach unten pumpt.
Die Baunummer 2 wies in der Dinette wie in der Gästekammer vereinzelt Polsterteilungen auf, die nicht ganz zu den darunter liegenden Zugängen der Staufächer passten. So muss man zwei Polster abnehmen, um ein Abteil zu erreichen. Das soll bei den folgenden Booten behoben sein, versichert Gabriel Heyman, der eine Liste mit weiteren Verbesserungsmaßnahmen pflegt.
Darauf stehen auch andere sinnvolle Punkte. So wird die Drainage der großen Zugangsluke zum Maschinenraum im Plichtboden verbessert, von bisher zwei auf künftig vier Ablaufkanäle erweitert. Der Spalt zwischen Cockpit und Badeplattform wird mit einer federbelasteten Silikonmembran verschlossen. Sie soll verhindern, dass sich nachlaufende Seen in die tief liegende Plicht schleichen, wie vereinzelt beim Test geschehen; umgekehrt sollen sie aber öffnen, um überkommendes Wasser schnell nach achtern ablaufen zu lassen.
Was sich konstruktiv nicht ohne Weiteres beheben lässt, ist der generell eingeschränkte Zugang zu wichtigen Komponenten: Das obere Ruderlager lässt sich nur mühsam inspizieren. Um die wartungsfreien AGM-Akkus zu erreichen, muss die optionale Kühlschublade in der Pantry ausgebaut werden. Der Bilgenbrunnen im GFK-Kielflansch liegt ebenso wie die Kielbolzen kaum einsehbar tief unterm Salonboden. Und an den Diesel, im Standard ein Yanmar 4JH57, wahlweise ein Volvo Penta D2‑75, kommt man nur von oben, nicht seitlich über die Backskisten.
Seine Lage weit achtern im Schiff ist auch so eine Heyman’sche Spezialität, ein ganz bewusst gewählter Teil des Gesamtkonzepts. Der komplett separierte Einbauort, für den man bei der Wartung gewisse Zugeständnisse in Kauf nehmen muss, sorgt zum einen für sehr geringe Lärmpegel in den Wohnbereichen. Zum anderen dringt selbst bei Leckagen oder beim Entlüften des Kraftstoffsystems kein Dieselgeruch ins Schiffsinnere.
Der eigentliche Grund aber liegt in der Schwerpunktverteilung und im einzigartigen Unterwasserschiff der Heyman. Deren Kiel muss man sich wie einen herkömmlichen Ballastkörper vorstellen, nur dass er horizontal statt vertikal angeordnet ist – ähnlich einem in den siebziger Jahren üblichen gemäßigten Langkiel. Nur so ließ sich der geringe Tiefgang von 1,48 Meter erreichen, wo sonst gut 2 Meter üblich wären. Ein gestufter, weit nach unten reichender GFK-Flansch sorgt mit dem darunter hängenden Bleiballast dennoch für eine vergleichbare Steifigkeit.
Gabriel Heyman hat ungezählte Stunden mit CFD-Analysen verbracht und Erkenntnisse aus Schlepptanktests herangezogen, um die Rumpfform festzulegen und dem Boot gemessen an seinen Kennzahlen die bestmögliche Effizienz zu verleihen. Während er sonst gern und ausführlich über die Parameter spricht, schweigt er sich über die Ruderkonfiguration wegen einer laufenden Patentanmeldung aus. Er mag nur so viel preisgeben: dass sie Doppelruder obsolet machen könne.
Tatsächlich zeigte sich beim Starkwindtest, dass sein Boot auch bei mehr Lage stets gut kontrollierbar bleibt und keine Tendenz zu Sonnenschüssen zeigt. Wenn nötig, kann man die 42 PPH auch mit dicht gesetzten Schoten von Amwind- auf Raumschotskurs zwingen. Sie erfordert dabei eine feste Hand, folgt aber jedem Steuerimpuls willig und berechenbar.
Die Segelleistungen gehen für ein stäbiges Fahrtenboot in Ordnung. Zwar läuft die Heyman mit nicht ganz so viel Höhe und auch nicht gleich viel Fahrt durchs Wasser wie eine Hallberg-Rassy 40C, die aktuell den Benchmark bei den Tourern setzt. Gemessen am geringen Tiefgang und der Hacksee sind Wendewinkel von um die 100 Grad und eine Geschwindigkeit an der Kreuz von 6,6 Knoten freilich allemal achtbar.
Wer mit ihrem kommoden Wesen klarkommt, das ja gut zu einer Deckssalonyacht passt, wird sich vermutlich auch nicht an dem wenig trimmfreudigen Cockpit-Layout stören. Nur zwei Winschen stehen für sämtliche nach achtern geführten Schoten, Fallen und Strecker zur Verfügung. Das bedingt etwa beim Reffen häufiges Abstoppen und Lösen der Leinen. Ansonsten lässt sich das Boot per Knopfdruck bedienen, weil Furler und Andersen-Winschen schon in der Standardausstattung elektrisch angetrieben werden.
In der Summe ihrer Eigenschaften läuft die Heyman 42 am Markt tatsächlich nahezu außer Konkurrenz. Vergleichbar – und dabei noch deutlich individueller konfigurierbar – ist nur die Sirius 40 DS aus Plön, wenn man sie mit Kimmkielen ordern würde. Allerdings eilt ihr ein derart stellarer Ruf voraus, dass sie trotz deutlich höherem Preis mehr als drei Jahre Lieferzeit hat.
Nahe kommt ihr auch die Moody DS41 nicht so recht, die in der Basisausrüstung etwas günstiger bleibt, allerdings nicht ganz über die ungewöhnlich komplette Ausstattung der Heyman verfügt und wie die ebenfalls moderner gestylte Nordship 420 DS deutlich mehr Tiefgang hat.
Wer eine komfortable Fahrtenyacht mit Deckssalon sucht, für den ist die 42 PPH deshalb allemal eine Überlegung wert. Das Kürzel im Modellnamen steht übrigens für „Pocket Pilot House“ und geht zurück auf Gabriel Heymans früheste Ideen für einen kompakten Tourer. Der sollte ursprünglich nur um die acht Meter lang sein, also Kleinkreuzerformat haben.
Dann aber geschah, was häufig in der Yachtentwicklung passiert: Erst wachsen die Komfortansprüche, dann die Länge, mit ihr die Komplexität und am Ende der Preis – zumal eine Kleinserienfertigung dieser Qualität nie wirklich günstig ist. Wenn der Konstrukteur die Entstehungsgeschichte erzählt, blitzt es in seinen Augen. Das scheinbar Unmögliche fasziniert ihn, keine Frage. Und vielleicht, vielleicht wird es irgendwann ja einmal eine Heyman geben, auf die der Begriff „Pocket Pilot House“ tatsächlich zutrifft. Zu wünschen wäre es.
Konstrukteur Gabriel Heyman ist ein a kribischer Tüftler
Technische Daten der Heyman 42 PPH
- Konstrukteur: Gabriel Heyman
- CE-Entwurfskategorie: A
- Rumpflänge: 12,66 m
- Gesamtlänge: 13,52 m
- Wasserlinienlänge: 11,83 m
- Breite: 4,30 m
- Tiefgang/m. Schwert: 1,48/3,02 m
- Masthöhe über WL: 20,48 m
- Theor. Rumpfgeschwindigk.: 8,4 kn
- Gewicht: 11,8 t
- Ballast/-anteil: 3,65 t/31 %
- Großsegel: 53,0 m2
- Selbstwendefock: 40,2 m2
- Maschine (Yanmar): 42 kW/57 PS
- Kraftstofftanks (2): 440 l
- Frischwassertanks (2): 500 l
- Fäkalientank (1): 120 l
- Batterien (6 x 110 Ah): 660 Ah
- Grundpreis ab Werft: 693.770 €
- Standardausrüstung inklusive: Motor, Schoten, Reling, Positionslaternen, Batterie, Kompass, Segel, Polster, Pantry/Kocher, Lenzpumpe, WC, Feuerlöscher, E-Kühlfach, Fäkalientank mit Absaugung, Segel (Rollgroß, S-Fock), 25-kg-Spade-Anker mit 50 m Kette, Fender, Festmacher, Epoxid-Primer, Antifouling, segelklare Übergabe
- Preis segelfertig: 693.770 €
- Garantie/gegen Osmose: 2/5 Jahre
Aufpreis für Komfort-Ausstattung
- Leinenverstellb. Holepunkte: n.v.
- Traveller mit Leinenführung: n.v.
- Elektrische Ankerwinsch: inkl.
- Rohrkicker: inkl.
- Achterstagspanner: inkl.
- Springklampen: inkl.
- Sprayhood/Dodger: inkl.
- Flexiteek im Cockpit: inkl.
- UKW-Funkgerät m. AIS: 3.820 €
- Logge und Echolot: inkl.
- Windmessanlage: inkl.
- Autopilot: 6.550 €
- Ladegerät: inkl.
- Elektropaket: inkl.
- Landanschl. mit FI-Schalter: inkl.
- 230-Volt-Steckdosen: inkl.
- USB-Steckdosen: inkl.
- Heizung: 10.470 €
- Druckwassersystem: inkl.
- Warmwasser-Boiler: inkl.
- Dusche WC-Raum: inkl.
- Cockpitdusche: inkl.
- Komfortpreis: 714.610 €
- Außerdem im Preis enthalten: Elektrische Winschen, elektr. Roll-groß und Fock, Laminatsegel mit Aramid-Lastfasern, Bugstrahlruder, Deckswaschpumpe, Inverter
Stand 2024, wie die ausgewiesenen Preise definiert sind, finden Sie hier !
Die Plicht ist riesig, zumal für ein Boot mit nur vier festen Kojen. Sie bietet Sitzplätze für bis zu zwölf Personen. Zwei fest angebaute Klapptische sind serienmäßig; auf Wunsch gibt es sie auch mit elektrisch absenkbaren Stützen.
Das Dingi passt entlüftet locker in eine der je zwei Kubikmeter fassenden Backskisten. Besser fährt man es jedoch an den eigens entwickelten Davits, deren Mimik exakt auf die Badeplattform abgestimmt ist.
Die Heyman wird in Khaya-Mahagoni mit abgesetzt mattweiß lackierten Oberflächen ausgebaut. Gegen Aufpreis gibt es sie auch in heller Eiche (8.810 €) oder Teak (25.470 €).
Ridas Yacht, 76411 Harjumaa, Estland. www.ridasyacht.com
Heyman Yachts, Göteborg, Schweden. Telefon 0046 707 790 003. Mail: [email protected]
Die Heyman 42 ist die derzeit wohl bestaussehende Deckssalonyacht um zwölf Meter Länge. Ihre ausgeklügelte Konstruktion begeistert mit hohem Fahrtenkomfort und sehr guter Fertigungsqualität. Das Cockpit-Layout verkompliziert aber die Bedienung unnötig, und Baunummer 2 war noch nicht ganz mängelfrei
Konstruktion und Konzept
- + Gut integrierter Deckssalon
- + Fairer Preis
- - Tief liegende Plicht nimmt bei Seegang Wasser von achtern
Segelleistung und Trimm
- + Knopfdruck-Bedienung
- + Transparente Steuerung …
- - … bei etwas viel Ruderdruck
- - Mäßige Amwind-Leistungen
Wohnen und Ausbauqualität
- + Kein Knistern, kein Knarzen
- + Sehr komfortable Kojenmaße
- - Keine Frischluftzufuhr in der Gästekammer
Ausrüstung und Technik
- + Famose Serienausstattung
- - Eingeschränkte Erreichbarkeit wichtiger Komponenten wie Motor, Batterien, Bilgenbrunnen
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Our Sergiyev posad luxury real estate collection could in most cases include Luxury & exclusive homes, luxury apartments, penthouses, mansions, duplexes, sea facing luxury homes, lake facing homes, bungalows, lavish villas and many more lifestyle properties from luxury real estate developers in Sergiyev posad, luxury property agents in Sergiyev posad and luxury property owners in Sergiyev posad.
Luxury Abode also has some of the best luxury real estate brokers in Sergiyev posad who most of the times post some of their most exclusive luxury real estate inventories in Sergiyev posad on our luxury portal. Luxury home listings in Sergiyev posad are also sourced through premium luxury real estate agencies in Sergiyev posad who present their most prestigious homes in Sergiyev posad with all the relevant details.
Our target audience includes some of the most genuine and serious luxury property investors in Sergiyev posad, luxury real estate connoisseurs, luxury real estate developers and dealers across Sergiyev posad.
We do our best to ensure that every luxury property sale listing in Sergiyev posad or also rental luxury home listings in Sergiyev posad have maximum details including good quality images, size, location, neighborhood, amenities, facilities and other important information.
As one of the premium destinations for luxury properties in Sergiyev posad Luxury Abode Real Estate Sergiyev posad will apply its utmost efforts to ensure maximum luxury real estate options in Sergiyev posad for you.
Online luxury real estate portal for Sergiyev posad
If you are a luxury real estate developer in Sergiyev posad or a luxury property consultant in Sergiyev posad you can work together with Luxury Abode real estate team for the most effective luxury real estate marketing in Sergiyev posad location. You can access many choices for online luxury property marketing and luxury project marketing in Sergiyev posad on LuxuryAbode. Digital luxury real estate marketing for Sergiyev posad properties on Luxury Abode aids in generating a good number of buyer leads for luxury properties in Sergiyev posad.
As one of the strongest and efficient online luxury real estate marketing companies for Sergiyev posad luxury homes, LuxuryAbode.com real estate in Sergiyev posad is committed to offer the best luxury property promotions and luxury home lead generation support to all stakeholders of luxury real estate in Sergiyev posad.
The Luxury Talk
Russian Real Estate Pandemic Boom Helps Leading Real Estate Companies Mint Huge Profits
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- 29th Sep 2021
Russian real estate tycoons are making a lot of profits post some government decis ...
Tatyana Bakalchuk Founded Largest Russian Online Retailer Wildberries Expanding to Baltics
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The biggest online fashion retailer in Russia, Wildberries is growing its base to ...
In a Big Move, Yandex of Russia Will Buy Online Fashion Retailer KupiVIP
- 1st Jun 2021
The big news with Yandex currently is that it has confirmed its plan to purchase o ...
Brand Story - Faberge Jewelry
- Brand Story
- 25th Jun 2020
Brand Story - Faberge Jewelry ...
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1 Eclipse - Die teuerste Yacht der Welt - 850 Millionen Euro. Der russische Multi-Milliardär Roman Abramowitsch ist der Besitzer der teuersten Yacht der Welt. Die „Eclipse" war von 2010 bis zum Bau der „Azzam" 2013 die längste Yacht der Welt und wurde in Hamburg gefertigt. Obwohl die Eclipse nach dem Stapellauf noch einmal eine ...
Lürssen: 'Dilbar' — $800 Million. Delivered in 2016, Lürssen's Dilbar is the largest motor yacht in the world by gross tonnage. It's also the most expensive with an original price tag ...
Die History Supreme ist die teuerste Yacht der Welt. Zumindest theoretisch. Rubert Kuok, der reichste Mann Malaysias, soll das Luxusstück für satte 4,8 Milliarden Dollar gekauft haben. Ein Preis ...
Having 200 million of course! At just shy of the $200M mark (with recent price changes in 2022 and 2023, noted above) KISMET still tops our list as the most expensive yacht in the world for sale on YachtWorld currently. This award-winning superyacht features a gorgeous exterior design by Espen Espen Oeino and a decadent interior by the world ...
Eclipse - $1.5 Billion - A Closer Look at the Most Expensive Yacht Ever Built. At 533 feet long, motor yacht ECLIPSE is considered the most expensive private yacht in the world. But what makes it perhaps even more unique are its intruder and missile detection systems, bullet-proof windows, and anti-paparazzi laser shield.
10. Dubai - $400 million. The Dubai is reportedly owned by the Prime Minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The yacht was constructed by Blohm+Voss in 2006. It measures 161.8 meters and is one of the most extravagant superyachts in the world, equipped with a mosaic swimming pool, several sunbathing areas, and ...
Erfahren Sie, welche Yachten die reichsten Menschen der Welt besitzen und was sie auszeichnet. Von der riesigen Dubai über die nachgebildete Streets of Monaco bis zur schnellen Azzam - hier sind die fünf teuersten und extravagantesten Yachten der Welt.
Builder: Amels Length: 89m Designers: Tim Heywood, Azure Yacht Design and Naval Architecture, Winch Design. Here Comes the Sun was delivered in 2017 as the flagship of the Amels fleet, a title that she has held for the past six years. She was commissioned by a repeat client with a penchant for The Beatles and has an exterior and interior from the boards of design royalty: Tim Heywood and ...
Radiant - $320 million. A or Motor Yacht A -$323 million. Serene - $330 million. Dubai - $350 million. Motor Yacht A+ - $527 million (formerly known as Topaz) Azzam - $600 million. Eclipse - $1.5 billion. History Supreme - $4.8 billion. Inside the gilded chambers of a superyacht, the residents can relax in the utmost luxury with ...
After the most luxurious cars and the 5 most unique private jets in the world, Fly Aeolus presents you its Top 10 of the most expensive luxury yachts in the world. 10. Al Mirqab: 250 million Euros. Built by the German Peters Werft shipyard in Wewelsfleth, under the name of "May project", it is now owned by Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani, former ...
8. 2004 Mitsubishi Omega. Yes, Mitsubishi builds superyachts in Japan, and the 270' long, 2004 Omega is the most expensive one on the market right now at $64,073,700. The mahogany interior is ready for business with a conference room, satellite LAN access, conference call capabilities, and notebooks with GSM access.
3. Blue. Price: $600 million (This price is an estimate, the exact price is not known) Crew Size: 80 Members. Size: 524 ft. Builder: Lurssen. Year: 2022. Launched in 2022 by Lurssen, Blue is one of the largest yachts in the world. This megayacht can accommodate approximately 48 guests in 24 luxurious staterooms.
Self-isolation aboard a private boat — whether a 454-foot superyacht or a 40-foot catamaran — is becoming a part of a new reality. In April, a self-isolated billionaire sent his first (pretty high-profile) tweet from one of the world's most expensive superyachts somewhere near Grenadines. During the summer, brokers promoted yacht charters as the "safest version of self-isolated ...
The Delta Marine superyacht Albatross was sold in-house in December 2022 after only 10 weeks on the brokerage market. Paired with Delta Marine's naval architecture, the yacht features an exterior design by the award-winning Espen Øino and interiors by Francois Zuretti. Albatross comes as a fully-equipped explorer vessel with an impressive 7,400 nautical mile range, a helipad and a full-beam ...
The Top 100. A comprehensive and accurate list of the largest luxury yachts set to launch in 2024. A live list of the Top 100 largest superyachts in the world as it currently stands. The Top 100 luxury yachts launched in 2023 who defined the last year in large yachting. Has your yacht ever been in the Top 100? Search any yacht to view its ranking.
Best luxury yacht winner - Oyster 495. It is hard to imagine that the decor of a yacht can change its look and feel quite this much, yet the layout of this second 495, Eddie Jordan's dramatic ...
You can find this book on Amazon! Sergiev Posad (Сергиев Посад) holds one of the most famous Russian Orthodox monasteries that can be easily visited from Moscow on a day trip. Although Moscow is full of stunning architecture, there's nothing like the candy-like domes of the Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius in Sergiev Posad and the ...
Wie alle Boote ihrer Art ist die neue Skandinavierin freilich ein teures Vergnügen: Um die 700.000 Euro kostet sie segelklar ab Werft. Wer diese Summe erübrigen kann, darf sich auf eine seltene und selten gut gebaute Yacht freuen, die in jedem Hafen wohlwollende Blicke auf sich zieht.
Sergiyev Posad (Russian: Сергиев Посад, IPA: [ˈsʲɛrgʲɪ(j)ɪf pɐˈsat]) is a city that is the administrative center of Sergiyevo-Posadsky District in Moscow Oblast, Russia.Population: 111,179 (2010 Census); [4] 113,581 (2002 Census); [8] 114,696 (1989 Soviet census). [9]The city contains the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, where Moscow Theological Academy is also located.
Sergiyev. Or (1930-91): Zagorsk. Sergiyev Posad, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia, northeast of Moscow city. The city developed around the fortified walls of the Trinity-St. Sergius monastery, which was founded there in 1337-40 by St. Sergius of Radonezh. A theological seminary founded in 1742 remains the principal seminary ...
Our objective is to deliver the most extraordinary luxury real estate experience for all searchers. Our Sergiyev posad luxury real estate collection could in most cases include Luxury & exclusive homes, luxury apartments, penthouses, mansions, duplexes, sea facing luxury homes, lake facing homes, bungalows, lavish villas and many more lifestyle ...