Yachting Monthly

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Yachting Monthly cover

Bowsprit power for downwind sailing

Graham Snook

  • Graham Snook
  • December 30, 2020

Bowsprits are all the fashion on new boats these days, but do you need one? Graham Snook looks at how a bowsprit can make your sailing easier and faster


Walk down any marina or boat show pontoon and you could be for thinking there was some sort of nautical jousting competition afoot.

Older yachts too can get in on the act with retrofitted deck-mounted retractable bowsprits, but do you really need one and do they improve performance?

There’s nothing new about bowsprits – sailing ships have been using them for centuries as a means of creating more real estate from which to fly canvas as well as to balance a vessel’s rig – but they are more popular on cruising yachts than ever before.

Permanent bowsprit

Permanent bowsprits are often built with integral bow rollers

With advancements in sail-handling technology, a furling spinnaker can now be set up in port by one person and stay rolled up until it’s ready to be used.

At that point, it’s a case of unfurling it, sheeting in, and you have a spinnaker!

Taking it down is almost as easy: ease the sheet and take in on the furling line until the sail is neatly rolled away and perfectly tamed, a feat that would have been unmanageable by a single cruising sailor a few decades ago.

Why so popular?

Older masthead rig

Older masthead rigs tend to have large overlapping genoas, which are less efficient upwind

Their popularity has mostly been brought about by modern yacht design and the quest for better accommodation.

The IOR rules of the 70s did much to determine hull shape, but the demand for more space and accommodation has changed yachts forever.

One big difference is the rig.

Gone are the stumpy masthead rigs and vast overlapping genoas encouraged by the IOR without penalty, which have been replaced by tall, efficient high aspect ratio rigs.

The increase of popularity in cruising, and the lack of rules constraining it, gave designers a free hand.

Mast sections and materials became lighter and stronger, enabling rigs to go higher.

By moving the mast forward in the boat, it enabled designers to open up the saloon, and by moving the chainplates outboard and attaching them directly to the hull, eliminated the need for tie rods that eat into accommodation, increasing the feeling of space below while also reducing manufacturing costs.

Over the last 15 years bows have become less raked and more vertical.

This change has improved performance as the static waterline length and forward buoyancy in the hull have increased.

On deck, things weren’t as rosy for the cruising yachtsman.

Plumb bows and anchors are not good bedfellows, as anchors seem to be as attracted to them as curious hands are to ‘wet paint’ signs.

In no time there were battle-scarred bows all around the world.

To right this wrong, bow rollers started protruding forward.

Outboard chainplates reduce the loads on the mast and rigging, but to get good windward performance the sheeting angle has to be as small as possible.

Modern high aspect ratio rig

Modern high aspect ratio rigs sail better upwind, but lack power off the wind

Clearly this conflicts with an overlapping genoa which has to go outboard of the shrouds.

Leading the sheet through the shrouds improves the sheeting angle, but spreaders still prevent an overlapping genoa from being used.

With the high aspect ratio rigs and the increased ‘I’ measurement (foretriangle height), and a reduction in the J (foretriangle base) jibs went from being 150-130% of the foretriangle down to 110% or less.

Not only did this increase upwind performance with more efficient sail shapes, it also made sail handling easier:

A shorter foot can be tacked faster as half of the sail doesn’t have to be dragged around the front of the mast before being sheeted in – 90% headsails have the advantage that they can also be self-tacking.

This is wonderful when tacking upwind, but in light winds, and when sailing off-wind, you start paying the penalty for reduced sail area.

A narrow headsail loses more power at the head of the sail as the leech falls away and it is increasingly blanketed by the larger mainsail the further off the wind you sail.

This is where bigger off-wind sails became popular and, necessary.


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Downwind sailing spnnaker

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Sails for bowsprits

On older yachts with larger headsails that could be poled out, it was easy to forget the colourful but unruly spinnaker – many kites lived their life under the forward berth, used only when there are crew in abundance or on a perfect day.

Some are put off by the hassle of setting it up, others may have had bad experiences and been put off.

But with many owners opting for a more manageable headsail of 135% – to make tacking easier and reduce the need for early reefing – the lack of sail area is noticeable.

Those with a smaller headsail area, found an easy-to-use downwind sail was needed.

Asymmetric (A-sail) spinnaker

Removable bowsprit

A removable bowsprit creates space for more sail area, and keeps it clear of the genoa

Unlike a symmetrical spinnaker that requires a pole to take the load from the tack and the guy, an asymmetric (A-sail) can simply be flown by attaching the halyard and sheets, with its tack taken to a fixed point forward on the yacht.

With the bow roller now sticking out ahead of the bow it made the perfect location to attach one – although many needed to be reinforced to take the upward load as they were originally designed only for the downward load of the anchor chain.

When furling systems became smaller, by using a single continuous line and the advent of the top-down furler, it sped up the demise of the symmetric spinnaker.

Although symmetrical spinnakers are better for sailing dead downwind, once rigged, a furling asymmetric can be set, gybed and furled by one person, all from the safety and comfort of the cockpit.

The crew no longer had to dance around on a rolling foredeck, wielding a long pole while shouting instructions back to the cockpit – guidance, if needed could be spoken to the person next to you.

Symmetrical spinnaker

A symmetrical spinnaker offers the most sail area for dead downwind, but is more complex to rig

Asymmetric spinnaker

An asymmetric spinnaker has a loose luff and large area for offwind sailing

The downside of furlers is that they are expensive.

However, they are quality bits of kit that enable you to extinguish a sail with the pull of a rope.

The cheaper alternative is a snuffer or sock, but this requires someone to go forward when launching or recovering the sail and it can’t be left in position when not in use.

As bows became more vertical so did pulpits, so a line from the top of the mast could go to the bow roller without fouling the pulpit.

But on many older yachts, that had pulpits inclined forwards, to gain the clearance from the genoa furling drum they needed a bowsprit.

To get the best performance advantage from your sail, the bowsprit needs to protrude forward of the genoa as much as practicable, while still retaining the support needed to take the loads.

Taking it to the maximum

Some yacht designs, notably J-Boats, take this to the maximum with their retractable carbon-fibre bowsprit.

Others, like Fauby, have an inclined bow and have a reinforced raised fitting in the pulpit to take extra sails.

A smaller headsail area (in newer and older yachts) means if you’re trying to sail in less than around 10-12 knots of true wind, it’s time for the engine.

It’s at this time sailing folk of the 1970s would be heaving the large but lightweight ghosting headsail on deck.

Nowadays, we have furling genoas, and changing headsails is usually only performed on racing yachts or during a storm.

This is where we turn to the Code Zero.

Code Zero

A Code Zero has a straight luff and is flatter cut for sailing closer to the wind

A Code Zero is technically a racing sail, but Code Zero-style sails are popping up, as many sailmakers have their take on it and now the moniker covers sails that are usually flown on an internal luff rope, although various sailmakers have followed Elvstrøm’s lead with a cableless Code Zero.

While aimed primarily at the racing market, the lack of a torsion cable around which the sail is furled reduces weight and stowed size, and allows the luff to project further forward when halyard tension is slightly eased.

Code Zero sails are usually lightweight nylon or mylar and are furled and stowed while not in use.

They aren’t intended to live rigged for longer than they are in use.

One exception is Crusader Sails’ Super Zero aimed directly at the cruising market, which is made from laminate cloth and has a UV sacrificial strip material so it can be rigged at the start of your cruise and removed at the end.

Because of the loads and the luff rope within, a Code Zero will often require a bobstay from the end of the sprit to a point just above the knuckle of the bow to help the bow roller or bowsprit take the loads.

How furling asymmetric spinnakers work

How furling spinnakers work

Most furling asymmetric systems work in a fashion known as a top-down furling.

A shallow furling drum that accepts a continuous line is attached to the bow or bowsprit.

On top of the drum is a swivel to which the tack of the sail attaches; this swivel can rotate independently of the drum.

The furling drum is fixed to a torsion rope (one designed not to twist), and the head of sail is fixed to the top of this, above which a swivel connects the torsion rope to the halyard.

When the sail is ready to be furled, the sheet is eased and the furling line is pulled and the drum rotates.

Because the tack of the sail is on a swivel the rotating drum does not affect it, but turns the torsion rope, which starts the furl at the top of the sail.

As you continue to pull on the furling line, the sail is wrapped around the torsion rope and tamed from the top down until the whole sail is furled and the furling line can be cleated off.

Often a patch of velcro on the sail’s clew will help prevent the furls unfurling.

The luff of the A-sail has to be short enough not to hang down over the furler, and have a shallow enough draft to allow it to roll away.

Therefore, using an existing asymmetric and converting it to a furling asymmetric may be impossible.

With some furling asymmetric systems, such as Crusader Sails’ ‘Magic Furl’ system, the furling sail is pulled onto the torsion rope by lines attached to the luff of the sail at intervals up the luff.

Pulling the furling rope pulls these grab-lines, wrapping them, and then the sail, around the torsion rope.

Off-wind sail for bowsprits


Asymmetric sails (A-sails) benefit from longer bowsprits – something that has been known in the dinghy and sportsboat world for decades – as it enables them to sail deeper downwind and the sail is less blanketed by the mainsail and has a more usable sail area.

A-sails cover many different styles of loose luff asymmetric spinnakers for use from 60-170° apparent wind angle.

A-sails run from A0 to A6 although as cruisers we tend to just use one – a cruising chute, which is an asymmetric spinnaker with less sail area than its racing counterpart.

Narrower shoulders make it easier to handle when it comes to trimming.

Variations in sails

A-sails vary in fullness; if a sail is cut flatter it’s designed to sail higher to the apparent wind – the deeper the draft the further off the wind the sail can be used.

Sails also vary in size as foot length is typically 1.6-1.8 times the length of the ‘J’ and a percentage of this measurement at a distance halfway up the sail (known as the mid-girth measurement).

Many will have heard of a Code Zero sail; it’s a lightweight genoa for light winds.

Under IRC rules a sail that has a mid-girth measurement 75%, and over, rates as a spinnaker, so technically the Code Zero is a spinnaker but it’s attached to a torsional luff rope that supports the sail so it can be used from around 40-90° off the apparent wind.

They are usually flown on a furler and give extra sail area in light winds – handy if you reduced your genoa’s overlap for easier handling.

Fitting a bowsprit


If you want to add a furling headsail on a boat that does not have attachment points ahead of the forestay, you may need to fit a retractable bowsprit.

This will also give the advantage of creating space for more sail area.

I did exactly this on my Sadler 32 . Here’s how it’s done…


Sprit length is defined by the distance so the luff rope can clear the pulpit

1. Using the spinnaker halyard, determine the best length for the bowsprit – this is usually decided by your pulpit design.

I could have mounted the bowsprit forward or aft of the forward edge of the pulpit.

I wasn’t keen on the pole being in the pulpit because of the sail’s proximity to my navigation lights

Using the spinnaker halyard, determine the best length for the bowsprit – this is usually decided by your pulpit design.

I wasn’t keen on the pole being in the pulpit because of the sail’s proximity to my navigation lights.


The pole bracket can be deck mounted, or to the side of the bow roller

2. The pole is supported by a circular bracket at its forward end – the bracket can be deck, side or bow roller mounted.

Having a single bow roller (to starboard) it was decided that the pole should exit to port.

The support was bolted to the deck, and access to my anchor locker made access easier.

A spacer was added to raise the pole above my bow fitting.

3. The aft end has a spring-loaded lock that attaches to a padeye on deck (in my case just aft of my anchor locker).

Once the pole is cut to the correct length, the end fittings are drilled and riveted in place.

4. The finished pole is stowed along the guardrail to avoid fouling the anchor locker lid when not in use.

My Sadler 32 required the largest 72mm diameter pole because of its unsupported length forward – thanks to the Sadler’s forward-swept pulpit – and my wish to fly a Code Zero-style sail.

After fitting I installed a Dyneema bobstay to further support the upward forces on the pole.

  • 72mm Seldén Pole kit, including end-fitting and pad eyes, £705
  • Bow bracket ring £130
  • Installation by Crusader Sails from £250


The pole is stowed inside the pulpit

The rigged pole

The rigged pole, with bobstay secured through the anchor locker drain holes

  • Faster, more enjoyable sailing in light winds
  • Less motoring
  • Easy to use single-handed
  • Pole stowage
  • Covers anchor locker when set
  • Additional hardware cost

The Seldén bowsprit is easy to install and rig, but less easy to stow.

With a bit of thought, though, this isn’t a problem.

Once, when sailing into a quiet anchorage and going forward to take the anchor out of the anchor locker, I realised I couldn’t because the pole was rigged over the top – I had to de-rig the sail to access the anchor.

It’s a mistake I only made once.

Now if I’m anchoring, I’ll take the anchor out and leave it on the bow roller.

This test is as much about the Magic Zero from Crusader sails as it is the bowsprit.

Sailing single-handed , I think nothing of rigging in the marina and using it on the water.

Comparing performance, my 135% genoa would make 4.5-5 knots (with an apparent wind of 12 knots at 60°), the Magic Zero would take my Sadler 32 to 7 knots.

In light winds, where before I’d have to motor, I can happily coast along at 4 knots with the Magic Zero drawing nicely.

Rarely has a trip gone by in the five years since installing it when I haven’t used it at some point.

About the author

Graham Snook

Graham Snook is a photographer and journalist who has been testing yachts and equipment for over 20 years. He cruises a Sadler 32.

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A Guide to Bowsprit Configuration from upffront.com

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A stainless steel bowsprit on a boat

A custom made stainless steel sprit may cost around £2,000 for a 35ft boat and can be made so that it doesn’t add to clutter on the foredeck. Credit: Rupert Holmes Credit: Rupert Holmes

The performance benefits of today’s reaching sails in light airs , together with their ease of handling, are so beneficial that almost every new sailing yacht has a bowsprit from which efficient asymmetric spinnakers and Code 0s can be flown.

At the same time, more and more older boats are sprouting sprits for the same reasons.

Some of these are propriety units, with prices starting at around £700, while others are custom-made, costing around £1,500 to £2,000 for stainless steel sprits suitable for a 35ft boat, but double that or more for carbon fibre.

On the other hand, many others are home-made, using materials as diverse as short lengths of scaffold pole to salvaged sections of broken windsurfer masts.

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In all cases the first step is to decide whether it will be used only for nylon spinnakers without furling gear.

This is because sails with furling gear, especially Code 0s, have much higher luff loads.

This means the whole set up needs to be much stronger and a bobstay from the end of the sprit to the bow of the boat near the waterline may be needed to counter the vertical forces involved.

A sprit used for a Code 0 will also be subject to greater compression load, so will need to be stronger and in a few cases may also require side stays.

A second decision point is whether a fixed sprit is acceptable, or whether you need one that can be retracted – to avoid incurring additional mooring fees, for instance.

The third is whether or not anchor handling will be affected.

The best sprits on new boats have excellent integrated anchor rollers and stowage, but this can be harder to achieve in a retrofitted arrangement, unless it’s one that sits on deck.

Bowsprits on the market

Seldén bowsprit

Selden carbon and aluminium sprits

Seldén’s four aluminium and five carbon deck-mounted sprits are popular and easy to fit.

They can be used with nylon sails on boats from 1.5 tonnes displacement up to 26 tonnes.

They’re also rated for use with a Code 0 on smaller boats up to 6.7 tonnes loaded displacement (aluminium version) or 9.3 tonnes (carbon).

This style of sprit is easy to retract or remove to be stowed elsewhere, but the fittings will still clutter the foredeck.

Prices: from around £700 to £2,500 Contact: seldenmast.com

Facnor bowsprit

Facnor bowsprit with deck fittings

Facnor produces a range of four aluminium sprits for boats from 25-57ft that can be used with asymmetric spinnakers from less than 60m2 up to 150m2 and, Code 0s of 37m2 to 105m2, providing a bobstay is fitted in the latter case.

Prices: £700-£1,300 Contact : facnor.com

Trogear bowsprit

Trogear bowsprit

Trogear’s neat carbon sprits are typically fixed to the hull, just below deck level at the bow and hinge upwards when not in use.

The six model range suits boats from 25-70ft.

Trogear’s very neat carbon sprits

Prices: £1,040 to £3,500 Contact: trogear.com

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Adjustable Carbon Bowsprits

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Sailboat Bowsprits


If you are looking for some real speed going downwind, then you are going to need a good Bowsprit for your Gennaker or asymmetric Spinnaker. The bowsprit is a spar extending forward from the bow, it provides an anchor point for the forestays, allowing the fore-mast to be stepped farther forward on the hull. These spars are quick to add and remove from the foredeck after installing the deck mounting brackets and when in the inactive position, gives you a clear foredeck when arriving at the docks.

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The reappearance of bowsprits on fast, up-market boats has influenced the demand for this advantageous spar. On this one, fixed and in carbon, a genoa and a 180m² gennaker are attached!

On production boats, the bowsprit is more often than not in aluminum, and the sail often remains in place during the cruise. A strop fixed to the crossbeam martingale allows the vertical tension to be adjusted and thus its longitudinal axis.

This bowsprit is directly incorporated into the forward crossbeam. Its fittings allow a sail on a furler to be rigged, and the line which passes inside serves to adjust the height of the tack of the asymmetric spinnaker.

Certain models are made to measure. This one, triangle-shaped, allows the compression forces on the forward crossbeam to be better spread. It also helps when rigging the sails, as you can walk on it.

The bowsprit can get in the way once you have arrived in port. This one is fitted on a pivot, which allows it to be lifted and folded away, as long as the bobstays can be adjusted, so it can lift.

Made-to-measure, up-market models in carbon exist, from certain specialists. They are fitted as an extension of a beam taking the compression from the nacelle, so that bigger sail areas can be used.

This model, in high-tech carbon is a little technological wonder, which requires a sophisticated installation. It is retractable and incorporates some very compact hydraulic furlers in the tube!

The production builders, such as here Fountaine Pajot, don’t hesitate to offer this equipment as standard, as it has so many advantages.

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While they monopolized the bows of every ship at the end of the 19 th and the beginning of the 20 th century, this spar disappeared little by little as time went by, before returning in large numbers in the last twenty years. On our cruising multihulls, it reappeared at first aboard fast boats, where it allowed the center of effort of the headsails to be moved forward. But the geometry of recent sail plans justifies its use again on the most placid production cruisers. In general, genoas have lost much of their overlap, so as to make tacking easier. They have even sometimes become self-tacking. But even when the mast has been moved aft – as on certain very recent models – when sailing off the wind, on a broad or beam reach, they are no longer powerful enough. A gennaker or code D becomes essential, to keep up a good average speed. But if this powerful sail is rolled up just in front of the leading edge of the genoa (which is most often the case, remember we are on a cruising boat!) it greatly disrupts the air flow at the luff, drastically reducing the sail’s efficiency. And equally when the genoa is rolled up, it disrupts the gennaker. Finally, rolling these sails can be hampered if they are too close, not to mention during gybes when the chafing on the genoa can quite simply cause the maneuver to fail.

yacht bowsprit

An advantageous solution

The simplest solution therefore consists of moving the tacks of these sails further apart, thanks to… a bowsprit. And the advantages are then numerous. Firstly, the area of the downwind sails can be increased especially as the foot is going to be longer. Then, the sails no longer get in each other’s way and the air flow is completely laminar. But we can also have them working together, which is very effective on a reach as it creates a venturi effect between the two. Finally, for points of sailing further off the wind, the bowsprit has the effect of distancing the leading edge of the asymmetric spinnaker and allows you to easily sail ten degrees further downwind, compared to a spinnaker attached to the forward crossbeam. You can thus easily sail at up to 150-155 degrees to the apparent wind. As for the maneuvers, the fluidity is much greater and the clearance between the sails avoids wrapping the spinnaker round the genoa. Thanks to the bowsprit and bigger, better-performing headsails, sailing downwind and/or in light breezes becomes fun and resorting to the engines is delayed.

yacht bowsprit

Installation on the forward crossbeam

Forward crossbeams in aluminum are reinforced with an internal module for the compression. You can therefore fit a bowsprit with no problems, as long as it remains of a reasonable size. For a 45-foot boat, an 80 to 100 cm bowsprit is the right ratio. The major manufacturers, such as Sparcraft, Selden, Soromap, offer bowsprits in kit form, with various sections in aluminum or carbon. For an 80 to 100 cm length, the section will be around 80 to 90 mm. Fitting it to the bow of a trimaran requires ...

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Adding a Bowsprit can Provide Your Sailboat a Downwind Turbo-Charge

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Alloy section (mm)Boat length (ft)Total length (mm)Min length inside (mm)Min length outside (mm)Max asymmetric area (sqm)Max Code Zero area (sqm)

Facnor's range of bowsprits is made by their sister company Sparcraft (also part of the Wichard Group) - photo © Facnor

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Classic bowsprit for 32-42 ft sailing yacht

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More Information
Model namePT10044
MaterialStainless AiSi 316 steel
Length1170 mm
Width530 +/- 50 mm
Tube size (outer dimension)42 mm
Rec. gennaker115 m²
Rec. anchor weight15 kg
Evolution fitting compatibleYes
Hook ladderYes
Boat typeSailing Yachts
Ladder in casing attachableYes
Boat Size 32 - 42 ft
Step surfaceTeak

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Telescopic Ladder in Casing 88x29 cm 3 Steps in Teak

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16 kg Delta Anchor in the Pivoting bow roller

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  • Atlantic  (1)
  • Balance Catamarans  (4)
  • Bernard Shipyard  (1)
  • Black Pepper Yachts  (4)
  • Boréal  (4)
  • Catamaris  (7)
  • CATANA  (2)
  • Chantiers Amel  (2)
  • CNB Yachts Builders  (3)
  • Contest Yachts  (7)
  • Discovery Yachts  (4)
  • Dufour Yachts  (3)
  • ERYD YACHTS  (1)
  • Fountaine Pajot Catamarans  (3)
  • Futuna Yachts  (1)
  • Grand Soleil Yachts  (7)
  • Gunboat  (3)
  • Hodgdon Yachts  (1)
  • Jeanneau - Sailboats  (3)
  • Kanter Yachts  (6)
  • Knysna Yacht Company Catamarans  (1)
  • Lloyd Stevenson Boat Builders  (3)
  • Lyman Morse  (1)
  • Marlow Hunter  (1)
  • McConaghy  (18)
  • META Yachts  (4)
  • Morozov Yachts  (1)
  • Mylius Yachts  (7)
  • Najad  (1)
  • Nautor Swan  (10)
  • Nordhavn  (1)
  • Nordship  (1)
  • O-Yachts  (1)
  • Ocean Renegade  (3)
  • Ocean Voyager  (1)
  • Oyster Marine  (6)
  • Rapido Trimarans Limited  (1)
  • Reliant Yachts  (1)
  • Seawind Catamarans  (1)
  • Solaris Yachts srl  (5)
  • Sunreef Yachts  (12)
  • SunRide Catamarans  (1)
  • Vaan Yachts bv  (1)
  • Wally  (1)
  • Warwick Yacht Design  (3)
  • Wauquiez  (3)
  • X-Yachts  (10)
  • YYachts  (2)

Number of hulls

  • monohull (128)
  • multihull (61) catamaran trimaran

Intended use

  • cruising (154) ocean cruising fast cruising charter
  • racing (43) ocean racing one-design
  • cruising-racing (18) cruiser-racer
  • expedition (5)
  • classic (4)
  • motorsailer (4)

Overall length

Displacement, motor power, fuel capacity, fresh water capacity, number of cabins.

  • 2-cabin (12)
  • 3-cabin (94)
  • 4-cabin (61)
  • 5-cabin (29)
  • 6-cabin (16)

Maximum berth number

  • 3-berth (1)
  • 4-berth (1)
  • 5-berth (1)
  • 6-berth (14)
  • 7-berth (2)
  • 8-berth (15)
  • 9-berth (8)
  • 10-berth (11)
  • 11-berth (2)

Deck layout

  • with open transom (134)
  • flybridge (36)
  • with deck saloon (35)
  • with center cockpit (18)
  • wheelhouse (6)
  • with enclosed cockpit (3)
  • carbon (26)
  • aluminum (14)
  • fiberglass (8)
  • fixed keel (48)
  • twin rudders (17)
  • lifting keel (12)
  • twin keels (7)
  • canting keel (4)
  • pivoting keel (2)
  • foiling (1)
  • with bowsprit (189)
  • sloop (185)
  • carbon mast (10)

Other characteristics

  • twin steering wheels (117)
  • custom (24)
  • semi-custom (13)
  • electric drive (3)
  • with ballast (2)
  • sail-drive (2)

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cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 55

Overall length : 16.93 m Width : 4.99 m Displacement : 18,542 kg

Innovative, bold, and original, this Jeanneau Yachts 55 is a direct and uncompromising response to meet the needs of sailors who love to travel and who appreciate beauty. This sailing yacht ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht C50

Overall length : 14.99 m Width : 5 m Draft : 1.85, 2.3 m

... benchmark in the 50-foot sailing yacht category. It offers an élégant, fiat hull line and stunningly dynamic silhouette. Everything is clear and minimalist, reflecting our understanding of good, modem ...

catamaran sailing yacht

catamaran sailing yacht 1600

Overall length : 16.1 m Width : 8.1 m Draft : 0.6, 2.6 m

The 1600 reflects our aspiration to create the ideal cruiser in every aspect: this is the ultimate offshore cruising catamaran. POINTING ABILITY & SHALLOW DRAFT THE ULTIMATE OFFSHORE CRUISING CATAMARAN Captive daggerboards, which ...

cruising-racing sailing yacht

cruising-racing sailing yacht A62

Overall length : 18.6 m Width : 5.3 m Draft : 3 m

... make it a genuinely innovative sailing yacht . It is fast, responsive, fun yet easy to sail, safe, comfortable, with plenty of space and volume, both inside and outside. The design was developed using ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht A80

Overall length : 23.98 m Width : 6.2 m Draft : 3.5 m

... Pugh, and Italian yacht designers Mario Pedol and Massimo Gino of Nauta Yachts . The development and optimization of the A80’s innovative hull shape benefits from Reichel/Pugh’s experience designing the ...

catamaran sailing yacht

catamaran sailing yacht 52

Overall length : 17 m Width : 8.1 m Draft : 1.45 m

Designed for adventure and deep sea travel, the Andaman 52 incorporates the latest fiber technologies with Kevlar and Basalt, resulting in a light, robust, and efficient boat. Full electrical propulsion, the fuel cell with methanol ...

catamaran sailing yacht

catamaran sailing yacht 50

Overall length : 16.15 m Width : 8.1 m Draft : 1.45 m

Designed for deep sea travel, the Andaman 50 incorporates the latest fiber technologies with Kevlar, Carbon, and Basalt, resulting in a light, robust, and efficient boat. Full electrical propulsion, the fuel cell with methanol tank ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 50 HURLANTS

Overall length : 16 m Width : 5.2 m Draft : 1.85 m

... exploration of the world without barriers. The possibility of a custom design is very important to META YACHTS . None of our designs are set in stone. META YACHTS is open to suggestions and offers the ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 50

Overall length : 16.3 m Width : 5.2 m Draft : 1.8 m

... 50 is a sailing boat from the META range, developed since 2020. A first class offshore sailboat, the META 50 is designed for long distance cruising. Designed for a round-the-world trip, safety and comfort are essential ...

ocean cruising sailing yacht

ocean cruising sailing yacht JPB 52

Overall length : 15.7 m Width : 4.88 m Draft : 3.15, 1.1 m

... the largest yacht of the JPB range. A long distance sailboat, its integral centerboard allows it to access all the seas of the world and to run aground at will without apprehension. Its Strongall aluminum hull guarantees, ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 70

Overall length : 21 m Width : 2.74 m Draft : 4 m

Comfort design and performance are ideally combined in this project, from its natural light luminous interior through the sizable deck glass surfaces. The deck layout is divided into distinct areas offering while under sail at once ...

ocean cruising sailing yacht

ocean cruising sailing yacht 50

Overall length : 15.5 m

... In 2018, Amel 50 won the price « European Yacht of the Year ». This prize rewards the best yachts in 5 different categories : Family-Cruiser, Performance-Cruiseï ixury-Cruiser, Multihulls and Spécial ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 60

Overall length : 18 m

THE AMEL SPIRIT IN AN ENHANCED VERSION The AMEL 60 offers many more advantages than just the extra 10 feetthat differentiate her from the AMEL 50: more volume and fittings, more details and modem technology to increase comfort at sea ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 570 DS

Overall length : 17.4 m Width : 5.1 m Draft : 2.4 m

... personalise yachts for their owners, we have been custom-building for decades and with a 17m hull, we can offer you more space than ever before. The cockpit is large and as well as being practically laid out to make it ...

cruising sailing yacht

Overall length : 17.58 m Width : 5.25 m Draft : 2.4, 1.6, 4.2 m

... embodies excellence in offshore sailing , combining cutting-edge performance and luxurious comfort with a modern and innovative design. Every detail of this sailboat has been designed to ensure safe and pleasant sailing , ...

fast cruising sailing yacht

fast cruising sailing yacht GS 52

Overall length : 17.05 m Width : 5.15 m Draft : 2.9 m

... the two versions: the “Performance” version features an “easy sailing ” deck plan with 4 winches at the stern, mainsheet with fixed point, a standard self-tacking jib and standard carbon bowsprit ; the ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 51

Overall length : 15.55 m Width : 4.85 m Draft : 2.45, 2.05, 3.2 m

... 51 is a no-compromise sailing yacht , a pure sailor, more a sportscar than a limousine. It is designed to be reactive to steer and responsive to sail adjustments, bringing the sensations of sailing ...

competition sailing yacht

competition sailing yacht rocket51

Overall length : 15.5 m Width : 4.32 m Draft : 3.5 m

Born from our determination to create the world’s fastest race boat on corrected time. This is a long story of innovation and minute attention to detail, backed by the America’s Cup expertise of Botin Partners.The team settled on a ...

catamaran sailing yacht

catamaran sailing yacht ZERO CAT

Overall length : 29.4 m Width : 12.3 m

Sunreef Yachts reveals the first images of the Sunreef Zero Cat superyacht. Measuring over 90ft the sailing catamaran concept currently developed by the shipyard’s R&D department will be able to produce ...

catamaran sailing yacht

catamaran sailing yacht Alegria 67

Overall length : 20.4 m Width : 9.84 m Draft : 1.7 m

... the boat, the joy of feeling the wind on your skin or vibrating at the majestic maneuvers of the Alegria 67. This catamaran yacht , equipped with a Performance rig, transports you from sensation to emotion to become the ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht X5⁶

Overall length : 17.25 m Width : 4.9 m Draft : 2.5, 2.9, 3.3 m

... design philosophy was very clear from the outset - like all our luxury yachts , we place a huge emphasis on giving the owner a superb and comfortable sailing experience, on a yacht that ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 530

Overall length : 16.4 m Width : 4.99 m Draft : 2.3 m

When the legendary Dufour Performance and Grand Large ranges come together as one. The ultimate merger of two worlds has created a sailboat with incomparable characteristics. The Dufour 530 is a vibrant reflection of our extensive ...

catamaran sailing yacht

catamaran sailing yacht Ocean Class

Overall length : 15.75 m Width : 7.83 m Draft : 1.17, 2.49 m

... Her new hulls and daggerboards have been the subject of hydrodynamic studies and really puts into context the pleasure of sailing at wind-speed, in absolute comfort and total safety. With all the marine qualities inherited ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 495

Overall length : 16.1 m Width : 4.77 m Draft : 2.28, 1.83 m

... seascape windows and flush decks, combined with exceptional sailing performance. The latest collaboration between Humphreys Yacht Design and our in-house design studio, the new 495 50 foot sailing ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 47

Overall length : 15.4 m Width : 4.57 m Draft : 1.68, 2.13 m

Ballast – Shoal 12,500 lbs 5,670 kg Ballast – Deep 9,093 lbs 4,125 kg Mast Height – From Waterline – Standard 68’0″ 20.73 m Mast Height – From Waterline – Furling 62’10” 19.15 m Sail Area – Standard 1277 sq ...

catamaran sailing yacht

catamaran sailing yacht MC86

Overall length : 26.2 m Width : 10.1 m Motor power : 300 ch

At 26.2m in length, the MC86 offers enormous versatility and provides an appealing platform for both private use and commercial charter operation. The exterior profile of the MC86 extends the look of the MC75 cat by 11 feet, retaining ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht M50

Overall length : 15.6 m Width : 4.8 m Draft : 3.5 m

... passionate about the Mylius style: a concentrate of design, high technology, quality and performance typical of all Mylius yachts . In just over 15 meters and 9 tons of displacement, this new 50′ combines all the distinctive ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 63CS

Overall length : 19.29 m Width : 5.5 m Draft : 2.9 m

... family and friends in control, working the yacht , enjoying the entirety of the sailing and the huge space both above and below deck. It’s about smart sailing with simple but sophisticated ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 56MS

Overall length : 17.5 m Width : 5.05 m Draft : 2.13 m

... this growing industry. However the roots of the successful bluewater poweryacht franchise actually lie under an impressive sailing legacy that saw the construction of over 250 cruising sailboats. PAE’s Mason line was ...

cruising sailing yacht

cruising sailing yacht 51.9

Overall length : 15.6 m Width : 4.82 m Draft : 1.34, 2.92 m

... feedback. You dreamed of a sailing boat with unique elegance and performance, a sailing boat whose sharp design would disappear behind its simplicity of use, a sailing boat on which you ...

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Onward Marine Company

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Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 32-42 Feet

Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 32-42 Feet (With Anchor Holder)

£ 328.00 – £ 1,750.00

Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 32-42 Feet

A classic and stylish Bowsprit with Anchor Holder for Sailing Yachts 32-42ft. Provided with 316 stainless steel fittings, blackline laminate surface and integrated anchor holder up to 15kg. Simply attach with two fittings and an adjustable strut.

Also, attachments for 80 m² Gennaker are included as standard.

As for accessories, you can combine this Bowsprit with one of our Code-Zero kits. If you use a Code-Zero sail, it places high demands on the strength & bearing of the bowsprit.

We recommend purchasing one of our Code-Zero kits, so the bowsprit will be able to meet the required demands.


Additional information.

A classic and stylish Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 32-42 Feet. Provided with 316 stainless steel fittings and an integrated anchor holder up to 15kg. Simply attach with two fittings and an adjustable strut. Also, attachments for 80 m² Gennaker are included as standard.

Bowsprit Accessories

As for accessories, you can combine this Bowsprit with one of our Code-Zero kits. If you use a Code-Zero sail, it places high demands on the strength & bearing of the bowsprit. We recommend purchasing one of our Code-Zero kits, so the bowsprit will be able to meet the required demands.

Also, these kits can be provided with either a 800mm or 1000mm strut and they contain all installation parts required. Please see our ‘ Code-Zero Installation Guide ‘ for more information.

Furthermore, you can complete the bowsprit with either one of our Telescopic Ladders , which can be mounted underneath, optimising the surface of the bowsprit. As well as a Hook Ladder which can be easily hooked on/off as required thanks to the provided fittings.


Available with either a solid teak or a blackline laminate surface.

Length – (Blackline) 1150 mm (Teak) 1170mm Width – 530 +/- 50 mm Pipe dimension – 42 mm

Click here to view our useful guide –  Choosing a Sailing Yacht Bowsprit


Teak Surface, Blackline Surface, Code-Zero Kit for Bowsprit – 800mm Strut, Code-Zero Kit for Bowsprit – 1000mm Strut

Related products

3 Step Telescopic Ladder

3 Step Telescopic Ladder – Under Platform Mount

3 Step Telescopic Ladder

3 Step Telescopic Ladder in casing for mounting underneath one of our many Bowsprits or Stern Platforms .

Specifications: Length – 880 mm Width – 290 mm Depth – 300 mm Height – 65 mm Steps – 3 Folding – Casing/telescopic

4 Step Telescopic Ladder

4 Step Telescopic Ladder – Under Platform Mount

4 Step Telescopic Ladder

4 Step Telescopic Ladder. Suitable to be mounted underneath one of our many Bowsprits  or  Stern Platforms .

4 Step Hook Ladder

4 Step Hook Ladder

4 Step Hook Ladder

4 Step Hook Ladder for mounting on the foredeck of powerboats, on an existing bowsprit or to complement any of our bowsprits .

Supplied with safety strap, two hook fittings, and screws.

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Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

To be represented by Premium Yachts, Ferretti Yachts and Riva , two prestigious brands of the Ferretti Group, will be present at the Moscow International Boat Show 2013, displaying motor yacht Ferretti 530 as well as Riva Iseo yacht tender.

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT – Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project . The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

Ferretti 530 yacht boasts three revolutionary innovations: the full beam master cabin with chaise longue and two large open view windows that make it a real suite at sea level bathed in light, tones and the natural essences of teak. Moving the galley from the center to the aft section creates a unique open space that includes the saloon, galley, cocktail bar and the dining area, the cockpit area continues thanks to the tilting window. The roll bar free sky lounge and the spoiler allow the 530 a sporty appearance combined with elegantly formal lines.

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Riva , the iconic Ferretti Group brand, presented a new model at the historical Lake d’Iseo shipyards in July 2011. Featuring elegance and ease of transportation as its distinctive characteristics, Iseo superyacht tender , a 27 foot runabout, is destined to become a must-have for those who love cruising on both lakes and the sea, and, most importantly, design enthusiasts. It is also perfect for anyone wishing to enhance their yacht with an exclusive tender that will never go unnoticed.

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Due to its ease of manoeuvrability and size, Iseo yacht tender is also ideal as a tender for large yachts. Innovative and elegant, it can also guarantee comfort in bad weather conditions. Besides the electrohydraulic bimini top, it was also designed with a waterproof, automobile-style soft top which protects those on board against water and the wind during cruising.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013".

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yacht bowsprit

> > Moscow Boat Show 2015
8th International exhibition for yachts and boats Moscow Boat
Dates: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - Sunday, March 15, 2015
Venue: Crocus Expo IEC, ,
| |
Moscow Boat Show provides the perfect platform from which to preview new products, evaluate market trends, and establish long-lasting and commercially profitable partnerships. Despite the dynamic changes taking place in Russia and the rapid growth of the yachting sector, the show continues to complement and reflect the industry's demand and is a promotional opportunity not to be missed!

The best companies professionally involved into yachting and small navigation business - 180 exhibitors from 16 regions of the Russian Federation and 12 countries traditionally presented the best and the newest in the world of yachting: vessels, water sports, equipment, services, specialized mass media and many other things. The overall exhibit space comprised 18 000 sq m.


Mezhdunarodnaya str. 16, 18, 20, Krasnogorsk, Krasnogorsk area, Moscow region, Moscow

Tel: +7-495-727-2626
Mezhdunarodnaya str. 16, 18, 20, Krasnogorsk, Krasnogorsk area, Moscow region, Moscow

Tel: +7-495-727-2626
3/8/2016 - 3/13/2016 Moscow, Russia
3/7/2018 - 3/11/2018 Moscow, Russia
3/6/2019 - 3/10/2019 Moscow, Russia
3/3/2022 - 3/6/2022 Moscow, Russia
3/2/2023 - 3/5/2023 Moscow, Russia
2/29/2024 - 3/3/2024 Moscow, Russia
2/27/2025 - 3/2/2025 Moscow, Russia
Moscow, Russia
3/10/2012 - 3/25/2012 Moscow, Russia

8/28/2024 - 8/30/2024
Shanghai, China

8/28/2024 - 9/1/2024
Lelystad, Netherlands

8/30/2024 - 9/1/2024
Potsdam, Germany

9/3/2024 - 9/6/2024
Hamburg, Germany

9/3/2024 - 9/6/2024
Hamburg, Germany

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yacht bowsprit

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    A bowsprit is now an almost inevitable feature of a racing yacht or performance cruiser and there are also a number of off-the-shelf retrofit options available. The uptake is due in part to the popularity of asymmetric downwind sails which offer ease of handing, particularly when sailing with reduced crew. ...

  5. Adding a bowsprit to your boat

    Prices: £700-£1,300. Contact: facnor.com. Trogear bowsprit. Trogear's neat carbon sprits are typically fixed to the hull, just below deck level at the bow and hinge upwards when not in use. The six model range suits boats from 25-70ft. Prices: £1,040 to £3,500. Contact: trogear.com.

  6. | Trogear Adjustable Bowsprits

    Removable aftermarket bowsprit for yachts up to 21m. On more than 125 types of yachts. For cruising or racing, inshore or offshore, monohull or multihull. Flexible Installation Methods, Adjustable & Removable, Code 0 Compatible. For yachts 8m-21m. Skip to content. Product Catalog.

  7. Sailboat Bowsprits

    The bowsprit is a spar extending forward from the bow, it provides an anchor point for the forestays, allowing the fore-mast to be stepped farther forward on the hull. These spars are quick to add and remove from the foredeck after installing the deck mounting brackets and when in the inactive position, gives you a clear foredeck when arriving ...

  8. A brilliant invention is energizing sailing—it's called a bowsprit

    The breakthrough is the bowsprit. OK, technically, it's not a breakthrough. Bowsprits, after all, were standard equipment on 16th century sailing ships. Let's just say bowsprits have been reimagined. The reimagined bowsprits do the same thing the originally imagined sprits did hundreds of years ago by extending sail area beyond the bow. But ...

  9. Sailboat Bowsprits

    Performance Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 45-55 Feet. £ 156.00 - £ 3,349.00. Provided with a Code Zero kit as well as fittings for a Gennaker up to 150 m². The Performance series are designed for sailors who want to get the most out of Code-0 or Gennaker sailing. Also, this bowsprit is available with a solid teak surface.

  10. Gennaker Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 26-33 Feet

    Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 26-33ft Length - 1160 mm Width - 530 +/- 50 mm Pipe dimension - 32 mm. For more information, make sure to view our - Mounting Instructions. If you are still unsure on what would be the best bowsprit for your sailing yacht, make sure to check out our useful guide - Choosing a Sailing Yacht Bowsprit

  11. Make Your Own Retracting Bowsprit

    The list for this particular project was: Do no harm! (minimize the need to drill holes) Use the existing anchor roller. Ensure sturdy construction to handle moderate winds. Achieve a lower cost than commercial bowsprit products. Ensure the final product is attractive (no "DIY" look) Make it easy to install and remove.

  12. Selden Bowsprits

    The bowsprit is attached to the foredeck using two structural fixing points. The forward / stem fitting, which Selden refer to as the "Bow bracket", has a stainless steel ring, with a low friction polyamide inner lining, which allows the bowsprit to extend and retract quickly and easily. The aft fitting is a standard folding padeye that clips ...

  13. The bowsprit in all its forms

    On production boats, the bowsprit is more often than not in aluminum, and the sail often remains in place during the cruise. A strop fixed to the crossbeam martingale allows the vertical tension to be adjusted and thus its longitudinal axis. This bowsprit is directly incorporated into the forward crossbeam. Its fittings allow a sail on a furler ...

  14. Trogear Bowsprits

    Retrofitting a bowsprit, to allow the use of code zero and asymmetric sails, is an increasingly popular performance upgrade for both cruisers and offshore racing sailors. ... With Ole Burzinski from Flensburg Yacht Club, onboard Playmate, they recently scored two bullets out of six races in Scarlino. Posted on 26 Oct 2023 Polyform AS and ...

  15. Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 18-28 Feet

    CQ-HP65BL - Blackline Surface. Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 18-28ft. Length - 650 mm. Width - 330 mm. Pipe dimension - 32 mm. For more information, make sure to view our - Mounting Instructions. If you are still unsure on what would be the best bowsprit for your sailing yacht, make sure to check out our useful guide - Choosing a ...

  16. Adding a Bowsprit can Provide Your Sailboat a Downwind Turbo-Charge

    With an increasing use of Code Zero's and asymmetric spinnakers, the Facnor removable bowsprits offer a retrofit option for sailing boats from 25-57 feet to allow them to modernise their downwind sail inventory. The Facnor bowsprit is a retractable, "on-deck" setup which (given the right foredeck configuration - see below), can be the simplest ...

  17. Classic bowsprit for 32-42 ft sailing yacht

    Classic bowsprit for 32-42 ft sailing yacht. Introducing our sailboat bow sprit with integrated anchor holder - the perfect solution for a smooth and comfortable sailing experience. Made with high-quality AISI316 stainless steel, it includes an anchor holder that can hold anchors up to 15 kg and a mount for a 115 m² gennaker.

  18. Sailing yacht with bowsprit

    cruising sailing yacht 55. 3-cabin with open transom with bowsprit. Contact. Overall length: 16.93 m. Width: 4.99 m. Displacement: 18,542 kg. Innovative, bold, and original, this Jeanneau Yachts 55 is a direct and uncompromising response to meet the needs of sailors who love to travel and who appreciate beauty.

  19. Ost Power 20 GRP Sport Fisherman or general purpose boat

    Ost Power 20 sport fisherman or general purpose boat. This design was commissioned by Russian builder Ost Yachts, based in Moscow.Their brief was for a boat with modern stealth-type styling and with potential for multiple usage formats.

  20. Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 32-42 Feet (With Anchor Holder)

    Bowsprit for Sailing Yachts 32-42 Feet. A classic and stylish Bowsprit with Anchor Holder for Sailing Yachts 32-42ft. Provided with 316 stainless steel fittings, blackline laminate surface and integrated anchor holder up to 15kg. Simply attach with two fittings and an adjustable strut. Also, attachments for 80 m² Gennaker are included as standard.

  21. Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

    Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT - Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project.The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

  22. Moscow Boat Show 2015(Moscow)

    8th International exhibition for yachts and boats Moscow Boat: Dates: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - Sunday, March 15, 2015 Venue: Crocus Expo IEC, Moscow, Russia: Moscow Boat Show provides the perfect platform from which to preview new products, evaluate market trends, and establish long-lasting and commercially profitable partnerships. Despite the ...

  23. Skinhead Revolt Zine: Moscow Trojan Skins interview

    2-3)We are found ourselves antifashist, an same time not involved in any politics. We just make jur stand at first for the skinhead culture. And yes some times we have troubles with nazi.