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  • Hitler's Yacht in Jacksonille


By   Mike Miller  Updated June 12, 2024

In the 1980's, I came across an interesting old derelict sailboat in a Jacksonville boatyard on the Trout River in the north side of Jacksonville.

A worker said the yacht had once belonged to Hitler.

Hitler Yacht

I researched the matter, and found that during World War Two, Hitler had an 85 foot sailing yacht built for himself named "Ostwind".

His plan was to sail into England after Germany had won the war and accept Winston Churchill's surrender aboard the yacht. Hitler's plan didn't work out, and the fate of the "Ostwind" kind of got obscured by postwar history. She reportedly sank in the Miami River and was later towed to Jacksonville.


I was not 100% sure the boat in my photograph is "Ostwind", but I ran across other stories that said in 1989 the yacht was transported from Jacksonville to Miami and sunk in the ocean off Miami Beach.

It had been purchased by a Jewish group headed by former Miami Beach commissioner Abe Resnick , a Lithuanian-American.

MS St. Louis, The Voyage of the Damned

They turned the yacht into an offshore reef for fish habitat, and dedicated it to the memory of the voyage of the SS St Louis - "Voyage of the Damned."

A reef is named after the Ostwind. I am not a historian, so this boat may or may not be "Ostwind", but I'm pretty sure it must be. Too many coincidences for it not to be.

Here is the story about the sinking and final watery grave of Hitler's yacht.


Hitler’s Yacht Sunk Off Miami Beach - Again

BRIAN MURPHY June 29, 1989

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) _ The remnants of Adolf Hitler’s yacht, sent to a watery grave recently by a group of Holocaust survivors, were refloated and sunk again Thursday in a deeper resting place off Miami Beach.

Air bags were used to raise the skeleton-like remains of the Ostwind from atop a shallow reef, where it was mistakenly dumped June 4 during ceremonies observing the 50th anniversary of the ″Voyage of the Damned.″

″We’ve said all along that ship has bad vibes,″ said Linda Arter, a marina worker at A-1 Marine and Commercial Wrecking in Jacksonville. ″It just doesn’t seem to want to go away quietly.″

The yacht, intended as an artificial reef, threatened marine life on the coral reef and was a hazard to ships.

An apparent navigational error caused the yacht to be dumped into 25 feet of water as 27 survivors from the SS St. Louis’ 1939 voyage watched.

The ceremony commemorated the United States’ refusal that year to accept the ship carrying 937 Jewish refugees, many of whom perished later in Nazi concentration camps.

A tugboat spent more than three hours Thursday pulling the 85-foot yacht underwater to a 250-foot-deep spot two miles offshore, where the steel cable was cut with a blow torch and the ship sunk to the rocky bottom.

The event was supervised by state environmental officials.

″This is an opportunity to retell the story of the Voyage of the Damned,″ said Rabbi Barry Konovitch of the Cuban-Hebrew Congregation in Miami Beach. ″A bit of good may have come from this event.″

The Fountainebleau Hilton hotel on Miami Beach put up $10,000 to move the Ostwind into deeper water.

The Army Corps of Engineers ordered the yacht moved or government crews would dismantle the remains and bill Miami Beach officials.

Prior to the sinking a Senate proclamation acknowledging the Voyage of Damned was read by State Sen. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Miami, a Republican candidate to succeed the late congressman Claude Pepper.

The Ostwind was commissioned in 1938 by Hitler as an Olympic racing vessel, but it was never entered in competition and was used instead by Nazi officials.

Hitler apparently only used the vessel once or twice.

The United States took possession of the Ostwind as a war prize and it was used as a training craft at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., until it was sold as surplus in the late 1950s.

The yacht was then held by various owners in Florida and sold in the mid-1970s to a Nazi memorabilia collector from Massachusetts.

The collector brought the Ostwind to A-1 Marine and Commercial Wrecking for repairs. But the collector never completed work on the vessel and failed to pay for the dock space.

Marina owner J.J. Nelson took possession of the yacht in 1981. The boat was repeatedly vandalized and Nelson rejected an offer by a Nazi group in Chicago to buy the vessel for a shrine.

Last year, Nelson contacted Miami Beach officials about using the remains as a reef. It was transported last month from Jacksonville aboard a large barge.

Boats International Article About Hitlers Yacht


July 4, 2022 by: Valerie Robinson

Hi Mike, a friend forwarded your article to me about Hitler’s yacht Ostwind. In the comments section anonymous mentions the name Bill Robinson (with an incorrect date of 1995) and my friend wondered if it was my husband. Long before I moved to Florida, in the early 80’s my husband bought a property in Mandarin, on the river from a woman who was the mother of Horace Glass. My husband can’t recall her name since he dealt mostly with her son.

Horace had the Ostwind moored to the pilings at the end of a derelict 550 food dock at the property. My husband asked that the vessel be removed prior to him taking possession of the property.

That didn’t happen and the boat sat there for a while while my husband was clearing the property to build a house. Horace tried to fix the ship, but did not have the means to make it happen.

My husband recalls that one day Horace brought an old yacht up to the side of the sailboat, lashed the old vessel to the side of it and towed it up river to “a place by Jackie’s Seafood Kitchen”.

Horace would likely be in his early to mid 80’s if still alive. My husband agrees with a comment made by someone that Horace’s wife was named Jody.  A little aside, one day Horace putted up in a small boat with his tools to work on the Ostwind. He tied up to the side, hopped aboard and turned on the bilge pump.

When he came up for his tools he discovered he’d sunk his boat along with his tools because he’d tied up near the bilge pump pipe. This sort of sums up the poor man’s trials with Ostwind! My husband thinks his address was 12432 Mandarin Road or thereabouts. He had one of the longest or maybe even the longest docks since it had to accommodate commercial boats way back when it was “The Mandarin Dock”. So, the plot thickens! Keep up the great work.

P.S.  I found a really interesting article that puts many of the pieces together. I don’t think I saw a link for it on your webpage so I’ve attached it below. 


Aug 02, 2019 Ostwind by: Craig B. As a ten year old, I lived walking distance from the yacht which was moored in a cove just north of N.W. 27th Ave. and N. River Drive in Miami. You could plainly see the name of the ship, as I recall it was painted white. We would climb aboard and jump into the river.

Jun 22, 2019 Hitlers Sailboat by: Anonymous Around 1995. Hitler's boat was secured at the end of the dock at the home of Mr. William Robinson who lived in Mandarin and had recently bought the property. We all saw it there. Bill Robinson, of course, no longer wanted it and had it removed. He currently lives in Jacksonville at Epping Forest. He would be able to fill in the details of the boat's last days.

Mar 04, 2019 Ostwind, Just Island,Miami. FL 1957 by: Marlene Hilton I lived on a sailboat docked at Just Island up the Miami river from 1953 through 1957. At sometime in 1956 or 1957 the Ostwind also docked at the island. It had been purchased by a newly retired naval commander. John Lyman had just brought it down from the Chesapeake Bay area. The yacht was in good condition but was strictly a sailing vessel. It had no motor, and had to be towed.John had plans for a charter business but as usual life turned out differently. John bought a home just a bit further up river and docked the Ostwind there. I lost track of the Lymans and the Ostwind by the mid sixties.The yacht was very nice but not luxurious. It was quite chopped up into staterooms with sparse galley and lounge areas.

Feb 09, 2019 Museum by: Mike I did some bottom work on her in the 70’s she was secured up in water on the St. John’s river. Pretty bad shape though you could walk the decks, go below and visualize what remained intact of the staterooms.

Dec 02, 2018 I worked down the street from this boat... by: Moonshine In the very early 80's I worked as a boiler operator for a paper mill which was part of a well know sheet rock manufacturer on the waterfront on Jacksonville. While working a night shift I read in a Rollingstone magazine article about "Hitler's yacht". It mentioned the location and I realized it was a couple of addresses down from my location After work I walked to where it was. It seemed so surreal to see this vessel in person. I later heard that it had been moved to South Florida and sunk.

Aug 05, 2018 The boat or the people ? by: Timothy Dobbins Thank you for your response. The night I was invited to sail on her was dark, little moon and many mosquitoes.Since all of the people were new to me, I heard very little about the details of the boat and the tour was quick. I felt a little strange sailing downriver toward Mandarin, where she was berthed, on a boat owned and perhaps sailed by one of the most evil men In history. And in some sense, it was even somewhat difficult to enjoy the serendipitous moment of being invited to join my new friends given the association of the boat with the Fuhrer himself. In this case, the people dominated the night and the memories that followed, not the means of transport. However the boat -the Ostwind- ,has found her place as a ghost ship in the recesses of my mind where memories lurk of an evening sail down the Saint John’s River, with three new friends and a fourth numinous spirit who haunts me and the world to this day.

Aug 04, 2018 I Was Invited for a Nice Cruise by: Timothy Dobbins In the Summer of 1978, I was invited to board the Ostwind and help guide her under power for a cruise one evening with the owner and his wife and a beautiful young woman named Brenda. I had met the three of them that summer and we attended a Lou Rawls concert. That evening I began a relationship with Brenda, and I invited her down to Gainesville a few weeks later to hear me speak at the graduation of the senior class of Gainesville high school 1978. So many stories about the Ostwind, and it’s owner and his spouse were friends with Brenda. There’s more to the story but more important to me, I would love to be in touch with Brenda Counsel, and Jody,the owner’s wife if they are still around. Tim Dobbins [email protected]

Aug 05, 2017 Hitler's yacht by: Tom White In the 80s when I was restoring a wooden Snipe the owner of the salvage yard allowed me to remove boards from the hull. They were two inch mahogany of which I still have half a dozen. I also was able to get several bronze four inch screws. I also took some pictures of the boat that is like the first picture in this story. If you have questions my email is [email protected]

Mar 31, 2017 Re: the Ostwind by: Liz Gavilan According to my deceased husband Bob L. Gavilan, owner of The Old Book Shop on Beach Blvd in St. Nicholas, one of his customers, Horace Glass and his wife Jody, owned the Ostwind and was in the process of repairing it. Commemorative bars from the lead ballast were fashioned and sold to raise money for this project. I do believe it was a storm that came through that partially sank the boat and the Glass couple abandoned the project. It is my understanding they relocated to the north but I do not know where. I do remember seeing one of the commemorative bars and some associated paperwork, like maybe a flyer, in my husband's book shop. I am thinking this was sometime during the 80's. I seem to remember that the ship was anchored in the Mandarin area. [email protected] if anyone would like to contact me. Thanks, Liz

Jan 06, 2017 Hitler's Yacht by: Ed Drury I have a Certificate of Authenticity (dated 1972) issued by the Ostwind Museum of a piece of the mainsail from the Ostwind along with a reproduced picture of the yacht sailing off the coast of Florida. Caption under picture says the yacht was owned by retired Navy Commander John Lyman.

Nov 12, 2016 Hitler's Yacht by: Hans Braun I am a German. I was born in 1945 my father was a Kreigsmarine officer and He told me Hitler had only luxury vessel, a yacht named Grille. After the war, the US Government decided to scrap Hitler’s luxury vessel, then one of the biggest private yachts in the world. The Americans didn’t want it to end up as some kind of memorial to the hateful regime. EDITOR SAYS Thanks for telling us about "Grille". I looked it up on Wikipedia and it was a huge vessel and like you say, it was scrapped. The yacht described in our article was one of two identical sailboats. This one was named "Ostwind" and the other named "Norwind". The citizens of Miami Beach had enough belief that Ostwind was truly Hitler's yacht that the purchased it and paid to have it towed from Jacksonville to Miami Beach. It was intentionally destroyed and sunk in the ocean off Miami Beach. You can read the New York Times article by scrolling down to our comment on July 29, 2014.

Sep 03, 2016 Ostwind by: Anonymous The boat was in the St. Johns River my friend and I actually went up to it many times. It was beached in the shallows in Mandarin.

Aug 17, 2016 I saw the Ostwind too near Mandarin, Fl. on east side of St John's river. by: Bruce Taylor Yes I too recall the Ostwind moored for extreme renovations next to a very big old Chris named Camelot. The gent that met us just said we couldn't go aboard because of the deck being so wrecked. The man wanted to sell off Camelot & move on. His dream was to get backers for building some sort of attraction out of it. Last note: I recall the transom lettering quite good as it was professionally done with a bit of flair. If you know or remember a Bruce Taylor, owner of a boatyard in Orange Park, I was with Dr. David Scales in a small boat we came in from my business. I guess we were invited as prospects for Ostwind. Great article.

Aug 14, 2016 Hitlers yacht by: J. Byrd Was docked near Jackie's Seafood kitchen years ago. Rumor was Jackie's brother owned it but may have been just docked there. Was just east of Trout River bridge. I boarded it covertly one evening and secured a rusted deck bolt for a souvenir. I still have the bolt.

Oct 05, 2014 Jacksonville, Late 1960's by: Jon The Ostwind has created many tales, and apparently two were built, identical. The Jacksonville ship I was told about, was in Mandarin at one point, or very close proximity. A friend of my Father's had bought it for the lead ballast. We went one morning, early during shrimp season, probably late August back around the late 60's and shrimped from the decaying deck area as it was tied up to the owner's dock in the river. It was dark and I don't remember much other than my Father and his friend talking about the boat, name and why he had it.... so the tales continue.

Aug 02, 2014 HITLER YACHT by: Anonymous I goofed.. The yacht was named "GRILLE"..and was kept in BAVARIA.. After the war ..she was at the Great Kills Boat Marina on Staten Island , N.Y. Then....she was next heard of in California... Been a long time...seem to get things backwards....:-)

Aug 02, 2014 HITLER YACHT by: Anonymous Yup...BAVARIA was Hitlers Yacht.... Last I heard - she was in California. Was the Yacht that you see all the pictures of..with Ava and the gang aboard...

Aug 02, 2014 Mandarin Point by: Anonymous I remember the Ostwind during the 1980s being up on braces about 200 feet off the eastern shore of the St. JohnsRiver somewhere near Mandarin Point, just south of the Buckman Bridge.

New York Times Article About Ostwind

BOAT HITLER BUILT IS SUNK IN CEREMONY By JEFFREY SCHMALZ, Special to The New York Times Published: June 5, 1989 Never mind that the rumors are exaggerated and that the Ostwind was not really Hitler's personal yacht. He ordered her built and was aboard her a few times. And that was enough for the 100 Holocaust survivors. As an airplane flew overhead pulling the sign ''Never Again,'' the 85-foot sailboat Ostwind - or, more accurately, what little was left of her - was sunk just off Miami Beach today as the survivors looked on from a nearby boat and applauded and cried.

Jun 12, 2014 HITLER YACHT ??? by: Gene COL HAROLD THOMAS LENTZ, at the end of WW2, was made a military Governor of some sort in Bavaria.  His office was Hitler's yacht. But, was it the yacht that was rusty and sunk in Florida? I seem to remember it in California? Was there a yacht named Bavaria that belonged to Hitler?  Anyone know for sure? I have many SS items and an arm band from the Yacht Col Lentz used as his Office. He also dismantled a bar in the town there that Hitler hung out in, and it is now in a home in Maine. There were also a bunch of SS marked with SS ruins. Mail me if you know about another yacht..or cabin cruiser? [email protected] I'm in Washington State now; back home in CO by June 19..

Jan 20, 2014 Hitler Yacht by: sail buff Hitler's Yacht After the war, the yacht went to England as a prize of war. It was donated to Canada and turned into a training ship. The navy renamed it the Tim. It was put for sale by the Canadian government. It changed hands 2 or 3 times because of the expensive repairs to put it in shape. The boat was renamed Helgoland.

Apr 18, 2013 Seen it ..... by: Anonymous I have recently seen the ship in a very good condition on a wharf in Gaete(Italy). It is beautiful despite its former owner. And yes it looks like the ship on your picture.

Mar 16, 2013 Hitler's Yacht rebuilt in Jacksonville by: Arron About 25 or more years ago, A person was rebuilding one of Hitler's personal Yacht. A storm or hurricane hit Jacksonville and destroyed the Yacht. This person did not want to rebuild it again and was towed to a junk yard at North Main Street. I would like to contact this person. please contact me at [email protected]

Oct 16, 2012 Bridgetender Thanks by: Editor Ron, thanks for your observations about the Ostwind as she was towed past the Spanish River Bridge. I have cruised up and down the waterway for years, and you bridgetenders do a good job and make the trip a lot more fun. I'll bet you could write a book about the things you've seen.

Oct 07, 2012 Bridge Tender's Memory of Hitler's Yacht by: Ron in Cocoa, Florida Hi, I was a bridge tender in 1989 working on the 40th Street bridge A.K.A. Spanish River bridge that goes over the Intracoastal waterway in Boca Raton, Florida.

I was working the graveyard shift when a tugboat with a barge was heading South. When I opened the bridge there was a very old looking hull of a sailboat on top.

If I correctly remember there was a swastika painted on the rear or front deck of the boat. (It was faded but still recognizable). I had very strong spotlights so I was able to get a good look.

Sep 23, 2012 Video by: M Kratzer I have video from 8mm film of the Easwtind (Ostwind) while owned by Commander Lyman in the 50's my father (ex navy) was crew on the yacht during sailing excursions on the Chesapeake (Maryland).

The film was made (I was told) to promote leasing of the ship for private trips or parties. If interested in the video please email me [email protected].

Jul 26, 2012 That Probably is Ostwind by: Anonymous I remember the Ostwind and that photo looks a lot like her. She was supposed to be the prototype for the Volkboats. My father had one of those but it sank in the Intracoastal waterway in Ft. Lauderdale.

I was under the impression that it languished for years in limbo due to an ideological battle which ended with a certain politically correct group towed it out into the Trout River and scuttled it.

I remember that you could still see the hulk at low tide from the old location of Jackies Seafood Kitchen. That would definitely tie into the picture - if someone managed to rescue it.

I always thought it was such a shame to do that to such a beautiful boat - especially since the limo of the same owner sold for millions recently. Who was it that said "those who deny history are destined to relive it"?

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Happy and painful memories for Jacksonville family that tried to restore 'Hitler's yacht'

Portrait of Matt Soergel

Horace Glass says his motivation to save the Ostwind , a Germany boat known widely as "Hitler's yacht," was simple.

"I couldn’t stand to see such a fine yacht destroyed," Glass, who's 88 and living in Plymouth, N.C., said in an interview Wednesday with The Florida Times-Union. "We did our best to save it.” 

For more than 11 years in Jacksonville, beginning in 1971, he tried to restore the Ostwind, raising it from the muck of the Intracoastal Waterway, pouring time and money into saving it, and fending off offers from American Nazis to buy it ("I would open her sea cocks rather than sell her to them," he once said) — only to see it fall prey to the elements, to vandals and to the steady march of time.

Read more: 'Hitler's yacht' spent almost 18 years in Jacksonville and was nothing but trouble

'A very sad time'

The story caught the public imagination, back in the 1970s and '80s and attracted much attention in the media, though Glass insists: “A lot of the stuff that was published was inaccurate."

He made several trips to Germany to research the yacht's history and is sure that Hitler had more connection to it than some believed. “He was on it either 12 or 13 times," Glass said of Hitler. "Of course, he always had his girlfriend with him, Eva Braun.” 

Glass said much of the repair work on the Ostwind fell to his five daughters, who spent countless hours aboard.

The eldest daughter, Debi Everett, still lives in Jacksonville and said there were some real high points in trying to repair the yacht.

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“The Ostwind story was some great times," she told the Times-Union last month. "We had great times, learned a lot; it just didn’t work out."

But chasing that dream became a "full-time occupation," one reporter wrote, while another noted that the Glasses "gave up a commercial art and advertising business and eventually sold three houses, two from previous marriages, to pour everything into restoring the yacht.”

Everett states it flatly. "It became a very sad time for me," she said.

Glass, meanwhile, said he had no regrets. "No, none at all.” 

Everett describes her father as a free spirit, "an old hippie," someone who didn't want to work for anyone else.

"He is an artist, and a dreamer," she said, "and I think he thought it would make a great home for him and his girls. And once he found out about the history of it, it was, 'Oh, this would be a good museum.'”  

As for the challenges of taking on the Ostwind?

He was a graphic artist, a writer, publisher of a community newspaper: Good skills, but not much related to restoring a once-luxurious vintage German yacht.

That didn't faze him, his daughter said. "He is amazing. He's the king of make-do; he can figure something out, figure out how to make it work in a jury-rigged situation, and make it work, with no money.” 

One early story from the Glass family's Ostwind days makes that clear. He'd heard the boat was mostly sunk in the Intracoastal Waterway and wanted to lay eyes on it. That meant scuba diving to it.

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To be sure, he'd grown up on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville's Mandarin neighborhood, descended from one of that area's oldest families, the Reads, and he'd spent plenty of time swimming and diving.

Just one problem: He didn't know how to scuba. But he didn't let that stop him.

"Diving was nothing new to me, but scuba certainly was," he said. "I borrowed a scuba set from a friend, and as we drove down there I had my wife Jody read a book [on scuba diving] — to tell me what not to do.” 

That's how much of the work went, Everett said. “We learned as we went, there was no YouTube or Google," she said. "It was books.” 

Everett is 65 now, married 42 years, with four children. She's moved on, a long way, from the Ostwind story, but still has plenty of memories.

“Some of it's painful, some of it's happy," she said.

It's suggested to her that the family's story with the Ostwind seems as if it could have been turned into a movie or TV show.

She gave a dry laugh. “Maybe it should have a happier ending," she said. 

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ostwind ruins of hitler's olympic racing yacht

How Holocaust survivors reclaimed and sunk Hitler's $1 boat

Sold for a dollar and then sunk by Holocaust survivors below a banner reading "Never Again" - before being lost to sea as a result of hurricane - Adolf Hitler's yacht had a long and contentious life. BOAT unpacks the story of Ostwind, the yacht that started out as a symbol of German sovereignty...

Ostwind is German for "East Wind". An insidious name for those familiar with the Nazi party's ideology. The Generalplan Ost ("Master Plan for the East") was the blueprint for the Nazi regime's genocide and large-scale ethnic cleansing of the populations of Central and Eastern Europe. These associations would follow Ostwind like a shadow through her life, turning her into a symbol of the monstrous regime she was built under.

The story begins with Germany's poor showing at the 1936 Olympics. Hitler commissioned a series of Olympic racing yachts in retaliation, built in Bremen-based yard Burmeis & Wain to a design by noted naval architect Heinrich Gruber . Though she never ended up competing, the 26.2-metre Ostwind was delivered in 1938 as part of this fleet.

From here, the accounts deviate. Some claim Hitler went on board Ostwind once or twice; others, that he and Eva Braun would frequently use her for pleasure cruises. In a particularly chilling account, historian and biographer Michael Miller wrote that Hitler had visions of riding the yacht into England to accept Churchill's surrender. However many of these are fiction, the fantasy credited to Hitler thankfully never materialised.

Following the defeat of the Nazi party in 1945, the United States took possession of Ostwind as a war prize and used her as a training craft at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. She was later sold as surplus in the 1950s. For decades, Ostwind bounced around the country under the stewardship of several owners, some of which would later swear she brought them bad luck.

This included Plymouth developer Charles Sanderson, who famously purchased Ostwind for $1 with plans to convert her into a World War II museum in Massachusetts. The proposal infuriated local officials and residents, work never materialised and Sanderson eventually failed to pay for the dock space.

Ostwind was then handed over to marina owner J.J. Nelson, who brought her to Jacksonville, Florida. For years, she sat in storage, accumulating dust but otherwise well maintained. Until word got around that she was Hitler's yacht.

Everything imploded; Ostwind was repeatedly vandalised, stripped by souvenir hunters and even set alight. Nelson received onslaughts of threatening letters at the same time a neo-Nazi group offered him $500,000 to convert the yacht into a shrine.

The offer was naturally rejected and Ostwind was instead donated to Abraham Resnick, a Holocaust survivor and Miami Beach City Commissioner. It was decided that what remained of Ostwind was going to be destroyed – sunk and transformed into an artificial reef just off the coast of Florida.

The sinking was scheduled to commemorate the 50th anniversary of St. Louis , also known as the Voyage of the Damned. Nine hundred Jewish refugees fled Nazi occupation on board the ocean liner, only to be denied entry by both US and Cuban officials who claimed they had exceeded their yearly immigration quotas. St. Louis was forced to return to Europe, where nearly a third of her passengers were murdered.

And so, Ostwind was rolled off a barge and sunk on 4 June, 1989. The ceremony was attended by 27 of the original St. Louis passengers, who held one another and sang the Hatikva (the national anthem of Israel) as the creaking debris disappeared into the water. An airplane flew overhead with a banner streaming behind that read "Never Again".

Strangely, Ostwind would live up to her doomed reputation one final time. A navigational error had landed her on a delicate coral reef only six metres below the surface, posing a threat to marine life and passing ships. After less than a month, officials were forced to refloat and resink her.

A few years later, Hurricane Andrew would ravage Florida and obscure the precise location of Ostwind 's ruins.

While ambitious divers and treasure hunters have tried in the years since, Ostwind 's troubled life and worse end means there is likely very little of her left to be found.

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5 warnings and 15 advisories in effect for 4 regions in the area

Hitler’s yacht lies abandoned off the coast of this florida city. here's where to find it, the ostwind is one of many strange objects found in florida’s waters.

Anthony Talcott , Digital Journalist

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – Nearly 5 miles off the coast of Miami Beach, a yacht sits at the bottom of the ocean.

This vessel — dubbed the Ostwind — has a strange history. It was once owned by Adolf Hitler.

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The 80-foot-long yacht was commissioned by the infamous dictator in 1938 as an Olympic racing yacht, though it never actually competed.

According to historian Mike Miller , Hitler’s plan was to ride the yacht into England after Germany’s victory, where he would accept Winston Churchill’s surrender aboard the boat.

However, history had different plans.

After Germany’s defeat, the U.S. reportedly took control of the Ostwind, which was used as a training craft at the U.S. Naval Academy before being sold to a Nazi memorabilia collector in the 1970s, the Ocala Star-Banner reports.

The collector took the yacht to Jacksonville for repairs, but it was ultimately abandoned, and a marina owner then took possession.

Despite offers from a Nazi group to buy the yacht and turn it into a shrine, the marina owner ultimately reached out to Miami Beach officials about using the Ostwind as an artificial reef.

Eventually, the boat was taken from Jacksonville down to Miami Beach in 1989, and it was sunk off the coast to around 275 feet deep, state records indicate .

Nowadays, the only way to view the WWII-era relic is to throw on some scuba gear and take a dive.

Of course, the Ostwind isn’t the only strange object to be sunken off of Miami’s coast.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the following items have also been sunk near Miami Beach to create artificial reefs:

  • Smoke stacks
  • Radio towers
  • A water tower
  • Oil rig structures
  • A railroad barge
  • A minesweeper warship

To learn more about the many shipwrecks off of Florida’s coasts, click here .

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Anthony talcott.

Anthony, a graduate of the University of Florida, joined ClickOrlando.com in April 2022.


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Adolph Hitler’s Yachts — Part 2 : Ostwind and the Offshore Reef

Nordwind, sister to Ostwind Image: ClassicSailboats.org

Yesterday we posted about the patrol ship, the Grille , described by some as “Hitler’s yacht.” Today we will look at a second vessel to bear the same title — the Ostwind .

In 1936, the German government had two racing sailboats built, the Ostwind and the Nordwind , reputedly because the German sailing team had performed poorly in the previous Olympics. The  Ostwind was seized by the Americans in 1947, while the Nordwind  was said to be taken by the British and renamed White Rose . The two sailboats were designed by Heinrich Gruber, a well-known naval architect of the day, and were 85′ overall. 

Was the Ostwind really Hitler’s yacht? It seems doubtful. There is allegedly a photograph of Hitler and his Mistress Eva Braun taken aboard the boat, but there is no real evidence that Hitler spent much time aboard. The legend of the Ostwind as Hitler’s yacht seem to spring up in the 1950s when the boat was in the United States and a group of investors attempted to raise money to restore the boat and make it a museum. Stories of romantic getaways on the yacht arose as did an account that Hitler had a special fondness for the boat and always referred to it as his “special lady.” These tales seemed to originate in the decades after the war, however.

The investor’s plans fell through and for years the Ostwind sat abandoned at a marina in Jacksonville . For a while she was left alone but as word got out that she was “Hitler’s yacht” vandals crept in to strip her, either to collect souvenirs or to attempt to exact revenge on the memory of her notional owner.  

Finally, in 1989 a group of 100 Holocaust survivors bought what was left of the yacht. They understood that she was not, in all probability, “Hitler’s yacht.” Nevertheless, she was built in Germany while Adolf Hitler was in power. They decided to sink her offshore on the 50th anniversary of the ill-fated voyage of the MV St. Louis .

The voyage of the MV St. Louis has come to be known as the Voyage of the Damned. In 1939, more than 900 Jewish refugees set sail aboard the liner bound from Germany to Cuba, only to find that Cuban officials would not admit them.  As St. Louis then passed off Miami Beach, its passengers pleaded to be allowed to enter the United States. The Government refused. The ship returned to Europe, where more than half its passengers eventually fell victim to the Holocaust. 

In early June 1989, as an airplane flew overhead pulling the sign ”Never Again,” Ostwind was sunk in 275 feet of water off Miami Beach , as the survivors looked on from a nearby boat and applauded and cried.

The Ostwind is marked on the charts as the Ostwind Reef , Latitude: 25.77978 Longitude: -80.05683.

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Hitler’s Yacht

« Prev Next » May 10th, 2011 , 13:50H · Topics: Famous And Not So... , Getting Around · Print

the ostwind yacht

“This is what was left of Adolph Hitler’s yacht.  People took parts of it for souvenirs, and someone started a fire and this hull was what was left.” LS

Typed on back of the print  “This is to certify that these pictures were taken Wednesday, August 30, 1950, approximately 2:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. by–Loyd Sandgren”

(Under Sandgren’s name is the name Robert Stedeford)

The Ostwind was one of two sailboats commissioned by Hitler in 1936 and it came to the United States after the war changing owners a half dozen times. It ended up in Jacksonville where it sat in disrepair until the 1980’s.  It was given to a Jewish Miami Beach Holocaust survivor who ultimately burned and sank it in the Miami Harbor.  There is apparently no evidence that Hitler ever set foot on the Ostwind.

Tags: boat , Hitler , Hitler's Yacht , Ostwind , vandalized , Yacht

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Your site is a pleasant stroll down memory lane.

A minor correction you may wish to address concerns the photo on your site by Lloyd Sandgren attributed to being Adolf Hitler’s yacht the Ostwind.

The photo may be of some other, smaller watercraft connnected to Hitler, but it is not the 85 foot long Ostwind.

This photo is dated 1950, but the Ostwind was relatively intact up until the early 1980’s when she was finally dragged ashore on the northside of Jacksonville by J.J. Nelson and later sold to the group in Miami that sank the Ostwind 2 miles offshore in 1989.

In 1950 the Ostwind was being sailed as a training vessel by the US Naval Academy in Maryland. Later that year the yacht was sold to Navy Commander John Lyman who sailed and lived aboard the Ostwind with his wife until he sold it in 1966.

Visit http://bootyforsale.com and view the “about’ page for a more detailed history of the Ostwind.

Again, your site is enjoyable.

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I saw the Ost Wind in Jacksonville, Fl.. It was in very poor condition, but afloat. I don’t know the year, probably the late1980’s.

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Asa, I appreciate your addition to the post. You may well be right. I am working from notes left behind by the photographer and I have found minor inconsistencies from time to time. Most of the notes Loyd Sandgren wrote were written and attached to his photographs later in his life as he was going through the vast collection of images from his 40 plus year career. I know I have trouble remembering what I had for breakfast from time to time so it would be no surprise if the fog of time blurred some of the details from 30 years prior. In his defense, Loyd was very sharp right up to his passing. I can only hope to be so lucky.

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This photo is not of the Eastwind. My father was sailing on her at that time with his friend and past commander, whlle in Naval Intelligence, John Lyman. They sailed the Chesapeake Bay and I still have the black and white movies of my parents and their friends having a wonderful time on a beautilful day on a beautiful boat.

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How could I get a copy of that video? My father was John. G LYMAN. Thank you.

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Hello Julie: By accident I was reading about Ostwind when I saw your comment. Your father and I were great friends, both announcers at SEAQUARIUM and I knew you as a little girl. For many years I wondered where I could find you and Charlie. Please give a reply when you have a chance. Sincerely, Bruce

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Dear Bruce: My son came upon this article while looking up my step father and mentioned your name as a commentator. I hope your are well and would be pleased to correspond with you if you wish.

Thank you Carol, What a great story. I think there may be a level of urban legend surrounding the rotting hull that was in Jacksonville. There are a lot of stories and a lot of memories but little solid documentation to back them up. I don’t think I have seen any other photos of the ship during the time it was said to have been in Jacksonville. I always welcome information to fill in the information gaps.

Hi Bob, if you would like a copy of the movies my father took, I would be happy to send them to you. She’s under full sail on the Chesapeake Bay with many happy sailors and their wives aboard. Carol

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I am in possession of a piece of lead ballast from the Ostwind. There is a box and inscription about the Ostwind as well as the number 153 on the edge of the lead souvenir.

Can you shed light as to the authenticity of the object.

Once you respond I can email photos for you to review.

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I have a same piece of the lead ballast that you’re talking about came in a fancy box with the satin lining we bought it from the man who owned the Ostwindi in Mandarin at one time his name was Horace Glass he was a diver. He took us out in a small rowboat and we actually got to climb aboard the vessel when it was on an anchor 50 ft off of his dock the mast for the boat was laying in his yard facing the river. You could see the boat when you drove across the Buckman bridge it looked like a giant white banana.

Did your father know John Lyman?

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I’m sure it was in Jacksonville FL. It was dock on the water at my father’s cousins home in Mandarin for several years. He later sold it and it was docked of Trout River in North Jacksonville in bad shape. There were some news articles regarding this in the Florida Times-Union paper. I then heard in was sold to someone in Pennsylvania

My Father’s cousin Horace Glass in Jacksonville Fl purchase the yacht back in the 80’s. I heard that if was brought in from Flager Beach. He had it dock off his home in Mandarin for many years. and then was docked off trout river in north Jacksonville. He sold parts off of it to raise money to restore it for a museum however it never take off. I do have a piece of the Mass that has been authenticated.

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Debbie, your account matches what I was told by my late husband Bob L. Gavilan, owner of The Old Book Shop on Beach Blvd in St. Nicholas, one of his customers, Horace Glass and his wife Jody, owned the Ostwind and was in the process of repairing it. Commemorative bars from the lead ballast were fashioned and sold to raise money for this project. I do believe it was a storm that came through that partially sank the boat and the Glass couple abandoned the project.

It is my understanding they relocated to the north but I do not know where. I do remember seeing one of the commemorative bars and some associated paperwork, like maybe a flyer, in my husband’s book shop. I am thinking this was sometime during the 80’s. I seem to remember that the ship was anchored in the Mandarin area.

Your account about bringing the boat up from Flagler Beach triggered a part of the story I had forgotten until reading your post but now I remember my husband had told me that too.

[email protected]

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I am writing a book on characters and boats of the Miami River. The “Ostwind” is one of them. She sat in rough shape for years at a decrepit dock just east of the 27th Avenue bridge. And then poof she was gone. But among the many stories of Mr. Lyman and this boat there is one that I am not sure of. It was said that Mr. Lyman was injured by a winch handle – and possibly lost sight of an eye. And this contributed to his waning interest in the boat.

Her sister, the “Nordwind” is still sailing.

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You are so right Bob. The Ostwind sat for years in the Miami River docked behind a house on NW 20th Street. I worked for Southern Bell in that area and I saw it practially everyday. The story I heard back then was a fixed span bridge was being built or mabe a draw bridge was being replaced with a fixed span bridge and the Ostwind was moved because of it’s mast it would not be able to be moved from that location. The house was mabe 4 or 5 houses East of the 27th ave bridge and was very visable from the bridge.

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There is a story about the background of the boat and it’s owners up through it’s sinking from NPR’s This American Life radio program. It’s very interesting. J.J. Nelson was the final owner of the ostwind before he gave it to a Jewish group who sunk it in Miami harbor.


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I remember seeing a boat up on blocks near the river in Jacksonville that rumor had it as Adolf Hitler’s boat. That was about 1985 maybe. I thought they said it was made of concrete. There was a nice restaurant on the water nearby. GH.

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My grandfather Herman Yake build shrimp boats as a hobby in our fab shop and sailed one of his boats along the ostwind for the sinking . His boat was docked at the same marina that the ostwind was at here in Jacksonville . He was giving a large piece of the ship that also includes a port hole My aunt in Coca Beach still has it .

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I first met Commander Lyman in Washington DC in 1953 when he and his wife were living aboard Eastwind, tied up in the basin. He had had the accident that tore out his eye, part of his skull and check bone. I was in touch with John up through the time that we got Eastwind ready for the race Havana to Spain in 1955. I was on the Ticonderoga in the race. Eastwind was taking on too much water so they dropped out of the race. John had Eastwind in the Miami river on Just Island. While there we unstopped the mast and carefully took it apart and rebuilt it as the glue lines has let go. I was at John’s second wedding and remember “big mouth Charlie” The accident that caused John’s injury went like this – they (his wife and others were sailing in the Chesapeake and a squall like came over them. In attempting to lower the Main Halyard, some one let go the main boom topping lift with put the total weight of boom, sail and wind on the main halyard winch with John was holding and lowering on a much too small halyard winch. With the usual crew in Germany of 20 able sailors to tail the winch it was safe but not one man. His wife was able to hold John in her lap and sail Eastwind back into Annapolis. Admiral Karl Doenitz was the ranking German officer to sail on Eastwind and on Northwind. Northwind held the Fastenet Race record until we better the record in 1955 on Mare Nostrum sailed by Woody Pirie and myself and a mix crew. My long time sailing buddy Frank Dratz helped sail the Eastwind to Havana before the race and said that he had never experienced such a powerful sailboat and he sailed on many. They had a nice reach and passed up shrimpers, small freighters and such. Gruber was an outstanding designer and these “Wind” boats were exceptional. Composite hull with unknown metal for frames and great hard wood planking. Sad ending to one of the truly great sail boats and to Commander John Lyman, A great friend. Rusty.

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Wow, I thought I was crazy when I would tell people about Hitler’s boat. As a kid we would eat at Jackie’s seafood and then walk with my grandfather along the docks while he smoked cigars. He used to always talk to this man who said he was restoring the boat. I have a piece of wood and a piece of metal from the boat (nothing fancy like a port hole), but they remind me of my grandfather and Miss Jackie. Thank you for having this information.

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I lived in MAINE for a while. Up the road from us was a retired US ARMY Colonel — Harold Thomas Lentz. At the end of WW2, Col Lentz was assigned to a town in Austria. . He was a Military Governor there for some reason ?? Col Lentz took Hitlers Yacht Ostwind as his Office and Living Quarters. Col Lentz must have acquired a few items of value because of his wealth after the War when he lived in MAINE in the 1960’s.In his Horse stables under the house , he had a row of beautiful, Black Saddles — all with the SS markings on them.. Up stairs in his dining area was a small area where he could sit and chat with his company. On the walls there was what looked like a old European Bar. He told me it was from Austria – where Hitler hung out with his buddies. Col Lentz had it removed and brought to the US and assembled in this Home in MAINE. It was complete with the bottles of liquor that were on it in AUSTRIA.. while on Ostwind he found many NAZI items and a lot of Medals. Col Lentz gave me all the Medals he found aboard Ostwind.. I still have them. Several Knight’s Crosses — a German Cross in Silver.one was the German Cross in Gold ( i sold it – big mistake) .and a bunch of others.. Col LENTZ was a very open person to me since I had been in the US Military. Col Lentz had a heart attack and died at a Horse Race he had one of his horses running in. The home was sold by his wife Susan . The Bar was still intact. The home today is a sort of INN..?? People stay there like in a Hotel. I do not know if the Bar is still there ?? It would be worth a fortune if it is ??.

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Colonel Harold Thomas Lentz had his Office – and lived on the Yacht at the end of WW2- Col Lentz was a Military Governor in the area. I live close to Harry in Maine. He died because of betting quite a sum on his Race Horse … the Horse lost and Harry was out quite a bit of money The loss was a bit too much for him . He had the heart attack and passed. His wife Susie were blasted —so sad. Susie was a real live Princess from South America…she was a DeLeon. She went to Peru after “Tom” died (he wanted me to call him TOM) Her aim was to claim her Silver Items from her family home- some from DeLeon himself. At the Airport on her way back – the animals running the country confiscated it all from her.. Sad indeed…

At the end of the War..Col Harold Thomas Lentz was made the Military Governor for while where the Yacht was… Col Lentz used the sail boat as his hang out and Office for a while..as well as the Eagles Nest…He hauled home MANY items…including about 8 SS Black Saddles. He had Race Horses in Maine. He also had the shelving behind the Bar there where Hitler hung out with is cronies. The shelving and bottles were packed and sent to MAINE also..It was all mounted on the wall in his house. After he passed I am sure no one knew what the hell it was… All the small item, medals – SS sleeve titles from Hitlers Outfit of security guards in here… Good man- We were good friends. His wife was a Princess out of South America.. From the DeLeon Family… Susan…. very small, quiet friendly woman. Col Lents died ( heart attack) after one of race horse lost at a race in MA .. he had bet quite a bit on the critter… Shame.

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the ostwind yacht

189: Hitler’s Yacht

The elite end of the German Navy was the submarine corps. Those who served on subs during World War II were the best paid, the best fed, the smartest, the toughest. 1,100 submarines, they sunk 2,800 Allied ships. And of the German subs, the deadliest were the Type IX subs.

You have the sound room and the radio room. To the right of that, we're going to go into our officers' quarters and into the kitchen where these two have already opted to cook for us today. Come on in. Watch your head.

One of these subs, the U-505 there we has been on permanent display at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry since the 1950s. It's stuffy, it's hot, and it's unbelievably cramped.

Now check this out. This is the kitchen for 59 guys.

From the point of view of the Nazi government that built this sub, this right here is pretty much a worst-case scenario-- little black and brown-skinned children climbing through one of the most powerful machines of destruction pointing and laughing being interviewed, being interviewed by a Jewish reporter who has not entirely lost that pestering, nasal Jewish-y quality that was ever-so-annoying back in the fatherland. That is pretty much not the way they wanted the war to come out. Little American kids thinking that they could have served on this boat.

Tourist Girl

If I was on board, I would like to be the captain for all that ship.

Tourist Boy 1

I want to be the captain.

Tourist Boy 2

I want to be the person that walks around and checks around the whole boat.

Tourist Boy 3

I want to be the person that carries the torpedoes and puts them in the thing and shoots them off.

Now, believe it or not, we've just walked from our back part of our boat all the way up to the front. Are there any questions yet?

Tourist Boy 4

Yeah, how come if this was a German U-boat, how come most of this stuff is in English not German?

Do you speak German?

See, they're making it easy to help you.

In fact, this kid is on to something. There are not many German words. There are no swastikas onboard, no reminders of Nazis at all, in fact. The thought that these were bunk beds where slept men who wanted to kill us, who sunk seven Allied ships themselves, who fought for the notion of an Aryan homeland and a master race, these unpleasant thoughts, they are not encouraged. And you know, maybe that is for the best.

Because I think if the museum would play up the evil, Nazi angle-- these are the dishes that the evil men ate from, this is their evil silverware. I think what they would lose in dignity, you can be sure they would gain dozens of times over in attendance. And how do I know this is true? Because, my friend, I have heard the story of Hitler's yacht, a fable if you will, a modern fable of what happens when the free market, the media, the World War II buffs, the neo-Nazis, and the Jews all collide over a huge Nazi tourist trap.

We have devoted our entire program today to this story. It's kind of an amazing story. Alix Spiegel has spent months investigating Hitler's yacht, a craft whose original name was the Ostwind. For this hour she will be our guide. Here's Alix.

Act One: Act One

Alix spiegel.

There are things that we know and there are things that we don't know. We know that Hitler ordered it built in 1936 and that is cost a small fortune, close to $250,000. We know that it was completed in 1939, that each cabin was finished in a different fine wood, and that its sail, over 40 feet long, was made of a rare Egyptian linen.

We know that its designer was Heinrich Gruber, the most lauded naval architect at the time. And we know that its purpose was to demonstrate the superiority of the master race. But we don't know, we'll never be able to say with absolute certainty whether or not Hitler ever actually set foot on the Ostwind, or if this idea was just some twisted collective fantasy perpetuated for over half a century by celebrity-crazed Americans.

Of course there were always rumors about the yacht. And some of those rumors were repeated so often that it's difficult now to distinguish them from fact. One of the rumors was that Hitler and his mistress, Eva Braun, used the Ostwind for pleasure cruises. Another is that Hitler had an extraordinary affection for the boat, that it was very important to him, and that when he talked about it, he always referred to it as his special lady.

But there's no real evidence for any of this, just as there's no real evidence that Hitler's ghost continues to haunt the decks, or that the boat was used as a brothel by high-ranking Nazi officials, or that the yacht itself is cursed, that it will kill, maim, or financially decimate anyone unfortunate enough to own it. Although, on this last point at least, there does seem to be a series of suspiciously consistent anecdotes.

This is the story of the last days of the Ostwind, one of two yachts built by the Nazi government after a poor German showing in the 1936 Olympic races. Even though its original purpose was to demonstrate the superiority of the German people in Olympic competition, the Ostwind actually spent most of its life in America, war booty transported here by the US Navy in 1947.

I should tell you that when it arrived in this country, it wasn't known as Hitler's yacht. It became Hitler's yacht. More precisely, we made it Hitler's yacht. The Ostwind's sister ship, the Nordwind, a boat, mind you, with an identical pedigree, built at the same time by the same people for the same purpose, has never been known as Hitler's yacht. To this day, it sails in Britain under the name The White Rose, a charter boat which inspires no controversy, attracts no attention at all.

But here in America, sometime in the 1950s, we made the Ostwind into Hitler's yacht. We made it into Hitler's yacht and then we sailed it, cursed it, set it on fire, restored it, tried to put it in a museum, stripped it to a skeleton, and finally sailed it into the Miami Harbor, and as a group of Holocaust survivors stood witness on the deck of a boat nearby, sank it to the bottom of the sea.

J.j. Nelson

That road is a back road to the airport. Pecan Park there. Biscayne there, which runs into Dunn.

J.J. Nelson has lived in Jacksonville, Florida, all his life on the Southside of town in a neighborhood called Panama Park. It's a modest neighborhood which borders the Trout River, a series of small ranch houses with water views and long docks stretching out behind them.

J.J. owned one of those docks. He made his living renting boat space to wealthy weekenders who understood the pleasures of a fishing line and a cold beer. J.J., himself, was a fan of fishing lines and cold beer, particularly cold beer. He was a famous Jacksonville drunk.

Now this is not a past that J.J. is ashamed of, not at all. More than once he's told me, without a note of regret in his voice, that as a young man he had, and I quote, "the worst reputation from Miami to Virginia."

So I went down to Jacksonville to visit J.J. I spent two days in his truck listening to his extravagantly entertaining, occasionally appalling, and seemingly endless stories. J.J. is an excellent storyteller and a genius at Jacksonville history. He specializes in two particular kinds of narratives-- tails about crooked politicians thieving the public, and yarns about his own rather intimate experience with debauchery. Like the time J.J. tricked a man who had crossed him into marrying the woman that J.J. had tired of living with.

She's really a nasty drunk, pretty but nasty. So I said, Johnny, you could come visit, but I said, my wife is a millionaire, she's a nymphomaniac. And she's an alcoholic. And it's all I can do to handle her. I can't put up with you. It don't seem like I hung the phone up, he was there.

So he came in. And he had been on a ship three years saving his money. So I went down in my office on the side of the house and I'd left her estate book out, which is about this thick of all the properties she owned, and land, and her money. And he had smoked a carton of cigarettes and put the ashtray, reading all of what she was worth. The next night she didn't come upstairs to bed. And I went down and they were both passed out together on the floor nude. I won't tell you what position. But he was about to choke. I said, he has bit the hook.

There was a story about the time J.J. shot a man for dunking his dog underwater, a couple of stories, which involved J.J. falling off a bridge. And then there was the time that J.J. spent two drunk days on Danish shipper with an entire crew of female sailors.

He had met two or three of the women crew members at a bar downtown, and after a night of drinking, accepted their invitation to continue the party back at the ship. The story from here follows a plot line familiar to any occasional viewer of hotel Pay-per-view. For two days J.J. stumbled from cabin to cabin to cabin having so much fun that he actually refused to leave the boat even after it left port.

We got out just about the sea buoy, which is about a mile off the jetties in the ocean. And I had a new suit on, new shoes. I'd been to a big party. They got me dressed, got my clothes all on, my shoes, and they opened the door hatch. I figure, well hell-- you know how drunk is-- they're taking me to better quarters if it's possible. [BLEEP] they just opened the side hatch and threw me overboard, bam, in the ocean.

And then there's the story of Hitler's yacht, the most eye-popping, jaw-dropping story of all. The yacht arrived at J.J.'s dock in 1982.

I didn't realize it was anything special. It was an old half-rotted sailboat. It was worm-eaten and sunk down in the mud. And the decks were all right. But it was junk as far as I was concerned.

By the time the yacht made it to J.J.'s dock in Panama Park, it had had a number of American owners, I think around six or seven. Two had dropped dead of heart attacks shortly after buying the Ostwind. One had lost his left and part of his skull when he was hit in the face by the boat's mainsheet winch handle. There was a lawyer dude who supposedly used it for orgies, or prostitution, or something like that. And then there was Horace Glass.

Horace Glass was a restoration enthusiast obsessed with a single purpose, to restore the Ostwind to its original glory and turn it into a floating museum of its own history. To reach this end, Glass sacrificed 14 years, $178,000, three homes, two businesses, and an antique camera collection. In other words, he bankrupted his family, lost almost everything they had ever owned.

So after the whole floating museum idea didn't really work out, Horace needed a place to store the boat while he searched for a buyer. And this is how the Ostwind ended up at J.J.'s dock.

So he asked me, could he store the boat at my dock. And I said, yeah. And he brought it around on drums. There was hardly no bottom in it.

Well after it had been there a couple of months, people started calling me and saying, do you know what kind of boat you've got there, whose boat that is? And I said, yeah. It's Horace Glass. And they said, no, that's Hitler's boat. And I said, my god.

Horace, meanwhile, was busy trying to get his family out of hock. He placed a series of advertisements in papers all over the country. And those advertisements attracted a lot of attention. In particular, they attracted the attention of a man from Massachusetts.

Charles T. Sanderson of Kingston, Mass. He'd seen something about it. And he called and he arranged to buy the boat and get it off my property.

Now Charles Sanderson of Kingston, Mass. was a man who'd been involved in a variety of questionable business dealings over the years. I have four solid interview tapes full of colorful examples, all of them highly libelous, half most likely exaggerated. A typical story involves a faux English businessman with fake accent, a historical landmark, Latin American smugglers, and a boat full of frozen flounder.

But there are other flounder-free claims against Charlie, several of which actually made it into the legal system. In 1991, Charlie was found guilty of defrauding the First National Bank of Boston for close to $1 million and was sentenced to a year in prison. It's fair to say that Charles Sanderson was a controversial character. He was also a memorabilia collector.

Airplanes, tanks, bazookas, handguns, medals, he's got a three-story house and I guarantee there's not a place in it you can't walk that there's that the Nazis made or had.

It wasn't just Nazi memorabilia, not at all. Charlie loved history and owned a huge number of historical artifacts. He specialized in materials from Admiral Richard E. Byrd's arctic exploration. So naturally when he read about the Ostwind in the paper, he immediately contacted Horace and made a deal.

Then Charlie went down to visit the boat at J.J.'s dock. When he arrived, he found it under 15 feet of water.

After he'd spent about two weeks trying to get the boat up, he'd come to me in my office. He'd never spoke to me up until then. He was eating down in the restaurant and had his crew and he was staying in motels. So finally when he couldn't get the boat up because it was jammed between barges and a dock, he'd come to me and said, look here, what do you charge me to get that boat up? And I said, what are you going to do when you get it up? It's just going to sink again. He said, I'm going to take it to Boston.

Like Horace, Charlie wanted to restore the boat and turn it into a museum. Specifically, Charlie proposed to display Hitler's yacht in the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts, at a location 15 minutes from the site where the Pilgrims first landed the Mayflower in 1620. It was an idea which didn't meet with much enthusiasm from the local population.

City Council in Massachusetts or Plymouth had a meeting and wouldn't allow the boat in the state. That's a public record.

The Boston Herald , Wednesday, March 20, 1985-- "Town fathers said yesterday that they would fight tooth and nail plans by a local developer to turn Adolf Hitler's yacht into a museum in the town where the Pilgrims landed the Mayflower. Local officials described the vessel as an affront to the Jewish community." "There are two chances we'll let that yacht in here," Plymouth Selectman, William Nolan, was quoted as saying, "slim and none".

Charlie gave up on his plan to station Hitler's yacht at the landing place of the Pilgrims. But he didn't give up on his idea of returning the Ostwind to its former nautical majesty. He hired a famous yacht builder and undertook, what looked to J.J., like an extensive and very expensive restoration project.

There were men working on the boat at all hours. Each plank was carefully removed, sandblasted, and stored. Screws, bolts, rust, everything was saved.

What I didn't know until about two months later, one of the guys that worked for me said, you know what he's doing with those boards he's taking off , the planks? And I said, no. He's cutting them up, and marking them, selling them for souvenirs. I said, my god, who would buy them? He said, some of those little old boards are the size of a box of matches. He's getting $500 for them. And I had no idea that some damn fool would pay $500 for a little piece of teak.

Charlie would sit sometime for hours at the foot of the boat and talk to the Fuhrer, himself. In his mind he'd sit there and talk. And then he'd chatter about well, Hitler walked here. Hitler did this. The Fuhrer did this. The Fuhrer did that.

Did you ever kind of confront him and say, you're crazy?

Well I'm a cracker. I kind of thought it was funny. It's kind of like a circus your kid goes to. First time you see somebody walking around in a cage with lions, you kind of think it's funny and stupid at the same time. And it was kind of a circus really.

I tried to talk to Charlie about the Ostwind. I called four or five times and asked for an interview. But Charlie wasn't interested. He told me he'd only owned the yacht for a brief period, five or six months at the most, which I knew wasn't true. But when I called him on it, he just denied it. He also denied that he had ever intended to station the yacht near Plymouth Rock no matter what the paper said. And he even denied that he owned an extensive antique collection.

Then he told me that he could barely remember a thing about the boat. It was such a brief period so long ago. And that in any case, he had nothing of import to say about it. That was the phrase that he used, nothing of import.

Charlie, I'm told, is a very pleasing person, a man with charisma you just can't resist. Lots of people told me this, even the ones he had ripped off. They described some terrible con Charlie pulled on them, then scratched their heads and tell me how much they still liked the guy, all the while staring off into space with a dazed expression like they'd just hit their head on something really hard and they were trying to figure out who they were and how they got here.

Charlie's magic certainly worked on J.J. After a couple of months they became friends and then business partners of sorts, which helps explain J.J.'s tolerance of some of Charlie's more unusual attitudes. You see, Charlie convinced J.J. that he was in a position to provide him with $50 million to develop the Trout River Waterfront into a high-end marine village, a dream which J.J. had harbored since he was a boy.

In return for this promise, J.J. drove Charlie around and introduced him to Jacksonville's rich, powerful, and political-- men Charlie viewed as potential business investors. There's actually a long and sordid story to tell about Charles Sanderson and his con of the city of Jacksonville, a story which begins when Charlie convinces the city to sell him a valuable downtown property at a vastly reduced price, claiming he would bring jobs and economic opportunity by installing a world-class military museum.

It ends, naturally, with a huge expose of Charlie and certain civic leaders in Jacksonville's newspaper, the Florida Times-Union. It turns out Charlie had neither the funds to pay for the property nor the objects he had promised to exhibit in the museum.

So Charlie was run out of town. And J.J., through grit, and cunning, and a certain amount of river rat guile, ended up inheriting Hitler's yacht. Unlike Charlie or Horace, J.J. had no great plan for the boat. And so it sat, a rotting ghost of a promise made long ago on a piece of land near J.J.'s dock for close to two years until some neighborhood boys came by and decided that Hitler's yacht was an ideal place to start a fire.

When these kids set it afire, the deck afire, at one corner, then people were scared to tie their boats to the dock. Because if one boat catches afire at a dock with all that gasoline, then they all burn. So then people wouldn't tie their boat there because they were afraid their boat would catch afire. Because they were afraid people would come set that boat afire and catch their boat afire.

We had a very popular restaurant right nearby the dock, Jackie's, the original. Not where it is now. And then people started walking out and saying, oh, is this the boat, a lot of big shots, the higher class of people. And they started telling my sister, you ought to get that boat off this dock. It's just a terrible thing to have that boat here. And you know how things stockpile and keep blowing and getting bigger.

After the fire, a whole cast of odd and blighted characters began to visit the boat. There was the Holocaust survivor whose wife had died in a concentration camp and who claimed that when he stood near the yacht, he could hear the voice of his long dead love. And then there was the old woman with a portable plastic lawn chair.

German lady, and she spoke mostly German. And she would set there by the boat in a chair. She'd bring her chair and hold on to the boat and pray that she could feel the presence of the Fuhrer. So she would scrape little pieces of paint off the boat for souvenirs.

One person had come down to the dock and pulled a piece of plank, and off and run up the dock and fell and broke his leg. He could have had the wood as far as I was concerned. But he thought he was stealing it. So we had to put a guard on the dock to keep people from vandalizing it or tearing up other people's boats.

Even with the guard there were problems, fights, and thieves, and all kinds of strange people who appeared out of the woodwork, drawn for very personal, private reasons to what Hitler represented.

Shoah Foundation Interviewer

Where were you born?

Abe Resnick

I was born in a small city in Lithuania, Rokiskis.

And what was your date of birth?

My date of birth was 2/27/1924.

The very personal, private reasons which drew Abe Resnick to Hitler's yacht can be found in a mass grave near Rokiskis, Lithuania, his father, his mother, his two sisters.

In this interview with the Shoah Foundation, Abe describes the death of his family. He also talks about watching his neighbors dig their own graves, and saving his grandmother from some prison guards, and wandering for days in the woods cold, afraid, and half mad with hunger after escaping from his German captors in 1941.

After his escape, Abe joined the Russian Army looking, he says, for revenge. And in a way, he found it. He was in one of the first army units to come across Hitler's bunker, the site of Hitler's last days and death by suicide immediately after the fall of Berlin.

You should have seen the inside of the bunker. I mean, it was amazing. I didn't have a camera to shoot pictures. But it was a little city was in the city. And I want to mention to you that we have seen the corpses, the burning corpses of Eva Braun and of Adolf Hitler. It was an incredible experience for us, especially for those, the Jews who were in the camps.

In 1985, 40 years after Abe stood over what he believed was the burned corpse of Adolf Hitler, he got a call from a rabbi in Mandarin, Florida. At the time, Abe was a real estate developer and the Vice-Mayor of Miami Beach. He was also very active in the movement to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive. So active that the street next to the Holocaust Memorial in Miami is called the Abe Resnick Boulevard.

So it was only natural for the rabbi to call Abe, only natural for the rabbi to ask Abe what he thought should be done about the problems presented by Hitler's yacht-- the constant traffic, the freak show atmosphere. It turned out Abe did have an idea for the boat. And after talking to the rabbi, he flew to Jacksonville to discuss his idea with J.J.

Well he came up and asked me what I wanted to do with it, what did I think about doing with it. I said, well I had some offers. And we had dinner at my sister's restaurant, Jackie's, the original one on Trout River, and spent the afternoon talking and walking.

And he was telling me, what did your daddy do? And I told him he was a seaman. And he said, well what do you think he would want this thing-- you know, he's good salesman-- he said, he's dead. Don't you think it'd be kind of a disgrace to give this something that represents this much tyranny and horror to the world and make a shrine out of it? I said, well, you're absolutely right. He said, let me tell you what I'd like to do with it. And he told me.

Abe wanted to sink Hitler's yacht in the Miami Harbor, to blow it up while a group of Holocaust survivors watched from a boat nearby. He thought this act would provide the survivors with some kind of closure, with a sense that we now lived in a very different world.

Abe told J.J. he wanted to plan the sinking to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Voyage of the Damned, when 900 Jewish refugees on board a ship called the St. Louis were denied entrance to the United States and forced to return to Europe. About 700 of the 900 Jewish passengers were slaughtered in concentration camps. And the idea was to collect whatever survivors there were and maybe some other dignitaries, perhaps even some Nobel Prize winners, and sail them all out to the point in the Miami Harbor where the St. Louis had been turned away. At that point, at that point exactly, they would demonstrate to themselves and to anyone else who'd cared to notice that the tide had certainly changed. In the words of Abe Resnick, words which were quoted extensively after his meeting with J.J. became public, "We intend to apply the final solution. We intend to apply the final solution to Hitler's yacht."

It was certainly better to sink that boat off in Miami where it would do some good for some fish to breed and reproduce than to put it somewhere and make a shrine for a bunch of skinhead Nazis. In America we don't believe in that kind of stuff. So I said, all right. It sounds like a good idea to me. He said, well, what do you want to do with it? I said, well, I guess I'll give to you then. He said, you know people are going to offer you more money now that I want it. I said, do we need a contract? And he said, you shook my hand. I said, yeah. He said, then that's all the contract we need, ain't it? And I said, absolutely with me if it's all right with you.

Jackie Judd

This is what is left of Adolf Hitler's once glorious yacht-- rotting wood, rusted steel, broken glass. It's enough, though, to remind a concentration camp survivor of Hitler's evils and to want the boat destroyed.

That handshake got a lot of press. Jackie Judd from ABC News did a whole story about it. She explained how Hitler would stroll the decks of the Ostwind with his mistress, Eva Braun, and talked to a couple hollow-eyed Holocaust survivors who seemed to think that this sinking was a good idea.

Then J.J. got up and shook Abe's hand again, only this time they did it in front of the cameras. They promised that within the year, Hitler's yacht would be at the bottom of the Miami Harbor, nothing more than a playground for interested marine life. And this is when the trouble really began.

Coming up, lawyers, guns, and money, lots and lots of money, neo-Nazi money, in a minute from Public Radio International when our program continues.

Act Two: Act Two

Its This American Life , I'm Ira Glass. Today we are devoting our entire program to the story of the boat known as Hitler's yacht. Alix Spiegel continues the story.

The market for Hitler and Nazi memorabilia, as far as anyone can tell, is relatively modest, in the millions each year. And what dealers of these materials will tell you is that while a small percentage of their business is Nazi sympathizers, the vast bulk of the market is history buffs, the kind of people who can recite every battle in the Civil War.

Hitler's yacht seemed to capture the imagination of these collectors and a lot of other people too, particularly after the boat appeared on television alongside Abe, J.J., and Jackie Judd.

After that people really started sending letters, telegrams-- I've got boxes of them here-- of some wanting to buy it to preserve it, some thinking it was a good idea to destroy it, some thought they ought to burn it right there. And there were threats made in every direction.

There were angry letters from historical preservationists and angrier letters from neo-Nazis.

They're not going to kill you. But they just say that. Nazis are spineless anyway. They probably could beat up some old woman or something. But it's not an easy thing to go kill somebody that's prepared.

And so J.J. got prepared. He stopped going out at night and refused to meet strangers unless they agreed to meet at his house.

I just changed a few of my habits. I didn't eat at the same restaurants. I didn't, like I said, go out in the evenings or meet strangers. Of course I had fences, dogs, and security, and proper firearms myself.

Despite these precautions, there were incidents. One of the windows in J.J.'s house was shot out during a midnight drive-by. And there was a similar attack on his office. Because J.J. is J.J., these late night shootings didn't really make much of an impression. In fact, I first learned about the shootings not from J.J. himself-- he forgot to tell me-- but from his companion, a woman named Linda he's known since he was a teenager. Of course, Linda didn't seem particularly impressed either.

I recall one particular night, someone drove by his office and shot a gun. And I said, small caliber.

It was just a small caliber. It was a .22. It wasn't a big gun. Hell, it might have even been one of my neighbors. But they called up and took credit for it.

When somebody shoots one of my windows out, I just move my chair over to another spot in the house and board that window up.

At this point in our story as events begin to spiral, I'd like to take a moment to point out just how unlikely it is that the Ostwind was actually used by Adolf Hitler. Horace Glass, the man who first brought the boat to J.J.'s dock, not only went broke trying to restore the yacht, he also spent over 20 years collecting information about the Ostwind's history. He hunted down newspaper articles, blueprints. He even initiated a correspondence with Nazi architect Albert Speer.

But the closest he came to proof that the yacht ever felt the weight of Hitler's foot is this: the German shipbuilders who constructed the Ostwind, people who had never met Adolf Hitler themselves, told him that they were told that the boat was very important to the Fuhrer. That's it.

And although the Ostwind was built for Olympic yacht racing, almost immediately after its completion it was painted gray and used in the war effort, mostly hauling stuff back and forth for the German Navy. So it's hard to imagine that it got much use as a pleasure craft.

After going through 50 years of newspaper clippings about the Ostwind, I can tell you this. When the boat arrived in America in the 1940s, it was advertised as the yacht of Admiral Karl Donitz, Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy, a claim which was probably also untrue.

Later in the decade, an enterprising Baltimorean dubbed the Ostwind the Nazi yacht and sold tours to visitors in the Baltimore Harbor. So it wasn't until the 1950s that the Ostwind became known as Hitler's yacht, probably for simple commercial reasons.

In light of this evidence that the Ostwind was probably not Hitler's yacht, the events which follow are all the more incredible.

We started getting inquiries from all over the world. I recall seeing an inquiry fro-- China.

Maine, New York, Tallahassee, Alabama, Mexico, New Mexico, Texas-- we got stacks of cards.

And it was people who normally I don't think had an interest particularly in ships and sailing.

"Dear Mr. Nelson, I talked with you two weeks ago about the abandoned Ostwind. I'm with a nonprofit group called the Keike Enrichment Foundation. We put on special programs and events for Hawaii's handicapped children. We just had a Christmas event for the Shriners Hospital down the way. There was tons of snow, crushed ice, and a snowman building contest that was really fun. Anyway, we're a new organization and thought the Ostwind might make an interesting exhibit for the kids. Any idea what you're going to do with the boat? Please advise."

"Dear Mr. Nelson, I realize that my interest in the Ostwind yacht is probably not unique. I'm sure you have plenty of people calling with offers, et cetera. But please allow me to make a case for myself. My wish to restore the craft is driven by my need for a project to occupy myself during the long illness I have. I am young, 32, and on social security for the rest of my life. So I thought it would be fun to restore a part of history that could otherwise be lost forever. My funds are low but regular as clockwork. And I promise I will work very, very hard."

There were other letters, boxes upon boxes of them stored in the mobile home parked behind J.J.'s house. They were from people who couldn't understand what all the fuss was about or people who thought that the boat should be burned where it stood. Every state, every race, every position and policy was represented, usually it was represented emphatically. And the violence at the emotions puzzled J.J.

I mean, I couldn't see how a resting relic of a piece of junk boat could mean so many different things to different people. In other words, the Jewish people hated it because it belonged to Adolf Hitler. And they wanted it destroyed and gotten rid of because of some psychological connection of Hitler. And the Nazis and the skinheads looked at it as a shrine like a holy place. And it was just a boat.

Then J.J. got another letter. Or actually J.J.'s lawyer got another letter. It was from a neo-Nazi group in the Midwest. They wanted to buy the Ostwind.

After I had handshook and gave it to Commissioner Resnick on the deck of the boat in front of ABC News, Jackie Judd, they contacted the lawyer and offered a half a million dollars for the boat.

And what did you think when you heard that?

Well, half a million dollars is nice to have. But it wasn't that important. First of all, I already gave the boat to the Jewish people, Resnick. So I couldn't go back on my word. And their idea was you didn't sign any papers. I said, no. But I shook hands with the man. And I gave him my word.

But the offer created its own problems. J.J.'s sister Jackie, owner of the original Jackie's restaurant on Trout River, had died a couple of summers before when the cigarette she was smoking set fire to her bed. Her death left the family in debt, a towering mountain of debt, including a sizable bill to the corporate lawyer in charge of her estate. Here's Linda.

The attorney for her estate actually sued him to try to keep him from giving the boat away.

He was indignant and mad because I gave away a corporate asset for a half a million dollars for nothing, he said, which was bad business. I said, well it's a matter of principle, not so much the money. Of course I could have used the money. But like I said, I already gave it to the man. So I couldn't very well change my mind if I wanted to.

Florida Times-Union May 31, 1989. "Hitler's yacht was moved by barge from the Trout River to the Intracoastal Waterway during the weekend and is scheduled to begin its final voyage today. 'Finally', said Rabbi Gary Perez of Beth Shalom Congregation in Mandarin. 'Hitler's yacht is getting what it deserves."

When the boat was being transported to Miami by barge, they had threats-- like at St. Augustine, there's a narrow bridge at 210. And some people called and said they were going to blow it up. People on the boat were watching. It never stopped. It just went day and night straight through in the waterway.

My lawyer was calling every 15 minutes when the boat was going down the river telling me I was making a terrible mistake. And I wouldn't have a pot or a window when he got through.

On June 4, 1989, over 100 people, including 27 survivors of the Voyage of the Damned, boarded a Princess Line cruiser to witness the sinking of the Ostwind yacht. As an airplane passed overhead towing a sign branded with the words "never again", the cruiser set sail.

Rabbi Barry Konovitch of the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center in Miami was at the sinking of the yacht. Was, in fact, one of the event's organizers. He says that the cruiser trolled back and forth in the harbor for about an hour before the sinking. They wanted to give the survivors time to absorb the meaning of the day.

Rabbi Barry Konovitch

Then we came to the point where the yacht hove into view. And there was an announcement on the loudspeaker by the captain, what was about to happen, that everybody should go out on deck. And all of a sudden, there was a tremendous quiet that settled over the boat. Nobody said a word. And I must tell you that when the moment came for the yacht to be observed and then sunk, one person turned around, and then another person turned around. And the entire deck just turned their backs on the ship. They didn't even want to look at it as a symbolic gesture.

Before the ship went down?

As it was about to go down. And I don't remember any cheering. I just remember the silence.

And why do you think that they did that?

They wanted to demonstrate rather graphically their revulsion at the Nazis and at Nazism. And this was the symbol that represented Nazism to them at that moment.

And it wasn't choreographed or anything?

Not at all. It was just an amazing thing. Spontaneous.

Spontaneous disgust.

Abe Resnick died in 1998. But I talked to his son, Jimmy Resnick, who attended the ceremony with his mother.

Jimmy Resnick

It sank. Everybody threw flowers or lilies or whatever into the ocean. And everybody started screaming. I believe, then, we went into a rendition of-- I believe if I'm not mistaken-- the Hatikva and then the National Anthem. And people started to sing and started to hug each other. And it was very touching, very very touching.

J.J., whose travel arrangements and suite at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami were provided free of charge, says he enjoyed his afternoon with the survivors. He was the hero, the man who had made the right choice.

They were thanking me and telling me I did the right thing, and there should be more people like me that had put principle before money. Of course I was crying out of one eye and laughing out of the other.

What do you mean by that?

Well, you know, there's $500,000 going down the pipe there. And you always have second thoughts even though I wouldn't have taken the money. But it's something to think of when somebody is reminding you every hour.

Abe Resnick also apparently enjoyed the day. His son, Jimmy, says he was elated.

I remember vividly what my father had said and what everybody had said was this will finally be the end of it. After this, that's it. Nothing will come back to haunt us.

As I said, I went down to Jacksonville to visit J.J. and we spent two days in his truck driving around. There was no particular plan to our driving. I had mentioned that I wanted a tour of the city. And so J.J. gave me one. He showed me the Northside of town, where rich people lived in Spanish mansions with water views.

Then he drove me down to the neighborhood where the Ostwind had spent its last days, to the dock he didn't own anymore. Over the 12 years since the sinking a lot had changed. J.J.'s house had burned down. And the popular seafood restaurant his sister had owned was closed and just beginning to crumble.

J.J. pulled into the lot next to his old place, a small junky yard filled with rusted cars and boats of all shapes and sizes. There was a little girl playing in the yard, dragging a long jumprope back and forth in the dust. There was also a man who looked like her father, 30, maybe 35, with his jeans hanging low on his body and his hands covered in boat grease. J.J. pulled alongside this man and rolled down his window.

I want to pull over on the other side where the fire station is going to be built, show the little lady some of this stuff if you don't mind.

Soon J.J. and the man fell to talking-- about the weather, about nothing in particular. Then J.J. mentioned that he used to own the next lot. And the man nodded his head. He said he remembered J.J. and mentioned the boat that used to sit in the yard.

You remember that boat, Hitler's yacht?

Jacksonville Neighbor

Yeah, I got a piece of wood off of it.

Oh, you were one of those thieves.

No, you gave it to me.

The man said he took the wood in the Ostwind's last days when its death was all but certain. He said by the time he got to it most of the interesting stuff, the portholes, for example, had already been stripped away by more enterprising souvenir hunters and he had grabbed what he could.

It was just Hitler's boat over there. And everybody wanted a piece of it. So I went over and got me my piece of it. It was a piece of teak off the deck.

Where do you keep the little piece of teak now? Do you know?

I think it's in the trunk of that car right there.

Yes, I think so.

Can we see it?

If I can get my trunk open, you can see.

Which one are you in?

I'm in that little Mustang. The lock is broken on it. It might be lying in the back. You want me to look around?

The teak wasn't in the backseat. It was in the trunk. And there was no way to get it out. But I didn't mind much. At the time, I thought this was just a pretty piece of coincidence, some dumb luck without any real significance, kind of funny actually. I didn't realize it was the beginning of a pattern, that at almost every stop in Jacksonville, we would find some remnant or echo of Hitler's yacht stored away in car trunks or kitchen cabinets, wrapped in cloth, and laid carefully alongside family silver.

After the man in the boatyard, there was Howard, a wrinkled old man who showed me the wood from the deck of the Ostwind he'd stored in one of his outbuildings. He told me he didn't believe that Hitler was ever on the boat but had decided to keep the wood anyway.

After Howard, there was Walter.

Hey, Hey. How you doing?

J.J. and Walter had known each other for a long time, ever since Walter was a kid and worked on J.J.'s dock. When we drove up he was out front draining the oil from a car parked in his driveway. But as soon as he spied us, he marched out to the street and asked me what I was doing with a tape recorder in my lap.

When I told him I was talking to people about Hitler's yacht, he smiled and said he had a funny story about that.

Yeah, I went to a garage sale I guess about maybe a month ago. And the strangest thing happened at the garage sale. I noticed this dish sitting up there. And the guy said, I cannot tell you who owned the dish. But it came off the Ostwind.

The lady that donated to the church the particular item, her dad worked on the Ostwind as one of Hitler's servants.

Did you get the dish?

I've got the dish. I'm hanging on to it.

I forgot he told me about that.

Walter disappeared into the house and returned carrying a small bowl. It had a top with a decorated handle and a trim of braided metal a dirty yellowish color.

That's gold and that's gold. To check it I went ahead and put acid. Because gold will not deteriorate under acid. If it's fake gold, the acid will eat it up. But this right here, I put acid on that and that, sulfuric acid, and nothing happened.

Walter held the bowl up with both hands so we could get a good look at it. It twinkled and shimmered a little in the late afternoon light. And it was clear from the proud way he held it high in the air that Walter believed the dish was authentic. I, on the other hand, wasn't so sure, especially after he told me he'd only paid $3 for it.

But I was going to have it checked out to see if it was authentic. But I have ideas it's authentic. See the thing on the back? I was going to take it to an antique dealer and see what he said about it.

After four months of research, I called Rabbi Konovitch, the man who helped Abe Resnick organize the sinking of the Ostwind, and told him I believed that Hitler's yacht was a fraud. I explained the boat's history and made clear I thought that the Ostwind had gotten the name Hitler's yacht because one of its owners realized the name would add to its mystique and value.

I see, interesting.

So my question for you is does that change your feelings about whether or not the yacht should've been sunk?

Not at all, because it was merely a symbol to begin with.

Can you expand on that a little bit?

Well, a symbol is very powerful. It doesn't make any difference whether it's historically valid as long as it's a symbol. So for the setting, for the moment, that symbolized Hitler's regime and its destruction.

I had expected a different reaction-- anger, disbelief, or outrage that the survivors had been duped, perhaps even some kind of remorse. I certainly didn't expect amusement and indifference, didn't expect the rabbi wouldn't care. But he was unequivocal. It didn't make any difference to him that the yacht wasn't real. The point, after all, was that the yacht had become a gathering ground for Hitler lovers and misdirected neo-Nazis. Once these people embraced the fantasy of Hitler's yacht, there was no turning back. The Ostwind would be sunk, and its sinking as meaningful as if it were the real thing.

There's a biblical injunction about destroying entirely evil because if you don't it comes back to haunt you.

The rabbi told me that he thought all Nazi materials, real or fake, should meet the same end as Hitler's yacht. Then he suggested that I read the biblical story of the Amalekites. He thought it might give me some perspective.

Like the Nazis, the Amalekites sought the eradication and enslavement of the Jewish people. They met often in the open desert for battle. And when the Israelites won one of these fights, there was an absolute rule governing their behavior. They were instructed to obliterate any and all items which might have been captured in the heat of battle. Everything-- trinkets, jewelry, gold, silver-- anything that the Amalekites revered was to be destroyed, even if its acquisition might profit the Jewish victors or help them in their future battles.

I think it's like touching poison. It has to rub off on you either consciously or unconsciously. That's dangerous.

So after I talked to the rabbi, I called Walter back. I wanted to see if he was being poisoned by evil, corrupted by the presence of the $3 bowl he stored on the shelf in his bedroom. I asked Walter why he wanted the dish, if it was simply the drama of celebrity which excited him, any celebrity, or if his interest was more specific, if there was something about Hitler in particular.

Do you think you'd rather have a dish from Hitler or from John F. Kennedy?

Oh boy. Well, I think you'd get more value out of the one that Hitler had, as far as the monetary value.

How about, would you rather have a dish from Hitler or from FDR?

Oh boy. I think I'd rather have it from Hitler to be honest with you. FDR wasn't all that wise. Hitler was a pretty smart guy. You know, Einstein and him were side by side with intelligence, I believe.

I've got one more of these questions. Would you rather have a dish from Churchill or from Hitler?

Oh boy. I'll stick with Hitler.

Do you think that Hitler is cooler than FDR?

He was kind of an outlaw. Maybe that's what I like about him. I don't know. But I think Hitler was cooler.

And do you think that Hitler was cooler than Kennedy?

Well, Kennedy was born with what they call a silver spoon in his mouth. Adolf Hitler wasn't.

So you identify with him in that way?

It could be, yeah. Kennedy never had to work an honest day in his life. Whereas Hitler had to work every day of his life. Kennedy did some stuff that I didn't necessarily approve of, like his being an infidel. He was not very true to his wife. He just philandered around. Adolf Hitler didn't philander. He was just a true guy, you know, my kind of guy.

But he killed six million people.

Well, I didn't agree with that part of him. He didn't have to do that. He didn't have to kill them. He could have put them in slave camps and just let them be. But to actually exterminate people, that is wrong.

Do you think that people are more attracted to evil or more attracted to good?

Depends on the person.

Do you think that evil is more exciting than good?

Oh boy. You would have to drag that up. Well, the majority of people are good. Let's put it that way. I think the majority of people want to do good. I try to do good. I go out of my way to be good. But I do have, I guess you could say, a bad part about me.

Walter works full-time as a lineman for the electric company. On weekends he goes fishing. He also enjoys fixing cars and long visits with his family. Now Walter is not a neo-Nazi nor is he a fascist. If you ask Walter to explain his fascination with Hitler, he won't talk about Hitler's politics, he'll talk about Hitler's power, that Hitler could quote, "do whatever he wanted."

What do you think it is that's so--

Fascinating about Hitler?

Well, when you think about what he did, look at the people that he organized just on a whim. He had a million soldiers just like that come up that believed in his views. And how one man can dictate someone's life like that and just get all these people to believe in him and actually go fight a war.

Walter keeps the bowl locked in his bedroom, hidden from thieves, but positioned so that each night when he goes to bed he has a view of it from his pillow. He doesn't show it to people because, he says, he doesn't want to cause trouble between the races. Walter doesn't want to upset anyone. He just likes being close to the dish he believes is a little piece of history.

To me it's kind of intriguing that I own something that he actually had in his possession. He might have eaten soup out of this stupid bowl. I don't know. It's just something that not everybody has. I mean, do you have a bowl form Hitler?

I suggested to Walter that the Ostwind wasn't actually Hitler's yacht. I told him I believed that Hitler had never actually set foot on the boat.

Well, now I heard he was on it. And when I was in history class, I remember seeing pictures of him on the Ostwind.

Yeah, I remember seeing a vessel. I wonder what Hitler would think now if he knew I had his bowl.

Do you ever think about that?

And what do you think?

How does this grab you, man? You were on the ship. Your boat is out in the ocean sunk in like 250 feet of water. And I've got the bowl off of it from a guy that you gave it to on the boat. I got it from his daughter. I mean, when you think about it, it's really fascinating.

What's fascinating is at the end of the day, it didn't really matter to anyone involved with the Ostwind whether or not the boat or any of the material that came off the boat was real. Both those who reviled Hitler and those who worshipped him had agreed to play out their passions on this half-rotted sailboat. And in doing that, they made the question of its authenticity obsolete. They didn't bother, didn't want really, to think about the possibility that the boat in question was a fraud. The battle they felt they were fighting was too important. And when confronted with evidence that it was a hoax, one side resolutely denied its reality. The other simply didn't seem to care.

And that's where this story ends, this biography of an extended collective fantasy with one postscript. J.J. told me that months after the yacht was scuttled, people continued to write. Many wrote wondering where precisely the boat had been sunk. It seems they wanted to fish it out and stage a resurrection.

J.J., of course, wouldn't say. He told all comers that the yacht was nothing but, and here I quote, "a pain in the ass that made an excellent fishing reef."

It made an excellent fishing reef. It's probably just one big barnacle now.

Alix Spiegel, she's a mental health reporter for National Public Radio. Her story was part of a series called the America Project. She got funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Our program was produced today by Alex Blumberg and me with Wendy Dorr, Jonathan Goldstein, and Starlee Kine, senior producer Julie Snyder, production help form Todd Bachmann, Laura Bellows and Paul McCarthy.


You can download today's program at our archives at audible.com/thisamericanlife. This American Life is distributed by Public Radio International. WBEZ management oversight for our program by Mr. Torey Malatia, who explains why he can't meet with you.

My wife is a millionaire. She's a nymphomaniac. And she's an alcoholic. And it's all I can do to handle her. I can't put up with you.

I'm Ira Glass. Back next week with more stories of This American Life.

PRI Public Radio International.

Thanks as always to our program's co-founder Torey Malatia

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  1. The Ostwind, Hitler's yacht, came from Germany to Jacksonville to Miami

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  2. OSTWIND Yacht Photos

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  3. The Ostwind, Hitler's yacht, came from Germany to Jacksonville to Miami

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  4. OSTWIND Yacht Photos

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  5. OSTWIND Yacht Charter Brochure

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  6. Jacksonville family for years tried to restore Hitler's yacht, Ostwind

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  2. (Der Ostwind) The East Wind

  3. " Elbe Geist " schwebt über den Elbdeich bei Tespe


  1. HITLER'S YACHT IN JACKSONVILLE - Florida Back Roads Travel

    I researched the matter, and found that during World War Two, Hitler had an 85 foot sailing yacht built for himself named "Ostwind". His plan was to sail into England after Germany had won the war and accept Winston Churchill's surrender aboard the yacht.

  2. The Ostwind, Hitler's yacht, came from Germany to ...

    A German boat dubbed 'Hitler's yacht' spent almost 18 troubled years in Jacksonville before finally sunk off Miami Beach. Here's the story.

  3. Jacksonville family for years tried to restore Hitler's yacht ...

    For more than 11 years in Jacksonville, beginning in 1971, he tried to restore the Ostwind, raising it from the muck of the Intracoastal Waterway, pouring time and money into saving it, and ...

  4. How Holocaust survivors reclaimed and sunk Hitler's boat

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  5. Hitler’s yacht sits off the coast of this Florida beach. Here ...

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  6. Hitler’s yacht lies abandoned off the coast of this Florida ...

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  8. Hitler’s Yacht - Vintage Jacksonville

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  9. Hitler’s Yacht - This American Life

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  10. 189: Hitler’s Yacht - This American Life

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