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Versicherungen für Boote, Segel- und Motoryachten und für Charterskipper seit 1976

Umfassende Betreuung und verlässliche Schadenabwicklung. YACHT-POOL ist Ihr Partner in Sachen Yachtversicherungen. Einfach, schnell und persönlich.

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Ein Mann und eine Frau auf einem Segelboot.


Der Skipper haftet für Schäden, die er anderen schuldhaft zugefügt hat mit seinem gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Vermögen – uneingeschränkt – Das ist Ihr Risiko! YACHT-POOL inkludiert die grobe Fahrlässigkeit und die Abwehr unberechtigter Ansprüche Dritter

Eine Luftaufnahme einer Motoryacht, die durch das Wasser rast.


Die Yacht-Kasko-Versicherung ist eine umfassende Absicherung für den Yachteigentümer. Sie deckt den Totalverlust sowie Teilschäden and der eigenen Yacht ab und bietet Schutz vor finanziellen Verlusten, die durch Ereignisse wie z.B. Diebstahl, Brand oder Naturkatastrophen entstehen können.

Eine Person, die auf einem Jetski im Meer fährt.

YACHT-POOL als Pionier und Trendsetter von Wassersportversicherungen setzt einen neuen Standard in der Jetski-Versicherung! Die YACHT-POOL JETSKI-Versicherung ist ein neues Highlight unserer Produktentwicklung, die alle wesentlichen Risiken des Jetski-Eigners deckt.

Die ziemlich besseren Versicherungen

Die yacht-pool story.

Dr. Schöchl wollte eigentlich mit Versicherungen nichts zu tun haben. Aber die schlechten Bedingungen zu Lasten der Kunden des Familienunternehmens Sunbeam Yachts ärgerten ihn sehr, weshalb er die YACHT-POOL Kasko- und Haftpflichtbedingungen schrieb, und damit zum   Initiator der Allgefahrendeckung wurde. Eine grundsätzliche und fundamentale Neuerung der Boots- und Yachtversicherungen. Sie waren den herkömmlichen Einzelgefahrendeckung in Bezug auf Kundenorientierung weit überlegen!

Da sich Versicherungsbedingungen nicht patentieren ließen, wurden sie über die Jahre von den Mitbewerbern nach und nach kopiert und sind heute Markt. Bei YACHT-POOL wurden die Versicherungsnehmer zu einem „POOL“ zusammengeschlossen – daher der Name  YACHT-POOL, der mit einer Stimme sprechen und ein Gegengewicht zu Versicherungen und Ihren Mannschaften von Juristen bilden sollte, denen der Einzelne immer unterlegen war.

Im Charter Bereich erkannte Dr. Schöchl als Erster das hohe persönliche Haftungsrisiko des Charter-Skippers, das er für unvertretbar hielt. Er formulierte und schrieb dazu die entsprechenden Skipper-Haftpflicht-Bedingungen, die damit zum Schutz der Charterskipper ins Leben gerufen wurden. Er gilt damit mit als Erfinder der Skipper-Haftpflichtversicherung .

Dabei blieb es aber nicht. Es wurden die weiteren Spezialversicherungen wie die Charter-Kautionsversicherung, Charter-Rücktrittsversicherung und eine Reihe weiterer Deckungskonzepte entwickelt. In Fachkreisen wurde YACHT-POOL somit zum  Pionier   der Charterversicherungen und wurde zum Trendsetter der Wassersportversicherungen.

Darüber hinaus entwickelte sich YACHT-POOL zu einer Art „Ombudsmann“ bei Fragen, die über Versicherungslösungen hinaus gingen. Dazu zählt das Qualitätssiegel „CHECKED & TRUSTED Financial Security“ , das Charterern eine bessere Orientierungshilfe bei der Wahl von wirtschaftlich stabilen Charteragenturen und Flottenbetreibern bietet und damit das Insolvenzrisiko minimiert.

Ebenso wichtig war die Entwicklung des „Charter-Fairtrag“ – ein Standardvertrag der AGB für Vercharterer, die den Charterskipper vor problematischen „freiwilligen Haftungs-vereinbarungen“ schützen sollten, bei denen keine Versicherung greift.

Die internationalen Verbände EBI (European Boating Industry) in Brüssel und ICOMIA (International Council of Marine Industry Associations) in London nahmen diesen Vertrag als Vorlage für die internationalen und offiziellen, allgemeinen Charter-Standardbedingungen.

YACHT-POOL wurde mit seinen Initiativen als Pionier, Innovator und Initiator zum Trendsetter und damit  …

...weit mehr als eine Versicherung!

zurich insurance yacht pool

Dr. Friedrich Schöchl: Geschätzter Vortragender und Autor des Buches Die Haftung des Skippers.

Photo credit:  www.ocean7.at

Versicherungen für Charterskipper

Charter-kaution, skipper-unfall, charter-folgeschaden, charter-rücktritt, skipper-rechtsschutz, top google bewertungen für yacht-pool.

Friedrich Lietz

Charter Fairtrag

Damit die Vertragsbedingungen für Vercharterer, der Agentur und den Charterkunden FAIR bleiben, hat YACHT-POOL den Charterfairtrag mit internationalen Terms and Conditions geschaffen. Buchen Sie Ihren Chartertörn ohne versteckte, unfaire und giftige Klauseln.

Checked & Trusted 2024 | YACHT-POOL

Checked & Trusted

Einem Charterkunden ist es nahezu unmöglich, eine objektive & umfassende Qualitätsbewertung von Charteragenturen und Flottenbetreibern zu erhalten. Aus diesem Grund vergibt YACHT-POOL das Gütesiegel „Checked & Trusted“.

Versicherungen für Boote und Yachten

Segelyachten, motoryachten, mega-yachten, motorboote & ribs, schlauchboote & dinghis, fischerboote, aktuelles von yacht-pool.

Hier finden Sie regelmäßig aktualisierte Beiträge mit wertvollen Informationen und Expertenratschlägen zu Yacht- und Skipper-Versicherungen, sowie aktuelle  Entwicklungen, Sicherheitstipps und branchenspezifische Updates, um Ihr Vergnügen als Yacht- und Bootseigner oder als Charterskipper sorgenfrei zu gestalten.

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Welches Seerecht ist anzuwenden?

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Sei klug – vermeide den Schaden!

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Vermeiden Sie Kostenfallen bei der Törnplanung!

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Skipperhaftpflicht-Versicherung oder Charterkautions-Versicherung?

Power of Partnership – Gemeinsam - Erfolgreich

The Power of Partnership | YACHT-POOL

Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern arbeiten wir seit vielen Jahren zusammen, unser Partnernetzwerk besteht aus erfahrenen Unternehmen. Als einer der führenden Yacht- und Skipper-Versicherer ist es wichtig, verlässliche Profis an der Seite zu haben. Wir arbeiten seit vielen Jahren mit fachkundigen Experten aus den verschiedenen Bereichen zusammen. Unsere Partner haben fundierte Kenntnisse in der Yacht- und Bootsbranche, im Versicherungswesen und vieles mehr – Sachverständigenbüros, spezialisierte Anwälte, Ausbildungsstätten, Fachmagazine, Verbände. Profitieren Sie vom starken Partnernetzwerk des YACHT-POOL – und erfahren Sie mehr….


Für die schnelle und persönliche Hilfe im Schadensfall. Melden Sie einen Schaden einfach und unkompliziert. Wir sind für Sie da und helfen Ihnen schnellstmöglich.

Sei klug – vermeide den Schaden! Gefahren vorsorglich erkennen, richtig abwenden und Zeit, Geld und Ärger sparen! Wir wollen Sie entsprechend vorbereiten.

Ein Segelboot liegt im Wasser neben einer Broschüre.

Yacht-Pool in der Fachpresse

Sei klug – vermeide den Schaden! Gefahren vorsorglich erkennen, richtig abwenden und Zeit, Geld und Ärger sparen!


Bericht aus dem Fachmagazin Boote 1.2024 – Die klaren Bedingungen des Charter-Fairtrags von YACHT-POOL überzeugen die Lobby der Freizeitschifffahrt! Unklare Bedingungen und giftige Klauseln in Charterverträgen könnten bald der Vergangenheit angehören, zumindest zur Ausnahme werden. Denn die europäischen und globalen Verbände der Freizeitbootindustrie, EBI (European Boating Industry) in Brüssel und ICOMIA (International Council of Marine Industry Associations) in London, erkannten die Bedeutung dieses Themas für den nautischen Tourismus, einen konfliktfreien Ablauf des Chartergeschäfts und nicht zuletzt für den Ruf der gesamten Branche.

In mehreren Meetings mit den Präsidenten der nationalen Verbände der Vercharterer und Charter-Agenturen suchte man nach optimalen AGB. Die Wahl fiel eindeutig auf den Charter-Fairtrag von Yacht-Pool, der bereits in allen relevanten Sprachen vorlag und einen fairen Interessenausgleich zwischen Vercharterern und Charterern darstellte.

Die Online Plattform “myrentboat.com” hat Kundenzahlungen nicht weitergeleitet und lässt die Skipper nun im Regen stehen. Ein Lehrbeispiel dafür, was man bei Online-Charter beachten sollte.

Mit neuen Gütesiegeln will der Versicherungsmakler Orientierungshilfe leisten und zur Schadensvermeidung beitragen.

Die ausklingende Chartersaison hat unseren Erfahrungsschatz (und den so manchen Charterskippers) erneut um so manche skurrile Begebenheit erweitert. Die meisten Chartertörns gingen reibungsfrei übers Wasser, einige waren besonders „abenteuerlich“.

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22-11-2018, 05:28  
Boat: SY Wake: 53' Amel Super Maramu
provider in the ... Anyone have any experience with Yacht Pool International ?? Their quote looks decent, but everyone looks decent until they don't pay out if needed, amirite?
06-01-2019, 06:45  
search for " 'Yacht Pool' Insurance reviews" found some 35 . All appear to be German's themselves. How does it rate? "5.0" among this pool of .

American expectations could be somewhat or more different, however. Thus, YMMV probably applies, despite such a glowing rating.
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More details, freight forwarders liability and carriers liability.

  • Freight forwarders and carriers are insured against property damage or financial loss if the goods entrusted to them get lost or damaged (including during loading and unloading).
  • They are also covered in the event of late or incorrect delivery, or customs clearance errors.
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Specie insurance

Cargo insurance.

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  • Thanks to individual risk analysis, you get customized solutions including insurance certificates (universal coverage or limited insurance).
  • You benefit from Zurich's worldwide network, with representatives in over 30 countries.
  • Coverage can be extended to include, for example, damage caused while moving the goods by forklift, indoor crane, pallet trolley, etc. or during trade fairs or luggage.
  • Contract penalties or business interruption caused by transport damage can also be insured.

YACHT-POOL International logo for yacht and skipper insurances.

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Yacht hull insurance

Is comprehensive cover for total loss and partial damage to your own yacht/boat as a result of unforeseen events.

The solution: yacht hull insurance from YACHT-POOL!

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Yacht-Pool’s yacht hull insurance provides comprehensive cover specifically designed to offer yacht owners protection and security. It covers total loss as well as partial damage to your own yacht. Yacht hull insurance offers protection against financial losses caused by unforeseen events such as collisions, theft, vandalism, fire or natural disasters. In the event of a total loss, where the yacht can no longer be repaired or is completely lost, yacht hull insurance covers the cost of replacing the yacht. In the event of partial damage affecting certain parts or components, the repair or replacement costs are covered by the insurance.

With YACHT-POOL’s yacht hull insurance, the value of the vessel is defined in a clear and customer-oriented form as a “fixed rate”, which ensures that underinsurance is excluded. All-risk cover is another important aspect that ensures that a wide range of risks are covered unless they are explicitly excluded in the policy conditions.

The advantages of YACHT-POOL yacht hull insurance at a glance:

  • YACHT-POOL ensures the value of the vessel in a clear and customer-oriented form as all-risk cover. It was introduced by YACHT-POOL in 1976 as one of its pioneering services in yacht insurance and was gradually adopted by its competitors. The last to do so was the market leader in 2018, 42 years later. Today, this innovation is market. And it means that all risks and events that are not explicitly excluded are insured. There are no unclear exclusions with this clause, such as inadequate mooring, inadequate manning or similar.
  • This means that many risks that you might not think of are also insured, such as short circuits, overvoltage, glass breakage, scorch damage or damage caused by force majeure or by others, such as storms or fires that spread from ship to ship.
  • Damage caused by riots, vandalism, looting or strikes are also insured, as are the regatta risk or consequential damage from construction and material defects.
  • Damage caused by rodents - think of mice and rats in winter storage - or by vermin can cause considerable costs. Most insurers exclude this damage, but YACHT-POOL covers it.
  • Loss minimization costs (salvage costs) and wreck removal costs are insured over and above the sum insured, even unlimited depending on the tariff.
  • The insurance cover is valid 365 days a year, around the clock. Of course, transportation, slipping, craning, winter, shipyard or repair periods are also insured.
  • The most important thing is that all-risk cover reverses the burden of proof. This means that the insurer must prove that an excluded event has occurred. With individual risk cover, the burden of proof and therefore the litigation risk lies with the insured person.
  • "Fixed rate". Underinsurance is excluded. It is unlimited in time and is valid until you request a different insurance value.
  • Depending on the tariff, the benefits of comprehensive insurance are supplemented by extensive assistance services that offer you personal service and valuable additional benefits worldwide.
  • In many cases, the tariff excess is reduced (e.g. for dinghies and trailers) or there is no excess at all: e.g. for the comprehensive assistance services, total loss, burglary, damage to effects and visual inspections after grounding.
  • In the event of total loss, only the residual value actually achieved will be deducted from the refund.

Further insurance for boats and yachts

Eine Gruppe von Menschen auf einem Segelboot.

Yacht liability insurance

Yacht liability insurance from YACHT-POOL is essential cover for yacht owners and protects you from financial consequences if you culpably cause personal injury or property damage.

Eine Gruppe von Menschen auf einem Segelboot im Wasser.

Yacht passenger insurance

YACHT-POOL’s yacht passenger accident insurance is a special form of insurance that aims to provide comprehensive protection for people on board a yacht. This insurance covers accident risks

An der Seite eines Bootes ist eine Kette befestigt.

Yacht confiscation insurance

In the event of actual or alleged liability claims, it can very easily happen that the ship is put on a chain by the authorities until the claims have been clarified.

Yacht-Pool International company logo.

  • + 49 (0) 89 7467 34 90
  • Email: [email protected]
  • YACHT-POOL Versicherungs-Service GmbH Zimmerauweg 47 A-6370 Reith bei Kitzbühel Austria

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On 7 September 2022, a fire broke out on the Big Kahuna at a marina in Corfu. The fire spread to other vessels in the marina, three of which sank, including the Halcyon . On 15 November 2022, the owners and English insurers of the Big Kahuna commenced a limitation claim in the English Admiralty Court pursuant to the LLMC 1976 (incorporated into English law by s 185 and Sch 7 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995). On 14 December 2023, the owners of the Halcyon issued proceedings against the owners of the Big Kahuna in the Court of First Instance of Piraeus, Greece, seeking compensation for the loss and damage caused by the fire.

There is a significant difference between the limitation regimes in the two countries. Pursuant to art 15.2.b of the Convention, the regime governing limitation claims in England and Wales incorporates a small craft limit for vessels of less than 300 tons. This limit of 500,000 SDRs (about GBP 530,000) applies to the Big Kahuna . Greece incorporated the same limit from 1 May 2023, but not retrospectively. Thus, the relevant Greek limit would be calculated in accordance with art 6 of the Convention, and would be 1,510,000 SDRs (about GBP 1.6m).

Halcyon Yacht Charter LLP applied for an order staying the English proceedings on the basis of forum non conveniens because 'the courts of Greece are clearly and distinctly more appropriate as the forum for resolution of both limitation and the underlying substantive claims'.

Held: The application for a stay is dismissed.

It is true that the natural forum for the underlying claims is Greece. But the limitation claim is a separate and distinct claim. In a limitation claim there are usually just two issues: (1) the amount of the limitation fund; and (2) an art 4 defence, if raised. The first is an arithmetical calculation, which rarely gives rise to a dispute. The second is a defence which, since the introduction of the more tightly-drawn wording of art 4 of the LLMC 1976, is notoriously difficult to make out, is therefore seldom raised, and for which there is in this case no support. The cause of the fire is unknown. Eighteen months have elapsed and no evidence has emerged to suggest that it was started deliberately or recklessly. A speculative and improbable art 4 defence is no basis upon which to find England an inappropriate forum.

It is common for the limitation claim and the underlying claims to be tried (or arbitrated) separately and in separate jurisdictions. Examples include Bouygues Offshore SA v Caspian Shipping [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 461 ( CMI2371 ); and The Volvox Hollandia [1988] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 361, 370 ( CMI2407 ). If the proper forum for a limitation claim were to default to the jurisdiction of the tort, a defendant could always trump the claimant’s choice of forum. But it has been emphasised that 'a shipowner is at liberty to choose his domiciliary court as the forum in which to set up his limitation fund and establish his right to limit his liability': The Volvox Hollandia 379. English courts 'should be exceedingly slow to interfere with such a settled practice which has international ramifications'. The first claimant is the English insurer and the second claimant is the English beneficial owner of the vessel in respect of which a decree is sought. There is nothing sinister or untoward in them (together with the registered owner) bringing this claim against a Welsh company, of whom at least one of the beneficial owners is Welsh, in England. Although the insurer of the Halcyon is not a defendant, that insurer is also an English company. Of other potential claimants against the fund, with the exception of the marina itself, not one is Greek. On the contrary, they represent a variety of different nationalities and flags, including Germany, Malaysia, Italy, and the Cayman Islands.

The availability in England of a single, unitary limitation claim (as opposed to the need to raise limitation as a defence to each substantive claim) allows the orderly management and ranking of a full cohort of claims against the limitation fund. Even if limitation is raised in Greece, an English court cannot be deterred from proceeding with a limitation claim here by the prospect that a court in another jurisdiction may not recognise its limitation decree. That would be no basis to conclude that that other court was the more appropriate forum. Finally, the claimants cannot fairly be accused of forum shopping. Given the primacy afforded to the shipowner as to choice of jurisdiction, it is hard to see how that can have frustrated the expectations of other potential claimants. The defendant’s real complaint is that a limitation fund established here will be one third the size of a limitation fund established in Greece. But if England is a forum where the limitation claim may be tried 'suitably for the interests of all the parties and the ends of justice' (a phrase originating from the judgment of Lord Kinnear in Sim v Robinow (1892) 19 R 665) a juridical advantage such as this is not relevant.

In The Herceg Novi [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 454 ( CMI770 ), the application of these principles led the English Court of Appeal to stay an English action in favour of Singapore, even though the English claimants were thereby deprived of the higher limits of the 1976 Convention (in force in England) in favour of the lower limits of the 1957 Convention (then in force in Singapore). The Court of Appeal held that 'in terms of abstract justice' neither Convention was 'objectively more just than the other'. Therefore the only question was whether substantial justice would be done in Singapore, which the Judge below (Clarke J) had already found to be clearly or distinctly the more appropriate forum. The Court of Appeal held that substantial justice would indeed be done in Singapore and therefore granted a stay of the English proceedings. The facts of The Herceg Novi have resonance in this case.

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Zurich Insurance to Sell Russian Business to Local Team

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Zurich Insurance has agreed to sell its Russian business to members of the local team, it said on Friday, as the Swiss insurer became the latest Western firm to exit Russia.

It joins a list of companies that have quit the market in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with some handing these businesses over to local partners. Those quitting range from McDonald’s and Dutch brewer AB Inbev ABI.BR to carmaker Renault RENA.PA and French lender Societe General.

Finding a suitable exit plan has been a challenge, with some businesses saying they are maintaining their Russian businesses to keep assets out of the hands of the state.

Zurich Insurance said the sale, which remains subject to regulatory approval, would hand its rebranded Russian operations — which accounts for a tiny fraction of its overall business — to 11 members of the unit’s team.

“Under its new owners, the business will operate independently under a different brand, while Zurich will no longer conduct business operations in Russia,” it said.

“The transaction will allow the new company to retain a professional team with accumulated insurance expertise and to continue serving the Russian market,” Zurich Insurance said.

The Swiss insurance company, which conducts property and casualty insurance in Russia primarily for international customers, said it held about 0.3% of Russia’s non-life insurance market.

Zurich, which has removed its Z logo from social media after the letter became a symbol of support in Russia for Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, said in March it no longer took on new domestic customers in Russia and would not renew existing local business.

It said when releasing first-quarter data this month that its direct exposure to Russia and Ukraine through its property and casualty operations and investment portfolio was expected to be “immaterial.”

It had gross written premiums of roughly $34 million in Russia in 2021, it said on Friday, accounting for less than 0.1% of the $40.1 billion in gross written premiums its property and casualty business recorded for the year.

The vast majority of these were from international customers, it said, with only $3 million related to domestic Russian customers.

(Reporting by Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi; additional reporting by Michael Shields; editing by Lisa Shumaker and Edmund Blair)

Topics Russia

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Written By Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi

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    Depending on the type of ship, we may then be talking about € 25,000 or € 50,000 or whatever the current value is. This value is always too low, because the skipper's liability is unlimited! Our skipper liability insurance therefore covers this risk up to € 10 million! Liability claims by crew members against the skipper are almost ...

  3. Marine

    Managing marine cargo insurance online. Our online platform Zurich Swift Marine Cargo makes life easier for marine insurance brokers and customers. Intermediaries can log in to: get quotes. bind policies. generate insurance documentation including certificates. make a first notification of a loss to initiate a claim.

  4. Comprehensive Charter Skipper Insurance

    The advantages of YACHT-POOL charter insurance at a glance. 12-month flat rate! - Pay for an insurance premium and be insured premium-free for 12 months! - ie. You can charter anywhere, as often as you like, and with any ship you like! Skipper liability insurance with cover ranging from 5 to 10 million euros!

  5. Versicherungen für Boote, Yachten und Skipper

    Versicherungen für Boote, Segel- und Motoryachten und für Charterskipper seit 1976. Umfassende Betreuung und verlässliche Schadenabwicklung. YACHT-POOL ist Ihr Partner in Sachen Yachtversicherungen. Einfach, schnell und persönlich. Versicherungen Boote und Yachten.

  6. Zurich Swift

    You will find below information on the Zurich entity providing you insurance services as well as access to the Zurich Swift Platform. Information on the personal data we collect, why we collect it and your rights in relation to your personal data is included in the privacy notices. Please select the country where the policyholder is established ...

  7. Boat insurance

    Insurance covers property damage and bodily injury that the owners, keepers, drivers as well as users, crew members and any water skiers drawn by the boat cause to third parties. We defend you against unjustified claims by third parties. Sum insured up to 10 million Swiss francs per event can be selected in third party liability.

  8. Boat & Marine Insurance

    Yachts and motorboats above 25ft in length up to £1 million in value. Agreed value policy. Liability up to £5 million. Cover for pet medical fees up to £500. Cover up to £50,000 for family and guests if hit by an uninsured vessel. Covers tenders when used independent from main vessel. Personal accident cover of £25,000 for each person, £ ...

  9. Global Marine Insurance: Inland & Ocean

    Since 1872, Zurich Marine has protected and promoted global trade through customized policies. Zurich is a global leader in marine insurance solutions, offering a wide range of marine policies in more than 210 countries and territories. With Marine underwriters in 24 countries, Zurich provides the depth and breadth of local knowledge to ...

  10. Yacht Pool Insurance any good?

    My Google search for " 'Yacht Pool' Insurance reviews" found some 35 google reviews. All appear to be German's themselves. How does it rate? "5.0" among this pool of reviews. American expectations could be somewhat or more different, however. Thus, YMMV probably applies, despite such a glowing rating.

  11. Boat insurance from Navigators & General

    Here at Navigators and General, we are proud to have been able to offer pleasure craft insurance since 1921. We provide cover for a wide range of boats and vessels, all up to the value of £1 million. We also offer third party insurance. Our Commercial insurance is for UK marine trade businesses such as marinas, boat sales, hire fleets, boat ...

  12. Marine insurance

    Zurich cargo insurance protects against the financial consequences. Owners of raw materials and production goods are protected against financial risks if their property is damaged or disappears in transit. Thanks to individual risk analysis, you get customized solutions including insurance certificates (universal coverage or limited insurance).

  13. Insurance for boats and yachts

    YACHT-POOL introduced "all-risk cover" in hull insurance back in 1976. YACHT-POOL is independent and develops exclusively its own customer-oriented cover concepts and insures boats and ships from dinghies to charter fleets, from jet skis and inflatable boats to mega yachts. In general, two criteria are decisive for choosing the right ...

  14. Motorboat insurance from Navigators & General

    Benefits of our Motorboat cover. £5million Third Party Liability cover as standard. Medical Expenses up to £1,000 following an accident whilst on board. Rescue and evacuation cover following an emergency up to £50,000. Cover up to £50,000 for family and guests if hit by an uninsured vessel. Cover for reasonable cost of repair or replacement ...

  15. Zurich Insurance Group

    The Z Zurich Foundation is redefining what a foundation can be by activating the activist in all of us. To learn more about its work and get involved, visit their website. A global insurer whose strategy focuses on providing the right general insurance and life insurance solutions for its individual, small business, medium-sized business and ...

  16. PDF Yacht and Motorboat Insurance

    Zurich Insurance plc and the Assured, are free to choose the law applicable to the contract. Zurich Insurance plc propose that this contract is governed by Irish Law. The Assured named in the schedule hereto having made to the Zurich Insurance plc ("the Company") a written proposal and declaration for the insurance of the Vessel (as defined

  17. Bootshaftpflichtversicherung Angebot Bootsbesitzer

    Berechnen Sie die Kosten für Ihre Bootshaftpflicht jetzt schnell online und entdecken Sie die Vorteile Ihrer verschiedenen Versicherungsoptionen auf einen Blick mit dem Bootshaftpflicht Online-Rechner von Zurich. Halten Sie alle Informationen zu Ihrem Sportboot bereit, um Ihre Bootshaftpflicht-Kosten in Sekundenschnelle zu prüfen.

  18. ZPM

    ZProgramsMatch. Zurich is a leader in the programs insurance business because we have the ability to write business for some of the most unique risks across a wide array of industries. Learn about the benefits of working with Zurich Programs. Contact us. Stay on top of what ZProgramsMatch has to offer.

  19. Comprehensive Protection with Yacht Hull Insurance from YACHT-POOL

    YACHT-POOL ensures the value of the vessel in a clear and customer-oriented form as all-risk cover. It was introduced by YACHT-POOL in 1976 as one of its pioneering services in yacht insurance and was gradually adopted by its competitors. The last to do so was the market leader in 2018, 42 years later. Today, this innovation is market.

  20. Zurich Insurance Co Ltd (t/a Navigators & General) v Halcyon Yacht

    Zurich Insurance Co Ltd (t/a Navigators & General) v Halcyon Yacht Charter LLP. On 7 September 2022, a fire broke out on the Big Kahuna at a marina in Corfu. The fire spread to other vessels in the marina, three of which sank, including the Halcyon. On 15 November 2022, the owners and English insurers of the Big Kahuna commenced a limitation ...

  21. Zurich Insurance to Sell Russian Business to Local Team

    Zurich Insurance has agreed to sell its Russian business to members of the local team, it said on Friday, as the Swiss insurer became the latest Western firm to exit Russia. It joins a list of ...

  22. Zurich closes sale of its Russian retail business

    Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich) has successfully closed the sale of its general insurance retail business in Russia to OLMA Group. The transaction is a proof-point of Zurich's 2014-2016 strategy to invest in priority markets, while either turning around or exiting those that are under-performing. The signing of the sale has already been ...

  23. Zurich Insurance to exit Russia by selling business to local team

    ZURICH, May 20 (Reuters) - Zurich Insurance (ZURN.S) has agreed to sell its Russian business to members of the local team, it said on Friday, as the Swiss insurer became the latest Western firm to ...