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An Interview with Multihull Designer Erik Lerouge

Here is an interesting exchange that I had recently (April 2009) with the noted French multihull designer Erik Lerouge. As one of my personal favorites, I have long admired his work, being most notable for designs that both look great and sail efficiently. Windage is kept low, wing decks high; combined with overall high beam, floats of high volume and very efficient rigs, often with rotating wing masts. His "Azuli" and "Freydis" designs have been particularly successful.

erik lerouge yacht design

MW: Can you please first give my readers an idea of your sailing background? EL: I started sailing a TORNADO in 1970. Then bought an IROQUOIS with my father a year later and started designing multihulls in 1976, now having signed off on over 400 different sailing designs, the majority of which have been catamarans. After a few one-offs, I designed the PULSAR 26 which was a highly successful racing and cruising trimaran. A nice blend of comfort, seaworthiness and performance all in a trailerable package. From this, the PULSAR range was developed.

Most interesting is the PULSAR 30 "TROU NOIR" which did very well racing in Finland. Also creating a fascinating history was the PULSAR 50 called "RAYON VERT" a true Class 50 that was homebuilt by a couple in their fifties in only 2 years. She was entirely laminated under vacuum over male plug moulds and had carbon beams, board, mast and boom. The couple then left for a troublefree 3-year Round the World cruise with no other multihull experience other than a couple of sails on a HOBIE 16!

I have become very interested in foil stabilized trimarans. This is something that continues to interest me and I am looking forward to the trials of DINABAR.

MW: Have you used any tank testing in the design of your hulls and if so, how are your designs better because of them? EL: I did do some research on catamaran hulls. First it was to prove my point with regards to forward section dynamic lift and then to optimize stern sections. At that time, there was the debate between fine sterns and flat transoms. This has been extremely useful and I have used these results on all my multihull hulls.

MW: Do you know of other designers that use tank testing to predict and improve performance? EL: This is usually only done for high profile racing programs, such as for'Groupama 2'. I personally do not feel there is a lot more to learn re basic hull shapes. The overall concept is more important and the challenge now is improving behavior in waves of ever faster multihulls. As this cannot yet be analyzed in tank tests, there is fortunately still room for intuition and experience!

MW: Based on any tank test results you may have seen for very slim hulls, what % of the total hull resistance for a typical multihull ama or hull, is frictional compared to wave making? EL: There is no simple answer. It all depends of the range of speed you are considering. In any case, frictional drag is fundamental so there is absolutely no hydrodynamic reason to design wide flat-bottomed hulls. Only the ends might be adjusted for the speed potential or wave behavior. Fine sterns are good at low speed in calm waters but poor at high speed or to damp pitching.

MW: How does the performance of your smallest multihull (26') compare to others out there? EL: Sorry, but it is illegal in France to make these kind of comparisons… our vision of morality! But the main difference with the competition is that my boats have full length, high buoyancy floats. This gives outstanding rough weather ability and allows one to carry a powerful rig.

MW: For a smaller trimaran, do you have any preferred folding system that you'd recommend? EL: It's plain nuts and bolts! This is light, stiff, reliable, cheap and easy to built and maintain. Although folding systems are well marketed, they are rarely used in Europe. But all systems have their drawbacks: Swing-wings exceeds towing width for a roomy 26 footer and increase overall length in marina. What's the point of such a complicated system if you still need to unbolt the floats for transport? Or if you have to pay a size up for marina fees?

(Ed: this unbolting is no longer the case with the latest Dragonfly models. However, Erik points out that "in Europe, this can still be an issue as max. towing width is 2.55 m or 8'-4". Towing in Europe and America is not the same. Neither are the roads, cars or distances".)

On other systems, access from a pontoon, fouling on the topsides, stability in difficult conditions, height on the trailer are other problems. All folding systems work better with small floats so for conventional trimarans, this is bad news.

My PULSAR models get their performance and safety from their large and long floats, that are just not suitable for folding systems. In my opinion, folding systems require a total rethink of the trimaran concept, with really small floats, most likely foil assisted.

MW: Is it possible that you'll soon be designing a smaller multihull that might interest our readers? EL: The PULSAR 23 is a new model. It is presently conventional but it may evolve into a foil-stabilized folding trimaran.

MW: Can you elaborate more on this new 23' model? EL: Our program is not to do the fastest 23' tri around but a simple, practical, safe fast cruising trimaran. She will be towable with a simple French driving license. (A special license for towing is required in France if total weight of vehicle + trailer exceeds 3.5 tons.) Originally, she was to be a smaller sister to the Pulsar 26. No more standing headroom, just seating. So that it could be lighter and less voluminous to transport. The 7 m length limit avoids certain taxes in France. Then to further reduce building costs and keep a nice interior, I decided to eliminate the dagger board in favor of float keels as already fitted on the Pulsar 33. These were inspired by my successful catamaran keels. See:

MW: What particular aspects are you testing for, re any new project and will you be reporting on any of this work later on? EL: A problem for trimarans is that they are more expensive to build than catamarans. They require more moulds, have more hulls and more skin area—and also lots of stability [that demands a stronger rig etc]. I am working on this problem and something may happen if I find the correct boatyard willing to invest in this market.

MW: Balanced against cost, do you have any preferences for construction materials for smaller multihulls? EL: Without any doubt, foam-sandwich is ideal for 90% of the cases. Strip planking is a good economic choice for a home-builder in countries where proper wood is readily available and foam prohibitively expensive to obtain.

MW: For foam sandwich, do you use large sheet layup over male stations, or vertical or horizontal strip? And do you use vacuum bagging or hand wet layout? EL: Depends of shape, availability of materials and budget. For one-offs: assuming Airex foam is the choice, I use sheets on a battened male mould for the main hull. Many were built using Corecell foam strips however. Always longitudinally over stations, with the main hull over male sections while the floats were in half female sections, having a joint at the centerline. All this can be done in hand wet layout. If the lightest weight is desired, then I use a male plug, foam sheets and vacuum bagging.

For production boats: all are done in female moulds and resin infusion has become the norm.

MW: What is your latest thinking on % of ama buoyancy? EL: On conventional trimarans, such as my PULSAR, I go for nearly 200%, for both safety and power. On a foil stabilized trimaran, just 90% would be interesting to give a nice static stability curve up to 90° without the main hull lifting.

MW: What has been your experience using a significant knuckle in the main hull re making the boat drier and/or adding interior space or any other reason? EL: I have used a significant knuckle on the PULSAR 26 to be able to fit a nice accommodation within the length limit of the old Micro-Multihull rule. The foredeck then became wider and more comfortable. But the knuckle generally increases building time as well as skin area and weight and can also catch waves. For the same cost of materials, I would prefer to design a simpler but longer hull with simple flare, such as on my PULSAR 31. In normal sub-gale conditions, the knuckle also adds to the dryness of the boat.

Comparing boats by their length has always been the big drama of yacht design. This is done for harbour fees, custom, racing rules or whatever. But what should be really important is to design 'the best boat for a given budget'. For that, a longer simpler boat is difficult to beat. It is undisputed fact that a longer, narrower main hull will be more seakindly than a shorter, wider one.

MW: One can note that many of your designs have wing masts. Do you design these yourself and if so, what is your approach? For example: Do you spread the boats maximum righting moment over the length of the mast - opposed by the two supporting points—the mast step and the hounds (where the shrouds are attached)? EL: All my designs have rotating masts for obvious reasons! .. they are more efficient. When available, aluminum masts are cost effective so I have been pushing mast manufacturers to invest in suitable extrusions for rotating masts.

The ideal is a carbon mast and there are several good manufacturers with suitable moulds and an autoclave who are able to make the lightest masts with high-modulus for a realistic price. Personally, this is the first place where I would put my money on a boat. Some carbon masts are made by the boatyards themselves or even by homebuilders. I have designed and built a couple for myself but while the result is better than an aluminum tube, with low-modulus carbon and "only" vacuum techniques, it cannot compare in weight with the best carbon mast manufacturers.

In some cases, a suitable aluminum rotating mast does not exist for the size of the boat, or is too expensive to import and a carbon mast exceeds the available budget. In such a case, I have designed a plywood/epoxy/carbon wingmast which can be built in 200-300hrs with minimal material cost. The weight is close to that of aluminum but with a far greater chord. The mast is also stiffer and we can save a lot on the rigging. But I am not marketing these masts designs. They are done as an added service to my clients when it seems the best answer.

The engineering of these masts depends of the sailplan. Mainsail loads are spread, while the jib and spinnaker loads are concentrated. Worst cases of sailing are analyzed in various sail configurations, noting that some parts of the mast work in bending, others in compression. In some cases, I could eliminate the spreaders.

MW: For your plywood/epoxy/carbon wingmasts, is all the load taken by the carbon or is the mast primarily built with fibreglass over the ply and only supplemented by carbon at high stress areas? EL: Fiberglass is only there to protect the plywood and with its low modulus has a very small influence on mast thickness. Stress is largely taken by the ply skin and beams. Their scantlings are mostly dictated by the building process. Carbon is cost/weight effective to take the remainder of the load.

MW: Merci beaucoup Erik for your time and enthusiasm to answer these questions for my readers. EL: You are most welcome. Au revoir et bonne chance!

We recommend that our readers also visit Erik's website. Go to and this links to many of his wonderful boats as well as good info on various building methods.

Interesting also for the pics (text in French) is this website from a Pulsar 26 enthusiast Also for the pics (text in Finnish) is this site on the Pulsar 30 'Trou Noir':

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54 year old, married, 1 boy.

Erik LEROUGE started sailing in 1960. He successfully raced his designs in events such as Speed Weeks, Bol d'Or, Trophee des Multicoques, F28 European Championship, MULTI 2000 Challenge, Transat des Alizes, Transat des Passionnes, RORC Championships, JOG Championships or Sydney Harbour 18 footers Worlds. He enjoys very much cruising single-handed as well as crewed, offshore or coastal. He test sailed or delivered his latest designs in most part of the world.

His son Aubert shares the same love for see. He is a keen Optimist racer when he does not sails with his father.

Erik LEROUGE has often partly or completely built his own boats. He feels that the experience gained is essential to advise homebuilders as well as to know the problems faced by professional builders. Planning to built his eleventh sailing yacht!

  • Vice-president of the Institut Francais des Architectes Navals.
  • Member of the Association des Multicoques Habitables directing committee, in charge of the International MULTI 2000 rule.
  • Rear-commodore of Nautisme-Fontenay-Mervent.
  • Seats at ISO meetings on sailing yachts stability and scantlings.

Soaring is his main hobby. Currently building a motorglider.


Since 1976, Erik LEROUGE, IFAN naval architect, has designed over 300 different sailing yachts built all over the world. His cruising designs have crossed many oceans with family crews while his racing designs gained trophies in Multihull Grand Prix, Lake racing or Short handed racing.

Erik LEROUGE has an impressive technical background and his design concepts has been validated by tank testing.

All new drawings and all updates of stock plans are done in CAD using Maxsurf for hulls, TopSolid for 3D modelling and Autocad for 2D building plans. They are metric, in English or French. Drawings are printed on an A0 jet plotter. Perspective drawings or brochures are printed on an A2 colour jet plotter or stored on a CD-ROM.

Contracts and of drawings are based on the IFAN Naval Architect practice.

Main racing successes as skipper or crew on his designs -Takes part in SYDNEY HARBOUR 18 FOOT SKIFF 1978 Open World and French championships. -Wins many club races, 1985 Shamrock cup and 1986 Otis cup with RED MAGNUM, 36' ULDB. -Wins 1984, 1985,1986 et 1987 Brest Speed weeks (Open French speed record), 6th at 1986 Bol d'or (on 550 boats), 12th at 1987 Bol d'or (1st French) with HARO, 38' racing catamaran. -Wins 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1990 Trophee des Multicoques, 1986 UNM cup and SAM , 1986 and 1987 Challenge Multicoques Mag with INOUI, 40' catamaran cruiser-racer. -Wins 1985 Double Cup with VILLE AUDRAIN, 43' production catamaran. -Wins 1986 GP de Benodet, 1988 and 1991 Trophee des Multicoques, 1988 SAM, 1988 Challenge Multicoques Mag and 1998 Le Tour Dauvergne with various AZULI, 38' production catamarans. -Wins 1987 Grande M, 1987 Challenge Multicoques Magazine and 2nd 1987 MICRO European championship with CATMAN MICRO, 26' production catamaran. -5th of 1987 Transat des Alizes first leg with PAMPERO, 43' production ULDB. -Wins 1989 GP de Cornouailles with NATHANAEL, 31' production catamaran. -3 best days at 1990 Brest Speed week, wins 1990 GP de Torquay and 7th of 1990 F28 European Championship with BARON NOIR, 28' racing catamaran. -Wins the coastal race, first leg and 3rd of second leg in 1991 Transat des Passionnes 1991, wins Tour de l'Ile de Re 2000 and 2002 with various FREYDIS, 46' production catamaran. -4th of 1996 MICRO European championship with KUPPERSBUCH, 26' racing trimaran. -Elapsed time winner of 1997 Multiforbans with SPIRIT, 35' catamaran. -Elapsed time winner of 1998 Trophee Le Monde du Catamaran with MAVIE, 55' production catamaran.

Some other victories of Erik LEROUGE's sailing designs 1986, 1994 and 1995 Multitonic, 1996 Multithaunic, Challenge Menu, Cowes-Dinard, Coupe de Normandie, 24H de St-Cast, 24H de Cherbourg, Geneve-Rolle-Geneve, Route du Rhone, General Guisan, 1989, Semaine de La Rochelle, 1989, 1994 et 1995, 1997 and 2001 Tour de l'Ile de Re, Semaine d'Horta, 1993, 1994 and 1995 Trophee des Multicoques, 1994, 1998 and 2001 Barqueira, 1993 Transmed des Passionnes, 1993 and 1994 Challenge Multicoques Mag, 1995 and 1996 Challenge AMH, 1996 EUROPE 1 STAR , 1996 MICRO European championship, 1996 MULTI 2000 Open Europeans, 1997 Multiforbans, 1997 MICRO British Nationals, Pop Yachting, Challenge Inter-Entreprises, 1998 Grand prix de St-Georges de Didonne, 1998 Multiforbans, 1999 Dresdner C.I. Challenge, 1999 Casino's cup, 1999 Vire les Isles, 2000 Pierre Sangan, 2002 Gascogne-Asturias, 2003 Saguenay-St Pierre, 2003 Route des Hortensias, 2003 Teleregatta, 2003 Tulokset, 2004, 2005 and 2007 MultiMalo, 2004 24-Uurs Zeilrace, 2004 Round the Island, 2004 and 2005 Emasalon lenkki, 2004 and 2006 Henry Lloyd, 2005, 2006 and 2007 Multi d'Automne, 2005 Tour de Cordouan, 40' Trophee SNSM, 2005 IMM, 2006 Alant Runt, 2006 MMM Kilpailut, 2006 Cowes-Dinard, , 2007 Monirunhko ratakisa, etc.

Some good performances of Erik LEROUGE's sailing designs in International racing 1984, 1988 and 1992 OSTAR, 1985 RBR, Multicup, EDHEC, Nioulargue, GP de La Rochelle, Route des 3 caps, 1988, 1991 and 1995 IMM, 1989 to 2005 Bol d'or, 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1997 MICRO Europeans, F28 World championship, 1993 Transat des Passionnes, 1994 and 1999 Transmed des Passionnes, 2004 The Transat, 2005 Transat Jacques Vabre, etc...

Many voyages are done by Erik LEROUGE's sailing yachts, some even completed their third time around or been around Cape Horn!

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Do you want to embark on an exciting journey witch Libertist?

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"A trimaran that'll take your breath away"

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Libertist stands for freedom, fastness and fun – the pure essence of sailing. It represents the ultimate quality of craft production and innovative materials. An ultralight carbon rotating mast equipped with mini foils and cutting-edge electronic solutions have been created to satisfy the needs of the most demanding sailing fans who truly cherish the sport.

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erik lerouge yacht design

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Erik Lerouge, water and wind architect

An experienced sailor who often participates in regatta races, a devoted sailing fan with vast expertise, and impressive experience in yacht design

No matter whether he sails downwind or upwind, his designs always go against the current. They are characterized by an innovative approach towards applied solutions, excellent quality of the materials used, and ultimate precision and robustness confirmed by rigorous testing. He designs for highly demanding customers – the sailing fans in search of the new definition of freedom. Due to Lerouge’s professionalism and passion, his projects have been acknowledged around the world for decades. His portfolio features many monohulls, double-hulls and trimarans. In 2016 he cooperated with a Polish investor to create dedicated hydrofoil trimarans.

„When creating Libertist 853 I was given full freedom to improve the ever-problematic compromise between comfort and nautical qualities that I am so attached to. The 28 feet size has been chosen to fit a sizable saloon, a bow cabin, a double cockpit bunk bed, a galley and a separate toilet, while ensuring spaciousness and full standing height. It was also crucial that floats and beams were easy to disassemble for comfortable transport. The idea to add extra mini foils has been in my head for a while. The efficiency of foils has been systematically increasing, yet some new solutions are still required. The goal is not to fly, of course, it is rather to increase the security and control the pitching in greater speed. The yacht has been beautifully constructed by Rega Yacht. The design is timeless. The tests have confirmed our expectations on maintaining control while sailing downwind and reducing pitching in tougher weather conditions.”

erik lerouge yacht design

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Vik 113, simple and fast cruising...

Erik Lerouge is one of the most prolific multihull architects and we owe many high-performance boats to him.  

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Published 08/11/2017

By Jean-Christophe Guillaumin

Published: nov. / dec. 2017

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In 1985, he designed the Azuli, a simple and (very) fast cruising boat.  Vik 113 is the worthy successor of this emblematic boat.  Available for home-build, the catamaran generates a feeling of minimalism and the conviction that pleasure on the water goes hand in hand  with pleasure under sail... So go for it!

The first Vik 113 is currently in build, and construction is entirely in Airex sandwich on a frame. The forward is in carbon to save weight at the bow and benefit from optimum stiffness.  This version is equipped with skegs for a cruising program, but a daggerboard version is also in the architect’s catalog.

Check it out at:

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Manta 40 is a 39 ′ 7 ″ / 12.1 m catamaran sailboat designed by Erik Lerouge and built by Endeavour Catamaran Corp. and Endeavour Yacht Corp. starting in 1994.

Drawing of Manta 40

  • 1 / 20 Vero Beach, FL, US 2000 Manta 40 $275,000 USD View
  • 2 / 20 West Palm Beach, FL, US 2000 Manta 40 $125,000 USD View
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erik lerouge yacht design

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

Based on an earlier design (FREYDIS) by Erik LeRouge. Extended version of the MANTA 38. Extended further for the MANTA 42.

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2000 Endeavor Manta cover photo

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erik lerouge yacht design

Sleek Design and Versatility

erik lerouge yacht design

Home builder/secondary education/tertiary education/sailing clubs/general public

Delivered to any location. Fits in a 20ft shipping container.


Completion Date:

Designed by the renowned naval architect Erik Lerouge, this 20ft trimaran is crafted for the Australian and New Zealand market. The boat features epoxy resin infusion moulded hulls and decks, with kevlar-reinforced hull bottoms, beam sockets, and keels. The use of carbon for the beams, mast, and rudders ensures strength and lightness.

This modern, slick design offers a versatile experience, ideal for island trips, coastal camping adventures, or club racing. It boasts forward and aft bunks for comfortable sleeping, a roomy cabin free of a centerboard casing, and customisable graphics for each build. The boat is engineered for fresh sailing conditions along the Australian coast. Dual rudders and storage compartments in the side hulls, shallow draft for beach landings.

Electric propulsion aids in smooth harbour operations, and the boat is fully trailable for convenience. The cockpit includes two winches tidy sheet storage and a self-tacking jib, while the trampolines can be adapted for tents. This highly specified boat is available either as a kit or fully assembled, ready to sail.

erik lerouge yacht design

[email protected]

erik lerouge yacht design

Erik Lerouge

Designed sailboats

Barramundi 470

Barramundi 470

Builder name.

Barramundi Boatyard

Lady Hawke 33

Lady Hawke 33

Lady Hawke Catamarani

Soubise 50

Soubise Plaisance

Barramundi 470 Barramundi Boatyard Erik Lerouge 14,94 mt 2009 show more
Lady Hawke 33 Lady Hawke Catamarani Erik Lerouge 9,99 mt 2008 show more
Soubise 50 Soubise Plaisance Erik Lerouge 14,99 mt   show more

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Erik Lerouge

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Eric Lerouge's designs

Discussion in ' Boat Design ' started by Archive , Jun 12, 2001 .


Archive Senior Member

I'm looking for information on Eric Leruoge designs. I'm interested on a Maia 125 (40') catamaran and I would like to know if the boat has a good reputation.  


pfc New Member

Eric's designs Eric has been in the business a very long time and his cat "Haro" won the world speed trials (for its class) at Brest, back in the 70s. He has a ton of designs, have met him and like everything he does........ I am biased...... because I wanted to build a replica of his "Haro" here in the states (he wouldn't give up the design) and am currently getting a design for an 18' cat from him. ps I'll try to round up more info on his awards and customer feedback "cause" that would be good for me to know too!  


Milan Senior Member  
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fhrussell Boatbuilder

pfc, Did he give any reason for not selling Haro plans? She is a beautiful boat. Do you have any photos...other than the one on his website?  


Numerical/mathematical methods for hullform lines to Modern Vessels

Dave Beals

1977 Starcraft American 16 fuel tank

mustafaumu sarac

Learn to Stand Balanced with paddle on pvc pipe - Finnish, Chinese and Americas


Are they using aerodynamic lift yet in the America's Cup?


New America's Cup Boat with Box Keel


A marvel of human Ingenuity Jacob Hendrickson and Eric W. Sponberg


Ancient balsa rafts from South America

Flying boat - small - 2 sailor - america s cup foil - class name and plans.


Generic Prismatic Planing Hull & Grand Challenge


Question About America's Cup Hydrofoils

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erik lerouge yacht design

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18-04-2012, 09:37  
18-04-2012, 11:42  
Boat: TRT 1200
18-04-2012, 14:25  
Boat: Multihulls - cats and Tris
ethos. They don't try to be all things to all people. They make excellent long distance cruisers and are one of the I always spend time on when I seem them listed. Well worth a look.

Tournier in build his Freydis design.
18-04-2012, 15:49  
Boat: 34' Crowther tri sold 16' Kayak now
at Cat Comp.
18-04-2012, 16:23  
Boat: TRT 1200
at Cat Comp.
19-04-2012, 10:45  
Boat: 37' Oldenziel cat

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Palo Alto natives, we are continuing the best of what we have done with a wonderful infusion of new energy and talent. Joining the president of the firm, Jeanese Rowell, we are pleased to announce the addition of Alyssa Haught as our Design Assistant. Working with Dene Rowell, who has many years of experience in coordinating and managing the firm, the team is ready to partner up with you to address your design concerns with care, efficiency, professionalism and distinction.

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We are proud of and confident in our ongoing partnerships with outstanding professional colleagues—fabricators, faux painters, craftspeople, resources for extraordinary recycled materials, and contractors of the highest quality. Our excellent working relationships contribute to the wonderful results we have been creating for our many clients over many years.

Our Philosophy

We listen to you with great care and then develop a design strategy, team-based or lead by our individual experts, so that your needs are met with style, quality workmanship, and respect for your budget. We work with the finest fabricators and craftspeople, supervise all phases of the project, and manage construction.

Working with us will offer you many advantages:

We know how to use design strategically to increase value.

JR Design Inc

erik lerouge yacht design

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erik lerouge yacht design

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  1. Erik Lerouge Catamarans

    erik lerouge yacht design

  2. Erik Lerouge Catamarans

    erik lerouge yacht design

  3. Erik Lerouge Catamarans

    erik lerouge yacht design

  4. Erik Lerouge Catamarans

    erik lerouge yacht design

  5. SOLD Fast Performance Catamaran

    erik lerouge yacht design

  6. Erik Lerouge Catamarans

    erik lerouge yacht design



  2. Scheibeneinbau an Katamaran von Erik Lerouge VIK 195

  3. Erik Lerouge catamaran. A winter weekend in the Gulf


  5. € 1000 EURO GEVEN WE WEG IN BRIELLE 2024 EP 305

  6. Freddy Della


  1. Erik

    Erik Lerouge, water and wind architect. An experienced sailor who often participates in regatta races, a devoted sailing fan with vast expertise, and impressive experience in yacht design. No matter whether he sails downwind or upwind, his designs always go against the current. They are characterized by an innovative approach towards applied ...

  2. An Interview with Multihull Designer Erik Lerouge

    An Interview with Multihull Designer Erik Lerouge. Here is an interesting exchange that I had recently (April 2009) with the noted French multihull designer Erik Lerouge. As one of my personal favorites, I have long admired his work, being most notable for designs that both look great and sail efficiently. Windage is kept low, wing decks high ...

  3. Erik Lerouge

    YACHT DESIGNER. Since 1976, Erik LEROUGE, IFAN naval architect, has designed over 300 different sailing yachts built all over the world. His cruising designs have crossed many oceans with family crews while his racing designs gained trophies in Multihull Grand Prix, Lake racing or Short handed racing. Erik LEROUGE has an impressive technical ...

  4. SOLD Fast Performance Catamaran

    Join us on this walkthrough of Erik Lerouge designed Brazapi 51. A performance cruisi...

  5. Libertist

    Erik Lerouge, water and wind architect. An experienced sailor who often participates in regatta races, a devoted sailing fan with vast expertise, and impressive experience in yacht design. No matter whether he sails downwind or upwind, his designs always go against the current. They are characterized by an innovative approach towards applied ...

  6. New 850 tri by Erik Lerouge

    We are building new tri - Libertist 850 - Erik Lerouge bigger P26. Feel free to comment. ... Boat Design Net. Home Boat Design Forums > Design > Multihulls > New 850 tri by Erik Lerouge. Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Libertist, May 26, 2017. Joined: May 2017 Posts: 15 Likes: 7, Points: 3 Location: Poland Libertist Junior Member.

  7. O-Yachts Class 4 Review

    Summary. The O-Yachts Class 4 is a 45 foot catamaran designed for safety at speed by one of the legends of multihull design: Erik Lerouge, and built under the direction of Dan Levy: a fanatic on the details. With her semi-carbon construction as standard, this is a well organised, strong and rigid catamaran that gives you plenty of bang for your ...

  8. Erik Lerouge

    ERIK LEROUGE YACHT DESIGNS La Touche 85240 FOUSSAIS-PAYRE, FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 51 51 46 45 Email: [email protected]. Suggest Improvements Source: / CC BY. Advertisement. 2 Sailboats designed by Erik Lerouge. Sailboat. Manta 40.

  9. Vik 113, simple and fast cruising...

    Erik Lerouge is one of the most prolific multihull architects and we owe many high-performance boats to him. ... a simple and (very) fast cruising boat. Vik 113 is the worthy successor of this emblematic boat. Available for home-build, the catamaran generates a feeling of minimalism and the conviction that pleasure on the water goes hand in ...

  10. Erik Lerouge

    ERIK LEROUGE YACHT DESIGNS La Touche 85240 FOUSSAIS-PAYRE, FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 51 51 46 45 Email: [email protected]. Sailboats Designed By Erik Lerouge. Sort by: 1 Sailboats / Per Page: 50 / Page: 1. 0 CLICK to COMPARE . MODEL LOA FIRST BUILT FAVORITE COMPARE; MANTA 40: 39.67 ft / 12.09 m: 1994 ...

  11. Manta 40

    Manta 40 is a 39′ 7″ / 12.1 m catamaran sailboat designed by Erik Lerouge and built by Endeavour Catamaran Corp. and Endeavour Yacht Corp. starting in 1994. ... The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. ... Based on an earlier design (FREYDIS) by Erik LeRouge. Extended ...

  12. The story of Pulsar 20

    Erik Lerouge is a highly regarded French naval architect known for his innovative and performance-oriented yacht designs. With a career spanning over several decades, Lerouge has established himself as a prominent figure in the world of sailing yacht design. He gained recognition for his work on various projects, ranging from high-performance ...

  13. Pulsar 20

    Fits in a 20ft shipping container. Designed by the renowned naval architect Erik Lerouge, this 20ft trimaran is crafted for the Australian and New Zealand market. The boat features epoxy resin infusion moulded hulls and decks, with kevlar-reinforced hull bottoms, beam sockets, and keels. The use of carbon for the beams, mast, and rudders ...

  14. MANTA 40

    Based on an earlier design (FREYDIS) by Erik LeRouge. Extended version of the MANTA 38. Extended further for the MANTA 42. ... Like the LWL, it will vary with the weights of fuel, water, stores and equipment. A boat's actual draft is usually somewhat more than the original designed or advertised draft. For boats with adjustable keels ...

  15. Erik Lerouge, nautical designer

    nautical designer who designed sailboats ... read more on Sailing The Web, the ultimate sailboat database

  16. Erik Lerouge Archives

    We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings.

  17. Eric Lerouge's designs

    Eric Lerouge's designs. Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Archive, Jun 12, 2001. Joined: Jun 2001 Posts: 169 ... Boat Design Net does not necessarily endorse nor share the view of each individual post. When making potentially dangerous or financial decisions, always employ and consult appropriate professionals. Your circumstances or ...

  18. Lerouge design cats

    Location: Cruising in the SUN! Now hauled out in Malta for the winter. Boat: 37' Oldenziel cat. Posts: 461. Re: Lerouge design cats. I have not sailed the OP's Lerouge size cats yet but have chartered a 11.6m Lerouge designed Azuli. The best I can decribe her is a "real sailor's cat". I also test-sailed a 33' Rackham, again a perfect "sailor's ...

  19. 1986 Eriksson Ville Audrin Erik Lerouge, EUR 179.000,-

    Eriksson Ville Audrin Erik Lerouge buy - Year Built: 1986, Length: 14.00 m, Beam: 7.40 m - Information, Photos and Contact Details for this Boat. (ID: 603033)

  20. JR Designs

    Our Philosophy. We listen to you with great care and then develop a design strategy, team-based or lead by our individual experts, so that your needs are met with style, quality workmanship, and respect for your budget. We work with the finest fabricators and craftspeople, supervise all phases of the project, and manage construction.

  21. Studio 3 Design

    Studio 3 Design in Los Gatos, CA | Photos | Reviews | 74 building permits for $2,968,700. Recent work: New 1, 497sf addition to main & upper floor expand garage 493sf and new porches 412sf total new back up generator 200amp service upgrade (n)tankless water heater 3 (n) fireplaces outdoor kitchen and interior remodel of 1st & 2nd floor.

  22. Santa Clara / Kiely Blvd

    11:00 AM - 7:00 PM. Address. 830 Kiely Blvd. Suite 105. Santa Clara California 95051. United States. (408) 246-1010. Contact Erik's.

  23. Erik's DeliCafe Menu

    An Erik's family recipe. A classic diced potato salad, made with bell peppers, fresh celery and onions, dressed with a whole egg mayo mixed together with the perfect blend of light spices. Gluten Free. 280-570 cal. $6.99 + Kid's Meals Annie Ankle Biter. Half of a peanut butter and strawberry preserves sandwich on hearty 9-grain bread. ...