Dave's Enigma 450

Saturday, january 19, 2013, the beginning and what is an enigma.

enigma sailboat plans

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Simple habits, simple boat

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Welcome to Yrvind´s website: small boat designer, builder, sailor & writer

Paradox & Enigma

Paradox and enigma, shallow draft cruisers..

Shallow draft

I sail oceans, but a successful ocean passage cannot be concluded without a landfall. There are thousands; even millions of shallow water places were I could land with my ocean going shallow draft boats. Deep draft boats must go elsewhere. I do not like to do likewise and exclude these places from my cruising agenda because many of them are pleasant and peaceful and do not cost money. Sometimes these shallow water places may be the only choice – if you cannot enter you have to sail elsewhere – in extreme cases that elsewhere may be thousands of miles away.  Still not one ocean going boat in a thousand is small and has shallow draft. Mostly racing is to blame for this sad fact. Racing optimizes windward performance. A deep draft boat sails better to windward than a shallow draft boat. People care more about being associated with fame than leading a rational life. Irrationally cruisers copy racers.

Prior to 1970 ocean racing in the US was done under CCA- rule (Cruising Club of America) in Europe the it was the RORC-rule (Royal Ocean Racing Club) In the US there had been many successful centerboard racers like Mitchell Carleton’s Finisterre designed by Sparkman & Stephens she was designed not as an all out racing yacht but as a reasonably comfortable, shallow draft cruising yacht for two persons. Three Bermuda Race wins in a row convinced the non-believers. The popularity of the type continued until the death of the CCA-rule and the introduction of the IOR rule (International Offshore Rule) that favored a completely different class of boats.

That the center boarders was banned had much to do with that Dick Carter’s ‘Red Rooster’ was the top scoring boat at the Admirals Cup of 1969, and overall winner of the Fastnet Race. She had a 2-ton drop keel, and retractable, transom hung rudder.

Clearly racing it is the racing rules that influence the design of cruisers.

Did the IOR-rule produce seaworthy boats? Definitely not, in 1979, a few years after its introduction the Fastnet racing fleet was hit by a storm that lead to yachting’s worst catastrophe, resulting in 18 fatalities. Emergency services, naval forces, and civilian vessels from around the west side of the English Channel were summoned to aid in what became the largest ever rescue operation in peace-time. This involved some 4,000 people including the entire Irish Naval Service’s fleet, lifeboats, commercial boats, and helicopters.

I do not build my boats to racing rules and neither should you because cruising is mostly done downwind and downwind a shallow draft boat is faster than a deep draft boat, and as mentioned above, boats with deep draft are very restricted as to where they can make their landfalls.

Thinking about of how racing makes cruisers have deep draft makes me angry.

Knudshoved 1968

The first time I realized that deep draft was a nuisance, was in Denmark 1968. I was sailing Anna with Martine a French girl. We had anchored up for the night before crossing over to Svendborg on the island of Funen. We were on our way to England. Anna was only 13 feet and we had no dingy so we decided to wade ashore. Anna’s draft was 75 cm annoyingly the water reached just to our crotches.

Tristan da Cuhna 1974

1974 I tried to round Cape Horn from east to west in a 20-footer I had built in my Mothers basement. She had earlier successfully dealt with storms near Iceland and west of Ireland, giving me a lot of confidence in her, but in the Southern Ocean, near Cape Horn, she was capsized, and a week later pitch-poled too. I promised to come back with a new design. I turned east, sailed with the prevailing westerlies for two months until I reached Tristan da Cuhna the world’s most isolated island. It did not have a harbor, but it did have a landing place. Bris, my boat was small and although not a real shallow drafter was shallow enough to be lifted out of the water and put on the beach. I stayed on the island for four months teaching mathematics. Bris was the first boat ever from the outside world to land on the island.

Falkland Islands 1980

I sailed Bris back to Sweden and built a 19-footer Aluminum-Bris for another attempt that was successful. Later, when I had returned to the South Atlantic and was cruising among the Falkland Islands, I discovered that when building her I had been so focused on Cape Horn’s deep, stormy waters that I had forgotten about the advantages of a shallow draft. The result was an unbalanced design. Although you would never catch a “Kelper,” (as the Falkland Islanders call themselves) admitting the islands are windswept, the fact is that there are no trees there, and during my four month stay, the wind speed reached one hundred knots on three occasions. As a consequence of not having a shallow draft, I had to anchor in exposed places. That gave me a hard time communicating with the shore in my inflatable. A flat-bottomed shallow draft boat capable of taking the ground and been pulled up on the beaches would have been ideal and made life so much easier.

Ocean going boats in general have deep draft. When I was young the grown ups indoctrinated me to believe that there was no other choice for an ocean going boat than deep draft and that deep draft was the only way to design a seaworthy boat. That is nonsense. It has taken me a long time to see the truth and unlearn the delusions of deep draft and to see the many superior properties of shallow draft. Matt Layden designs very interesting shallow draft boats.

Some of Matt’s boats

Paradox and Enigma are boats very cleverly designed and built by Matt Layden. Matt sails on the US east coast. The east coast has a lot of shallow water, as does indeed much of the rest of the world. Matt likes sailing in shallow water. Matt has built many small shallow draft cruisers some of them with chinerunners. 1985 he built Swamp Thing 4 meters long (13’ 2’’), 1.12 meters beam (3’ 8’’) that draw 18 cm (7 3/32 inches). 1993 he built Paradox 4.2 (13’ 9’’) meters long, 1,23 meters beam (4’) she draw 23 cm (9 1/16 inches).

Paradox draws 5 cm or 2” more than Swamp Thing. Most people would not notice the difference, Matt did. Many people think 1 meter or 3 feet 4 inches is shallow draft. I do not agree. For me a boat has shallow draft if she can float in water reaching not above your knee, that is 35 centimeter or about 1’ 2’’.

Matt used a lug sail that you could manually roll/furl around the boom. Because the boat was so small it could be easily rowed or sculled.

For Paradox Matt invented a very simple rig. A lug sail that could be furled around a boom with the help of a drum. Everything could be done from inside. He only used three lines to control the sail, a reefing line, a halyard and a sheet. There is a fourth line for controlling the rudder running inside on both sides of the boat.

In 2005 built Enigma a small 3.6 (12’) sharpie weighing only 80 kilos (180 pounds). In March 2006 Matt sailed Enigma for 1200 miles around Florida in the Watertribe Ultimate Challenge race to finish first in her class and third overall.

Matt pictures

I wrote this on my blog May 17, 2008.

It was when I lived in a little Japanese fishing village, learning how to use their yuloh that they call “ro” (and which, by the way, I think is far superior to the Chinese) that I realized that the strong flat bottom they use for their traditional boats would also give the cruising man many advantages. It can take the ground without getting damaged. It gives a lot of initial stability. It gives greater interior floor space, and of course, it gives very shallow draft. Later, back in Sweden, when I was brooding over the topic of draft, I remembered I had gotten two letters from America, one from Dave Bolduc and one from Mickie another friend. Both of them contained drawings of Matt Layden’s 14-foot coastal cruiser Paradox. Once more I got out the drawings and looked at them. Paradox has a strong flat bottom and a draft of only nine inches. At first look one gets the impression that she cannot go to windward as it seems that she has no means of preventing leeway. A closer look reveals her chinerunners, small two-inch wide horizontal winglets sticking out from the chines for about a third of the boat’s length. But was that enough? Intrigued, I phoned Dave. He had sailed with Matt for a winter in the Bahamas and confirmed that they worked very well. He gave me Matt’s phone number. I called Matt and he told me that he could sail Paradox better to windward than Dave in his slightly bigger centerboard boat, and he invited me over to see for myself. In October 1997, I sailed Paradox for a month.

I was very curious to see how well the chinerunners on Paradox worked so when Matt asked me where we should sail I said to windward. She certainly sailed as close to the wind as my boats, probably much better.

It certainly is one of the smartest inventions in the history of yachting, simple and cheap, easy to build and it does allow the boat to sail to windward in very shallow water.

Matt had confidence in me and let me use the boat whenever I liked. It was a rare opportunity to learn something special. I took full advantage of it and was out sailing everyday, in the weekends Matt came along.

In 2003 I returned, and again in 2006 and 2007. Each time I stayed for about a month, sailing and discussing boats with Matt. We continue to exchange ideas once a week over the phone, which is very enlightening, as Matt is always one step ahead of me. I am now convinced that the chinerunner concept, created by Matt in 1982, is the greatest innovation for small cruising boats in the last century. The reasons why very few people have realized its advantages are that Matt does not try make his voice heard above the din from the egos in our conservative, self-centered society to promote his idea, and that the principles behind it are complex and subtle, and have been subject to little research and experiment. After a decade studying Paradox, and talking to Matt I have come to understand that the boat’s leeway-resistance comes from a combination of three sources, the chinerunners, the lifting body shaped hull and the large rudder. Unlike the ordinary cruising boat, Paradox has no heavy ballast keel making her stability obvious. Matt uses less obvious means, like her cruising load kept low and her flat bottom that, a bit like a multihull, moves a lot of buoyancy to lee at small angles of heel. At large angles of heel, Paradox’s righting moment comes from a good height-to-beam ratio and the buoyancy of her superstructure. This shape gives Paradox positive stability at up to 165 degrees of heel. Better than most conventional keel boats


Yrvind.com was a boat inspired by Matt’s chinerunner series. The idea with the name was that when passing ships saw it on their AIS-displays they would search the Internet and find out something about me and hopefully report me as I had no means of long range communication.

I have written about her elsewhere in this blog I only like to mention that besides being somewhat obsessed by broaching-to (besides shallow draft and a few other things). During a test sail in the Stockholm archipelago a friend gave me a tow back to port. As we came back to port he let go the towline instead of going straight Yrvind.com healed over and made a very sharp turn, like a broach-to. Matt says that this has never happened to him. It did not happened to me either, later spending two and a half months in the Atlantic sailing from Ireland to Martinique via Madeira.

As I have written in the Manifesto I now prefer a variable lateral area that is something like a centerboard or leeboard because sailing downwind that gives you one more way to control the boat. The disadvantage is the complication. Coastal sailing like Matt does chinerunners is fine.

Much more on Matts boats can be found on internet. See: Matts boats – microcruising by Dave Boulduc.

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I have been a recreational sailor for many years, with a particular interest in small sailing craft; therefore much of the content of my 'blog' will be related to this subject.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


enigma sailboat plans

Hi Bill, Any news as to whether the Enigma 360 plans have become available?

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Matt Layden design

Discussion in ' Boat Design ' started by kc4tm258 , Aug 30, 2014 .


kc4tm258 Junior Member

Hi all, name here is Terry and I'm new to the forum. I recently finished my second Matt Layden design and thought I'd share. Its a hybrid design between Matt's Enigma and Paradox. Sea trials went well and I'm very happy with the overall design. Waiting for cooler weather to get her out for some weekend fun. YouTube Video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsjFtwDyoWs&list=UUlJy-ojP91YxmpkG3k06w-w  


PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

Welcome to the forum. Where in FL are you located?  
PAR said: ↑ Welcome to the forum. Where in FL are you located? Click to expand...


ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

Looks very nice. What are its basic dimensions?  
ImaginaryNumber said: ↑ Looks very nice. What are its basic dimensions? Click to expand...

Manie B

Manie B Senior Member

Lovely and good sailing  


Eerik a wannabe designer

kc4tm258 said: ↑ Its a hybrid design between Matt's Enigma and Paradox. Sea trials went well and I'm very happy with the overall design. Click to expand...


Wavewacker Senior Member

Nice job! Are you using the under sole storage? As asked, tell us more.  


dryboater New Member

Very nice Hi Terry - I am also new to the forum and intereste in Matt Layden's designs. I bought his Paradox plans and the building manual. Did you find Enigma plans to combine with Paradox plans, or did you do it by eye? Either way, nice job. I am thinking about scaling up Paradox 20%, I understand I can do that without changing the dimensional lumber although I might be wise to add a bit more weight on the bottom. I figure that will give me a boat a little over 16' but with a lot more interior room. Has anyone ever seen this done? I am also hearing about a Layden "big cruiser" but it does not seem to be laid down on paper yet.Thanks all for a great forum. Chris  
Eerik said: ↑ Hi Terry, Looks to be a nice boat! I also consider a Paradox, therefore the interest... Was the other Matt's design you built a Paradox? You seem to have borrowed the shape of the bottom from Enigma, is this the main difference from original Paradox? If so, do you feel difference in performance between these two? Thanks, Eerik Click to expand...
dryboater said: ↑ Hi Terry - I am also new to the forum and intereste in Matt Layden's designs. I bought his Paradox plans and the building manual. Did you find Enigma plans to combine with Paradox plans, or did you do it by eye? Either way, nice job. I am thinking about scaling up Paradox 20%, I understand I can do that without changing the dimensional lumber although I might be wise to add a bit more weight on the bottom. I figure that will give me a boat a little over 16' but with a lot more interior room. Has anyone ever seen this done? I am also hearing about a Layden "big cruiser" but it does not seem to be laid down on paper yet.Thanks all for a great forum. Chris Click to expand...
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Wavewacker said: ↑ Nice job! Are you using the under sole storage? As asked, tell us more. Click to expand...


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ENIGMA Yacht Layout & GA Plans

75m  /  246'1 | dcan | 1976 / 2000.

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Jacques - Long Term Coastal Cruiser Sailboat Concept

Post by SP » Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:13 pm

Post by jacquesmm » Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:13 pm

Post by SP » Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:40 pm

jacquesmm wrote: Yes, I am interested in that type of project. Unless it is a dory style hull, a flat bottom boat is not the appropriate hull form for such a program. It looks easier to builder but it is not. It also pounds and slams, under way or on anchor. The slamming can be destructive = unsafe. I like the idea of a flush deck cockpit. This maximizes inside volume, eliminate the danger of cockpit flooding. makes for a stronger structure. Shallow draft is another point I like: a boat that does not resist the sea with a deep keel, is easy to tow, easy to maintain by beaching it and trailerable. Show me that you are serious by doing some home work. Here are questions you should answer: - What is your boat building budget? How much for the hull, how much for the equipment? - What should the cargo capacity of the boat? How much stores, how much water, how much personal effects? Try an itemized list like 1 gallon of water and 2 lbs of food per day for 2 months, plus XYZ fuel, safety gear, electronics, everything. Include ground tackle and some spares.

How much does it weigh??

Post by Justin Pipkorn » Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:14 am

Post by SP » Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:47 am

What should the cargo capacity of the boat? How much stores, how much water, how much personal effects? Try an itemized list like 1 gallon of water and 2 lbs of food per day for 2 months, plus XYZ fuel, safety gear, electronics, everything. Include ground tackle and some spares.
What is your boat building budget? How much for the hull, how much for the equipment?

Post by jacquesmm » Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:31 pm

SP wrote: With respect to having the inside helm capabilities........ I think it would be great to be able to sit on the small aft deck and sail the boat, stand or sit inside the cabin with the hatch open and sail or close the hatch and stay inside the cabin and sail the boat. This is how Swaggie is set up.
I think the design maximizes the cabin area in a small boat and gives you many comfort options depending on the weather and how you are feeling that day.
To accomplish this you would need a very simple sail design, like a balanced lug or junk sail to do this. You would give up a small amount of windward performance but gain in simplicity. Maybe there is a better way. I am sure if there is, Jacques and others more experienced will have ideas.
I like to be outside sailing just as much as anybody else but it would be nice to have the option of getting into the cabin and sail the boat if needed. I am thinking about rain during very cold climates.
I know it isn't a direct comparison but most cruising power boats are helmed from inside, under cover or have that option etc....
If you don't like the thought of sailing from the cabin then you could always stay on the aft deck the entire time. Put in a hatch on the deck for a small foot well. Personally, even if there was no inside helm I would still have a very small cockpit. What should the cargo capacity of the boat? How much stores, how much water, how much personal effects? Try an itemized list like 1 gallon of water and 2 lbs of food per day for 2 months, plus XYZ fuel, safety gear, electronics, everything. Include ground tackle and some spares.
At this time I am not planning on having any cooling/ice chest unless on a shorter cruise. For fixed gear I am thinking 200-300 lbs. This is one of those wild guesses. This would entail galley equipment of a small backpack stove, fuel, a couple plastic bowls/plates/silverware/cups, a small pressure cooker. Maybe an extra pot or pan. Portable, handheld, water desal pump that is only used when needed.
Repair equipment of extra blocks, lines, fiberglass repair/patch kit, some fastners, wire, fuses, some small extra engine parts (very limited), extra batteries for GPS, head lamp etc.... and some basic hand tools. I would bring a couple handheld GPS and VHF units, charts, LED headlamps, lifevests (and all other mandated safety gear)
A couple anchors, 10lb plus a larger 25lb anchor (that could be broken down for easier storage) with chain/lines. 5 gallons of fuel for the outboard. Min. amount of clothes needed (proper storm gear of course), sleeping bag and lets not forget a porta potty I am sure I am missing items. Two people - 300lbs This works for me and the wife. I am 6' tall but weight around 155-165lbs depending on how active I am at the time. I am thinking a total of around 650-800 lbs for food, water, fixed gear/equipment and people. What do you think? I think 600 lbs stores and gear. You forgot clothes, pharmacy, radio for the weather and probably other stuff. Let's say 1,000 lbs absolute minimum
Lets see, $3,000 for the hull (wood and epoxy). An additional $3,000 for everything else but not including a trailer or used outboard. Is this low?

Post by Evan_Gatehouse » Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:21 pm

Post by SP » Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:27 pm

Post by Evan_Gatehouse » Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:34 pm

Started organizing weight data today

Post by Justin Pipkorn » Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:49 pm

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Kamis, 14 februari 2019, enigma boat plans.

enigma sailboat plans

Enigma looks to a certain extent like a miniature paradox and she embodies some of her characteristics such as the chine runners, flat bottom with rocker and box sides, but she is a different boat in that she is a light displacement vessel by comparison with paradox which is a heavy displacement boat.. The enigma 360 is one of matt layden's newer micro-cruisers. she differs from some of his earlier boats like paradox and little cruiser in that she is considerably lighter in her construction. matt constructed the boat in 2005, and then he entered her in the 2006 watertribe ultimate challenge to place first in her class in this grueling. Maybe i hope this enigma sailboat plans share make you know more even if you are a beginner though . posted by bagas at 4:00 pm. email this blogthis! 13 ft stitch and glue outboard runabout boat plans outboard boat plans and kits directory outboard motor dory boat pla... topic how to build a deck for jon boat.

Dave's Enigma 450: The beginning and what is an Enigma?

Enigma sailing upwind. unlimited recording storage space. live tv from 60+ channels. no cable box required.. Matt layden enigma. cool boats paradox rafting sharpie yachts sailboat zen log projects wooden ship. matt layden's; elusion. c135 30hwa. "one man boat plans free homemade fiberglass boat plans,building a model boat out of cardboard boat building ft drift boat plans whitehall rowboat plans.". Boat plans by steve redmond: how to build whisp and other, redmond designed boat plans: whisp skiff, elver canoe yawl and other classics for the backyard boatbuilder...


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enigma sailboat plans

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on March 23, 2007 at 9:25:29 pm




- building photos

The original version of Enigma is 12 feet long (360 cm). This is the boat that Matt sailed around Florida in the Ultimate Florida Challenge.


Length: 12 feet, 3 inches.

Beam: 3-feet, 3 inches.

Draft: 6 inches.

Weight (empty): 180 pounds.

Payload: 420 pounds.

Sail area: 56 square feet.



Matt has designed a 4.6 meter version of Enigma with a plywood deckhouse for George Van Sickle. He is documenting his building progress .


LOA 4.6m = 15'-1"

Beam 1160mm = 45.6"

Draft 186mm = 7 3/8"

Displacement at DWL 458 L = 1010 lb

Empty weight rigged (est.) 120 kg = 260 lb? depending on construction.

Ballast: min. 50 kg = 110 lb, generally more.

Max. payload (est.) 450 kg = 1000 lb?

Sail Area 8.86 sqm = 95 sqft

Click on the 'Challenge Viewer' then a view button (Green arrows)

and then select "Wizard - Stills and video Chokoloskee to Key Largo"

Comparison of materials for ballast in Enigma

sand = 1600 kg/cubic meter = 100 lbs/cu. ft.

steel = 7850 kg/cubic meter = 490 lbs/cu. ft.

lead = 11,340 kg/cubic meter = 708 lbs/cu. ft.

kg/cu.m divided by 16.02 = lbs/cu.ft

There is a difference between plywood covered with 10 oz. woven and plywood used as a core between biaxial glass. In the first one, the strength comes mostly from the plywood, in the second one, the strength comes from the fiberglass skins. It is very different.

Furthermore, the regulations state that "unpowered vessels," defined as

"sailboats or those that are paddled, poled or rowed," and if less than 7

meters (23.0 ft.) long, must, "if practical," exhibit the same lights as

required for unpowered vessels less than 29 meters (65.6 ft.) in length.

These include, red & green sidelights visible from a distance of at least

two miles, or if less that 12 meters (39.4 ft.) long, at least one mile, on

a dark clear night; and a stern light visible from a distance of at least

two miles. "If not practical," unpowered boats must have instead on hand at

least one lantern of flashlight shining a white light to show when needed by

traffic considerations.


Just remember that the p/s lights must be forward, as

well as below, the all-round white light when running under motor power.

I merely mount a removable battery-powered combined p/s

light on the single forward-centerline cleat (right up on the bow)

whenever needed.

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    enigma sailboat plans

  2. Pin by Enigma on Boats

    enigma sailboat plans

  3. Building Goliath, an Enigma 3.6 Micro Cruiser

    enigma sailboat plans

  4. Enigma sailboat plans ~ Making sails smallboats

    enigma sailboat plans

  5. Enigma Sailboat Plans ~ Manual Plans Boat

    enigma sailboat plans

  6. Dave's wiki / Enigma sailboat

    enigma sailboat plans


  1. 18,500hp Superyacht ENIGMA

  2. Yellowtail From a Kayak

  3. Cracking Enigma: The SECRET War of WWII Codebreakers

  4. Master Boat Building with 518 Step-by-Step Plans

  5. Sailboat Plans--Daysailers 10 ft to 15 ft LOA

  6. Vintage Sailboat Plans


  1. Enigma

    Matt constructed the boat in 2005, and then he entered her in the 2006 Watertribe Ultimate Challenge to place first in her class in this grueling 1200 mile race, which incidentally included a 40 mile portage. ... Recently, a new prototype Enigma with a hard cabin is being finished, which we talk about in our 8/24/12 Blog. Design Particulars ...

  2. Dave's Enigma 450: The beginning and what is an Enigma?

    The Enigma is a self-righting, flat bottomed and beachable mini-cruising sailboat. Enigma is referred to as a small, long distance coastal cruiser and is propelled by a single sail, or with an oar. It uses chine runners instead of a centerboard to reduce draft and complexity. It has room for 2 people for day sailing and 1 or possibly 2 people ...

  3. Building Goliath, an Enigma 3.6 Micro Cruiser

    This slideshow follows the Construction of Goliath, an Enigma 3.6 Micro Cruiser designed by Matt Layden

  4. Paradox & Enigma

    Some of Matt's boats. Paradox and Enigma are boats very cleverly designed and built by Matt Layden. Matt sails on the US east coast. The east coast has a lot of shallow water, as does indeed much of the rest of the world. Matt likes sailing in shallow water.

  5. Dave's wiki / Enigma sailboat

    Enigma sailboat. The Enigma is a self-righting, flat bottomed and beachable mini-cruiser. Enigma is referred to as a small, long distance coastal cruiser and is propelled by a single sail, or with an oar. ... Matt will offer the plans for sale. LOA 4.6m = 15'-1" Beam 1160mm = 45.6" = 3'-9" Draft 186mm = 7 3/8" Displacement at DWL 458 L = 1010 lb.

  6. Matts boats

    Matt Layden's incredible boats. Matt Layden is a gifted marine draftsman who designed, built and sailed full-time for about 10 years aboard five of his shoal draft micro-cruisers. His first boat was the 16 foot cat boat, Terrapin, and later he went on to create Swamp Thing, Gjac, Little Cruiser, Paradox, Enigma , Sand Flea, and Elusion in this ...

  7. Bill's Log: 'Enigma'

    Consequently, Matt has consented to work with George Van Sickle on perfecting plans for the 'Enigma 460', which is a longer boat than Paradox, but only 6 inches wider than the original 'Enigma', now known as the 'Enigma 360'. The new boat is a sort-of, in between version with a hardtop, unlike the smaller 'Enigma' which has a ...

  8. Matt Layden design

    Hi all, name here is Terry and I'm new to the forum. I recently finished my second Matt Layden design and thought I'd share. Its a hybrid design between Matt's Enigma and Paradox. Sea trials went well and I'm very happy with the overall design. Waiting for cooler weather to get her out for some weekend fun.

  9. Matt's New Boat -- 2005 -- "Enigma"

    Matt's New Boat -- 2005 -- "Enigma". My brother Matt (Layden) has built a number of small boats in his day. This page logs his progress on his newest creation called "Enigma." Feb 12 -- design, layup, and cutting. Feb 22 -- doing butt joints on hull panels and twisting the hull to shape. Mar 17 -- setting up and wiring together the hull.

  10. #1

    First build log from 24-Nov-2021, building my Matt Layden Paradox sailboat.Next Video: https://youtu.be/UastICLfwXgTopics:Overview of the ParadoxLumber Deliv...

  11. Building an Enigma 460: Pine Lake Video

    The bulkheads in Enigma are structural and shouldn't be moved. They also divide the Enigma into 3 watertight compartments. The forward and aft compartments are needed to provide buoyancy if the boat swamped. I believe Matt indicated that the Enigma would sink like a rock (if swamped), without the watertight volume in these compartments. Regards ...

  12. Dave's wiki / Enigma sailboat

    Enigma sailboat This version was saved 16 years, 10 months ago View current version Page history. ... Builder's plans will be available for Enigma soon. Here is a partial quote from his letter, "At the moment Enigma is in her `prototype' testing phase…I plan to make some minor changes in the model and draw up building plans later this year. ...

  13. Paradox Study Plans

    Paradox Study Plans. These plans are presented here soley for inspiration. They are not intended to be used to build another Paradox, and this website nor the original author make any promises as to their accuracy or their suitability for any purpose whatsoever. If you are interested in obtaining a proper set of plans please send an email to .

  14. Matt Layden's Elusion boat

    Re: Matt Layden's Elusion boat I got the Paradox plans a while back and considered building one. I like the Enigma and Elusion because they are light weight and I reckon fairly quick to build. I saw a Paradox at the 2013 Cedar Key Messabout. Then I watched her sail from Atseno Otie Key and she seemed to sail quite well.

  15. ENIGMA XK Yacht Layout & GA Plans

    SIMILAR LUXURY CHARTER YACHTS. Here are a selection of yachts which are similar to the current charter yacht. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below. Interactive, detailed layout / general arrangement of ENIGMA XK, the 71m Richards Shipbuilders mega yacht with an interior by Vitruvius.

  16. Dave's wiki / Enigma sailboat

    Enigma sailboat. The Enigma is a self-righting, flat bottomed and beachable mini-cruiser. Enigma is referred to as a small, long distance coastal cruiser and is propelled by a single sail, or with an oar. ... Once the prototype is proved out, Matt will offer the plans for sale. LOA 4.6m = 15'-1" Beam 1160mm = 45.6" = 3'-9" Draft 186mm = 7 3/8" ...

  17. PDF Enigma XK

    Norna as the basis for his explorer yacht Enigma XK, did so because of the 71.4 metre ship's tough, seaworthy hull - but he also fell in love with her character. The aspects that have been left alone, therefore, define the finished vessel as much as the parts that have been changed. 'Enigma XK demonstrates a very good balance

  18. ENIGMA Yacht Layout / General Arrangement Plans

    Interactive, detailed layout / general arrangement of ENIGMA, the 75m DCAN mega yacht with naval architecture by Butch Dalrymple-Smith & Michel Bigoin with an interior by Jorg Biederbeck ... Zoomable Deck Plans Instructions ... The luxury sail yacht Enigma is displayed on this page merely for informational purposes and she is not necessarily ...

  19. Building an Enigma 460

    Matt Layden designed Enigma 460 "Fantasma" is for sale. Located on Vancouver Island, BC. Includes prototype plans, Paradox plans, and all details & correspondence with Matt. Length: 15 ft, 2 in. Unballasted weight about 300 lbs. 225 lbs removable internal ballast (coated steel plate) 7' 7" between watertight bulkheads.

  20. Jacques

    10-15 gallons of water at 8.3lbs per gallon, so basically 80-125lbs. Food for 2-3 weeks/2 people, min. weight at 2wks is 56 lbs. Max. for 3 wks is 84 lbs. So about 150-200 total for food and water. At this time I am not planning on having any cooling/ice chest unless on a shorter cruise.

  21. Enigma sailboat plans ~ Making sails smallboats

    Maybe or maybe not you might attraction with regards to Enigma sailboat plans is really widely used and even you assume a number of a few months into the future Below is known as a modest excerpt fundamental question connected with Enigma sailboat plans can be you comprehend spinning program so well in addition to are many pics by a variety of ...

  22. Enigma Boat Plans

    The enigma 360 is one of matt layden's newer micro-cruisers. she differs from some of his earlier boats like paradox and little cruiser in that she is considerably lighter in her construction. matt constructed the boat in 2005, and then he entered her in the 2006 watertribe ultimate challenge to place first in her class in this grueling. Maybe ...

  23. Dave's wiki / Enigma sailboat

    The Enigma is a self-righting, flat bottomed and beachable mini-cruiser. Enigma is referred to as a small, long distance coastal cruiser and is propelled by a single sail, or with an oar. It has room for 2 people for daysailing, but only enough room for one person to sleep aboard. Info. Enigma - building photos All photos. Yahoo Enigma group