hershine yachts taiwan

Taiwan Trawlers

Are they still worth owning.

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You see them everywhere—on the hard, in marinas and, more importantly, in all the bays and coves of our popular cruising grounds—the ubiquitous Taiwan trawler. Are they, or are they not worth owning?

They came out of Taiwan in the 1970s and 1980s by the score, flooding a market that was looking for budget-priced cruising boats that were fun to own and economical to operate. Despite many of them being popped from the same mold, they were sold under a bewildering number of names—Albin, CHB, Cheer Men, C & L, DeFever, Hershine, La Paz, Marine Trader, North Sea, Puget Trawler and Universal, just to name a few.


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The hulls were constructed using a new material called fibreglass, and many were heavily over-built. But quality control was a problem and as a result some North American yards dismissed them out of hand, calling them “Taiwan tupperware” or “eastern junk.” Others recognized them for what they were—a great way to get families into boating at a modest price.

The truth lies somewhere in the middle, and the proof of their longevity is that, 40 years on, many still cruise the Pacific Northwest every season, owned by people who would have no other vessel. Where a new 36-foot trawler will set you back $500,000 or more today, many of those classics of the last century can be had for $50,000 to $100,000. And they’ve long stopped depreciating $15,000 per year.

While some of the 1970s era trawlers had problems with poor construction, after about 1981 the industry made significant changes in quality control, and there were fewer surprises. Many of the hulls were built in a central boatyard and then farmed out to family businesses for finishing. As a result, construction and detail varied widely. One boat might have intricately carved dragons on every interior door but poorly fitted wall panels; another might have beautifully finished bathrooms but leaky windows. Yet another would have strange electrical wiring but beautiful instrument panels.

Discovering poor workmanship later might involve stripping the teak decks to discover that half the screws were missing (a screw not used, was a spare screw for the next boat). Another discovery might be that the original fibreglass deck hadn’t been swept before the deck was laid. Bumps in the decking? No problem, just plane the teak planking flat, meaning thin and thick sections later.

It’s not surprising that some boaters wouldn’t set foot on one. But among the lemons there are peaches to be found. Speaking from personal experience, I searched for a specific style (a europa, rather than a sedan, tri-cabin or sundeck) for nearly two years, before finally buying one all the way across the country in upstate New York, then shipping it back to the Pacific Northwest on a truck! Why? Because it was exactly what I wanted. But I looked at a lot of boats in BC, Washington and as far away as the upper Columbia River in Oregon before finding that New York boat.

Today, dollar for dollar, they are some of the best deals in the leisure craft industry, and as some approach 50 years, many are still in fair shape. Usually powered with a single 120-horsepower Ford Lehman naturally aspirated diesel, or less often with a 130-horsepower Perkins, they aren’t great performers, chugging along at hull speed (six to eight knots), but burning a thrifty one litre per mile. Neither the Ford Lehman 6D380 nor the Perkins 6.354 are produced any more, but spares are still easy to find and reasonably priced.

While many potential buyers will see the low operating costs as a powerful incentive, we should add a note of caution—as with any older equipment, it helps to be handy for the inevitable things that break. But the main components, the hull, the deck, the engine and the layout can be solid (subject to some caveats listed below). Remember, wiring, instruments and tanks can be dealt with as and when necessary. In the meanwhile, the difference between that $250,000 vessel and your $50,000 one is sitting in your bank.

In the mid-‘70s, New Jersey entrepreneur Don Miller of Marine Trading International began importing a 34-foot aft cabin model from Taiwan, designed by marine architect Ed Monk. It was an immediate success. Where else could you get a complete cruiser, with parquet floor, instruments, smothered in teak, even curtains, for $25,000? It’s estimated that Miller imported over 3,000 trawlers in the following decade.

Copycats appeared almost immediately. Labour costs were cheap across the Pacific, and there followed a wild scramble as many small boatyards got into the fabrication business, jobbing out sub-contracts to family and friends, and then merging the finished trawlers under various marketing names. Don Miller’s boats, unsurprisingly, became known as Marine Traders.

Sinclair Wen owned the Chung Hwa Boat Building Co. where they produced CHBs and LaFitte sailboats. In the late 1970s he bought a share of the Kadey-Krogen line, which was producing the popular 42-foot cruiser. Apart from interior layout changes and a small increase in length (44 feet), that design has been in production for over 40 years!

Alexander Chu, who had worked at C&L, went on to start Ocean Alexander with a 50-foot pilothouse model that could be bought for $125,000. Today, its sequel, the 60-foot pilothouse, costs over a million. The company is still in business, manufacturing luxury yachts that have made their mark around the world.

Arthur DeFever designed a line of blue water cruisers that proved popular, although others quickly copied them. So was Bill Hardin’s classic Coaster 33. Originally built by CHB, it wasn’t long before look-alikes were coming out of all sorts of yards under the names of Heritage, Golden Gate, Bluewater, Far East and more. And the quality varied.

The habit of copying the industry leaders almost became an epidemic. A story from Don Miller illustrates the situation in the late 1970s. While at the boatyard in Taiwan, he ordered 23 changes to the design. Two weeks later back home, he saw that other importers were advertising the same 23 changes! It was a competitive market, and as Miller freely admitted, Taiwan trawlers weren’t the best boats, but they were very good value. They remain that today, in part because the exterior appearance of those early boats hasn’t changed much (unlike cars or houses). A 1978 36-foot Albin looks surprisingly similar to a 2001 Island Gypsy, or a brand new Grand Banks Classic. The tri-cabin design is timeless.

But times move on; where once they were mostly built in Taiwan, today many manufacturers have moved to China where the cost of labour is lower. As in Taiwan, the first few years’ models have had QC issues.

hershine yachts taiwan

So, you’re thinking about a Taiwan trawler. First, decide which of the layouts will suit you best. You have kids? A sundeck or tri-cabin has the benefit of a bow cabin with bunks and head, separated from the aft master cabin and second head. It’s good to keep the noise apart. A tri-cabin, by the way, is sometimes called a double-cabin, as it has fore and aft sleeping cabins. The tri-cabin description just includes the central saloon in the cabin count.

Are you likely to be just a couple on board? The europa or sedan with a larger master cabin with centreline bed and small second cabin, with just a single head might be a better use of space. Plan to fish off the aft deck? A sedan or tri-cabin gives the best cockpit space.

Suffer from claustrophobia? The full width of the sundeck master cabin is a good option. Are you a light sleeper? Don’t buy a sedan or europa with the main cabin in the bow, where you’ll hear the lapping of waves all night on the hook. Bad knees? Avoid a europa with its steep companionway, where a tri-cabin lets you reach the upper helm in a series of short, easy stairs. Planning on spending time cruising in the shoulder seasons? Get a europa with its broad upper deck that screens the lower windows, and lets you leave the doors open, even when it’s raining.

Now that you have an idea of what you’re looking for, develop a relationship with a broker and a marine surveyor, both of whom specialize in trawlers. They are just like medical doctors—there are specialists in every field, and it helps to get advice from someone knowledgeable about trawlers, rather than luxury yachts or fast tugs or sailboats.

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Before you call in the hired help, have a preliminary checklist for when you’ve found one you like. Your time is free. Taiwan trawlers can have leaky windows. Check for discolouration below the sills. They have a reputation for leaky decks. Water gets under the teak deck and runs to the lowest point, which is about 2/3 of the way toward the stern, at the deck’s lowest point, where it pools under the boards and finds a screw hole to penetrate the sub-deck. Does the deck feel soft there? Can you get into the engine room and see the underside of the deck? Is there visible water damage? That low point is often where the water tank fill pipe is. Does it look corroded?

Small deck areas can be repaired quite economically. Check the internet, especially trawler forums. There are several ways of curing a boat with small sections of soft deck, without ripping up everything and starting again.

Are there cracks where the superstructure abuts the deck? What this can suggest is not a soft superstructure, but a soft hull. It might mean the hull stiffeners aren’t doing their job. There are four beams (stringers) that run fore and aft along the inside of the hull. The middle pair usually carries the engine. Across those stringers, ribs stiffen the hull sideways. Over the long life of the boat, a prior owner may have drilled holes to run pipes or electrical cables. If bilge water has penetrated the stringers, the wood rots and the hull starts to flex in the swell. That in turn means anything attached to the hull (the engine alignment, prop shaft, upper cabin, deck penetrations), all flex too. Make sure that the surveyor checks the moisture content of the stringers.

In the superstructure, water penetration can soften the frame and be expensive to repair (usually from the inside). This is less of a problem on europas, which have a wide upper deck that sheds the rain. Like the hulls, the amount of structural material in the superstructure can vary from vessel to vessel, some being massively thick, others paper-thin. One check is to remove the shore power fitting to see the wall’s cross-section.

Another thing to consider is poor resin penetration of the fibreglass during construction. This usually manifests itself as spider web cracks and chips, exposing dry chopped mat beneath. Depending on where they are, they can be cosmetic, or can be the inlet for water that over time can destroy walls and decks. Hulls, on the other hand, were mostly over-resin coated, with the result that blistering and osmosis is less common. But certain brands had a bad reputation for poor hull construction. Make sure the surveyor does a thorough hammer check.

Tanks are another issue. Some old fuel tanks were welded steel. A flexing hull causes tanks to buckle and leak, usually at the welded corners. Tank removal is a slow process, but needn’t be a deal breaker. If you’re reasonably handy, grinding up an old tank into pieces to remove through the engine room hatch, and installing multiple small tanks (to fit through the same hole) is not as difficult as it initially appears.

When viewing a prospective boat, the engine room can tell its own story. Learn to read it. Rusty parts and junk lying about imply the owner either doesn’t care, or doesn’t go down there often. Polished pipes and oiled surfaces suggest regular servicing. Have an oil analysis done—it can tell you a lot about the bearings. Do the fuel and oil filters look new? Are the batteries clean on top? Does the wiring look tidy or tangled?

According to the late Bob Smith (engine guru), Ford Lehman engines, if looked after, can go for 20,000 hours before a rebuild on the block. Replacing peripherals like heat exchangers, pumps, hoses and exhaust manifolds are just part of the business of buying an older boat. Set aside an additional 15 percent of the purchase price for upcoming issues, and try to do as many of the repairs yourself. That way you’ll learn about your boat, and save yourself money.

Bright work is another concern for some buyers. All that magnificent outside teak needs to be stripped and re-varnished to retain the look. Modern varnish does last longer, or you can just let your rails go au natural. Weathered exterior teak shouldn’t be a reason to turn down a boat, but you’ll notice that since the 1990s, teak hand and cap rails have gone out of style because of the maintenance issue. That still leaves exterior window frames, handrails and trim. I’ve taken to painting them—a good marine paint lasts three to five years, whereas varnish lasts one to two.

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The best advice when buying a Taiwan trawler is to educate yourself. Look at many models. Ask questions. Concentrate on the later models (1982 to 1990) as materials and construction methods did improve. Find a good marine surveyor for that day when you discover the one that ticks most of your boxes. And remember, no boat 30 to 45 years old will tick ALL the boxes.

Be realistic. Understand that most Taiwan-built trawlers aren’t blue water boats (there are a few exceptions). However, for sheltered cruising such as in the Salish Sea, they are perfect. And know that when you find that diamond in the coal heap, you’ll have a sturdy, seaworthy partner to share adventures with for as long as you’re both able to put to sea! Happy cruising.

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Hershine Offers Quality Through and Through

Hershine Offers Quality Through and Through

Hershine Yachts delivered its first trawler in 1977 and the Taiwan-based company has built over 1250 yachts in the past 36 years. That kind of experience has made Hershines some of the most popular trawlers in the world. One of the company’s most popular trawlers, the Hershine 37’0”, is as economical as it is seakindly. The Hershine 37 has a distinguishing flared bow that makes it instantly recognizable. Heavily built with a cruising speed of 7 knots the Hershine shines as a superlative cruiser that takes it easy on the diesel.

Trawlers traditionally cater to the live-aboard lifestyle, offering the comforts of home for less than the price of a condo. At a time when 37-foot trawlers are selling for close to $350,000, you can own a  classic 1981 Hershine  for $59,000. Available from the knowledgeable folks at California Yacht Sales on Harbor Island in San Diego, this outstanding aft cabin trawler doubles as a cruiser and liveaboard. With a purring Ford Lehman 120HP diesel engine, the Hershine is built for cost-effective voyaging. The old-style black iron fuel tanks have been replaced with aluminum.

The Hershine offers countless creature comforts including a double berth aft with a private companionway, a large forward V-Berth with a private head, and deck access from the salon which boasts 6’4” headroom. On the exterior, the brightwork and teak decks have been lovingly maintained and are in great shape.

Recreational trawlers are called cruising trawlers and trawler yachts. Whatever you call them these pleasure boats are the most versatile on the water. Whether you want a floating cottage at the marina, a day tripper to Catalina, or a passagemaker for Puerta Vallarta, the Hershine 37 can fill the bill.

If this example has been sold by the time you read this contact us today and we will source one for you.


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58' 1986 Hershine 58


Type: Powerboat
Year: 1986
Make: Hershine
Model: 58
Length: 58'
Status: For Sale
Price: $ 229,999
Location: Richmond, BC
Date Posted: 2024-05-01

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This is a 58 ft. luxury fiberglass motor yacht built by the Hershine Co. Taiwan. She is in above average condition for her vintage with many custom upgrades completed in 2019-2020.

This is a 58 ft. luxury fiberglass motor yacht known as a Hershine 58. Layout has cable locker and stateroom forward. Lockers are fitted adjacent aft port and starboard. Head compartment with shower stall is adjacent aft starboard side, with stateroom to port side. Helm station is adjacent aft starboard side with deck access aft. Dinette is port side, with galley adjacent aft. Custom galley island is fitted inboard. Machinery space is below salon sole. Aft stateroom has head compartment to starboard side with lockers port and starboard. Double berth is midships aft. Enclosed sundeck is above with custom fiberglass hardtop and sliding acrylic windows. Cockpit has Lazarette hatch. Canvas overhang is above. Transom has teak swim platform with tender mounted on custom stainless steel davit system. Command Bridge has center helm station, with passenger seating port and starboard. Fiberglass hardtop with canvas curtains is above. Davit crane is port side aft. Vessel finish is painted 2-part polyurethane white with blue boot stripe.

Dimensions LOA: 58 ft Beam: 15 ft 2 in Draft: 4 ft 6 in. Dry Weight: 58000 lbs Tankage Fresh Water Tanks: 300 gal. Fuel Tanks: 600 gal. 4 x Welded Aluminum (new in 2009) Holding Tank: 50 gal. Engines Engine Make: Twin Perkins (Rebuilt in 2001)  Engine Model: T63544M Drive Type:  HP: 200 hp each  Hours: 3400 Hrs (257 Hrs since rebuild in 2001) Fuel Type: Diesel  Navigation Equipment Chartplotter: Furano NavNet VX2 multi-function displays X 3 Radar: Furano 1934 color radar with 3.5 ft. scanner (48 nautical mile) Radios: ICOM ICM602 VHF (new in 2020), Loud Hailer, ICOM ICM506 VHF with AIS, Kenwood VHF, plus Cobra MRHH475 Bluetooth handheld Echo Sounder: Furuno NavNet VX2 multi-function displays Auto-pilot: Furuno 5001 with remote control Compass: Gemini 6 in., plus Azimuth 1000 electronic compass Batteries/Electrical Number/Type: 3 x 4D for house supply, plus 4 x 12-volt for engine start, plus start batteries and charger for genset in lazarette Location: Secured in plastic boxes located in machinery space 2200 amp/hr house bank 2 volt cell Battery Charger/Inverter: Samlex America 80-amp battery charger + Magnum 3000 Inverter/battery charger, Guest 25-amp battery charger, Generator: Onan 6.5 Kw Genset Wind Generator: 5-bladed 120 watt wind generator (new in 2020) Solar: 4 x 110-watt solar panels with controller (new in 2020), LiRongPing 420-watt Alternators on engines Wiring: Type: Plastic insulated Condition: Refurbished and replaced as required in 2019/20 Overload Protection: Circuit breakers and fuses Shore Power Connection: 4 @ Marinco 30-amp plug receptacles to 120-volt breaker panel with reverse polarity indicator, Blue Seas volt and amp meters Inside Equipment Stove: Nutri-Chef 2-burner 120-volt smooth top stove (new in 2020), Microwave: Hamilton Beach (new in 2020) Convection Oven: Black & Decker (new in 2020) Refrigerator: RCA 120/12-volt stand up fridge with freezer 120 + 12 volt bar fridge, U-line ice maker + 120-volt chest freezer Trash Compactor: Braun Washer/Dryer: Splendide washer/dryer combo Heating: Espar D5 Airtronic diesel fired furnace, plus Espar D8 Airtronic diesel fired furnace (each with 4 outlets) Entertainment: Samsung 40 in. TV, Samsung 32 in. TV, Insignia 22 in. TV, with Trac Vision Satellite TV antenna Stereo: Kenwood Stereo system Hot Water Tank: 20-gallon 120-volt hot water tank VacuFlush marine sanitation system, holding tank with macerator pump Ground Tackle Anchor(s): 70 lb. Bruce anchor, plus approx. 30 lb. Danforth Cable(s): Approx. 300 ft. chain Anchor Winch: Lofrans Tigres 12-volt horizontal with foot switches 2019 Upgrades Command Bridge: • All Bridge lighting upgraded to LED lighting • New Bridge Lexan windows in canvas curtains • New AC/DC bar fridge and U-Line ice maker • New bar countertop and faucets • New waterproof carpet • New Furuno 1934 color radar installed • 2 @ new Furuno NavNet 10 in. GPS color plotters with charts/radar and sounder integration • New Furuno auto pilot Nav Pilot 50 and rudder indicator • New ICOM ICM 506 VHF with AIS • 2 @ new GLT 2000 remote spotlights installed • New windshield wiper • New 4-camera closed video monitor with locations: engine room, aft, port and starboard hull sides Lower Helm Station: • New Furuno NavNet 10 in. GPS color plotter with charts/radar, and sounder integration • New Furuno remote auto pilot Nav Pilot 50 & rudder indicator • New Kenwood VHF installed • New 22 in. 4-camera close video monitor system2019 Upgrades and repairs: • New Cobra handheld VHF Bilge Pump Systems: • New Rule 1500 GPH electric auto in machinery space • 2nd new Rule 1500 electric auto in machinery space • New machinery space high water alarm with light and buzzer Shore Power AC/DC Distribution: • New Blue Seas AC shore power Volt/amperage monitors • New Blue Seas DC amp and volt monitors for house, starting, and backup system • New Magnum Pure Sine 3000-wattinverter/charger with remote panel • New Guest 25-amp 3-stage battery charger • 3 @ new 4D batteries, plus 4 @ new 1100-amp cranking batteries Heating Systems: • New Espar D5 17,500 BTUs Airtronic diesel fired furnace with 4 outlets. Midships, forward, head and galley • New Espar D8 27,500 BTUs Airtronic diesel fired furnace with 4 outlets. Aft cabin, aft head, plus 2 in aft salon Sanitation Systems: • VacuFlush system refurbished and relocated with new tank monitor • New Jabsco macerator pump • New holding tank vent Fresh Water Systems: • New 50-PSI Jabsco water pump • New 20-gallon, 120-volt hot water tank • New water tank level gauge • New hoses installed as required • New freshwater filtration system Galley: • New RCA 8 cu. ft. AC/DC fridge • New 3.5 cu. ft. chest freezer • New Microwave oven to be installed • New 2-burner smooth top stove to be installed • New Splendide Washer/Dryer Combo installed Entertainment Systems: • New Samsung 40 in. TV in salon area • New Samsung 32 in. TV in aft stateroom • New Insignia 22 in. TV in galley • New Trac Vision auto-track Sat TV antenna system • New Jack King digital local antenna with pre-amp • New Kenwood Stereo system with amplifier and base speakers • New AM/FM Stereo in aft stateroom • New stereo speaker auto switch system for all TVs • Integrated Wi-Fi system for the alarm monitoring system at dock with camera via Alarmtron, Surrey, BC. Misc. Upgrades: • New carpet with mildew resistant underlay in aft stateroom, main salon, and forward cabin • Aft upper salon windows upgraded to sliding acrylic windows • New overhead fan in galley • New cockpit awning • New tender cover Deck Equipment: • New forward washdown system installed • New aft 70 PSI washdown system • New 40 PSI port and starboard freshwater regulators Machinery Space: • Electric bow thruster converted to hydraulic • Heat exchangers rebuilt as required • Port and starboard exhaust risers refurbished as required and installed • Port and starboard engine alternators upgraded to 120-amp alternators • New cooling water pump installed • New raw water engine hoses installed and double clamped with all stainless steel T-clamps 2020 Upgrades Machinery Space: • New Key Power KP20 hydraulic operated fin stabilizer system installed with 2 @ Dan Foss hydraulic pumps plus all new hydraulic hoses and fittings • New Key Power hydraulic stern thruster with 10 hp. hydraulic pump • 3 new bilge blowers • New Tides Marine dripless shaft glands installed • 2009 6.5 Kw Genset newly installed in lazarette Forward stateroom: • Redesigned including new double berth port side • New hull side liners • New carpet • New LED lighting installed Mid Cabin: • New Carpet • New hull liner • New LED lighting, plus USB ports • New headboard installed Galley: • New Nutri Chef 120-volt 2-burner smooth top stove • New Hamilton Beach Microwave oven • New B&D convection oven installed Misc. Upgrades: • New Rule electric bilge pump with high water alarm installed in Lazarette • New ICOM ICM602 VHF • New LiRongPing 420-watt 5-bladed wind generator installed • 4 x New 110-watt solar panels with controller • New valances and LED lighting in salon • New Ashley sectional/pull out berth in salon • New custom stainless steel access ladder from sundeck to cabin top • New custom stainless steel davit system installed

Disclaimer The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice. PLEASE CONTACT COLIN BUSSIERE - VANCOUVER YACHTS SALES - 1-833-UCYACHT EXT 3001

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JOAN'S BEACH is a 25.73 m Motor Yacht, built in Taiwan by Hershine and delivered in 2003. She is one of 4 Jefferson 82 PH models.

Her top speed is 22.0 kn and her cruising speed is 17.0 kn and her power comes from two MTU diesel engines. She can accommodate up to 6 guests in 3 staterooms, with 4 crew members waiting on their every need. She has a gross tonnage of 115.0 GT and a 6.3 m beam.

She was designed by Tommaso Spadolini , who also completed the naval architecture. Tommaso Spadolini has designed 119 yachts and created the naval architecture for 69 yachts for yachts above 24 metres.

Her interior was designed by Hershine (3 other superyacht interiors designed) and Jefferson (3 other superyacht interiors designed) - she is built with a GRP and Teak deck, a GRP hull, and GRP superstructure.

JOAN'S BEACH is one of 5856 motor yachts in the 24-30m size range, and, compared to similarly sized motor yachts, her volume is 2.73 GT above the average.

JOAN'S BEACH is registered under the United States of America flag, the most popular flag state for superyachts with a total of 1655 yachts registered


  • Name: JOAN'S BEACH
  • Yacht Type: Motor Yacht
  • Yacht Subtype: Semi-displacement
  • Model: Jefferson 82 PH
  • Builder: Hershine
  • Naval Architect: Tommaso Spadolini
  • Exterior Designer: Tommaso Spadolini
  • Interior Designer: Hershine , Jefferson

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SABBATICAL yacht NOT for charter*

25.73m  /  84'5 | hershine | 2003.

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Special Features:

  • Sleeps 6 overnight
  • Shallow draft and fast speeds for reef exploration

The 25.73m/84'5" motor yacht 'Sabbatical' was built by Hershine in Taiwan. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Tommaso Spadolini.

Guest Accommodation

Sabbatical has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 6 guests in 3 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 2 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Range & Performance

Built with a GRP hull and GRP superstructure, with grp/teak decks, she benefits from a semi-displacement hull to provide exceptional seakeeping and impressive speeds. Powered by twin diesel MTU (12V2000M91) engines, she comfortably cruises at 18 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 22 knots. Her low draft of 1.71m/5'7" makes her primed for accessing shallow areas and cruising close to the shorelines. Her water tanks store around 1,514 Litres of fresh water.

Length 25.73m / 84'5
Beam 6.31m / 20'8
Draft 1.71m / 5'7
Gross Tonnage 106 GT
Cruising Speed 18 Knots
Builder Hershine
Model Jefferson 82
Exterior Designer Tommaso Spadolini

*Charter Sabbatical Motor Yacht

Motor yacht Sabbatical is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Sabbatical Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


M/Y Sabbatical

Length 25.73m / 84'5
Exterior Designer Tommaso Spadolini
Built | Refit 2003
Beam 6.31m / 20'8
Gross Tonnage 106 GT
Draft 1.71m / 5'7
Cruising Speed 18 Knots
Top Speed 22 Knots


Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to Sabbatical yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.

Baar charter yacht

27m | Ferretti Yachts

POA ♦︎

Beyond charter yacht

25m | Versilcraft

from $27,000 p/week ♦︎

Cento charter yacht

26m | Fipa - Maiora

from $32,000 p/week ♦︎

Equinox X charter yacht

25m | Cheoy Lee

from $34,500 p/week

Essoess charter yacht

24m | Spertini Alalunga

Georg I charter yacht

26m | Falcon

Jauni charter yacht

Lady Yousra

26m | Sunseeker

from $42,000 p/week ♦︎

Lazy Days charter yacht

24m | Ferretti Yachts

from $30,000 p/week ♦︎

Mr White charter yacht

24m | Benetti Sail Division

My Lady charter yacht

26m | Ferretti Yachts

My Life charter yacht

27m | Maiora

from $63,000 p/week ♦︎

As Featured In

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  1. JESSE Yacht

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    Find more information and images about the boat and contact the seller or search more boats for sale on YachtWorld. ... From the first look, this 37' Hershine Tri Cabin Trawler will check all the boxes. With an exceptional two stateroom layout, very efficient single Lehman 120hp engine and, most important, a well maintained, "turn key" boat. ...

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  19. Hershine Aft Cabin boats for sale in United States

    Hershine Aft Cabin boats for sale in United States. Save Search. Clear Filter Make / Model: Hershine - Aft Cabin Country: United States. Location. By Radius. By Country. country-all. All Countries. Country-US. United States. All. All 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles 200 miles 300 miles 500 miles 1000 miles 2000 miles 5000 miles. from your location.

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