How the Sea Cloud went from private yacht to cruise ship

In terms of overall aesthetics, Sea Cloud Cruises ' 1931-built Sea Cloud is arguably the most beautiful cruise ship in the world. The 2,492-gross-ton Sea Cloud is a deluxe, four masted sailing barque and diesel powered cruise ship that carries just 64 guests but decades of American history.

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marjorie post sailing yacht

The seven lives of the SEA CLOUD


Money was not an issue when Wall Street broker Edward Francis Hutton had the world’s largest private sailing yacht built in Kiel in 1931. He gave his wife, the glamorous Marjorie Merriweather Post, a free hand in the interior design of the new “Hussar”. She furnished the four-master in a style-conscious manner with selected antiques and thus shaped its unmistakable character. The Hutton family spent at least nine months at sea each year, heading for the most exotic destinations.


“Four pylons!”, the eccentric Marjorie Merriweather Post had insisted. After all, she had to outdo the three-master of her millionaire acquaintances. Marjorie moved in elitist circles: As heiress to the “General Foods” group and successful businesswoman, representation was part of her everyday life. Whether in her Villa Mar-a-Lago in Florida, the flats on New York’s Fifth Avenue or on board a private yacht – Marjorie loved to impress her guests with luxury.

With her husband, the good-looking financier Edward F. Hutton, she opened doors for herself. He too had grown up in wealth and was happy to add another ship to the Hutton family fleet. In 1931 he had today’s SEA CLOUD built at the Germania shipyard in Kiel according to plans by the renowned American design office Gibbs & Cox.

Marjorie was responsible for the interior design of the new four-master. She took almost two years to equip her “baby” at its finest. In a warehouse in Brooklyn she drew the outline of the ship’s interior in original scale on the floor. Then she built up the lovingly selected antiques there in the way they would later stand in the seven luxury cabins. Marjorie bought French antiques and sideboards in the old German style, combined dainty bedside tables with massive boards and had golden taps made in the shape of swans. Her very own style mix of creativity and decadence still amazes us today.

After its launch in the last week of April 1931, the largest private sailing yacht in the world at the time was christened HUSSAR. The yard sailor with the black hull was now to take the Huttons wherever they considered their presence desirable for reasons of representation, business interest or simply for adventure. Marjorie, Edward and their daughter Nedenia, called “Deenie”, headed for exotic destinations such as the Galapagos Islands or Hawaii.

But the luxury life under white sails was soon overshadowed: The marriage of Marjorie Merriweather Post and Ed Hutton fell into a crisis – and in August 1935 the couple divorced.

After the painful separation from her husband, Marjorie quickly found comfort in her old friend Joseph E. Davies. He was so very different from the conservative Edward – namely monogamous, liberal and politically active. The successful lawyer knew his way around the world: he had been one of President Wilson’s economic advisors at the peace negotiations in Versailles after World War I.

Marjorie’s marriage to Joseph on 15 December 1935 gave her life a new direction: from then on, the attractive woman moved not only in the circles of business magnates, but also in the world of politics and diplomacy. At the beginning of 1937 Davies took over the post of American ambassador in Moscow. The SEA CLOUD was now ordered to Leningrad as a floating (and tap-proof) diplomatic palace. This once again significantly increased the SEA CLOUD’s social obligations.

Marjorie understood brilliantly how to establish contacts with the diplomatic scene. And the Soviet celebrities gladly took her invitations as an opportunity to study Western luxury life more closely. A number of crowned heads were also guests at the SEA CLOUD at that time, including Queen Elizabeth of Belgium.

Over time, however, the journeys started from Leningrad became increasingly threatening. The SEA CLOUD encountered warships more and more often along the way. A planned voyage to the Black Sea was cancelled because enemy submarines were supposed to have already stopped there. In June 1938 the SEA CLOUD bid farewell to the USSR and sailed to Istanbul.

Most guests on board the SEA CLOUD carelessly walk past the small, white panel with the five brass angles, which is screwed to the front of the wheelhouse below the bridge. Only very few know: Each angle stands for half a year of active military service for the USA.

The patriotic act of Marjorie and her third husband Joseph Davies is often described as a heroic sacrifice: Instead of a son, they would have sent the SEA CLOUD to the Second World War. But in fact the couple had tried to sell the windjammer shortly before the USA entered the war. By that time, the market for luxury yachts had already collapsed. An estimate indicated that Marjorie would only have received $275,000 for her gem.

The United States was drawn into the Second World War by the raid on Pearl Harbour at the end of 1941. And shortly afterwards, the Navy began to acquire private yachts to strengthen the fleet and to equip them for submarine hunting, patrolling and weather observation.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was a close friend of diplomat Davies, had initially rejected the SEA CLOUD’s military service on the grounds that the yacht was far too beautiful for such a mission. But in 1942 even the USA could no longer afford aesthetic categories of this kind. For the symbolic charter of one dollar, the Coast Guard took over the SEA CLOUD, dismantled the masts, figurehead and bowsprit and had the hull painted grey.

Not much was left of the impressive millionaire yacht. Equipped with guns and anti-submarine weapons, she now cruised under the name IX-99 in the sea area around the Azores and south of Greenland. As a floating weather station, the ship transmitted current data to Arlington/Virginia every four hours.

As one of the first coast-guard ships, the IX-99 also gave African Americans the chance to prove themselves in maritime service. The 173 crew on board included four black officers and 50 boatmen – a critically observed experiment at the time. But the crew proved themselves: at the end of 1944, Marjorie and Joseph were able to receive the SEA CLOUD again.

While all other yacht owners had lost their ships in the war or sold them to the Navy, the SEA CLOUD was the only private luxury ship of this size still in service immediately after the end of the war. As early as July 4, 1946, Joseph and Marjorie, along with seven friends, set sail for the Florida coasts. Although the sailing yacht had to do without her masts, she was painted bright white again – and her bow was again adorned with the golden eagle.

In the summer of 1947 the rigging was rebuilt. In 1949 the SEA CLOUD finally received a full set of new sails, which were hard to get even for millionaires after the war. In total, the SEA CLOUD took nearly four years to restore. Full of excitement, Joe and Marjorie finally awaited the return of their restored ship in one of the upper floors of a Palm Beach hotel. When it finally appeared on the horizon under full gear, Joe remarked to Marjorie: “Well, Dear – there goes your baby.

She immediately set about manoeuvring her baby and herself back into the centre of social interest. The largest and most beautiful private yacht in America was now mostly sighted off the east coast of the USA. Joe Davies, who was prone to seasickness, was quite happy not to have to go on a voyage of discovery into little-known waters. Now he could concentrate on his friendships, for example with the dictator of the Dominican Republic, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. The dictator was entertained more often than anyone else on board and even then had a highly desirable eye on the yacht.

Meanwhile, Marjorie came to the conclusion that she could no longer maintain the luxury yacht – the costs for the 72-man crew had risen immeasurably. The third marriage of the now 78-year-old also fell into crisis. And so she decided to sell her ship in the early 50s.

For months, Marjorie searched for a buyer for the SEA CLOUD. That was the signal for the man who had been invited aboard as a guest more often than anyone else: Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina, brutal head of state of the Dominican Republic. The autocratic tyrant with a penchant for splendid uniforms had seized power after a coup in 1930. Twenty years later he dominated all sectors of the economy: he dominated banks, the press and the tobacco, rum and sugar industries. He had practically the entire country’s treasury at his disposal.

In 1955 Trujillo bought the SEA CLOUD – and immediately gave it a new name: ANGELITA. But after a short time, the dictator lost interest in his new acquisition. Without further ado he left the ANGELITA to his son Rafael jr., called Ramfis. Instead of studying law in the USA, Ramfis preferred to devote himself to his career as a playboy and party animal. Under Ramfis’ command, the champagne on the windjammer gushed in streams and Hollywood stars came and went on the ANGELITA.

When Ramfis had squandered around a million dollars, things became too colourful for his father: he ordered the ship back home and threw his son off the ship. In 1961 the party was finally over for the dictator himself. On 30 May his car convoy was ambushed and Trujillo was shot. His clan could not hold on to power for long after the assassination. In the same year his family was forced to leave the Dominican Republic.

Son Ramfis had his father exhumed and tried to leave for Cannes on the ANGELITA with the body, part of the Trujillo clan and enormous amounts of cash. But shortly before reaching the Canary Islands the ANGELITA received a radio message: the new government forced the crew to return. The ANGELITA sailed back to the Dominican Republic, was renamed PATRIA and offered for sale again.

After the Dominican government sold him the PATRIA, the new owner Clifford Barbour planned to restore it to its former glory. As an exclusive cruise ship, the windjammer was to become the pride of the oceans again. Barbour renamed the PATRIA ANTARNA and wanted to have her completely overhauled in Naples. But there was massive trouble with the American tax authorities. The ship was chained up and condemned to inactivity once again. Then the 26 years young Stephanie Gallagher appeared on the scene. Together with her husband Charles she was obsessed with the idea of “Oceanic Schools”. On board tall ships, students were to supplement their academic studies with a programme at sea. Stephanie Gallagher made a deal with Clifford Barbour: “Oceanics” would pay all outstanding bills and fees of ANTARNA. In return, the owner would give her the yacht for an extremely low charter rate. Unfortunately, the parties later remembered the details of this verbal contract very differently. Stephanie had the ANTARNA repaired by her dedicated crew of young people and set sail. Clifford Barbour and his representative John Blue stayed ashore – together with the ship’s papers. They denied having given the yacht to Stephanie and from then on pursued her as a pirate. Things were not exactly running smoothly on board either: the cooling system had failed, the engines were overheating and the atmosphere was becoming increasingly tense. Whichever port the ANTARNA was calling at, John Blue was already there to recapture “his” ship. In Panama Blue finally came on board with lawyers and policemen. The ship was searched for drugs, cut off from the fresh water supply and harassed until the Gallaghers and their crew gave up and disappeared.

For eight years the ANTARNA was at the mercy of the destructive sun and high humidity of Panama. But then salvation was near – in the person of a captain from Hamburg. In the port of Colón the ANTARNA presented a sad picture. The once so self-confident windjammer had not been moved for eight years. Now the tropical climate was seriously affecting the rigging, decks and hull. But although she was no longer “in business”, the floating legend was not forgotten by the lovers of proud sailing ships. One of them was the German Hartmut Paschburg, captain on a long voyage and graduate economist, who had already breathed new life into several old sailing ships. He quickly realised that the ANTARNA had a good chance of being torn out of her agony once again, despite her considerable deficiencies. Together with a group of Hamburg merchants, he purchased the luxury yacht – and the first thing he did was give her back her old name: SEA CLOUD. But the hardest piece of work was yet to come for Captain Paschburg: he had to get his new acquisition across the Atlantic. In mid-July 1978 Paschburg flew to Colón with 38 enterprising men and two women. Together with Panamanian workers, they slaved away for the next few months to make the rotten yacht halfway seaworthy. In mid-October it was time to “Cast off!” – the SEA CLOUD set course for Europe. And on November 15th, 1978, the SEA CLOUD finally arrived in Hamburg Harbor, where she was greeted enthusiastically by thousands. But the new owners were overcome with ambivalent feelings when they saw their sailing yacht. It quickly became clear that much more money would have to be invested than initially planned. In February 1979 the SEA CLOUD was towed to Kiel through the Kiel Canal, and Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG, successor to the Germania shipyard, began the extensive repair and conversion work. Only eight months later, the SEA CLOUD set out on her first cruise under a new flag. Since then the magnificent diva has been at home on the world’s oceans again – and receives the attention and care she deserves. From November 2010 to April 2011 the windjammer legend was adapted to the new SOLAS regulations (SOLAS = Safety of life at sea) at the MWB shipyard in Bremerhaven. Between 2 and 13 May 2011, the four-masted barque then presented itself in fresh splendour for the first time in 33 years at the Überseebrücke in Hamburg and also took part in the entry and exit parade of the HAMBURG PORT BIRTHDAY. The latest renovation has given its aura a new lustre. Her beauty is enchanting. Her majestic pride captivates everyone. For many, the SEA CLOUD is the true centre of a journey – and simply incomparable.

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Setting Sail: The Story of Sea Cloud

Travel the seas through one of history’s most famous yachts.

Acc. no. 73.6

Marjorie Merriweather Post’s Hussar V

The first half of the twentieth century was the golden age of ocean travel as most overseas travel was accomplished by ship. In 1930, Marjorie Merriweather Post and her husband, E.F. Hutton, commissioned the building of a four-masted yacht, designed and constructed in Kiel, Germany, which they christened Hussar V. Post took great care with outfitting the ship, much as she did with her homes, creating luxury cabins decorated with French antiques and decadent furnishings. Post sailed extensively from 1932 onwards, using the Hussar V for personal travel, social and diplomatic entertainment, and the hosting of notable guests.

The Coast Guard

In 1942, Marjorie Post and her third husband, Joseph Davies, lent the yacht, now named Sea Cloud , to the United States Coast Guard, in which it served as a weather ship during World War II. Post said, “Since I have no son to give to the war, I will offer the Sea Cloud .” It was the first ship with a racially integrated crew, including African American officers and boatmen such as artist Jacob Lawrence. Pieces created during his capacity as Coast Guard Artist will be on view.

Luxury Liner

After the ship’s retirement from military service and its restoration to its former glory, Marjorie Post traded the ship in 1955 as her interest transitioned to air travel. After passing through numerous hands, Sea Cloud today survives as a luxury cruise liner, traveling throughout the world.

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This Gorgeous New Ship Is the Only Cruise in the World Sailed by Hand

The new Sea Cloud Spirit will sail the Caribbean this winter, and then cruise the Mediterranean for summer 2024.

marjorie post sailing yacht

Carlo Raciti

Watching the tightly choreographed deck crew scale the riggings, swaying slightly in the breeze, to hoist the sails on the fully rigged windjammer a few miles off Nice, France, I felt my stomach knot up. 

An avid sailor, I have never ascended higher than the boom, let alone strap myself in with mountain climber–like safety gear and step up through ropes to “set the sails.” The sails on Sea Cloud Spirit , a three-mast, square-rigged tall ship, measure a whopping 44,100 square feet. It takes 22 professional square-rigged vessel seamen and deckhands around 45 minutes to raise all 28 sails. 

According to Sea Cloud Cruises CEO Daniel Schäfer, this Malta-flagged ship, custom-built in Vigo, Spain, and launched in 2021, is the only sail-powered cruise ship in the world that is “hand-sailed.” That’s with the exception of electric-powered winches, which tighten the sheets (or the ropes that trim the sails). It’s a glorious sight to see and a key reason passengers choose to cruise with Sea Cloud. “About half of our passengers are sailors or have something to do with the water,” Schäfer told me.

Sea Cloud Spirit

  • Sailing is embedded deep in Sea Cloud Cruises’ DNA, so don’t miss the setting of the sails on sea days.
  • Sea Cloud Spirit operates an open bridge policy, so pay a visit to see the state-of-the-art navigational systems and have a chat with the friendly officers on duty.
  • All 69 rooms are sea-facing, with Veranda and Junior Veranda Suites featuring balconies.
  • The food on board is excellent, from the Lido deck buffet to the fine-dining indoor restaurant.
  • The ship’s small size ensures an enviable central docking position close to the action when calling at cities like Barcelona and Marseille, France.

Dennis Carbocci had done his homework before booking back-to-back cruises aboard Sea Cloud Spirit . I met him and his wife, Pamela, on their second week-long Mediterranean cruise, this one tracing the Italian and French Rivieras before schmoozing into the Balearic Sea under the warm October sun. 

“This is, like, real sailing. With all the sails up and heavy wind, it really is exhilarating,” Dennis said.

Sea Cloud Cruises isn’t new to boutique luxury sailing. The small Hamburg, Germany–based company has been around for more than four decades and prides itself on its sophisticated European hospitality.

Christoph Mayer, an occasional sailor, has previously sailed on Sea Cloud II , while his parents have taken five or six cruises on the elegant vessels. It was his first time sailing together with them, along with his girlfriend and aunt. But Sea Cloud is the flagship; the one that started it all. Wall Street broker Edward Francis Hutton commissioned the vessel in 1931, the world’s largest private sailing yacht at the time, and allowed his wife, businesswoman and philanthropist Marjorie Merriweather Post, to furnish the interiors with lavish antiques. With a long and fascinating history, the 64-passenger ship is still sailing the high seas and has ardent devotees.  At 452 feet and a 136-passenger capacity with 85 crew on board, Sea Cloud Spirit is the largest of the company’s three vessels — but it still has an intimate feel. More spacious than Sea Cloud and Sea Cloud II , it retains classic windjammer lines and lacquered timber finishes throughout. 

One afternoon, the wind picked up, reaching around the mid- to high-20 knots, and the skies turned overcast. I watched in amazement as Katia Jarosławowna Plewińska, one of two female deck crew, fastened the lower sails. 

Like every bonafide sailing yacht, Sea Cloud Spirit heels (leans) when the sails are up. This makes for a smooth ride, even in choppy seas. All you hear is the water gliding beneath the hull. Powered by two silent diesel electric engines, the only noise is the engine’s generators, which operate intermittently.

Here, everything you need to know about Sea Cloud Spirit — and what it was like to be one of the first on board.

The Staterooms 

My luminous, spacious, 237-square-foot Junior Veranda Suite featured an exceedingly private 65-square-foot balcony with two deck chairs. 

With just enough motion to rock me to sleep, I snoozed like a baby on the firm German-made Dr. Weidner mattress atop a twin bed that can be converted into a double. During the day, I often left the balcony door open to let the sea breeze flow in. 

Glossy mahogany woodwork throughout, from the dual walk-in wardrobes and bathroom cabinets to the vanity dresser, lends a classy Old World ambiance. Judging by details such as 23-karat gold–plated light fixtures illuminating sailing-themed paintings, no expense has been spared. 

Bathrooms in the Veranda and Junior Veranda Suites have Jacuzzi-equipped bathtubs, Villeroy & Boch fittings, and ample storage space. Black and gold mosaics set off bisque-hued marble tiles. 

All 69 cabins offer sea views with ample natural light. Shades of warm apricot, chocolate, navy, ochre, and rust red bring warmth to furnishings and bedding. Grand staterooms on the Lido deck offer unimpeded views to the sea through windows that open, while Deluxe and Superior staterooms have portholes. The smallest rooms are the Superior staterooms, ranging from 172 to 205 square feet, and the Superior Single staterooms, at 140 square feet. Veranda and Junior Veranda Suite accommodations include complimentary laundry service. 

Veranda Suite 318 is the most luxurious, with 301 square feet of space, an 86-square-foot balcony, three arched windows, and an L-shaped sofa that converts into a full-size fold-out bed.

Bars and Restaurants 

The best seat in the house was aft, on the Lido deck, soaking up the Mediterranean sunshine with a flute of Champagne. Indeed, I picked up a pointer or two at informative, fun, expert-led Champagne tastings zeroing in on boutique estates. Beyond the rare magnums, I discovered Sea Cloud places a premium on dining. As part of a gastronome-geared itinerary set to expand in 2024-25, the pièce de résistance was a dinner orchestrated by two guest chefs who helm Michelin-starred restaurants. Tristan Brandt, whose Miami-based Tambourine Room by Tristan Brandt earned its first star in May 2023, and Niklas Oberhofer illustrated their trademark Asian-infused modern French cuisine with an exquisite five-course menu. Carabinero shrimp with celery, miso, and yuzu and poached egg with cauliflower, parmesan, and black truffle triumphed. 

Chef de cuisine Florian Schneider’s in-house culinary team proved near faultless, both at the refined indoor restaurant in the evenings and the open-air Lido deck, where rather epic breakfast and lunch buffets were served. On separate days, hotel manager Elias Stamatopoulos prepared divine ceviche from whole tuna and swordfish sourced from Naples, Italy. 

Departing Marseille, I had my French onion soup prayers answered. While docked at Barcelona’s city-center harbor, I tucked into terrific tapas, better than those I had ashore the last time I was in the Catalonian capital. That evening, Sea Cloud veteran bar manager Anton Campos whipped up a lush piña colada for me.

Where Sea Cloud Spirit Sails 

In November, Sea Cloud Spirit made its 16-night Atlantic crossing to the Caribbean, drawing sailing purists yearning to catch the famed trade winds and switch off. Through early January, the ship will cruise in the Caribbean, calling in at small ship destinations like Bequia, in the Grenadines; Dominica; and the BVI’s Jost Van Dyke. 

In February, chef Cindy Hutson, of Coral Gables, Florida, restaurant Ortanique , and naturalist Stephen Weston will be on board for an 11-night cruise through Costa Rica’s wildlife-rich national parks and Panama’s remote Coiba National Park followed by a daylight Panama Canal crossing and a jaunt to the San Blas archipelago. From May to June, a culinary-themed cruise will take in destinations such as Bilbao, Spain; Bordeaux, France; and La Rochelle, France, followed by a late summer sojourn in Portugal’s Azores, which should be pretty spectacular. 

From September to October, Sea Cloud Spirit will sail between Malta, Italian destinations including Syracuse, Taormina, Salerno, and Amalfi; Sardinia; Corsica; and St. Tropez, France, among other Mediterranean ports. The vessel will return to Barcelona when it hosts The America’s Cup in early October 2024 and fans of yacht racing’s biggest event won’t want to miss out on the action. Learn more about the sailings here .

Shore Excursions 

It was tough choosing shore excursions. I envied fellow passengers who opted for adventurous options like hiking the Camino de Ronda along rocky trails in Spain’s Costa Brava. Instead, I delved into the history and culture of provincial towns and cities like Girona and Tarragona with walking tours led by enthusiastic on-the-ground guides. With its mix of Romanesque, Baroque, and Gothic architecture, Aix-en-Provence, reached via Marseille, was a revelation. A little rain failed to dampen guide Annette Orru’s in-depth introduction to the vibrant cobblestoned university town, with its Roman Empire origins, stately 18th-century mansions, and stories about the city’s most famous son, Paul Cézanne.

Tour guide Patty Witzigmann’s intriguing onboard Salvador Dalí presentation had me pining for a visit to the museum-theatre dedicated to the eccentric artist in his home town Figueres, Spain. In Barcelona, I lucked out with guide Evgueni Agaltsev Kosmata, whose passion for Antoni Gaudí was palpable. Whisking our small group through the Gothic Quarter’s narrow streets, away from the crowds, we reached Palau Güell for a private, after-hours tour. Kosmata proceeded to show us this architectural wonder, a mansion designed by a young Gaudí who masterfully melded Gothic, art nouveau, and Islamic elements, in mind-blowing detail. 

Amenities and Entertainment

With the weather still warm, the sun loungers on the top deck were a popular spot for a post-breakfast or -lunch snooze and, of course, to admire the sails harnessing the breeze and propelling us to our next destination. Also on the top deck: a decently sized gym with sea views and all the equipment you could need. 

On the Lido deck, above the bow, is a stately, well-stocked library. One day, when the wind was howling, I retreated to its sunlight-strewn interior and leafed through books like "Fifty Places to Sail Before You Die," while daydreaming about my future sailboat. 

In the evenings preceding a sea day, I joined impromptu parties deejayed by David Hoffmann on the Lido deck that promptly turned somewhat surreal. One night, the ship’s gentle rolling motion saw us involuntarily and hilariously line-dancing till late. Sea Cloud Spirit is one solid vessel though; our shenanigans failed to disturb fellow sleeping sailors. One afternoon, I slipped away for a deep-tissue massage in the spa, where therapist Adriana got to work, quietly pummeling away deep-seated knots from my shoulder blades with butterfly-like techniques I hadn’t felt before. I couldn’t even drag my body to the Finnish sauna after.

Family-friendly Offerings

Children, from the age of 12 months, are more than welcome on board Sea Cloud Spirit, but the truth is it has more of an adults-only feel. There are no children’s facilities on board. Certainly, the ship works well for a multi-generational cruise vacation for those with children in their 20s and up and, particularly, for special occasions like milestone birthdays and anniversaries. Sea Cloud Spirit is also available for private charter. 


Given the nature of this ship, there are no ADA-compliant rooms on Sea Cloud Spirit . There is, however, an elevator between decks and bathrooms are equipped with rubber shower mats and handrails.

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Caribbean Island-Hopping Aboard the Historic Sea Cloud

The details.

Built in 1931 for cereal mogul Marjorie Merriweather Post, the_ Sea Cloud_ isn’t just historic (the yacht served as a floating weather station during World War II); it’s also one of the most beautiful ships afloat. With few planned activities—save for the occasional erudite lecture—the four-masted barque induces relaxation (although modern conveniences such as Internet access and trendy European cuisine are mainstays).

Most meals are served outdoors in a canopied area on deck, while a handful of more formal dinners take place in the ship’s dining room. The 32 guest cabins are individually decorated with antiques and have lavish bathrooms. Mrs. Post’s own quarters (cabin 1) has a Louis XIV bed and Carrara marble in the bathroom.

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Prime ports

The ship drops anchor off Bequia, Dominica, Îles des Saintes, and St. Lucia (pictured on this month’s cover).

Inquisitive, well-traveled explorers who want to experience the Caribbean by sea—without having to do the sailing themselves.

The _Sea Cloud _has no stabilizers, so you may feel the swells.

Seven-night itineraries, departing from Barbados, are available from January through March (888-732-2568; from $4,795 per person).

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Carolyn Spencer Brown wades through the ocean of options for sailings next year to find the best combination of ships and trips around the world. view all itineraries

She wears a swimsuit by Lilibon ( ; $276). Hair and makeup by Keiko Hamaguchi for Celestine L.A. Photograph by Williams & Hirakawa.

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marjorie post sailing yacht


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Sailing on Sea Cloud: A Luxury Tall Ship Unlike Any Other

Sea Cloud

Before our recent sailing on Sea Cloud, we’ve had many different luxury ship experiences: voyages on cruise ships and ocean liners; meandering on riverboats that touched the coasts of large cities and small towns, and winding through canals and locks on restored barges once used to transport goods before the advent of railroads.

Admittedly, we love the convenience of cruising: It allows for unpacking and packing only once without the logistical hassles of arranging for hotels, restaurants, local transportation and tours. So each of these cruise experiences has been beyond pleasurable. But we must say, none were quite as unique or as steeped in history as our recent Caribbean voyage on Sea Cloud, a five-star, multi-masted tall ship.

Sea Cloud with her sails unfurled

Departing from Bridgetown, Barbados, we made port stops in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Guadeloupe, the Virgin Islands, and St. Barts before disembarking in Antigua.

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Sea Cloud’s backstory in short

Christened in 1931, Sea Cloud was once a private yacht that belonged to Marjorie Merriweather Post, the founder of General Foods, and her husband, financier E.F. Hutton. The heiress was influential in overseeing the ship’s design and décor, and her sense of style and good taste are still evident throughout the ship today.

Marjorie Merriweather Post

The couple commissioned the Windjammer to travel to small ports at exotic locales as they entertained family, friends, statesmen and celebrities. The ship also had a stint as a weather recording station during World War II. You can read more about the ship’s fascinating history in my article on Forbes, Sea Cloud: A Tall Sailing Ship Steeped in History .

James Michener, Walter Cronkite, Donald Rumsfeld, Ross Perot and Robert McNamara are just a few of the luminaries that have sailed on Sea Cloud.

Discovering what Sea Cloud is and what Sea Cloud is not  

Guests whose sailing experience has been limited to large cruise ships will quickly recognize the distinctions between Sea Cloud and the rest of the pack.

Sea Cloud is intimate with only 32 cabins and an ambiance that remains more like that of a private yacht rather than a passenger ship. It draws a diverse, international clientele of mature, seasoned travelers although the line is especially popular with German guests. The ship never feels crowded.

The Blue Lagoon: A relaxing spot at the stern of Sea Cloud

After a day or two onboard everyone seems to know each other, creating a real sense of camaraderie—and fast friendships. A large proportion of the guests (estimated at 60 percent) are “repeaters” who return over and over to what has been dubbed “the most romantic ship in the world.”

Be forewarned: This isn’t a modern cruise ship with a lot of shiny bling. Sea Cloud has no balconied staterooms, no room service, no television, no in-cabin Wi-Fi, no specialty restaurants, no swimming pool or spa, no casino, no children’s programs (or children) and no elevators.

But if what Sea Cloud doesn’t have doesn’t dissuade you, any initial disappointment will melt away given all that sailing on Sea Cloud DOES offer:

Reasons for sailing on Sea Cloud

You covet an authentic sailing experience.

Many of our fellow passengers were avid sailors, having owned ships in the past or owning large sailboats now, but who came on board because they were seeking a true vacation from dealing with the maintenance and responsibilities of their own boats. Other guests might be categorized as aspiring sailors.

Because Sea Cloud sails slowly (at a maximum speed of about 10 knots or 11.5 MPH), passengers feel close to the sea. Rather than relying on computer-controlled sails (like some other tall ships), Sea Cloud is one of a small number of passenger sailing ships on the sea today that is hand-rigged without electronic controls.

This means guests can look up and witness the marvel of crew rigging the sails above them. With the tallest of the four masts towering some 178 feet above the deck, climbing up rope ladders to furl and unfurl the sails requires considerable agility.

A crew member atop the mast on Sea Cloud

The salty ship itself, totally overhauled and refurbished in I979, is lovingly maintained and evokes a sense of nostalgia. It’s rich with mahogany and teak woods and brass fittings. The massive masts are made of wood rather than aluminum. Public areas have beautiful moldings and mullioned windows, and some sport antique furnishings.

Not only are guests welcome to visit the open bridge and chat with the Captain but they can also handle lines and find other ways, depending on their inclinations and abilities, to work alongside the crew.

Guest sailing on Sea Cloud can help coil the lines

You want to be pampered

The stateroom that belonged to Marjorie Merriweather Post is the most elegant one on the ship.

With 60 crew and a maximum passenger capacity of 64, there’s always someone around to address (or anticipate) your needs. Crew genuinely feels a kinship with Sea Cloud and its passengers, some of them having worked on board for decades.

The cabins are tended to twice a day with complimentary fresh fruit, bottled water and soft drinks available in each cabin. The marble bathrooms are stocked with L’Occitane toiletries.

When boarding the tenders and Zodiacs for snorkeling, visiting beaches or other shore excursions, there are always extra hands to help you get on and off the ship. Before long, the barman knows what you want to drink and the waiter knows how you like your coffee.

You’re a food lover

We were amazed at the talents and output of the small kitchen crew working out of a tiny galley. Ingredients, preparations and presentation were all top-notch.

Served in the private dining room and bar area (where Merriweather Post, guests and her daughter, Dina Merrill) usually dined, breakfasts each day included a full buffet with hot and cold dishes, as well as the possibility of ordering à la minute plates.

A dinner bell chimed to signal times for lunch and dinner; both meals paired with complimentary wines and beers. Lunches were typically served buffet style on the Lido Deck under ocean breezes.

Sailing on Sea Cloud: One end of a very large buffet table on the Lido

They included an abundance of choices to please even the most finicky eater, relying on fresh, local ingredients. A whole suckling pig was air freighted from Germany; fresh tuna came from fishermen at a nearby port.

Multi-course dinners, again served in the dining room, were Michelin-star quality, offering guests several choices of entrées.  

Table setting at dinner sailing on Sea Cloud

The Sea Cloud difference

Yes, there are other tall sailing ships but the five-star Sea Cloud is in a class of its own because of its yacht-like size and the proportion of time it spends under sail. It’s a perfect choice for discerning, sophisticated travelers who want to relax and enjoy a seaworthy experience unlike any other.

Many guests choose Sea Cloud to celebrate milestones or other special occasions. Here, the Captain officiates at a wedding ceremony.

Sea Cloud Cruises also operates the 94-passenger Sea Cloud II. (As the weather gets warmer, Sea Cloud I and Sea Cloud II head for Europe.) The company recently announced plans to expand its fleet. It will launch a new-build, 136-passenger ship with expanded itineraries in the fall of 2020.

  • More information about Sea Cloud Cruises
  • On Forbes: Sea Cloud: A Tall Sailing Ship Steeped in History
  • Also on MoreTimeToTravel: A Luxury Land and Sea Adventure on Sea Cloud 

All photo credits (unless otherwise noted): Jerome Levine

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Sailing on Sea Cloud: What To Expect

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Wow, now I am torn. A Viking River Cruise or Sea Cloud for our 15th wedding anniversary? I would live this experience!

Quite different but both wonderful options! A barge trip is pretty special too! When we were on Sea Cloud, a couple was celebrating their 50th anniversary. They booked the Marjorie Merriweather suite and the crew made a special cake for all the passengers on their anniversary day.

I must talk to my husband and our 30th anniversary next year. There’s something so romantic about a ship like that, with full sails. I would love to join a cruise on the Sea Cloud!

A cruise on Sea Cloud is perfect for such a grand milestone!

This cruise sounds awesome. I was hooked at the pampering part. Fantastic way to celebrate a wonderful life event :-). I deserve luxury.

Especially on a special occasion!

Fabulous! I would love this ship’s atmosphere and history! Great post, Irene!

Sea Cloud offers relaxed elegance…hard to complain about that!

I’m sold! Sign me up, and I’ll take Marjorie Merriweather Post’s stateroom, please.

Like Mrs. Post, you have good taste!

I have to admit, the Sea Cloud is one awesome looking ship on the water! Where do I pay my money!

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Sea Cloud: Lindblad luxury yacht with historic windjammer style & white-painted wooden hull cruising in full sail on blue sea.

Sea Cloud: Lindblad

marjorie post sailing yacht

The 58-guest Sea Cloud: Lindblad is the historic Marjorie Merriweather Post sailing yacht, chartered by Lindblad Expeditions for select Caribbean and Mediterranean itineraries. Although the ship is enormously elegant, she is also friendly and informal, making for a relaxed time. Interiors are paneled in carved oak, fitted with Italian marble and elegantly furnished with period antiques. Enjoy the grace and class of an extraordinarily luxurious ship while relaxing in the casual atmosphere and informal style of expedition travel.

This version of Sea Cloud’s cabin categories and amenities is for her charter by Lindblad Expeditions . The Sea Cloud also sails with a slightly different deck plan for other itineraries. To see this version of the vessel, visit Sea Cloud .

Sea Cloud: Lindblad Review

AdventureSmith Explorations’ detailed review of the Sea Cloud: Lindblad offers a complete small ship description including deck plans and a photo gallery. An AdventureSmith Explorations crew member has been aboard the Sea Cloud in the Mediterranean. Please read our Sea Cloud review below then contact our experts to compare the Sea Cloud with other small cruise ships , catamarans, expedition ships, tall ships and yachts offering Caribbean small ship cruises , small ship Mediterranean cruises , Greece small ship cruises and Croatia small ship cruises .

Choose Sea Cloud for her history, elegance and extravagant charm. Sailing on a traditional square rig this smartly has not been done since the British Empire, making this ship ideal for travelers looking to experience the past along with the modern comforts of the twenty-first century. Sails are raised by hand by a spirited crew, who scramble up and down the masts to get the rigging done. When the sails are open, she’s just magnificent. She carries 30 sails measuring a total of 32,000 square feet, with a main mast height of 178 feet. For guests willing to participate, the Sea Cloud sometimes offers a unique tour of participating guests’ rooms, so everyone can see and learn the history of the different cabins available. There is truly no other ship like it!

History Aboard Sea Cloud: Lindblad

Built in 1931 by Wall Street businessman E. F. Hutton for his wife, Marjorie Merriweather Post, Sea Cloud embodies true elegance and poise. There is no ship afloat that can compare to her grace, fine service and sheer joy of sailing. The ship has played host to royalty, known service in wartime and sailed the world over. Her exquisite original cabins stand as a testament to Marjorie Merriweather Post’s indulgence in luxury. She loved the best of everything—Carrara marble, golden bath fixtures, polished teak and antique furniture. Today many suites embody that elegance with their large marble baths, fireplaces, overstuffed armchairs and walk-in closets.

Common Areas Aboard Sea Cloud: Lindblad

The top Lido Deck is perfect for watching the orchestration of hand-raising and reefing Sea Cloud’s 30 sails, visiting the bar and listening to lectures and presentations. Marjorie Merriweather Post nicknamed the cushioned semicircle at the stern of the ship the Blue Lagoon, a perfect place to relax while gazing up at the masts and sails. The Monkey Deck, perched above the bridge, is ideal for observing up-close the web of rigging 180 feet overhead. An open bridge policy offers the chance to watch the calm business of navigation and sailing unfold. Ever-ready binoculars are available for scanning the horizon and five brass chevrons fixed at the front of the bridge stands for half-a-year of active military service during WWII. Because Sea Cloud is a truly historic vessel, it is important to note that some passageways are tight and stairwells can be steep. Such original design aspects were made to leave more square footage for cabins and common areas and add to the historic charm of the sailing experience. Wireless internet is available on the Lido Deck for an extra charge, with a laptop available for use on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is a telephone in each private room, with calls billed at an additional charge. The ship’s laundry, available at an additional charge, handles personal laundry and pressing, making it easy to pack light. A doctor is aboard Sea Cloud and available 24 hours a day free of charge.

Dining Aboard Sea Cloud: Lindblad

While Sea Cloud’s dining room and lounge are suitable for black-tie formality, there’s a certain lighthearted delight in enjoying it in casual dress. There’s no assigned seating and no need to dress up. Sea Cloud’s dining room is paneled in warm woods and hung with original oil paintings and located on the Promenade Deck, in Sea Cloud’s former salon, where Marjorie Merriweather Post received her guests.  An array of fresh fruits and delicious fresh juices are key components of the breakfast buffet. Wines from well-known regions are served with lunch and dinner and are included in the expedition price. There are fish or meat choices at every meal and the chefs happily accommodate special diet requests (dietary restrictions should be made known prior to departure). The chefs come from renowned, first-class restaurants and offer fresh, contemporary cuisine inflected with regional flavors and locally sourced ingredients from sustainable providers whenever possible. Coffee, teas, cappuccinos and coffee drinks are available for order.

Swimming from Sea Cloud: Lindblad

Swimming from Sea Cloud is more than an average jump into the sea. Like everything aboard, it is a special event unto itself. Site selection is important, as the captain looks to anchor the ship where it will provide a calm but sunny lee with a spectacular view. Down go the safety lines, to which a dozen or so floating mattresses are strung as a boundary. The gangway is lowered into the water and the hotel manager lifeguard calls out with exuberance, “The pool is open!” The sea fills with smiling, laughing bobble-heads, buoyed up by the clear ocean’s salinity. Guests swim leisurely or lay on a floating mattress, looking up in awe at the towering masts and rigging above.

Cabins & Deck Plan Aboard Sea Cloud: Lindblad

Sea Cloud accommodates 58 guests in 28 cabins, including two Owner’s Suites. All accommodations are outside facing with a window or porthole with private views of the sea. Every cabin is exquisitely furnished, has temperature controls and a minibar stocked with soft drinks and bottled water. Ice is delivered twice daily. Each cabin is equipped with a telephone and small safe. Slippers, bathrobes and umbrellas are provided, and each bathroom is stocked with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, a shower cap, sewing kit, nail file and a hairdryer. Closet space and under-bed storage should fit most luggage. Otherwise staff will store excess luggage as needed. Some rooms have dressers.

cabin with 2 beds, a nightstand with flowers, a large window and a painting on the wall of the Lindblad Sea Cloud mediterranean luxury small ship

Located on the Promenade Deck, Category 1 cabins #28 & 29 are 113 square feet, have two single beds, a large window and a private bathroom with shower.

cabin with 2 beds, 2 large windows, a desk and a stool aboard the Lindblad sea cloud mediterranean luxury small ship

Located on the Promenade Deck, Category 2 cabins #18-25 are 118-135 square feet, have two single beds, at least one square window and a private bathroom with shower.

marjorie post sailing yacht

Located on the Lido Deck, Category 3 cabins #32-37 are 145 square feet, have two single beds, which can be pushed together to make a queen-size bed with one side against the wall; a writing desk and chair; at least one window; and a private bathroom with shower.

cabin with large bed, 2 large windows, a table and chair on the Lindblad Sea Cloud mediterranean luxury yacht

Located on the Lido Deck, Category 4 cabins #30-31 are 140 square feet, have a queen-size bed, a forward-facing window, a side-facing window, a writing desk and chair and a private bathroom with shower.

Lindblad sea cloud mediterranean luxury yacht cabin with bunk beds, a chair and a desk

Located on the Promenade Deck, Category 1 Single cabins #16 & 17 once housed the ship’s officers. They are 102-108 square feet, have upper and lower single beds, a window and a private bathroom with shower.

category c cabin with a large bed, table and chairs aboard the Lindblad Sea Cloud luxury mediterranean yacht

Located on the Main Deck, these large Deluxe B cabins #5, 6, 9 & 10 are 194-215 square feet and were originally occupied by guests (and the nannies #9 & 10) of the owner. They have a mix of bed types and decorative motifs, portholes and a private bathroom with bathtub.

category b cabin with large bed, chair, curtained windows and fireplace aboard the Lindblad Sea Cloud luxury mediterranean sailboat

Located on the Main Deck, these very large Deluxe A cabins #3, 4, 7 & 8 are 237-268 square feet and were originally occupied by guests of the owner. They have a mix of bed types, wood-paneling, various armchairs, a marble fireplace, antique furnishings, portholes and a private bathroom with bathtub.

all white room with a large bed, ottomans and fireplace aboard the Lindblad Sea Cloud mediterranean luxury yacht

Located on the Main Deck, the two Owner’s Suites #1 & 2 are 366-410 square feet and were occupied by Marjorie Merriweather Post (#1) and E.F. Hutton (#2). They have king-size beds, portholes, a marble fireplace, a walk-in closet, a generous sitting area and a grand marble bathroom with bathtub and golden fixtures.

Lindblad Sea Cloud luxury yacht deck plan with 3 renderings

Get Aboard a Lindblad Sea Cloud Cruise

Set sail aboard a romantic tall ship for Croatia's turquoise waters, historic cities, enduring cultures and influential cuisine. Expert guides from National Geographic bring this storied region to life as you sail Croatia's idyllic coast.

Sailing the Greek Isles is a luxury cruise aboard the historic windjammer Sea Cloud or its similar sister ship, Sea Cloud II. Relax aboard a romantic tall ship, swim in the Aegean, explore with expert guides and learn the history, culture and natural wonders of the Cyclades.

Navigate as the ancients did, under full sail, during this small ship cruise. From the temples of Olympia to the medieval walled city of Hvar, immerse in the history and culture of Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and Greece aboard the 58-guest Sea Cloud.

Explore archaeological sites and seaside villages, sailing aboard the 58-guest Sea Cloud between Dubrovnik, Croatia and Naples, Italy. Discover Mediterranean gems with expert National Geographic guides and historians.

Sail round-trip from Barbados aboard the historic 58-guest Sea Cloud. Swim and snorkel in pristine tropical waters, explore remote cays and beaches, and experience historic forts and natural wonders.

100+ combined years of experience, 7 continents explored, decades of expedition cruising around the world & here to help you find & book your dream trip.

Learn More About the Sea Cloud: Lindblad & Similar Sailing Ships

Want to learn more about this iconic ship, her sister, or their alternate configurations? Or find other small sailing ships in the region? Contact our experts for unbiased advice to match you with the best small ship experience for your travel style, needed amenities, activity level and special interests.

Contact Us - Sea Cloud: Lindblad

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Wander With Wonder

5-star Small Ship Cruising on Sea Cloud

Written by katherine rodeghier, travel | cruises | luxury travel, wander with wonder contains affiliate links and is a member of the amazon services llc associates program. if you make a purchase using one of these amazon links, we may receive compensation at no extra cost to you. see our disclosure policy for more information..

When you are ready to set sail on a small, exclusive sailing yacht, you can experience five-star luxury onboard the Sea Cloud.

She’s nearly 90 and still turns heads. The “she” is the Sea Cloud , among the oldest cruise ships afloat and still one of the most luxurious. Seeing this tall ship under full sail, her 30 expanses of canvas swelling in the wind, made my heart swell, too.

What's in This Article:

Experiencing the Grande Dame of the Ocean

Built in 1931 for cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post, one of the wealthiest women in America, Sea Cloud was the largest private yacht ever constructed. After years of welcoming movie stars, ambassadors, and royalty, she saw duty in World War II. She fell into the hands of a Caribbean dictator before German investors rescued and restored her to her former splendor as a five-star cruise vessel.

Passengers may wait over a year to occupy her most sought-after cabin, Marjorie’s original stateroom, and pay top dollar for the privilege.

Unlike other windjammer cruise ships—basically hotels with masts—I found this grande dame to be the real deal. I watched as 18 deckhands worked to set her sails entirely by hand, uncoiling ropes, climbing her four masts, and balancing on her riggings.

This feat of acrobatics amazed my fellow passengers—some of whom lent a hand from the main deck—and me. During the 2019 transatlantic crossing from Europe to Sea Cloud’s winter berths in the Caribbean, she rode the trade winds for 2,647 statute miles, 96 percent of the journey, without firing her two diesel engines. Sustainability may be a big buzzword of the 2000s, but Sea Cloud has lived it most of her life.

Sea Cloud Offers a Storied Past

An only child, Marjorie inherited her wealth from her father, taking over his Postum Cereal Co. after his suicide. She was 27. She commissioned her yacht, launched from Germany’s shipyards, as Hussar V in 1931.

Marjorie designed the interior herself, buying art and furnishings from around the world: gold faucets, Italian marble, and crystal chandeliers. She and her second husband, Edward Francis Hutton of the financial firm E.F. Hutton, often sailed with their young daughter Nedenia, later actress Dina Merrill, who scampered around the deck to the crew’s amusement.

Renamed the Sea Cloud by Marjorie and her third husband, Joseph Davies, the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, she became an extension of the embassy to entertain royalty and political dignitaries.


Sea Cloud Service During the War Years

During World War II, Marjorie stored Sea Cloud’s furnishings and chartered her to the U.S. military for $1 a year.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt protested, saying she was too beautiful for battle. Her masts removed and her hull painted battleship gray, she was equipped with anti-submarine guns and served as a weather station.

Post-War Changes

After years of post-war reconstruction, Sea Cloud changed hands several times. For a while, it served as the party boat of Dominican Republic President Rafael Trujillo. Trujillo entertained a host of Hollywood starlets on board.

A dispute left  Sea Cloud moored and deteriorating in Panama for eight years. Eventually, investors in Hamburg returned her to her birthplace, the shipyard. They redesigned her for luxury cruises . She relaunched in 1979 and retains her charm after renovations in 2011 as she prepares to enter her 90th year.

Five-star Antique

Sea Cloud carries 64 passengers and, with a crew of 60, has a passenger-to-crew ratio that’s the envy of many luxury vessels. She earns the highest rating—five stars—from respected cruise industry guide Berlitz Cruising and Cruise Ships .

I walked burnished teak decks where coiled ropes hanging along the rail evoked the eye-catching appeal of an art installation. The “Blue Lagoon,” nickname for the blue-cushioned semicircle on an aft deck, made a cozy outdoor spot for sightseeing and socializing.

Sea Cloud’s teak decks and dark wood paneling evoke the richness of a luxury vessel from the 1930s. Photo by Katherine Rodeghier

Sea Cloud’s teak decks and dark wood paneling evoke the richness of a luxury vessel from the 1930s. Photo by Katherine Rodeghier

Meals and Special Events on Sea Cloud

On my cruise, the Blue Lagoon became the venue for a wedding ceremony presided over by the captain. I joined other passengers cheering from the upper deck and sharing a slice of wedding cake with the happy couple at tea time.

When weather permitted, we enjoyed tea and most meals on the deck. At other times, we dined in the lounge and dining room, which had dark wood paneling and original oil paintings.

Fine wines accompanied four-course dinners—five on gala nights—with high-quality cuisine prepared by the chef in the ship’s tiny galley. An open-seating policy allowed me to mingle with other passengers, mostly well-to-do Germans and North Americans.

The canvas-covered Lido deck became Sea Cloud’s social center. During cocktail hours, a pianist played, and the Lido deck bar doubled as the ship’s reception desk.

Even in the summer, evenings on a ship can be cool. A fleece jacket can keep you warm. Shop for a jacket now.

I found one drawback to sailing on this antique vessel: Steep outdoor stairways make it difficult for passengers with mobility issues to move between decks, and there are no elevators.

Accommodations Onboard Sea Cloud

Eight of Sea Cloud’s 32 cabins have been restored to their original splendor, and two more—reconfigured crew quarters—round out the lavish main-deck accommodations.

All accommodations are just above the waterline, with views of the sea from portholes. Staterooms are accessed via a spiral staircase from the ship’s lounge.

One night during my cruise, an open house allowed the hoi polloi downstairs to gawk. I peeked into Marjorie’s stateroom with its Louis XIV-style bed, antique furniture, walk-in closet, dressing table, fireplace—now merely decorative—and Carrera marble bathtub and sink sporting gold taps in the shape of swans. It measures 410 square feet compared to the 366-square-foot stateroom once occupied by husband E.F. Hutton across the hall.


Sea Cloud’s modern cabins run small by luxury standards with double, not-quite twin, and bunk beds. All face outside; none have balconies.

Sea Cloud Activities

Shore excursions occupy passengers in ports mainly in the Caribbean and Mediterranean, where I sailed off the coast of Spain. Without a casino or show lounge, onboard entertainment revolved around simple pleasures: stargazing, lectures on the Lido deck, watching dolphins jump alongside the rail, and touring the engine room with its old-school knobs and dials.


An icon of St. Nicholas, patron saint of sailors, peered down on engine crew members writing in a paper logbook.

One day, Sea Cloud dropped anchor, and the crew lowered one of her Zodiacs to pull a string of floating platforms from the gangway for passengers to use while swimming.

Sea Cloud passengers had a chance to swim in the Mediterranean on a cruise off the coast of Spain. Photo by Katherine Rodeghier

Sea Cloud passengers had a chance to swim in the Mediterranean on a cruise off the coast of Spain. Photo by Katherine Rodeghier

The zodiacs also took me on a photo safari, circling the 360-foot-long Sea Cloud under sail. On my cruise, she sailed with her younger sister, Sea Cloud II. It was thrilling to view them together.

Sea Cloud zodiacs take passengers on a photo safari around the ship. Photo by Katherine Rodeghier

Sea Cloud zodiacs take passengers on a photo safari around the ship. Photo by Katherine Rodeghier

Love of Sailing on Sea Cloud

For many onboard, myself included, the most popular activity was watching the crew raise and lower the sails. Sea Cloud’s chief officer instructed passenger volunteers who felt up to the tasks of hauling lines during the bracing of the yards, setting and dousing sails, and coiling lines.

Deckhands climb Sea Cloud’s masts and set her sails entirely by hand. Photo by Katherine Rodeghier

Deckhands climb Sea Cloud’s masts and set her sails entirely by hand. Photo by Katherine Rodeghier

Those who own sailboats seemed to get a thrill working alongside deckhands. Many Sea Cloud employees have been with the company for years, considering it a calling, not just a job.

Unfortunately, paying guests cannot go aloft. Only crew members climbed the rigging and slid across the yards to release Sea Cloud’s 30 sails, including those on the main mast rising 178 feet overhead. With no motors and no computerized controls, it takes muscle power, good balance, and the ability to shrug off any fear of heights.

With the job complete, Sea Cloud’s ivory sails stretched across an azure sky. I’m no sailor, but even my heart beat quickly.

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If You Book on Sea Cloud  

Booking a cruise with Sea Cloud Cruises is a unique experience. Here is everything you need to know to book your own experience.

Sea Cloud Cruises

A Germany-based company operates three luxury sailing vessels: Sea Cloud , Sea Cloud II, and Sea Cloud Spirit . Sea Cloud Spirit launched for the first time in 2020.

Rates and Itineraries

Sea Cloud’s 4- to 16-night cruises are mainly in the Mediterranean and Caribbean. Examples: An 11-night voyage off the coast of Spain and Morocco runs $17,265 per person in Marjorie’s stateroom (the Luxury Owner’s Cabin). A week in the Caribbean in the smallest cabin (upper-/lower-bed cabins about 102 sq ft) costs $4,555. Prices include cabin, gratuities, welcoming champagne, all meals, select wines and beers at lunch and dinner, alcohol-free drinks including soft drinks, coffee, and juices, bottled water, fresh fruit, port fees, tour guide, and use of watersports facilities.

Language and Currency

English and German are the official languages on board. Announcements, daily newsletters, and menus appear in both languages. The official currency on board is the Euro.

The Sea Cloud is the ultimate option when you are ready to sail on a small, exclusive sailing yacht. Experience five-star luxury onboard the Grand Dame of the Sea.

marjorie post sailing yacht

Small Ship Cruising

marjorie post sailing yacht

Italy opens investigation into captain in deadly yacht sinking, lawyer says

Italian prosecutors are investigating James Cutfield, the captain of a superyacht that sank off the coast of Sicily last week in a storm , according to a lawyer representing him.

The sinking killed seven of the 22 people aboard, including British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch .

Aldo Mordiglia, Cutfield’s attorney, said by email that the captain is under investigation for potential manslaughter charges and will be interviewed by public prosecutors later Tuesday.

Italian media reports have also said the 51-year-old New Zealander will be questioned by prosecutors as part of a probe into how the ship sank within minutes of being hit by a storm on Aug. 19 and whether any errors were made.

Cutfield is “very affected” by the whole affair, another of his lawyers, Giovanni Rizzuti, told Italian media , and plans to defend himself against any charges.

News that the focus of the investigation has turned to Cutfield was first reported by the La Repubblica newspaper. Italian prosecutors said Saturday that they had opened an investigation into possible culpable shipwreck and manslaughter, but no suspects were named at the time.

Registering suspects is a requirement before autopsies can be carried out on the victims, Italian news agency ANSA reported .

In Italy, being placed under investigation doesn’t mean charges will follow. Under maritime law, a captain is responsible for the ship, its crew and any passengers.

Other crew members were interviewed Monday.

The British-flagged Bayesian capsized after being caught in what authorities called a “violent storm” in the early hours of Aug. 19. The 183-foot yacht sank to a depth of more than 160 feet. The bodies of Lynch and five other victims, including his 18-year-old daughter, Hannah, were found days later inside the yacht. The body of the yacht’s chef, Recaldo Thomas, was recovered during initial search efforts.

Italian investigators are trying to piece together what happened. A law enforcement official, speaking to The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk about the ongoing investigation, said authorities are eager to examine the side of the submerged wreckage that is not visible.

“We’ll need to wait until the wreck is pulled out of water,” the official said.

The questions on investigators’ minds, the official added, range from whether the hatches had not been battened down — something that experts say could explain how seawater flooded the vessel so quickly — to whether “every crew member onboard did what they were supposed to.”

The official said that with the exception of the yacht’s chef, “the entire crew was already on the lifeboat,” while the six guests who died were still inside the yacht. Asked whether an alarm was ever sounded, the official replied: “How were those [guests] still in their rooms?”

In an analysis issued Tuesday, Italy’s National Research Council examined the possibility that a downdraft — a rapidly descending flow of air typically associated with violent storms — may have put the Bayesian in distress. It cited a 2008 example off the coast of Venice, where, within a few minutes, wind speed increased 10-fold, with some gusts above the capability of instruments to measure. Waves also increased in size, rapidly going from 11 inches to almost 10 feet.

Other boats in the area during last week’s storm were unscathed, leading the yacht’s designers to speculate that a hatch could have been left open, allowing water to enter.

“The Bayesian was built to go to sea in any weather,” Franco Romani, one of the Bayesian’s architects, told the La Stampa newspaper Monday.

Cutfield’s brother, Mark Cutfield, told the New Zealand Herald last week that his brother is “a very good sailor” who has spent much of his life working on boats in the Mediterranean after sailing competitively in his youth.

Italy opens investigation into captain in deadly yacht sinking, lawyer says

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Hotshot nyc lawyer missing in bayesian yacht disaster had just made good on dad’s life’s work with victory in mike lynch fraud case.

Hotshot New York lawyer Chris Morvillo proved he was a “chip off the old block” when he beat the feds and won an acquittal for UK tech titan Mike Lynch in one of the biggest fraud trials in Silicon Valley history — carrying on his father’s legacy as one of the nation’s top white-collar criminal lawyers, a longtime family friend says.

Morvillo, 59, was on Lynch’s superyacht celebrating his legal victory in the $11 billion fraud case when the ship was hit by a surprise squall and sank off the coast of Sicily on Monday.

He and his wife, Neda, are missing and feared dead.

Chris Morvillo was among six people lost when the sailing yacht Bayesian capsized and sank off Sicily Monday

“I think it would be hard for any young lawyer to come into the business and make a reputation for yourself with the shadow of your dad’s influence,” veteran white-collar criminal attorney Ronald Riopelle, 65, told The Post.

He compared the father and son to baseball stars Ken Griffey Sr. and Ken Griffey Jr.

“It doesn’t happen that often — the son is able to play in the same league as their dad.”

Chris’ father, Bob Morvillo, who died in 2011 at age 73, got his start in the legal world in the 1960s as a federal prosecutor focused on securities fraud and targeted corporate leaders.

His prosecutions helped spark a surge in demand for corporate defense lawyers — which the elder Morvillo filled himself and became a pioneer in the field of white-collar criminal defense.

He represented the likes of Martha Stewart and ex-AIG CEO Maurice R. Greenberg. Former Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance even worked at Morvillo’s firm — Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello PC.

When Chris Morvillo graduated from Fordham School of Law, he went into the family business and became a white-collar crime lawyer as well — serving as an assistant US attorney for the Southern District of New York before moving on to his dad’s firm and then joining London-based firm Clifford Chance.

Chris Morvillo's father Bob Morvillo (right) represented Martha Stewart over charges related to insider trader charges

Even as Chris Morvillo carved out his own reputation as a litigator, he staked out a very different reputation from his father.

“Bob was a famously great lawyer — but, man, he did not suffer fools easily,” Riopelle said. “Bob was very tough. Chris was full of fun.”

He added: “Chris was just a doll … He was a fun guy. He was nice guy … He was happy-go-lucky guy, good sense of humor. His dad had a bit of a temper and a hard edge. Chris didn’t have that.”

What to know after a tornado sank the yacht Bayesian off the coast of Sicily:

  • A superyacht capsized off the coast of Sicily after a tornado hit the area early Monday, killing seven passengers.
  • British tech tycoon Mike Lynch was identified as one of the bodies pulled from the wreckage. His teenage daughter, Hannah, was the final one to be recovered.
  • Lynch — known as “Britain’s Bill Gates” — had invited guests from Clifford Chance, a legal firm that represented him, and Invoke Capital, his own company, on the voyage,  according to the Telegraph . 
  • Security camera footage shot from 650 feet from where the  Bayesian sank Monday  shows it disappearing.
  • A rare and unexpected “black swan” weather event may have led to the  Bayesian’s speedy demise , maritime experts say.

graphic of tragic yacht

Chris Morvillo, however, proved his legal acumen once and for all in June when he helped secure Lynch — known as “the British Bill Gates” — a total acquittal on fraud charges alleging he’d cooked the books when he sold his company Autonomy to HP in 2011 for $11 billion.

HP later wrote down $8.8 billion from the acquisition and accused Lynch of inflating the value of Autonomy.

Lynch was charged by the US Justice Department, and faced up to 25 years in prison if convicted — but Chris managed to clear him of all federal charges in June after an explosive, three-month trial that was dubbed “one of Silicon Valley’s biggest-ever fraud cases.”

Colleagues of his father said he would have been glowing with pride to see his son secure a rare total victory. Less than 1% of federal charges result in acquittals.

“He would have said he’s a chip off the old block,” said Riopelle, who knew Bob Morvillo for more than 30 years.

The Bayesian sailing yacht capsized and sank off the coast of Sicily Monday morning, and six passengers were lost

Bob even tried cases with Chris over the years, along with his other sons, Scott and Greg.

“Their dad was very proud of their work and I know he’d be very proud of him now,” Riopelle said, adding that Chris was “at the peak of his career in a lot of ways.”

“He was a totally devoted father — he’d be totally heartbroken, as any father would be,” he said.

Morvillo’s firm Clifford Chance said it was “in shock and deeply saddened” by his loss in a statement to the Wall Street Journal .

“We are completely devastated by the news concerning Chris and Neda, and our hearts go out to all of those involved,” the statement said.

Five bodies have been recovered from the wreck of the Bayesian, including owner Mike Lynch and his daughter

Since the Bayesian sank before dawn Monday, six bodies have been recovered from the wreckage lying under 160 feet of water.

Lynch’s body had been identified.

In addition to the Morvillos and Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter, also missing are Morgan Stanley executive Jonathan Bloomer and his wife, Judy.

Ship cook Ricardo Thomas — one of 10 crew members onboard — was found dead shortly after the disaster.

Chris Morvillo was among six people lost when the sailing yacht Bayesian capsized and sank off Sicily Monday


Set sail with 5 of the most fun boating excursions in the D.C. area

If the weather is fair but D.C.’s usual going-out scene is starting to feel a bit drab, well, look to the water. There you’ll find boats with DJs and dancing, and boats with open bars and craft beer tastings. The vibes feel better on the river, with the breeze ruffling your hair. The views are better, too, allowing passengers to take in colorful sunsets and perspectives of the Lincoln Memorial or Reagan National Airport that can’t be appreciated from dry land.

We’ve spent the past few weeks on different vessels, from multi-sailed schooners to the sightseeing deck of the Potomac Water Taxi. We know there are trendy new options on the river, but as much fun as they sound, we decided not to include Hot Tub Boat Tours (starting at $449 for a private tour for two people) or the Potomac Paddle Club Pedal Boats (minimum group size of eight for reservation), and focus on cruises where anyone can hop on board, whether for date night or a BYOB outing with a small group of friends.

Whitlow’s on the Water

Beloved neighborhood bar Whitlow’s has existed, in various forms and locations, since 1946, but never quite like this. Whitlow’s on the Water, the largest tiki boat from local water transportation company Sea Suite Cruises, claims to be “situated at the cross-section of novelty and nostalgia.” That feels true no matter which generation of Whitlow’s you were part of: the ’80s 11th Street NW crowd, the Y2K 20-somethings in Clarendon or the current iteration of partygoers at the newest U Street NW reincarnation. Because the vibe at Whitlow’s, whether on land or on the water, is nothing if not consistent.

That means you can expect rowdiness, kitsch and a free-flowing bar. The 21-and-over boat, which takes off from Georgetown on weekdays and Navy Yard on weekends, is an homage to Whitlow’s on Wilson’s tiki rooftop: a straw roof canopy, faux bamboo siding, hanging surfboards that proudly declare “it’s 5 o’clock someplace.” There’s also an 18-foot U-shaped bar and plenty of space for up to 48 passengers to shake it to a soundtrack of throwbacks.

For weekend passengers, the trip kicks off with a vodka or tequila High Noon. For additional drinks, the bar menu includes five beers (all $7 or less), wines ($11), and the requisite orange crush and rum punches ($12), plus rail and premium liquors and mixers. Chips and light fare are available for purchase, but you can also bring your own food.

Over the course of the 105- to 120-minute venture, you’ll pass National Airport, where the planes soar seemingly just overhead — though the roar might be drowned out by a spirited drinking game set to AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck.” You might round the Anacostia past East Potomac Park just as someone pops an overflowing champagne bottle to celebrate the passengers marking birthdays. By the time the party lights come on and the disco ball descends, you’ll hardly notice you’re passing under Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge (which also marks last call). The patrons, in captain’s hats and Hawaiian shirts, might celebrate the ride with tequila shots.

You’d be forgiven for thinking this all sounds a little like a frat party cast at sea. Or like a tailgate gone nautical. Or, frankly, like an average night at Whitlow’s.

Monday through Thursday, 3100 K St. NW, $40. Friday through Sunday, 1492 Fourth St. SE, $40-$50. .

D.C. Sail’s American Spirit

Much of the time, D.C. Sail’s 65-foot schooner is the nautical classroom of the National Maritime Heritage Foundation’s community sailing program. But every other Friday night from May to October, American Spirit embarks on a sunset cruise, open to individual passengers looking for a more casual boating experience.

The gaff-rigged, steel-hulled ship comfortably fits around 35 passengers, who can take a seat on the hull’s bench (board early to claim a limited cushion). The boat has little fanfare: a white boat with three sails, looking classic and rugged next to the multimillion-dollar yachts parked alongside it at the Wharf. Its charming simplicity speaks for itself by the time the air horn blows and the crew starts unfurling the sails — this is not a tourist attraction or a party boat but a chance to disconnect from the bustling city and unwind for a glorious three hours.

Follow the lead of regulars and bring a picnic. There’s no food, drink, plates or cutlery available for purchase on board, so you’ll want to pack everything in advance — most passengers bring sandwiches, charcuterie and snacks. Wine and beer are permitted, but leave the spirits at home. If you’d rather not prep a meal, grab takeout from a restaurant on the Wharf; Grazie Grazie and Chopsmith have sandwiches, Colada Shop has handheld Cuban fare, and a recently opened Bartaco location is just across the pier.

A few more things to note: The cruise’s route depends on wind and weather, but you can count on departing down the Washington Channel to the Potomac. Even on sweltering days, strong breezes and a setting sun mean the vessel can get chilly; dress accordingly. Note that open-toed shoes are banned, and you’re best off wearing sneakers (even if they don’t match your sundress). In contrast to many other regional boating excursions, kids are not only permitted but welcomed. They’ll still need a ticket, but strollers are allowed and can be stored below deck.

Alternating Fridays, 650 Wharf St. SW. . $75; $25 for members.

Boomerang Pirate Ship Cruise

It should be noted: The pirate life is not for everybody. But for those willing to walk the plank and fall into some drunken kitsch, this two-hour excursion on the Potomac is the way to spend an evening on the water.

On other trips, this 54-foot, custom-built ship (complete with 12 “cannons”) is the stage for an interactive pirate-themed children’s show. In 2013, Boomerang Boat Tours opened the boat for adults in need of a swashbuckling adventure — parents, yes, but also bachelor and bachelorette parties, birthday celebrations, Greek life formals, and legions of 20-somethings in pirate attire. It’s the sister boat to Boomerang’s 21-plus yacht cruise, which also features an open bar but disappointingly lacks pirates.

Once you board, grab either a rum punch or an orange crush to get settled in. The captain will make some pirate-speak-laden announcements — plenty of “grog” and “arrrrrs” — before the music kicks off and blares for the rest of the evening. If your cruise is like the one we attended, you might experience a riveting mashup of “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat” and Aqua/Ice Spice/Nicki Minaj’s “Barbie World” before you’ve fully departed Washington Harbour.

The ship won’t take you far, but you will pass the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument before you loop around near the Tidal Basin. By then, the open bar has been flowing for over an hour and the dance party on the main deck has surely kicked up to tunes from “Mr. Brightside” to Shaboozey’s “Tipsy” (sea chanteys, it seems, are not quite as easy to get down to). If you need a respite, head to the second-level deck, which is lined with benches and has the music turned down.

At the bar, you’ll find beer, wine and seltzers, plus an extensive cocktail list with summertime mixes: creamsicles, raspberry crushes, blue breezes and margaritas. Bartenders accept cash, Venmo or Cash App tips. Outside food and drinks aren’t allowed, but the crew offers prepackaged chips and snacks about halfway through the voyage.

Saturdays through October, 3100 K St. NW. . $65.

Tall Ship Providence

Of all the vessels cruising up and down the Potomac, only one can claim it was cast to portray a pirate ship in two “Pirates of the Caribbean” sequels. (Spoiler: It was destroyed by the Kraken.) And only one can help you imagine what it was like to sail with Revolutionary War hero John Paul Jones, hauling ropes to raise sails and sleeping in hammocks below decks — while sipping a local craft beer and working on your tan.

The Tall Ship Providence was built for America’s bicentennial — a reproduction of an 18th-century sloop that served as a privateer and trading vessel before becoming one of the first ships purchased for the fledgling Continental Navy. It arrived in Alexandria in 2019, and today, docked along the waterfront at the Senator John Warner Maritime Heritage Center, it serves as a floating classroom, where groups of students and Scouts, as well as curious tourists, take living history tours led by guides in period clothing.

The real fun happens when Providence’s crew casts off and the ship begins running on the Potomac, under a mix of sail and motor. Passengers are drafted to help pull the halyards and raise sails (under supervision, of course), while acrobatic members of the crew scamper up rope ladders into the rigging. During the sail, the crew leads tours down to the hold, to discuss how the crew of 70 — seventy! — slept, ate and went to the bathroom, and into the relative comfort of the captain’s cabin, where you’ll hear more about Jones’s derring-do.

Of course, you’re free to just relax and enjoy the wind in your face. Climb a short wooden ladder to the quarterdeck, the sunny area where the captain steers the ship, or grab canned beer, seltzer or cocktails ($8-$11) from the tiny bar, and find a space along the gunwale where you can enjoy the passing scenery and chat with a sailor, who might casually mention that two of the cannons on board can actually fire black powder.

Providence’s regular voyages focus more on sailing into the past than on party boat vibes; on recent trips, we’ve seen several multigenerational family groups enjoying a birthday or special occasion. Things are a little looser on the monthly Pirates of Providence sail, where tricorn hats and eye patches are encouraged and the Ship’s Company Chanteymen perform salty songs of the sea, and on monthly Craft Beer Sails, which include guided tastings from Heavy Seas, Port City or another brewery once you’re underway. Back in port, share tales of your trip over glasses of potent rum punch at Providence’s dock bar, where you can hear the water splashing under your feet.

Daily sails offered twice per day, Thursday through Sunday. Specialty cruises offered monthly. 1A Prince St. (at Waterfront Park), Alexandria. . $55-$65 adults; $47-$57 ages 3 to 13; Free for children 2 and younger. Craft Beer Sails $76.

DIY Potomac Water Taxi bar crawl

Going sailing on the Potomac can be fun, but it’s hardly a voyage of discovery. On most tours, you board the boat, enjoy drinks and maybe some dancing on your two-hour tour, then eventually wind up back at the dock where you started.

If you’d rather choose your own adventure, set sail on what we call the water taxi crawl — a favorite way to spend a lazy day that combines the thrill of being on the water with the freewheeling benefits of a neighborhood bar crawl. You’re cruising on the Potomac River, enjoying the breeze and taking in landmarks from interesting new angles, until the boat arrives in port. Then you can choose your own vibe for the next hour or two: a dockside rum drink, a wine bar, an Irish pub with live music. Maybe hit a bookstore or an art gallery. Get back on the boat, find yourself in a new place and start the process over again. Repeat until the boats stop running.

The Potomac Water Taxi runs between the Wharf, Old Town Alexandria and National Harbor, taking about 30 minutes to travel between each stop. Download the City Experiences app to check boat times and purchase tickets; to make the most of the crawl, you want the one-day pass , which offers unlimited trips for $36 on weekdays and $46 on Saturday and Sunday.

The first boat leaves each port between 11:25 a.m. and noon each day, then water taxis are scheduled every 30 to 90 minutes until the evening. Check that schedule carefully on the day you’re traveling: On a recent Friday, a couple of boats were canceled, which made our itinerary less flexible but still enjoyable.

Stop 1: The Wharf

On weekends, plan to meet up at Cantina Bambina , a no-frills rooftop dock bar directly over the water taxi’s office, so you won’t have to go far to board. The menu is simple: dark and stormys, margaritas, cans of beer. Outside food is allowed, so hit Grazie Grazie for a Philly-style sub or Falafel Inc. for affordable vegan sandwiches. If you’re going out during the week, the Cantina doesn’t open until 4, so consider people watching from the Brighton’s patio across the street while you wait for your ship to come in.

On board between D.C. and Virginia

The water taxi has two levels. The uncovered rooftop deck is lined with metal benches, perfect for sightseeing, while the lower level is enclosed, offering shelter from summer squalls, as well as bathrooms and a small bar selling snacks and cans of beer, wine and hard seltzer. Upstairs, sit on the port (left) side to see boats tied up at the Wharf, or the Frederick Douglass Bridge across the Anacostia; grab a seat starboard (right) for unobstructed views of planes landing and taking off from National Airport.

Stop 2: Old Town Alexandria

Alexandria has been a bustling port for 275 years, and it embraces its location along the Potomac. Steps from the dock is Vola’s Dockside Grill , which offers the choice of eating at tables next to the water, inside at an air-conditioned bar and restaurant, or in a retro tiki lounge. Either way, go for the crab dip or a pile of steamed shrimp coated with Old Bay chili crisp, washed down with a frozen orange crush or a Port City Optimal Wit. If you’d prefer to drink on top of the water, make the short walk downriver to Barca , constructed from shipping containers atop an old pier. The vibe is fun and nautical, with sparkling rosé, sangria and frozen rum drinks accompanying Spanish-style tapas, and views of boats sailing by.

Beyond bars, the blocks near the dock are full of activities: The Torpedo Factory houses dozens of artist workshops and galleries. A string of small green parks lie along the river, including the bench-filled Waterfront Park. Its centerpiece is a sculpture inspired by an asteroid that struck the Chesapeake Bay region more than 35 million years ago, and the metallic “ Interstellar Influencer ” delights kids of all ages by emitting clouds of mist.

On board between Virginia and Maryland

This section includes passing under the Woodrow Wilson Bridge and views of the historic Jones Point Lighthouse . For the best selfie op of the trip, head to the bow (front) of the boat after it passes under the bridge, when the Potomac opens up downriver, providing a perfect, expansive backdrop. There are dramatic views of the Capital Wheel Ferris wheel as the taxi makes a sweeping turn toward the dock.

Stop 3: National Harbor

As the boat pulls in, take a minute to marvel at “The Awakening,” the statue of a buried giant moved from D.C.’s Hains Point to National Harbor’s “beach” in 2008. The closest bar to the dock is Redstone Grill , a national chain that boasts a curving patio and outdoor bar looking toward the water. The food is people-pleasing — steak, baby back ribs, flatbreads — and so is happy hour, which brings $2 off draft beers and $3 off spirit-and-mixer drinks and wines by the glass from 3 to 6 p.m. on weekdays. It’s worth pulling up a stool at the edge of the patio for prime people watching.

A few minutes’ walk away, try V-No , a Black-owned wine bar offering flights and by-the-glass pours on its patio, as well as frequent tasting events. The Brass Tap is National Harbor’s best craft beer bar, a bright, modern tavern with dozens of drafts from Maryland and regional breweries, including Nepenthe, Dewey and Evolution.

Check National Harbor’s calendar when planning; depending on the day, you might catch an Air Force or Navy band performing in the waterfront plaza or a movie on the giant outdoor video screen . For unusual photo ops, don’t miss the parks along American Way, home to life-size statues of Winston Churchill, George Washington, Marilyn Monroe and Rosie the Riveter, among other outdoor displays.

You can mix and match the itinerary at will: If you’d rather start the day in National Harbor, the first boat out of the Wharf heads there after a five-minute layover in Alexandria to pick up more passengers. Or try grabbing coffee at Misha’s in Old Town before boarding the first boat to explore the shops at the Wharf. Consider yourself the cruise director.

Potomac Water Taxis run daily, though schedules vary. See for schedules and tickets.

marjorie post sailing yacht

  • The Republic of Adygea

The cathedral mosque in Maykop, Russia. Editorial credit: kravik93 /

Adygea is a Russian federal subject found in the south-western part of Russia in the northern part of Caucasus region. It is part of the Southern federal District. It stretches from the Kuban River in the south to the Caucasus foothills to cover an area of 2,900 square miles, and it is the 5th smallest republic in the Russian Federation. The official languages in the Republic are the Adyghe and the Russian languages. The largest city in the Republic is Maykop which is also Adygea’s capital, and it is home to about one-third of the total population in the Republic.

Maykop is the largest and the capital of Adygea Republic in the Federation of Russia . It is found on the bank of Baleya River which is a tributary of the Kuban River. The city shares its boundaries with the District of Maykopsky to the south and east, the district of Giagnsky to the north, and the District of Belorechensky in the Krai of Krasnodar to the west. The population of the city has been almost constant, and in 1989 it had a population of 148,608 people, in 2000 it had a population of 156,931 people, while in 2010 population of the city had dropped to 144,249 people.

History of Maykop

Maykop is named after the Maykop culture of the early Bronze Age, and this was after the discovery of a royal burial site in 1897. In 1857, the Russian military Fort was built in the area where the city is located. Oil deposits and natural gas were discovered near the City of Maykop in 1911, and in 1936 Maykop, together with the surrounding area, were merged to create the autonomous oblast of Adyghe and effectively becoming the administrative center for the autonomous region. In 1942, the city of Maykop was occupied by the unified army of Nazi Germany (Wehrmacht) without any resistance because of the operation of Germany ’s Brandenburger commandos. However, in January 1943 the city was liberated by the Red Army. The city has been the capital of Adygea republic in the Russian Federation since 1991.

Economic Activities

The foothills of Caucasus Mountains are covered with deciduous forests while other parts of the Republic is mainly plains which has rich soils and agriculture is the main activity and crops such as wheat, corn, hemp, sunflowers, tobacco, potatoes, vegetables, and melons a widely cultivated. There is a local specialty of a flower which is cultivated for its scent that belongs to the lavender and the Crimean Rose. Floodplains along the Kuban River are marshy, and there are approximately 8,000 hectares which have been claimed for market gardening. The main industry in the Republic is primarily processing of farm products, and there are oil and natural gas which is extracted near the Maykop. Similarly, timber is another major product particularly in the Southern part of the Republic.

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The Adygea Republic, Russia

The capital city of Adygeya republic: Maykop .

The Adygea Republic - Overview

The Adygea Republic (alternate spelling: Adygeya ) is a federal subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Southern Federal District. The republic is an enclave within Krasnodar Krai.

Maykop is the capital city of the region.

The population of the Adygea Republic is about 468,300 (2022), the area - 7,792 sq. km.

Adygeya republic flag

Adygeya republic coat of arms.

Adygeya republic coat of arms

Adygeya republic anthem

Adygeya republic map, russia, adygeya republic latest news and posts from our blog:.

18 December, 2021 / Maykop - the view from above .

21 August, 2017 / Walking through the streets of Maykop .

18 December, 2016 / Alpine Meadows of Lago-Naki Plateau .

25 September, 2016 / Ozernaya Cave in Adygeya .

19 July, 2016 / The beauty of Lago-Naki Plateau in the Caucasus .

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History of the Adygea Republic

The territory of Adygea has been inhabited since ancient times. Abadzehskaya Paleolithic site is located in Maykop district. Also there are a lot of archaeological sites of Bronze and Iron Ages. Maykop archaeological culture is well known.

A lot of unique items were found during the excavation of the hills near the village of Ulyap in Krasnogvardeysky district. Most of the precious items excavated while Adygea was part of Krasnodar krai and known as “Scythian gold” or “Kuban gold” can be found in museums outside of Adygea.

The indigenous Adyg population’s ancestors are considered to be ancient Meots, Sinds, Aheys, Zikhs, Kasogs, and Kerkets residing in the region. As a result of the Caucasian wars (1763-1864), the majority of the Adygs (Circassians) were exiled to the Ottoman Empire. The rest of the Adygs were settled in the lowlands, on the left bank of the Kuban River.

More Historical Facts…

Adygea was formed on July 27, 1922 as Cherkesskaya (Adygeyskaya) Autonomous Oblast (province) with the center in Krasnodar. From August 24, 1922 till August 13, 1928, it was Adygeyskaya (Cherkesskaya) Autonomous Oblast, and then Adygeyskaya Autonomous Oblast.

From August 2, 1924 till December 28, 1934, it was part of the North Caucasian krai, then, till September 13, 1937, part of Azov-Chernomorsky krai and finally - part of Krasnodar krai.

April 10, 1936, Maykop became the capital of the region. April 28, 1962, Tulsky (now Maikopsky) district of Krasnodar krai was joined to the region. October 5, 1990, Adygeyskaya Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was declared. Since 1992, it is the Republic of Adygea.

In December 1991 - January 1992, deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Adygea were elected. It was the first Parliament in the history of Adygea. In 1993, it was reformed into Legislative Assembly (Khase) and, in 1995, - into State Council - Khase. The Constitution of the Republic of Adygea was adopted by Legislative Assembly - Khase on March 10, 1995.

Landscapes of the Adygea Republic

Adygea region nature

Adygea region nature

Author: Korolev Yura

The Adygea Republic landscape

The Adygea Republic landscape

Author: Alekseev Mitya

Adygea scenery

Adygea scenery

The Adygea Republic - Features

Adygea is located in the northern foothills of the Caucasus Mountains. The northern part of the region consists mainly of plains while the southern part has mountains. The main river of the region is the Kuban River. The highest mountains are Chugush (3,238 meters) and Fisht (2,868 meters).

The climate is moderately warm, the average temperature in January is minus 2 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 28 degrees Celsius.

The republic is rich in forest resources, which occupy more than one third of the republic’s territory (the southern part), and building materials (gravel, sand, clay, limestone). The republic has small reserves of natural gas. In the mountainous part of the republic there are small deposits of gold, ore materials.

Adygea is an industrial-agrarian republic with such industries as food processing, woodworking, pulp and paper, mechanical engineering and metalworking. The basis of the agro-industrial production is crop production, pig, sheep, poultry, and horse breeding. Several railways pass through the territory of the republic.

National composition of the population according to the 2010 census: Russians (63.6%), Adygs (Circassians) (25.8%), Armenians (3.7%). Most of the population of Adygea profess Orthodoxy and Islam. The Slavic population - Orthodox Christians, Circassians - Sunni Muslims.

There are two local universities in the republic: Adygea State University and Maikop State Technological University.

Attractions of the Adygea Republic

Adygea is included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. This region is rich in waterfalls, caves, rock formations suitable for climbing, gorges, canyons, rivers, alpine meadows, pine and fir forests.

The territory of the republic is a region of mixed tourism. It is rich in interesting natural areas and objects: the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve located in the Republic of Adygea and Krasnodar krai, the National Park “Gornaya (Mountainous) Adygea”, a number of unique natural sites.

Khadzhokhsky Gorge, a canyon of the Belaya River, begins in the vicinity of Maikop. Near the canyon there are waterfalls of the Rufabgo stream.

In the mountain village of Guzeripl, on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve, you can find one of the most famous dolmens, they can also be found on Bogatyrskaya glade. There are sites of ancient man, remains of fortresses, alpine gardens, and sources of mineral water “narzan”, which in Circassian means “drink of the gods (narts).”

Adygea is a great place to practice active tourism: hang gliding, caving, rafting, mountain climbing, rock climbing, hiking, canyoning.

Adygeya republic of Russia photos

Mountains of adygea.

The Adygea Republic scenery

The Adygea Republic scenery

Author: Oleg Andreev

Adygea horses

Adygea horses

Author: Sergey Pavlov

Adygea region scenery

Adygea region scenery

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    A private yacht with an eventful history Golden swan-shaped water taps, magnificent marble fireplaces, French antiques - as heiress to a fortune worth millions, Marjorie Merriweather Post was able to give free rein to her imagination when building her private yacht, which was launched in Kiel in 1931. Even today, every detail on the SEA CLOUD radiates the glamour of a bygone era. Her ...

  3. Sea Cloud cruise ship tour: Tour Marjorie Merriweather Post's yacht

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  30. The Adygea Republic, Russia travel guide

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