
1550s, yeaghe "a light, fast-sailing ship," from Norwegian jaght or early Dutch jaght , both from Middle Low German jacht , shortened form of jachtschip "fast pirate ship," literally "ship for chasing," from jacht "chase," from jagen "to chase, hunt," from Old High German jagon , from Proto-Germanic *yago- , from PIE root *yek- (2) "to hunt" (source also of Hittite ekt- "hunting net"). Related: Yachting ; yachtsman .

Entries linking to yacht

Old English huntian "chase game" (transitive and intransitive), perhaps developed from hunta "hunter," and related to hentan "to seize," from Proto-Germanic *huntojan (source also of Gothic hinþan "to seize, capture," Old High German hunda "booty"), which is of uncertain origin.

Not the usual Germanic word for this, which is represented by Dutch jagen , German jagen (see yacht (n.)). General sense of "search diligently" (for anything) is recorded from c. 1200. Related: Hunted ; hunting . To hunt (something) up "search for until found" is from 1791. Parlor game hunt the slipper is attested from 1766.

also jaeger , "German sharpshooter," 1776, from German Jäger , literally "huntsman," from jagen "to hunt," from Old High German jagon , related to Old Frisian jagia , Dutch jagen "to hunt," Old Norse jaga "to drive, to move to and fro" (see yacht (n.)). Applied to riflemen and sharpshooters in the German and Austrian armies. Englished as yager , yaeger from 1804.

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history of word yacht

SailingEurope Blog - Sailing, Yacht Charter and Beyond


The Yacht – The Meaning and the Origin of the Word

In my language there are a few words for a floating object, or a vessel. According to the size and the purpose of the vessel, those words could be translated as “dinghy”, “yacht”, “boat” or “ship”. Some types of vessels have international names, for example “catamaran” or “hovercraft”.

What Does Yacht Mean?

However, when you say “ yacht” in my language, everyone know exactly what it is about. The word “yacht”, unlike other terms, has certain connotations. It always links with something classy, fancy, wealthy, elegant, and even glamorous.

For example, if you say that you have spent a week aboard a sailing boat , the recations of people will be more or less neutral. On the other hand, if you say that your week aboard a yacht was excellent, many people will become jealous. They will imagine you in a scene from a James Bond movie : aboard a massive white yacht in Monte Carlo , having a cold martini (shaken, not stirred)…

I wanted to share with you this language introduction because I found an interesting story about the word “yacht” and its origin. The word “yacht” became an English and an international term after an event that happened a long time ago.

How Do You Spell ‘Yacht’?


This word comes from the Dutch word “jacht”, which means “hunt”. Furthermore, “ j achtschepen” was the name for narrow, light and very fast sailing boats that the Dutchmen were using for intercepting larger and slower boats and ships.

One of the ‘hunters’ was given as a present to the British king Charles II . In His Majesty’s free time this vessel was not used for intercepting. Instead, was using it for fun. That is why the word “yacht” eventually became the term for vessels/boats made for pleasure.

I would highly appreciate comments from the native speakers of the  English and Dutch languages. Especially since I am not one of them. No matter whether this story is true or not, it still sounds interesting to me.

Find out more about sailing quotes and phrases here .

I wish you a calm sea, a fine wind and a strong mast!

8 thoughts on “The Yacht – The Meaning and the Origin of the Word”

' src=

I looked up the origin of the word yacht, and it said it is a mid 16th century, Early Modern Dutch word from ‘jaght,’ from ‘jaghtschip’ meaning “fast pirate ship,” from ‘jaght’ which means “hunting” + ‘schip’ meaning “ship”.

I like the story of King Charles. It makes sense that that is why a yacht has the definite aura of wealth and pleasure!

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Almost but not 100%. Actually the verb ‘jagen’ to hunt goes back to middle high German,i.e. Deutsch not Dutch, and before that it was ‘jagon’ in lower high German. But it seems that it all started with Greek and travelled North.

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I guess that mid 16th century, the Dutch word jaght or jaghtschip was the word that got picked up. Not the earlier middle high German word where it came from.

Today it is jacht in Dutch, meaning hunting and it also the word for a luxury sailing boat.

In German Jagd is the word for hunt. Germans use the Dutch or English Jacht or Yacht for the boat.

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Did the Germans design the original schooners? I think not! Since some Netherlanders speak a form of the Deutschland language, this word is shared (jacht/Dutch—jagd/German: meaning to hunt). It was the Dutch (Netherlanders) who designed the “flyut” or flute sailing ships, l-o-n-g before any British ever thought of such a ship—and—any German. The schooner grew out of the basic designs of the Dutch flute sailing ship (known for it’s speed). The Dutch economy relied heavily on trade and shipping, and were, thus, cutting edge innovators in ship building. Their engineering skills, was and is, plainly seen in their dike system, as well.

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My father built a beautiful wooden replica of the”yacht” referred by the author (“Yacht Mary”) which was a present from the city of Amsterdam to King Charles II of England in 1660. They wrecked the ship a few years later (already too much partying on yachts, perhaps?)

I noticed the plaque that came with the model ship spelled the name as “Yatch” Mary. First, I thought, maybe, it was old English or Dutch spelling but it looks like it was just an error.

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Nice, We have made an eplainermovie about this subject!

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In my head yogurt used to be spelled yoghurt and yacht used to be spelled yaught. Am I completely mis-remembering?

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Dear Margaret, you are quite right for the spelling of the word yogurt that used to be, and sometimes still is, spelled with its old spelling yoghurt. However, there are no traces of the word yacht to have ever been spelled as yaught, but it would be best to take an etymology expert’s word for it.

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history of word yacht

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Yacht Word Origin

White Yacht

The word “yacht” conjures images of sleek, luxurious vessels gracefully sailing the open waters. But have you ever wondered about the origin of this nautical term? In this article, we delve into the intriguing history and etymology of the word “yacht,” tracing its roots from the Dutch language to its modern-day association with opulent recreational boating.

A Dutch Connection: The Early Origins

The word “yacht” finds its origin in the Dutch word “jacht” or “jaght,” meaning “hunt” or “chase.” In the 17th century, these vessels were primarily used by the Dutch navy for pursuing pirates and engaging in coastal defense. Originally, a yacht was a fast and nimble sailing ship with a focus on performance rather than luxury.

Evolution into Leisure Craft

Over time, yachts transitioned from their naval purpose to become vessels of leisure and pleasure. As the wealthy elite began to embrace sailing as a recreational activity, yachts became synonymous with luxurious and stylish cruising experiences. The word “yacht” gradually shifted to represent high-end vessels designed for private enjoyment rather than military pursuits.

The word “yacht” traces its origins to the Dutch language, where it originally referred to ships used for hunting and defense. With the evolution of leisure sailing, yachts transformed into symbols of luxury and indulgence, capturing the essence of elegant and extravagant sea travel. Today, these magnificent vessels continue to fascinate as they grace the world’s waters, combining a rich history with the epitome of maritime leisure.

history of word yacht

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To the Bitter End: How Sailors Have Shaped the English Language

history of word yacht

While writing an article recently, I noticed that I’d used at least three expressions that have a clear nautical origin.

This, sadly, was not a rare example of me being clever, but rather shows just how many English words and phrases derive from our maritime past. 

Let’s begin, as any proper nautical education should, with our ports and our starboards. 

Port and starboard 

Before boats had rudders, they were steered by a board on the right side, which was known as a steerboard.  Thus it became the ‘steerboard side’.  The left side then became the side on which to tie up in port, so as to not damage the steerboard when docking. 

King Henry V1 of England wanted bigger guns on his ships, and ordered cannons too big to be tied on deck in the traditional manner.  He commissioned a Frenchman to solve the problem, who then built doors in the sides of the ship that the cannons could be fired through.  French word for door: porte. 

And there you have  it, the portholes we look through each day were originally built to fire a cannon through.   Now that would clear the summertime anchorage in Cala di Volpe pretty quick.  You are too close to my boat.  I can hear your music. Your stews are playing that song by Alicia Keys…again.  Roll out the cannons!  Ah, look at that. You are indeed on fire. 

While we’re on the subject of cannons, ‘Loose Cannon’ came from the danger present when a cannon that was tied in place on deck came free of its lashings and careened around the deck, often crushing crew under its heavy wheels.


This expression comes from the barbaric punishment of pushing a sailor on a rope over the side and dragging him under the boat from side to side.  Being put on watch for sleeping in doesn’t seem so bad now, does it. 

Letting the cat out of the bag

Reminding us again how lucky we have it, this expression comes from the 9- tailed whip used to discipline sailors, which was apparently stored in a bag made of red material so as to hide the bloodstains.  When the cat was let out of the bag, trouble was coming. 

The origins above are not generally contested.  But with the next ones, the waters get a bit murkier.

cat o nine tails 1200

There is quite a fashion for attributing nautical origins to English phrases,  a trend which many commentators put down to a mysterious organisation called CANOE: the Committee to Ascribe a Nautical Origin to Everything.

A word of warning:  If you did look up CANOE, you’d be wasting your time as it is imaginary- unless of course you enjoy  looking at pictures of people wearing fluorescent clothing and helmets sitting  in hollowed out pieces of plastic and bashing into big rocks. 

Many of the popular nautical origins of sayings have been, if not disproved, then at least discredited by etymologists (not entymologists, as insects have no place in this story).  This is a shame (not the insect part, although if you were partial to insects I can see how that too would be disheartening), because some of the best stories have been found to be large parts fiction.  

In case you aren’t familiar with it, the most common explanation for the word ‘posh’ is that on the ships that passed between England and India in colonial days, the wealthier passengers would be allocated the cabins that received the least sunlight, in order to make their long journey more comfortable.    Therefore, port out, starboard home. POSH.  Apparently this abbreviation was written either on the passenger tickets, or scrawled in chalk on the guest luggage, to help the crew deliver the trunks to the correct cabins.

However, this is where the story starts to take on water , for no ticket has ever been found with the abbreviation POSH on it, nor a photo uncovered where the trunks had those chalk markings. Considering that many photos have survived from this era, where people gathered on the quay upon departure posing for photos amidst piles of luggage trunks, the absence of photographic proof makes it highly unlikely that the expression POSH evolved from here.  Furthermore, as Fiona MacPherson from the Oxford Dictionary blog  rightly points out, this origin doesn’t account for the return journey from India, where the sunlight would have fallen on the other side of the ship, necessitating the abbreviation ‘soph’. 

Oh, he’s so soph.  It's a shame the Port Out Starboad Home theory doesn't bear scrutiny, because it’s a jolly good story, and in the absence of an interesting alternative, I am going to hold out hope for a ‘posh’ ticket to be discovered one day in an episode of Antiques Roadshow.

posh 1200

Son of a gun

Another highly contested entry into the CANOE hall of fame is ‘son of a gun’, which has several possible explanations and has been around since at least 1708.

One possible and popular option is that when women were allowed to travel on the ships during passages, that the resulting babies would be conceived or born (or both) on the gun deck. 

Another, along the same lines, is that when a baby was born on board with unclear paternity, the child was apparently called ‘son of a gun’.    

However, another explanation is a good deal stronger: that a child born to a sailor or soldier, was simply called ‘son of a gun’ as the child of a military man. 

The difficulty in tracing these things and their meanings can be seen in the fact that son of a gun can either be complimentary: ‘You did it, you son of a gun!’, or derogatory: ‘He stole it, that son of a gun!’ (much like son of a bitch).   As we can’t even manage to be definitive in what sayings like this mean now, it is very difficult to know what they meant hundreds of years ago.  Ask an Australian, for instance, what a ‘bogan’ is.  You’re likely to get a wide range of answers, which may or may not involve the word ‘Holden’.  Language is a funny thing, as our crusty friends at CANOE will no doubt attest.

Another phrase of unclear origin is Hunky-Dory,  the most interesting story offered is that it came from the name of a street in Japan where sailors could find all sorts of pleasures:  Honki dori. 

Back on more solid etymological ground now, there is little argument about the following:

Feeling blue

Comes from the tradition of arriving in port with blue flags up and a blue line painted on the hull when the boat has lost a captain or senior office on a voyage.  Although it’s possible that below decks they were having a party, given the lashings and keel-haulings mentioned above. 

This expression definitely came about when the excess fat from boiling meat for crew meals was scraped off and stored in barrels that were then sold ashore for extra money for the crew.  The fat was referred to as slush, so there came about ‘slush fund’.  Over the years it took on a political meaning for dodgy campaign funds, but also exists still as an expression for extra money made on the side. gives this quote from  The Royal Navy Men’s Advocate , 1757:

Tars whose stomachs are not very squeamish, can bear to paddle their Fingers in stinking slush’, and in the Gentleman’s Magazine of 1756 there appears : ‘he used much slush (the rancid fat of pork) amongst his victuals.’   Victuals is an old fashioned word for food.

That last quote in itself should be enough to get us to stop whingeing to our chefs to have more/less/better variations of burger days. 

This comes from a small, triangular sail that set above the other sails on a square rigger.  It seemed, as it were, to scrape the sky. 

Pirate ships pixabay

Three sheets to the wind

Now this one has a certain sailing origin, and one which some of us can no doubt relate to.  For those struggling to follow, it means drunk. Not just a little bit tipsy, but the type ricocheting from wall to wall and telling all and sundry that 'I love you, man.' This phrase comes from the sailing terminology that if three sheets were loose, the sail would flap about wildly and the boat would’ lurch about like a drunken sailor’.  It used to be three sheets in the wind, for the sailing pedants out there.  Tipsy was one sheet, and ‘well on the way’ was two sheets to the wind.  (For those working on motoryachts who might make the mistake of thinking a ‘sheet’ is a sail, it’s not, it’s a line, so if the ‘sheet’ is loose, the sail flaps about.  This is the kind of splendidly illogical terminology that sailors delight in tripping motoryacht crew up with, so be wary.)

As the crow flies 

Prior to modern navigational techniques, British ships carried a cage of crows, which would be released to show which direction the closest land was. 

Taken aback

is  also a definite entry for the gnarly CANOE lads, as the words ‘taken aback’ used to mean when the sails of a ship were blown flat against the masts and spars and the boat stopped moving forward.   

Push the boat out

This phrase emerged from acts of generosity, in the act of helping someone push their boat off the shore. The meaning changed over time into acts of generosity in the bar, whereby if someone was told it was time to ‘push the boat out’, it meant it was time for them to buy a round.     In recent years it has changed again; now its common use is to spend extravagantly. 

As for origin of the word 'yacht'?

The Oxford Dictionary explains the origins of yacht as ‘mid 16th cent.: from early modern Dutch jaghte, from jaghtschip ‘fast pirate ship’, from jag(h)t ‘hunting’ + schip ‘ship’'.

The bitter end

The Bitt is a cleat or post on the deck of a ship, for fastening lines. When a line or chain is played out to the bitter end, it means there is no more line to be used. 

Next time: Is 'it's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey' a naval expression? Why do we say 'clean slate', and 'Davy Jones' Locker?' Please ask a question or tell us which expressions 21 st  century seafarers are adding to the language! 

First published by OnboardOnline on 29th January 2014. Last updated on 04th December 2020.

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  • 1.1 Etymology
  • 1.2 Pronunciation
  • 1.3.1 Derived terms
  • 1.3.2 Translations
  • 1.4.1 Translations
  • 1.5 Anagrams
  • 2.1 Etymology
  • 2.2 Pronunciation
  • 2.4 Further reading
  • 3.1 Etymology
  • 3.2 Pronunciation
  • 3.4 References
  • 3.5 Further reading
  • 4.1 Etymology
  • 5.1 Etymology
  • 5.3 References
  • 6.1 Etymology
  • 6.3 References
  • 7.1 Alternative forms
  • 7.2 Etymology
  • 7.3.1 Declension
  • 7.3.2 Derived terms
  • 7.4 Further reading

history of word yacht

Circa 1557; variant of yaught , earlier yeaghe ( “ light, fast-sailing ship ” ) , from Dutch jacht ( “ yacht; hunt ” ) , in older spelling jaght(e) , short for jaghtschip ( “ light sailing vessel, fast pirate ship ” , literally “ pursuit ship ” ) , compound of jacht and schip ( “ ship ” ) .

In the 16th century the Dutch built light, fast ships to chase the ships of pirates and smugglers from the coast. The ship was introduced to England in 1660 when the Dutch East India Company presented one to King Charles II, who used it as a pleasure boat, after which it was copied by British shipbuilders as a pleasure craft for wealthy gentlemen.


  • ( UK ) enPR : yŏt , IPA ( key ) : /jɒt/
  • ( US ) enPR : yät , IPA ( key ) : /jɑːt/ , /jɑt/
Audio ( ): ( )
  • Rhymes: -ɒt

yacht ( plural yachts )

  • 1897 December (indicated as 1898 ), Winston Churchill , chapter X, in The Celebrity: An Episode , New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company ; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd. , →OCLC : The skipper Mr. Cooke had hired at Far Harbor was a God-fearing man with a luke warm interest in his new billet and employer, and had only been prevailed upon to take charge of the yacht after the offer of an emolument equal to half a year's sea pay of an ensign in the navy.
  • 1907 August, Robert W[illiam] Chambers , chapter VI, in The Younger Set , New York, N.Y.: D. Appleton & Company , →OCLC : “I don’t mean all of your friends—only a small proportion—which, however, connects your circle with that deadly, idle, brainless bunch—the insolent chatterers at the opera,   [ … ] , the chlorotic squatters on huge yachts ,   [ … ] , the neurotic victims of mental cirrhosis, the jewelled animals whose moral code is the code of the barnyard—!"

Derived terms

  • motor yacht , motoryacht , MY
  • sailing yacht , steam yacht , SY
  • yacht person


        (yaḵt) (yaḵt)   (zbosanav)   (jáxta)     (jáhta)   (rwakhle)   (tsiyu)   (yóutǐng)           ,     ,     ,         (iaxṭa)     ,         (giot),     (thalamigós)     (yakhta) (yāxṭ)           ,       (yotto) (äxta) (tuuk kɑmsaan) (yoteu) (yahta)   (hư̄a bai)         (jahta) (darvuult ongoc)         (yât)                 (jáxta)   ,                   ,   (rʉʉa-bai), ,       (jáxta)     ,
    (jahta)         ,         (thalamigós)     (yakhta)     (fune),   (bōto)   ,  

yacht ( third-person singular simple present yachts , present participle yachting , simple past and past participle yachted )

  • ( intransitive ) To sail , voyage , or race in a yacht .
(darvuult ongocoor javax)
  • Cathy , tachy , tachy- , yatch

Borrowed from English yacht , from Dutch jacht .

  • IPA ( key ) : /jɔt/ , /jot/ , ( Canada ) /jat/
Audio: ( )

yacht   m ( plural yachts )

Further reading

  • “ yacht ”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [ Digitized Treasury of the French Language ] , 2012 .

Unadapted borrowing from English yacht .

  • IPA ( key ) : /ˈjɔt/ [ 1 ]
  • Rhymes: -ɔt

yacht   m ( invariable )

  • the letter Y in the Italian spelling alphabet
  • ^ yacht in Luciano Canepari , Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI)
  • yacht in – Vocabolario Treccani on line , Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana

Borrowed from English yacht .

yacht   ? ( plural yachts )

  • ( Jersey ) yacht

Norwegian Bokmål

From Dutch jacht , via English yacht .

yacht   m ( definite singular yachten , indefinite plural yachter , definite plural yachtene )

  • “yacht” in The Bokmål Dictionary .

Norwegian Nynorsk

yacht   m ( definite singular yachten , indefinite plural yachtar , definite plural yachtane )

  • “yacht” in The Nynorsk Dictionary .

Alternative forms

yacht   c

Declension of  
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
  • yacht in Svenska Akademiens ordlista ( SAOL )
  • yacht in Svensk ordbok ( SO )
  • yacht in Svenska Akademiens ordbok ( SAOB )
  • yacht in Svenskt nautiskt lexikon (1920)

history of word yacht

  • English terms derived from Dutch
  • English 1-syllable words
  • English terms with IPA pronunciation
  • English terms with audio links
  • Rhymes:English/ɒt
  • Rhymes:English/ɒt/1 syllable
  • English lemmas
  • English nouns
  • English countable nouns
  • English terms with usage examples
  • English terms with quotations
  • English verbs
  • English intransitive verbs
  • en:Watercraft
  • French terms borrowed from English
  • French terms derived from English
  • French terms derived from Dutch
  • French 1-syllable words
  • French terms with IPA pronunciation
  • French terms with audio links
  • French lemmas
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  • French countable nouns
  • French masculine nouns
  • fr:Watercraft
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  • Italian terms derived from English
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  • Rhymes:Italian/ɔt/1 syllable
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When Were Yachts Invented? Uncovering the History of Luxury Boats

history of word yacht

Yachts have been around for centuries and have long been associated with luxury and status.

But where did these boats come from and how have they evolved over the years? In this article, we’ll uncover the fascinating history of yachts and explore how they have been used by different cultures for centuries.

From their origins to the different classes of yachts, we’ll look at the various uses people have found for these luxury boats and how they have become a symbol of status and wealth.

We’ll also explore the world of yacht racing and even take a look at some of the most luxurious yachts ever built.

So, if you’re ready to discover the history of yachts, then let’s get started!.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Yachts were invented in the late 17th century in the Netherlands, when wealthy citizens began building large wooden sailing vessels for leisure activities.

The first recorded yacht race took place in the Netherlands in 1663, and the popularity of sailing for pleasure soon spread to other parts of Europe.

The origin of the word ‘yacht’ comes from the Dutch word jacht, meaning ‘hunt.

The Origin of Yachts

Yachts have been around since the late 16th century, when they were first used for fishing and transportation.

However, it wasn’t until the early 1700s that they began to be used for recreational activities.

This was mainly due to the increased wealth of the upper classes, who had the resources to acquire and maintain these luxury vessels.

Initially, the yachts were powered by sail, but later they were equipped with steam engines.

These early yachts were large and luxurious, and quickly became a status symbol among the wealthy.

As the popularity of yachts grew, so did their variety.

Different types of yachts were developed for different purposes, such as racing, vacationing, and cruising.

Yachts were also built with different materials, such as wood, steel, and fiberglass.

Today, yachts are still popular among the wealthy, and have become more advanced than ever before.

They can be equipped with modern amenities, such as air conditioning , internet, and satellite TV.

Yachts are also used for a variety of different activities, from racing to vacationing, and remain a popular symbol of wealth and luxury.

Early Uses of Yachts

history of word yacht

Yachts have a long and rich history, with the first recreational sailing yacht believed to have been invented in the late 16th century.

Originally, yachts were used for fishing and transportation, as well as for leisure activities.

The earliest yachts were specialized vessels that served as fishing boats or for transportation.

They were typically small and had limited storage capacity.

As time went on, the vessels were improved and larger sizes were developed.

By the early 1700s, yachts were being used for leisure activities, such as sailing and racing.

The popularity of yachts grew in the 1700s, as they were seen as a status symbol among the wealthy.

Initially, the yachts were owned and operated by the elite and were used for recreational sailing.

At the same time, yachts began to be used for racing, with some of the earliest yacht races taking place in England.

Over the centuries, yachts have evolved into a variety of shapes and sizes, from luxurious mega-yachts to more utilitarian vessels.

Today, yachts are used for a variety of purposes, from vacationing to racing and remain a popular symbol of wealth and leisure.

Yachts as a Status Symbol

Since they first appeared in the late 16th century, yachts have been a symbol of luxury and wealth.

For centuries, the wealthy have used yachts as a way to show off their status and power.

They have also been used as a way to travel in style and enjoy the finer things in life.

In the 1700s and 1800s, the wealthy began to build larger and more ornate yachts, often with multiple levels and masts.

These vessels were often seen as a way to flaunt one’s wealth and status, and were used to travel in style and enjoy the finer things in life.

Today, yachts are still seen as a symbol of luxury and status.

They are often used to host parties, enjoy vacations, and even engage in racing activities.

Yachts of all sizes, shapes, and capabilities are available, allowing those with the right budget to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle on the open seas.

The rise of luxury yachting has also created a market for high-end services, such as yacht charters, private chefs, and concierge services.

Those who own yachts can also benefit from a wide range of amenities, from spas and gyms to fully-stocked bars and private dining areas.

Overall, yachts remain a symbol of wealth and status, and have evolved from simple fishing and transportation vessels into luxurious vessels that can be used for recreational activities.

They have become increasingly popular with the wealthy and remain a popular choice for those who want to enjoy the finer things in life.

Varieties of Yachts

history of word yacht

Since their invention, yachts have evolved into a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

Depending on their purpose and intended use, there are now many different types of yachts available.

From luxury vessels to racing boats, there is a yacht for every type of seafaring enthusiast.

The most common type of yacht is a motor yacht, which refers to any boat with an internal combustion engine that is used for recreation and leisure.

These yachts come in a variety of sizes and styles, from small pleasure boats to large, luxurious vessels.

Sailboats are also a popular type of yacht, and are used for both racing and leisure.

Sailboats come in a range of sizes, from small dinghies to large, multi-hulled boats.

For those who prefer the speed and agility of a powerboat, there are plenty of options to choose from.

These boats come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small runabouts to large, powerful speedboats.

Finally, there are racing yachts , which are designed for speed and performance.

These boats are typically larger and more powerful than other types of yachts, and are usually built for the specific purpose of competing in official races.

No matter what type of yacht you choose, you can be sure that they will provide an unforgettable experience.

Whether youre looking for something luxurious or a boat thats built for speed, yachts have something to offer everyone.

Popular Uses of Yachts

Yachts have been used for a variety of purposes since their invention in the 16th century.

Originally, yachts were utilized as a means of transportation and fishing, but as the centuries passed, yachts became more closely associated with luxury and leisure activities.

Today, yachts are known as a symbol of wealth and are used for a variety of purposes.

One of the most popular uses of yachts is vacationing.

Many people choose to rent or charter a yacht for a week or more and spend their time exploring the open seas.

Yachts offer plenty of space, comfort, and amenities that make them ideal for vacationing, whether its a family trip or a romantic getaway.

Yachts are also popular for hosting events, such as weddings, birthdays, corporate events, and more.

Yachts provide a unique venue for any event, with plenty of space, beautiful views, and the ability to travel to different locations.

Yachts are also used for racing.

Yacht racing is a popular sport, and many people choose to compete in races or just enjoy the thrill of sailing.

Yacht racing has been around for centuries and is still a popular sport today.

Lastly, many people choose to invest in a yacht as a status symbol.

Yachts have become a symbol of wealth, and many people purchase a yacht as a way to show off their success.

Yachts are a great way to make a statement, and they are also a great investment.

Overall, yachts have a wide variety of uses, from vacationing to racing and more.

Whether you’re looking for a luxurious way to travel, a unique venue for an event, or a status symbol, yachts are an excellent choice.

Racing Yachts

history of word yacht

Racing yachts have been a mainstay of the luxury boat industry since the late 19th century.

Yacht races have been held all around the world, with the most famous being the Americas Cup.

Originally started in 1851, the Americas Cup is the oldest active trophy in international sport and has been held every four years since then.

Yacht racing is a thrilling and competitive sport that requires skill, knowledge, and endurance, making it a popular activity for the wealthy elite.

Yacht racing requires an incredibly well crafted vessel and an experienced crew.

Modern racing yachts are designed for maximum speed, efficiency and maneuverability.

The hulls are often made from lightweight materials such as carbon fiber, kevlar, or aluminum and the sails are made from highly specialized fabrics.

Racing yachts are often equipped with the latest navigational and communication technology, allowing them to remain in contact with their home port and other vessels during a race.

Yacht racing has become a popular spectator sport, with events being held in some of the most beautiful locations around the world.

From the Mediterranean to the Caribbean, yacht racing has become a spectacle of speed and skill, with crews pushing their vessels to the limit in the pursuit of victory.

For those looking to experience a thrilling and luxurious activity, yacht racing is an activity not to be missed.

With its rich history, intense competition, and beautiful setting, yacht racing is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Luxury Yachts

Luxury yachts have always been a symbol of wealth and leisure, beginning with their invention in the late 16th century.

Yachts were originally used as fishing boats and transportation vessels, but by the early 1700s, seafaring aristocrats began to use them for leisure activities.

It wasnt long before yachts began to be seen as a status symbol, and it wasnt long before they were in the possession of many of the wealthiest people in the world.

Today, luxury yachts are used for a variety of activities, from vacationing and cruising to racing and fishing.

They come in all shapes and sizes, from the classic sailing yacht to the sleek, modern motor yacht.

They can be equipped with all the comforts of home, from luxurious spas and state-of-the-art entertainment systems to private helipads and expansive decks.

No matter the size or style, luxury yachts have always been a symbol of wealth and leisure, and that is unlikely to change anytime soon.

Whether youre looking for a luxurious vacation aboard a private yacht or a chance to participate in a race, luxury yachts will always be a popular choice.

Final Thoughts

From humble beginnings as a simple fishing and transportation vessel, yachts have come a long way to become a status symbol of wealth and leisure.

The variety of yachts today is astounding, from the luxury vessels of the wealthy to the race boats of the daring.

Yachts can be used for everything from vacationing to racing, and remain a popular symbol of wealth and leisure.

Now that you know the history of yachts, why not take a closer look at the different kinds of yachts out there and find the one that’s right for you?.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Yacht : modern meaning of the term and types of boats

  • Luca D'Ambrosio
  • February 25, 2023

The etymology of the term yacht comes from the Dutch word ‘jacht’, which was used in the past to define the fast sailing vessels used to hunt down pirates along the coasts of northern Europe.

Today, the term ‘yacht’ is used to describe all recreational vessels, whether sailing or motor-powered, with at least one cabin that allows the crew to sleep on board.

There is no established definition for the length of this family of boats, but common usage tends to define a yacht as a vessel longer than 33 feet, or about 10 meters.

As mentioned above, a yacht may be equipped with sailing, motor or mixed propulsion. It can have more than one hull, and if it exceeds 25 meters it also deserves the definition of superyacht . When a yacht is over 50 meters it is called a megayacht and, more and more frequently, when it exceeds 100 meters it becomes a gigayacht.

A yacht normally flies a flag that corresponds to the country where the vessel is registered, not least because, if it does not, it may be captured and taken to the nearest port for ‘flag survey’. As far as international maritime law is concerned, the yacht is considered in all respects to be the territory of the country of the flag it flies, to whose sovereignty the crew is subject.

A yacht flying the flag of a country, unless there is well-founded suspicion of illegal activity, can only be stopped for inspection by the military vessels of that country. When a yacht enters the territorial waters of a country other than that of its flag, it is obliged to fly a courtesy flag.

This is tantamount to a declaration of submission to the navigational laws of the country in which it is sailing.

Sailing and motor-powered yachts

The first major distinction is between sailing yachts and motoryachts. The current worldwide spread of these two families has shifted decisively towards motor yachts, which make up about 75% of the total sailing fleet.

Progress and design have produced many different categories of motor yachts, so let’s discover them together.


Seen from the stern, a flybridge yacht is often equipped with a “beach club”, a platform that facilitates access to the sea and on which water toys are placed or simply used for diving. A staircase, or even two symmetrical staircases, leads from this platform to the main deck. Sometimes there is a “garage” between these two staircases to house the engine room, a tender and other on-board equipment.

The main deck is characterized by the presence of a helm station, inside of which a large open-space salon houses settees and a galley. The helm station often leads below deck, also known as the lower deck, where the sleeping quarters, or cabins, are normally located.


The foredeck often has a large sundeck bordered by a “bowplate” for hauling anchor. The bow is often “fenced in” by the handrails, which are vital grips for safety at sea.

Let’s get to why a yacht is called a flybridge. The flybridge is an upper deck, open 360 degrees and often covered by a hard-top, a roof usually made of fibreglass. The flybridge usually has an additional helm station to steer from a more panoramic position. An additional galley is often located on the flybridge, as well as additional lounge seating and sun decks.

Open Yachts

An open yacht has no flybridge and its main deck is commonly all open. The helm station can frequently be sheltered by a T-Top. Below deck, depending on the length of the yacht, there are living spaces for the crew which may include dinette, cabins and facilities. Open yachts can be walk-around, i.e. with the possibility for passengers of walking freely around the perimeter of the boat, or they can have an enclosed bow and thus have a raised deck.

yacht 1

A coupe yacht is a yacht without a flybridge, characterized by a sporty design, with the main deck open aft. Very often it has a sunroof and is always equipped with side-decks connecting the stern to the bow. It is a vessel that, depending on its size, is suitable for medium to long-distance cruising.

coupe yacht

This is an important type of yacht, which has its origins on the American East Coast where it was used to catch lobsters. It has a romantic, sometimes vintage aesthetic, and is endowed with sinuous lines that, for some, are evocative of the 1950s. Very suitable for cruising and conviviality, thanks also to a large sofa in the cockpit, the lobster is an iconic boat that offers plenty of comfort and space below deck for at least one cabin and one head.


The trawler is essentially a yacht for owners who want to spend a lot of time on board. This is why interior volumes are maximized and the upper deck is always present. Also part of the trawler family are the famous Menorcan boats, inspired by the llaüts of the Menorca island..

Increasingly popular among motor yachts, too, is the multihull, due to its inherent features of stability and capacity. In most cases it is a catamaran designed for long stays at sea.

Sailing yacht

Sailing yachts are vessels where propulsion should mainly rely on the power transmitted by the wind. In the past, sailing yacht engines were low-powered and mainly used for entering and leaving ports, but today, for obvious reasons of practicality and ease of use, they have enough power to make the sailing yacht cruise at a speed at least equal to its theoretical hull speed. This means that sailing yachts can be used efficiently even in the total absence of wind.

A sailing yacht can be rigged in many different ways, these being the most common in modern times:

Sloop : this is the most common rigging on modern boats, characterized by the presence of a single mast with a mainsail and a jib or genoa. Sloop rigging has become popular over the years because it is the easiest to handle with a small crew and also offers the best ease of use/sailing performance ratio.

Cutter : Widely used for long distance sailing, it is characterized by the presence of a mainsail and two jibs rigged on a single mast. Normally the two jibs are a genoa and foresail that are used individually, depending on the weather conditions.

Ketch : this is the most commonly used rig on two-masted sailing yachts, with a mainmast, rigged with a mainsail and genoa, and a mizzenmast, forward of the rudder shaft, rigged with a single mainsail. The splitting of the sails makes this type of yacht suitable for sailing in bad weather.

Yawl : exactly the same as a ketch but with the mizzen mast located aft of the rudder shaft.

Sailing yachts can be monohulls or multihulls, i.e. catamarans or trimarans, but in all cases they can be divided into these categories:

sailing yacht

Easy to handle and with plenty of space above and below deck, this type of yacht is normally characterized by an unbalanced length/width ratio favouring the latter, a small sail area and more powerful than average engines.

The interiors are fully equipped and sophisticated, with each cabin often having its own en-suite head.

The deck plan and sailing equipment are simplified, often electrified and minimal.


sail-powered yacht

This yacht, while still featuring a luxurious and complete interior, also has all the equipment needed for sail fine-tuning and a generous sail area.

This is a category where special attention is paid to both the overall weight of the boat and the hull shape.

The hull lines are in fact designed to enhance performance and, inevitably, this results in a slightly smaller interior than that of pure cruising yachts of the same length.



The owner who buys this type of yacht has already competed in club competitions and now wants to engage in higher level racing. The hulls are light and can sometimes be made of carbon, and all the sail adjustments are fine-tuned to achieve maximum performance.

The deck plan is definitely designed for crewed racing and the sail area/displacement ratio is unbalanced in favour of the former, making this yacht more difficult to handle with a smaller crew but, conversely, capable of performance similar to a pure racing yacht.

A pure racing yacht is a sailing yacht built exclusively for racing. Free from any commercial constraints, it is built according to the type of race to be competed in and, above all, the rating to be obtained. The interiors of this boat are minimal. This yacht is capable of planing and sailing upwind at very low wind angles, but is almost never used for recreational purposes.


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What does the noun yacht mean?

There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun yacht . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.

Entry status

OED is undergoing a continuous programme of revision to modernize and improve definitions. This entry has not yet been fully revised.

How common is the noun yacht ?

How is the noun yacht pronounced?

British english, u.s. english, where does the noun yacht come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun yacht is in the late 1500s.

OED's earliest evidence for yacht is from before 1584, in the writing of S. Borough.

yacht is a borrowing from Dutch.

Etymons: Dutch jaght(e .

Nearby entries

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  • yabble, v. 1808–
  • yabbler, n. 1901–
  • yabby, n. 1887–
  • yabby, v. 1941–
  • yabbying, n. 1934–
  • yabu, n. 1753–
  • yacca, n. 1843–
  • yacht, n. a1584–
  • yacht, v. 1836–
  • yacht basin, n. 1929–
  • yacht broker, n. 1882–
  • yachtdom, n. 1901–
  • yachter, n. 1828–
  • yachtery, n. 1861–
  • yachtian, n. 1842–
  • yachtie, n. 1874–
  • yachting, n. 1836–
  • yachting, adj. 1847–

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Meaning & use

Pronunciation, compounds & derived words, entry history for yacht, n..

yacht, n. was first published in 1921; not yet revised.

yacht, n. was last modified in July 2023.

Revision of the OED is a long-term project. Entries in which have not been revised may include:

  • corrections and revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
  • new senses, phrases, and quotations which have been added in subsequent print and online updates.

Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into yacht, n. in July 2023.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1921)

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OED Second Edition (1989)

  • View yacht, n. in OED Second Edition

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The world of yachting and sailing is a realm of elegance, adventure, and rich history. However, the terminology surrounding these nautical activities can sometimes be confusing. From the definition of a yacht to the spelling of various sailing-related terms, this article sets out to demystify the language of the seas, offering insight into the origins and meanings of these captivating words.

Decoding the yacht: Definition and origin

A yacht is more than a vessel; it's a symbol of luxury and sophistication. Derived from the Dutch word "jacht," meaning "hunt" or "chase," yachts were initially swift, maneuverable ships used for pursuit. Over time, yachts have evolved into opulent pleasure craft enjoyed by sailing enthusiasts and the elite.

Exploring the nautical term "sailing"

Sailing goes beyond moving through water using wind power; it encapsulates a spirit of exploration and freedom. It's the art of harnessing wind energy to navigate the vast oceans, representing a harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

Read our top notch articles on topics such as sailing, sailing tips and destinations in our Magazine .

Unveiling the word "yacht" and its meaning

The term "yacht" conjures images of sleek vessels gliding gracefully across the water. Its meaning, however, extends beyond aesthetics. A yacht signifies an elegant and luxurious ship, often associated with pleasure and leisure rather than utilitarian purposes.

Yachting in focus: Definition and significance

Yachting is the activity of sailing on a yacht, encompassing both recreational and competitive aspects. It's a way to experience the allure of the open waters while indulging in the comforts and amenities offered by these sophisticated vessels.

The intricacies of yacht pronunciation

The pronunciation of "yacht" varies across regions, with some emphasizing the "ch" sound, while others opt for a softer "y" sound. This linguistic diversity adds an interesting layer to the yachting world, reflecting the global appeal of sailing.

Luxury yacht

Luxury yacht

Name or yacht? Understanding the terminology

In the yachting community, the term "name yacht" refers to a yacht that is well-known and often carries a reputation. These yachts are associated with luxury, innovation, and the personalities of their owners.

Diving into the origins of yachts

The origin of yachts traces back to the 17th century Netherlands, where they were initially used for naval purposes and later transformed into vessels for recreational sailing. Their evolution mirrors the changing perceptions of sailing from utility to leisure.

Yacht vs. yatch: Spelling matters

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The language of yachting and sailing is rich with history and significance. From the definition of a yacht to the meaning of sailing-related terms, understanding these words enhances our appreciation of the maritime world and the timeless allure of the seas.

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at our range of charter boats and head to some of our favourite sailing destinations .

FAQs about definitions and origins

The History of Yachting/Chapter 1



Pleasure-craft of antiquity—Purple sails of royalty—Galley of Tyre—Cleopatra—Galley race described by Virgil—Yachting began with the rise of the Dutch Republic—Victories of Hein, Von Tromp, and Ruyter—Yachts belonging to the Burgomasters of Amsterdam, and Maurice of Nassau, younger son of William the Silent—Review of yachts in honor of Queen Mary of France—State yachts—Admiralty yachts—Dutch East India Company's yachts—Yacht parades—Mock battles—Peter the Great—Evolution of the sloop—The Peruvian balsa—First embodiment of the centre-board—Distant voyages and exploits of armed Dutch yachts.

In ancient times it was customary for vessels to carry sails of various colors, to denote their different characters. The sails of royal vessels were wholly purple, and were used by members of royal house-holds only; no other vessels were permitted to carry them. ​ Cleopatra's galley at the battle of Actium; the magnificent pleasure-vessels Isis and Thalamegus , built by Ptolemy Philopator (222 B.C. ); the royal vessel with "a golden beak, and fence of golden shields to protect the rowers on their benches," presented to Athelstane by the King of Norway ( A.D. 925); the galley presented to Hardicanute by Earl Godwin, "sumptuously gilt and rowed by eighty men, each of whom wore on his arm a bracelet of gold weighing sixteen ounces" ( A.D. 1040); the Queens Hall , which carried Phileppa, niece of King Henry IV. and Queen of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, to join her husband in Denmark, all—together with many other royal vessels that might be mentioned—carried purple sails.

This custom continued until the beginning of the fifteenth century, one of the last instances recorded being that of the King's Chamber , on board of which King Henry V. sailed from England to France. This vessel carried a sail of purple silk, upon which was embroidered in gold the arms of England and France.

By means of purple sails we are enabled to trace and establish the antiquity of vessels used exclusively by royalty, or what would, at the present time, be known as royal yachts.

A vivid picture—herewith abridged—of Tyre, the "golden city" and "mother of crafts," is given in Ezekiel chapter XXVII., where the prophet speaks of Tyre as "a merchant of the people for many isles. . . . They have made all thy ship boards of fir trees of Senir: they have taken cedars ​ from Lebanon to make masts for thee. Of the oaks of Bashan have they made thine oars . . . have made thy benches of ivory. . . . Fine linen with broidered work from Egypt was that which thou spreadest forth to be thy sail; blue and purple from the isles of Elishah was that which covered thee . . . thy pilots, thy caulkers, and all thy men of war that are in thee, . . . shall fall into the midst of the seas in the day of thy ruin."

This justly celebrated chapter is one of the most ancient records of shipping bequeathed to us, and bears testimony to the great antiquity of pleasure-craft; for, as we have seen, among the ancients purple sails were carried only on vessels used by royalty, and "benches of ivory" certainly indicate a vessel equipped with royal luxury.

One of the most ancient pleasure-craft, and the most beautiful and renowned of which any definite description has been preserved, was the royal barge, or galley, of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, thirty years before the Christian era, which is thus described by Shakespeare:

"The barge she sat in, like a burnished throne Burned on the water; the poop was beaten gold. Purple the sails and so perfumed, that The winds were lovesick with them; the oars were silver, Which to the tune of flutes kept stroke And made the water which they beat to flow faster, As amorous of their strokes."

To rely upon this description by the poet might be unwise, were it not sustained by the historian; ​ accordingly, we are indebted to Plutarch for the following account of this expedition:

"Cleopatra, in her conduct with respect to the contending parties, endeavored to trim between both; for though she had assisted Dolabella, yet Serapion, her lieutenant in Cyprus, fought for Cassius; and after the defeat of him and Brutus, she, fearing the resentments of conquerors, resolved in person to meet Anthony, and, conscious of her own charms, try how efficacious her wit and beauty would be in her cause, he having summoned her to render an account of her behavior.

"Crossing the Mediterranean to Cilicia, where Anthony then was, she came up the River Cydnus in a vessel, the stern whereof was gold, the sails of purple silk, and the oars of silver, which gently kept time to the sound of music.

"She placed herself under a rich canopy of cloth-of-gold, habited like Venus rising out of the sea, with beautiful boys about her, like cupids, fanning her; and her women, representing the Nereids and Graces, leaned negligently on the sides and shrouds of the vessel, while troops of virgins, richly drest, marched on the banks of the river burning incense and rich perfumes, which were covered with an infinite number of people, gazing on in wonder and admiration. The Queen's success with Anthony was answerable to her expectations."

No record appears to exist of the dimensions of this vessel, but judging from the length of the voyage, the number of attendants and servants probably required by Cleopatra, their equipment and ​ stores; and judging from the fact also, that the galley was "laden with the most magnificent offerings and presents of all kinds," it is reasonable to suppose that this craft must have been of a considerable tonnage.

The wanton splendor of Cleopatra's life has inspired poets, painters, and historians, who have perpetuated her memory through nineteen centuries of time and change; so that to-day her fame is as fresh and radiant as the morning sunbeam that rests upon the gray pyramids, obelisks, and temples of her native land.

"Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale Her infinite variety."

. . . . . . .

"I died a queen, the Roman soldier found Me lying dead, my crown about my brows, A name forever! lying robed and crowned Worthy a Roman spouse."

Of other ancient vessels we have some knowledge, though not as much as could be wished. The Haw Ting , or flower-boats of the Chinese, with their rich ornamental carvings and silken draperies of vermilion and gold, sweet with the perfume of sandal-wood; the Greek and Roman galleys, which one historian, not over-gallant, compares to women—equally greedy of ornament; the galley race for royal prizes between the Dolphin , Centaur , and Chimæra , immortalized by Virgil—all these are of interest. Of the Venetian galleys, their sails embroidered in silver and gold, of the stately galleons of Portugal and Spain, and their ​ conquests; of the slender, swift, serpent-galleys of the Norsemen, floating white flags of peace, bearing the symbol of the lamb, and flaming, fighting flags of crimson, emblazoned with the fierce, flying dragon,—of these we have all read. Of great interest, too, are the Vikings,—those brave sea-captains, who counted it dishonor to die on land.

One would gladly remain in company so good, so brave, so luxurious, and sail with mariners like these through the troubled waves of historical uncertainty, or drift with them upon the calm and misty waters of romance; but my purpose is of a different, though not less agreeable, nature. I wish to trace as clearly and completely as possible the early history of yachting, illustrated by the portraits of famous yachts, executed by artists no less famous when these vessels were in the zenith of their renown. At various periods I shall notice briefly some of the celebrated vessels of war and commerce, in order to trace more clearly the evolution of the yacht. For she has developed side by side with her more industrious sisters, and at times, especially during the early days of her existence, has shared in the laborious undertakings of both.

Yachting history may be divided into two eras. The first dates from the year 1600 to the years 1812-15, when The Yacht Club—now the Royal Yacht Squadron—was founded, and modern yachting may be said to have begun; the second, from that date to the present time. I purpose to deal only with the first, comprising many events of ​ interest, which hitherto have escaped the attention of historians of yachting.

Yachting may be termed the poetry of the sea. No other sport or pastime has been so interwoven with romance and countless memories of daring deeds and glorious achievements. Further, it is among the most ancient, as well as the noblest, of sports; and as mastery by fair means is the essence of every sport, no other can compare in interest and excitement with mastery upon the sea.

In every age there have been men to whom sea-faring has been a recreation and a delight. Indeed, yachtsmen may be regarded as the patricians of the sea; free from its hardships and privations, though amenable to its written and unwritten laws, and participating in its dangers and delights. By degrees, yacht-racing has become the popular feature of yachting, though early history shows that yachts enjoyed a flourishing existence for nearly two centuries before racing came into fashion. Even at the present time, it is safe to say that for every mile sailed by yachts in races during a season, hundreds of miles are sailed by cruising yachts, whose owners enjoy their contests with wind and wave as keenly as if they were sailing over prescribed courses for prizes. Still, racing is, and must always be, the most popular feature of yachting, as it affords opportunities for the display of skill and courage, and composing those beautiful marine pictures, of which not only yachtsmen, but vast throngs of people who know little about yachting delight to form a part. ​ Yachts should be, and, as a rule are, a skilful combination of strength, comfort, beauty of form, speed, refined decoration and equipment; and among seamen it has ever been deemed the highest compliment to say of a man-of-war or a merchant-ship that she looks or handles like a yacht.

In order to form an intelligent idea regarding the introduction of yachts into America and England, it is necessary to turn to Holland, where they originated. Philip II. of Spain maintained his hold upon Flanders and Brabant; but in 1580 the seven other provinces formed themselves into the Republic of the United Netherlands, and by their situation were naturally led to commercial pursuits. In these they rapidly excelled. Amsterdam rose to be a city of the first rank,—the centre of commerce in Europe,—and Holland grew in wealth and influence until it not only held its own against Spain, but invaded Spain's most valuable monopolies.

Admiral Pieter Hein. Capturing the Spanish Silver Fleet, 1628.

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board the Dutch ships and landed in Holland; and "so great was the success of the Dutch upon the sea, and their names so famous in all parts, that one Embassy came to them from Japan, another from Morocco, and another from Persia, all extending invitations of friendship and the assurance of desire for mutual commerce."

In 1628, Admiral Pieter Hein captured the Spanish silver fleet, the value of the cargoes of these vessels being 30,000,000 florins, or about ​ £2,500,000 Sterling. The capture of the treasure-fleet of Spain had long been the fervent desire and ambition of the great English Admirals Drake and Hawkins, and for which Queen Elizabeth, even in old age, had yearned, with hope deferred, and, finally never realized.

Admiral Marten Tromp commanded fleets that

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Admiral Martin Tromp. Admiral Michiel Ruyter.

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Few nations can point to such a brilliant array of naval heroes as can Holland during the seventeenth century; or of admirals and commanders who fell while leading their fleets in the fury of battle. To name but a few: Pieter Hein, who fell before Dunkirk; Heemskerk, at Gibraltar; Van Galen, at Leghorn; Pieter Florisz and Witte de With, at the victory of the Sound; seven members of the Evertsen family, who fell as admirals or captains;Tromp, at Ter Heide; Van Gent, at Solebay; Kortenaer and Wassenaer, at Lowestoff; De Vries, near Schoonerveld; De Liefde, at Kijkduin; and Ruyter, in sight of Mount Etna.

Little is known among English-speaking people concerning the lives and achievements of these and other renowned Dutch seamen of the seventeenth century. It is therefore to be hoped that at a day not far distant, some author, duly equipped for the task, will present to the world a naval history embracing this era of Holland's glory upon the sea. ​ No two nations in Europe were more unlike in the essential qualities that form the character of a people than were Holland and Spain; yet there can be little doubt that the Spanish occupation of the Netherlands exerted a powerful influence upon the people of Holland. This was manifested in their manners and customs, as well as in their maritime affairs, which explains the design and

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A Dutch Man-of-War. 1670.

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It was quite natural, therefore, that a refined and wealthy people as the Hollanders were, living in a country situated upon an inland sea and intersected by waterways and canals,—the highways of commerce and travel,—should have had both their private and public conveyance by water. This was what the people did have; and this conveyance was called Jaght , from Jagen , meaning, originality, a boat drawn by horses (to-day Jaghers Garen means a towrope), and later a swift, light-built, handsomely furnished, and beautifully decorated vessel used either as a private pleasure-vessel or as a vessel of State, or of the Admiralty, or attached to an expedition or squadron. The English word yacht is derived from the Dutch Jaght , and, until late into the eighteenth century, was frequently written Yatch , Yatcht .

When the yacht came into existence in Holland the term applied to the vessel Jaght Schip . It denoted swiftness and probably, chasing or hunting; for the ancient yacht of Holland was put to a variety of uses. After a time, however, Schip was abandoned, Jaght only being used. From a Dutch-Latin dictionary, published at Antwerp in 1599, we trace the etymology of the word Jaght , which takes its root in Jaghen , meaning to hunt, to chase, to pursue, to strive after; rapid motion, haste, or hurry; also meaning to tow with horses. From ​ this is derived the slang word Jaghten , meaning to hurry up, to drive forward, to urge to greater speed; also the word Jaght —the chase, hunt, hunting.

Jaght was by no means applied exclusively to vessels; indeed, from the same authority we take the following definitions of the word: Jaght Hond , a hunting hound; Jaght Net , a hunting net; Jaght Perrd , a huntsman's or hunting horse; Jaght Horen , a hunting horn, trumpet, or clarion; Jaght Stock , a hunting staff or spear; Jaght Vogel , a hunting hawk.

In the above definitions we do not find any suggestion of the yacht as a vessel, but the same dictionary gives Jaght , Jaghte , Jaght Schip —a swift, light-built vessel of war, commerce, or pleasure,—a yacht.

Yacht Owned by the Burgomasters of Amsterdam in the Year 1600.

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The most ancient yacht of which diligent and careful research has been able to discover a portrait, is one that was owned by the burgomasters of Amsterdam about the year 1600. The original picture is executed by Rool, in India ink on parchment. Worn by age, it nevertheless gives the details of the hull and rig with the fidelity and minuteness for which the artists of Holland are justly famous. This yacht was probably used by the burgomasters in their various official duties afloat, to their great comfort and enjoyment: a portrait is also given of the yacht owned by Maurice of Nassau, the younger son of William the Silent, who died at The Hague on April 23, 1625.

In 1638 Queen Mary of France visited Holland, receiving a series of splendid ovations at the various cities en route . A representation of the review in her honor by the yachts of Amsterdam is here given.

Some particulars of the seventeenth-century yachts of Holland are given in the Dictionaire de Marine , published in Amsterdam, 1702. The measurements in this work are in the Rhenish foot of ​ 11 Rhenish inches, equal to 12.35652 English inches; the following being the dimensions for a small yacht: Length from stem to stern-post, 42 feet; breadth, 9 feet 4 inches; depth at the wale, 3 feet 8 ½ inches. The keel, or, as it was called, "sole," was 6 feet wide amidships, and 5 inches thick, being a combination of keel and garboards, and 30 feet long. The stern-post was 6 feet 4 inches in length, with 1 foot 5 ½ inches rake; 6 inches thick inside, and 4 inches outside; 8 inches wide at the head, and 3 feet six inches at the heel. The stem was 6 feet 6 inches high, and 10 feet 6 inches rake; 2 feet wide at the head, and 1 foot 2 inches where it joined the keel; 6 inches thick on the inside, and 4 inches on the outside, with 14 inches rounding. The planking was 2 inches thick, and the wale 4 inches thick, and 5 inches wide; the planking above the wale, 12 inches wide, and 1 ½ inches thick. The floor timbers were 4 ½ inches square, and 3 ½ inches at the wale. Yachts of this type were-steered with iron tillers, slightly curved, and were fitted with leaden pumps on both sides, to allow pumping on either tack.

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The State and Admiralty yachts varied in size. The work already quoted gives the particulars of one: 66 feet in length; 19 feet breadth; stern-post, 11 feet in length; 2 feet 3 inches rake; stem, 12 feet high, and 10 feet rake; keel, 54 feet in length, 12 inches wide, and 10 inches thick. The planking varied from 4 ½ to 3 inches in thickness, and ​ from 9 inches to 18 inches in width. The deck was raised 18 inches at a point 33 feet from the stem, and continued for 18 feet. This formed the captain's cabin; and aft where the deck was lowered it made a cockpit for the helmsman, and also afforded protection in stormy weather. The sails were hoisted by a windlass, placed against the mast.

The largest type of yacht belonged to the Dutch East India Company; it was ship-rigged, the same dictionary furnishing the following particulars of one of these yachts: Length, 115 feet from stem to stern-post; breadth, 27 feet 5 ½ inches; depth of hold, 11 feet 5 ½ inches; length of keel, 92 feet, 14 inches thick, and 16 inches wide. The stern-post was 19 feet 6 inches in length, with 3 feet 3 inches rake, 11 ½ inches thick inside, and 8 inches thick outside; 17 inches wide at the head, and 5 feet 4 inches wide at the heel; stem, 20 feet high; 20 feet rake; 2 feet 5 ½ inches wide at the head, and 3 feet 3 inches wide where it joined the keel; it was 11 ½ inches thick inside, and 8 inches outside, with scarph 5 feet long, held together by 8 copper bolts. The planking was 3 inches thick, and the floor-timbers, 9 inches square; 7 ½ inches square above the floor heads; 6 inches square at the wale, and 5 inches square above the wale. The ceiling was 3 inches thick; the stringers, 3 ½ inches thick; the deck-beams, 11 ½ inches square; the clamp of the deck-beams, 5 ½ inches thick; and the waterway clamp, 20 inches wide, and 4 inches thick.

Yacht Owned by Maurice of Nassau. 1625.

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Besides these, there was the Gouvernante Jaght , or Government yacht, used for the accommodation of the Government officials,—carrying Government dispatches, and the like. Then the Reiziger Jaght or Passenger yacht, used for conveying passengers.

The Dutch East India Company owned a variety of yachts, used by the officials for business or pleasure; frequently they were sent upon foreign voyages: sometimes alone, sometimes accompanying one or more ships.

The private yachts, however, were the most numerous and it is probable that at that period almost every one in Holland who could afford a yacht, owned one of some kind. They ranged in size and appointments from the modest Boeyer , of eighteen or twenty feet in length, to yachts of one hundred and fifty tons, equipped with every luxury of the time, and splendidly decorated.

Various portraits of these private yachts are here given. With these and others, together with particulars of construction, we fortunately are enabled to form a fairly accurate idea as to the yachts of ​ Holland at that period. From them originated the yachts of America and England.

No record states that the yachts of Holland ever raced, or that there were any yacht-clubs, although the Hollanders had mimic parades, in imitation of naval reviews and battles. An illustration is here given of "The Amsterdam Yachts enacting a battle on the occasion of the visit of Peter the Great, in 1697." An account of this celebration was published at Amsterdam in the same year, and reads as follows: "After the Muscovian Ambassy had seen all that captures the eyes and hearts of foreigners in the famous merchant-city of Amsterdam, the worthy Council of the city conceived the idea of representing to the Ambassy a mock fight, imitating a sea-fight, on the river Y , and therefore requested the amateurs of both the havens for yachts to kindly prepare themselves by the first of September; and in order that all might be properly arranged, the Admiral, Gillis Schey, for whom one of the yachts of the East India Company was provided, took command, and issued to the yachtsmen instructions whereby they might be guided:

"1. When the Admiral intends to go under sail with his squadron, he will hoist a blue flag under the Prince's flag at the top, and fire a gun.

"2. When the Admiral intends that the squadron shall be ranged, he will hoist the Prince's flag under the head of the gaff, and fire a gun.

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"4. When the Admiral thinks that the proper moment has come to attack the enemy, he will hoist a red flag under the Prince's flag, and fire a gun.

"5. When the Admiral thinks it advisable to cease the battle, he will hoist a white flag under the Prince's flag, and fire a gun.

"6. When the Admiral requires that the Dispatch yacht shall come near him to receive instructions, he will hoist a blue pennant half-high at the gaff, and fire a shot.

"There were also invited to be present another yacht of the East India Company, a yacht of the West India Company, and a yacht of Friesland."

On September 1, 1697, "at half-past two in the afternoon, the fleet went out under sail, accompanied by four tenders (probably small yachts to represent the yachts attached to a fleet in actual battle), wherein one hundred volunteers were placed, mostly young men—sons of prominent burgers—well-provided with muskets. The fleet began very well directed manœuvres; and, after having kept their course for some time, they passed alongside one another in perfect line, firing their cannon with great energy, the charges being enlarged a great deal, to give more show and importance to the battle. The Blanwhoofd carried eleven extra guns; the Keerweer eleven, and the Amstellburg sixteen.

"The houses of the surrounding villages trembled during the heavy cannonade. Between, was heard the discharge of the muskets of the volunteers, as ​ often as the yacht with the Ambassy on board was passed.

"The whole river Y, as far as the eye could see, was covered with all kinds of vessels, filled with people who had come out of curiosity to see this rare and beautiful spectacle. At the same time, notwithstanding the large number of craft wherefrom some disaster might be expected, all was conducted in perfect order, and the positions of the


vessels so well kept, that the people, who filled both yacht-harbors and the dikes as far as Schillingwen and Nieuwendam, could not refrain from expressing their astonishment.

"The closing-in of the evening ended the battle, the Ambassy expressing perfect pleasure at all they had witnessed."

The Amsterdam Yachts Enacting a Battle Scene on the Occasion of the Visit of Peter the Great. 1697.

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It seems quite absurd to think of these ancient yachts as having been built for speed, yet such is the fact. And while no record can be traced of

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their having sailed in matches, they no doubt had contests of speed quite as exciting,—chasing smugglers and pirates, carrying dispatches, and being under the guns of an enemy. ​ To place the yacht of Holland in true relation to the vessels of her time, the portrait of a Dutch trading-craft, not constructed especially for speed, is here given. It is called a Damlooper , the type existing to the present day.

At this period, the yachts of Holland, whose portraits are reproduced, with the exception of the ship, are all of the Sloepe rig, from which is derived the English word, sloop, together with the American sloop and British cutter-rig. This subject is one of interest to yachtsmen, hence we will trace the evolution of these rigs under the different conditions and requirements which existed in America and England. For the present we will take up the rig as it first appeared in Holland.

The sloop was originally a boat carried by a vessel. An illustration of one of them is here given. By degrees, sloops were built larger, until the sloop became a sea-going vessel of considerable tonnage.

The Dictionaire de Marine , published in 1702, and previously referred to, gives the following description of the various kinds of sloops then in use:

A Sloop . 1675.

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​ The following is the description of a sloop 32 feet in length: 8 feet 9 inches breadth; 2 feet 3 inches deep below the gunwale. The length of the keel was 25 feet 6 inches. The keel, or sole , was 5 feet three inches wide, and 2 inches thick; floor-timbers, 3 inches by 2 inches; spaced, 1 foot 6 inches; stem, 6 feet 5 inches high; 4 feet 9 inches rake; 13 inches wide at head, 10 inches at bottom, 3 inches on fore-side, and 4 inches on after-side; stern-post, 5 feet 9 inches high, 1 foot 10 inches rake, 2 feet wide at heel, 1 foot at head, 7½ inches on fore-side, and 1½ inches on the after-side. Sloops of this kind were carried by ships; and used to run out anchors, to bring off water and provisions, and generally used as tenders. Here we find a similarity between the sloop and cutter; as a cutter may also be a ship's boat or a powerful sea-going vessel.

Another class of sloop was length over all 42 feet; breadth, 9 feet; keel, or sole , 7 feet wide; stem, 5 feet 6 inches high, and 6½ feet 6 inches rake; stern-post, 7 feet high and 2 feet rake. These sloops were rigged with two masts: mainmast, 24 feet long; gaff, 12 feet 6 inches, and main-boom 21 feet long; foremast, 15 feet long; gaff, 10 feet; boom, 11 feet 6 inches long. It will be noticed that these vessels carried no bowsprit. From this, too, it appears that a sloop of that date, and during the seventeenth century, sometimes carried two masts.

The largest sloops, which sailed to the Cape Verd Islands, were in length 55 feet; breadth, 12 feet 6 inches; stem, 8 feet 6 inches; and stern-post, 9 feet 6 inches high. ​ From the dictionary already quoted and published at Antwerp, 1599, we find Sloepe , Sloepken ,—a little ship, skiff, or boat. It therefore seems probable that at this early period the term Sloepe was applied more to the type of vessel than to the rig. By degrees, as rigs multiplied among small craft, a single-masted vessel in Holland became known as a Sloepe —the germ of the American sloop and British cutter-rig. Along diverging lines these developed until they became quite distinct in every essential detail of hull, spars, sails and rigging.

It will be noticed that all of the yachts whose portraits are here given, with the exception of the ship, carry lee-boards. The Dictionaire de Marine (1702), gives the following description of the leeboard:"The lee-board is made of three boards laid over one another, and cut in the shape of the sole of a shoe, or of a half oval. The bylanders and hookers use them for sailing close-hauled, and generally these vessels have two lee-boards hanging on either of their sides. If one wishes to sail close hauled, the lee-board, which is on the lee side, is lowered into the water, and thus prevents the vessel from falling off; the other lee-board remains hanging against the weather-side. Lee-boards are of very general use in navigation on inland waters, but at sea they are now—1702—seldom seen unless on a few square boeiers, some light galeots, or small fishing-boats."

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"On coming alongside, Ruiz found several Indians, both men and women, on board, some with rich ornaments on their persons, besides several articles wrought with considerable skill in gold and silver which they were carrying for purposes of traffic to different places along the coast. But what most attracted his attention was the woolen cloth of which some of their dresses were made. It was of a fine texture, delicately embroidered with figures of birds and flowers, and dyed in brilliant colors. He also observed in the boat a pair of balances, made to weigh the precious metals. His astonishment at these proofs of ingenuity and civilization, so much higher than anything he had ever seen in the country, was heightened by the intelligence which he collected from some of these Indians.

"In a short notice of this expedition, written apparently at the time of it, or soon after, a minute specification is given of several articles found in the balsa; among them are mentioned vases and mirrors of burnished silver, and curious fabrics, both cotton and woolen,"

A Gouvernante Jaght, or Government Yacht.

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In looking over the narratives of voyages of the early Dutch navigators, frequent mention of yachts are met with.

In 1598 some merchants of Holland fitted out an expedition to cruise in the South Seas against the Spaniards, among them were Peter Van Beveren, Hugo Gerritz, and John Bennick. The fleet consisted of the Maurice , Admiral Oliver Van Noort, the Henry Fredric , Captain James Glaasz; yachts, Concord , Captain Peter Van Lint, and Hope , Captain John Huidecoope. These vessels sailed from Rotterdam, June 28, 1598, and, after capturing several Spanish galleons, and sailing around the globe, "arrived safely before the City of Rotterdam," August 26, 1601.

June 27, 1598, a fleet, consisting of the Hope , 500 tons; Faith , 320 tons; Charity , 300 tons; Fidelity , 220 tons and the yacht Merry Messenger , 150 tons, sailed from Rotterdam, under command of Admiral De Weert, "being provided with all manner of provisions and ammunition, with cannon, money, merchandise and all necessaries whatever for a long voyage." It proceeded through the Straits of Magellan, thence across the Pacific, and home by way of the Cape of Good Hope, arriving at Rotterdam May 13, 1600.

​ In 1598 the Dutch East India Company sent out six great ships and two yachts for India, under command of Cornelius Hemskike, which sailed out of the Texel on the 1st of May, "and coming to-gether to the Cape of Good Hope in August, were separated by a terrible storm. Four of them and a yacht put into the Isle of Maurice, east of Madagascar; the other two ships and yacht put into the Isle of St. Mary, to the east of Madagascar, where they made stay, but sailing thence, arrived on the 26th of November, 1598, before Bantam; and a month after them came the other four ships and yacht from the Island Maurice."

In 1614 Admiral Spilbergen, "a man of established reputation for his knowledge in maritime affairs" sailed in command of a fleet fitted out by the Dutch East India Company, composed of the Great Sun , Full Moon , Huntsman , and yacht Sea Mew , all of Amsterdam, and the Aeolus of Zeeland, and Morning Star of Rotterdam. They sailed out of the Texel, August 8th, with a strong gale from the southeast, and proceeded to the coast of South America, thence through the Straits of Magellan, capturing and plundering the Spanish ships that they fell in with, until July 10, 1615, when they sighted eight vessels which proved to be the Royal Fleet of Spain, commanded by Admiral Roderigo de Mendoza. A fierce battle ensued, in which the yacht Sea Mew , sunk the admiral's ship St. Francis , the remainder of the Spanish fleet, consisting of the Jesu Maria , St. Anne , Carmelite , St. James , Rosery , St. Andrew , ​ and St. Mary being either destroyed or captured.

Other instances might be cited of the Dutch yachts of this period sailing upon distant and perilous voyages; historical records establish the fact beyond doubt or question.

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What is a Yacht? History, Types of Yachts, Styles, and Sizes

In this article, we explain the definition, history and origin of the word yacht, and break down some of the more common types of yachts along with various styles and sizes.

Yacht Definition & Origin

The word yacht comes from the Dutch word “jacht”, which means to hunt, and refers to the quick and lightweight sailboats the Dutch navy used to pursue pirates and other enemies in shallow waters. Today, the word takes on a very different meaning. While there is no strict definition of the word today, a yacht is generally considered as a boat used for pleasure, whether you’re cruising open waters, racing or island-hopping for the weekend. Typically, we consider a boat to be a yacht if it has an overnight cabin onboard, is more than 33 feet long, and generally looks nicer than your average vessel.

Pleasure boats have been around for hundreds of years, which is no surprise when you consider our options for transportation around that time. Without planes, cars, bikes or scooters, humans turned to the one form of transportation they knew well for pleasure – the ship.

Sailing Yacht History

Sailing yachts have been a thing since at least the beginning of the 1660s in Europe, when King James of England commissioned a sailing yacht for his son Henry, the Prince of Wales. But it was Charles II, the Kind of Scotland, who brought the term “yacht” into the mainstream after spending time exiled in the Netherlands. Once Charles got home, he began commissioning royal yachts left and right.

Steam Yacht History

Steam Yachts also have quite the history, which started as massive and luxurious sailing yachts with steam auxiliary engines. These yachts were much larger, and carried full crews complete with a cook, captain, engineer, stewards and deck hands. By the late 1700s, screw propellers were installed and the engines became far more efficient. Eventually, compound engines came about and persisted until the internal combustion took over.

Power Yacht History

Powerboats with 4-stroke gas engines were first developed by Nicolaus Otto and Gottlieb Daimler in 1876. Then in the 1900s, diesel engines became the more popular option because of their lower cost and improved reliability.

Yacht Types

Today, yachts fall into one of two general categories – sailing yachts and motor yachts.

Sailing Yachts

A sailing yacht is a leisure craft that relies on its sails for the primary method of movement, made from natural, synthetic or carbon fibers. Sailing yachts are split into two main categories: cruisers and raisers.

Cruising Yachts

A cruising yacht is designed for comfort above anything else. These yachts are ideal for overnight and lengthy journeys, typically equipped with all the comforts of home, including full kitchens (galleys), bathrooms (heads) and beds. They’re also designed to be slightly easier to maintain.

At the smaller end, we have what’s called as a “trailer sailer”. These yachts are generally shorter than 25 feet, and can be pulled by the average car. But anything shorter than 33 feet is considered a small sailing yacht. The next level is 33-45 feet, referred to as near-shore yachts. Offshore yachts are the largest category, including vessels larger than 45 feet.

Racing Yachts

A racing yacht is designed with performance top of mind, rather than comfort. World Sailing, the governing body for the sport of international sailing, recognizes 11 different classes of sailing yachts, but each share some general characteristics.

On a racing yacht, aerodynamics is prioritized. These yachts come in a variety of shapes and weights, but performance is the underlying motivation for all. Similar to aerodynamics but underwater, hydrodynamically efficient hulls allow boats to pull through the water with minimal drag or extra motion. Finally, for peak performance, these sailing yachts typically use full-battened Kevlar or carbon fiber sails.

Motor Yachts

Motor yachts come in all shapes and sizes, built with a variety of different materials. Generally speaking, they range from 30-130 feet in length, but there are superyachts out there exceeding 500 feet (that’s over 150 metres!).

The hull of a motor yachts comes in three basic styles. A yacht with a full-displacement hull moves the water up and away, creating waves. These boats have the potential to be plenty powerful, but their speed is limited. Semi-displacement hulls are slightly faster, because they’re able to partially rise above the water. Last are the yachts with a planing hull. These yachts are the fastest, because of a flat underside and enough power to lift them onto the surface of the water.

The majority of modern motor yachts have at least one diesel engine. A boat with two engines is certainly more expensive, but well worth it when you consider the reliability and increased handling/performance.

When it comes to motor yacht styles, there are many. Here’s a brief introduction to a few different motor yacht styles:

  • Sport Motor Yacht : These powerful crafts are built with a semi-displacement and planing hulls, making them fast boats great for weekend adventures and short trips.
  • Trawler Motor Yacht : A trawler is known for its more traditional style with a displacement hull, designed for medium distance passage-making.
  • Cruising Motor Yacht : A cruising yacht is built for comfortable longer distance travel, equipped with a displacement hull.
  • Expedition Yacht : Similar to a cruising motor yacht, expedition yachts are built with a displacement hull for long distances, but these crafts specialize in passage-making in remote areas.
  • Mega Luxury Yachts : The mega luxury yachts is what you see and hear about on TV and in magazines. They’re hundred of feet long, designed for dozens of family and friends, and reserved for the super-rich.
  • Sports Fisherman Yacht : These yachts have semi-displacement or planing hulls for quick fishing trips where you need to be able to move well. On a sports fisherman yacht, there will also be extra space for fishing gear and large fish.
  • Lobster Yacht : A lobster yacht is similar to but quicker than a trawler, built with a semi-displacement or planing hull. These yachts get their name from their unique style – looking like classic Maine lobster boats.

If you’re looking for a new yacht, browse our current listings of sailing and motor yachts at Van Isle Marina. You can also visit us in Sidney at 2320 Harbour Road to see our stock in person, and our staff will be happy to help you out.

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For yacht definition there have been expressed different views. Many continue to disagree and argue their own position on what is a yacht . Nevertheless everyone will certainly agree on one thing. In any case it concerns a “pleasure craft” or else yacht is a “recreational vessel”.

The yacht definition in a phrase is: “any watercraft which features accommodation and used solely for pleasure, be it leisure or races or even a getaway”.

Formerly the yacht definition had narrower content. Nowadays, yacht is any vessel intended for pleasure which can accommodate people. And yet the origin of the word had to do with harsh necessity rather than pleasure. But how was this change? Let’s navigate a while into history!

The term YACHT is originated from the obsolete Dutch word “jaght”, which comes from the Middle Saxon “jacht” meaning hunt or to pursue, which is also the short for jachtschip which means hunting ship / ship for chasing. “Jacht” has Proto-Germanic root just like German “Jäger” which means hunter.

Yacht definition originates from the jaght of King Charles II of England

The arrival of King Charles II of England in Rotterdam, May 24 1660

She was a swift lightweight chasing vessel which was used by authorities in the coastal parts of the Low Countries by the Sea to pursue outlaws (1) . During the 17th century has been used by the Dutch as a recreational vessel (2) as well as in informal improvised races both in the Netherlands and in their establishment in North America, which later renamed New York. Such a vessel was used in 1660 for the transfer of the Merry Monarch (Charles II) from Scheveningen of The Hague, United Netherlands in Dover, England following the resolution of the English Parliament to proclaim him king and invite him to return.

Until fairly recently yachts were considered as large and luxurious vessels for the personal use and entertainment of important and wealthy persons. The starting point of this perception is claimed to be that by selecting an important person as Charles II the particular vessel for the carriage of, in connection with such an important purpose as the resumption of his crown, remained in the English perception of that era and therefore into the language, that this foreign watercraft is a vessel for important people. In a public speech, Charles praised the “jaght” which was given to him as a gift at Breda during his exile (3) . Charles and his brother the Duke of York James II, built similar vessels. Particularly two of them competed for prize at the Thames. In deed it was from this royal family that sailing for pleasure was spread between the nobility and the wealthy in England.

Cleopatra's Barge

Cleopatra’s Barge

Dutch and English carried on this luxurious pleasure to America. There in Massachusetts, later on in 1816 the recreational vessel Cleopatra’s Barge was built. With this yacht the matter of opulence and luxury ascended to another level. Out of this level the standards for construction of yachts in the coming years were set.

As regards to the shipbuilding type, pleasure vessels did not remain on the lines of the Dutch craft. As early as the starting point of the new lifestyle they followed other known lines of the era as well such as schooners, brigantines and cutters.

From the mid-19th century onwards, transition happens from sail-powered to steam-powered vessels and from the use of wood to the use metal in the construction. Steam engines emerge and afterwards internal combustion engines. The machines start to be used also in the yachts as were in the naval and the merchant ships. At the beginning machines are installed along with sails that remain for a few years as a backup means of propulsion. The new means of propulsion require storage for fuel and reinforced structure. Consequently pleasure vessels are built large to very large and very luxurious also. Therefore these yachts belonged to the private property of very rich people.

Steam Yacht

Steam Yacht

In the same period, i.e. from mid-19th century and then, begin to appear in publicity feats with particularly small watercrafts. Their skipper alone and unaided (single handed) sails long distances at the high seas, like the Channel crossing, the Atlantic crossing or even circumnavigating the world. Alongside, books are issued with regards to this kind of adventures at sea. This way it is propagated that small vessels are seaworthy. Small yachts win popularity while many are getting inspired to try yachting. From the time of the Great Depression and after, there has been a reduction in the construction of large and expensive yachts. The trend henceforth is toward the smaller yachts. From there and beyond and in particular from the mid-20th century onwards more and more small size yachts appear. The reason is that as the yacht’s size decreases, the construction cost is reduced at a faster rate than the rate at which the size decreases. Further to this, from the 80s and after they were developed construction methods under which the cost per unit of production was increasingly reduced. The new construction methods use new materials such as fiberglass, and deploy mass production processes based on standard designs. On the other hand there has been a substantial rise in the standards of living, mainly in Western Europe and North America. As a result, there has been more available income for allocation to more affordable in terms of construction cost yachts, either in the form of acquisition or in the form of rental. In this way we saw the considerable flourishing of a new form of holidays and tourism with chartered yachts.

Yachting today is affordable for everyone, especially aboard a yacht rental.

Yachting today is affordable for everyone, especially aboard a yacht rental.

Consequently yacht definition widened from the narrow confines of the large and luxurious pleasure vessel. Now it includes any vessel meant for pleasure which features accommodation. And this is regardless of the primary means of propulsion that can be the sails or the engine of.

So let’s stake out yacht definition: The word emanated from a relatively small and manoeuvrable type of vessel. That vessel was above all very fast because her purpose was to chase other vessels. In the 17th century she was used in competitions where the objective was the speed and the story was the persecution. This and other types were used by important and wealthy persons for pleasure in general. They were built in larger sizes and with great luxury because cost was not an issue for their owners. The more the luxury and the comfort the yachts had the more they were losing their racing character. From the mid-19th century and then small yachts start to appear. These yachts combine the racing character with the recreation prospect providing at least comfortable accommodation if not luxury. By the second half of the 20th century and after the small vessels offering cruising speed and comfort are greatly increased. Nowadays they predominate numerically over the very large and luxurious ones due to the greater acquisition possibilities of by many more people. Well, all these are yachts!

Mega Yacht

The prevalent element in yacht definition which differentiates her from other vessels, perhaps the unique one, is the kind of use. That is to say, whether used for personal pleasure, something which includes accommodation and at least basic amenities and thence and beyond merely recreational cruise or race. Flagrant example is that following the termination of second World War many individuals bought small warships and turned them into yachts. Therefore a vessel is defined as yacht not just by the design of, but mainly by the way it is used.

Today you don’t need to have high incomes so to enjoy aboard a yacht. No need to buy because you can rent a yacht for a few days and be entertained in any sea of the planet you want. Yachts built for offshore sailing are safe in all sizes. Moreover they provide a wealth of amenities that previously would have been considered a great luxury.

Let’s contemplate that in 1492 Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas onto his flagship that was just 58 feet or 17.7 meters. We easily realize that the board size that once served the necessities of trade, war, and expansion of hinterland through discoveries, today is a common size for navigable pleasure. Today, we can easily enjoy sailing holidays and we can live regally in the terms of once upon, even for a few days.

So we managed to fit all pleasure crafts (or almost all) within yacht definition. If someone wants to know more about what exactly is included today in yacht definition should look for the types of sailing yachts of catamaran yachts and of motor yachts.


Yacht definition notes:

  • Under the name “jaght” there were also other types of Dutch crafts. One example is the armed three-masted merchant vessel that was used in the 17th century on routes to and from the East Indies. Another example is the “d’Halve Maen” with which Henry Hudson explored in 1609 for the northwest passage of America.
  • Pleasure crafts have existed among all seafarer nations from the depths of history. Yet here we look at the origin of the word yacht and what is included into yacht definition.
  • The jaght was commissioned by the Dutch East India Company. Charles II named her “Mary” in the honor of his sister.

Further reading:

Click on the picture to find more about yacht definition

What is a yacht and what isn’t included in this term: What vessels today meet the conditions to be classified as yachts.

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From Sailors to Socialites: The Evolution of Yacht Culture

Table of Contents

History of Yacht Culture

To uncover the origin and evolution of yacht culture, delve into this section discussing its history. Gain insight into the sails-to-socialites narrative by learning about the origins of yachts, and exploring the development of yachting as a competitive sport.

Origins of Yachts

The roots of the yacht culture date back to the 17th century. Rich merchants and aristocrats began buying luxurious boats, known as yachts, for leisure and sailing races. In 1661, King Charles II of England commissioned a pleasure yacht. 1815 saw the first official yacht racing event in England, which became trend among the wealthy.

The America’s Cup race in 1851 introduced sleeker, faster yachts with advanced design.

The word “yacht” is from the Dutch “jacht” , meaning “hunt”. It was originally used for light vessels that sailed quickly to catch pirates and smugglers.

The biggest privately owned yacht in the world is owned by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich . It is called Eclipse and is 162.5 meters long.

It looks like yacht owners are taking their leisurely sailing to another level with cutthroat competitions.

Development of Yachting as a Competitive Sport

Sailing has been a thing since ages ago, but it wasn’t until the late 1700s that yachting as a competitive sport started to emerge. Here’s a look at its development.

Year Details
1660 First yacht club in Cork, Ireland
1720 King George II holds regatta between schooners
1815 First America’s Cup race
1898 International Yacht Racing Union (IYRU) formed
1924 Yachting in Olympics

Back in 1660 , the first yacht club was founded in Cork, Ireland. King George II built on this by hosting schooner races in 1720 . The America’s Cup made its debut in 1815 and the IYRU was formed in 1898 . Finally, yachting was included in the Olympic Games in 1924 .

Other folks have different opinions about when yachting got competitive. In England in the 1800s, people would race their fishing vessels between harbors. This led to competitions between those with private sailing ships.

No matter how it began, yachting turned into a global phenomenon. It still has the competitive edge today with events like the America’s Cup and Olympic sailing. Plus, owning a yacht is even better with a friend who has one.

The Rise of Yachting as a Leisure Activity

To understand how yachting became a popular leisure activity, delve into ‘The Rise of Yachting as a Leisure Activity’ with ‘Yacht Clubs and Social Status’ and ‘The Golden Era of Yacht Parties’ as solution briefly.

Yacht Clubs and Social Status

Yacht Clubs are now a sign of luxury and high social standing. These exclusive clubs offer a lavish way to explore the sea. Membership can be limited, and pricey. But they provide VIP access to events like regattas and ocean races, as well as a unique boat community.

Yacht Clubs are more than just boats. They offer fine dining, spas, bars, and even accommodation – a lifestyle for those who can afford it. Yacht owners show off their boats with pride and host amazing parties.

Yacht racing is becoming popular among members. This sport needs top-notch team coordination and the thrill of competing with other experts from around the world.

To get the prestige and benefits of a yacht club , it could be worth investing in a top-notch boat. Fractional ownership is a good option. This involves multiple owners sharing maintenance costs.

The Golden Era of Yacht Parties

The affluent class in the early 20th century became infatuated with yachting parties, triggering a new era of leisure. These parties were unlike traditional social gatherings – they took place on elite vessels, with music, food and drinks flowing. This set a standard of luxury that lives on today.

Shipbuilders created sleeker, more intricate yacht designs for the growing demand. And boat races, regattas and other events featured the most expensive boats ever made.

Yachting now has little resemblance to its earlier days. Luxuries like on-board spas, Jacuzzis, gourmet kitchens, and cinemas make it an all-in-one experience.

Anyone can enjoy this unique escapade with excellent service providers and tour operators offering high-end cruises to places like Monaco and St. Tropez. But if you really crave exclusivity, try the yacht club on a private island – if you can afford it!

The Current State of Yacht Culture

To understand the current state of yacht culture and to look ahead into the industry’s future, delve into exciting sub-sections – modern yacht design and technology, and the future of yacht culture encompassing sustainability and accessibility.

Modern Yacht Design and Technology

Yachting has been revolutionized by modern design and tech. The latest yachts boast sleek, contemporary looks and lightweight materials like carbon fiber. Plus, they’re packed with high-tech features like 3D printing, CAD technology, composite materials, and automated systems.

Onboard, you’ll find everything from swimming pools to helicopter pads, cinemas, full-sized spas, and grand pianos. Plus, new eco-friendly tech helps reduce their environmental footprint.

So don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to experience a luxurious voyage with the latest in yacht design and tech. Book your next journey now!

The Future of Yacht Culture: Sustainability and Accessibility

Yacht culture’s future is linked with sustainability and accessibility. People have become aware of the environmental impact of their actions, including those in the yachting industry. Technology now makes it easier to be eco-friendly while still having a luxurious experience. More people are getting to experience yacht culture due to increased accessibility.

Sustainability is making great progress. For example, Oceanco recently launched a superyacht with an innovative electric propulsion system. Technology is shaping the future of yachting in terms of sustainability.

Accessibility has become a priority in yacht culture. People want to share their experiences and allow others to join them. Many companies now offer budget-friendly charters.

Exclusivity was once everything, but not anymore. The tragic sinking of RMS Titanic in 1912 highlighted this – there were not enough lifeboats, and only wealthy passengers had access to them. This event has improved safety aboard ships.

In conclusion, yacht culture’s future with sustainability and accessibility aims to improve socio-economic equality, environmental conservation, and tourism. It is providing job opportunities and other benefits for indigenous communities around the world. It also caters hospitality services for all classes. From Monaco to Ibiza, yacht culture’s destinations have something for everyone.

The Evolution of Yacht Culture Across the Globe

To understand the evolution of yacht culture across the globe, delve into yachting in Europe, North America, and Asia. From the Mediterranean to the Baltic, Europe has a rich history of yachting. In North America, yachting is prominent in popular destinations such as the Caribbean and New England. Meanwhile, Asia’s yacht culture has burgeoned in countries like Dubai and Phuket.

Yachting in Europe: From the Mediterranean to the Baltic

Yachting is evolving across Europe! From the Mediterranean to the Baltic, there’s diverse scenery for both competitive sailing and leisure cruising.

In search of beauty, yachtsmen have gone to explore exotic Aegean islands, Croatia’s stunning coastline, and Finland’s crystal blue waters. During summer, the northern sea’s chilly winds offer a great challenge for sailors .

The Amalfi Coast in Italy is gaining popularity. Here, picturesque hillside vineyards and white sandy beaches create a memorable backdrop. Plus, Sardinia is a great place to discover culture and pristine landscapes.

The Azimut Benetti Group based in Viareggio is one of the world’s largest yacht builders . They even make boats for celebrities like Jay-Z and Jennifer López!

Yachting is now America’s favorite pastime – from the Caribbean to New England.

Yachting in North America: From the Caribbean to New England

Yachting fans in North America can explore various lush spots. From the Caribbean’s warmth and culture to New England’s scenic regions. The table below shows the popular sites, amenities, and marina fees for yachting in North America.

Destination Amenities Marina fees
Caribbean Beaches, nightlife, watersports Expensive
Florida Keys Fishing, diving, quaint towns Moderate
Chesapeake Bay Scenic vistas, historic sites Affordable
Newport Regattas, fine dining, mansions Expensive

There are also many unique, undiscovered places . From Maine’s small towns to Canada’s rugged coasts. In ancient times, boats were mainly used for transportation and fishing. It wasn’t until the mid-19th century that recreational boating became famous among affluent Americans seeking new experiences in nature. Nowadays, yachts are seen as status symbols by many prosperous individuals in North America and beyond.

Whether you’re staying in lavish waterfront accommodations or sailing your own vessel, yachting culture will keep changing – as technology advances and people’s lifestyle preferences change. And if you want to feel rich and famous on a budget, Phuket is the place for you.

Yachting in Asia: From Dubai to Phuket

The yachting scene in Asia is booming! Dubai and Phuket are two of the most popular spots for yacht enthusiasts. Dubai’s marinas have some of the most luxurious superyachts in the world. Phuket’s bays are filled with secret coves and exclusive beaches.

Singapore is now a hub for luxury yacht events and exhibitions. Bali’s lush green scenery and pristine beaches draw many yachts. Japan’s Okinawa archipelago is a hidden gem. It’s clear waters are home to coral reefs and marine life. Fishing villages give an insight into local culture.

Consult cruising guides or professional yacht service providers before setting sail. Safety should always be a priority. Rich people can have problems too – that’s what yacht culture proves .

Conclusion: The Role of Yacht Culture in Today’s Society.

Yacht culture is key in today’s luxurious lifestyles. From its roots in naval exploration to sailing for fun, and now being a symbol of affluence, the evolution of yachting is remarkable. It’s become popular as a status symbol and owning one is connected to prestige, exclusivity, and access to the high life. This trend looks set to stay in the 21st century.

Yachting is popular for those with the funds, and it’s not just sailing anymore; it’s a scene, with networking, cocktail parties, and unique events on the vessels.

Yachting wouldn’t be what it is without centuries of nautical advances . Explorers sought adventure and knowledge, such as Columbus’ 1492 voyage to America . Navigational systems cut travel time across oceans. Yacht culture has moved from being used for transportation to being a representation of wealth and luxury .

It’s a testament to human ingenuity and creativity to adapt and make new experiences on land and sea.

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History of Yachting

History of the Yacht

By: American Sailing Sailing History

When does a boat become a yacht? One answer has always been, you can tell a yacht when you see one. But, It really has nothing to do with size of the boat, weight of the boat, its style, sleeping quarters, heads, tillers, or a wheel. A yacht is a boat that was designed for the express pleasure of its owner.

The yacht is an invention of the 14th century Dutch. The Dutch used small, fast boats for chasing smugglers, pirates and criminals. Rich ship owners and merchants began using these small “ jaghts ” to sail out to celebrate their returning merchant ships. It quickly became chic to use these “ jaghts ” to take friends out just for pleasure.

Mary / King Charles II

“ Mary ” was presented to King Charles II by the Dutch in 1660.

Charles II of England spent 10 years in exile in Holland before he was returned to the English throne in 1660. His return to the throne was celebrated by the city of Amsterdam, presenting him with a luxurious 60’ yacht including a crew of 20. Her name was Mary. He took great pleasure in sailing her up and down the Thames. He studied navigation and even naval architecture and he built approximately 20 yachts during his lifetime. It can be said that he was the world’s first yachtsman. His enthusiasm for yachting was contagious and his brother James, Duke of York, joined him and also became an avid yachtsman as well.

As always when there are two sailboats on the water a race ensues. Soon the first organized regatta was planned as a 40-mile race on the Thames. It took place in 1661 between Katherine , Charles’s newly constructed yacht and Anne , the Duke of York’s new yacht with Charles himself at the helm Katherine won and a new sport was born.

Yachting stayed the Sport of Kings for over a century, but by the 1800s yachting had grown to included participants of more than just the crown heads of Europe. The worlds wealthiest had joined in. Yacht Clubs were forming. The first yacht club in the world, called the Cork Water Club , was established in Ireland in 1720, followed the Lough Ree Yacht Club in 1770 (again in Ireland), and the Starcross Yacht Club in 1772 in England.

Cowes Castle. 1801.

Cowes Castle became the headquarters of the Royal Yacht Squadron around 1858.

Probably the most famous of all the English yacht clubs the The Royal Yacht Squadron was founded on June 1, 1815 in the Thatched House Tavern in St James’s, London as The Yacht Club by 42 gentlemen interested in yachting.

Across the pond the New York Yacht Club (NYYC) was started on July 30, 1844 when John Cox Stevens invited eight friends to his yacht Gimcrack , anchored in New York Harbor. They formed a syndicate to build a yacht with the intention of taking her to England and making some money competing in yachting regattas and match races. They choose to build a Pilot style Schooner to represent the club; at the time there was no faster design!

Pilot Schooners would lie at anchor in the inner harbor of New York City and wait for the behmoth square rigged Clippers carrying goods between America and Europe. The Pilot Boats purpose was to guide the huge square riggers that would appear at the entrance to New York Harbor’s Verazno Straights, to a berth in the City. The Schooners had to be fast to make a living. First one to the cargo ship got the job second got nothing.

The syndicate contracted with master schooner designer George Steers for a 101 ft (30.78 m) schooner which was christened America and launched on the 3 of May 1851. America crossed the Atlantic on her own bottom that year and challenged all of England’s fastest yachts to a match race. No yachts were willing to race her. Finally, America joined a free-for-all on Friday, August 22, around the Isle of Wight, racing against 15 yachts of the Royal Yacht Squadron in the club’s annual 53-nautical-mile (98 km) race around the Isle of Wight. Finishing 8 minutes ahead of its closest rival. America had won the Royal Yacht Squadron’s “ Hundred Guinea Cup “, later called the America’s Cup in honor of the yacht that won it.

The Yacht America

The Yacht America

Watching the race was Queen Victoria, who supposedly inquired, “ Which is first? ” Told it was America , she asked, “ Which is second? ” “ Ah, Your Majesty, there is no second, ” was the reply. Or so the story goes. The NYYC defended that trophy from 1870-1983. This has been described by journalists as “ the longest winning streak in sports “.

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  16. yacht, n. meanings, etymology and more

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    Brief History of Yachts. The word yacht came from jaght, a Dutch word. Its original meaning refers to the fast and light boats that the Dutch Navy used to hunt and catch pirates during the early 1600s. King Charles the Second used one to return to England from his exile in the Netherlands in 1660. Word quickly spread out that this type of water ...

  23. History of the Yacht & the Origins of Recreational Sailing

    The yacht is an invention of the 14th century Dutch. The Dutch used small, fast boats for chasing smugglers, pirates and criminals. Rich ship owners and merchants began using these small " jaghts " to sail out to celebrate their returning merchant ships. It quickly became chic to use these " jaghts " to take friends out just for pleasure.