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METAL BOATS For Blue Water Introduction | Which Metal...? | Aesthetics & Hull Form | Design Features Scantling Calcs & Framing | Advantages of NC Cutting | Corrosion Protection | Conclusion   Introduction This essay is intended to bring to light a few of the issues surrounding the use of metal for boats. You can access any of the specific topics via the links above. While the pros and cons of various metals expressed here are quite relevant to one's choice of hull material, they are also central to the actual process of designing and building in metal, whether one chooses in favor of steel, aluminum, copper nickel, monel, stainless, or what have you... The following is therefore not solely aimed at potential metal boat owners, but also at boat builders and designers who may wish to make better use of metal as a structural material for boats.   Which Metal...? One of the primary choices one will face when considering metal is just which metal to use, where to use it, and what metals are best suited to each vessel type . To begin the discussion, here are a few brief thoughts with regard to steel versus aluminum. If an existing boat design is being considered, in other words a vessel that already has a fixed hull shape, then we can very generally observe the following: In terms of sea kindliness, some boats may be better if built in steel, due mainly to the extreme lightness of aluminum, which in some hulls may result in a more active / harsh motion. This is the case to a greater degree with larger boats or very beamy boats. Provided that the design has adequate displacement and stability to carry the added structural weight, boats in general will have a more gentle motion at sea if built in steel. This is not only due to the additional weight, but also to the distribution of that weight towards the perimeter, resulting in a greater roll moment of inertia. On the other hand, somewhat narrower or lighter displacement boats will often be best if constructed of aluminum. They'll generally have a narrower waterplane, and so less inherent shape stability. Therefore, due to having a relatively narrower waterline, they will react less avidly to the water's surface contours (waves), and will have a relatively easier motion at sea. In order to have sufficient stability, weight must be kept down, favoring an aluminum structure. It is usually a simple matter to adapt a steel vessel design to being built in aluminum, since the resulting vessel will have a lower center of gravity and enhanced stability (less structural weight, more ballast). But a design that has been optimized for aluminum construction will not ordinarily be able to be built in steel, due to the substantially greater weight of structure. The exception is an aluminum vessel that has been designed with relatively heavier displacement than needed. If we were to start from scratch and create a new design, we have the chance to optimize the hull form to take best advantage of the preferred material. With steel , we must design a hull with sufficient displacement to carry the structure. At 490 pounds per cubic foot, the weight of a steel structure adds up very quickly indeed. For smaller vessels, say below around 35 feet, this makes for a fairly heavy displacement. In larger sizes, say above 40 feet, one can make excellent use of steel. Above 45 feet and steel structure begins to come into its own. Above around 50 feet, a steel hull can actually be quite light for her length (by traditional cruising vessel standards). I have somewhat arbitrarily given the lower limit of a good steel vessel as being around 35 feet of length. This is of course not a fixed limit. The boundary of what can be built in steel is less a matter of boat length than it is a matter of shape and displacement. With proper design, one can successfully create a steel boat for coastwise or blue water sailing down to around 28 to 30 feet LOD.  Smaller is actually possible but compromises must be made...! Adequate displacement must be maintained to carry the structure, and thus draft and beam may not be decreased below a certain point. Therefore, roughly below around 30 feet the boat will require rather heavy displacement, likely resulting in a less graceful shape in order to carry the structure. There will be that much less carrying capacity remaining for fuel, water, and the desired number of sandwiches and beer...! For small vessels of say less than around 40 feet, one can make a very convincing argument in favor of aluminum . At 168 pounds per cubic foot, we can easily make use of greater plate thickness without much of a weight penalty, and still have a light weight structure.   When built to the same strength standard as a steel vessel, a bare aluminum hull "as fabricated" will weigh some 30% less than an equivalent steel hull. As an added bonus, the lighter weight of aluminum will permit a given hull form to be built with much greater strength than the same hull in steel. In other words, given the same weight budget an aluminum structure will be able to increase scantlings in order to have a considerably higher strength than the same design in steel. What other materials can be considered...?  Any design optimized for steel construction can be readily adapted to being built in Copper Nickel or Monel without having to make changes to the hull shape. The overall weights will turn out to be within a similar range and the placement of internal framing will usually be identical or extremely similar. We can also say that any design that has been optimized for aluminum construction could be adapted to the use of Titanium for the hull structure without requiring any hull shape changes. A titanium structure having an equivalent strength to a steel structure will be approximately 40% lighter than the steel structure, and roughly 10% lighter than an aluminum structure. Since we know from experience that "form follows budget" the choice of materials for a boat's structure ultimately comes down to a question of cost, which we will consider below.   Steel Mild Steel: Due to fabrication issues, one cannot readily make use of less than 10 gauge mild steel plating (0.134 inch, or 3.5 mm). Even 10 gauge mild steel plating can be very problematic to keep fair. It will have much greater distortion levels while welding than plate of a greater thickness. Even so, with a few essential metal boat building tricks learned, it is not much trouble to avoid distortion altogether in a 10 gauge steel hull.  With a few innovative approaches to the arrangement of structure, even less thickness is possible, down to say 12 gauge mild steel.  For an amateur builder however, working in 10 gauge mild steel without knowledge of a few essential tricks, the result will often be excess distortion. The natural temptation then is to use greater plating thickness, but there must be adequate displacement to carry the greater weight. A design intended for 10 gauge steel will be grossly over-weight if the plating is arbitrarily increased to, say, 3/16 inch, and it will neither float at the intended waterline, nor be able to carry the required amount of ballast, and as a result it will not have the intended stability. It turns out that in the battle against distortion, it is better to use a few more strategically placed longitudinals. Other tricks will also ordinarily be employed to preserve fairness, such as temporary external long's, etc. In general it is possible to design and build very fine steel boats down to around 35 feet (give or take a few feet), these smaller vessels will necessarily make use of 10 gauge mild steel plate and they will therefore necessarily require much greater skill in building. If the vessel can be large enough, say over 45 feet, or of sufficiently heavy displacement, then 3/16 inch mild steel plating can be used to advantage (just under 5 mm) and will be far easier to keep fair. For boats above 60 feet, 1/4 inch plate can be used and the boat will still be lighter than one could achieve with traditional plank on frame wood construction. Corten Steel: For smaller steel vessels that must use 10 gauge steel for plating, one can make a very good case for using Corten steel. Corten has about 40% greater yield strength than mild steel. This means that 10 gauge Corten plate will resist welding distortion and denting more or less the same as 3/16" mild steel plate. The higher yield strength is the primary justification for the use of Corten steel for metal boats, rather than imagining there to be any possible corrosion benefits. Although Corten tends to rust much more slowly than mild steel, whether a boat is built of mild steel or of Corten steel it still must be sandblasted and painted everywhere both inside and out. Corten is just as easy to weld and cut as mild steel, so aside from the slightly greater cost of Corten, it is to be recommended for all steel vessels having a steel plate thickness of less than 3/16 inch. "Cor-Ten A" is also known as ASTM A-242, which is an older specification for the current ASTM A-606 (usually for sheet under 3/16") and ASTM A-588 (usually for plate over 3/16" thickness). ASTM A-588 is also known as "Cor-Ten B" and is the more commonly encountered current spec for Cor-Ten, with a minimum yield strength of 50k psi in plates of greater thickness. An alloy sometimes specified for low temperature applications is "Tri-Ten" also known as ASTM A-441. An alternate (newer) spec for this alloy is A-607 when referring to sheet, or A-572 and A-572-M when referring to plate. "Tri-Ten" alloys contain a small amount of vanadium (A-572), or they may contain both vanadium and manganese (A-572-M). The addition of these alloying elements allows these steels to achieve greater strength by producing a more refined microstructure as compared with plain carbon steel (mild steel). The alloying elements provide a smaller crystalline grain size and a fine dispersion of alloyed carbides, thus providing higher yield strength without sacrificing ductility. High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steel Common Names & Properties HSLA STRUCTURAL STEELS ASTM A572-50 EX-TEN 50 Offers 50k PSI minimum yield. ASTM A441 TRI-TEN Offers 50k PSI minimum yield. Resistance to atmospheric corrosion twice that of carbon steel. ASTM A242 COR-TEN A Resistance to atmospheric corrosion four times that of carbon steel. Excellent paint adhesion. ASTM A588-A COR-TEN B Similar to A242. Modified chemistry offers 50k PSI minimum yield. Resistance to atmospheric corrosion four times that of carbon steel.

In General:  The advantages of steel can be summarized as follows...

  • Steel is more rugged than aluminum, being tougher and much more abrasion resistant.
  • The various HSLA steels are even more so.
  • Welds in steel are 100% the strength of the surrounding plates, whether mild steel or Corten.
  •  Steel is more "noble" than aluminum, making steel less prone to electrolysis and allowing a steel hull to use regular copper bottom paint.  

Aluminum is light, strong, corrosion resistant, non sparking, conducts electricity and heat well, and is readily weldable by MIG or TIG processes. In terms of ease of construction, aluminum is excellent. It can be cut with carbide tipped power tools, dressed with a router, filed and shaped easily, and so forth. Aluminum is light, clean, and easy to work with.

Aluminum is therefore faster to fabricate than steel and welding aluminum is a very quick process, both resulting in a labor savings. In terms of thickness, 3/16 inch (around 5 mm) is generally considered the minimum plate thickness for MIG welding. However, if pulsed MIG welding is available then 5/32 inch plating (4 mm) can be used, particularly for deck and house structures.

Pound for pound, the cost of aluminum is much greater than steel. In 2012, aluminum in the 5000 and 6000 series costs between USD $3.00 and $3.50 per pound and pre-primed steel plate costs round USD $0.80 per pound.

Since the weight of an aluminum structure will be some 30% lighter than an equivalent steel structure, considering only the cost of materials an aluminum structure will still be roughly 2.5 times that of the equivalent steel structure. That aluminum is faster to fabricate and weld does help to reduce that ratio after labor costs are factored in.

Since aluminum is much lighter than steel, there is the option to use much greater plate thickness within a given weight budget, which means that not only can the overall strength be greater than with steel, but the distortion levels can be much more easily managed. In so doing, of course the cost will be proportionally greater.

Aluminum alloys for use on boats are generally limited to the 5000 and the 6000 series. These two alloy groups are very corrosion resistant in the marine environment due to the formation of a tough aluminum oxide. These alloys are subject to pitting, but the pitting action slows as the oxide film thickens with age.

Aluminum alloys are subject to crevice corrosion, since they depend on the presence of Oxygen to repair themselves. What this means is that wherever aluminum is in contact with anything, even another piece of aluminum or zinc, it must be cleaned, properly prepared, and painted with an adhesive waterproof paint like epoxy, then ideally also protected with a waterproof adhesive bedding such as Sikaflex or 3M-5200 to prevent water from entering the interface.

Paint preparation is critical. Thorough cleaning, and abrasive grit blasting will provide the best surface for adhesion of paint or bedding. Alternately, a thorough cleaning and then grinding with a coarse 16 grit disk will provide enough tooth for the paint to stay put.

Aluminum is anodic to all other commonly used metals except zinc and magnesium, and must be electrically isolated from other metals. A plastic wafer alone as an isolator is not sufficient. Salt water must be prevented from entering the crevice, which means that properly applied epoxy paint, adhesive bedding, and a non-conductive isolator should all be used together.

In aluminum, welds done in the shop are at best around 70% of the strength of the plate (in the 5000 series). Usually, one will compensate for the reduced strength in the heat affected zone either by providing a backup strip at any plate joint, and welding the plate joint thoroughly on both sides, or by providing additional longitudinal members to span any butt welds in the plating.

Ideally, plating butts will be located in the position of least stress. For most general plating, this is ordinarily at one quarter of the span between frames. In other words, with proper engineering and design, the reduced strength of aluminum in the heat affected zone is a non issue.

Aluminum hulls require special bottom paint. Organo-tin based anti-fouling paints can no longer be used as bottom paint except in such diluted formulations as to be nearly useless. Currently, the best antifouling paint for aluminum hulls is called "No-Foul EP-21" made by the E-Paint Company (800-258-5998). 

No-Foul EP-21 is an update of the original "No-Foul ZDF" both of which make use of a controlled release of hydrogen peroxide to prevent fouling. Practical Sailor Magazine did a controlled study of a large variety of anti-fouling paints over several years, during which they discovered that No-Foul ZDF outperformed ALL other antifouling paints during the first year of immersion in all waters. They also discovered that No-Foul ZDF performs significantly less well than the other AF paints during the second year... The conclusion? Refreshing the No-Foul coatings annually will result in a top performing system, as well as frequent inspection intervals for the hull.

The new formulation for No-Foul EP-21 is considered to be an improvement due to the addition of an environmentally preferred booster biocide that helps control slime and grass. Another improvement is the change from a vinyl binder to an epoxy. This makes the paint harder, and allows it to be applied over a wider variety of existing paints.

Other non-copper based anti-fouling technologies continue to appear, and they all should be considered provided that there are no metals present that are more noble than aluminum.

A big savings with aluminum is that it is ordinarily not necessary to sand blast or paint the inside of the hull. Generally, due to its very good conductivity one must insulate an aluminum hull extremely well. The most common insulation is blown-in polyurethane foam, although our present recommendations have drifted away from those materials.  In combination with a light primer or mastic, one can make an excellent case for the use of cut-sheet foams, such as Ensolite and Neoprene, where it is desirable to lightly blast the aluminum, and provide an epoxy primer or other barrier coating prior to insulating.

Various coatings for the interior of an aluminum boat are available which provide sound deadening and insulation. Two products in particular are Mascoat DTM for insulation, and Mascoat MSC for sound attenuation. Our preference is to use Mascoat MSC at 20 mils thickness throughout, with an additional 60 mils thickness in the engine room for sound attenuation. Then to apply Mascoat DTM at 120 mils thickness throughout over that as insulation. With this system it is not necessary to pre-paint the surfaces, nor to use additional insulation, although for colder waters a cut sheet foam can be added.

On the exterior , except on the bottom or locally where things are mounted onto the hull surface, it is completely unnecessary to paint an aluminum hull. This represents such a large cost savings that if the exterior is left unpainted, building in aluminum will often cost LESS than building the same vessel in steel. More or less, the cost difference amounts to the cost of painting the exterior of the aluminum hull...

We have already seen that a point in favor of aluminum is that a much lighter weight boat can be built than would be possible in steel. This is a performance advantage as well as a cost advantage. Not only will the lighter displacement boat be relatively less costly to build, it will also be much less costly to push through the water. Lighter weight means less horsepower is needed for the same speed, which means less fuel will be used to achieve the same range, both of which augment the overall savings in weight.

One might argue that with a lighter boat there will possibly be less room below, the lighter boat being narrower on the waterline, and possibly less deep. With proper planning, this need not be an issue.

On the plus side, even if an aluminum boat costs slightly more than a steel vessel to build (if painted), an aluminum boat will have a much higher re-sale value than a steel boat.  

Stainless Steel

I am occasionally asked, "What about building a boat in Stainless?"

A structure built in stainless will weigh approximately the same as one built in mild steel, although on occasion one may be able to make use of somewhat lighter scantlings due to the somewhat higher strength of stainless. There are several major drawbacks to the use of stainless, not the least of which is cost. Stainless of the proper alloy will cost nearly six times the price of mild steel!

Even if it were not so costly, stainless has numerous other problems:

  • Stainless is quite difficult to cut, except by plasma arc.
  • Stainless work hardens when being formed and can become locally tempered such as when being drilled.
  • Stainless deforms rather extremely when heated either for cutting or for welding, meaning distortion will be very difficult to control.
  • Stainless, even in the low carbon types, is subject to carbide precipitation in the heat affected zone adjacent to the weld, creating an area that is much more susceptible to corrosion as well as to cracking.
  • Stainless is subject to crevice corrosion when starved of oxygen. This can be prevented only by sandblasting and painting the surfaces wherever an object is to be mounted onto the stainless surface. The same applies to the back side of any stainless fittings which are applied to hull surfaces.

If the above issues with stainless can be properly accounted for in the design and building of the vessel, then stainless can be a viable hull construction media.

Type 316-L stainless is generally the preferred alloy. Type 316-L is a low carbon alloy, and is used in welded structures to help prevent carbide precipitation in the heat affected zone. When available, the use of type 321 or 347 stainless will be of considerable benefit in preventing carbide precipitation, since there are other alloying elements (tantalum, columbium, or titanium) which help keep the carbides in solution during welding.

In my view, as a builder the main battle one will face is the rather extreme distortion levels when fabricating with stainless. Stainless conducts heat very slowly and has a high expansion rate. Both of these characteristics conspire against maintaining fairness during weld-up. Short arc MIG welding will be an imperative. In fact Pulsed MIG will probably be desired in order to sustain the right arc characteristics while lowering the overall heat input.  

Copper Nickel

Another material which should be considered along with steel, stainless, and aluminum is Copper Nickel. One can ignore paint altogether with CuNi, inside, outside, top and bottom. Copper Nickel acts as its own natural antifouling. In fact, bare Copper Nickel plate performs better than antifouling paint..!  Being a mirror-smooth surface, any minor fouling is very easily removed.  

Besides not having to paint CuNi and its natural resistance to fouling, CuNi is also easy to cut and weld, it has relatively high heat conductivity, it is extremely ductile, and it is therefore very favorable with regard to distortion while welding.

There are two alloys of Copper Nickel which are the most common: 70/30 CuNi, and 90/10 CuNi. The numbers represent the relative amounts of Copper and Nickel in the alloy. Having a greater amount of Nickel, 70/30 CuNi is the stronger of the two and also the more expensive of the two.

In the US as of February 2007, 90/10 CuNi was priced around USD $8.50 per pound, and 70/30 CuNi around USD $13.00 per pound, both based on a minimum order of greater than 15,000 pounds. In other words, roughly ten to fifteen times the cost of the same structure in steel. I have not investigated current (2015) prices for CuNi, but we can be certain they are higher (i.e. the value of the dollar less) thus the ratio of costs vs. steel much higher.

The issues with CuNi are not only those of cost, but also of strength. For example, the ultimate strength of 90/10 Cu Ni is about one third less than that of mild steel, and the yield strength about half that of mild steel. In practice, this means that a hull built of Cu Ni will have to use heavier scantlings. CuNi, being slightly heavier than steel per cubic foot, the CuNi hull structure will end up being slightly heavier than an equivalent steel hull structure.

In most materials, we usually "design to yield." This means that the ultimate failure strength of a material is more or less ignored, and the yield strength is instead used as the guide for determining scantlings. For example, if we were to desire a 90/10 CuNi structure having the same yield strength as there would be with a similar steel structure, we would be tempted to actually double the scantlings. Naturally this would result in quite a huge weight penalty, BUT....

In practice, a CuNi structure need not be taken to this extreme. Using the ABS rules to calculate the scantlings, an all 90/10 Cu Ni structure will have around 25% more weight than a similar structure in steel. It is best to use the same plate thickness as with steel, and compensate for the lower yield strength by spacing the longitudinals more closely.

It is unlikely that one would choose CuNi for the internal framing, primarily because of its cost, its relatively low strength, and the relatively much larger scantlings and weight that would result. In other words, there is no reason not to make use of CuNi for the hull skin in order to take full advantage of its benefits, but it is possible to use a stronger and less expensive material for all the internal framing.

What is the best choice for the internal framing...? Probably type 316-L Stainless . As long as the various attributes of stainless are kept in mind, this is a combination having considerable merit. Here is why...

  • Stainless can be readily welded.
  • One can easily make a weld between stainless and Cu Ni.
  • Scantlings of stainless internal framing would not need to be increased, in fact they would be less than those required for mild steel.
  • The weight of stainless internal framing would therefore be roughly 10% less than with mild steel, or approximately equal to the weight of a Corten steel internal structure.
  • 316-L Stainless costs (February 2007) around USD $4.50 per pound based on a minimum order of 10,000 pounds. Therefore the cost of stainless is roughly half that of 90/10 Cu Ni, and about one third the cost of 70/30 Cu Ni... Combined with there being much lighter scantlings, the overall cost factor would be reduced considerably.

With this strategy the weight can be kept to roughly the same as an equivalent mild steel structure.

And to further reduce costs, NC plasma cutting or water jet cutting can be used for all plates and internal structure.

Are there still more options to reduce costs...?

Fiberglass...! Compared to the weight and cost of an all CuNi / Stainless structure, both cost and weight can be reduced by using fiberglass for the deck and house structures, or possibly just for the house structures. A cold moulded wooden deck and / or superstructure is also a possibility.

Even with GRP or composite wood for the house structures, it probably would be most advantageous to plate the deck with Cu Ni. In so doing, one could then use CuNi for all the various deck fittings: stanchions, cleats, bitts, etc. Pipe fittings are readily available in either alloy of CuNi, so this would be a natural. The resulting integral strength and lack of maintenance would be an outstanding plus.

While the expense of Copper Nickel may seem completely crazy to some, given a bit of extra room in the budget and the will to be completely free from ALL requirements for painting, this is the bee's knees....! The savings realized by not having to paint the entire vessel inside and out - EVER - will go quite a long way toward easing the cost differential.  

Per existing research on a number of commercial vessels, their operators have shown a very favorable economic benefit over the life of a Copper Nickel vessel. This is due to there being a much longer vessel life; far less cost for dry docking; zero painting costs; no maintenance; no corrosion; few if any repairs; etc. 

Per the Copper Alliance, and organization that has studied the economic benefits of CuNi for boat hulls, the cost saved on a commercial vessel's maintenance routine pays for the added cost of the CuNi structure within 5 to 7 years.  And... if the resale value of a CuNi boat is considered, the ROI is further enhanced.  

Monel 400 is an alloy of around 65% Nickel, around 30% Copper, plus small percentages of Manganese, Iron and Silicon. Monel is extremely ductile, and therefore will take considerable punishment without failure. Monel is easily welded, and Monel has extraordinary resistance to corrosion, even at elevated temperatures.

Monel is much stronger than mild steel, stronger than Corten, and stronger than the usual varieties of stainless. As a result of this greater strength, Monel could be used for the entire structure. As compared to a similar steel structure, Monel will therefore permit lighter scantlings and would allow one to create a lighter overall structure than with steel. Alternately one could use the same scantlings in order to achieve a vessel having greater strength .

To reduce costs even more, one could use the same strategy as with CuNi, i.e. use Monel just for the plating, and then use 316-L Stainless for the internal framing. This is probably the sweet spot, offering light scantlings and extraordinary freedom from on-going maintenance costs.

If cost is not an important factor, an all Monel structure may well be the ultimate boatbuilding material of all time.  

Titanium has been used in the aircraft and aerospace industries for quite a long time. As well, several Russian submarines have been built using Titanium. With very high strength alloys available, extreme nobility on the galvanic scale, virtual immunity to corrosion in sea water and in the atmosphere, and about half the weight of steel, there are only a few considerations that stand in the way of Titanium being the "perfect" hull material, not least of which is cost .

Cost :  Due to the higher cost of titanium as compared to, say stainless or aluminum, the choice in favor of using titanium for a fabricated structure such as a boat must be made on the basis of the resulting structure having lower operating costs, longer life, or reduced maintenance in order to justify its use.  In other words, titanium will only be chosen if it is perceived to have a lower total life cycle cost.

Plastic Range: Among the Commercially Pure (CP) grades of Titanium, and with most Titanium Alloys there is little spread between the yield point (the point at which a material is deformed so far that it will not return to its original shape when released) and the ultimate failure point. Thus most grades and alloys of titanium have a very limited plastic range. 

Elongation :  The percentage of elongation before failure is on par with mild steel, and is roughly twice that of aluminum.  Thus most grades of CP Titanium and most alloys are readily formable, and have a fatigue resistance on par with steel.

Stiffness: Another characteristic is "stiffness" which is expressed by the modulus of elasticity. For steel, it is 29 million psi. For aluminum, it is 10 million psi. For Titanium, it is 15 million psi. This indicates behavior that is somewhat closer to aluminum in terms of material rigidity.  In other words, Titanium will flex about twice as much as steel, but about 50% less than aluminum. Interestingly, Ti has about the same modulus of elasticity (stiffness) as Silicon Bronze, but Ti has less stiffness than copper nickel, which has an elastic modulus of 22 million psi.

Welding: Yet another consideration is the welding of Titanium, which is somewhat of a mixed bag due to several of the material's properties.

The melting point of Titanium (3,042 deg F) is well above that of steel (2,500 deg F) and about three times that of aluminum (1,135 deg F). Titanium forms a very tough oxide immediately on exposure to the air, and is highly reactive with nitrogen, therefore welding must be done only after thorough cleaning of the weld zone, and the welding process must assure a complete inert gas shroud of the weld zone both on the side being welded and on the opposite side. The weld zone must then continue to be shielded until the metal cools below 800 degrees.

These factors may provide considerable difficulty, but they are surmountable by thorough attention to detail, good technique, and aggressive measures to assure post-weld shielding. These factors however dramatically increase fabrication costs over that of other metals.

Among the other material properties that contribute to ease of fabrication of any metal are its heat conductivity, and its thermal expansion rate. Aluminum expands twice as much as steel per degree of temperature change, and is three times as conductive thermally. The thermal conductivity of aluminum is a big help, but the expansion makes trouble in terms of distortion. As a benefit though, an equivalent aluminum structure will have greater thickness and thus locally greater yield strength, so the score is more or less even between steel and aluminum, with aluminum having a slightly greater tendency toward distortion while welding.

With Titanium, this latter consideration will be the overriding factor in determining the minimum practical thickness for plating. Thermal conductivity is given as 4.5 BTU / Sq Ft / Hr/ Deg F / Ft for Titanium. For steel, it is 31, for aluminum it is 90. Thermal expansion is given as .0000039 in / in / deg F for Titanium, about 50% the expansion of steel and about 30% that of aluminum. These figures seem to indicate that the material would be fairly stable while welding, but that welds would take a much longer time to cool as compared to steel and vastly longer compared to aluminum. In other words, the heat would not dissipate - it would remain concentrated in the weld zone.

Industry consensus is that Titanium is slightly more prone to distortion due to welding as compared to steel. Considering these factors along with its much higher strength, as a very rough guess a thickness of around 3/32" may possibly be the minimum practical thickness for a welded structure in Titanium, with 1/8 inch thickness being a more likely lower practical hull thickness limit. As a comparison, the minimum thickness for other materials (mainly due to welding ease and distortion issues) is 10 gauge for mild steel (.1345"), and 5/32" for aluminum, although 3/16 inch thickness is a more practical lower limit for aluminum boat structures.

Corrosion:  Titanium is extremely corrosion resistant due to the immediate formation of a tenacious Titanium Dioxide on exposure to air or oxygenated water.  This means it is practically immune to corrosion in sea water, but there is one catch...  Like aluminum, Ti depends on free access to oxygen, therefore it can be susceptible to crevice corrosion wherever it is deprived of free access to oxygen and cannot form a protective oxide.  Crevice corrosion can be prevented in the same way as is done with aluminum, and some grades of Ti are more resistant to crevice corrosion than others. 

Titanium Grades:  Titanium Grade 2 is the most commonly available Commercially Pure (CP) grade, having 40k psi yield, 50k psi ultimate strength and a 20% elongation before failure.  It is highly formable and weldable, and is available in most shapes, i.e. plate, bar, pipe, etc.  These are highly favorable properties for hull construction.

Titanium Grade 12 includes Mo and Ni for a higher strength alloy having superior resistance to crevice corrosion, with 50k psi yield, 70k psi ultimate strength and an 18% elongation before failure. The 20k psi spread between yield and failure is a highly favorable property.  It is a highly formable grade, readily weldable and is available in a variety of plate sizes, pipes and bar shapes.  All of these are highly favorable properties for hull construction, making Grade 12 one of the best choices to be favored for boat structure.

Titanium Alloys :  An interesting Titanium alloy is the experimental Alloy 5111 (5% Al; 1% SN; 1% Zr; 1% V; 0.8% MO) with 110k psi yield, 125k psi ultimate strength and a 15% elongation before failure.  Described as "a near alpha alloy having excellent weldability, seawater stress corrosion cracking resistance and high dynamic toughness." It has a high elongation before failure, a "medium" overall strength of about twice that of mild steel, and has a slightly greater spread between its yield point and failure point than the "high" strength Titanium alloys. It is favored for submarines, but its high strength is not especially necessary for boats or large yachts.

Another Titanium alloy is the proprietary ATI Alloy 425 being made by Allegheny Technologies Inc. (ATI) who are targeting this alloy at ship structures.  With 132k psi yield, 152k psi ultimate strength and a 13% elongation before failure, its use is likely to be relegated to applications requiring very high strength.  Its low elongation before failure is an indication that it could be prone to cracking, and it is unlikely to be a candidate for typical boat structures (i.e. non-military usages).

Light weight, high strength, immunity from corrosion in sea water... sounds ideal.  Although it is obvious that Titanium would be an outstanding hull material, it requires extreme care during construction, thus labor costs would be high. If those factors can be mitigated or if cost is not an issue, then Titanium may possibly be the "ultimate" boat hull material...! 

Despite its immunity from corrosion in sea water, a titanium hull will still require paint below the WL in order to prevent fouling.  

Relative Cost

If we ignore the cost of the hull materials themselves for a moment and consider what may impact costs in other ways, we can observe the following... Vessel construction costs will vary more or less directly with displacement, assuming a given material, and a given level of finish and complexity in the design. Since displacement varies as the cube of the dimensions, we can see that the costs for a vessel will increase exponentially with size.

With regard to the complexity of a vessel the same can be said. Complexity in whatever form affects cost perhaps to the fourth power...! Assuming a given budget, a simpler boat can just plain afford to be made larger!

Estimating actual construction costs is relatively straightforward but it does require a detailed look at every aspect of the process. A reliable construction cost estimate must consider the hull material, degree of finish, complexity of structure, building method, whether the structure is computer cut, the complexity of systems specified and the degree of high finish for the joinery. This is only possible with a well articulated vessel specification, a complete equipment list, and a detailed set of drawings that show the layout and the structure.

Assuming we are considering vessels of equal size and complexity, when all is said and done, and if painted to the same standard on the exterior, an aluminum vessel may possibly be around 10% more expensive to build than the same vessel in steel. If the aluminum vessel is left unpainted on the exterior except where necessary, many yards can build for less in aluminum than in steel, or might quote the two materials at parity. This has been verified by several yards via actual construction estimates for boats of my design.

As compared to a steel boat, maintenance will be less costly on an aluminum boat and resale value will be higher. Taken as a whole, any increased hull construction costs for an aluminum hull will shrink into insignificance in the context of the entire life of the boat.

Of course a Copper Nickel, Monel, or Titanium vessel will be considerably more costly than one built in steel or aluminum, however in terms of longevity a boat built with any of those metals will provide the ultimate as a family heirloom...

For more information, please review our comprehensive web article on Boat Building Costs .  

The materials of construction need not dictate the aesthetics of a vessel. Much can be done to make a metal boat friendly to the eye. On the interior for example with the use of a full ceiling and well done interior woodwork, there will generally be no hint that you're even aboard a metal boat.

On the exterior, if metal decks are preferred for their incredible strength and complete water tightness, one can make the various areas more inviting by devious means. An example would be the use of removable wood gratings in way of the cockpit. Fitted boat cushions made of a closed cell foam work equally well to cover the metal deck in the cockpit area, and some will prefer to laminate a cork or teak deck over a painted and protected metal deck.

Many metal boats we encounter seem "industrial" in their appearance. In my view, classic and traditional lines, if attended to faithfully, will completely eliminate that industrial look. With a bit of classic gracefulness introduced by the designer, a metal boat will be every bit as beautiful as a boat of any other material.

My design work often tends to be drawn toward fairly traditional aesthetics, which some may regard as being somewhat old fashioned. What I have done in these designs however, is to take maximum advantage of up to date materials and current knowledge of hydrodynamics, while retaining the look and feel of a classic boat. In so doing, my overall preference is to provide a boat that is very simple, functional, and rugged, while carrying forth a bit of traditional elegance.

Everyone's needs are different of course. When considering a new design, nearly anything is possible. The eventual form given to any vessel will always be the result of the wishes of the owner, the accommodations the boat must contain, the purpose for which it is intended, and the budget that is available for its creation.  

Regarding Hull Form

Efficiency and performance are high on the list amongst the myriad considerations that go into shaping a hull. With metal hulls, there is always a question of whether a vessel should be rounded or "chine" shaped.

Assuming two vessels are of equally good design, whether the hull is rounded or single chine will not have much impact on their performance, i.e. they will be more or less equivalent. Here are a few considerations that may be of some benefit when considering the choice between rounded or single chine hull shapes...

  • If one were to take a single chine hull form and simply introduce a fairly large radius instead of the chine, the newly rounded vessel's wetted surface would be less; displacement would be less; and initial stability would be less, and the comparison somewhat skewed.
In terms of interior hull space, a chine hull form will often be slightly less wide at sole level and slightly wider at the waterline level, so possibly a bit less room to walk around but larger seats and berths. The single chine hull form will have slightly greater initial stability (greater shape stability), and will therefore have slightly greater sail carrying ability at typical heel angles under sail. The single chine hull form will have greater roll dampening (faster roll decay). The rounded hull form will have a slightly more gentle rolling motion. The chine hull form will have slightly greater wetted surface. This implies that the rounded hull form will have slightly less resistance at slow speeds where wetted surface dominates the total resistance. The chine hull can be designed to equalize or reverse that resistance equation at higher speeds due to wake differences resulting from the chine hull being able to have a slightly flatter run.

Aside from these generalities, relative performance would be difficult to pre-judge. We can however observe the following:

  • Given the same sail area, when sailing at slow speeds in light airs, one might see the rounded hull form show a slight advantage due to having slightly less wetted surface.
  • When sailing fast , a chine hull form will be more likely to exhibit greater dynamic lift, especially when surfing.
  • Especially in heavier air, one might even see a slight advantage to windward with the chine hull.

Given that those observations do not reveal any special deficiency with regard to a single chine hull we can additionally observe the following:

  • When creating a new design, wetted surface is one of the determining factors of sail area.
  • Having slightly greater wetted surface, a single chine hull should therefore be given slightly more sail area, so its slightly greater wetted surface will become a non-issue .
  • If the chine hull is given slightly more sail area, it will therefore be subject to a slightly greater heeling force.
  • However the single chine hull form will have inherently greater "shape stability" in order to resist that heeling force.
  • One can therefore expect the sail carrying ability to be essentially equalized .
  • Therefore with good design, there is no performance hit at low speeds, and there is ordinarily a performance gain at high sailing speeds.

Among the above considerations, the one factor that seems to favor the rounded hull form most definitively is that of having a slightly more gentle rolling motion. In other words, a slower "deceleration" at the end of each roll. On the other hand, rolling motions will decay more quickly with a single chine hull form. Even these factors can be more or less equivocated via correct hull design.  

Rounded Metal Hulls

As we have seen, one cannot claim that a rounded hull form is inherently better in terms of performance without heavily qualifying that claim. The primary trade-offs between a rounded hull and a chine type of hull form for metal boats therefore turn out to be purely a matter of cost and personal preference.

I have designed several rounded hulls for construction in metal. These are true round bottom boats designed with the greatest ease of plating in mind. Some are double ended, some have a transom stern, others have a fantail stern, and still others have a canoe stern where stem nicely balances the shape of the stern.

Having an easily plated shape, any of these rounded hull forms can be economically built. These rounded shapes require plate rolling only in a few places and are elsewhere designed to receive flat sheets without fuss. These are not "radius chine" boats. They are simply easily plated rounded hulls.

With any of these types, the keel is attached as an appendage, there being no need when using metal to create a large rounded garboard area for the sake of strength, as would be the case with a glass or a wooden hull. This achieves both a more economically built structure, as well as a better defined keel for windward performance under sail and better tracking under sail or power.

Plating on these rounded hull types is arranged in strips having a limited width running lengthwise along the hull. Usually the topsides can be one sheet wide, the rounded bilge one sheet, and the bottom one larger sheet width.

Examples of these rounded hull types among my designs are Jasmine , Lucille 42 , Lucille 50 , Benrogin , Greybeard , Fantom and among my prototypes such as Josephine and Caribe . While these might be imagined to have a "radius" chine shape, they are in fact true rounded hull forms. In other words, the turn of the bilge is not a radius but is instead a free form curve between bottom and topsides. Both bottom and topsides have gently rounded sectional contours that blend nicely into the curve at the turn of the bilge. With the exception of the turn of the bilge, all of the plating on these designs is developable and will readily bend into place making these vessels just as easily constructed as any radius chine shape. In other words, 85% to 90% of the vessel is able to be plated using flat metal sheets without any pre-forming.

What's the difference between this and a radius chine...?

In my view the visual difference between radius chine and rounded hull forms is very apparent, strongly favoring the rounded shape, yet the labor required and the consequent cost is the same. Due to the gentle transverse curvature given to the surfaces above and below the turn of the bilge, the appearance is a vast improvement over the relatively crude radius chine shape.  

Radius Chine Metal Hulls

Looking around at typically available metal boat designs we quickly observe that the "radius chine" construction method has become fairly common. Here, a simple radius is used to intersect the "flat" side and bottom plates. Although the radius chine shape takes fairly good advantage of flat plate for most of the hull surface, it is not a more economical construction method than the easily plated rounded hull shapes described above - nor is it nearly as attractive.

One reason for the popularity of the radius chine is that nearly any single chine boat can be converted to a radius chine. This is often done without any re-design of the hull by simply choosing an appropriate radius, and using rolled plate for that part of the hull. Radius chine construction does add quite a few extra hours to the hull fabrication as compared to single chine hull forms.

In my experience there is no benefit whatever to employ a radius chine shape over that of an easily plated rounded hull form. The radius chine hull will always be easily recognized for what it is... a radius chine shape rather than a true rounded hull. By contrast a gently rounded hull form will be vastly more appealing visually.  

Chine Hull Forms

A single chine can be quite appealing, especially when used with a more classic / traditional style. A few single chine examples among my sailing designs are the 36' Grace , the 42' Zephyr , the 44' Redpath , the 56' Shiraz , along with a number of others such as the prototype designs for a 51' Skipjack , or the 55' Wylde Pathaway .

As supplied, metal plate is always flat . When building a boat using flat sheet material, it makes the most sense to think in terms of sheet material and how one may optimize a hull design to suit the materials, without incurring extra labor. I am attracted to the single chine shape for metal boats. In my view the single chine shape represents the most "honest" use of the material.

In this regard I feel traditional styling has much to offer, keeping in mind of course the goals of seakindliness, safety, and of excellent performance. As with many traditional types, there is certainly no aesthetic penalty for using a single chine, as is evidenced by reviewing any of the above mentioned sailing craft.

Assuming that by design each type has been optimized with regard to sail area and hull form, it becomes obvious that the typically pandered differences between the performance of a rounded hull form versus that of a single chine, unless heavily qualified, are simply unsubstantiated.

In fact, since costs are significantly less using single chine construction, one can make an excellent case in terms of better performance via the use of a simpler hull form....!

How is this possible...?

With metal boats, labor is by far the largest factor in hull construction, and as we have observed greater complexity pushes the hours and the cost of labor up exponentially. Therefore dollar for dollar, a single chine vessel can be made longer within the same budget .

This means that in terms of the vessel's "performance per dollar" the single chine vessel can actually offer better performance (i.e. greater speed) than a similar rounded hull form...!

By comparison, a multiple chine hull form offers practically no advantage whatever. A multiple chine hull will require nearly as much labor as a radius chine hull. The only savings will be eliminating the cost of rolling the plates for the actual radius. In my view, multiple-chine shapes are very problematic visually, and they are much more difficult to "line off" nicely. There will be just as much welding as with a radius chine shape, and in general a multiple-chine hull will be considerably less easy to keep fair during construction.

If you look at the designs on this web site, you'll soon discover that there are no examples of multiple-chine vessels among my designs, whether power or sail....

Basically, multiple chine shapes cost more to build, and in my view multiple chine shapes are not as visually appealing. As a result the preference has always been to consider the available budget and to make a graceful single chine boat longer for the same cost, and realize some real speed, comfort and accommodation benefits...!

In the end what ultimately defines a good boat is not whether she is one type or another, but whether the boat satisfies the wishes of the owner.  

Keel Configuration

The keel of any vessel, sail or power, will be asked to serve many functions. The keel creates a structural backbone for the hull, it provides a platform for grounding, and it will contain the ballast.

In a metal boat, the keel is not just "along for the ride." In a metal vessel the keel can contain much of the tankage including a meaningful sea water sump, and the keel can serve as the coolant tank for the engine essentially acting as the "radiator." It is usually convenient to allow at least one generous tank in the keel as a holding tank.

A metal hull can take advantage of twin or bilge keels without any trouble. It is an easy matter to provide the required structural support within the framing. Often, bilge keels can be integrated with the tanks, allowing excellent structural support.

An added advantage with both sail and power boats is that the bilge keels can be used as ballast compartments. Having spread the ballast laterally becomes a big advantage in terms of the vessel's roll radius, providing an inertial dampening to the vessel's roll behavior.

Bilge keels can also be designed to permit a good degree of sailing performance to a power vessel which has been set up with a "get-home" sailing rig. Aboard a power vessel, when faced with the choices involved with having an extra diesel engine as a "get-home" device in the event of failure of the main engine, I would very seriously consider the combination of bilge keels and a modest sailing rig.

Bilge keels will usually make use of a NACA foil section optimized for high lift / low drag / low stall. With metal, this is easily accomplished.  

Integral Tanks

Integral fuel and water tanks are always to be preferred on a metal boat. Integral tanks provide a much more efficient use of space. Integral tanks provide added reinforcement for the hull and ease of access to the inside of the hull. Integral tanks are very simple to arrange for during the design of the vessel. If the tank covers are planned correctly there will be excellent access during construction as well as in the future for maintenance.

The one exception to this generality is that polyethylene tanks may be preferred for black or grey water storage, since they can be readily cleaned. This is especially so in aluminum vessels, due mainly to the extremely corrosive nature of sewage. In steel vessels, when properly painted there will always be an adequate barrier, and integral black and grey water tanks again become viable. For aluminum construction, if integral holding tanks are desired the tanks must be protected on the inside as though they were made of mild steel... and the coatings must not be breached...!

Please see my article on Integral Tanks for more on this question...  

Scantling Calcs

Hull size, materials of construction, and the location of the specific region of the structure in question will each have a bearing on the results of the scantling calcs. The method of calculating the hull structural scantlings is usually processed as follows, assuming first that the vessel data is already given (hull length, beam, depth, freeboard, weight, etc.).

Select plate material according to owner preference, available budget, and desired strength or other material properties Select preferred plate thickness according to availability, suited to vessel size and displacement Calculate local longitudinal spacing to adequately support the plate Select frame spacing to satisfy the locations of interior bulkheads or other layout considerations Calculate scantlings required for longitudinal stringers to satisfy their spacing and the span between frames Calculate scantlings required for transverse frames according to the depth of long'l stringers and the local span of the frames.

Per item 3, when considering an alternate material it is possible that due to a difference in plate yield strength as compared to the original design material (say steel), that the long'ls will be placed slightly more closely (say for the same thickness of plate, but a plate of lesser strength).

Generally, since the long's support the plate, they are the primary variable when plate thickness, or strength, or location is changed. It is no big deal to the structure, to the overall weight, or to ease of the building of the vessel (as compared to say steel) to have a tighter long'l spacing. This is the proper strategy to accommodate plate of different strength or thickness.

Once the plate is adequately supported, then scantlings of items 5 and 6 can be calculated according to their spans and the material strengths for the chosen framing materials.

It becomes obvious from the above that it is an advantage (in terms of weight) to select a relatively lesser thickness of plating, and a relatively more frequent interval for internal framing. On the other hand, it is usually an advantage in terms of building labor to select plate of a slightly greater thickness and a less frequent framing interval (so simpler internal structure).

Please see my article on Using the ABS Rule for a more detailed look at how scantlings are determined.  

Frameless Construction...?

There is quite a lot of misleading and incorrect information associated with the implied promise of "frameless" metal boats, a notion that is pandered by several offbeat designers and builders. The concept of "frameless" metal boats is attractive, but flawed.

If one applies well proven engineering principles to the problem of hull design as detailed above, one quickly discovers that for the sake of stiffness and lightness, frames are simply a requirement. For example, in order to achieve the required strength in a metal vessel without using transverse framing will require an enormous increase in plate thickness. Even with light weight materials such as aluminum alloy this would automatically result in a substantial weight penalty..

With light weight materials such as aluminum, one can certainly gain some advantage by the use of greater plate thickness, primarily in terms of maintaining fairness during fabrication, and in terms of ruggedness in use. Still, as strong as metal is, even with light weight materials there is definitely a need to support the plating and to reinforce and stiffen the structure as a whole using frames and stringers.

In general, the most suitable arrangement for internal structure is a combination of transverse frames and longitudinal stiffeners. Framing may sometimes be provided in the form of devious strategies... For example framing may be in the form of bulkheads or other interior and exterior structural features, placed in order to achieve the required plate reinforcement. Many so-called "frameless" boats do indeed make extensive use of longitudinals in combination with bulkheads or other internal structure to reduce the span of the longitudinal stiffeners.

While it is true that many metal boats are successfully plated , and their plating then welded up without the aid of metal internal framing during weld-up, in order to provide adequate strength in the finished vessel, frames must then be added before the hull can be considered finished. Even on a hull that will eventually have substantial internal framing this construction sequence can provide a big advantage when trying to maintain fairness during weld-up.

Experienced metal boat builders and designers have often come to recognize the potential benefits of building a metal boat over molds which do not hold the boat so rigidly as to make trouble during the weld-up. However, the competent among them also know that to leave the boat without internal framing is quite an irresponsible act.

Please see my articles on Framing and Frames First for more on this subject.  

Framing Systems

Framing systems are several, but can roughly be categorized into

Transverse Frames Only Transverse Frames with Longitudinal Stringers Web Frames with Longitudinal Stringers.

Among those, the Transverse Frames Only system is fairly common in Europe. In the US, the most commonly system used is the second system, where transverses are used in combination with longitudinal stringers.

In terms of scantlings, typically, long'ls will be half the depth, but approximately the same thickness as the transverse frames. It is an ABS requirement that transverse frames be twice the depth of the cut-out for the long'l.

Among some light weight racing yachts, a system of Webs with fairly beefy Long'l Stringers is the preferred approach, or alternately Webs with smaller Intermediate Transverse Frames, in combination with Long'l Stringers..

A somewhat generalized walkthrough of the usual design sequence is as follows:

For any given vessel size, plating will need to be a certain minimum thickness suited to that vessel size. For that given minimum plating thickness (for that particular boat) the long'l stringers will need to be a certain distance apart in order to adequately support the plate. The dimensions of the Long'l Stringers are determined by the vessel size, the spacing of the long's and the span of the long's between transverse frames. Finally, the dimensions of the Transverse Frames are determined according to the vessel size, the frame spacing, the span of the frames between supports, and by the requirement that the frames be no less in height than twice the height of the long's.

In other words, by this engineering approach the transverse frames are considered to be the primary support system for the long'l stringers, and the long'l stringers are considered to be the primary support system for the plating.

When a long'l member becomes the "dominant" member of the structure (usually locally only), it ceases to be referred to as a long'l stringer, and becomes instead a long'l "girder" (an engine girder for example).

If long'l stringers are not used, then the frames are the only means of support for the plating. They must therefore be more closely spaced in order to satisfy the needs of the plating for adequate support. In general though, long'l stringers are to be considered highly desirable, primarily because they contribute considerably to the global longitudinal strength of the yacht.

When calculating the strength of any beam, there is a benefit when the beam gains depth (height). Beams of greater height have a higher section modulus. Just as with beams of greater height, when calculating a vessel's global longitudinal strength it is the height of the vessel that makes the greatest contribution. Small and medium sized power and sailing yachts usually have very adequate height , so long'l strength calculations are less critical. For larger yachts or for yachts which have a low height to beam ratio, there it is necessary to consider long'l strength very closely. Witness the catastrophic failures of several recent America's Cup vessels....!

As a general guide to the boundary of acceptability, the ABS rules consider that a vessel must be no more than twice as wide as it is high (deck edge to rabbet line), and no greater than 15 times its height in overall length. Beyond these limits, a strictly engineering "proof" must be employed rather than the prescriptive ABS Section Modulus and Moment of Inertia requirements for calculating the strength of the global hull "girder."

The ABS Motor Pleasure Yachts Rule, 2000, is a very suitable scantling rule for boats of any material. Originally created for "self propelled vessels up to 200 feet, the scope of the Motor Pleasure Yachts Rule has been subsequently restricted to vessels between 79 and 200 feet. In that size range, the ABS Rules for Steel Vessels Under 200 Feet, and the ABS Rules for Aluminum Vessels may also be applied, in particular to commercially used vessels. For sailing craft of all materials, the ABS Rules for Offshore Racing Yachts is applicable to sailing vessels up to 79 feet.

The most appropriate means of assessing the adequacy of structure is to assure that a vessel's scantlings comply with the applicable ABS rule, or alternately the applicable rule published by Lloyd's Register (England), German Lloyds (Germany), Det Norske Veritas (Norway), Bureau Veritas (France), etc.

As we can see from the above, framing is highly desirable for any metal yacht. Without framing, plate thickness would become extreme, and consequently so would the weight of the structure...  

Computer Cutting

The labor involved in fabricating a metal hull can be reduced by a substantial amount via NC cutting. What is NC...? It simply means "Numerically Controlled." Builders who are sufficiently experienced with building NC cut hull structures estimate that they can save between 35% and 55% on the hull fabrication labor via computer cutting.

As an example, a fairly simple vessel of around 45 feet may take around 2,500 hours to fabricate by hand, complete with tanks, engine beds, deck fittings, etc. ready for painting. If one can save, say 40% of those hours, or some 1000, then at typical shop rates the savings can be dramatic. By comparison, the number of design hours one must spend at the computer to detail the NC cut files for such a vessel may amount to some three to four man-weeks, or perhaps some 160 hours.

With this kind of savings, the labor expended to develop the NC cut files will be paid for many times over. In fact, the savings are sufficient that NC cutting has the potential to "earn back" a fair portion of the cost of having developed a custom boat design...! Where there may be any doubt, please review our web article on how we use CAD effectively to develop our designs for NC Cutting .

Anymore, it is inconceivable to build a commercial vessel of any size without taking advantage of NC cutting. While this technology has been slow to penetrate among yacht builders, these days it is plain that builders and designers who ignore the benefits offered by computer modeling and NC cut hull structures simply have their heads in the sand. A possibly entertaining editorial on this is subject is Are We Still in the Dark Ages ...?  

Paint Systems

Small metal boats are not designed with an appreciable corrosion allowance. They must therefore be prepared and painted in the best way possible in order to assure a long life.

Current technology for protecting steel and aluminum boats is plain and simple: Epoxy paint .

When painting metal, a thorough degreasing is always the first step, to clean off the oils from the milling process, as well as any other contaminants, like the smut from welding, which have been introduced while fabricating.

The next important step is a very thorough abrasive grit blasting on a steel boat, or a somewhat less aggressive "brush blast" on an aluminum boat. The process of sand blasting a metal boat is expensive and can in no way be looked at with pleasure, except in the sense of satisfaction and well being provided by a job well done.

While there is no substitute for grit blasting, there are ways to limit the cost of the operation. When ordering steel, it is very much to a builder's advantage to have it "wheel abraded" and primed. Wheel abrading is a process of throwing very small shot at the surface at high speed to remove the mill scale and clean the surface. Primer is then applied. Having been wheeled and primed, the surfaces will be much easier to blast when the time comes.

In terms of the paint system, aluminum boats are dealt with more easily than steel boats. Aluminum must be painted any place a crevice might be formed where things are mounted, and should also be painted below the waterline, if left in the water year-round. The marine aluminum alloys do not otherwise require painting at all.

On an aluminum boat, any areas which will be painted should receive the same aggressive preparation regimen used on steel: thorough cleaning, sand blasting, and epoxy paint. Aluminum is less hard than steel, so sand blasting aluminum is relatively fast compared to steel. The blast nozzle must be held at a greater distance and the blast covers the area more quickly.

On a Copper Nickel or Monel vessel, there would simply be no need for paint anywhere.  

Many schemes are used to insulate metal boats. Insulation is mentioned here in the context of corrosion prevention mainly to point out that regardless of the type used, insulation is NOT to be considered an effective protection against corrosion. As with anywhere else on a metal boat, epoxy paint is the best barrier against corrosion.

Sprayed-on foam is not to be recommended. While popular, sprayed-on foam has many drawbacks that are often overlooked:

  • Urethane foam is not a completely closed cell type of foam. With time, urethane foam will absorb odors which become difficult or impossible to get rid of. This is especially a problem when there are smokers aboard.
  • Nearly all urethane foam will burn fiercely, and the fumes are extremely toxic. Blown in foam should therefore be of a fire retarding formulation, and should additionally be coated with a flame retarding intumescent paint.
  • Sprayed-on foam makes a total mess, requiring extensive clean-up. The clean-up process actually further compromises the foam due to breaking the foam's surface skin.
  • Sprayed-on foam requires that an intumescent paint be applied, both for the sake of fire suppression, and in order to re-introduce the seal broken by the clean-up of the spray job.

A much better insulation system is to use a Mastic type of condensation / vapor barrier such as MASCOAT, which adheres well to painted steel surfaces, as well as unpainted aluminum surfaces. It creates a barrier to water penetration, and an effective condensation prevention system. Applied to recommended thicknesses of around 60 mils, it is effective as insulation. Further, it is quite good at sound deadening, is fire proof, and will not absorb odors. Mascoat DTM is used for insulation, and Mascoat MSC for sound attenuation, very effective on engine room surfaces and above the propeller. Both are effective whether on a steel or an aluminum boat.

These mastic coatings can be painted if desired. In more severe climates the mastic coatings can be augmented by using a good quality flexible closed cell cut-sheet foam to fit between the framing. The best choices among these flexible cut-sheet foams are Ensolite and Neoprene. There are several different varieties of each. The choice of insulation foam should be made on the basis of it being fireproof, mildew proof, easily glued, easy to work with, resilient, and if exposed, friendly to look at. Ensolite satisfies all these criteria. Ensolite is better than Neoprene in most respects, but is slightly more expensive. One brand offering good quality flexible foam solutions for boats is ARMAFLEX.

Styrofoam or any other styrene type of foam should be strictly avoided. Go get a piece at your local lumber yard and throw it onto a camp fire.... You will be immediately convinced. The same applies to any of the typical rigid or sprayed-on urethane foams. They are an extreme fire hazard and cannot be recommended.  

Zincs are essential on any metal hull for galvanic protection of the underwater metals (protection against galvanic attack of a less noble metal by a more noble metal), as well as for protection against stray current corrosion.

In the best of all possible worlds, there would be no stray currents in our harbors, but that is not a reality. Regardless of the bottom paint used or the degree of protection conferred by high build epoxy paint, zincs must be used to control stray current corrosion, to which we can become victim with a metal boat, even without an electrical system, due to the possible presence of an electric field in the water having a sufficiently different potential at one end of your boat, vs the other end...!

The quantity of zinc and the surface area must be determined by trial and error by observing real-world conditions over time. However as a place to start, a few recommendations can be made. As an example, on a metal hull of around 35 feet the best scheme to start with would be to place two zincs forward, two aft, and one on each side of the rudder. With a larger metal boat of say 45' an additional pair of zincs amidships would be appropriate. As a vessel gets larger the zincs will become more numerous and / or larger in surface area.

Zincs will be effective for a distance of only around 12 to 15 feet, so it is not adequate to just use one single large zinc anode. Zincs will ideally be located near the rudder fittings, and near the propeller. The zincs forward are a requirement, even though there may be no nearby hull fitting, in order to prevent the possibility of stray current corrosion, should the paint system be breached.

Using the above scheme, after the first few months the zincs should be inspected. If the zincs appear to be active, but there is plenty left, they are doing their job correctly. If they are seriously wasted, the area of zinc should be increased (rather than the weight of zinc). During each season, and to adjust for different marinas, the sizes of the zincs should be adjusted as needed.

Good electrical connection between the zinc and the hull must be assured.  

Bonding is the practice of tying all of the underwater metals together with wires or bonding strips. It is done in order to 'theoretically' bring all of the underwater metals to the same potential, and aim that collective potential at a single large zinc. It is also done in order that no single metal object will have a different potential than surrounding metal objects for the sake of shock prevention.

However for maximum corrosion protection, metal boats will ideally NOT be bonded. This of course is contrary to the advice of the ABYC. Keep in mind though that the ABYC rules represent the consensus of the US Marine Manufacturers Association, and are therefore primarily aimed at satisfying the requirements aboard GRP vessels, about which the MMA is most familiar. Naturally, aboard a GRP boat the boat's structure is electrically inert and not subject to degradation by corrosion, therefore aboard a GRP boat there is no reason to recommend against bonding - except perhaps the fact that bonding all underwater metals using a copper conductor invites the possibility of stray current corrosion of those underwater metals due to the possible potential differential in the water from one end of the boat to the other.

Little by little though, the ABYC is learning more about the requirements aboard metal and wooden vessels, and recommendations for aluminum and steel boats have begun to appear in the ABYC guidelines. Even so, the corrosion vs shock hazard conundrum aboard metal boats is not 'solved' since the solutions are not as simple as they might at first seem. For an introduction to some of the issues with regard to bonding, please see our " Corrosion, Zincs & Bonding " booklet.  

Electrical System Considerations

Aboard a metal vessel, purely for the sake of preventing corrosion the ideal will be to make use of a completely floating ground system. In other words, the negative side of the DC power will not permitted to be in contact with the hull nor any hull fittings, anywhere. With a floating ground system, a special type of alternator is used which does not make use of its case as the ground, but instead has a dedicated negative terminal.

This is contrary to the way nearly all engines are wired. Typically, engines make use of the engine block as a mutual ground for all engine wiring. Also, the starter will typically be grounded to the engine, as will the alternator. And typically the engine is in some way grounded to the hull, possibly via the coolant water, or possibly via a water lubed shaft tube, or the engine mounts, or even a direct bonding wire, etc.

Needless to say, for the sake of preventing corrosion, there should not be a direct connection between the AC shore power and the hull. This includes that insidious little green grounding wire. This whole issue is avoided if a proper marine grade Isolation Transformer is installed, which has as its duty to totally isolate all direct connections between shore power and the onboard wiring. This is done by 'inducing' a current in the onboard circuits, thus the electrical energy generated has been created entirely within the secondary coils, and is therefore entirely separate from the shore side power.

The purpose of the green grounding wire is to return any leakage current back to ground onshore, rather than to leak away through the hull and its underwater metals into the water, seeking an alternate path to ground. If a leakage current of greater than 10 milliamps exists onboard (not at all uncommon), it presents an EXTREME hazard to swimmers nearby. This is especially dangerous in fresh water where a swimmer's body provides much less electrical resistance than the surrounding water, and the swimmer thereby becomes the preferred path for any stray currents in the water. With a leakage current above 20 milliamps, death can (and has) become the result. Above 100 milliamps, and the heart stops. Serious business.

The shore side green grounding wire must be brought aboard and connected to the primary side of the Isolation Transformer. It creates a 'fail safe' return path for the AC current seeking ground. But on the secondary side of the Isolation Transformer it serves no purpose onboard because the secondary side will have created an entirely independent electrical system, generated onboard , and not tied to shore power.

Separately, there should ideally be a green grounding wire in the onboard electrical system, however it should not be tied to the shore side green grounding wire. Recommendations differ here, and the Isolation Transformer should be chosen on the basis of providing COMPLETE isolation of the onboard electrical system from the shore power system... What this means is that if a particular Isolation Transformer's wiring diagram recommends connecting the shore side green grounding wire to the onboard green grounding wire (effectively defeating its very purpose) that Isolation Transformer should be rejected as a candidate for placement onboard.

Other "black box" devices should be avoided, including "zinc savers" or impressed current systems, etc. On a military vessel, commercial vessel, or large crewed yacht where these systems can be continuously monitored, such "active" protection schemes may have some merit. However on a small yacht, which may spend long periods with no-one aboard but which may still be plugged into shore power, an "active" system will not be attended to with any regularity, and could easily fail and develop a fault that could potentially cause rapid corrosion, resulting in considerable damage.

The ideal electrical system onboard will be entirely 12v or 24v DC, energized via a large battery bank. All installations should have an Isolation Transformer on the shore power connection. Onboard, the secondary side of the transformer can then be connected to marine quality battery chargers. Some battery chargers are available that have a built-in isolation transformer, but they should be screened on the basis described above. Then onboard if the only thing the Isolation Transformer connects to onboard is a large battery charger, then there is no real connection between the onboard DC system and the shore side AC system.

Using such a system, it is possible to have onboard AC power provided by inverters, directly energized by the large battery bank. This provides yet another barrier between the onboard AC electrical system and the shore power system. It also provides other considerable advantages.... For one, some types of isolation transformer can be switched in order to accept either 110v AC or 220v AC, and to output either voltage , depending on what the onboard equipment requires (essentially just the battery charger in this case). Since the isolation transformer and the battery chargers are also frequency agnostic, if all onboard AC is generated by inverters, you then have a truly shore power agnostic system. All onboard equipment will either be DC, or will be AC generated onboard by the inverters at the requisite frequency and voltage required by the onboard equipment.

Where this scheme gets defeated rather quickly is where there must be an air conditioning system, and / or a washer / dryer, all of which are very power hungry. But we can still keep from bringing shore power onboard to directly serve those items by using the above described system (i.e. shore power > isolation transformer > battery charger > battery bank > inverter > onboard AC system) in combination with an onboard AC generator. In this way, all AC current onboard will be generated onboard, either via the inverters for low current draw items, or by the generator when high current draw items are used, and frequency / voltage suddenly become a non-issue...

The whole point is to keep shore power OFF the boat by limiting its excursion only to the Isolation Transformer, where it stops completely. With all onboard power being created entirely onboard, there is no hazard to swimmers posed by stray currents attempting to seek ground onshore, because the onboard "ground" is, in fact, onboard...

I know there are those who will disagree with the above statements about electrical systems. Whether you agree or disagree, please don't come all unglued over these matters and instead, for much more complete information on these topics, please see the resources mentioned below...  

We can see that metal can make considerable sense as a hull building material. On the basis of strength, ruggedness, ease of construction, first cost, and ease of maintenance, there is plenty of justification for building a metal hull, whether steel, aluminum, Copper Nickel, or Monel.

Steel wins the ruggedness contest. Aluminum wins the lightness contest. Copper Nickel and Monel win the longevity and freedom from maintenance contest.

Part of the equation for any vessel is also resale. In this realm, aluminum does very well, albeit in this country not as well as composite construction. This is mainly a matter of market faith here in the US where we are relatively less educated about metal vessels. As for resale, a vessel built of Copper Nickel will fare extremely well. After all, the Copper Nickel or Monel vessel will have essentially been built out of money...!

Metal is an excellent structural material, being both strong and easily fabricated using readily available technology. In terms of impact, metal can be shown via basic engineering principles and real world evidence to be better than any form of composite. If designed well, a metal boat will be beautiful, will perform well, will be very comfortable, and will provide the peace of mind achieved only via the knowledge that you are aboard the safest, strongest, most rugged type of vessel possible.

It is said among dedicated blue water cruisers in the South Pacific that, "50% of the boats are metal; the rest of them are from the United States....!" Although this statement may seem so at times, it is fortunately not 100% true!!

It is my hope that the above essay will be of some value when considering the choice of hull materials. If you are intending to make use of metal as a hull material you may wish to review the article " Aluminum for Boats " that first appeared in Cruising World magazine, and the article " Aluminum vs. Steel " comparing the relative merits of both materials. Also, in defense of steel as a very practical boat building medium check out the article on " Steel Yachts ."

In addition, there are two excellent booklets available on our Articles and Other Links page. The first of them, the " Marine Metals Reference " is a brief guide to the appropriate metals for marine use, where they will be most appropriately used. It also contains welding information and a complete list of the physical properties of marine metals. The second booklet, " Corrosion, Zincs & Bonding " offers a complete discussion of electrical systems, corrosion, zincs, and bonding.  

Other Articles on Boat Structure

Metal Boats for Blue Water | Aluminum vs Steel | Steel Boats | Aluminum for Boats Metal Boat Framing | Metal Boat Building Methods | Metal Boat Welding Sequence | Designing Metal Boat Structure Composites for Boats | The Evolution of a Wooden Sailing Type  

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Stainless Steel Marine

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Universal Arch Design Makes Installations on Hundreds of Other Makes and Models Possible

Cruising Sailors want More! More Power, Bigger Tenders, More stuff! Our new Sch 80 Mark2 Sail Arch meets those needs, with a Larger extended truss to provide increased resistance to lateral motion and the ability to easily handle a grid system with up to four large solar panels for morethan 1600 watts of solar. Plus all of our accessories, Tender Handler, Kayak/Paddleboard racks, Starlink antennas, Motor Cranes and more

, distance between forward legs and after legs is the same

See diagram 1 , 2 .

stainless steel sailboat

Super Sail Arch Xtra High Capacity , 2"ID super sized material

Mounting Centers Inches   Forward Legs   After Legs  
     Minimum   Maximum   Minimum   Maximum 
TIB101/02  Sail Arch Standard Schedule 40    
TIB24350 78 94 78 94  $   2,800.00
TIB24400 90 106 90 106  $   2,800.00
TIB24500 102 118 102 118  $   2,900.00
TIB24600 114 130 114 130  $   3,000.00
TIB101/02SPO1  Sail Arch HiCapacity Schedule 80    
TIB24350 78 94 102 114  $   3,500.00
TIB24400 90 106 118 130  $   3,500.00
TIB24500 102 90 102 114  $   3,600.00
TIB24600 114 106 118 130  $   3,700.00
Mark 2 Sail Arch HiCapacity Schedule 80    
TIB24350 78 94 78 94  $   4,100.00
TIB24400 90 106 90 106  $   4,100.00
TIB24500 102 118 102 118  $   4,200.00
TIB24600 114 130 114 130  $   4,300.00
TIB24650 126 142 126 142  $   4,500.00
Sail Arch HiCapacity Schedule 80 Extra Wide
TIB24400 128 142 128 142  $   4,000.00
TIB24500 140 154 140 154  $   4,100.00
TIB24600 152 166 152 166  $   4,200.00
TIB24650 164 178 164 178  $   4,400.00
TIB101/02SPOMK2 Mar 2 Sail Arch HiCapacity Schedule 80 Extra Wide
TIB24400 128 142 128 142  $   4,500.00
TIB24500 140 154 140 154  $   4,600.00
TIB24600 152 166 152 166  $   4,700.00
TIB24650 164 178 164 178  $   4,900.00
Mounting Centers Inches Forward Legs   After Legs  
     Minimum   Maximum   Minimum   Maximum 
TIB1015/025 Sail Arch Standard Schedule 40 Legs Offset        
TIB24350 78 90 68 80  $   2,900.00
TIB24400 80 106 80 96  $   2,900.00
TIB24500 102 118 92 108  $   3,000.00
TIB24600 114 130 104 120  $   3,100.00
TIB1015/025SPO1 Sail Arch HiCapacity Schedule 80 Legs Offset  
TIB24350 78 90 68 80  $   3,600.00
TIB24400 90 106 80 96  $   3,600.00
TIB24500 102 118 92 108  $   3,700.00
TIB24600 114 130 104 120  $   3,800.00
Mark 2 Sail Arch HiCapacity Schedule 80 Legs Offset  
TIB24350 80 90 68 80  $   4,100.00
TIB24400 90 106 80 96  $   4,200.00
TIB24500 102 118 92 108  $   4,300.00
TIB24600 114 130 104 120  $   4,400.00
Sail Arch HiCapacity Schedule 80 Xtra Wide Legs Offset
TIB24400 116 144 106 134  $   4,000.00
TIB24500 128 156 118 146  $   4,100.00
TIB24600 140 168 130 158  $   4,200.00
TIB24650 152 180 142 170  $   4,400.00
Mark 2 Sail Arch HiCapacity Schedule 80 Xtra Wide Legs Offset
TIB24400 128 144 118 134  $   4,700.00
TIB24500 140 156 130 146  $   4,800.00
TIB24600 152 168 142 158  $   4,900.00
TIB24650 164 180 154 170  $   5,000.00

Please Call for information on specific yacht applications; certain customizable dimensions are possible at additional cost

Prices and specifications are subject to change, please call for current information

made in the USA

[UPDATED] Click to see a comprehensive list of boats our "Tower In A Box" Sail Arches have been installed on. Universal Arch Makes Installations on Hundreds of Other Makes and Models Possible

High Strength welded frame of schedule 40 marine grade aluminum pipe nearly 2" in diameter, with secondary reinforcement of nearly 1 3/8" in diameter finished in durable salt resistant bright clear anodizing

The Arch has the appearance and strength of a custom welded unit when installed on your boat. It weighs less than 100 pounds, and is strong enough to support the weight of two persons for the installation of equipment.

, or 2" diameter 2 bolt bases click here (new page, Kit #6 detail) Cupped feet, to allow direct pass thru of electrical cables are available at additional cost.

Everything is included for a complete installation on most boats, even backing plates along with instructions and a video detailing all the steps of the installation.

New for Spring 2015, "Tower In A Box" arch bridges include a snap-in Sintra cover panel in radar plate to conceal wiring. A feature borrowed from our Custom Structures.

6391 Walmore Road
Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: 1-866-945-8801

click here for sail arch accessories

Available Options:


Atlantic Towers manufactures a wide variety of fittings and specialty hardware that allow Sail Arch owners to design and build a variety of individualized applications. Including Solar Panel array supports. Davit arms, lifting eyes, outboard motor brackets, etc.

A growing number of cruising yachts are using Tower in a Box® stern mounted arches to mount solar panel arrays and lift their tender. Frequently arches cannot be mounted sufficiently far aft to provide a straight “pick” when lifting the tender and the tendered needs to dragged up and over the sugar scoop or extended platform to raise it into a secure position under the arch. The “Tender Handler” option provides “reach” to lift the tender from the water behind a sugar scoop transom or extended swim platform and then bring it high and close to the yacht under the arch, where it can be secured for navigation. The unique design feature is the articulated pivot at the connection of the “Tender Handler” frame to the arch, eliminating the need for perfect alignment and ensuring smooth operation.

Wind Generator Base and Mast can be clamped anywhere on the top of your arch. Comes with a 40' length of 1 1/2" Schd.40 which can be permanently fitted into the receiver with two part epoxy, or made removable with the use of machine screws or quick release pins. The 1.90" outer diameter of the 1 1/2" schd.40 pipe fits many popular wind generators. the Wind Generator mast MUST be ordered with the arch, it cannot be bolted on.


An extruded anodized aluminum clamp assembly that can be used to secure a lifting tackle to the arch.

Can be mounted to top of arch to extend the "pick point" of the lifting eyes up to 24" behind arch. Includes two 42" Schd.80 extensions, end caps, curved washers, clamp assembly lifting eyes, and all hardware needed for installation. .

Allows you to mount solar panels anywhere on your arch. Kit contains (2) 65" lengths of 1" x 2" x 1/8" rectangular aluminum tube, (4) plastic end caps, (8) Curved Washers, and all hardware needed for installation.

We offer a full line of parts and accessories that can be combined to create your own custom mounting solution. For pricing and more information please call

Need more rod holders? Individual can be mounted anywhere on the perimeter of the Sail Arch framework. A unique patented design available exclusively from Atlantic Towers, manufactured from all aluminum in natural aluminum or gold anodized finish Adjust-O-Launchers can be pivoted thru 12 positions for unmatched flexibility. Fits all marine standard 1-1/2” pipe (1.90” o.d.)
AJ30500C Clear Anodizing:
AJ30500G Gold Anodizing:

More light, less current draw than conventional halogen lamps. Current draw less than 1 amp each (less than 2 amps a pair) at 12 volts. Wire with minimum 20 gauge (always used tinned stranded wire for marine applications). Includes Choice of mounting bracket to fit any Atlantic Towers structure.

Tower in a Box Arches - Single MP152 with KIT54000 Light Mount:
Custom Arches - Single MP152 with KIT54000 Light Mount:

An extruded anodized aluminum clamp allows you to add a cleat anywhere on your Atlantic Towers Sail Arch.

Made from 1 1/2" schd. 40 anodized aluminum pipe with an outer diameter measuring 1.9" and features eye bolts for tying down equipment along with grip rail to prevent any slipping or damage. With three different clamp on or bolt on versions available, the rack can be clamped or bolted to existing arches, hardtops, davit systems, bow rails, and foredecks.
Bolt on Rack:
Clamp on Rack:

The Arch was designed for owner installation and is typically no more complicated than installing rod holders or outriggers, just a few more pieces. If you are comfortable with hand tools, the Arch comes with instructions and all the backing plates and hardware required for a thru bolted installation. page for professional installers with whom our customers have had a good experience)

How is the Arch shipped to me? Although the Arch is not heavy it is too large to go by UPS. We have discounted freight arrangements with several trucking companies, which cover all 48 states and Canada. We can also ship to Alaska, Hawaii and any overseas city, call us for details. The Arch is packed in a single large cardboard carton and normally ships to a commercial address


What happens if my Arch is damaged in shipping? Atlantic Towers wants you to enjoy your boat, not spend the season chasing a freight claim. If your Arch arrives damaged, just refuse the shipment and we will send you a new one at no additional cost to you.

Can I return my Arch if I decide I don’t want to keep it? Atlantic will accept the return of any Standard Structure within 30 days of it’s receipt by you. Simply return the Structure in the original packaging in new condition freight pre-paid and we will refund the purchase price less a 10% restocking fee

Yes, for 5 years, see the section of our website for details.

**NOTE: There is a 10% re-stocking charge for cancelled or returned merchandise**

Due to our dedication to continued product improvement, we reserve the right to make changes without notice.

This $12 million 'mansion yacht' is made entirely of stainless steel — and it's a first for the industry. Take a peek inside.

  • A floating, mansion-like yacht was shown at the 60th annual Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show in October.
  • It's being touted as the world's first yacht to be made entirely out of stainless steel .
  • A spokesperson for the company told FOX Business that "a few billionaires " had expressed interest in the vessel.
  • The asking price for the base 9,000-square-foot model is $12 million.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Insider Today

A vessel named Mansion Yacht was shown at the 60th annual Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show in October, and people have been buzzing about it ever since. According to FOX Business, the yacht is the first ever to be made entirely from stainless steel. 

"It does a whole bunch of other things that a normal yacht doesn't do, so it doesn't replace an ocean-going yacht, but it definitely is a great addition to the yacht family," Bruno Edwards of Mansion Yachts told FOX Business. 

Edwards told Business Insider in November that the company's base 9,000-square-foot model has an asking price of $12 million. And apparently, "a few billionaires " had already expressed interest at the time.

"This will be the first one that we sell," Edwards told FOX Business in November. "We've already had a lot of interest, so we are waiting on our first contract."

In the meantime, scroll down to learn more and to look inside the stunning Mansion Yacht.

FOX Business reports that the Mansion Yacht is the first yacht to be made entirely out of stainless steel.

stainless steel sailboat

It was shown at the 60th annual Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show in October.

Source:  FOX Business

The 84-foot long vessel has a total 9,000 square feet of space — enough to accommodate 149 people.

stainless steel sailboat

Source:  FOX Business , Mansion Yachts

It has a 1,600-square-foot entertainment area on the front deck, along with a 3,300-square-foot viewing space.

stainless steel sailboat

Source: Daily Mail, Mansion Yachts

The Mansion Yacht has five bedrooms ...

stainless steel sailboat

Source: Daily Mail , Mansion Yachts

... five bathrooms ...

stainless steel sailboat

... and a hot tub that can fit up to seven people.

stainless steel sailboat

The boat has 18-feet hydraulic legs which can keep it propped up above water, giving the impression that it is floating.

stainless steel sailboat

Source:  FOX Business, Mansion Yachts

It's also relatively eco-conscious, with 72 solar panels capable of producing 15 kilowatts of electricity.

stainless steel sailboat

However, despite its name, the Mansion Yacht is not technically a yacht.

stainless steel sailboat

"It does a whole bunch of other things that a normal yacht doesn't do, so it doesn't replace an ocean-going yacht," Bruno Edwards from Mansion Yachts told FOX Business. "But it definitely is a great addition to the yacht family." 

Edwards told Business Insider that the base model of the vessel has an asking price of $12 million.

stainless steel sailboat

Edwards also noted that the Mansion Yacht's stainless steel will keep the maintenance costs low. 

"It is actually 25% of the maintenance cost of a fiberglass boat," Edwards told FOX Business.

Source: Daily Mail , FOX Business, Mansion Yachts

The views, at least, are pretty priceless.

stainless steel sailboat

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stainless steel sailboat

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Sailboat Bimini Top Stainless Steel

Sailboat Bimini Top Stainless Steel

  • Exceptional durability and quality
  • Water-resistant, breathable high-tech ATLAS GOLDEN RANGE Marine Grade Fabric 10.4 oz/yd² with top-stitched double seams sewn using UV bonded thread
  • UV & weather-resistant factor  UPF 50+  (measured > UPF 80)
  • Resilience against mold and mildew
  • Ø1″ 316 stainless steel frame, ensuring strength and dependability
  • Front nylon strap tie-downs and solid rear stainless steel support poles
  • Marine-grade 316 stainless steel fittings
  • Travels comfortably on the water at 40 knots
  • A wide selection of canopy colors and mounting widths to choose from


  • SKU: NA 065P
  • Categories: Sailboat Bimini Tops , Stainless Steel Bimini Tops
71″ – 83″ 76″ 51″ 53″ NA 065-1
83″ – 95″ 88″ 51″ 53″ NA 065-2
95″ – 106″ 100″ 63″ 61″ NA 065-3
106″ – 118″ 112″ 63″ 61″ NA 065-4
118″ – 130″ 124″ 63″ 61″ NA 065-5

stainless steel sailboat

Recommended Accessories:

stainless steel sailboat

Bimini Top Extension

Available Options


Versatile sun shade kit which extends the shaded area of the Bimini. Allows airflow and gently filters the sun rays to provide a comfortable shaded area.

Takes only a few minutes to install and easily folded for compact storage. Can be used at anchor or motoring up to 20 knots.

stainless steel sailboat

Breakwater Sportz Bimini Top - 4ft


The Oceansouth 3 Bow (4ft) Bimini top with Rocker Launcher stands as an epitome of durability, purpose-built to withstand the most unforgiving marine conditions. Crafted with high-quality materials, these tops are a fishing enthusiast’s dream, providing exceptional resilience and reliability. Its 3 Bow Premium Bimini structure spans 4ft in length and boasts a towering 46″ height, adaptable to various preferences. For those requiring a shorter height, the Bimini can be effortlessly tailored down to 36″. The framework comprises a robust 1″ Bright Dipped Aluminum snap lock, ensuring steadfast support and longevity even under strain.

Constructed with Solution Dyed Polyester ATLAS Canvas at 9.14 oz/yd², this Bimini top showcases exceptional UV and weather-resistant properties, maintaining vibrant color over extended use. Marine-grade nylon fittings and stainless steel 316 fasteners fortify its sturdiness, promising reliability in harsh saltwater environments. Accompanied by support poles and an Integrated Storage Boot, this Bimini top not only endures high speeds, rated for up to 45 knots but also offers practicality and ease of storage, making it a versatile and dependable companion for any marine adventure.


The Oceansouth Sailboat Stainless Steel Bimini Top: Versatile Protection

The Oceansouth Stainless Steel Sailboat Bimini is a robust and high-quality canopy designed for yachts, sailboats and larger motorboats. With its trim design and Ø1” 316 stainless steel frame, this Bimini provides robust yet reliable shade and protection for your boating adventures.

Advanced Materials: Durability Guaranteed

Constructed from high-tech ATLAS GOLDEN RANGE Marine Grade Fabric with a weight of  10.4 oz/yd² , our Stainless Steel Sailboat Bimini is UV and weather-resistant, ensuring durability and colour fastness even under challenging marine conditions. The marine-grade 316 stainless steel fittings add to its longevity. Our Sailboat Bimini kit contains the stainless steel framework, fabric canopy with an integrated storage boot, heavy-duty webbing straps, rear stainless steel support poles, crossbars and components, making installation and setup a breeze. Our Sailboat Bimini harmoniously integrates functionality with performance, ensuring a comfortable 40 knot cruise and an invaluable enhancement for your boat.

Note: Hardware Details

Our Stainless Steel Sailboat Bimini kit comprises all the necessary hardware for the full assembly of the Bimini. Please note that the fasteners/screws needed to securely attach the Bimini frame to your boat are not provided. You need to obtain the appropriate fasteners or screws that are compatible with the material of your boat.

Convenient Storage: Effortless Retraction

Crafted for effortless storage, our Stainless Steel Sailboat Bimini is equipped with a cleverly integrated Storage Boot beneath the canopy. This thoughtful design ensures convenient storage when retracted, eliminating any loose material on board. Simply release the forward web strapping, retract the Bimini, and utilize the integrated zippered boot to neatly stow the canopy back within itself.

Straightforward Installation: User-Friendly Process

Installing your Stainless Steel Sailboat Bimini is a hassle-free experience, thanks to our user-friendly and comprehensive installation guide. We’ve streamlined the process to make it as straightforward as possible, ensuring that you can set up your Bimini quickly and with minimal effort.

Our step-by-step installation guide provides clear instructions from start to finish, guiding you through each stage with ease. Whether you’re a seasoned boating enthusiast or a first-time user, you’ll find the process intuitive and easy to follow.

From assembling the Sailboat Bimini frame to attaching the canopy and securing the fittings, every aspect of installation has been carefully designed to be user-friendly. With our straightforward approach, you’ll have your Bimini up and ready for use in no time, allowing you to focus on enjoying your time on the water without any unnecessary delays or complications.


Opting for an Oceansouth Bimini guarantees boaters a shade solution that is excellently crafted, enduring, and characterized by innovation, adapting seamlessly to diverse boating conditions. Our reputation globally and unwavering dedication to quality make us the logical choice for those in search of high-performance marine accessories. Choosing an Oceansouth Bimini represents an investment in a trustworthy and thoughtfully designed marine accessory, supported by a brand with a longstanding commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Boaters can rely on Oceansouth to deliver shade solutions that elevate their on-water experience, regardless of the size or type of vessel they own.

Innovative Design:

We are known for our innovative design, incorporating cutting-edge features to enhance functionality and aesthetics. From retractable options to versatile mounting and stowing configurations, we are consistently introducing design innovations to meet boaters’ evolving needs.

Quality Materials:

We prioritize the use of high-quality materials in the construction of our Biminis. Whether it’s stainless steel or anodized aluminum frame or durable Atlas marine-grade fabric for the canopy, the materials are deliberately chosen for their durability, corrosion resistance, and longevity, ensuring a reliable and long-lasting product.

Durability and Reliability:

Our Biminis are built with durability in mind. Our brand’s commitment to quality craftsmanship results in products that withstand the rigors of marine environments, providing boaters with reliable and long-lasting shade solutions.

Adaptability to Boating Conditions:

Our Biminis are designed to adapt to various boating conditions. Whether it’s a retractable or removable feature for easy storage, different mounting options to suit boat configurations or designs that provide stability in windy conditions, our Biminis cater to a range of preferences and requirements.

Global Recognition:

We have gained global recognition in the marine industry, attesting to the brand’s reputation for quality and innovation. Available in 94 countries worldwide, including Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Europe, and the UK, boaters globally trust Oceansouth products, making us a reputable choice for those seeking reliable and well-designed Biminis.

Ease of Installation:

The design of our Biminis prioritizes user-friendly installation. With clear instructions and thoughtful design elements, the installation process is more straightforward compared to many other canopies available in the market. This ensures that boaters can quickly and easily enjoy the benefits of their Bimini with minimal hassle.


Oceansouth Biminis achieves a harmonious balance between quality and affordability. Boaters can anticipate receiving a high-quality product at a reasonable price, positioning our Biminis as a cost-effective and value-driven choice in the marine accessories market.

Comprehensive Product Range:

We offer a comprehensive and wide range of Bimini options, catering to different boat sizes, types, and user preferences. Whether you own a small open boat or a larger cabin cruiser, we provide a huge selection of Biminis and colors to suit configurations and setups.

Weather Protection:

Our Biminis are designed not only to provide shade but also to offer effective weather protection. The canopies are made from durable and weather-resistant UV-treated fabrics, ensuring boaters remain shielded from the sun, rain, and other elements, enhancing overall comfort during their time on the water.

Attention to Detail:

Commitment to quality extends to meticulous attention to detail in our design and manufacturing processes. From reinforced stitching to precision engineering in frame construction, rest assured our Oceansouth Biminis are crafted with a keen eye for detail, contributing to their overall reliability and longevity.

User-Friendly Features:

We incorporate user-friendly features into our Biminis, making them convenient and practical for boaters. This may include easy-to-use adjustment mechanisms, quick-release fittings, straightforward assembly and a wide array of colors and sizes, enhancing the overall user experience whilst ensuring functionality and practicality.

Industry Expertise:

With decades of experience in the marine industry, we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and expertise. This industry insight is reflected in our ingenious product designs, ensuring that our Biminis not only meet but often exceed the expectations of boaters, backed by a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced on the water.

Continued Innovation:

We work tirelessly to remain at the absolute forefront of the marine accessories industry through a commitment to ongoing innovation. Regular updates to product lines reflect a dedication to staying ahead of industry trends and consistently delivering Biminis that incorporate the latest advancements in design and technology.

While both the Oceansouth stainless steel Biminis and anodized aluminum Biminis are exceptional, high-quality marine canopies, each frame possesses distinct features that may make one more appealing than the other.

316 Stainless Steel Biminis

Durability and Strength:

Stainless steel Biminis are renowned for their exceptional durability and strength. They are less prone to corrosion and damage caused by exposure to harsh marine environments, making them a preferred choice for boaters seeking long-lasting and robust solutions.

Resistance to Corrosion:

Stainless steel exhibits superior resistance to corrosion, making it an ideal choice for saltwater environments. This corrosion resistance ensures that the Bimini maintains its structural integrity and appearance over an extended period, even in challenging maritime conditions.

Aesthetics and Shine:

Stainless steel Biminis boasts a sleek and polished appearance, adding a touch of sophistication to the boat’s overall aesthetic. The shiny finish of stainless steel can be an attractive feature for boaters looking to enhance the visual appeal of their vessel.

Maintenance and Cleaning:

Stainless steel is relatively easy to maintain and clean. It requires minimal effort to keep its shine and appearance intact. This can be advantageous for boaters who prioritize low-maintenance accessories that still offer a polished and well-maintained look.

Heavier Duty Applications:

In situations where a heavier-duty Bimini is required, such as for larger boats or in areas with high winds, stainless steel Biminis are often preferred. The inherent strength of stainless steel makes it suitable for heavy-duty applications where extra durability is crucial.

High-Temperature Resistance:

Stainless steel exhibits better resistance to high temperatures compared to anodized aluminum. This feature can be advantageous in areas with intense sunlight or for boaters who regularly operate in hot climates.

Enhanced Stability:

The weight and density of stainless steel may contribute to enhanced stability in windy conditions. Boaters in areas prone to gusty winds may appreciate the added stability provided by stainless steel Biminis.

Malleability for Customisation:

Stainless steel is malleable and allows for intricate designs and customization. Boaters seeking a personalized touch or specific design features may find stainless steel more accommodating for customization.

Anodized Aluminum Biminis

Not to be outdone, there are some excellent characteristics and advantages of Anodized Biminis.

Lightweight Construction:

Anodized aluminum is significantly lighter than stainless steel. Boaters looking to minimize overall boat weight or those with smaller vessels may prefer the lightweight nature of aluminum Biminis.

Corrosion Resistance:

While not as corrosion-resistant as stainless steel, anodized aluminum still offers great corrosion resistance. This makes it suitable for freshwater environments or areas with less severe salt exposure.

Due to its lighter weight, anodized aluminum is often easier to handle during installation. Boaters who prioritize ease of setup or anticipate frequent removal and reinstallation may find aluminum Biminis more convenient.

Anodized aluminum Biminis are generally more cost-effective than their stainless steel counterparts. Boaters on a budget or those seeking a cost-efficient solution without compromising quality may opt for aluminum.

Ultimately, the choice between stainless steel and anodized aluminum Biminis depends on specific needs and preferences. Whether opting for stainless steel or aluminum, be confident that with an Oceansouth Bimini, you are acquiring a meticulously crafted, enduring, and innovative marine shade solution designed to adapt to diverse boating conditions. The global acclaim of our brand and our unwavering commitment to quality establish our products as a trusted choice for individuals seeking high-performance and dependable marine accessories.

How do I select the correct bimini for my boat?

– Decide on the bimini type that’s most suitable for your boat – Measure the width on your boat of where you will mount your Bimini – Select the mounting width and preferred color from the website

Should I add rear solid support poles?

Adding rear support poles gives the Bimini greater strength and versatility. These poles enhance the bimini’s durability and enable convenient folding into an upright position, ideal for trailering purposes.

How long will the fabric last?

Our fabric comes with a 1-year manufacturing warranty and with good maintenance, such as washing off dirt and grime every few months and neatly storing the cover in the provided storage boot when not in use you should get many years of good service from the canopy’s material.

Outboard Motor Cover Care and Maintenance

Can I replace the fabric with a different color?

Choose from the range of colors in the link below –

Bimini Top Fabric Replacements

Can I fit a clamp on the rod rack to the back?

Yes, yet you will need to ensure you have back support poles for the rod rack to clamp onto.

https://oceansouth.us/product-category/biminis/bimini-components-and-replacements/bimini-support-poles/ – Bimini Support Poles – Clamp-on Rod Rack

How do I drive on the road with the bimini?

You have two options for folding the bimini: Option 1: Pack the bimini into the provided storage boot. Unclip the straps and/or support poles (if added), then fold the bimini down flat. Option 2: If you’ve added back support poles, unclip the front straps, fold them back towards the back support poles (whilst standing up) and zip the fabric into the provided storage boot.

Can I fold my bimini flat both forward and back?

While it is recommended to fold the bimini back, there might be instances where folding it forward is necessary, especially if there’s an accessory blocking the way. However, if you are folding forward, make sure the bimini doesn’t protrude beyond the sides of the boat’s bow, as this could pose issues during road transportation.

Can I cut my bimini down or increase the height?

Yes, you can trim down the bimini with a maximum trim allowance of 30cm. Please refer to the instructions provided with the bimini for guidance.

Can I mount my bimini on rails?

You can mount the bimini onto rails. Simply acquire one of our knuckles (link provided below). When installing – Instead of using the deck mount, replace it with the knuckle and attach it securely to the 25mm rail. Please Note – If your rail diameter is smaller or larger than 25mm, you’ll need to obtain a different attachment to fit those rails, as our knuckles are designed specifically for 25mm diameter rails

Jaw Slide 1″ (with screw)

Can I mount my bimini on an inflatable or RIB boat?

Yes. Select the Inflatable Boat Deck Hinge from the website and ensure you also have a strong, marine-grade adhesive to fix the deck hinge to the boat’s surface.

Inflatable Boat Deck Hinge

How should I clean my Bimini?

-To clean your cover, use a soft brush and lukewarm water -Do not use harsh laundry soap or chemical detergent as they may damage the protective UV coating on your cover. -A mild, soapy detergent (even dishwashing liquid) is perfect to remove dirt and grim. -For the more stubborn and inground stains, we recommend using a polyester canvas cleaner available from most camping and auto stores. -Air dry Note: To prolong the life of your cover it must be clean and completely dry before storing.

Can I return or exchange the product if it doesn’t fit?

Yes, as long as the product has not been damaged. Contact [email protected] to find out how to organize the return.

Oceansouth began in 1985 in a small garage in Melbourne, Australia as a part-time project making boat ladders and bimini tops. It quickly grew into a global leader in the design and manufacturing of marine accessories. The company expanded its product line beyond its initial offerings, becoming an industry innovator known for blending functionality with style. This reputation for quality led to national recognition in Australia and a move to a larger manufacturing facility in 1990.

In 2012, Oceansouth made its mark in the U.S.A by establishing its divisional headquarters in Miami, driven by the ambition to reach a broader market and to capitalise on the influential US boating scene. This expansion into the U.S.A. was a huge success, leading to further growth in North America and setting the stage for Oceansouth’s foray into the European sector in 2014, with its European base established in Germany.

With our products now sold in 94 countries worldwide, Oceansouth is the premier market leader in marine and boating accessories.


Altas Fabric Blue

Weight 10.4 oz/yd²
Material 100% High Tech Polyester
Water Column ≥ 150 mbar (1500 mm)
Light & Weather Fastness Note 6-7
Tensile Strength ≈ 2200 N¹ | 1400 N²
Elongation ≈ 40 %¹ | 30 %²
Colour Fastness to rubbing Note 4-5³ | Note 44
Chlorine Resistant Note 4-5
Water Repellency Note 100
Oil Repellency Note 4
Coating Polyurethan [PU]
UV Protection Factor UPF 50+ (measured > UPF 80)


stainless steel sailboat

Heavy Duty Inflatable Boat Dinghy Cover

Sailboat Awnings

Sailboat Awnings

Sailboat Winch Cover

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Stainless Steel Sailboat Destroyer Wheel

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Stainless Steel Sailboat Destroyer Wheel

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The classic Edson Destroyer™ Wheel will add distinction and value to any boat. Featuring an attractive dished shape, tapered hollow spokes and a  "D" shaped rim that is comfortable in your hands . Elegant yet strong, these wheels have a timeless appearance that will look great on any style of sailboat.

Edson's Destroyer™ Wheel  Key Features:

  • Choose Wheel Diameter: 18" (45.7cm) to 6 0" (152.4cm) Diameter Whee l
  • Slightly Dished-Shaped
  • Tapered Hollow Spokes
  • 5 Hollow Spokes for  Sizes  18" (45.7cm) to 40" (102cm)
  • 7  Hollow Spokes for  Sizes 4 4" (112cm)  to 60" (152.4cm)
  • 1-inch (25mm) D-Shaped Rim

Order #645ST Destroyer™ Wheel for  Precision Machined 1" Straight Hub

Order #647ST Destroyer™ Wheel for  Precision Machined 1" Tapered Hub

All Destroyer wheels are built to order and all sales are final. Please double check before ordering, and if in doubt please contact us for help.

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Enduring strength, everlasting finish.

Every Andersen winch is made with the care and craftsmanship that come from more than sixty years of experience. Andersen winches are built to last, to retain their exceptional finish and to deliver season after season of reliable performance and sailing pleasure to their owner through the years. 

Get a grip with ANDERSEN Winches ANDERSEN Winches are all about Design and Engineering. We believe in setting standards, as this is the only way we can ensure a lifetime of safe sailing for our customers and a future at sea for our products. To achieve this, we employ state-of-the-art manufacturing technology, and our staff is dedicated to continuous development. We remain at the cutting edge of winch development by working closely with yachtsmen and sailing professionals to create unique, practical and reliable features.

ANDERSEN POWER RIB™ Andersen winch drums incorporate the distinctive Power Rib™ which ensures a controlled grip on the line at all times, whether trimming or easing. The highly polished stainless steel surface minimises vertical friction and allows the loaded rope turns to slide easily upward as the drum rotates, without the shuddering and excessive rope wear seen on winches that rely on a rough surface finish for grip.

Stainless steel roller bearings and ball bearings carry the highest drum loads to the centre stem of the winch, minimising efficiency losses due to friction.

The self-tailing arm can be rotated through 360 degrees for optimum positioning (40ST and larger). Stainless steel self-tailing jaws adjust automatically to suit various rope sizes.

Andersen winches are designed for simple, straightforward installation and maintenance. Servicing is only required every two years or so under normal use.

stainless steel sailboat

Compact Motor™ Electric Winches

Andersen Compact Motor™ electric winches allow you to hoist and trim sails at the push of a button regardless of physical strength, so any crew member can easily and safely trim sails and control lines.

Ease of installation The Andersen Compact Motor™ electric winch is available in two formats for either Above Deck or Below Deck motor placement. Motor gearbox and controller are integrated into one compact unit with no extra control box necessary. Simplified electrical installation requires just the connection of positive and negative power cables to the motor terminals and the connection of the push button using the included output cable.

Efficient, variable speed The Andersen Compact Motor™ is a brushless DC motor carefully matched to a low profile planetary gearbox which requires less space for installation, and draws considerably less current than traditional motor/gearbox configurations. Available in 12 volt and 24 volt models, Compact Motor™ electric winches operate at variable speed in proportion to the pressure applied to the push button, for smooth and quiet operation.

Classic Winches 

Whether you have a smaller yacht, or are just looking for that traditional look, Andersen Classic Winches provide hallmark quality and performance in a simple non self-tailing configuration.

Single and two speed models, suiting conventional top mounted handles are available in sizes 10 to 46 providing a perfect economical solution for trailerable yachts and small keel boats where constant trimming is required.

Traditionally styled, low profile Classic Winches are single speed and available with included base-mounted or below-deck handle configurations. They are standard equipment on many popular classic sailboats of up to 2 ton displacement, including Dragons, H-boats and Folkboats where their beautifully polished finish complements that of the craft.

Quick-Lock™ Winch Handle

Electric Conversion Kits

Converting your winch from manual to electric motor-driven operation is easy using ANDERSEN's Electric Conversion Kits. Available in either E1 single speed, Electric Two Speed, or Compact Motor™ Variable Speed power units, our conversion kits can be fitted to most modern ANDERSEN Winches™ ranging from size 28ST to 110ST and are available in 12V or 24V.

Installation is straight forward with all kits including everything you need to do-it-yourself, or have your preferred yard do it for you. A comprehensive installation manual, templates, push button and cable terminals are provided in every kit. Our comprehensive network of Distributors and resellers are always available to answer any question regarding the right conversion kit and installation process for your specific ANDERSEN Winch™.

Special Finishes

Andersen Stainless Steel Winches are supplied standard with the world renowned hand polished surface finish for years of corrosion free performance, beautiful aesthetics and minimal line wear.

ZT Finish A surface finish for stainless steel obtained by hand polishing the surface, and then blasting the metal with a finishing media. The ZT finish is often described as “gun metal grey” or “titanium look”.

Contact your local Andersen Stainless Steel dealer or distributor for details.

Quick-Lock™ Winch Handle

Andersen™ Winch Products

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Official Sponsors of the Australian Sailing Team

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Contact Kato Marine: 7416 Edgewood Road Annapolis, MD 21403 Phone: 410-269-1218

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Soon we found ourselves making the arches for the same boat models repeatedly and we started taking jigs from the arches where we felt they might become popular. This allows us to make an arch for a boat located away from our area. A typical example is the Island Packet 420 � we have made an fifteen arches for this model!

 Kato Marine type 316 stainless steel arches:

All our arches are designed with the ability to lift dinghies in mind. They are all welded construction � no joining sleeves or similar. We have a huge number of options available, and because the arches are built to order we can accommodate most special requests. In order to make an arch for a boat that we have no information on, we must have the boat locally in Annapolis MD. Contact us directly to ascertain whether we have an arch for your boat.

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Is a stainless steel boat possible?

Discussion in ' Materials ' started by hansp77 , May 2, 2006 .


Just curious, as I am getting ready to try to weld up my own stainless pushpit the thought crossed my mind. Could one make a stainless steel hull? Or has anyone already done this? Aside from much higher cost, are there any fundamental reasons why this couldn't be done? The obvious idea I had to make this more affordable would be to use salvaged stainless, from things like big chemical storage tanks and what not. Hans.  


Raggi_Thor Nav.arch/Designer/Builder

"Stainless" means it doesn't rust in air. It will still corrode in (salt) water, I think. At least stainless bolts and screws are no good in wood under water.  
Thanks Raggi, i do know that stainless still corrodes, (maybe it should be called something like 'lessstain' or 'lessrust') but as far as I know, even without air- the rate of corrosion is still a lot 'less' than normal steel. I am not really picturing a gleaming silver bare metal hull (well ok the thought did briefly cross my mind) but rather some sort of painted, or zinc treated or other protective finish just like a normal steel hull. With the advantage of much slower corrosion (and much higher repair costs!) I am sure that there must be some reason other than price though.  


antonfourie Senior Member

As long as you coat prepare the stainless steel you should not have a problem, i.e. you need to create the protective layer that forms on stainless steel when you have worked with it, i.e. welding / forming, if you used 316 you would be able to leave the hull bare. The rate of corrosion is slower then even painted and cared for mild steel. If you were able to source the stainless and you paint it then you would be better off than using mild steel even the lower grades of stainless are still way better than mild steel, you would have to make sure that you use the correct electrodes as you might be welding disimilar grades of stainless.  


waikikin Senior Member

A couple of years ago we installed a stainless deck onto a self propelled mooring service lighter 40' in length, works well, plating cost was about 4x steel & consumables about 10x. Its worth it if it cuts maintenance costs in high aggression zones like anchor handling on foredecks & cockpits, sponson beltings & the like.Jeff.  
What about aluminium? Isn't that more durable than steel?  
antonfourie said: if you used 316 you would be able to leave the hull bare. The rate of corrosion is slower then even painted and cared for mild steel. Click to expand...


Hutting yachts Hutting once (maybe more) build a 40ft all stainless yacht about 10 years ago, something simular to their current 40ft model. Don't know what happened to it http://www.hutting.nl/Hutting40/General40/maigen4001.html These days they build in aluminum, with wood/epoxy deckhouse. You could ask them for an opinon.  
Hans, the most likely source would be old chemical tanks, which may not be that pleasant to work with and may have some chemical corrosion damage. The other thing that you could look for is ex road tankers that have been in a accident. How ever you do it please be carefull as 316 is most used when there are nasty chemicals or acids and there may be harmfull residue. As for a gleaming hull, yes as this is what handrails are made from, but if not looked after properly i.e. washed and cleaned like any other boat the stainless steel will get brownish surface corrosion or water marks, although this will only ever be a few microns thick  
Thanks SeaSpark and antonfourie, this is all just theoretical for me at the moment. I thought it might be an interesting thread, and as it stands I have my hands full enough with my current boat. But, for a long term future oriented project, who knows? At lest it does seem that there could be prospects for obtaining the metal cheap. Maybe by the time that I am ready to invest (a rather funny word in this context) in a 40-50ft round-the-worlder I may also be ready to just buy the damn thing ready to go.  


Ike Senior Member

Can it be done. Yes. Practical? Not very. The Nickel Institute in Canada did a serious study of the effect of salt water on various stainless steels. What they found is that they all corrode if they are wet and stay wet. Stainless like aluminum has a natural oxide on it's surface that prevents corrosion. Water washes the oxide away. With aluminum the oxide doesn't wash away so the aluminum doesn't corrode unles you damage or remove the oxide. The other problem is the welds. The welds would have to be near perfect. Stainless is very subject to crevice corrosion. Any defect, even the slightest crack or crevice, will breed corrosion which will spread. Plus that, to weld it right you would have to use the TIG process further raising the cost. Build out of aluminum if you want a bare metal yacht. There are lots of them.  
Ike, I don't really want a bare metal yacht, I am quite content at the moment with my lovely warm wooden one, I was wondering if it were possible with 316, and if so, if it had been done already- or why not? These reasons you have provided, however, are of the kind that I was looking for. Cheers.  


gonzo Senior Member

Stainless bellow the waterline will get crevice corrosion. It will also interact chemically with antifouling paint. However, Monel metal is corrosion resistant to be used below the waterline and is also naturally antifouling. You can have a shiny boat after all.  


lewisboats Obsessed Member

Being as I am reading about corrosion right now...I would like to point out that stainless has two "levels" for want of a better name. One "level is significantly more noble than the other. The more noble level is the one where the chromium in the steel has oxidized (it needs a constant supply of oxygen to maintain) on the surface and is providing the corrosion inhibiting surface coating and the lesser level is any place that that coating has been penetrated (scratches, any oxygen deprived area (the coating doesn't last without oxy), etc). Add an electrolyte (salt water/contaminated fresh water...it all is to an extent) and the electrical capacity of the metal itself and you have a galvanic cell...a battery. The lesser noble level will sacrifice itself (corrode) to the more noble level (pit corrosion). You will also get corrosion anywhere stagnant water (oxy depleted) sits...the bilge for one, condensation for another. You will also encounter corrosion anywhere where you have biologicals attached to the surface of the metal, cutting it off from oxygen and in contact with moisture. The last type of corrosion you might see is around the welds, where you have altered the diffusion of alloys in the metal. The chromium gets bound up with the carbon leaving the area starved of chromium...the anti rusting agent. Using 316L (lo carbon) would help to alleviate this particular issue. Bare 316/316L needs water moving at a rate of about 3 ft/sec to maintain the coating of oxydized chromium at the required levels to provide corrosion protection. Steve  
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gonzo said: However, Monel metal is corrosion resistant to be used below the waterline and is also naturally antifouling. You can have a shiny boat after all. Click to expand...


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Unique 316L stainless steel tube railings for beautiful boat design

Greenline 65 Oceanclass Yacht with super marine mirror polished stainless steel oval tube railings

Pulpits, pushpits and biminis: expert marine rail fabrication for luxury yachts and motorboats

Modern boat railings must withstand the uncompromising ocean environment, but they also have to look good. That’s why leading marine specifiers and architects have used our shaped stainless steel tubing in their designs for over three decades.

Our shaped steel tubes are durable and attractive in equal measure. From stunning staircases on superyachts to grab rails on speedboats, our shaped tubes and boat railings are second to none. They offer the marine industry aesthetic, structural and ergonomic advantages over standard round tubing and add the perfect finishing touch to any cutting-edge vessel.

Maximum resistance to corrosion

We make most of our exterior tubing for boat railings from stainless steel 316L (1.4404), which contains a higher nickel and molybdenum content for more corrosive resistance (we can work with duplex and superduplex stainless steel if required). We can also form from aluminium if required.

Family sitting on deck of a Greenline 65 Oceanclass yacht with Timeless oval tube railings

Luxury tenders and ribs

Timeless fabricate handrails and grab rails for some of the industry’s most prestigious and most discerning tender designers. The build quality and finish of all onboard features needs to exude the same level of luxury as those on super yachts. As with all our marine architecture, the ergonomics of the boat railings is paramount — especially as these boat railings serve an important role in keeping passengers safe and comfortable. We typically shape grab rails from our oval tubing and radius square tubing — hands fit comfortably and securely around these shapes (and unlike round tube, hands are not prone to the same degree of slippage). Robust yet refined, the boat railings are designed so that they are sturdy but with a slim projection so that they do not protrude too much. We fabricate bespoke boat railings for the front of the navigator’s seat, on the gunwales and to ease boarding and disembarking. We can also create boarding ladders. Please talk to us about our bending and finishing boat railing services.

Popular tubing for marine use

‍ Oval tubes are our most popular tubing for marine use and are predominantly used for onboard boat railings such as pulpit rails, guard rails, grab rails and transom gates. We form this elliptical tubing in more sizes than any other tube supplier worldwide, giving naval architects, boat manufacturers and owners a wide choice regarding railing specification.  Our flat-sided oval tubing is favoured for its sleek lines. Flat oval tubes make for stunning pushpit rails at the aft of any yacht or motorboat. Flat-sided oval tubes made from aluminium can be good grab rails on racing boats or when used to make lightweight bimini frames. Oval tubing and flat-sided oval tubing add luxury to any vessel - it looks sophisticated and feels better to grip than round tube railings. Our twisted oval tube makes for stunning spindles on internal staircases. The attractive contours catch the ocean light beautifully, and add an extra touch of class and elegance. For all our oval and flat-sided tubing, Timeless offers a bespoke tube bending service. We can create compound curves (curves that require two bends), sweeping curves, or tight radius bends. Speak to us about the radius that we can achieve, as well as our other fabrication services .

Gulf Craft yacht stern balcony with super marine stainless steel oval tube railings

Customisation made easy

Whether it’s a refit, refurbishment, prototype or brand-new boat, our uniquely shaped tubing is a simple way to offer your clients greater choice with their yacht design. Our engineers will work hard to fabricate tubing of any size to meet your needs – even if this requires us to make new tooling. Many of our marine clients select stainless steel 316L tubing with a mirror polish. The highly reflective, smooth finish is achieved by polishing the tubing down to approximately 0.2 microns; the sleek and shiny surface reduces areas for corrosive elements such as sodium chloride to rest and cause damage. We can also form tubing from bronze or brass, or create a brass effect by applying PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) titanium ore plating. If you like traditional teak wood but want it to have the strength and durability of aluminium or stainless steel, we can even apply a powder coat with a wood effect.

Refits and refurbishments for motorboats and yachts

If you want to rejuvenate your boat by replacing your railings with a customised profile, speak to us and we will be delighted to provide samples of what we can offer. For refits, we make stainless steel oval boat deck handrail and handles in a wide range of sizes and shapes (we can also source round stainless steel tubing if you want to replace your existing round railings with similar tube). Our experienced team of fabricators are specialists in welding stainless steel railings for yachts, motorboats and tenders. We can also polish boat parts such as ladders, gates, handrails, cleats, bollards, biminis and anchors. Our comprehensive stainless steel polishing service includes scratch removal and re-graining. You might own an older boat that has handrails that you want to rejuvenate. We can give the metalwork a super mirror polish to bring the boat back to its former brightness. Our metal fabricators are trusted by several leading British and international boat-makers, who use Timeless to bend, weld and polish the tube railings once we have shaped them. These naval architects and designers can rely on the fact that our specialist team always achieve high-quality bends and exceptional finishes. Outsourcing these fabrication services to our team creates efficiency and cost-savings in this manufacture process.

Stainless steel oval shaped marine railing with sloping bend and mounting bracket

Ideally situated near the U.K's biggest marinas

Based in Poole on the south coast of England, Timeless Tube is close to several marinas in the areas of Poole, Christchurch and Southampton. Although we typically restore boat deck railings in our workshop, if necessary, our specialist team can weld or polish onsite for motorboats, yachts and tenders moored in the south of England.

Oval tube marine railing with a concealed multi pivot hinge for super yachts

Custom-made hinges for concealed gates and collapsible mechanisms

Timeless partner with internationally renowned hinge experts PE Marine Designz, who specialise in designing and making patented multi-pivot hinges for super yachts and motorboats. These bespoke hinge designs integrate clever functionality such as concealed power assistance with Timeless Tube’s premium shaped tube profiles to achieve both impressive aesthetics and performance. Combining high-end aesthetics and optimal functionality, the bespoke tube-based solutions remove the need for unsightly latches and unnecessary shrouding sometimes used to mask fittings. The unique designs are bespoke, so if you are looking for cleverly concealed gates and foldaway furniture and T-tops that do not compromise on style, speak to our team about these innovative geometric solutions, or find out more about PE Marine Designz’s pioneering tube technology and the solutions it provides for marine applications.

Marine related applications

  • Balustrades
  • Furniture (foldaway and freestanding)
  • Boarding ladders

William Jets Tenders with grip handles made from radius square super marine stainless steel tubing from Timeless

Tubing used in marine applications

stainless steel sailboat

An ergonomic, tactile shape that is perfect for handrails and balustrades in conjunction with structural glass and brickwork. A low-maintenance design commonly used for architectural and marine purposes.

stainless steel sailboat

Flat-sided Oval Tube

Clean, rounded lines and a flat-sided profile provide strength for architectural purposes – with a flat side useful for fixing to other elements.

stainless steel sailboat

D-shaped Tube

With a smooth top, flat section and incredible lateral strength, this ingenious design prevents water ingress and it’s easy to install. Ideal for handrail in public buildings and on marine craft.

stainless steel sailboat

Radiused Square Tube

Blended radius corners and a slight convex side provide greater strength than standard round tubing. This great alternative to box section tubing is popularly used for baluster railings and furniture.

stainless steel sailboat

Twisted Square Tube

Aesthetically striking, with the power to make a significant impact. Provides impressive strength integrity while being lighter and more cost-effective than conventional solid twisted bars.

stainless steel sailboat

Twisted Oval Tube

Innovative spiral forming applied to a classic oval tube design. This stunning twisted tube profile creates a mesmeric effect that is ideal for decorative metal architecture on buildings and boats.

Tubing solutions for niche marine applications

Our marine tubing goes beyond railings and staircases. For example, our engineers have worked closely with the team at premier marine equipment supplier, Lewmar, to create stainless steel tubing for an innovative mechanical awning for yachts. We’ve fabricated telescopic tubing for a hydraulic lift that is used to launch tenders and RIBS on super yachts. We have even made a door handle for a fridge on-board a yacht, with a special locking mechanism to prevent it from opening during voyages. Our engineers love using their creativity and expertise to produce tubing for new applications, so please chat to us to see if we can help with your projects.

gulfcraft majesty 110 yacht with timeless oval tube hand rails

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View our unique shaped metal tube profiles and joining systems.

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Aqualoy Marine Propeller shafts undergo more quality controls than any competing brand. These prop shafts are used in a wide variety of applications such as work boats, pleasure craft, naval vessels, and pumps. The Aqualoy process produces a rounder, straighter, stronger shaft. Aqualoy stainless shafts are available in A17, A19, and A22. Our stainless steel inboard propeller shafts from 3/4" - 4" diameter are precision machined in our Mazak Nexus 350M CNC turning lathe to insure all machining is within .0005".  All propeller tapers are precisionally cut to SAE J755 specifications unless requested otherwise by the customer.

Deep Blue Yacht Supply is known throughout the marine industry for the quality of their stainless steel shafts. All shafts are packaged to the highest standards, and haven't had a single damaged shaft in the past decade of producing the finest propeller/pump shafts in the industry.

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  18. Is a stainless steel boat possible?

    gonzo Senior Member. Stainless bellow the waterline will get crevice corrosion. It will also interact chemically with antifouling paint. However, Monel metal is corrosion resistant to be used below the waterline and is also naturally antifouling. You can have a shiny boat after all. Gonzo. gonzo, May 4, 2006. #13.

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    Depending on complexity of the piece, prices range from $450 to $3,500. We quote each job individually because each job is unique. Inquire if we have your design on file in our extensive database of OEM specs for North American production boats. The list includes prolific brands such as O'Day, Pearson, S-2, Sabre sailboats, Gemini and C&C ...

  20. Shaped Stainless Steel Yacht And Boat Railings

    We make most of our exterior tubing for boat railings from stainless steel 316L (1.4404), which contains a higher nickel and molybdenum content for more corrosive resistance (we can work with duplex and superduplex stainless steel if required). We can also form from aluminium if required. Our shaped steel tubes are durable and attractive in ...

  21. Stainless Steel Inboard Propeller Shafts

    The Aqualoy process produces a rounder, straighter, stronger shaft. Aqualoy stainless shafts are available in A17, A19, and A22. Our stainless steel inboard propeller shafts from 3/4" - 4" diameter are precision machined in our Mazak Nexus 350M CNC turning lathe to insure all machining is within .0005". All propeller tapers are precisionally ...

  22. Stainless Steel Handrails

    Description. Sturdy handrails provide confidence boarding and moving around on deck. Handrails are important safety equipment on a boat. They add security to boaters moving around the deck in rough seas or just climbing aboard. Our pre-fabricated stainless steel handrails provide an attractive alternative to higher cost custom options.