Vern Buchanan facing more questions about yacht purchase

A new billboard highlight's U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan's purchase of an expensive yacht the same day he voted for the Republican tax bill. A report published Tuesday details how Buchanan got a loan for the yacht from a bank lobbying Congress on the tax bill. [Herald-Tribune staff photo / Thomas Bender]

U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan is facing more questions about his purchase of a yacht on the same day Congress voted for a tax cut, with a new report detailing how Buchanan's yacht loan came from a "foreign-owned bank seeking to shape" the tax bill.

The Florida Center for Investigative Reporting published an article Tuesday in partnership with MapLight and Capital & Main highlighting that Buchanan financed his yacht purchase with a loan of up to $5 million from BMO Harris Bank. The article notes that BMO Harris spent $760,000 lobbying lawmakers in 2017. The bank hired lobbyist Tony Podesta to advocate on the tax reform issue.

"In recent years, lending to lawmakers has been a source of controversy, with some critics alleging that politically connected banks can use favorable loan terms as a stealth conduit of political influence," the article states.

Buchanan campaign manager Max Goodman said BMO Harris never lobbied the congressman on the tax bill. Goodman added that Buchanan did not receive preferential terms on the yacht loan, saying he got "the going rate." He also noted that many banks supported the tax reform bill, and that it is common to finance boat purchases.

And Goodman lashed out at MapLight, an organization he described as a "left-wing partisan front group."

Asked if the Herald-Tribune could review the yacht loan documents, Goodman said "Vern supplies all disclosures that are required by law."

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Republican Congressman Bought Yacht Worth Over $3 Million, After Voting For The #GOPTaxScam

Image of First Amendment, author

He had to treat  himself, after his vote that treated him very, very well.

Florida Republican Congressman Vern Buchanan celebrated his yes vote for the #GOPTaxScam, by buying a luxurious yacht with an estimated value of over $3 million:

A recently filed financial disclosure shows U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan celebrated the Republican Party’s successful push for tax reform in quite the lavish way. According to the disclosure , Buchanan spent between $1 million and $5 million purchasing an Ocean Alexander yacht on Nov. 16, 2017, the same day he joined 226 other Republicans and no Democrats in voting in favor of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.” The #GOPTaxScam is paying off handsomely for one wealthy congressman.

Why would a wealthy Congressman treat himself to a luxurious yacht, you ask?

The answer is simple, and why we call the tax bill the #GOPTaxScam. The wealthy are lavished with massive tax breaks, thus they can afford another yacht or two.

Buchanan’s net worth is nearly $74 million, and the #GOPTaxScam will save him a whopping $2.1 million. That’s a great down payment for a yacht that’s worth over $3 million.

Do you think Buchanan had a vested interest in voting for the tax scam bill?

He sure did.

It’s no secret that Buchanan, who represents Florida’s 16th Congressional District, is a wealthy man. According to a Roll Call report , his $73.9 million net worth makes him the eighth wealthiest member of Congress, and by far the wealthiest from the Sunshine State — U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney is $19 million behind in the No. 11 spot. Given his net worth and income, progressive group Tax March estimated that the bill would save him up to $2.1 million on his taxes. That’s most of the way to a yacht, which likely trended toward the higher end of the reported range given that Ocean Alexander’s least expensive model — the 70-foot 70E Motoryacht — has a base price of $3.25 million .

The debt is exploding. Americans are paying more for their healthcare, because the #GOPTaxScam crippled the ACA and a Republican bought a yacht.

Hard-working Americans are getting screwed, while the wealthy flourish.

Look for Republicans and yachts coming to a political ad near you this fall.

  • Florida Politics

Vern Buchanan’s Democratic opponent pounces on latest report about the congressman’s yacht

  • Kirby Wilson Times staff

Rep. Vern Buchanan's yacht is in the news again.

A Monday  report  detailed how the Republican congressman, who represents parts of Sarasota, Manatee and Hillsborough counties, financed the purchase of a 73-foot luxury ship with a seven-figure loan from BMO Harris, a subsidiary of a Canadian bank — while helping to craft the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

Buchanan's likely Democratic opponent in November, attorney David Shapiro, pounced on the report, published by a partnership between the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting, MapLight and Capital & Main.

"Today, we learned the Congressman financed his yacht with a loan from a foreign bank lobbying on the tax bill," Shapiro said in a statement. "It's time Vern Buchanan answer the question once and for all: is he representing Florida families in Washington, or his special interests?"

According to FCIR, Buchanan borrowed as much as $5 million from BMO Harris to buy the yacht while he sat on the House Ways and Means Committee. That committee is the one that initially crafted the 2017 tax bill  — on which BMO Harris heavily lobbied Congress, according to the investigative news outlet. The bank benefitted tremendously from the legislation, which slashed corporate tax rates.

Buchanan, one of the wealthiest congressmen in Washington and the chair of Ways and Means' tax policy subcommittee, also got a huge personal windfall from the bill's tax cuts .

Max Goodman, a Buchanan spokesman, noted the report alleged no legal impropriety on the part of the Congressman. He also called the investigative reporting partnership a "left-wing partisan front group funded by George Soros."

FCIR has not received any money from Soros, the liberal billionaire mega donor or his foundations according to its tax returns . MapLight did include the Soros-funded Open Society Foundation in its list of donors , but its record show that Open Society was just one of several dozen groups that supported its journalism.

"Instead of challenging the facts of the story, which they do not, Buchanan's people are peddling the conspiracy theory that George Soros controls the media," FCIR Executive Director Trevor Aaronson said.

The yacht had previously come up as an issue in Buchanan's re-election campaign when it was revealed the congressman purchased it the same day he voted for the tax bill.

Earlier this month, a liberal dark money group bought hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising offering a $500 reward for a picture of the boat, Entrepreneur .

Previous coverage: WANTED: A photo of this GOP congressman's yacht (REWARD: $500)

Read the full FCIR story here .

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U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan is co-chair of the bipartisan 30-member Florida congressional delegation and Vice Chair of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over tax policy, international trade, health care, welfare, Social Security and Medicare. Buchanan is the most senior Republican on the committee and currently serves as Chairman of the Health Subcommittee, a key panel that has broad jurisdiction over traditional Medicare, the Medicare prescription drug benefit and Medicare Advantage. The subcommittee also oversees issues relating to medical education, private health insurance programs and subsidies delivered through the tax code, consumer-directed health savings tools and issues related to the quality of and access to care.

Buchanan also serves as the Chairman of the House Democracy Partnership (HDP), a historically bipartisan, twenty-member commission of the U.S. House of Representatives that works directly with more than 20 partner countries around the world to support the development of effective, independent, and responsive legislatures. 

A self-made businessman, Buchanan understands that America’s economic strength flows from its entrepreneurial spirit and pro-growth, free-market policies. He currently sits on the prestigious Joint Committee on Taxation, a small group of the most senior tax-writers in Congress. Buchanan previously served as chairman of the Tax Policy Subcommittee and played a key role in passage of a sweeping tax cut bill. During the tax reform debate, he focused on lowering tax rates for individuals and small businesses and led the Small Business and Passthroughs Working Group. He has worked to enact tax incentives to help small businesses, end burdensome regulations and limit frivolous lawsuits.

Since coming to Congress in 2007, Buchanan has had 29 of his legislative initiatives signed into law. These accomplishments include reforms to military training procedures, supporting our nation’s veterans, confronting the drug epidemic, helping Americans save for retirement, strengthening Medicare, improving the U.S. foster care system and measures to stop animal cruelty.

Buchanan has also been ranked one of the most bipartisan and effective members of Congress by two respected non-partisan organizations: the Lugar Center and the Center for Effective Lawmaking. In 2020, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce also rated Congressman Vern Buchanan the highest among the 29-member Florida congressional delegation for his  record  of bipartisanship and creating jobs.

With 220,000 Medicare beneficiaries in Florida’s 16th District, Buchanan is committed to preserving Medicare’s long-term solvency for senior citizens, as well as bringing down the cost of health care for all Americans. Buchanan was awarded the “Champion for Healthy Seniors” award by a leading advocacy group for protecting Medicare and fighting for lower prescription drug costs. He will continue to be a strong advocate for protecting and strengthening Medicare for both today’s seniors and future generations.

A strong fiscal conservative, the Congressman’s signature bill is the Buchanan Balanced Budget Amendment Act. He also introduced legislation to stop automatic pay raises for Members of Congress until the budget is balanced. Balancing the budget is an urgent priority as the U.S. national debt has reached $31 trillion and continues to grow.

Buchanan, who represents more than 70,000 veterans in Southwest Florida, has a strong record of fighting for veterans and military families. Last year, his measure to help veterans retain their valuable G.I. Bill credits was signed into law.  Additionally, his legislation to reduce training accidents following the death of a Bradenton soldier became law as a part of a sweeping defense policy bill in 2021. In 2015, Buchanan’s Veterans Identification Card Act, which allowed millions of veterans across the country to receive a free official identification card from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs was signed into law.

Buchanan grew up with five siblings in a blue-collar household in a small town near Detroit, Michigan. He served six years in the Air National Guard and worked his way through college. The self-made businessman is a respected leader in Florida's business community. Buchanan previously served as chairman of the Florida chapter of the Young Presidents’ Organization, the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Sarasota Chamber of Commerce. He was also a member of the Board of the U.S. Chamber and in 2005 he was inducted into the Tampa Bay Business Hall of Fame.

In addition, Congressman Buchanan is a dedicated philanthropist. He has committed himself to diverse community causes, including the Boys and Girls Club, the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, the Walk to Cure Juvenile Diabetes, the American Heart Walk, the Mote Marine Laboratory and the Ringling Museum of Art.

A husband and father, Congressman Buchanan lives in Longboat Key, Florida with Sandy, his wife of more than 40 years. Vern and Sandy have two grown sons, James and Matt and nine grandchildren.

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Luxury yachts and other myths: How Republican lawmakers echo Russian propaganda

A woman examines the rubble of a destroyed building

Two senior Republican lawmakers, the chairs of the House Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees, say their colleagues are echoing Russian state propaganda against Ukraine.

Researchers who study disinformation say Reps. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, and Michael McCaul, R-Texas, are merely acknowledging what has been clear for some time: Russian propaganda aimed at undermining U.S. and European support for Ukraine has steadily seeped into America’s political conversation over the past decade, taking on a life of its own.

McCaul, chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Puck News he thinks “Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base.”

Turner, chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told CNN that anti-Ukraine messages from Russia are “being uttered on the House floor.”

Reps. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, and Mike Turner, R-Ohio, leave a House Republican Conference candidate forum

For the past decade, since Russia’s first military incursion into Ukraine in 2014, Moscow has spread propaganda and disinformation in a bid to undercut U.S. and European military support for Ukraine, according to U.S. and Western officials.

Some of the arguments, distortions and falsehoods spread by Russia have taken root, mostly among right-wing pro-Trump outlets and Republican politicians, researchers say, including that Ukraine’s government is too corrupt to benefit from Western aid and that the Biden family has alleged corrupt ties to Ukraine.

Russia, in keeping with traditional propaganda techniques, seeks to make its case and tarnish Ukraine through a mixture of outright falsehoods, half-truths, inferences or simply amplifying and promoting arguments already being made by American or European commentators and politicians, researchers say.

The propaganda is sometimes spread covertly, through fake online accounts, or openly by Russian officials and state media. As a result, the origin of some allegations or criticisms is often opaque, especially when a certain accusation or perception has gained wide acceptance, leaving no clear fingerprints.

Early in the war, a false story boosted by Russian propaganda — that the U.S. had helped Ukraine build biological weapons labs — gained traction on right-wing social media and was touted by then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Russia also is conducting a parallel propaganda campaign in Europe. Belgium’s prime minister said Thursday that his government is investigating alleged Russian bribes to members of the European Parliament as part of Moscow’s campaign to undermine support for Ukraine. Czech law enforcement officials last month alleged that a former pro-Russian member of Ukraine’s parliament, Viktor Medvedchuk, was behind a Prague-based Russian propaganda network designed to promote opposition to aiding Ukraine.

Here are some examples of Republican lawmakers using arguments often promoted by Russian propaganda:

Buying yachts

When Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with members of Congress behind closed doors in December to appeal for more U.S. help for his country’s troops, some lawmakers raised questions about Ukraine allegedly buying yachts with American aid money.

Zelenskyy made clear that was not the case, according to Republican Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, a strong supporter of arming Ukraine. “I think the notion of corruption came up because some have said we can’t do it, because people will buy yachts with the money,” Tillis told CNN. “[Zelenskyy] disabused people of those notions.”

Where did the yacht rumor come from?

Pro-Russian actors and websites promoted a narrative alleging Zelenskyy bought two superyachts with U.S. aid dollars. One Russia-based propaganda site, DC Weekly , published a story last November that included photos of two luxury yachts, called Lucky Me and My Legacy , which it alleged were bought for $75 million.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., a vocal opponent of military aid to Ukraine, in November retweeted a post about the alleged yacht purchase from the Strategic Culture Foundation, a Russian-based propaganda outlet directed by Russia’s intelligence services, according to the Treasury Department. The U.S. has imposed sanctions on the organization, accusing it of spreading disinformation and interfering in U.S. elections.

Another outspoken critic of aid to Ukraine, Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, also made a similar claim.

In a December interview with former President Donald Trump’s White House adviser Steve Bannon, Vance claimed that members of Congress wanted to cut Social Security benefits to provide more aid to Ukraine, and that money would allegedly be used for Zelenskyy’s ministers to “buy a bigger yacht.”

“There are people who would cut Social Security, throw our grandparents into poverty. Why? So that one of Zelenskyy’s ministers can buy a bigger yacht?” Vance said. “Kiss my ass, Steve. It’s not happening.”

Donald Trump looks as J.D. Vance speaks.

The tale of Zelenskyy’s luxury yacht, however, turned out to be totally false . The yachts cited in the DC Weekly article remain up for sale , the owners told The Associated Press.

Two academics at Clemson University, disinformation researchers Darren Linvill and Patrick Warren, found that DC Weekly ran numerous stories copied from other sites that were rewritten by artificial intelligence engines. The articles had bylines with fake names along with headshots copied from other online sites. DC Weekly appeared to be a Russian effort to launder false information through a seemingly legitimate news site as part of an attempt to undermine U.S. support for Ukraine, according to the researchers .

Asked by reporters about Vance’s comments, Tillis said: “I think it’s bullshit. ...If you’re talking about giving money to Ukrainian ministers — total and unmitigated bullshit.”

Greene’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Vance’s spokesperson said the senator was making a rhetorical point about how he opposed sending U.S. assistance to what he sees as a corrupt country, but was not asserting the yacht stories online were accurate.

Vance’s office referred NBC News to an earlier response to the BBC on the same topic:

“For years, everyone in the West recognized that Ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Somehow everyone forgot that just as we started sending them billions of dollars in foreign aid.”

Enabling ‘corruption’

Russian state media for years has painted Ukraine as deeply corrupt, and has argued that the U.S. and its allies are wasting money and military hardware by assisting such an allegedly corrupt government.

“This is absolutely a line that they have pushed, and then once it appears in the Western ecosystem, other [Russian] media picks it up and it gets recycled back,” said Bret Schafer, a senior fellow at the Alliance for Securing Democracy.

This line of argument has gained traction partly because Ukraine does face a genuine corruption problem.

Russia’s effort to focus attention on corruption in Ukraine reflects a long-established propaganda method of using facts or partial truths to anchor a broader assertion or accusation, sometimes making a leap in logic, Schafer and other researchers said. Russia’s message amounts to: Ukraine is corrupt, therefore U.S. and Western aid will be stolen and wasted.

Schafer said it was ironic for Russia, a country mired in corruption and kleptocracy, to be leveling accusations about corruption.

Republican Rep. Mary Miller has said she strongly opposes more assistance for Ukraine because it amounts to sending cash to “corrupt oligarchs.”

“With Zelensky coming to DC this week to ask for more money, I will continue to vote AGAINST sending your tax $$ to corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine for a proxy war that could have ended in ‘22,” Miller wrote in a post on X in December.

The Illinois lawmaker also echoed another assertion that often appears in Russian media, that the Biden administration allegedly undermined efforts by Russia to avoid war with Ukraine.

 “A peace deal was on the table that [Ukraine] and [Russia] were both ready to sign, but Biden said NO,” she wrote.

There was in fact no proposed peace agreement that Russia and Ukraine were prepared to sign before Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, according to U.S. and European officials. As Russian troops massed on the border of Ukraine, Western governments urged Russia not to invade and warned there would be economic and diplomatic consequences.

Reuters has reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected a possible deal to avert a war that had been discussed with Kyiv by Russia’s envoy to Ukraine. The Kremlin said the report was inaccurate and has said Russia tried for years to arrive at an understanding with Ukraine.

As for corruption in Ukraine, Zelenskyy has vowed to tackle the problem, sacking senior officials in some recent cases. But some civil society groups have criticized his approach and Ukrainians say corruption is the country’s second-most serious problem, after the Russian invasion, according to a poll conducted last year.

In an annual survey, Transparency International said Ukraine made progress toward addressing the issue and now ranks 104th out of 180 countries on its Corruption Perceptions Index , climbing 12 places up from its previous ranking.

Ukraine is not alone among countries that receive U.S. and other foreign aid but struggle with corruption. Supporters of assisting Ukraine argue it would undermine America’s influence in the world and its humanitarian efforts if Washington withheld foreign aid from every country where there were reports of corruption.

Miller’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

The Biden family and Ukraine

Republicans have repeatedly alleged that President Joe Biden and his son Hunter have corrupt ties to Ukraine, and that they sought $5 million in bribes from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma to protect the firm from an investigation by Ukraine’s prosecutor general.

There is no credible evidence for the allegations. A key source for the accusations against the Bidens is a former FBI informant, Alexander Smirnov, who was arrested in February on federal charges of fabricating the bribery claims. Smirnov says he was fed information by Russian intelligence.

Republicans had heavily promoted Smirnov’s allegations against the Bidens, seeing them as crucial to a planned impeachment effort against the president that has since fizzled .

“In my estimation, that is probably the clearest example of Russian propaganda working its way into the American political system,” said Emerson Brooking, a resident senior fellow at the Digital Forensic Research Lab of the Atlantic Council.

GOP Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona cited the false bribery allegations in expressing his opposition to providing assistance to Ukraine.

“In exchange for … bribe money from Ukraine, Joe Biden has dished out over $100 billion in taxpayer money to fund the war in Ukraine. I will not assist this corruption by sending more money to the authoritarian Ukrainian regime,” Gosar said in a statement in October.

Gosar’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Dan De Luce is a reporter for the NBC News Investigative Unit. 

congressman vern buchanan yacht

Syedah Asghar is a Capitol Hill researcher for NBC News and is based in Washington, D.C.

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Vern Buchanan primed for another Congressional term with convincing primary win

See Sarasota election results

See Manatee election results

Longtime U.S. House Rep. Vern Buchanan cruised to another primary victory Tuesday night.

Buchanan defeated challenger Eddie Speir in the Republican primary for Florida’s 16th Congressional District with almost 61% of the vote. The win primes Buchanan for a 10th term in Congress.

Buchanan will face Democrat Jan Schneider in the Nov. 5 general election for the seat.

More: Voting results for Sarasota and Manatee counties

Florida’s 16th District encompasses all of Manatee County and parts of Hillsborough County. The district has elected a Republican in every election since 2000 except for the 2006 race, where Democrat Tim Mahoney eked out just less than 50% of the vote.

Buchanan won his last primary in similar, though more convincing, fashion. He defeated challenger Martin Hyde with more than 86% of the vote before winning the general election over Schneider and independent Ralph Hartman with 62% of the vote.

Speir, who runs the nonprofit Christian private school Inspiration Academy in Bradenton, campaigned against Buchanan’s voting record. Speir’s campaign was marked by findings that he violated federal tax law by running the campaign from a nonprofit.

More: Anti-establishment candidates win big in Manatee County Commission Republican primary

A win in November against Miller, who won her primary last night with more than 65% of the vote, would mark Buchanan’s seventh term representing the 16th district. He spent three terms representing Florida’s 13th Congressional District from 2007 to 2012.

Buchanan amassed almost $1.5 million in campaign contributions, and his expenditures were the same. His biggest donors were medical providers, consulting firms and individual contributors, per campaign finance data from the Federal Election Commission.

Contact Herald-Tribune Growth and Development Reporter Heather Bushman at [email protected] . Follow her on Twitter @hmb_1013.

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Vern Buchanan wins Republican primary for Florida's 16th District

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Incumbent Vern Buchanan (R) and Eddie Speir (R) are running in the August 20th Republican primary in Florida’s 16th Congressional District

congressman vern buchanan yacht

Incumbent Vern Buchanan (R) and Eddie Speir (R) are running in the Republican primary for Florida’s 16th Congressional District on August 20, 2024.

Buchanan was first elected to the U.S. House in 2006. He defeated his two most recent primary challengers, James Satcher in 2016 and Martin Hyde in 2022, by 61 and 72 percentage points, respectively.

The Tampa Bay Times called Speir’s run “a challenge from the right.” Speir said, “[W]e have witnessed a shocking erosion of our individual rights and liberties. Where has Vern Buchanan been?” and called Buchanan “a statesman for the status quo.” Buchanan said, “We’ve built up a good reputation, a good name, and we’ve done a good job for a long time. I think you’ll see that at the ballot box.” Buchanan campaign manager Max Goodman said, “Even the most rabid Republicans are turned off by Speir.”

In the 118th Congress , Buchanan was Vice Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee and chaired its Health Subcommittee. Buchanan highlighted these committee positions in the campaign and said he would “continue to be a strong advocate for protecting and strengthening Medicare for both today’s seniors and future generations.” His campaign site reads further: “Balancing the budget is an urgent priority as the U.S. national debt has reached $31 trillion and continues to grow.”

Speir founded and sold a financial software company and also founded a private Christian school. In January 2023, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) appointed Speir to the New College of Florida Board of Trustees, but the Florida Senate did not confirm the appointment. Speir called Buchanan out of touch with the district’s needs. He said Buchanan has “consistently been one of the biggest spenders in Congress, outspending most Democrats to approve funding that is disconnected from his constituents’ immediate needs and concerns.”

As of June 4, 2024, The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter , Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales , and Larry J. Sabato’s Crystal Ball all rated the general election Solid/Safe Republican. The last Democrat to represent the district was Tim Mahoney (D) in 2006.

Congressman Langworthy Introduces Legislation to Stop Terrorists at the Border; Slams Migrant Crime in New York State

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Today , Congressman Nick Langworthy hosted a press conference following the arrest of a Peruvian gang leader and 23-time murderer in the Southern Tier, who was released by the Biden-Harris Administration at the Southern Border. During the press conference, he introduced the  Safeguarding Americans from Extreme Risk (SAFER) at the Border Act  to block the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from paroling migrants who are designated as Known and Suspected Terrorists (KST) or Special Interest Aliens (SIA). 

This legislation would also give states standing in federal court to sue DHS if their failure to adhere to the parole prohibition requirements causes harm to the State or its residents.

“My constituents are sick and tired of murderers and terrorists popping up across New York State, threatening the safety and security of our communities because of the reckless open-border policies of the Biden-Harris Administration. The fact that a 23-time murderer was able to walk freely in our backyard after being caught and released at the southern border is proof of how broken our immigration system has become under this administration,”  said Congressman Langworthy .  “A country without borders is no country at all, and we can’t allow this lawlessness to continue.  

He continued,   “The SAFER at the Border Act would curb the Biden-Harris Administration’s dangerous abuse of parole authority, which has allowed over a million illegal migrants—including those from countries with terrorist ties like Iran, Afghanistan, and Syria—to enter the U.S. unchecked. We’ve already seen the consequences of this lawlessness. Just recently, eight individuals with suspected ties to ISIS were arrested after crossing the southern border and entering our cities, using this administration’s loopholes.”


Watch a livestream of the press conference.

Specifically, this legislation would:

  • Prohibit DHS from granting parole to any migrant designated as a Known or Suspected Terrorist (KST) or Special Interest Alien (SIA). This closes a critical loophole that has allowed dangerous individuals from terrorist-affiliated countries to enter the United States.
  • Define “Known Terrorist,” “Suspected Terrorist,” and “Special Interest Alien” in U.S. immigration law. These definitions will ensure that individuals posing a national security risk are clearly identified and blocked from exploiting the immigration system.
  • Provide states the right to sue DHS if it violates the parole prohibition. The SAFER at the Border Act empowers state attorneys general to take DHS to court if their failure to enforce these rules leads to harm, ensuring accountability.
  • Mandate expedited judicial review for state lawsuits. This ensures that states can quickly seek injunctions against DHS if dangerous individuals are paroled into the country in violation of this law.

The full text of this legislation can be found  here .

This legislation is cosponsored by Reps. Neal Dunn (FL-02), Nancy Mace (SC-01), Ann Wagner (MO-02), Andy Ogles (TN-05), Vern Buchanan (FL-16), Wesley Hunt (TX-38), Greg Pence (IN-06), Randy Weber (TX-14), Andy Harris (MD-01), Keith Self (TX-03), Claudia Tenney (NY-24), Andy Barr (KY-06), Zach Nunn (IA-03), Dan Crenshaw (TX-02), Kevin Hern (OK-01), Joe Wilson (SC-02), Jeff Duncan (SC-03), Kat Cammack (FL-03), Mike Collins (GA-10), Randy Feenstra (IA-04), Andy Biggs (AZ-05), Sam Graves (MO-06), Mike Lawler (NY-17), Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11) and Brandon Williams (NY-22), and Anthony D’Esposito (NY-04).

“It should be common sense: if you're an illegal immigrant that is designated as Known and Suspected Terrorists or Special Interest Aliens, you shouldn't be released on parole to roam freely in our country,”  said Congresswoman Claudia Tenney.  “With 85% of all suspected terrorists who attempt to enter the U.S. illegally doing so through the Northern Border, it's crucial for both our community's safety and national security that these individuals are detained once apprehended. I am eager to support the SAFER at the Border Act to ensure these dangerous individuals are kept out of our country and out of our communities.”

“President Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris’ disastrous immigration policies not only reward those who break our laws and enter our country illegally, they also have deadly consequences,”  said Congressman Vern Buchanan.  “I’m pleased to help introduce this crucial new legislation, which will ensure that dangerous illegal aliens, who have potential ties to terrorist organizations, do not have an open gateway through our nation’s border. I thank Rep. Langworthy for his leadership on this important issue.”

“It should go without saying that terrorists and other nefarious actors should never be paroled into our country—but under the Biden-Harris Administration, this is exactly what has been happening. It’s time we hold the Administration’s feet to the fire to secure our notion. I am proud to support this legislation,”   said Congressman Randy Weber.

“Dangerous individuals who are here illegally should be immediately deported—not released into America by the Biden-Harris parole program.  This legislation is an important step towards reigning in this lawless administration and protecting Americans,”  said Congressman Keith Self.

“ The Biden-Harris administration has completely failed in its responsibility to protect the American people from the dangers of an open border,”  said Congressman Dunn.  “Countless Americans have been victimized by illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds who were caught and released by Border Patrol under orders from Administration officials. Since Biden, Harris, and Mayorkas have refused to act, Congress must intervene. I commend Congressman Langworthy’s efforts and urge all my colleagues to join us in taking swift action to keep our communities safe.”

The SAFER at the Border Act also has a companion in the U.S. Senate led by Montana Senator Steve Daines and cosponsored by Senators Ted Budd (NC), Mike Rounds (SD), Marsha Blackburn (TN), Ted Cruz (TX), Cynthia Lummis (WY), Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS), Eric Schmitt (MO) and Marco Rubio (FL).

“Thanks to President Biden and “Border Czar” Vice President Harris, criminals and suspected terrorists have been paroled into the country. Under this administration, our national security is at risk. The SAFER at the Border Act is crucial to help protect Americans against further harm,”  Senator Daines said.

This legislation enjoys the support of outside groups, including Heritage Action, the America First Policy Institute (AFPI), and the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

“Border security is national security, and our open southern border has significantly increased our Nation’s vulnerability to terrorist attacks. An unprecedented number of terrorists, special interest aliens, and cartel members have exploited the Biden Administration’s failed border strategy and been released into American communities. We must reverse course from these disastrous policies, secure our border, and stop these national security and public safety threats from entering our Nation. The Safeguarding Americans from Extremist Risk (SAFER) at the Border Act empowers the Department of Homeland Security to protect American families,”  said Chad Wolf, former acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and Executive Director of the America First Policy Institute.

"Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, a record number of terror watchlist suspects have been encountered at our southern border. Some have even been released into American communities, including at least one with ISIS ties who used the unlawful Biden-Harris CBP One app and mass-parole program. Industrial scale abuse of emergency parole authority without the consent of Congress is bad enough, but using it to bring bad actors into the homeland is inexcusable, preventable, and terrifying. We cannot afford to wait until some horrific attack happens on U.S. soil. Heritage Action supports this legislation and applauds Rep. Langworthy for working to protect Americans from the Biden-Harris border crisis,"   Ryan Walker, Executive Vice President, Heritage Action.

“As a result of the Biden Administration’s catch-and-release policies and abuse of parole, dangerous aliens are more likely than ever before to slip through the cracks. Suspected terrorists are being encountered at our borders in record numbers, special interest aliens are flooding into the country, and this administration is asleep at the wheel, putting the interests of illegal aliens over protecting our national security. Limiting the DHS Secretary from paroling aliens designated as terrorists, suspected terrorists, or special interest aliens is a commonsense step, and so, too, is ensuring that state officials have the right to hold the federal government accountable for failing to detain and remove illegal aliens. FAIR applauds Senator Daines for putting forward this crucial bill to help end the Biden Administration’s abuse of our immigration laws and ensure the safety of American citizens,”  said Joe Chatham, Director of Government Relations, FAIR.

WATCH LIVE: Former President Bill Clinton delivers remarks at the DNC in Chicago

Seven GOP lawmakers make a misguided trip to Russia

St Basil's Cathedral

On Tuesday afternoon, the bipartisan leadership of the Senate Intelligence Committee issued some important findings, concluding that the U.S. intelligence community was correct in its assessment: Russia attacked the U.S. elections in 2016 and did so in the hopes of putting Donald Trump in the White House.

It was right around this time that seven Republican members of Congress -- six senators and one House member -- were in Moscow. Making matters much worse, however, is what the GOP lawmakers had to say while they were there. The Washington Post  reported :

Republican members of Congress sounded a newly conciliatory tone in meetings with Russian lawmakers and officials here on Tuesday in a rare visit to Moscow and a preview of the looming summit between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.) told Russia's foreign minister that while Russia and the United States were competitors, "we don't necessarily need to be adversaries." ... "I'm not here today to accuse Russia of this or that or so forth," Shelby told Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

In addition to Shelby, who chairs the Senate Appropriations Committee and has limited foreign policy responsibilities, the official congressional delegation featured Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas).

On the surface, official foreign visits like these -- known as "codels" (for "congressional delegations") -- are as routine as they beneficial. I've seen some suggestions that members shouldn't be abroad during the 4th of July, but that doesn't matter much to me. Lawmakers are out this week for the holiday, so it stands to reason that they'll schedule international travel at a time when they won't miss votes on Capitol Hill.

What's far more alarming are the specific details of this particular trip.

At issue is seven Republicans traveling to an adversary's capital less than two years after it launched an attack on our sovereignty. Did the Americans make the trip to take a firm stand against our attackers? Hardly. They had no interest in confronting Russian officials over their election interference, preferring instead to let bygones be bygones.

There was no reason for the delegation to be partisan, but it was. There was no reason for these Republicans to give the Kremlin a pass on its misdeeds, but they did. There was no reason for the GOP lawmakers to downplay the significance of election meddling and the fate of Crimea in their discussions, but based on multiple accounts, they did that, too*. [ corrected: see below ]

Duma member Vyacheslav Nikonov said on Tuesday that he's met with many American lawmakers before, but this week's meeting " was one of the easiest ones in my life ."

If the Republicans who were in Moscow consider this a compliment, they're badly missing the point.

As the 2018 midterm elections approach, there are widespread concerns among U.S. officials about Putin's government launching another intelligence operation against our political system. The more Russia thinks it can get away with these attacks, the more emboldened it will be to launch them.

And yet, there was Alabama's Richard Shelby, traveling to Moscow and signaling weakness, reluctant to make accusations about "this or that or so forth."

In the recent past, Republicans saw Russia as an adversary, convinced of the need to show strength. That was before it became Donald Trump's party.

* Correction : I'd originally noted in this post that election meddling and Crimea were excluded from the delegation's talks with Russians, which was incorrect. I meant to say the importance of the issues was downplayed, and the above text has been corrected accordingly.


  1. Six-Term Republican Congressman Vern Buchanan Walks a Tightrope in the

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  2. Vern Buchanan bought yacht after voting for House version of GOP tax bill

    congressman vern buchanan yacht

  3. Buchanan says yacht sells

    congressman vern buchanan yacht

  4. Report: Vern Buchanan bought yacht on the same day he voted for tax

    congressman vern buchanan yacht

  5. Vern Buchanan facing more questions about yacht purchase

    congressman vern buchanan yacht

  6. Democratic challenger won’t stop talking about Vern Buchanan’s yacht

    congressman vern buchanan yacht


  1. Vern Buchanan bought yacht after voting for House version of GOP tax bill

    A recently filed financial disclosure shows U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan celebrated passing the House version of the Republican tax bill in quite the lavish

  2. GOP lawmaker bought multimillion dollar yacht on the same ...

    GOP Rep. Vern Buchanan (Fla.) bought a luxury yacht on the same day the House passed the GOP tax bill, according to newly released financial disclosure forms.

  3. On the same day, GOP lawmaker approved tax cuts, bought yacht

    On Nov. 16, 2017, Vern Buchanan voted for massive Republican tax cuts. Also on Nov. 16, 2017, Vern Buchanan picked up the keys to his new yacht.

  4. Top Republican on Tax Subcommittee Received Yacht Loan From Foreign

    Representative Vern Buchanan (R-FL), who sits on the House Ways and Means Committee and leads its tax policy subcommittee, has been under fire in recent weeks for purchasing a yacht on the same day he voted for the GOP tax package. Buchanan registered a 73-foot Ocean Alexander vessel named Entrepreneur with the U.S. Coast Guard a month later, according to federal records.

  5. What are the details of Vern Buchanan's yacht loan?

    Standing outside of Rep. Vern Buchanan's office Thursday morning, Democrat challenger David Shapiro called on the incumbent congressman to release the terms of a controversial yacht loan.

  6. Congressman Launches His Yacht in the Swamp

    Congressman Launches His Yacht in the Swamp Rep. Vern Buchanan bought a yacht with a giant loan from a foreign bank that lobbied heavily in favor of tax reform.

  7. Buchanan's yacht buy timing draws ire

    The congressman traded in an older boat when he purchased the Ocean Alexander. This isn't the first time one of Buchanan's yachts has made the news. In 2011 he sold a 110-foot vessel.

  8. Was there anything shady about Vern Buchanan's yacht loan?

    The purchase of Rep. Vern Buchanan's multimillion dollar yacht may have been financed by a foreign bank looking to influence a tax bill he helped write, according to a new report.

  9. Report: Vern Buchanan bought yacht on the same day he voted for tax

    Congressman Vern Buchanan announced Tuesday that the U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill to provide VA medical benefits to bluewater Navy veterans of the Vietnam War suffering from ...

  10. Vern Buchanan facing more questions about yacht purchase

    U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan is facing more questions about his purchase of a yacht on the same day Congress voted for a tax cut, with a new report detailing how Buchanan's yacht loan came from a ...

  11. Republican Congressman Bought Yacht Worth Over $3 Million, After Voting

    Florida Republican Congressman Vern Buchanan celebrated his yes vote for the #GOPTaxScam, by buying a luxurious yacht with an estimated value of over $3 million: A...

  12. Billboard attacks Rep. Vern Buchanan over yacht

    The billboard reads: Congressman Vern Buchanan voted to cut taxes for the wealthiest one percent (himself included) — then bought a yacht. That same day"

  13. Republican Congressman Bought Multi-Million Dollar Yacht The ...

    Republican Congressman Vern Buchanan from Florida spent at least $1 million on a new yacht on the same day that he voted to give millionaires and billionaire...

  14. Vern Buchanan's Democratic opponent pounces on latest report about the

    The yacht had previously come up as an issue in Buchanan's re-election campaign when it was revealed the congressman purchased it the same day he voted for the tax bill.

  15. About Vern

    About Vern. U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan is co-chair of the bipartisan 30-member Florida congressional delegation and Vice Chair of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over tax policy, international trade, health care, welfare, Social Security and Medicare. Buchanan is the most senior Republican on the committee and ...

  16. Luxury yachts and other myths: How Republican lawmakers echo Russian

    Luxury yachts and other myths: How Republican lawmakers echo Russian propaganda Two top House Republicans say some of their GOP colleagues are parroting Russian narratives on Ukraine.

  17. US Rep. Vern Buchanan wins Florida House District 16 primary ...

    U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan is seeking his 10th term in Congress representing Florida's 16th Congressional District.

  18. Vern Buchanan easily secures Republican nomination for 10th term

    U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan easily won a Republican Primary as he seeks a 10th term in the U.S. House. The Longboat Key Republican defeated an anti-establishment challenge from Inspiration Academy ...

  19. Vern Buchanan primed for another Congressional term with ...

    Buchanan defeated challenger Eddie Speir in the Republican primary for Florida's 16th Congressional District with almost 61% of the vote.

  20. Incumbent Vern Buchanan (R) and Eddie Speir (R) are running in the

    Incumbent Vern Buchanan (R) and Eddie Speir (R) are running in the Republican primary for Florida's 16th Congressional District on August 20, 2024. Buchanan was first elected to the U.S. House in 2006. He defeated his two most recent primary challengers, James Satcher in 2016 and Martin Hyde in 2022, by 61 and 72 percentage points, respectively.

  21. Congressman Langworthy Introduces Legislation to Stop Terrorists at the

    "President Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris' disastrous immigration policies not only reward those who break our laws and enter our country illegally, they also have deadly consequences," said Congressman Vern Buchanan. "I'm pleased to help introduce this crucial new legislation, which will ensure that dangerous illegal aliens, who ...

  22. How pro-Russian 'yacht' propaganda influenced US debate over ...

    How pro-Russian 'yacht' propaganda influenced US debate over Ukraine aid. A website founded by a former US Marine who now lives in Russia has fuelled a rumour that Volodymyr Zelensky purchased two ...

  23. Seven GOP lawmakers make a misguided trip to Russia

    The problem has less to do with seven congressional Republicans going to Russia for the 4th of July and more to do with what they did while they were there.

  24. Delegation for 5.31.24: Verdict

    Stifling innovation An administration decision reinterpreting patent law has caused Rep. Vern Buchanan to be alarmed about potentially stifling innovation.

  25. Satcher v Farrington in Manatee Supervisor of Elections race

    DeSantis appointed Satcher, who was in the middle of a campaign to win a second term as the District 1 representative on the Manatee County Commission, despite Bennett's recommendation to the ...