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Azimut|Benetti is the first global leading private Group in the yachting sector. Thanks to continuous innovation and experimentation, it has been the world’s leading manufacturer of megayachts* and the shipyard with the widest range of models on the market for 24 years.

*global order book, boat international.

The Group was born from the passion for the sea, the intuition, the commitment and the courage of Paolo Vitelli, founder of Azimut, a company that produces the widest range of yachts in the world. Then, in 1985, Vitelli takes over the shipyard “Fratelli Benetti” of Viareggio, historic signature of megayachts favored by the international jet set. Thus begins an extraordinary adventure that brings the nautical made in Italy to the world leaders. In the 2000s, shipbuilding was joined by a dense network of exclusive services. In fact, with the birth, in 2008, of Yachtique, design and furniture boutique, and the entry, in 2010, of Lusben, the group completes its offer, including refit & repair. Over the years, a prestigious network of marinas has also been developed, an oasis of pleasure and well-being with customer service points.

azimut yacht storia

Lorenzo Benetti founds the Benetti Shipyard in Viareggio.

azimut yacht storia

Benetti launches “Gabbiano” 22M, charming the international jet set thanks to owners such as Prince Rainier III of Monaco and Grace Kelly.

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University student Paolo Vitelli founds Azimut Srl, a sailboat charter business. Over time, an increasing number of nautical brands trust the company to distribute their boats in Italy.

azimut yacht storia

The innovative AZ 43′ Bali is born, the first model in the AZ range in fiberglass.

azimut yacht storia

AZ32 Targa is born, the first and only avant-garde cruiser of its kind on the market. The “Targa of the sea” immediately attracted the attention of new owners with different needs, becoming a real must for sea lovers

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Benetti launches the iconic “Nabila”, the largest 86-metre Gigayacht of the time. Given her extraordinary beauty, Nabila appears in the James Bond film with Sean Connery, “Never Say Never Again”

azimut yacht storia

Azimut launches “Falaika” 30M, the largest fiberglass yacht ever built delivered in just 100 days. She was favored by some of the most expert shipowners of the time, such as Christina Onassis, who ordered her to celebrate the baptism of her daughter.

azimut yacht storia

The founder of Azimut Yachts, Paolo Vitelli, acquires Benetti. An event that marks the beginning of a new era for the prestigious Italian shipyard. Azimut | Benetti Group will become the first and largest private group of yachts and megayachts in the world.

azimut yacht storia

Azimut participates in the transatlantic crossing with the Atlantic Challenger; yacht designed in collaboration with Pininfarina. Cesare Fiorio is the brilliant skipper and Winthrop Rockefeller one of the passengers on board.

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Benetti introduces the Classic, Vision and Tradition lines, the first luxury pocket yachts. More than 100 units sold.

azimut yacht storia

Benetti promotes the avant-garde in the yachting industry with M/Y REVERIE 70M. The Shipyard confirms its leadership among shipbuilders capable of executing very complex orders.

azimut yacht storia

Azimut introduces Magellano 74, the first crossover yacht ever built.

azimut yacht storia

For the first time in history, a yacht drops anchor in Times Square. A truly unexpected show, Azimut S6 becomes the absolute protagonist of the New York design festival 2019.

azimut yacht storia

Benetti presents Oasis Deck™. An unprecedented concept of yacht design, developed by the shipyard with the British studio RWD. A huge success and an iconic element developed in the future on models such as the Oasis 34M and the B.Now Family.

azimut yacht storia

The mission

For over 50 years, passion, quality and attention to detail have been the values that distinguish the Azimut|Benetti Group brands. From production to service, through hospitality. Every day, these values are shared with customers, suppliers, employees and collaborators. Only in this way is the quest for excellence and uniqueness possible. The continuous investments in the human factor, technology and research, together with the development of an ethical, social and environmental responsibility distinguish Azimut|Benetti in the international panorama. And they make it the undisputed protagonist of boating, Italian enterprise and global change.

“Looking back, no one can say that we have ever been conservative, which is a cause for great pride and satisfaction. We will continue to look beyond”.

(paolo e giovanna vitelli).



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AZ 43 Bali: il primo Azimut, costruito da Amerglass

AZ 43 Bali: il primo Azimut, costruito da Amerglass

Azimut Yachts: i primi 50 anni di una storia di coraggio

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1969: nella nautica sorge la stella di Paolo Vitelli. Nasce Azimut

Chissà se il sedicenne e sorridente Paolo Vitelli, nel 1963, al timone del più popolare motore fuoribordo dell’epoca l’Evinrude, poteva immaginare che la sua futura azienda, da attività commerciale originata da una passione e da un passatempo, si sarebbe trasformata in un'attività industriale d'avanguardia, nel più grande produttore mondiale di motoryacht e mega e giga yacht a motore, diventando un trend setter di soluzioni e applicazioni tecniche e tecnologiche, punti di riferimento per tutto il settore?

Intraprendente, immaginifico, spregiudicato, visionario, ma sempre con dei parsimoniosi piedi per terra, Paolo Vitelli raccoglie i primi fondi dalla vendita di uno tra i numerosi business che lo vedono impegnato durante il periodo universitario: il Tempo Sei, un locale notturno gestito con altri cinque amici.

Nelle estati degli stessi anni Vitelli affitta una barca ed esplora la costa francese: in lui matura una grande passione per il mare e per la navigazione e nasce l’idea di trarne profitto. Assieme a un amico comincia a noleggiare barche a vela al pubblico torinese: è il 1969, nasce Azimut.

Al Salone di Genova del 1970 Vitelli espone le barche che rappresenta, trainate con l'automobile per contenere i costi. Il giovane stand attira tra gli altri Franz Felix, numero due di Amerglass, il cantiere più moderno d'Europa, che offre ad Azimut la concessionaria di Amerglass per l’Italia.

La sfida commerciale prosegue e Azimut ottiene la rappresentanza di altri importanti cantieri, come Powless e Westerly. Con poche spese d'ufficio, poco personale, molta efficienza, e sempre un grande entusiasmo, a 24 anni Vitelli estende l'attività alla produzione.

La joint venture con Amerglass fonde esperienza olandese e artigianato italiano creando l'AZ 43' Bali, tra le più grandi barche in vetroresina dell'epoca prodotte in serie.

Con il mitico AZ 32' Targa nel ’77 nasce invece la più piccola barca per navigare in sicurezza a un budget contenuto: la visione di portare in mare un pubblico ampio è consolidata. Ricco di soluzioni abitative intelligenti, di componentistica di origine automobilistica, quella soluzione del tetto apribile, da cui il nome Targa, ancora una volta di origine automobilistica, consentiva di timonare in piedi con la testa fuori, prendendo il vento nei capelli. Fu una sorta di Ford T, se lo vogliamo paragonare alla motorizzazione di inizio secolo, o di Fiat 500, se pensiamo al nostro dopoguerra. Di certo fu un grande successo, perché trent'anni fa, il modello, molto tempo prima del boom della nautica a motore, fu riprodotto in duecento esemplari, e la sua costruzione continuò all'estero, in Gran Bretagna e in Francia.

Quelli tra il 1982 e il 1985 sono gli anni più significativi di questo periodo. Dopo essere entrato nella fascia dei grandi yacht con l’AZ 60 Solar di 18 metri e aver realizzato a Viareggio altri grandi yacht superiori ai 20 metri, introducendo per la prima volta un sistema di costruzione totalmente in outsourcing e con una rete di terzisti fidelizzati, con una geniale mossa Vitelli si lancia nella costruzione del più grande motoryacht in vetroresina a stampo del mondo – una barca da realizzare in serie! – schizzandone il concept su un tovagliolo di carta per un principe kuwaitiano durante una cena. Torna a Torino col tovagliolo e comunica con disinvoltura al suo piccolo stupefatto staff che costruiranno un 30 metri a stampo!

Nasce così il Failaka 105, che diventa un passaporto per nuove ambiziose imprese. Il suo nome deriva da una piccola isola kuwaitiana, nel Golfo Persico, in onore del suo primo armatore. Il megayacht – almeno per allora! – naviga a ben 32 nodi e offre comfort di bordo mai visti prima. Sbarca sul mercato americano per la prima volta al salone di Miami dove basta il modello di quel gigante per catturare l’interesse di Winthrop Rockfeller, padrone di Allied Marine, la più grande organizzazione di brokeraggio d’America, che ne diventa il concessionario per gli USA.

Lo yacht piace a una clientela modernamente ricca e attratta dal nuovo. Tra questi la coppia Christina Onassis e Thierry Roussel che comprano un Failaka in onore della figlia Athina. La barca porterà il suo nome. I tempi sono stretti e tutti, operai, arredatori, fornitori, danno il meglio. In cento giorni la barca viene consegnata a Skorpios per il battesimo della piccola Athina. Gli operai, che durante il viaggio hanno completato il lavoro, sbarcano poco prima che gli invitati arrivino sull’isola.

Ma il colpo grosso avviene rilevando il cantiere Fratelli Benetti di Viareggio, reduce dal fallimento a seguito della troppo impegnativa costruzione del Nabila per Adnan Kashoggi, il gigayacht di 86 metri, più piccolo solo del Britannia della Regina Elisabetta.

Negli stessi anni Paolo Vitelli si lancia alla conquista del Blue Ribbon, l’avvincente traversata atlantica senza rifornimento: il Gruppo si trova così al centro della cronaca internazionale, sportiva e mondana. Con un design firmato Pininfarina, nasce per l’occasione l’Azimut Atlantic Challenger, un possente scafo in allumino di 27 metri, costruito dal cantiere Benetti a Viareggio, motorizzato con 4 CRM di 1850 cavalli ciascuno con propulsione a idrogetto Riva Calzoni, un sacco di aziende e sponsor capaci di esprimere ancora un Made in Italy competitivo .

Cesare Fiorio è lo skipper, Dag Pike navigatore, e tutto sembra essere pronto per la partenza. All’ultimo si scopre però che il regolamento impone di trasportare almeno un passeggero pagante: è così che sale a bordo l’amico Winthrop Rockfeller. Al prezzo di un dollaro . La grande sfida che Vitelli vuole vincere è quella dell’autonomia. L’Azimut infatti non si fermerà mai, porterà nella sua pancia 80 tonnellate di gasolio con problemi tecnici non indifferenti per mantenere una velocità superiore a quella del transatlantico United States, detentore del record dal 1954. Problemi tecnici a uno degli invertitori non consentiranno di vincere la sfida, ma lo scopo di Vitelli di rinforzare la presenza commerciale di Azimut negli States è raggiunto.

Lo spirito innovativo, la ricerca dell'originalità, del mai realizzato, se non, addirittura, dello stupefacente, hanno portato Azimut a produrre una lunga serie di motoryacht di grandi dimensioni che, con estrema capacità realizzativa, venivano allungati, allargati, personalizzati, secondo le esigenze dei vari mercati a cui si rivolgevano, dal fishing cockpit per la pesca con un 27 metri nelle acque della Florida, al 118 Penthouse a idrogetto, uno yacht di estremo lusso, di squisito design e di grandi performance.

Parallelamente vengono introdotte tecniche della lavorazione automobilistica che ancora oggi contraddistinguono il marchio nel mondo. Azimut è riuscita a introdurre per prima, e con grande anticipo nel settore dei motoryacht, soluzioni mai viste prima, evoluzioni straordinarie di concetti abitativi e d'uso che hanno, non solo evoluto, ma addirittura rivoluzionato le concezioni di vita di bordo, di spazi, di ambienti, di volumi. Dai tempi dell'AZ 43, con i vetri incollati, una soluzione importata dal mondo automobilistico, ai vetri discendenti o rotanti mossi elettricamente, ancora importati dalla cultura e dalla componentistica dell'auto, alle finestre ellittiche sul 54 e sul 78 Ultra, al garage e alla vasca jacuzzi sul flying bridge del 100 Jumbo, al rivoluzionario layout del 46 con la cabina vip al centro, fino al 68 Plus che propone la cabina armatoriale centrale con le grandi finestrature verticali e svariate soluzioni mutuate dal mondo Benetti, che fanno di un 20 metri un piccolo megayacht, Azimut viene copiata dai cantieri di tutti i continenti, dagli europei, ai nordamericani, ai sudamericani.

Roberto Franzoni

segue seconda parte

2022 già in regata sul Garda, la vela d'inverno continua a navigare

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Azimut Yachts History

Azimut Yachts History

University student Paolo Vitelli made the bold move of starting a yacht chartering company, Azimut Srl, before he had even received his degree. He rapidly realized a brokerage would be more profitable, and within a year was distributing some of the most prestigious yacht brands in Italy. Over the next few years, Vitelli would fine-tune his business, rising to become one of Italy’s foremost companies specializing in importing and distributing pleasure boats before launching his firm into the yacht designing business. Azimut saw the first of its many successes with the design of the AZ 43′ Bali, a mass-produced fiberglass boat launched as a joint venture with Amerglass.

In 1985, Azimut acquired Benetti Yachts, one of the oldest builders of luxury motoryachts who had been delivering world-class yachts since 1873. Azimut’s acquisition of the historic Viareggio-based shipyard allowed the company to expand into constructing its own yachts. The inventive firm revolutionized the yachting world by introducing several innovative features now accepted as standard requirements, including large leak-proof frameless windows, electric seats, and walnut interiors.

For the past ten years, Azimut has taken an active interest in environmental concerns, spurred by its unrivalled position in the pleasure boat industry to become a leader in environmental sustainability as well. For its consistent and effective management system aimed at reducing the environmental impact of its operations, Azimut was awarded ISO 14001 certification. The environmentally conscious company decided to adopt RINA principles and to achieve RINA Green Plus notation, resulting in the introduction of a range of innovative solutions that include hybrid propulsion motors to sail with a near-zero reduction in noise levels and lower consumption on short day trips, high performance propellers, and environmentally compatible materials.

Are you looking for an Italian beauty of your own? Atlantic Yacht and Ship is proud to offer some exquisite pre-owned Azimut yachts for sale .

2005 39' Azimut 39 for sale

This 39′ Azimut 2005 cruising yacht with a striking profile offers an impressive display of stylish design and interior craftsmanship. The luxurious two-stateroom interior features cherry accents, with a wraparound salon finished to very high standards. Teak decks, teak cockpit sole, low profile radar arch, and foredeck sun pad are just a few of the amenities on this 39′ Azimut. She cruises at 26 knots (30+ knots top speed). On board, the design and layout give you a feeling of relaxing on a motor yacht of far greater proportions with more than ample room for everyone to enjoy the moment. Very clean and well maintained, she is offered at $249,000.

98' Azimut Leonardo 2006 for sale

With twin MTU Diesel engines this yacht can cruise in the high 20 knot range and will easily hit speeds above 30 knots. Most models have four guest staterooms, including a master suite, VIP suite, and twin guest staterooms, along with a crew twin cabin. This 2006 treasure features low mileage and a motivated owner, so bring your offers! Located in Italy and currently asking 2,500,000 EUR

Atlantic Yacht and Ship ‘s knowledgeable South Florida yacht brokers are waiting to help get you out on the water in the vessel of your dreams. Whether you are seeking yachts for sale , or are a boat or yacht owner looking to sell or trade, Atlantic Yacht & Ship has the experience and connections to help you realize your goals. Browse our extensive listings of new and preowned motor yachts , or call us directly at 1-888-230-0439 and we will help you locate your ideal vessel.

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Ita Yachts Canada

Brokerage / Courtage

Azimut S7 2020 $2,389,000 usd for sale

The Azimut S7 is a 70-foot sports yacht that was launched by the Italian boat builder in 2017. An utterly bold and undeniably original yacht, the S7 was awarded the title for “European Power Boat of the Year” at the 2018 Düsseldorf International Boat Show, as well as bagging the prize for “Best Technology Evolution” at the 2017 World Yachts Trophies held in Cannes.

This Azimut S7 is located in New York, please contact us at 514-521-1221 for all details about this Azimut Yachts S7, our office is located in suburb in Montreal.

Click here for a virtual tour of Azimut S7.

Capture d’écran, le 2024-09-17 à 19.11.12

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The boat presented on this page is for information purposes only and is not necessarily available for sale and/or rent. This boat is offered under reserve, availability to be verified.  This document or this announcement is not contractual. The boat information displayed in the above results is presented in good faith and, while believed to be correct, is not guaranteed. Ita Yachts Canada Inc. does not offer warranty or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information and/or images displayed, as they may not be current or may be images of a comparable boat. All boat information is subject to change without notice and is without warranty. This boat may be offered by another broker open to co-brokerage.

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Published by Guy Bolduc

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Last Updated on 17 September 2024 by Guy Bolduc


By SuperyachtNews 19 Sep 2024

Azimut’s Grande series to feature Rolls-Royce engines

Rolls-royce and azimut benetti have signed an agreement for mtu engines to be integrated with the italian yard’s 30-metre yacht series….

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Rolls-Royce and Azimut Benetti Group have announced a new four-year agreement that will see Rolls-Royce’s mtu engines integrated into Azimut and Benetti yachts. The partnership includes the introduction of advanced propulsion systems for the Azimut Grande yacht series, which now includes models up to 30 metres.

“This collaboration to develop new technical solutions marks an important step in our continuous innovation strategy,” says Alessandro Rossi, Product Manager of Azimut Benetti Group. “The compact propulsion plant in the ‘Grande 30M’ allows for a unique layout with unexpected spaces across three decks, while meeting our key requirements for low-emission, high-efficiency yachts.”

Grande yachts will be equipped with propulsion systems featuring mtu Series 2000 engines, ZF pod drives and mtu NautIQ ship automation. According to Rolls-Royce mtu, the combination is 15% more efficient than conventional propulsion systems.

The integrated pod drive system provides operational advantages too, including lower carbon emissions and outputs from 1,015 to 1,472 kilowatts. The possibility of hybrid upgrades, allowing electric operation in ports or for dynamic positioning, adds further appeal.

The collaboration between the two companies also includes the provision of extensive services, and discussions are underway for the integration of bridge solutions for the Grande series.

“This is a significant milestone for our ‘From Bridge to Propeller’ strategy, which we introduced at the Yachting Festival in Cannes in 2023,” says Denise Kurtulus, Senior Vice President Global Marine at Rolls-Royce's Power Systems division. “Our integrated solutions are generating considerable interest in the yacht industry, and with this partnership, we are expanding our presence in the premium yacht sector.”

The first mtu propulsion package will be delivered this year, with the first Azimut yachts featuring the new drive train expected to be launched by 2025.

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Azimut’s grande series to feature rolls royce engines.

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Luxury Rules at the Moscow Yacht Show

Maria Sapozhnikova

The windy Russian autumn weather might be a little bit tricky for sailing, but it doesn’t stop brave yachtsmen from all over the world from flocking to Russian capital in the beginning of September when the Moscow Yacht Show commences. The main Russian Yacht exhibition gathers professional and amateur yacht lovers together under the wing of The Royal Yacht Club.

This year it took place for a fourth time already. The exhibition is considered the principal event on the sporting and social calendar. The Moscow Yacht Show 2010 united in one area three of the largest Russian yachts distributors: Ultramarine, Nordmarine and Premium Yachts.

A wide range of yachts were on display for a week. An exhibition showcased yachts both from Russian manufacturers and world famous brands: Azimut, Princess, Ferretti, Pershing, Riviera, Doral, Linssen, etc.

It was a real feast for seafarers as visitors of the show had a unique chance not only to take a look at the newest superyachts before they hit the market, but also to evaluate their driving advantages during the test drive. The show provided an excellent opportunity for yacht enthusiasts to choose and buy a new boat for the next season.

The event started with the grandiose gala evening. It included grand dinner, the concert and professional awards ceremony for achievements in Russian yachting industry. The guests also enjoyed the annual regatta.

Special guest Paolo Vitelli, Azimut Benetti Group president, opened the evening.

Next year organizers assured guests they would bring more yachts, the scale of which will even make oligarch Roman Abramovich envious. Sounds very promising indeed.

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Ostankino Television Tower

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The Ostankino Television Tower, located in Moscow, is an iconic symbol of Soviet engineering and modern broadcasting capabilities.

With a staggering height of 540.1 meters (1,772 ft), it was the tallest free-standing structure in the world at the time of its completion in 1967, a title it held until the completion of the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, in 1976.

the ostankino television tower

Today, the Ostankino Tower remains the tallest structure in Europe and is the 11th tallest tower in the world. It is not only a practical facility for transmitting radio and television signals but also a major tourist attraction, symbolizing the technological advancements of its era.

The tower is named after the district in which it stands, Ostankino, which is located on the northern outskirts of Moscow.

It was designed by the Soviet architect Nikolai Nikitin, and its construction is an impressive feat of engineering.

The structure consists of a rocket-like slim cylindrical concrete tower and a supporting guyed mast. The conglomeration gives the tower its unique appearance. The exterior of the tower features a white-and-silver facade, and it becomes a spectacle at night when it is lit up with a dynamic array of colored lights.

At the base of the tower, visitors find entrance facilities, including a modern security checkpoint. The tower is equipped with high-speed elevators that can take tourists to the observation deck and the famous rotating restaurant "Seventh Heaven" located at the 337-meter mark.

These provide breathtaking panoramic views of the sprawling Moscow cityscape. The observation decks offer unique vistas that change dramatically with the seasons, reflecting the dynamic nature of the Russian climate.

Ostankino also includes technical floors situated above and below the decks, which are full of transmitting equipment. The tower serves as a critical hub for telecommunications, providing over 20 TV channels and about 30 radio stations. Its strategic positioning and towering height allow it to cover a vast broadcasting area.

Over recent years, safety has been a significant concern due to a fire incident that occurred in August 2000, which resulted in the death of three people and damaged part of the structure.

Since then, extensive renovations and upgrades to security systems have been made to ensure that the tower adheres to modern safety standards.

This includes routine maintenance and checks to the structural integrity of the facility, as well as improvements to fire suppression systems. The tower has been reopened to the public, and tourists can again enjoy its attractions with increased confidence in their safety.

Ostankino Television Tower History

The Ostankino Television Tower's history is rooted in the technological race and the cultural prestige of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

In the early 1960s, the Soviet government decided to construct a television tower that would not only surpass all existing broadcasting towers in height but also exemplify the prowess and ambition of Soviet engineering.

Under the directorship of Mikhail Sobolev, chief engineer, and architect Nikolai Nikitin, the Ostankino Television Tower's construction began on July 14, 1963.

Nikitin, who also contributed to the design of notable buildings like the Luzhniki Stadium, was instrumental in creating the unique anti-torsion design of the tower that would allow it to withstand not only the strong winds and icy conditions of Moscow's climate but also the soil characteristics of the site.

The construction of the tower was an enormous engineering challenge, involving about 15,000 builders and engineers.

One of the major innovations of Ostankino was the decision to use prestressed concrete for the main structure, a relatively new technology at the time. This not only provided the necessary strength at unprecedented heights but also kept the weight manageable.

Scheduled to be completed in time for the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution in 1967, the tower was inaugurated on November 5, 1967, just days before the celebration.

Upon completion, Ostankino took over the broadcasting functions of the Shukhov Tower, which had been the primary radio and television transmission point since the 1920s.

During its operational history, Ostankino has endured several challenges, including the aforementioned fire in 2000. This disaster resulted in significant restoration and modernization work, which included the refitting of the interior and the installation of a modern fire suppression system.

In the years that followed, the tower has been under constant scrutiny to ensure its stability and safety, with frequent check-ups, reinforcements, and technological upgrades.

The Ostankino Television Tower's place in history is not just as an architectural and engineering landmark but also as a cultural symbol.

It has witnessed and transmitted countless historical events, news broadcasts, and entertainment programs throughout its lifetime. It stands as a testament to Soviet engineering and remains a central component of Moscow's skyline, a proud icon of Russian accomplishments in science and technology.

All-Russian Exhibition Center (VDNKH)

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Benetti appoints Ultra Marine as Composite Line Agent for the Russian Market Viareggio – May 2005 - For Immediate Release. Benetti announces a new agreement signed in April 2005 with Ultra Marine for representation in the Russian Federation Market Ultra Marine, who has been the Azimut dealer in this market for several years, will also be the exclusive sales and marketing agent for Benetti Tradition line (30m/100’) and the Benetti Classic line ( 35m / 115’ and 37m / 120’). To seal this important appointment, Ultra Marine and Benetti recently exhibited at the Moscow Boat Show last April. They will also be present at the Moscow Extravaganza in October 2005. Benetti and Ultra Marine look forward to a long and close association in this important market. Contacts : For sales information, please contact: Mark Cavendish; Benetti Yachts Email: mcavendish@**************** Mr. Georgi Tchoumbouridze Ultra Marine Savvinskaya nab.3. Moscow. 119 121. Russia Tel: [7] 095 980 7700 Email: [email protected]

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Charter club, news & events, azimut double victory at the world yachts trophies 2024.

Azimut World Yachts Trophies 2024

Now in its 23rd edition, the World Yachts Trophies, organized by Yachts France magazine, annually award the best yachts presented during the previous yachting season. This year, Azimut was honoured in two different categories.

The first Azimut yacht named a winner at the 2024 Yacht Trophies is the  Seadeck 7 , awarded in the “Best Exterior Design” category. Seadeck 7 is the second model in the Seadeck Series, designed by Alberto Mancini, which introduces the concept of the  Fun Island , a central element of the new lifestyle that embraces the sea on all sides for an immersive experience, inviting a genuine and profound connection with nature. The Seadeck 7 also marks a milestone in the Shipyard’s green path, being the first yacht in the world to combine hybrid power with Volvo Penta’s IPS propulsion system.

Azimut Seadeck 7_Hybrid Project_1

In the “Best Layout” category, the new  Fly 62  by Azimut was awarded, not only the latest model from one of Azimut’s most iconic Series, but also a true revolution in the flybridge segment. With the Fly 62 , the  Beach Cockpit  is born: the transom opens outward, and the sofa lowers in a synchronized movement, eliminating any physical barriers and creating a spacious sunbathing area close to the water, offering a unique connection to the sea for a yacht in this segment.


These awards confirm the ongoing success of Azimut’s innovative solutions, which, after receiving significant recognition at Cannes, is now preparing to participate in major national and international boat shows in the coming months, starting with the Genoa Boat Show.

Azimut Seadeck 7_Hybrid Project_1


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  2. Azimut Yachts

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  3. How Azimut Became the World Leader in Motoryachts

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  4. Heritage and history: the best yacht manufacturer

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  5. About us

    The Group was born from the passion for the sea, the intuition, the commitment and the courage of Paolo Vitelli, founder of Azimut, a company that produces the widest range of yachts in the world. Then, in 1985, Vitelli takes over the shipyard "Fratelli Benetti" of Viareggio, historic signature of megayachts favored by the international jet ...

  6. Azimut Yachts: i primi 50 anni di una storia di coraggio

    Assieme a un amico comincia a noleggiare barche a vela al pubblico torinese: è il 1969, nasce Azimut. Al Salone di Genova del 1970 Vitelli espone le barche che rappresenta, trainate con l'automobile per contenere i costi. Il giovane stand attira tra gli altri Franz Felix, numero due di Amerglass, il cantiere più moderno d'Europa, che offre ad ...

  7. Azimut Yachts History

    Whether you are seeking yachts for sale, or are a boat or yacht owner looking to sell or trade, Atlantic Yacht & Ship has the experience and connections to help you realize your goals. Browse our extensive listings of new and preowned motor yachts, or call us directly at 1-888-230-0439 and we will help you locate your ideal vessel.

  8. How Giovanna Vitelli Became The Most Powerful Woman In Italian ...

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  9. Azimut Yachts: A World Of Options

    Azimut Benetti Group started as Azimut srl, a sailing-boat charter company, in 1969. It wasn't until the 1980s that it became a boatbuilding brand with its own production. From there, it experienced phenomenal growth. At all of the world's major boat shows, the group has a large presence with island-style displays and multiple booths, presenting a vast array of boats and yachts, addressing ...

  10. Azimut yachts, superyachts and luxury boats

    We have successfully received your request. One of our select dealers will contact you shortly. Azimut means luxury, technological knowledge, performance and italian excellence since 1969. Explore the range of yachts on the Azimut Yacht website.

  11. Azimut's New Splashes at Cannes Yachting Festival Impress

    Italian luxury yacht builder Azimut made a multiple splash at Cannes this year, showcasing an impressive fleet of 16 vessels that had boat enthusiasts buzzing. Azimut's Fly 62. Among the stars of Azimut's lineup were several exciting new models. The 19.32m (63ft 4in) Fly 62 turned heads with its revolutionary Beach Cockpit - a transom ...

  12. Azimut Yachts

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  14. Azimut's Grande series to feature Rolls Royce engines

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  15. Luxury Rules at the Moscow Yacht Show

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  16. Azimut Grande 44M: yacht 44 meter, 143 feet

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  17. Ostankino Television Tower

    The Ostankino Television Tower, located in Moscow, is an iconic symbol of Soviet engineering and modern broadcasting capabilities. With a staggering height of 540.1 meters (1,772 ft), it was the tallest free-standing structure in the world at the time of its completion in 1967, a title it held until the completion of the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, in 1976.

  18. Benetti Appoints Russian Agent

    Ultra Marine, who has been the Azimut dealer in this market for several years, will also be the exclusive sales and marketing agent for Benetti Tradition line (30m/100') and the Benetti Classic line ( 35m / 115' and 37m / 120'). To seal this important appointment, Ultra Marine and Benetti recently exhibited at the Moscow Boat Show last April.

  19. Vnukovo International Airport Map

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  20. New models

    New models | Azimut Yachts. Please keep me updated on everything about this yacht. Our newsletter will provide you with the latest news, on boat launches, previews and shows. You will soon receive your first newsletter with the latest Azimut news. Complete the form below to be contacted by a dedicated dealer who will gladly respond to your ...

  21. Azimut double victory World Yachts Trophies 2024

    The first Azimut yacht named a winner at the 2024 Yacht Trophies is the Seadeck 7, awarded in the "Best Exterior Design" category.Seadeck 7 is the second model in the Seadeck Series, designed by Alberto Mancini, which introduces the concept of the Fun Island, a central element of the new lifestyle that embraces the sea on all sides for an immersive experience, inviting a genuine and ...