The best cockpit for cruising

Aft cockpit or centre cockpit – which is best for cruising?

When buying a sailing boat, the cockpit is one of the most important considerations because that’s where you are going to spend so much of your time on board, and your choice of cockpit affects not just the deck layout but the interior layout, too.

A cockpit design that doesn’t work for you, or suit your style of sailing, can wreck your enjoyment of the boat. Two basic types are available, aft cockpits and centre cockpits.

It’s useful to talk about cockpit designs in general terms but there are always exceptions – like us. We don’t conform to the normal way of doing things; we prefer to go our own way, the Sirius way. In this article we look at the pros and cons of both cockpit types, and then explain how our own modified aft cockpit design combines their key benefits.

Advantages of centre cockpits

When we talk about centre cockpit yachts in this article, we are referring to the modern type with cockpits raised above deck height, not the traditional version that simply moved an aft cockpit forward and put a cabin behind it.

Private owner’s suite

A centre cockpit gives you a large owner’s cabin in the back that is separate from the rest of the yacht, and thus more privacy when you have guests or crew on board. It may also provide the option of a deep cockpit locker or en suite bathroom.

Full-beam aft cabin

Big engine room

Centre cockpit boats tend to have a large engine compartment under the cockpit sole. There’s often space for extra machinery such as a generator and also more room to work on the engine.

Secure galley

You also get a linear galley in the narrow passageway under the cockpit coaming, which offers good bracing and minimal motion in rough seas. However, it often suffers from poor ventilation and can feel claustrophobic.

Low narrow galley

Lighter mainsheet loads

A centre cockpit deck plan allows the mainsheet to run directly from the end of the boom to the aft deck, with maximum mechanical advantage. The sheet is led from there to the aft end of the cockpit, behind the helm. That’s ideal for shorthanded sailors, as it’s easy for the helmsman to operate, but it is more awkward for another member of the crew to trim the mainsail and the helmsman has to be cautious not to be hit by the sheet.

Disadvantages of centre cockpits

Centre cockpit layouts don’t work well on boats smaller than 12m (40ft). With the cockpit high enough to have standing headroom under its seats, the yacht will look ugly. On a small yacht, it significantly raises the centre of gravity and the centre of effort of the sails, working against the righting moment of the keel. The boom is inevitably higher and the mainsail smaller. If you choose a centre cockpit, you usually sacrifice sailing performance.

Uncomfortable rolling motion

Regardless of the yacht’s size, the height of a centre cockpit above the vertical centre of buoyancy exaggerates the rolling motion experienced by the crew. It can feel exposed and precarious. It’s also true, however, that in a centre cockpit the yacht’s fore-and-aft pitching motion is reduced.

Shallow cockpit, low coamings

To limit the overall height of the hull and avoid exacerbating the rolling effect, centre cockpits tend to be shallower than aft cockpits, with lower coamings and less legroom. That makes them less secure and provides less back support for the crew. It can also be awkward to step over the broad coaming of a centre cockpit yacht and onto the deck, which is often a lot lower than the cockpit seating.

Low cockpit coamings

Blind spot at the helm

You can see a bit further from a centre cockpit, but being high up also makes it harder to see under the headsail. That’s one of the reasons why many centre cockpit boats have a high-cut Yankee rather than a more powerful and efficient genoa.

More spray in your face

You might think that the extra height of a centre cockpit makes it drier than an aft cockpit. While that is true to a certain extent, it’s also closer to the bow – the wettest end of the boat.

Small and narrow

Centre cockpits are smaller and much narrower than aft cockpits. That’s fine for a couple who mostly sail by themselves, but it’s less comfortable with four in the cockpit and cramped for a crew of six.

Getting in and out of the harbour

It is right that a center cockpit gives you a better overall view of the boat when berthing, but how do you moor your boat or get off safely from the harbour on your own or with just the two of you?

Being far away from both ends of the yacht, with the midships spring cleats too far from the wheel position you are relying on your crew to do all the ropework. If it is just the two of you, your partner needs to be everywhere at once, running back and forth from bow to stern to tend lines. On a yacht with an aft cockpit your partner can concentrate on the bow lines, while you are handling the stern lines from the helm position. Likewise you can take off the aft lines yourself when casting off.

Less stowage

In a centre cockpit layout the space under the cockpit seats and inside the coamings can’t be used for lockers, as it’s needed for headroom down below. You do get two lazarette lockers instead, but they aren’t as big and they’re usually next to the head of the berth in the aft cabin. On an overnight passage you’ll hear loose gear shifting around in there while you try to sleep.

Stern slap noise

Most modern yachts have flattish aft sections just above the waterline. In harbour they suffer from wave slap, which is the noise caused by wavelets or wash running under the hull. With nowhere to dissipate the energy it slaps the hull with a thud even in calm conditions. A centre cockpit layout with the owner’s cabin aft puts your head directly above to the source of that noise. For many this renders an aft cabin entirely unsuited to sleep.

Waves hitting the stern can disturb sleep

A long way down… and up

The tall topsides of a centre cockpit boat are a disadvantage in a typical yacht harbour or marina with floating jetties. You’re further away from the mooring cleats and will probably need to rig up a step to get down onto the pontoon, rather than just stepping down holding a shroud (or the solid guard rail). The same goes for mooring buoys. When there isn’t a pick-up line, a very long reach is required. There are ways to overcome these difficulties, but they can be daunting for less athletic or inexperienced members of the crew.

High topsides

Getting your kit on board and relaying bags of shopping from pontoon to galley requires more effort as everything has to be lifted further up – and then further down. The companionway of a centre cockpit yacht needs to be longer and is usually steeper than yachts with aft cockpits.

A less responsive helm

The wheel of a centre cockpit yacht is far from the rudder quadrant, so some manufacturers use hydraulic steering to avoid using a long and complex mechanical linkage. This robs the helm of feedback from the rudder. Other builders use chain and cable or direct drive via universal joints to give a better feel to the helm, but more joints account for more play in the system.

Emergency steering issues

What happens in the event of a steering system failure? On some centre cockpit yachts the emergency tiller is used on the aft deck; on others you operate it from down below in the aft cabin. The aft deck solution leaves the helmsman exposed, with little sight ahead and far from the yacht’s instruments, sail and engine controls. In the aft cabin you’re fully sheltered but with no instruments and you can’t see where you are going. In such cases, it’s good that modern autopilot systems are usually directly linked to the quadrant – if you still have power.

Advantages of aft cockpits

The aft cockpit is by far the most common configuration on yachts below 40 feet and there are many good reasons for this.

Aft cockpit yacht

More cabins

On many cruisers, aft cockpits are raised up high enough to allow an internal layout with twin aft cabins, which is great for large families and a boon for charterers, who can bring more friends and reduce the cost each has to pay. The trade-off is that cockpit stowage is often reduced to just a couple of sole-depth lockers and a liferaft locker under the helmsman’s feet.

Larger saloon

By using fold-down transoms, many manufacturers have moved the cockpit as far aft as possible to give more space to the interior, making the saloon longer and allowing the galley to be put in a more sociable place. This is often seen as an advantage and for many people it probably is – but a cynic would say that from the boatbuilder’s perspective, the benefit of having a large empty space is that it doesn’t cost them a penny to build.

Spacious saloon

Easy access

The typically lower topsides of an aft cockpit yacht make it easier for crew to get on and off, and to load and unload heavy items. There are also fewer steps between the cockpit and saloon. A fold-down transom offers excellent access to the boat in marinas, and twin wheels also provide a convenient walk-through via the stern. There are, however, significant disadvantages to fold-down transoms and twin wheels, as we explain below.

Low open transoms

Ideal for daysailing

On many aft cockpit yachts, the owner’s cabin is in the bow. This is ideal when you’re anchored for the night or in harbour. The berth can be more like a proper bed, facing aft with space to get in and out on both sides, and you’re much less likely to be disturbed by things like stern slap, noise from a generator, heater or water pump, or the heads being flushed in the night. For ocean sailing, however, it’s far from ideal. It’s a very uncomfortable place to sleep with your head pitching up and down in the bow, and without leecloths the berth is nearly unusable at sea.

Easier sail trimming

The further aft you are, the better your view of the mainsail. In an aft cockpit you’re usually steering from further outboard, which means you see more of the headsail too, especially in a boat with twin wheels or a single canting wheel.

A bimini can shade the crew

In most aft cockpit cruising yachts the mainsheet winches and clutches are within easy reach of both the helmsman and the rest of the crew. If a “German-mainsheet-system” is fitted, the mainsheet is moved out of the cockpit and onto the coachroof. This makes the cockpit safer for everyone and allows a bimini to be fitted for shade. The downside is that when trimming the sheet you have less mechanical advantage so you need much more force and the boom is easier broken.

Easier emergency steering

With the emergency tiller in or near the normal helm position, it’s much easier to see the sails, instruments and your surroundings. On a boat with a single wheel, you may need to use reverse the emergency tiller to use it properly, but on a twin-wheel boat the fitting for the emergency tiller is usually between the wheels, or onto one of the stocks if she has twin rudders.

Disadvantages of aft cockpits

Many boatbuilders push the cockpit as far aft as possible to enlarge the saloon, as explained above, so the helmsman sits right on the transom. There are several downsides to this.

Uncomfortable pitching motion

If the helm position is as far aft as it can go, the helmsman will suffer the full extent of the boat’s pitching motion, which can be violent in rough seas. Wide beam and twin wheels exacerbate the situation by placing the helmsman further outboard.

Helm far from the centre of the yacht

More spray in the helmsman’s face

Helming from the very back of the boat can feel rather exposed. Too far aft to get full benefit from the shelter of the sprayhood, you’ll either be ducking each sheet of spray or just getting lashed in the face. Three feet further forward, you’d be dry. Again, a wide beam further aft and twin helms also leave you more exposed.

Wide beam and aft helm position

Boarding and berthing

Boarding an aft cockpit yacht can be more difficult at high docks because the aft deck height or the cockpit sole is lower. There is, however, a modern trend of raising the cockpit sole to give more space to the aft cabins beneath.

Fold-down transom

When you’re backing an aft cockpit yacht into a berth, one of your crew will often be standing on the fold-down transom without any handholds, just when you need to slow the boat down with a blast of forward power. What could possibly go wrong?

Too much space is less safe

Many modern yachts have very wide aft cockpits, which are great in fair weather and thus popular with charter companies. It’s also useful if you race with a full crew. For offshore cruising, however, a narrower and more enclosed cockpit is much safer and so much more comfortable. A fixed cockpit table provides handholds and bracing points – it’s is a good way to make a wide-open cockpit more secure.

More cabins than you need

Having twin aft cabins is not an advantage when the extra cabin is rarely used. If you mostly cruise as a couple, there are better ways to use that space. With a single aft cabin, you can have an enormous cockpit locker or a large technical room – or a combination of both.

Smaller cabins are used less

The best cockpit solution – the Sirius concept

Having read about the advantages and disadvantages of each you may wonder what the answer is. The aft cockpit is deservedly popular but it’s not perfect. For a start, it still has to be raised high enough to give the aft cabins enough room. Also, the engine is crammed into a small space behind the companionway and ideally located to disturb the occupants of both aft cabins at once. The centre cockpit gives the owners a large cabin with a big double berth, but it has wave slap to contend with and the galley is usually banished to a corridor between the saloon and the owner’s cabin.

Sirius Yachts cockpit design

Cabins ideally placed

At Sirius, we can fit aft cabins but we have two excellent and much nicer cabins on board already. The spacious forward suite is perfect in harbours and for coastal daysailing, and the mid-cabin is ideal for offshore or ocean sailing with a large rectangular double berth, as low down and as close as possible to both the vertical and horizontal centres of gravity, making it the best possible sea berth.

Sirius Yachts - mid cabin

On all our models, both cabins can have either a direct access to an en suite heads or one heads for each cabin. Both of these cabins are separated from the engine room and technical space, and they’re far from the stern slap noise at the aft end of the boat. Because we have these two cabins and another double possible when lowering the saloon table, we have lowered the cockpit down and increased the height of the coamings.

This makes the cockpit more comfortable and more sheltered, without the need for a windscreen or sprayhood. Without the whole concept designed around the aft cabins, we can keep the aft quarters of the hull narrow, keeping the immersed hull shape more balanced, improving her windward performance and reducing the rolling motion as well as doing away with the need for twin rudders.

Benefits of a low-level aft cockpit

With the cockpit low and the saloon raised, the companionway has no steps at all so you walk straight inside the boat. With the fixed part of the transom and the helm’s seat moved forward of the transom, we haven’t pushed the helm all the way aft, meaning you don’t fight the backstay for space and won’t endure excessive pitching while steering. And when you want minimal pitching on board a Sirius, you can enter the warm shelter of the deck saloon and still be in contact with your surroundings and anyone in the cockpit. When making tea or coffee in the long linear galley you have the windows of the deck saloon to look out of. It’s easy to brace yourself securely anywhere along the length of the galley and it’s conveniently located for both the saloon and the cockpit.

The view forward

The view forward on a centre cockpit yacht is often poor because of the head sail. On a typical aft cockpit yacht, you usually have to look through a sprayhood with curved plastic, opaque or often scratched windows.

On a Sirius it is all about sight lines: standing at the helm or sitting on the coaming everybody can see over the only 1.4m (4ft 7in) roof and sitting in the cockpit you can see straight through the security glass windows of the deck saloon and out under the jib or genoa. When keeping watch in rough weather conditions or at night, you have the enclosed shelter of the warm saloon with an entirely unobstructed 360-degree field of vision. There’s no need for twin wheels as our hulls are not excessively wide and we can fit a canting wheel to give you an even more relaxed steering position when heeled, and views outside of the coachroof. The canting wheel also gives easy walk-through access via the transom door.

Sirius Yachts - a good view forward

Boarding steps and bathing platforms

Both our 40 DS and 35 DS have a transom door that leads to a bathing platform to step on, this gives easy access whatever the level of the pontoon, dock or harbour wall. In addition to this, the 40 DS has a larger fold-down transom giving a much larger bathing/boarding area. The bathing platform on both yachts gives easy access, leaving more space for fenders and ensuring that you won’t damage the platform or its mechanism if you misjudge the berthing manoeuvre. With the helm low down and close to the aft mooring gear, you’re right where you need to be when mooring short-handed – you just step out of the cockpit onto the jetty with the lines the moment you are safe to leave the helm. The bathing platform has the pushpit on both sides as handrails to hold onto, so when you are moored stern-to this gives easy and secure one-step access to the cockpit from the pontoon. The fold down bathing platform enlarges and opens up the cockpit and thus the feeling from the saloon to the stern. This is nice when needed in port but a great addition when at anchor.

Sirius Yachts - transom door

The bathing platform has the pushpit seats on both sides as handrails to hold onto; when you are moored stern-to this gives easy and secure one-step access to the cockpit from the pontoon. It also enlarges and opens up the cockpit from the saloon backwards which is nice in harbours and fantastic on an anchorage. With the deck saloon, cockpit floor and transom more or less in the same level you can walk straight in from the back and are not climbing up and down at all.

The right size for safe sailing

Our cockpits are longer and a bit wider than those of most centre cockpit yachts but not so wide as to make moving around precarious in rough weather. They have high coamings that provide good, ergonomic back support and shelter. We also put lots of handholds around the cockpit so you’re never having to hold onto sheets or your crewmates to move around safely or get to the helm. As the cockpit is positioned aft the deck not very wide you feel safely embraced by the pushpits, if chosen, cockpit arch and fixed guard rail which are nice to lean on, when sitting on the coamings and great to hold onto when standing or stepping out of the cockpit. There is plenty of seating, too – the bench seats are over 2m (6ft 7in) long on the 35 DS and 2.45m (8ft) on the 40 DS.

Getting the right cockpit configuration is important. Unlike engines, sails or the colour of the upholstery, it’s not something that can be changed once you’ve bought the boat.

General Manager – Torsten Schmidt SIRIUS-WERFT GmbH Ascheberger Straße 68 24306 Plön/Holstein

Fax: 0049 – 4522 – 744 61-29

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Jordan Yacht Brokerage

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7 best aft cockpit / aft stateroom sailboats.

It is often confusing when talking about center cockpit sailboats when certain models come along into discussion. When I talk about center cockpit yachts, I mean yachts with full width aft staterooms. The assumption is that these two features: a full width aft stateroom and a center cockpit deck mold go hand in hand. But there is a rare class of yachts that mess up this simplified categorization of sailboats. While all center cockpits have aft staterooms, some aft cockpits have full width aft staterooms. There are serious trade-offs including low headroom and a likely lack of overhead hatches. Here is a list of some of the most well known models with this arrangement.

  • Baltic 38 – The Swan split-off offers high quality construction and fast lines like on this 38-footer.
  • Beneteau Idylle 11.5 – Old school Beneteau before they went all the way to mass production.
  • C&C 37/40+ – The inspiration for this list with her spacious centerline queen aft. I should note that the earlier model C&C 44 was the prototype for the 37/40 and had a similar arrangement.
  • Hunter 40 Legend – Amazing value and performance, typical Hunter build issues.
  • Hylas 42 – Classic Swan style German Frers design.
  • Mason 44 – Comes in her original 43-foot version likewise with an aft stateroom.
  • Swan 46 – Low freeboard and athletic lines make this a spectacular racer / cruiser.

I have been struggling for a while to put together this list which according to to my records I first drafted on December 14, 2010. Please offer your suggestions in the comments below or any feedback on the current selection.

5 Replies to “7 Best Aft Cockpit / Aft Stateroom Sailboats”

Hi Richard,

As you have included boats up to 46 feet in length in this list you probably should include the C&C 44 as well. First produced in 1985, it was in ways the prototype for the later 37/40+, differing mostly by having a dedicated forward facing nav-station with seat and two heads where the 37/40 has just one larger one.

Ken H. C&C 37/40 Salazar – CAN 54955 Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

Thanks Ken. I like the 37/40 design. I will add in a note about the C&C 44 in the corresponding bullet above.

You will get some arguments on this one, but the mid 1980’s Hunter 40 Legends had a decent aft centerline berth and didn’t sail all that bad either.

Good call Ken. I had a friend with a H40 Legend. He said she sailed great. Only complaint was leaking forward? RJ

Sent from my iPad

Hi Richard.  The Beneteau Idylle 11.5 is a great boat.  However, the aft cabin is not full width, probably more like 2/3 or 3/4 max.  It’s great for big guys like me for sleeping alone and might be OK for a couple if one is short enough or a couple of kids.  Aft cabin to port, aft head to starboard of the companionway and there is a huge cockpit locker aft of the head.  Excellent access to the engine.  It’s really a great boat.  Beneteau should have built at least 1,500 of them.

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Used Aft Cabin Boats For Sale

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Aft cabin boats generally refer to cruiser-style yachts that feature sleeping accommodations towards the helm or cockpit area. These boats typically offer the owner a bit of privacy between the guest cabin and the main suite, especially if the main cabin is forward in the bow. Aft Cabin boats and yachts range anywhere from 25 to over 60 feet in length and could include either inboard or stern drive engines. Typically aft cabin boats do not have outboard engines, however new boat builders have lately been adding outboard power to almost everything! United Yacht Sales has the expertise and team across the country to help you find the perfect Aft Cabin Cruiser.

Yacht Image


If privacy between owner and guests aboard is on your ‘must have’ list, have we got the perfect idea—an aft cabin motor yacht which will fulfill your ‘wish list’ requests. This style cruiser’s unique design commonly prioritizes living arrangements above performance or style. Customarily, it’s designed with the sleeping quarters aft, just behind the cockpit. At times, the main cabin is situated forward or—if it’s a center cockpit layout, then it will sit beneath the cockpit. Looking for lots of extra cabin space as the main goal, then this is a fit… keep in mind there will be a smaller on-deck area when going this route. An aft cabin boat is a match for overnight and extended cruisers along with those looking to liveaboard. Double berths are the norm with the latest models offering a dose of practicality with beneficial layouts such as twin over-and-under single berths popular with those parent boat shoppers and - of course - their lucky kids.

Some prominent builders of aft cabin boats and yachts are:

  • Bavaria Yachts
  • Carver Yachts
  • Cruisers Yachts
  • Meridian Yachts
  • Sea Ray Yachts
  • Silverton Yachts

Looking for a downside to aft cabin cruisers? Some builders have had issues with poor ventilation. And only a handful of aft cabins provide great cross ventilation, making it an undesirable choice for owners looking to cruise the tropics, quite stuffy when journeying in the rain or even just when underway. Compared to other style cruisers, the aft cabin isn’t as popular as an express, sedan or even a convertible. With all the focus on the interior, owners are limited in its applications. 

Those looking for a trade-off when it comes to choosing interior volume over performance and outside space, this boat’s for you! You’ll cash in with an uber comfortable, extra roomy cabin area for you and your guests. But if deck play is the goal, this type of boat disqualifies.

The aft cabin’s high point is her ability to make tremendous use of her amazing full beam width, with its extra spacious, over-sized cabin. And with her salon, galley & dinette standing between the aft & forward cabins, family and friends can enjoy their own private zones.

Onboard an aft cabin boat you’ll get to enjoy a flybridge. Keep in mind, this boat will have those aboard climbing stairs or a small ladder to access her cockpit area and then more steps -again, to get to the helm. The central part of the boat, houses the engine — typically beneath the living room floor. Two models that fit this description are the Carver 456 or Meridian 408 - for example.

One other standout aft cabin beauty is the Bavaria E40 Fly which offers full displacement cruising and an aft cabin in a classy 40ft package.

Her D4 300 engine allows you the ability to cruise at 10 knots as opposed to hitting all record top speeds. Flat out she reaches 15 knots with 10 knots being the speed where the boat is most comfortable.

The helm is located aft in the wheelhouse and mounted centrally with the dinette seating stretching out ahead of it. The bench seat at the helm seats up to three people in face forward direction leaving the skipper at the center of the activities.

Not providing a huge amount of space to play with on the top deck other than the small spot of seating and table, the guests will be better fit to enjoy cocktails and bites rather than an expansive meal.

On her flybridge, there is a small sunpad aft. But —to get excited…take a look inside. This model offers the two-cabin layout, but —if you wish, you can separate the aft double into a pair of twins for more sleeping space or charter use.

Her twin cabin layout offers space and privacy. Both cabins feature comfortable double beds and ensuite access to private bathrooms. The forward cabin’s highlight is her split shower room and toilet.

The full-beam master ensuite aft is central to the E40’s appeal.Being beautiful, sturdy and strong, she draws you in and keeps you there with her frugal cruising, aft cabin privacy, practical decks, a bright saloon and all at good value.

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aft cockpit yacht

aft cockpit yacht



aft cockpit yacht


The new Hallberg-Rassy 400 is an aft cockpit boat with twin helms, a modern and efficient hull shape with twin rudders and an easy to handle rig. The interior offers the option of one or two aft cabins, one or two heads, classic mahogany or bright European oak interior. After the center cockpit 40C, the aft cockpit 400 is the second new 40 footer from Hallberg-Rassy in a short time. 

aft cockpit yacht


aft cockpit yacht


The cockpit is large. The twin helms make it easy to move in the cockpit. There is ample space on the pedestal heads for buttons and displays. The coaming is wide enough to offer flexibility for seating on top of the coaming or at bench level, with the benefit of the side protection by the coaming. The telltails of the headsail are easy to see from the helmsman's position. There is a fixed high gloss varnished teak table available. Control lines are lead in a concealed way to the cockpit coamings, allowing electric winches, without taking up any interior space. There are bins for excess ropes so the cockpit is always clean and tidy. The main sheet track is conveniently located in front of the Hallberg-Rassy typical wind screen. There is a fold-out swim platform available. Cockpit length and deck locker storage is larger than on the 412.

aft cockpit yacht


Although she is "just" 40 ft, she offers one or two heads, and two or three sleeping cabins. The forward cabin may be ordered in three different layouts:

  • For the first time with an aft cockpit Hallberg-Rassy: An Owner's Cabin in the bow, with center line bed and en-suite toilet with acrylic glass shower doors
  • Double bed with toilet, shower with acrylic glass doors and space for a washing machine,
  • Double bed cabin without own toilet

The saloon is available with L sofa and settees or L sofa and armchairs.  For the first time with an aft cockpit Hallberg-Rassy, the washboard for the entrance is available with gas springs . If there is a single aft cabin, the starboard side settee is extra long. There is either a single aft cabin with large head with separate shower, or twin aft cabins, still with an aft head.

aft cockpit yacht


The rig is modern and easy to handle. The headsail is only slightly overlapping and easy to tack and there is a self tacking option too. The bowsprit is elegantly integrated with the hull and deck as standard, not an afterthought. The bowsprit is an excellent tack point for a gennaker, a mount for a bow ladder with platform and stowage for an Ultra bow anchor.

aft cockpit yacht


Comfort equipment is available, such as  bow- and stern thrusters , and this may be combined with a generator. There are other comfort options such as washing machine, dish washer, or an extra fridge and freezer. Air conditioner and watermaker are also possible.

Test report by in Sweden "There are a lot of good things to say about the Hallberg-Rassy 400. This yacht stands for a standard and a style that can also charm performance addicts. In addition, it is a handsome yacht, a boat to sit on the quay and just admire. Not cheap, but oh so right."
Europe’s largest sailing magazine, Yacht from Germany "A fascinating masterpiece", "The best Hallberg-Rassy ever?" and "Stiff, well-built, very commodious." "The Hallberg-Rassy 400 conveys peacefulness and temperament simultaneously … Sails like on rails. The boat only needs small course corrections and sails very stiff …, Fine carpentry, perfect varnishing—and in a contemporary design language."
Segeln from Germany ’The yacht reacts pleasantly immediately, not nervously, but with an apparent desire for performance. By now, everyone probably knows that the new generation of Hallberg-Rassy yachts is sailing fast.’ ’With its agile sailing characteristics, the Hallberg-Rassy 400 appeals to both yacht owners who only want to set their sails once for the longest possible tack and those who like to constantly trim and feel the speed improve.’ ’On the inside, there is a generously sized forward layout with a centre berth, which is exceptional on a boat of this size. Every little corner has been turned into a cupboard or storage space.’ ’Thanks to the well-made carpentry with continuous grain in structural bulkheads and cabinets, and the long LED lighting, which provides a pleasant warm indirect lighting in the boat’s interior (just to name a few details), you feel a high comfort factor on board. In addition to being a source of pure wellbeing, the good craftsmanship on board also has practical advantages: If you consider, for example, the inspection hatches for the deck fittings that sit in the ceiling, it becomes clear that the boatyard wants the yacht owners to be as comfortable on board as possible and that the maintenance that needs to be done at some point is as easy as possible to perform.’


Designer Germán Frers Naval Architecture & Engineering
CE category A - Unlimited ocean voyages
Hull length 12.30 m / 40’ 4”
Maximum length 13.06 m / 42’ 10’’
Waterline at rest 11.74 m / 38’ 6’’
Beam 4.18 m / 13’ 8 1/2”
Draught, empty standard boat * 1.92 m / 6’ 4”
Displacement, empty standard boat 11 t / 24 250 lbs
Keel weight 3.65 t / 8 050 lbs
Keel type lead on deep bilge
* Also available as a 25 cm/10'' more shallow draught version  
Sail area with genoajib, standard boat 90.1 m² / 970 ft²
Sail area with genoajib, optimized sail area 96.6 m² / 1 040 ft²
Air draft, ex Windex 19.75 m / 64’ 10’’
Engine Volvo Penta D2-60
Power at crank shaft 44 kW / 60 HP
Max torque 169 Nm/2000 rpm
Diesel tank 400 l / 106 US gallon
Fresh water tanks 520 l / 137 US gallon
Transport height, including windshield 4.33 m / 14' 3''
Transport hieght, without windshield, pulpit, pushpit, steering wheels, pedestals 3.99 m / 13' 1"
Estimated GRT 18.07
Estimated NRT 16.26


aft cockpit yacht

  • Where to See

Passport Yachts

Passport Classic 456 Aft Cockpit

Passport Yachts 456 Aft Cockpit

Designed by Robert Perry as a modern performance cruiser, Mr. Perry infused all of his past experience and ever evolving innovations into a yacht that practically sails itself. The hull design produces a brisk yet comfortable ride with its long water line and scoop transom.

Built to the standards you have come to expect from a Passport, the Passport 456AC is an able and secure ocean voyaging yacht yet equally at home coastal cruising or weekending.

The aft cockpit design has a large, practical cockpit, a spacious galley and two private staterooms with accompanying head and shower facilities.

As with all of the Passport designs, the interiors are customized to suit each owner and an impressive list of standard equipment and gear is included with the yacht.

470CC , 470AC , & 456AC Videos

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Passport Yachts 456AC

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Passport Yachts Classic Series Main Cabin with the table down

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Passport Yachts Classic Series Main Cabin & Table with table up

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Passport Yachts Classic Series Aft Cockpit Galley

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Passport Yachts Fine Joinery

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Passport Yachts Classic Series V-Berth

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Passport Yachts 456AC in the Carribean

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A Modern Cruiser

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Modern Cruiser

N395 AC (aft cockpit) is designed in a joint venture between Najad, Farr Yacht Design – The top racing-yacht design team in the world and Ken Freivokh Design – Superyacht stylist, architect, and interior designer with one of the world’s most impressive reference lists. Focus when developing the yacht has been on safety, sailing performance, comfort, long distance cruising and luxury.

The yacht is characterised by a large Caribbean style cockpit with twin helm stations. It has a well- designed interior, and a very comprehensive option list that includes all equipment necessary to tailor the yacht to any individual needs. The yacht is available in two or three cabin layouts with one or two large heads.

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Aft Cockpit vs Center Cockpit

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Ok, I'm sure that this thread will not bring out any strongly held opinions or anything...... I'd like to have some general thoughts on the merits/disadvantages of the center cockpit design. And answers to some questions that might be a little bit ignorant........ We are considering weekending for a few years leading to liveaboard. Certainly long term coastal, and likely some limited blue water (Bermuda?) Here are a few thoughts based on very limited experience. Pluses of Center Cockpit: Big Aft Owners Cabin (usually) Visibility????? Questions / Dis-Advantages: How does a CC clear shipped water? Is there an emergency tiller option on a CC boat? (where?????) Proximity of master cabin to cockpit (noise, privacy, etc.) getting aboard (versus an open transom, etc.) Thoughts: Certainly I don't like CC's on smaller boats from an appearance point of view. If I were to consider a Pilot-House boat I don;t care for Aft Cockpit versions. If it's good enough for a Hallberg-Rassey ..........(I REALLY like them) I was reading ads in Sail magazine (I know not exactly an unbiased opinion) for sailboats and one ad I was reading made reference to something like this "....without the dis-advantages of a center cockpit......" That raised the obvious question ... "What disadvantages ????" Thanks, Fred  

aft cockpit yacht

Ajari...there are other threads on this so you might do a search for more but... Advantages: 1. Huge aft cabin & PRIVACY 2. All around visibility...easier close quarters handling due to mid-ship position. 3. Ability to fully enclose cockpit without loss of visibility. 4. aft deck space for storage of bycyicles, life refts etc. without impairing visibiity or access to foredeck. 5. Dryer as it is harder to get pooped by a wave into the cockpit and since you are also higher. 6. Easier motion in the cockpit since you are not hobby horsing at the end of the boat. Disadvantages: 1.Less on deck locker space due to use of space below deck for aft cabin. 2. Harder to dock since you cannot reach from the wheel to a piling. 3. Ugly condo look if not done right...generally over 40' is required. Excess windage on some boats. 4. Sometimes poor ventilation in master cabin if blocked by cockpit. To answer your other questions: 1. Cockpit is drained by scuppers and hoses led down through the hulljust like most aft cockpit boats . More and bigger is better. 2. There is usually an emegency tiller fitting through the aft deck plate above the quadrant and a 2 piece emergency tiller that fits this opening and then runs forward. Sometimes it is quite klunky!! I like to think of my blow deck autopilot as my emergency tiller since it can steer the boat if the wheel system fails...and my real emergency tiller is my 3rd backup. 3. Cockpit noise has never been a still have a v-berth as a choice anyway. 4. Getting aboard is not an issue unique to CC boats...our BEST boat for getting aboard was our Irwin 44CC which had a motorized drop-down dive [latform which was great for off loading heavy stuff like groceries or laundry from the dink. Having owned both types of boats, I am a confirmed CC guy for living aboard especially since I am tall and the aft cabin lets me stretch out.  

aft cockpit yacht

Got to dis-agree with the "easy motion" Mentioned in the prior reply and I'm not sure what is ment by "Hobby Horsing". I've sailed both a center cockpit and rear. My 42 is a rear cockpit. I found that If you're going to get seasick, you'll do it in a center cockpit. I've sailed many miles and never got a touch of the sickness UNTIL I sailed a center cockpit. If you're in any type of wave action where the boat is rocking around, as sailing down wind, wing on wing. Your on top of the boat and swinging from side to side. In a rear cockpit, you're setting just a few inches above the water and the movement is minamized at the waterline.The boat is rolling around you. The experance I had was in the delivering of a Choy Lee 65 foot center cockpit... The cockpit was about 10 feet above the waterline and whenever the boat rocked from side to side, I was swinging from atop the boat.. It was like being in the fly bridge of a powerboat. I'm sure there are advantages of a center cockpit but after I hailed over the side a couple times, I did'nt care about the advantages...  

RandyonR3 said: ....... never got a touch of the sickness UNTIL I sailed a center cockpit......... In a rear cockpit, you're setting just a few inches above the water and the movement is minamized at the waterline.The boat is rolling around you.............but after I hailed over the side a couple times, I did'nt care about the advantages... Click to expand...

Randy....true on some CC's and not on most things, it all depends on the boat in question.  

aft cockpit yacht

We recently went through this decision, and ended up buying a center cockpit. We were drawn towards center cockpit from the mind of having a cockpit enclosure, as our intentions are year round sailing in the puget sound. Many people do enclosures with aft cockpits as well, though aesthetically and functionally they don't work for me (at least in beamy modern designs). Once my fiance saw the aft cabin you get, there was pretty much no going back. The other downside, my good friend with a beneteau 423 keeps reminding me of, is the reduced size of the salon area. This of course depends on perspective, as many will point out the giant salon could become a hazard if you are offshore. Depends a lot on the size of boats you are considering.  

aft cockpit yacht

My wife and I lived on aft cabin sailboats for 13 years and now on a center-cockpit sailboat for 23 years. I agree with all those comments from Camaraderie, but I would add that, though the "hobby-horse" action fore & aft rock would be greater with the aft cockpit, the port-starboard roll of the centercockpit can be troublesome if the cockpit is too high by design. Our main reason to switch to the center-cockpit came with a bigger boat and a need for space for our growing children. Ours was not a walk through layout so we were able to actually suggest to our children, "Go to your room" ! 'take care & joy, Aythya crew  

aft cockpit yacht

On the seasick: We rent a 45CC on the bay and love it. The wife has never been sick on it. We rent aft cocpits when the CC is not available and she does get sick occasionally when it's rough. I can testify to the hobby horse on a 26 footer - I know, not applicable here, but our 26 will almost eject you at times.  

We find we're drawn more to CC's also as we pursue our quest for a liveaboard. I appreciate the info here. I can see the potential for side to side hobby horsing on some of the "wedding cake" high-profile boats, but there are some with lower profiles that feel comfortable. I too like the central position of the helm, but a friend mentioned that he thought it may make it more difficult to read the trim on the main from that position. Any input from the cc sailors out there?  

aft cockpit yacht

he thought it may make it more difficult to read the trim on the main from that position. Cruising sailboats have biminis and dodgers. Tough to see the mainsail in either case but it is a good idea to build in a window in the top of the bimini so you can take a look. No difference between cc & aft in this regard in my opinion.  

aft cockpit yacht

On the larger aft cockpits the stern (master) becomes much more pleasing. Small boats, they are tight and the master will get pushed forward to the V. I like CC's... but I agree that the rocking on a CC seems much more dramatic. Still, for a liveabord, it sure does give you a lot of space in the master. I also think, as a generality, you will get a much nicer cockpit on a aft cockpit. THis is where you spend a CONSIDERABLE amount of your time when LA/Cruising. Many CC's are too short for me to lay out in comfortably. Just some of my thoughts. I also believe a aft cockpit will get rid of a boarding sea MUCH quicker than a center. But that is really a rare occurence. And as a CC, you will take a boarding sea less often. - CD  

We haven't had problems checking the main from the helm of a 45CC Morgan. We haven't sailed a huge number of different type boats but it's the most all around comfortable boat I've been on. The cockpit is roomy and great for a lot of friends to enjoy the sail together. Not a disagreement CD, I didn't see your post before I pulled the trigger. I'm just speaking from my experience with one CC. There are a few very different models out there. By the way, Click on the armadillio into my profile. That's the Morgan. See the window Cam mentioned? My wife commented on how much I used it. It works just fine.  

I always get sick in center cockpit  

Less storage on deck with center cockpit  

aft cockpit yacht

Size is important! Smaller CC boats (less than 40+ ft ) look like wedding cakes. Movement apparent in cockpit can be more significant in CC boats. Weight placement may be the most important factor in this movement. My last boat, a 44CC, had the fuel tank under the aft berth and this boat had a pronounced "hobby horse" motion. My current boat, also a CC boat, has all tankage under the main cabin floor and has no "hobby horse" motion. This boat also has the CC pushed way aft of the mast and this also probably decreases the apparent motion.  

aft cockpit yacht

Like the Missus Wombat, my Pri-Mate, (maybe because we lived in Sydney for 12 years) liked the aft cockpit. Her views - the forward cabin was spacious enough, the lazarette and cockpit seat lockers gave me a place to put boat stuff that she didn't want stuffed in the cabin and interior lockers and she wanted a less "divided" layout below. Odd, don't you think, that she didn't consider that I prefer the look of ac's rather than cc's?  

aft cockpit yacht

Motion wise, I suspect CC can be less prone to pitching (being closer to the midpoint of the boat, mast and keel) but significantly more prone to rolling (being generally higher). After spending some 40 hours rolling down the coast recently, I vote for minimizing rolling.  

aft cockpit yacht

And engine access One advantage to the CC design I have not yet seen mentioned is engine access. My last CC boat the cockpit floor would lift out exposing the whole engine room. Made any engine work much less unpleasant to have full light and fresh air. Just had to make sure no one stepped into the cockpit while the floors were up. I did install latches under the removeable section in case of knockdown or worse so we would not lose the floor and flood the boat. After owning the boat several years we had a mechanical problem that required pulling the engine out of the boat while down island. Did not even have to haul to do the job. We pulled up to the commercial dock and had a small crane lift it straight up out of the boat. On a day to day basis as a liveaboard the biggest advantage to me was a private aft cabin. I just have not seen any boats under 45' or so that had a good arrangement for a private owner's stateroom except the forepeak (aka sail locker and roughest ride in the house when sailing up wind). The motion in the center cockpit never bothered me.  

Good point Skipmac...mine had 360 degree access as are right that such good access is rarely found on aft cockpit boats of the same size. Welcome aboard!  

Well, you also have the other way to approach engine work. My engine is in the center of the cabin so I can work on it while sitting down in comfort without worrying about the weather outside or the lack of access. But my biggest objection to center cockpit boats is the fact that a lot of things are happing behind you. In an aft cockpit boat you can see almost everything from sail trim to crew working on deck without worrying about something happing unnoticed behind you. Of course just my opinion for what it’s worth and your mileage may vary. All the best, Robert Gainer  

aft cockpit yacht

This was a big factor for me, as well. Unfortunately, the aluminum roof to the steel pilothouse means I'll be doing more unscrewing this week than a dyslexic porn star, but at the end of it, I'll just put a hook on the lifting eye and up and out comes the engine, and down into the bed of the pickup for an exam and possible rebuild. In the meantime, with an empty engine bay, I will replace water tanks, install dual filters, paint everything half a dozen times, and install new mounts, couplers, exhaust system and batteries, all while standing up... I winterized the old aft cockpit boat today as the new "custodian" needed to see it done, and hunched over the engine with a dissembled set of companionway stairs behind me, I realized I like the 360 degree access very much now.  

Robert, I would agree with you in some designs, but I have an "inside" helm in the pilothouse, and a "sailing" helm on the aft deck with perfect visibility and a very modest cockpit that is more a footwell, but which has two 3-inch scuppers running down and aft to the transom. Both helms run on the same hydraulic steering system, and I have the ability to disconnect that in favour of a tiller that can run on blocks to a windvane. Typically, I start sails from the pilothouse and then switch to the sailing helm when we switch off the engine and start sailing. The addition of a hard bimini over the sailing helm (plus a throttle/shifter on the binnacle, currently absent) will encourage us to stay out of the pilothouse entirely unless the weather is truly appalling.  

In many ways Valiente you have the best of both worlds. But with the weather and temperature you have in your neighborhood (Toronto) you need the inside steering station don’t you. One of the first things I did when I got my Tartan was to remove the dodger and bimini because I want unobstructed lines of sight in all directions. All the best, Robert Gainer  

Tartan34C said: In many ways Valiente you have the best of both worlds. But with the weather and temperature you have in your neighborhood (Toronto) you need the inside steering station don't you. Click to expand...
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Moody Aft Cockpit 41

The Moody AC41 took traditional yacht-building into the modern era, combining a classic flat superstructure with comfortable handling and exclusive on-board luxury . The yacht has been designed for speedy yet comfortable cruising, but it is just as ideally equipped for marina life, short hops along the coast and long voyages.

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. The Reliant Yachts 40 Aft Cockpit is a high-performance, world capable cruising yacht ideal for a couple or family. Although her look is classic beauty, below the waterline she reflects the latest thinking in fluid dynamics. . The Reliant Yachts 40/45/50 offers the largest interior volume among yachts of her class and since each is custom built to suit her owner’s needs, there is almost unlimited flexibility in choice of accommodation plan, interior hardwoods, joinery style, and equipment. Fit and finish is to the impeccable standard of Reliant Yachts. . Her large, deep cockpit can comfortably accommodate a crew of six and moving about on deck is safe and secure with wide side decks and ample handholds. Her deck layout and rig have been optimized for shorthanded sailing.

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Aft cockpit for sale (sail)

  • Aft cockpit

Nautitech 46 Open

What is an aft-cockpit sailing boat?

The cockpit is the place a boat is steered from. On a sailing boat, the ropes for controlling most of the sails will usually run into the cockpit as well. Generally, it’s an outside, lowered area of the deck, but may be enclosed. Small boats often have an aft-cockpit, meaning the cockpit is at the rear, or aft of the boat.

Which manufacturers build aft cockpit sail boats?

Manufacturers that produce aft cockpit sail boats include Beneteau , Bavaria , Jeanneau , Dufour and X-Yachts .

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British Marine


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    1989 Californian 55 Cockpit Motor Yacht. US$214,000. United Yacht Sales - Baltimore Boating Center | Dundalk, Maryland. Request Info; Featured; 2023 Prestige 520 S. US$1,399,000. ... Aft Cabin boats listed for sale on YachtWorld offers a diverse price range, from $17,164 on the lower-cost segment of yachts to an astonishing $2,111,887 for the ...

  2. Aft or centre cockpit

    Aft cockpit yachts are the most popular cockpit arrangement, for good reasons More cabins. On many cruisers, aft cockpits are raised up high enough to allow an internal layout with twin aft cabins, which is great for large families and a boon for charterers, who can bring more friends and reduce the cost each has to pay. The trade-off is that ...

  3. 7 Best Aft Cockpit / Aft Stateroom Sailboats

    When I talk about center cockpit yachts, I mean yachts with full width aft staterooms. The assumption is that these two features: a full width aft stateroom and a center cockpit deck mold go hand in hand. ... The Beneteau Idylle 11.5 is a great boat. However, the aft cabin is not full width, probably more like 2/3 or 3/4 max. It's great for ...

  4. Aft Cabin Boats And Yachts For Sale

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  5. 545 Aft Cockpit

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  6. The Best Aft Cockpit Sailboats

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  7. Hallberg-Rassy 400

    The new Hallberg-Rassy 400 is an aft cockpit boat with twin helms, a modern and efficient hull shape with twin rudders and an easy to handle rig. The interior offers the option of one or two aft cabins, one or two heads, classic mahogany or bright European oak interior. After the center cockpit 40C, the aft cockpit 400 is the second new 40 ...

  8. Reliant Yachts

    The Reliant Yachts 45 Aft Cockpit is a high-performance, world capable cruising yachts ideal for a couple or family. Her large, deep cockpit can comfortably accommodate a crew of six and moving about on deck is safe and secure with wide side decks and ample handholds. Her deck layout and rig have been optimized for shorthanded sailing.

  9. 470 Aft Cockpit

    Passport Classic 470 Aft Cockpit. The Passport 470AC is a natural extension of the concept behind the highly successful 456. As with all of the Passport designs, the distinguishing characteristics of these yachts are their ease of handling and quality of construction. The Passport 470AC strikes a perfect balance between performance and comfort.

  10. 456 Aft Cockpit

    Passport Classic 456 Aft Cockpit. Model Overview. With the perfect blend of modern innovation and traditional features, this highly successful semi-custom yacht meets and exceeds the demands of today's knowledgeable sailor. Designed by Robert Perry as a modern performance cruiser, Mr. Perry infused all of his past experience and ever evolving ...

  11. Najad N395AC

    Modern Cruiser. N395 AC (aft cockpit) is designed in a joint venture between Najad, Farr Yacht Design - The top racing-yacht design team in the world and Ken Freivokh Design - Superyacht stylist, architect, and interior designer with one of the world's most impressive reference lists. Focus when developing the yacht has been on safety ...

  12. Aft Cockpit vs Center Cockpit

    1. Cockpit is drained by scuppers and hoses led down through the hulljust like most aft cockpit boats . More and bigger is better. 2. There is usually an emegency tiller fitting through the aft deck plate above the quadrant and a 2 piece emergency tiller that fits this opening and then runs forward. Sometimes it is quite klunky!!

  13. Moody 41 Aft Cockpit

    Moody Aft Cockpit 41. The Moody AC41 took traditional yacht-building into the modern era, combining a classic flat superstructure with comfortable handling and exclusive on-board luxury . The yacht has been designed for speedy yet comfortable cruising, but it is just as ideally equipped for marina life, short hops along the coast and long voyages.

  14. SVTONIC Ep3, Aft Cockpit vs Centre Cockpit

    SV TONIC Ep3, Aft Cockpit vs Centre Cockpit. General discussion of the pros and cons of the aft cockpit and centre cockpit monohulls. A boat used is a Benete...

  15. Reliant Yachts

    The Reliant Yachts 50 Aft Cockpit is a high-performance, world capable cruising yacht ideal for a couple or family.. Her large, deep cockpit can comfortably accommodate a crew of six and moving about on deck is safe and secure with wide side decks and ample handholds. Her deck layout and rig have been optimized for shorthanded sailing.

  16. Reliant Yachts

    The Reliant Yachts 40 Aft Cockpit is a high-performance, world capable cruising yacht ideal for a couple or family. Although her look is classic beauty, below the waterline she reflects the latest thinking in fluid dynamics. The Reliant Yachts 40/45/50 offers the largest interior volume among yachts of her class and since each is custom built ...

  17. Spindrift Cockpit Motor Yacht/Aft Cabin

    California Yacht Sales. 2040 Harbor Island Drive, Suite 111. San Diego, CA, 92101. United States. 619-943-3431. View Seller Inventory. Call Now Send Email. Boat Details.

  18. Aft cockpit for sale (power)

    An aft-cockpit power boat is a vessel where the main steering zone, or cockpit, is towards the rear, or aft, of the boat. There are various pros and cons to aft cockpits vs centre cockpits including aft cockpits being generally drier and centre cockpits usually leaving more space for a large aft cabin.

  19. Aft cockpit for sale (sail)

    A used aft cockpit sail boat on ranges in price from £2,500 GBP to £4,270,000 GBP with an average price of £356,000 GBP. Factors including the condition, age, model and specification will affect the price of an aft cockpit. Used Sail Aft cockpit for sale from around the world. Search our full range of used Aft cockpit on ...

  20. Good start. On the first day of the Moscow yachting exhibition itBoat

    On the first day of the Moscow yachting exhibition itBoat Boutique sold the fastest cruise boat in the world.. On the first day. The Moscow Boat Show the itBoat Boutique team has completed the sale of the Goldfish 50 Ocean. ... Aft Cockpit Sailboats Center Cockpit Sailboats Sailing Catamarans Classic Sailing Yachts Motorsailers . Yacht selling ...

  21. Anton Dolotin: «Openness is our policy.»

    Interview with co-owner of Royal Yacht Club Moscow. The founder and head of the Russian representative office of Azimut-Benetti, Anton Dolotin, tells us about the life and achievements of Royal Yacht Club in the last five years. ... Aft Cockpit Sailboats Center Cockpit Sailboats Sailing Catamarans Classic Sailing Yachts Motorsailers . Yacht ...

  22. For the fifth time «Finns» come to Moscow

    Aft Cockpit Sailboats Center Cockpit Sailboats Sailing Catamarans Classic Sailing Yachts Motorsailers . Yacht selling brokers. All / 509. Add a listing . Builders; Magazine. ... The latest articles on yachting, yachts, powerboats, nautical life, and sailing. Subscribe.

  23. Yacht club "Royal Yacht Club": address, description, photos

    Royal Yacht Club is the center of yachting life in Moscow, imbued with European spirit and combines a modern yacht port, a unique coastal restaurant, spacious spectator stands, a cozy business center and the DoubleTree by Hilton Moscow - Marina. Luxury recreation on the water within the city limits, berth for vessels from 6 to 40 meters, one of the best restaurants of Arkady Novikov ...