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How German U‑Boats Were Used in WWI—And Perfected in WWII

By: Christopher Klein

Updated: January 31, 2024 | Original: March 21, 2022

A German U-boat, circa 1916.

The most formidable naval weapons in both world wars, German submarines devastated trans-Atlantic shipping while sinking 8,000 merchant vessels and warships and killing tens of thousands. These U-boats (an abbreviation of Unterseeboot , the German word for “undersea boat”) prowled the oceans in search of prey and could attack ships 20 times their size from both above and below the surface with their deck guns and torpedoes.

Inside the dimly lit, claustrophobic submarines, sailors couldn’t shower or even change their clothes during patrols that could last two months at sea. Fifty men shared two toilets—one of which doubled as a food locker at the start of patrols—that couldn’t function when 80 feet or more below the surface because of the outside water pressure, according to The U-Boats by Douglas Botting.

U-boat crews inhaled a foul cocktail of bilge water, sweat and diesel fumes. Mildew blossomed on their shoes, and charts even rotted from the oppressive heat and dampness. “I feel like Jonah inside some huge shellfish whose vulnerable parts are sheathed in armor,” wrote German war correspondent Lothar-Günther Buchheim on patrol in 1941.

Submarines were still primitive naval weapons when Germany became the last major naval power to build one in 1906. By the start of World War I in 1914, however, Germany had caught the competition. Its 20 combat-ready U-boats were more sophisticated that other countries’ submarines and could travel 5,000 miles without refueling, allowing them to operate along the entire British coast.

U-Boats Come of Age in World War I

German submarines parked in harbor, circa 1914. Front row (left to right): U-22, U-20 (sank the Lusitania), U-19 and U-21. Back row (left to right): U-14, U-10 and U-12.

The U-boat fleet made its first strike on September 5, 1914, with an attack on a British light cruiser off the coast of Scotland that killed more than 250 sailors. Seventeen days later, U-9 sank three British battle cruisers with an hour, killing nearly 1,500. Despite these strikes, the Germans lost more U-boats than they sank during the first month of the war.

In February 1915, Germany announced the start of unrestricted submarine warfare in which all vessels, even merchant ships from neutral countries, would be sunk without warning in a war zone around Great Britain. The idea that submarines would attack merchant ships had been dismissed by many Britons, including First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill who wrote , “I do not believe this would ever be done by a civilized power.”

U-boats attacked not only food and oil supplies bound for the British Isles, but passenger ships as well. On May 7, 1915, U-20 torpedoed the liner Lusitania off the coast of Ireland and killed nearly 1,200 passengers, including 128 Americans. Alarmed at the prospect of an American entry into the war, Germany eventually pledged to protect the safety of passengers before sinking unarmed ships.

The sinking of Lusitania by a German submarine off the Old Head of Kinsale, Ireland, 1915. The tragedy killed 128 US citizens, helping bring the US into World War I. (Credit: Three Lions/Getty Images)

The Allies struggled to counter the U-boat threat. The Royal Navy camouflaged warships with paint jobs to pose as merchant vessels and piled haystacks to obscure guns. Some British patrols even carried canvas sacks and hammers that they could use to cover and smash U-boat periscope lenses.

After announcing the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare against Allied and neutral ships on January 31, 1917, U-boats sank more than 500 vessels by the end of April. The U-boats nearly succeeded in defeating Great Britain, but attacks on American merchant ships played an important role in the United States entering the war .

U-Boat Arrives in American Waters

Germany’s development of the U-cruiser submarine allowed it to strike the Atlantic coast of its new enemy. The first German U-boat arrived in American waters in May 1918 and sank 13 ships— including six in a single day —in addition to laying mines in American ports and severing two telegraph cables on the seabed during its 12,000-mile patrol.

By grouping merchant ships in convoys and escorting them with warships, Allied countermeasures began to blunt the U-boats, although the German submarines succeeded in destroying more than 10 million tons of cargo by the time World War I ended.

Although the subsequent Treaty of Versailles required the surrender of all U-boats and prohibited their future possession by Germany, submarine construction resumed after Nazi leader Adolf Hitler repudiated the peace pact in 1935. World War I demonstrated that long-range submarines could be powerful weapons, and when war returned in 1939, so did the U-boats.

U-Boats Target Shipping Lanes in World War II

A German U-boat on mission in the Atlantic Ocean, as seen in World War II, May 1942.

When World War II commenced, Germany had 57 submarines under the command of Commodore Karl Dönitz, who had served on U-boats in World War I. Dönitz believed the war would be decided in the Atlantic and that he could win it with 300 U-boats.

In May 1940, Hitler approved unrestricted submarine warfare on all shipping around Great Britain after initially rejecting the idea to avoid provoking the United States. Once in possession of ports in Norway and western France, Germany extended the range of its U-boats to disrupt merchant shipping. U-boats stalked their targets for days and attacked in groups that the British called “wolf packs.” From summer 1940 to spring 1941, each U-boat at sea sank an average of eight merchant ships a month in what Germany called the “ Happy Time .”

Although the British implemented a convoy system at the start of the war, it was poorly protected for the first 18 months. Radar remained primitive. Aircraft were few in number, lacked sufficient range and couldn’t provide escort coverage at night. While the Allies lacked adequate intelligence on U-boat movements, Germany intercepted cables between American shipping insurance firms and European underwriters to learn about ship cargoes, sailing dates and destinations.

After the United States entered World War II, a wave of 16 U-boats attacked merchant ships along the American and Canadian shorelines as part of Operation Drumbeat. Taking advantage of weak and disorganized defenses, U-boats roamed as far as the Gulf of Mexico and cruised inshore shipping lanes during the first half of 1942. U-boats that lurked along North Carolina’s shipping lanes sank 78 merchant ships and killed 1,200 merchant marines .

Once American merchant ships began to sail in trans-Atlantic convoys with continuous sea and air escorts, attacks fell dramatically. Along with the breaking of U-boat ciphers, improvements in radar technology and the effectiveness of attacks by long-range bombers and escort carriers led to the sinking of 41 U-boats in May 1943, including eight in one day. Dönitz responded by ordering his submarines to retreat to more remote locations such as the Indian Ocean where targets would be unescorted.

U-boats returned to the British coast in 1944 after the development of snorkel ventilation tubes allowed them to operate longer and deeper underwater to reduce the chance of detection by radar and enemy aircraft. However, they suffered heavy losses and few successes. After Hitler’s suicide on April 30, 1945, Dönitz served as his successor and ordered German forces to cease operations and surrender. The 45 U-boats at sea surfaced and proceeded to ports designated by the Allies.

By some estimates, Germany lost three-quarters of the U-boats it built during World War II. Although they ravaged Allied shipping over the course of two world wars, the U-boats also became steel coffins on the ocean floor for approximately 30,000 of the 40,000 sailors who manned them.

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Deutsches U-Boot-Museum

Due to the Corona Pandemic, the German Submarine Museum will be closed to visitors until at least the end of April. Also the office is not occupied during this time, so that we cannot be reached by telephone and incoming mail cannot be processed for the time being.

For the same reason, this year’s ftu annual general meeting, which was planned for april 18, unfortunately has to be cancelled for the time being., the team of the german u-boar museum wishes all members and people that they may stay healthy and get through this crisis as well as possible..

Welcome to the German U-boat-Museum, an institution highly regarded by visitors and international experts. It is composed mainly of the U-boat-Archive and a collection of U-boat exhibits


In order to maintain and further expand this facility the “Association of Friends of the U-boat Tradition Archive ( FTU )” was founded in 1992. Its members support the work and lasting existence of the U-boat-Archive through their personal hands-on co-operation, their donations or other contributions. If there is any interest on your side to become an active or supporting member of the association you can find more under Contact .

The file Flotsam is a compilation of contributions by volunteers of the archive of facts from the world of seafaring of general interest. Reports from the daily work at the archive and results of various projects are mentioned in file Reports & Figures . The file Series will present the information about visits to German U-boats by Head of States and Government published so far, as well as a new series about myths around operations of German U-boats, plus more series to come. Consequently, the current structure of the files has been amended.

Telephone +49 4722-322
Mo. – Fri. from 9 to 13 am (GMT+1)
Fax +49 4722 – 91 01 76
Deutsches U-Boot-Museum
Lange Straße 1
27478 Cuxhaven-Altenbruch
Managing Director:
Annemarie Bredow


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A german u-boat ended up at the bottom of lake michigan, here’s how it happened.

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  • World War 1

Sailors on board UC-97 participate in memorial services, laying a wreath in the Ambrose Channel, outside of New York Harbor, on 8 May 1919, to mark the anniversary of the sinking of the British steamship Lusitania and honor the memory of those lost at sea during the Great War. (Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph NH 111107)

Right now, resting at the bottom of Lake Michigan is a 185-ft German submarine. U-boats of the German Imperial Navy did close in on the United States during WWI, but they never entered the Great Lakes. So how is it then that this century-old piece of German hardware ended up at the bottom of the lake?

German U-boats after WWI

It was 1919, and WWI had ended in November of the previous year. After four vicious years of war, Europe was finally on the path to recovery. When the Armistice was signed , Germany was instructed to hand over its ships to the British. This was the start of a process that would lead to the dissection of Germany, military and financially. The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to disarm and pay huge amounts in reparations for damage caused during the war.

Instead of handing their ships over, Germany broke the agreed terms of the Armistice and scuttled most of them . However, their U-boats managed to escape this fate and ended up in the hands of the British. Germany had been the technological leader of submarine warfare and design up until that point, so these U-boats were valuable pieces of equipment.

The British ended up with 176 U-boats in total and handed some of them to friendly nations to be studied. These submarines came with a stipulation though; that once their use was over, they were to be sunk in water deep enough to prevent any future salvage.

The US had little interest in accepting the U-boats, as they believed theirs were of better quality, and that soon submarines may be banned altogether (after WWI, the British were pushing hard for a total ban on submarines as weapons of war due to the destruction they caused).

But there were a few who saw the submarines as a means of making money. The cost of fighting WWI had left the US in enormous amounts of debt, which they were trying to pay off with bonds purchased by citizens.

It was thought that parading these enemy submarines around US ports and allowing the public to pay to see them would produce a nice boost in income to pay off their debt.


UC-97 was one of six submarines brought over from Europe. She was a Type UC III, a class of late-war, relatively small minelaying U-boats. They were equipped with six minelaying tubes, three torpedo tubes, and a deck gun.

Over 100 Type UCIII U-boats were ordered, but the war cut production short with just 25 having been built. UC-97 was one of these. When she arrived in the US, the public was told about her record of seven ships sunk. However, UC-97 never actually saw combat, and her record was fabricated to make her more appealing to the public.

She spent much of this time in New York City, attracting thousands of visitors wherever it went. Once she had served her use making money, the submarine began more tours as part of a recruitment drive.

She toured the Great Lakes visiting places like Milwaukee and Chicago, and once again pulled in huge crowds, attracting so many people that ports often struggled to cope with them. After her tour was over, she was completely stripped of anything even remotely useful and moored up on the Chicago River.

The empty hull sat there until 1921. In June of that year, UC-97, lacking engines for propulsion, was towed out into Lake Michigan to fulfill the original agreement of sinking it once it was no longer useful.

UC-97 was to be used as a floating target for the gunboat USS Wilmette in a highly publicized event. She was hit by a number of 4-inch rounds before quickly sinking to the bottom of the lake, to be forgotten for much of the century.

Attempts to locate the vessel in the 1960s and 1970s were thwarted by a distinct lack of information about the submarine’s final moments. In 1992, UC-97 was finally discovered by A and T Recovery. Her location is not available to the public, but A and T Recovery have visited her multiple times since the discovery.

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Three u-boats were entombed in a u-boat pen in hamburg until 1985.

u boot yacht

Because of the increasing intensity of air-raids, “Elbe II” was used for fitting out boats, new ones and those having happily returned. Two shifts were covered by 200 yard-workers, mostly Germans.  The last boats to enter “Elbe II” were also the most modern ones in the world – the type XXI-boats U-2505, U-3004 and U-3506 which had an estimated dive-depth of 400 m.

They had to undergo last works before setting to sea with the planned destination of Caribbean. U-2505 had already suffered bomb damage during an air-raid before, and also U-3004 suffered from a mishap during a test-dive.


Most of the crew members left between April 15th and 17th 1945 to fight, far away from the sea, against British troops in the Lueneburger Heide, not too far away. sources geschichtsspuren.de / uboat.net

Remaining crew prepared the self-destruction of the boats in the beginning of May. Meanwhile, the bunker-gates had already been destroyed during an air-raid on April 8th, and several hits had damaged the roof. In the evening of May 2nd the boats were filled with explosives like dynamite and depth charges.

When hostilities ceased in 1945, the famous Elbe II Bunker fell to the British armies racing across the fatherland. source

A fourth boat, the XXI-type U-2501, was lying with only its bow inside the shelter, as did the half completed VIIC boat U-684. The last boat to be sunk was U-2501 on May 3rd 1945.

The screw-less training boat broke in two close to the place where it had been built just one year ago at Blohm & Voss .  uboat.net .  he British came and blew up the bunker and the roof partially collapsed, trapping the boats. Someone made an attempt to scrap them in the ’40s-’50s, but it was too dangerous, so they stayed somewhat intact until the ’90s.

The German govt. finally filled the bunker with gravel and concrete and buried the boats, then turned the area into a parking lot.  Thank God a bunch of those XXIs didn’t get loose during the war. It may have prolonged the slaughter until the atomic bomb could have been brought to bear against Germany.

They managed to get one on combat patrol right at the end, but were ordered to stop hostilities and they never launched an attack.

As a result of the collapsing wall, the pens’ roof collapsed crushing the Type XXI U-boat U-3506. Two additional boats, U-2505 and 3004, although sank by the incoming roof, survived the crash almost intact.

These boats were virtually missing until 1985 when the boats were discovered through research by Jak P Mallmann-Showell, Wolfgang Hirschfeld and Walter Cloots in the mostly demolished Elbe II U-boat bunker in Hamburg. The Elbe II bunker is located on the southern bank of the Elbe river at the Vulkanhafen. The mid-1930s saw the Naval Construction Office in Berlin give the problem serious thought.

Various factions in the navy were convinced protection for the expanding U-boat arm was required.

An RAF raid on the capital in 1940 plus the occupation of France and Great Britain’s refusal to surrender was enough to trigger a massive building programme of submarine pens and air raid shelters.  By the autumn of 1940, construction of the “Elbe II” bunker in Hamburg and “Nordsee III” on the island of Heligoland was under way. Others swiftly followed.

The resulting explosions shocked the dividing wall between the two pens weakening it to the point that a few minutes after the main explosion, the complete wall collapsed and the structure’s roof partially caved in. source

It was soon realised that such a massive project was beyond the Kriegsmarine , the Todt Organisation (OT) was brought in to oversee the administration of labour. The local supply of such items as sand, aggregate, cement and timber was often a cause for concern. The steel required was mostly imported from Germany. The attitudes of the people in France and Norway were significantly different.

In France there was generally no problem with the recruitment of men and the procurement of machinery and raw materials. It was a different story in Norway. There, the local population were far more reluctant to help the Germans. Indeed, most labour had to be brought in.

The ground selected for bunker construction was no help either: usually being at the head of a fjord, the foundations and footings had to be hewn out of granite. Several metres of silt also had to be overcome.

By October of that year, a survey found that the two U-boats (2505 and 3004) were completely submerge in a seas of sand and debris which they could not be salvage. source

The incessant air raids caused serious disruption to the project, hampering the supply of material, destroying machinery and harassing the workers. Machinery such as excavators, pile drivers, cranes, floodlighting and concrete pumps (which were still a relatively new technology in the 1940s) was temperamental, and in the case of steam-driven equipment, very noisy.

The end of hostilities in Europe also marked the end of the U-Bootwaffe’s hold on some of Europe’s most important naval bases. source

Bunkers had to be able to accommodate more than just U-boats; space had to be found for offices, medical facilities, communications, lavatories, generators, ventilators, anti-aircraft guns, accommodation for key personnel such as crew-men, workshops, water purification plants, electrical equipment and radio testing facilities.

Storage space for spares, explosives, ammunition and oil was also required.


There is no truth in the rumour of an underground bunker on Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands. This ‘story’ was gleaned from a similar situation in Le Havre in France when captured U-boat men were interrogated by the British.

  • Production Models
  • Specifications & Features

The most compact private submarine

Super yacht sub 3.


Versatile, smart and capable with a design that will satisfy the highest expectations of discerning superyacht owners.

Super Yacht Sub 3 isometric view

The fully acrylic hyper-hemispherical viewport gives you the best panoramic view of the underwater world possible.

Freeboard is the height between the hatch and the waterline. The Freeboard Extender is a sliding barrier that increases the distance between the water and the hatch opening. It simultaneously allows for the submarine to be operated in rough conditions and be stored in low-height garage spaces.

The latest in Lithium-ion battery technology is used to give our submersibles the ultimate performance, lowest weight, smallest footprint, and best endurance possible. The Lithium-ion battery can be quickly recharged and is maintenance-free.

The powerful thrusters and the excellent manoeuvrability of the Super Yacht Sub 3 boost superior surface performance. You will be able to go faster, manoeuvre better and expand your operational window.

This compact ultra-wide (130 degree) field of view instrument has a range of 100 meters acting as a second set of eyes when navigating the subsea terrain.

External equipment comprising a selection of subsea robotic arms together with work platforms and collection baskets can be installed on most of the U-Boat Worx models.

Super Yacht Sub 3 rear isometric view

The red buoy is characteristic for U-Boat Worx submersibles. When released it marks the position of the submarine on the surface. The Dyneema Rope attached measures 1.5 x the operating depth of the submersible, and is strong enough to lift it to the surface.

Super Yacht Sub 3 interior

The U-Boat Worx Information System (UIS) gives the pilot direct access to all relevant information on a clear touch-screen display. The PLC-based network of sensors ensures the right information is provided at the right time. The UIS makes diving effortless.

The acrylic pressure hull accommodates two luxurious leather seats which can be customized to your taste.


The best dive experience

This submarine is aimed at the yacht markets where an ever-growing number of seaboard owners are discovering the world below the waterline. This compact and lightweight model delivers both performance and luxury.


Clearest View

The ground breaking pressure hull design provides a virtually unimpeded view; everyone on board can easily see the hidden secrets of the deep.


Unparalleled comfort

With the U-Boat Worx Super Yacht Sub 3, we have aspired to create the ultimate in luxury interior design. When onboard a Super Yacht Sub 3, guests enjoy exhilarating views from a sumptuous chair in a comfortable air-conditioned environment with variable airflow, adjustable from each seat. You can also enjoy music from a hi-fidelity Bluetooth sound-system and even chill your favourite drinks in a cold-storage box.


Unrivalled mission-adaptability

The Super Yacht Sub 3 outperforms on every level – flexibility, agility, economy and power. This exceptional submersible features the Freeboard Extender and other smart engineering solutions.


Designed from concept to be dive-ready, U-Boat Worx has kept pre-dive checks to the safest minimum, allowing for quick and easy deployment.


Super Yacht Sub 3 anatomy view white

  • Depth 300 m · 1000 ft
  • Occupancy 2 passengers · 1 pilot
  • Weight 3,800 kg
  • Endurance 12 hours
  • Length 320 cm
  • Width 244 cm
  • Height 174 cm
  • Battery 21.6 kWh
  • Propulsion 4 X 6 kW
  • Speed 3 knots

Lithium-ion battery technology

Freeboard extender, manta controller, marlin controller, auto-heading, omni-directional operation, container fit, single lifting point.

The MANTA Controller allows for pinpoint precision manoeuvring. The intuitive controls allow for supervised passenger steering, offering passengers an even more exciting experience. The controller allows quick access to intelligent pilot assistance functions such as  Auto-heading  and  Auto-depth.

Developed to make  Launch & Recovery  effortless and efficient, the MARLIN Controller is a wireless remote to navigate the submarine on the surface. Once the submarine is in the water the controller can be used to navigate it away from the support vessel without a pilot inside. It can also be used to bring the submarine into position above a dive site or for easy passenger transfer.

With Auto-depth engaged, the submersible will hold steady at its current depth. When applying vertical thrust, the function will automatically disengage and seamlessly respond to the pilot’s commands. This function is part of the  Intelligent Pilot Assistance   Features.

When Auto-heading is activated, the submersible will automatically hold its current heading, whether following a course or facing an object of interest. This function is part of the  Intelligent Pilot Assistance   Features.

The U-Boat Worx Information System (UIS) gives the pilot direct access to all relevant information on a clear touch-screen display. This PLC-based sensory network ensures the right information is provided at the right time. The UIS makes diving effortless.

Apart from the basic forward, reverse, up and down movements, the submersible can also move laterally. Lateral movement greatly optimises object approach, view, and dive efficiency.

This submersible is designed to fit in a shipping container. Perfect for when the submersible needs to be transported to and deployed in different locations.

The single lifting point makes launch and recovery quick and easy. By only having to attach at one point – to the crane – you create a safer environment. With the rapid-release and efficient-connect lifting gear, you can be quickly in and out of the water.

Maximum depth protection

Deadman's switch, drop weight, safety buoy, dnv certification.

The MDP feature prevents the pilot from diving deeper than the submarine’s maximum operating depth. In case the submersible should ever find itself too deep, this safety feature will automatically raise the sub until it is once again within its ideal depth limits.

This DMS safety system will automatically resurface the submersible in the unlikely event that the pilot becomes incapable of controlling the submarine. The pilot needs to acknowledge the DMS every 10 minutes, otherwise it will initiate the ascent procedure.

This weight can be manually released from within the submersible to increase the buoyancy of the submarine and return to the surface.

A very advanced USBL system is available that relays GPS data to the submersible’s on-board computer via integrated underwater modems. Piloting with real time positioning and supporting text data provides for accurate and efficient navigation. The DVL (Doppler Velocity Log) delivers real-time ground speed and position data linking to the on-board computer system.

Certified by leading classification society, DNV, requires each individual submersible to meet stringent and extensive rules and regulations, as well as pass a range of rigorous test and trials from design to final delivery. Overseen by independent surveyors, this is an independent verification of the safety of every U-Boat Worx submersible.

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C-Researcher series

C-Researcher Series

  • C-Researcher 2 500 M 1,640 Ft 5,750 KG 12,700 Lb 2
  • C-Researcher 2 1,140 M 3,740 Ft 7,200 KG 15,800 Lb 2
  • C-Researcher 2 3,000 M 9,840 Ft 9,960 KG 21,950 Lb 2
  • C-Researcher 3 300 M 1,000 Ft 6,300 KG 13,900 Lb 3
  • C-Researcher 3 1,140 M 3,740 Ft 8,900 KG 19,620 Lb 3
  • C-Researcher 3 2,500 M 8,200 Ft 11,300 KG 24,910 Lb 3
  • C-Researcher 3 LH 500 M 1,640 Ft 4,100 KG 9,040 Lb 3
  • C-Researcher 3 LH 1,700 M 5,570 Ft 10,500 KG 23,150 Lb 3
  • C-Researcher 5 300 M 1,000 Ft 8,600 KG 18,960 Lb 5

NEXUS Series

NEXUS Series

  • NEXUS 7 200 M 650 Ft 11,000 KG 24,000 Lb 7
  • NEXUS 8 200 M 650 Ft 12,000 KG 26,000 Lb 9

Cruise Sub series

Cruise Sub Series

  • Cruise Sub 5 500 M 1,640 Ft 8,500 KG 18,750 Lb 5
  • Cruise Sub 5 1,140 M 3,750 Ft 11,000 KG 24,250 Lb 5
  • Cruise Sub 5 1,700 M 5,570 Ft 16,000 KG 35,260 Lb 5
  • Cruise Sub 7 300 M 1,000 Ft 9,500 KG 20,940 Lb 7
  • Cruise Sub 7 1,140 M 3,740 Ft 14,500 KG 31,970 Lb 7
  • Cruise Sub 9 300 M 1,000 Ft 11,000 KG 24,250 Lb 9
  • Cruise Sub 11 200 M 650 Ft 13,300 KG 29,320 Lb 11

Super Yacht Sub

Super Yacht Sub 3

  • Super Yacht Sub 3 300 M 1,000 Ft 3,800 KG 8,380 Lb 3

C-Explorer series

C-Explorer Series

  • C-Explorer 3 300 M 1,000 Ft 6,010 KG 13,250 Lb 3
  • C-Explorer 5 200 M 650 Ft 7,340 KG 16,180 Lb 5

NEMO series


  • NEMO 2 100 M 330 Ft 2,500 KG 5,510 Lb 2

Super Sub

  • Super Sub 300 M 1,000 Ft 9,000 KG 19,800 Lb 3


  • 120 OCCUPANTS 150 M 500 Ft 120


  • 17 occupants 150 M 500 Ft 17

Occupants (min.)

Depth (min.), weight (max.), height (max.).

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This Hybrid Superyacht-Submarine Concept Can Stay Underwater for up to 4 Days

U-boat worx's nautilus design is the ultimate two-in-one., rachel cormack.

Digital Editor

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U-Boat Worx Nautilus Submarine Superyacht

U-Boat Worx’s latest concept brings a whole new meaning to “multipurpose.”

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U-Boat Worx Nautilus Submarine Superyacht

“People that have decided to buy a yacht will now have to consider if their vessel of choice can also dive down to 200 meters,” U-Boat Worx chairman and founder Bert Houtman said in a statement.

The superyacht submarine will be able to stay underwater for up to four days, but can only cruise underwater for six hours at a time. As an added bonus, the Nautilus can make a quick escape in the face of choppy waters.

“If the sea becomes too rough, you simply dive and continue your voyage in comfort,” Houtman adds. “With the Nautilus, the yachting market will never be the same again.”

U-Boat Worx Nautilus Submarine Superyacht

The luxurious interior offers all the comforts of a superyacht and can be fully customized by the client. As standard, the layout comprises a combined lounge and dining area of 538 square feet, along with a fully equipped galley, one owner’s suite, four staterooms and sleeping quarters for up to six crew. You’ll have some pretty incredible underwater views, too, thanks to the large circular windows throughout.

When above the water, seafarers can make use of the massive sundeck, which is equipped with a freshwater pool, a bar and an alfresco dining table. This area is neatly retracted before the sub slips below sea level, of course. The Nautilus is also fitted with a new, pressure-resistant electric tender called the Aronnax that can transport up to five seafarers to underwater dive spots. The tender is stowed under the aft deck and stays outside while the Nautilus is diving.

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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Monaco Yacht Show: U-Boat Worx reveals underwater superyacht concept Nautilus

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By Nina Done   11 October 2022

Dutch builder U-Boat Worx presented their thrilling new 37.5m (123ft) underwater superyacht concept to lucky visitors at the Monaco Yacht Show 2022 .

Dubbed Nautilus , the 1,250-ton diesel-electric vessel is a new class of hybrid submarine coupled with superyacht luxury with a range of on-board facilities. Capable of depths of up to 200m, the superyacht submarine will be able to remain underwater for up to 4 days.

With a series of 4-meter wide circular windows for spectacular underwater vistas, the proposed design features 50 sq. m of lounge and dining space, with acommodation comprising a master bedroom and 4 staterooms, plus sleeping quarters for up to 6 crew. This layout can be fully customisable by the client.

U-Boat Worx Nautilus concept

With the Nautilus, the yachting market will never be the same again.

Capable of functioning as a yacht, Nautilus will also feature a retractable sundeck when afloat, replete with a pool, bar and dining option, offering guests an alfresco haven in which to relax and socialise while taking in the beautiful water-level views of their surroundings. 

As an added bonus, the superyacht sub easily combats seasickness. “If the sea becomes too rough,” says U-Boat Worx Chairman and Founder Bert Houtman, “you simply dive and continue your voyage in comfort. With the Nautilus, the yachting market will never be the same again.”

The yacht submarine will also contain a pressure-resistant electrical tender for transporting up to 5 scuba divers underwater to their intended dive spot. When not in use, this tender can be stowed under the vessel’s aft deck.

U-Boat Worx Nautilus concept

Nautilus will have a surface cruise speed of 9 knots, with an underwater speed of 4 knots. At cruise speed, the underwater endurance is 6 hours. Her 6.5-meter draft will also allow her to be docked quayside when not in use. 

U-Boat Worx also confirmed an impressive delivery time of within 30 months from the client's initial order.

To learn more about U-Boat Worx superyacht concept Nautilus , or renting a yacht with a personal submarine , please reach out to your preferred yacht charter broker for more information.

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Hewlett Packard won't drop its UK claim against tech mogul Mike Lynch, who died when his yacht sank

LONDON (AP) — Hewlett Packard Enterprise said Monday it won't drop its U.K. claim for damages against the estate of British tech mogul Mike Lynch , who was killed when his superyacht sank last month.

Britain's High Court in 2022 ruled mostly in favor of the U.S. technology company, which accused Lynch and his former finance director of fraud over its $11 billion takeover of his software company Autonomy. Hewlett Packard is seeking up to $4 billion in damages and the judge is expected to issue a decision on the final sum soon.

Lynch died when his yacht, the Bayesian, sank in a storm off Sicily on Aug. 19. His widow, Angela Bacares, could now be liable for the damages.

Months before the sinking, Lynch was acquitted in a separate U.S. criminal trial of fraud and conspiracy charges in the deal.

Hewlett Packard initially celebrated the costly acquisition of Lynch’s company in 2011 but quickly came to regret it. The company said in a statement Monday that it had “substantially succeeded” in its civil fraud claims against Lynch and Sushovan Hussain, the former finance director.

“It is HPE’s intention to follow the proceedings through to their conclusion.”

However, the judge in the U.K. civil case has already ruled that the amount payable in damages would be “substantially less” than the company is seeking.

A spokesperson for Lynch's family declined to comment.

Lynch and his daughter Hannah were among six passengers who died when 56-meter (184-foot) luxury yacht went down. One crew member, the boat's chef, also died, while 15 people survived the disaster. They had gathered on the yacht to celebrate Lynch's acquittal.

Officials initially said the yacht was struck by a tornado over the water, known as a waterspout, but the weather phenomenon was re-identified as a downburst. Prosecutors in Italy are investigating the captain on possible charges including manslaughter.

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Before entrepreneur and investor Mike Lynch died along with six others after the yacht they were on capsized in a storm last week, the party was celebrating Lynch's victory in the U.S. criminal courts. HP (now known as HPE) was still trying to recover $4 billion from him as a result of a civil case Lynch lost in the U.K. Now HPE faces the question: Does it forge ahead, even with Lynch deceased?

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Autopsies reveal cause of death of US banker and wife onboard Mike Lynch’s superyacht

Seven lives were lost when the the yacht bayesian, belonging to british tech tycoon mike lynch, capdized off the coast of sicily, article bookmarked.

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Autopsies have been carried out on a couple who drowned on Mike Lynch’s superyacht when it sank off the coast of Sicily last month.

Seven lives were lost when the British-flagged boat, called the Bayesian, went down in a freak storm while anchored near the Sicilian capital of Palermo on 19 August.

British technology tycoon Mike Lynch and his 19-year-old daughter Hannah Lynch were among those who died, while his wife, Angela Bacares, survived with 14 others.

On Monday, Italian authorities said the first post-mortem examinations on the victims had been carried out on US lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife Neda. The results confirmed that the pair had drowned.

The first autopsies were carried out on Chris Morvillo and his wife Neda

Post-mortem examinations are planned on Wednesday on the bodies of Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of Morgan Stanley’s London-based investment banking subsidiary, and his wife Judy.

They are also due to take place for the remaining three victims, Mr Lynch, who had organised the yacht trip to celebrate a recent legal victory, his daughter Hannah and the yacht’s cook, Recaldo Thomas.

Mr Morvillo was one of Mr Lynch’s US lawyers in a fraud case involving the sale in 2011 of Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard in an £8.3 billion deal that quickly turned sour over allegations Mr Lynch had cooked the books to overvalue Autonomy.

He was acquitted in June.

Mike Lynch and his daughter Hannah both died when the yacht sank in the storm off the coast of Sicily

Prosecutors are investigating the captain , New Zealander James Cutfield, and two crew members for possible responsibility in connection with the sinking.

The 56-metre (184ft) luxury yacht sank during what appears to have been a sudden downburst, or localised powerful wind from a thunderstorm that spreads rapidly after hitting the surface.

Prosecutors said raising the Bayesian and examining the yacht for evidence would provide key elements to the investigation.

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NBC Chicago

Autopsies show drowning as the cause of death for a US banker and wife in super yacht sinking

U.s. lawyer chris morvillo and his wife neda were among seven people who died when the bayesian sank in a sudden, violent storm on aug. 19, by the associated press • published september 2, 2024 • updated on september 2, 2024 at 1:41 pm.

The first autopsies of victims of the Bayesian super yacht sinking off Sicily show drowning as the cause of death, authorities said Monday.

U.S. lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife Neda were among seven people who died when the Bayesian sank in a sudden, violent storm on Aug. 19. The autopsies were carried out by coroners designated by Palermo prosecutors, who confirmed the results.

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Autopsies are planned Wednesday on the bodies of Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of Morgan Stanley’s London-based investment banking subsidiary, and his wife, Judy.

They are pending for the remaining three victims, British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, who had organized the yacht trip to celebrate a recent legal victory, his 18-year-old daughter Hannah and the yacht’s cook, Recaldo Thomas.

Morvillo was one of Lynch’s U.S. lawyers in a fraud case involving the sale in 2011 of Autonomy, a search engine company that became a symbol of British ingenuity, to Hewlett-Packard, in an $11 billion deal that quickly turned sour over allegations Lynch had cooked the books to overvalue Autonomy. He was acquitted in June.

Prosecutors are investigating the captain and two crew members for possible responsibility in connection with the sinking. The 56-meter (184-foot) British-flagged luxury yacht sank during what appears to have been a sudden downburst, or localized powerful wind from a thunderstorm that spreads rapidly after hitting the surface. Fifteen people, including Lynch's wife, were rescued.

Prosecutors said raising the Bayesian and examining the yacht for evidence would provide key elements to the investigation. No timeline has been determined.

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Captain of yacht that sank off Sicily faces manslaughter investigation, Italian media say

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Inside the shocking Sicily yacht tragedy that left 7 people dead

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38m Sanlorenzo yacht Lovebug capsizes in Maryland, United States

38m motor yacht Lovebug salvaged one month after grounding

Authorities have successfully refloated and removed the 37.8-metre motor yacht Lovebug from Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, US. The yacht took on water and ran aground in the West River last month (27 July) and had remained partially sunk ever since.

Salvage works were slated to begin on 13 August but suffered some delays as a result of Tropical Storm Debby, which brought strong winds and tides to the area.

According to local reports, Lovebug is being towed to New Jersey, after which it will be transported to a shipyard along the Maurice River. There are three shipyards in the area: Dorchester Shipyard, Delaware Bay Shipbuilding Co., and Yank Marine LLC. 

Donjon Marine Co. of New York and New Jersey is leading the salvage operation. As a vessel without power, Lovebug is being towed alongside a 60.9-metre crane barge called Farrell 256 for safety.

According to BOATPro , Lovebug was bound for Annapolis,  Maryland's capital city, when the incident occurred.

A statement released by the US Coast Guard shortly after the incident occurred assured that "there [were] no reports of pollution at this time," with an oil boom deployed around the vessel to mitigate any potential spills. There is yet to be an update on any pollution that has resulted from Lovebug 's remaining submerged.

"The five persons on board were safely recovered by a good Samaritan and a tow boat," continued the statement. "The vessel is not impeding the navigational channel."

Built in 2010 under the name Anastasia M , Lovebug is designed inside and out by Italian studio Francesco Paszkowski Design . The superyacht has changed hands several times and was most recently sold in 2021 at a last known asking price of $7,995,000. She was also a regular on the yacht charter circuit.

Features of the yacht include a sundeck that comes with a small swimming pool, bar and sunpads. Accommodation is for 11 guests and seven crew.

The cause of the incident is unknown.

BOAT International will update the story as it develops.

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NBC New York

Inside the shocking Sicily yacht tragedy that left 7 people dead

There was a violent storm, but even then, luxury yachts are built to weather such events. so why did this boat sink off the coast of sicily, leaving seven people dead, by natalie finn | e news • published august 24, 2024 • updated on august 24, 2024 at 10:34 am.

Originally appeared on E! Online

Nobody was trying to reach the lowest depths of the ocean or otherwise test the boundaries of human endurance .

But what was supposed to be a routine pleasure cruise aboard a superyacht turned deadly all the same on the morning of Aug. 19 when the 184-foot Bayesian got caught in a storm and sank off the coast of Sicily .

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"I can't remember the last time I read about a vessel going down quickly like that," Stephen Richter of SAR Marine Consulting told NBC News . "You know, completely capsizing and going down that quickly, a vessel of that nature, a yacht of that size."

Of the 22 people onboard, including crew, seven people died. The last of the bodies was recovered Aug. 23, an expectedly sad coda to what had already been a tragic week as the search for answers as to how this happened got underway.

And to be sure, every minute of the Bayesian's ill-fated outing is being fiercely scrutinized, starting with the general seaworthiness of the vessel itself.

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Because, frankly, this was a freak occurrence.

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"Boats of this size, they’re taking passengers on an excursion or a holiday," Richter explained. "They are not going to put them in situations where it may be dangerous or it may be uncomfortable, so this storm that popped up was obviously an anomaly. These vessels that carry passengers, they’re typically very well-maintained, very well-appointed."

But in this case, a $40 million yacht sank, seven people are dead—including a billionaire tech mogul and his 18-year-old daughter—and morbid fascination doesn't need a second wind.

Here is how the story of the Sicily yacht tragedy has unfolded so far:

What happened to the yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily?

The Bayesian had set off from the Sicilian port of Milazzo on Aug. 14 at capacity with 12 guests and 10 crewmembers aboard.

The aluminum-hulled vessel was built in 2008 by Italian shipbuilder Perini Navi and registered in the U.K. Cruise sites listed it as available for charter at $215,000 per week, per the Associated Press.

On the morning of Aug. 19, the superyacht was anchored off the coast of Porticello, a small fishing village in the Sicilian province of Palermo (also the name of Sicily's capital city), when a violent storm hit.

The vessel "suddenly sank" at around 5 a.m. local time, seemingly due to "the terrible weather conditions," the City Council of Bagheria announced shortly afterward, per NBC News .

At the time, only one person was confirmed dead—the ship's chef—but six others were said to be missing. The 15 survivors—who managed to make it onto an inflatable life boat, according to emergency officials—were rescued that morning by the crew of another yacht that had been nearby when the storm hit.

"Fifteen people inside," Karsten Borner, the Dutch captain of the ship that was able to help (the Sir Robert Baden Powell), told reporters afterward, per Reuters. "Four people were injured, three heavily injured, and we brought them to our ship. Then we communicated with the coast guard, and after some time, the coast guard came and later picked up injured people."

When the storm hit, his boat ran into "a strong hurricane gust," Borner said, "and we had to start the engine to keep the ship in an angled position."

They "managed to keep the ship in position," he continued, but once the storm died down, they realized the other boat that had been behind them—the Bayesian—was gone.

The wreck ended up settling 165 feet below the surface, according to Italy's national fire department.

Fire officials said that divers, a motorboat and a helicopter were deployed to search for the missing.

Meanwhile, footage was captured of the ship capsizing on closed-circuit TV about a half-mile away from where it was anchored.

In the video obtained by NBC News, the illuminated 250-foot aluminum mast of the ship appears to list severely to one side before disappearing completely. Survivors recalled having just a few minutes to literally abandon ship.

Who were the seven people who died when the yacht Bayesian sank?

The tragedy initially became headline news because billionaire tech mogul Mike Lynch—"Britain's Bill Gates," some U.K. media called him—was among the missing. His body was ultimately recovered Aug. 22 .

"They told me that suddenly they found themselves catapulted into the water without even understanding how they had got there," Dr. Fabio Genco, head of the Palermo Emergency Medical Services, told NBC News Aug. 22. "And that the whole thing seems to have lasted from 3 to 5 minutes."

Genco said he got to Porticello about an hour after the Bayesian capsized.

Survivors "told me that it was all dark, that the yacht hoisted itself up and then went down," he said. "All the objects were falling on them. That’s why I immediately made sure, by asking them questions, if they had any internal injuries."

Why did the yacht sink?

Italian prosecutors are investigating to determine what transpired before the boat went down, according to NBC News.

Meanwhile, the CEO of shipbuilder Perini's parent company The Italian Sea Group defended the vessel itself as "unsinkable."

Perini boats "are the safest in the most absolute sense," Giovanni Costantino told Sky News Aug. 22 . What happened to the Bayesian "put me in a state of sadness on one side and of disbelief on the other," he continued. "This incident sounds like an unbelievable story, both technically and as a fact."

Costantino said it had to have been human error that led to the boat sinking, declaring, "Mistakes were made."

"Everything that was done reveals a very long summation of errors," he told newspaper Corriere della Sera Aug. 21, in an interview translated from Italian. "The people should not have been in the cabins, the boat should not have been at anchor."

The weather was "all predictable," he continued, adding that the storm "was fully legible in all the weather charts. It couldn't have been ignored."

The yacht's captain, identified as James Cutfield of New Zealand, was taken to Termini Imerese hospital for treatment. From there, he told La Repubblica, per Sky News , that he didn't see the storm coming.

Borner, the captain of the ship that rescued the 15 Bayesian survivors, told NBC News that he noticed the storm come in at 4 a.m. local time, and saw what looked to him like a waterspout, a type of tornado that forms above water.

The International Centre for Waterspout Research posted on X Aug. 19 that it had "confirmed 18 waterspouts today off the coasts of Italy. Some were powerful waterspouts, one of which may have been responsible for the sinking of a large yacht off of Sicily."

Borner said he didn't know why the Bayesian sank so quickly, guessing "it may have something to do with the mast, which was incredibly long." (A tall mast, even with its sails down, means there's more surface area exposed to wind, which can result in tipping.)

Confirming that one person was dead and six unaccounted for immediately following the wreck on Aug. 19, Salvo Cocina of Sicily's civil protection agency told reporters that a waterspout had struck the area overnight.

"They were in the wrong place at the wrong time," he said.

The 59-year-old founder of software firm Autonomy had been on the trip with his wife Angela Bacares and their 18-year-old, Oxford-bound daughter Hannah to celebrate his recent acquittal in the U.S. on fraud and conspiracy charges stemming from the $11.7 billion purchase of his company by Hewlett-Packard in 2011.

In a bizarre turn of events, Lynch's co-defendant at trial, Stephen Chamberlain, the former vice president of finance at Autonomy, died after being taken off life support following a road accident on Aug. 17. Chamberlain's attorney told Reuters Aug. 20 that his friend and client had been out for a run when he was "fatally struck" by a car.

Meanwhile, multiple people who contributed to Lynch's defense were on the cruise with him and his family.

The bodies of Morgan Stanley International Chairman Jonathan Bloomer—who testified on Lynch's behalf—and his wife Judy Bloomer, as well as lawyer Chris Morvillo, a partner at the U.S. firm Clifford Chance, and his wife Neda Morvillo, a jewelry designer, were recovered on Aug. 21 .

In a LinkedIn post thanking the team that successfully defended Lynch, Morvillo wrote, per Sky News , "And, finally, a huge thank you to my patient and incredible wife, Neda Morvillo, and my two strong, brilliant, and beautiful daughters, Sabrina Morvillo and Sophia Morvillo. None of this would have been possible without your love and support. I am so glad to be home. And they all lived happily ever after…"

The first casualty confirmed Aug. 19 was the ship's Canadian-Antiguan chef, later identified as Recaldo Thomas.

"He was a one-of-a-kind special human being," a friend of Thomas told The Independent . "Incredibly talented, contagious smile and laugh, an incredible voice with a deep love of the ocean and the moon. I spoke to him nearly every day. He loved his life his friends and his job."

Hannah's body was the last of the missing six to be found , with divers bringing her remains ashore on Aug. 23.

Lynch and Bacares, who was rescued, also shared a 21-year-old daughter, according to The Times.

While awaiting trial, Lynch—who maintained his innocence throughout the proceedings—had spent 13 months under house arrest in San Francisco. Back home in London afterward, he admitted to The Times in July that he'd been afraid of dying in prison if he'd been found guilty. (He faced a possible 25-year sentence.)

"It's bizarre, but now you have a second life," he reflected. "The question is, what do you want to do with it?"

(E!, NBC News and Sky News are all members of the Comcast family.)

u boot yacht

Hewlett Packard won’t drop its UK claim against tech mogul Mike Lynch, who died when his yacht sank

u boot yacht

FILE - British tech magnate Mike Lynch walks into federal court in San Francisco, March 26, 2024, (AP Photo/Michael Liedtke, File)[ASSOCIATED PRESS/Michael Liedtke]

LONDON (AP) — Hewlett Packard Enterprise said Monday it won’t drop its U.K. claim for damages against the estate of British tech mogul Mike Lynch , who was killed when his superyacht sank last month.

Britain’s High Court in 2022 ruled mostly in favor of the U.S. technology company, which accused Lynch and his former finance director of fraud over its $11 billion takeover of his software company Autonomy. Hewlett Packard is seeking up to $4 billion in damages and the judge is expected to issue a decision on the final sum soon.

Lynch died when his yacht, the Bayesian, sank in a storm off Sicily on Aug. 19. His widow, Angela Bacares, could now be liable for the damages.

Months before the sinking, Lynch was acquitted in a separate U.S. criminal trial of fraud and conspiracy charges in the deal.

Hewlett Packard initially celebrated the costly acquisition of Lynch’s company in 2011 but quickly came to regret it. The company said in a statement Monday that it had “substantially succeeded” in its civil fraud claims against Lynch and Sushovan Hussain, the former finance director.

“It is HPE’s intention to follow the proceedings through to their conclusion.”

However, the judge in the U.K. civil case has already ruled that the amount payable in damages would be “substantially less” than the company is seeking.

A spokesperson for Lynch’s family declined to comment.

Lynch and his daughter Hannah were among six passengers who died when 56-meter (184-foot) luxury yacht went down. One crew member, the boat’s chef, also died, while 15 people survived the disaster. They had gathered on the yacht to celebrate Lynch’s acquittal.

Officials initially said the yacht was struck by a tornado over the water, known as a waterspout, but the weather phenomenon was re-identified as a downburst. Prosecutors in Italy are investigating the captain on possible charges including manslaughter.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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Events on this day

What happened on 3 September?

Commander file

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U-boat of the day

U-boat finder, list of all u-boats.

Ordered2 Feb 1935
Laid down4 Mar 1936 (werk 551)
Launched31 Jul 1936
Commissioned3 Aug 1936 
18 Jul 1935 - 3 Oct 1937  Kptlt.
Sep, 1936 - 31 Mar 1937  Kptlt.
1937 - 1937  Kptlt. ( )
1937 - 1937  Kpt.
1 Oct 1937 - 6 Jan 1940  Kptlt. ( )
6 Jan 1940 - 28 Jul 1940  Kptlt.
1 Aug 1940 - 20 Dec 1940  Oblt. ( )
21 Dec 1940 - 18 May 1941  Kptlt.
19 May 1941 - 3 Jan 1942  Oblt.
4 Jan 1942 - 24 Sep 1942  Oblt.
25 Sep 1942 - 28 Jan 1943  Oblt.
29 Jan 1943 - 11 May 1944  Oblt. (R)
12 May 1944 - 5 Aug 1944  Oblt.
1 Aug 1936-1 Aug 1939   (active service)
1 Sep 1939-31 Dec 1939   (active service)
1 Jan 1940-30 Jun 1940   (active service)
1 Jul 1940-5 Aug 1944   (school boat)

Decommissioned on 5 August 1944 at Pillau and cannibalized for spare parts. The hulk was captured by Soviet forces in Pillau on 25 April 1945 and probably broken up.

See the 6 ships hit by U-21 - View the 7 war patrols

Ran aground at 2330hrs on 26 March 1940 on Oddknuppen Island, south-east of Mandal, Norway, in position 57.57,5N, 07.34,5E, due to a navigational error. On 28 March 1940 refloated and interned by Norway, first at Mandal and later at Kristiansand-Marviken. Recaptured by Germany on 9 April 1940 and returned to service after being repaired in Kiel.

Attacks on this boat and other events

9 Sep 1939 HMS Ursula (N 59) (Lt.Cdr. G.C. Philips, RN) fired the first British submarine torpedoes of the war in unsuccessfully attacking U-35 and U-21 with a spread of five torpedoes some 23 miles (37 km) north of the Dutch island of Schiermonnikoog. (Sources: Dr. Jürgen Rohwer)

6 Nov 1939 HMS Sealion (Lt.Cdr. B. Bryant, RN) fired six torpedoes at U-21, all of which missed their target.

2 recorded attacks on this boat.

Men lost from U-boats

Unlike many other U-boats , which during their service lost men due to accidents and various other causes, U-21 did not suffer any casualties (we know of) until the time of her loss.

Media links

Daniel Morgan and Bruce Taylor

(£ 38.25)

Wynn, Kenneth

Niestle, Axel

Blair, Clay

There was another U-21 in World War One That boat was launched from its shipyard on 8 Feb 1913 and commissioned into the Imperial Navy on 22 Oct 1913. The Naval war in WWI was brought to an end with the Armistice signed on 11 Nov, 1918. Read about SM U 21 during WWI .

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In Miami Beach, you can live on your boat, but getting to land is not so easy

More than 100 people live aboard sailboats and other vessels anchored just off Miami Beach.

More than 100 people live aboard sailboats and other vessels anchored just off Miami Beach. For years, some in the posh seaside community have not been happy about people just offshore. Greg Allen/NPR hide caption

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — For Carlos Leon, living on a boat anchored off this posh seaside community, is the ideal lifestyle.

Housing experts say there just aren't enough homes in the U.S.

We, The Voters

Housing experts say there just aren't enough homes in the u.s..

The weather is good, except for the occasional hurricane, and the water is inviting. During the COVID pandemic, he and his girlfriend, now wife, bought a 41-foot sailboat and anchored it in Biscayne Bay. “It’s like 400 feet, 500 feet from Miami Beach land,” he says. They share their floating home with a long-haired German Shepherd.

But, because of some new policies adopted by Miami Beach, for Leon and more than 100 other people who live on their boats, getting to land for shopping, work or just to take a walk, is no longer an easy proposition.

To step on land in Miami Beach, Leon says, “I have to bring my dinghy with a paddleboard, tow it 150 feet from land.” His wife takes the paddleboard and “me and my dog swim to the dock.”

When he wants to go to Miami Beach, Carlos Leon leaves his dinghy 150 feet offshore and swims to the city-owned boat launch.

When he wants to go to Miami Beach, Carlos Leon leaves his dinghy 150 feet offshore and swims to the city-owned boat launch. Greg Allen/NPR hide caption

Under an ordinance recently adopted by Miami Beach , Leon and the other liveaboard boaters can’t leave their dinghies or even their paddleboards at a city-owned boat launch or they’ll face a $1,000 fine.

This small community is anchored in state waters and legal, as long as they remain 150 feet offshore. Leon says. “Obviously, we have to have our tanks, our toilets, our anchors, anchor lights, everything, up to code. But if everything is up to code, we’re good. We’re legally here.”

When Black boaters faced discrimination on the water, this yacht club became a refuge

When Black boaters faced discrimination on the water, this yacht club became a refuge

But being legal isn’t the same thing as being welcome. For years, some in Miami Beach have not been happy about the small community boats just offshore.

In December, Miami Beach commissioner David Suarez spearheaded a move that cut off an essential lifeline for the liveaboard boaters.

At his urging, the commission voted to remove a public dock next to a supermarket. At the meeting he said, “I’m going to try to limit the amount of access that the people who live on these boats that come to the mainland. Because they can’t live on a boat forever. They have to come to the mainland to get food, water and necessary supplies.”

With their dock gone, liveaboard boaters began using a city-owned boat launch as a place to leave their dinghies while they picked up groceries or ran other errands. But the commission soon responded, banning dinghies and imposing a big fine for violators.

That’s made things difficult for the liveaboard boaters, Leon says, especially those who are elderly or not up to swimming 150 feet to the only place where they now can legally come ashore. “Every other area is illegal to use,” Leon says. “So, I’m becoming a criminal just to get to land.”

Liveaboard boater Barbie Wynn can't leave her paddleboard at a city-owned boat launch for more than 20 minutes without facing a possible $1000 fine.

Live-aboard boater Barbie Wynn can't leave her paddleboard at a city-owned boat launch for more than 20 minutes without facing a possible $1000 fine. Greg Allen/NPR hide caption

Suarez calls the liveaboards “boat squatters,” and in an interview said the regulations are “justified and necessary.”

Members of the West Avenue Neighborhood Association agree.

The group represents Miami Beach residents who live in the condominiums that line Biscayne Bay and look out on the community of live-aboard boaters. The association has raised concerns about pollution from boats that illegally dump their waste into the bay, about the damage their anchors cause to seagrass and about the cost of dealing with derelict vessels abandoned by their owners.

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With An All-Female Crew, 'Maiden' Sailed Around The World And Into History

Susanna Purucker, a condo owner active with the group, says liveaboard boaters are enjoying the benefits of living in Miami Beach without the responsibilities. ”You’re not paying property taxes. You’re not paying to even keep your boat in the water. It’s just, if I can use the word, free-loading, because it is.”

The liveaboard boaters have formed their own group, the Miami Beach Boaters Association . Carlos Leon says they’re considering suing the city for what they believe is a violation of their civil rights. He says, what’s at stake is a whole way of life. “Because if we move, then Key West, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, everybody’s going to say, ‘Okay, let’s follow what this guy did because it worked.’ And then, guess what? No boaters will be able to get to land,” Leon says.

Miami Beach is in talks with the state over plans for a mooring field for boats in the bay. Depending on how it’s done, it could bring regulation to the liveaboard community or it could be used to drive them away.

  • miami beach


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  1. U-boat

    U-995, a typical VIIC/41 U-boat on display at the Laboe Naval Memorial. U-boats were naval submarines operated by Germany, particularly in the First and Second World Wars.The term is an anglicized version of the German word U-Boot ⓘ, a shortening of Unterseeboot (under-sea boat), though the German term refers to any submarine. Austro-Hungarian Navy submarines were also known as U-boats.

  2. All U-boats of World War Two

    The U-boat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, 1914-1918) and the Allied efforts to counter the threat. Over 40.000 pages on the officers, the boats, technology and the Allied efforts to counter the U-boat threat.

  3. The U-boat Wars 1939-1945 (Kriegsmarine) and 1914-1918 (Kaiserliche

    The U-boat War in World War Two (1939-1945) and World War One (1914-1918). Over 30,000 pages on the officers, the boats, technology and the Allied efforts to counter the U-boat threat.

  4. The U-boat War in World War One (WWI)

    The U-boat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, 1914-1918) and the Allied efforts to counter the threat. Over 40.000 pages on the officers, the boats, technology and the Allied efforts to counter the U-boat threat.

  5. How German U‑Boats Were Used in WWI—And Perfected in WWII

    A German U-boat on mission in the Atlantic Ocean, as seen in World War II, May 1942. When World War II commenced, Germany had 57 submarines under the command of Commodore Karl Dönitz, who had ...

  6. Type VII submarine

    Type VII U-boats were the most common type of German World War II U-boat. 703 boats were built by the end of the war.The lone surviving example, U-995, is on display at the Laboe Naval Memorial located in Laboe, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. At the start of the Second World War the Type VII class was together with the British U, S and T class and Dutch O 21 class one of the most advanced ...

  7. U-boat

    U-boat, ("undersea boat"), a German submarine.The destruction of enemy shipping by German U-boats was a spectacular feature of both World Wars I and II.. World War I. Germany was the first country to employ submarines in war as substitutes for surface commerce raiders. At the outset of World War I, German U-boats, though numbering only 38, achieved notable successes against British ...

  8. List of most successful German U-boats

    uboat.net webpage about the most successful U-Boats of World War I - This list does not include military vessels.; uboat.net webpage about the most successful U-Boats of World War II - This list does not include military vessels and is therefore not identical to list above.; uboataces.com webpages about the most successful U-Boats of World War II - This list seems to miss U-123 in top 5 list.

  9. Welcome

    Welcome to the German U-boat-Museum, an institution highly regarded by visitors and international experts. It is composed mainly of the U-boat-Archive and a collection of U-boat exhibits. Started in 1947, the U-boat-Archive compiles all attainable information, photographs and personal notes by witnesses as well as historians of the history of ...

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    At the 2022 Monaco Yacht Show the Dutch builder U-Boat Worx will review designs for the 1,250-ton, 37.5-meter Yacht Submarine, the Nautilus.Once it is built, the vessel will be equally at ease functioning as a yacht or a submersible. Since Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea came out in 1870, people have been dreaming of a luxury yacht with dive capabilities.

  12. Three U-Boats were entombed in a U-boat pen in Hamburg until 1985

    Three U-Boats were entombed in a U-boat pen in Hamburg until 1985. News. May 24, 2017 Nick Knight. Because of the increasing intensity of air-raids, "Elbe II" was used for fitting out boats, new ones and those having happily returned. Two shifts were covered by 200 yard-workers, mostly Germans. The last boats to enter "Elbe II" were ...

  13. U-Boat Worx

    Just like the first underwater films from Cousteau, underwater cinematography captures the imagination of millions. Imagine going deeper, further and longer underwater than any conventional film-maker ever could. U-Boat Worx offers professional film producers the opportunity to film and direct from the safety and comfort of a private submersible.

  14. Super Yacht Sub 3

    With the U-Boat Worx Super Yacht Sub 3, we have aspired to create the ultimate in luxury interior design. When onboard a Super Yacht Sub 3, guests enjoy exhilarating views from a sumptuous chair in a comfortable air-conditioned environment with variable airflow, adjustable from each seat. You can also enjoy music from a hi-fidelity Bluetooth ...

  15. Nautilus: U-Boat Worx releases new renderings of 37.5m superyacht

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  16. The German U-boats

    The U-boat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, 1914-1918) and the Allied efforts to counter the threat. Over 40.000 pages on the officers, the boats, technology and the Allied efforts to counter the U-boat threat.

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    At a cool €25 million (approx. US$25 million), the company will have to wait for the right type of buyer to come along and commission a build, but that's a steal compared to the $2 billion said ...

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    The company has now provided the first images and descriptions of the vessel's interior, which looks like it would do Jules Verne proud. To update our previous coverage, the 123-ft (37.5-m), 1,250 ...

  19. U-Boat Worx's New Superyacht Submarine Can Dive to More Than 650 Feet

    The 1,250-ton hybrid, known as the Nautilus, features a diesel-electric propulsion system that allows it to cruise across the ocean at speeds of up to nine knots or travel underwater at four knots ...

  20. Monaco Yacht Show: U-Boat Worx reveals underwater superyacht concept

    Dutch builder U-Boat Worx presented their thrilling new 37.5m (123ft) underwater superyacht concept to lucky visitors at the Monaco Yacht Show 2022. Dubbed Nautilus, the 1,250-ton diesel-electric vessel is a new class of hybrid submarine coupled with superyacht luxury with a range of on-board facilities. Capable of depths of up to 200m, the ...

  21. Hewlett Packard won't drop its UK claim against tech mogul Mike ...

    Hewlett Packard Enterprise said Monday it won't drop its U.K. claim for damages against the estate of British tech mogul Mike Lynch, who was killed when his superyacht sank last month. Britain's ...

  22. Autopsies reveal cause of death of US banker and wife onboard Mike

    The 56-metre (184ft) luxury yacht sank during what appears to have been a sudden downburst, or localised powerful wind from a thunderstorm that spreads rapidly after hitting the surface.

  23. Autopsies show drowning as the cause of death for a US banker and wife

    The first autopsies of victims of the Bayesian super yacht sinking off Sicily show drowning as the cause of death, authorities said Monday.. U.S. lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife Neda were among ...

  24. 38m motor yacht Lovebug salvaged one month after grounding

    Authorities have successfully refloated and removed the 37.8-metre motor yacht Lovebug from Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, US. The yacht took on water and ran aground in the West River last month (27 July) and had remained partially sunk ever since.

  25. Deutsches U-Boot Museum

    The U-boat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, 1914-1918) and the Allied efforts to counter the threat. Over 40.000 pages on the officers, the boats, technology and the Allied efforts to counter the U-boat threat. ... In early 2007 the Archiv changed its name from "U-Boot Archiv" to Deutsches U ...

  26. Inside the shocking Sicily yacht tragedy that left 7 people dead

    On the morning of Aug. 19, the superyacht was anchored off the coast of Porticello, a small fishing village in the Sicilian province of Palermo (also the name of Sicily's capital city), when a ...

  27. UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch among six missing after yacht sinks

    British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter are among the six people missing after a luxury yacht sank off the coast of the Italian island of Sicily in the early hours of Monday ...

  28. Hewlett Packard won't drop its UK claim against tech mogul Mike Lynch

    Hewlett Packard Enterprise says it won't drop its U.K. claim for damages against the estate of British tech mogul Mike Lynch. Lynch was killed when his superyacht sank in a storm off Sicily last ...

  29. The Type IIB U-boat U-21

    U-Boat Operations of the Second World War - Vol 1. Wynn, Kenneth. Hitler's U-boat War. Blair, Clay. There was another U-21 in World War One. That boat was launched from its shipyard on 8 Feb 1913 and commissioned into the Imperial Navy on 22 Oct 1913. The Naval war in WWI was brought to an end with the Armistice signed on 11 Nov, 1918.

  30. Miami Beach cracks down on live-aboard boaters : NPR

    Miami Beach is tired of a community of live-aboard boaters anchored just offshore. It's adopted policies limiting their access, including making it illegal to tie up dinghies at a city boat launch.