Wind at Their Backs

The southport junior yacht club has inspired generations of sailors to love the sport.

southport yacht club maine

The young sailors wave their hands in the air, following the Southport Junior Yacht Club’s (SJYC) well-established signal for quiet. Ranging in age from 8 to 12, about 50 kids sit on benches in a rough circle, some holding life jackets in their laps, all wearing smiles. The junior and senior instructors stand behind them, while a few parents of newcomers to the program watch from the edges of the room. The building’s garage doors are open, and Cozy Harbor is sporting her full summer regalia. Sail and power boats bob lazily at their moorings under a cloudless blue sky, and there’s just enough breeze to flutter a flag—ideal conditions for the beginner sailors.

Program director Will Jacobs takes attendance, inserting lighthearted comments as he goes through the list of names. “Good to see you…Nice haircut…Hello Charlie, how’s the old leg?” When he gets to first-timer Abraham Leonard, he calls out, “Abraham’s going to take the swim test today; who’s going to take care of Abraham?” Hands shoot up to volunteer, and a boy is chosen who will support the newcomer through this crucial first step of the program. Jacobs goes over the sailing safety rules—life jackets and shoes (no flip flops) are a must—and the group troops down onto the dock to cheer on the swimmers—three today including Abraham. Shouts of encouragement go up as each swims out to a designated mark and back, while doing their best to splash the two instructors rowing a dinghy alongside. After drying off and warming up with hot chocolate, the swimmers join the rest of the class. “Let’s go sailing,” Jacobs says.

southport yacht club maine

On summer mornings for 50 years, the same scene has been replayed against largely the same backdrop. With a few alterations, the two simple buildings and the docks and floats that make up the Southport Yacht Club look just as they did when my two brothers and I were learning to sail here. Kids still careen down Cozy Harbor Road on their bikes and fold their sails on the lawn after class. Handmade posters advertise bingo nights, ice cream socials, and the annual Commodore’s Clambake. The view from the dock to the tall channel marker capped with an osprey’s nest and beyond to the Sheepscot River is as familiar to me as my own face.

The Southport Yacht Club was launched in 1923 in a former general store, bowling alley, and snack bar that now houses the seasonal restaurant Cozy’s Dockside. In the late 1930s the club moved across the driveway to the Cozy Harbor House, a gray-shingled Cape that had been a summer hotel. The Junior Sailing Program was formalized in the 1960s under the late Norma Smith. A single-story building for the Junior Yacht Club was installed on the edge of the harbor in 1968. Despite the name, the yacht club is not a swanky place, with no tennis court, no restaurant, no jackets with insignias; the dues are modest. Membership is not required for participation in the sailing program. “When people ask me what I do in the summer, I have a very hard time saying I run a yacht club,” says Jacobs. “I say I run a sailing program.”

southport yacht club maine

Admired by all and honored with an annual sailboat race that bears her name, Smith spent 35 years instilling the love of sailing in countless children, including Jacobs. The program continues on much of the framework she established; the morning class is for beginner sailors, who learn how to rig and handle the boats, the care of sails and other equipment, knots, etiquette, and safety. The intermediate group meets in the afternoon and focuses largely on interclub racing, and advanced sailors, an older teenage cohort that also sails in the afternoon, represent the SJYC in competition against other yacht clubs.

“It was so important to me when I was a youngster,” says Jacobs, a fifth-grade teacher in Tarrytown, New York, who has helmed the program since 2007. “It was something I wanted to pass on to my children, and I realized how important it was to other people, so I wanted to keep it going.” He credits his predecessor, fellow teacher Peter Hawley, for introducing a bit more structure, including the colorful star charts that beginners use to track their skills, and a fleet of 420s, two-person dinghies that are universally raced at the college level, for the advanced sailors. The SJYC is the only sailing program in Maine that still has a fleet of Turnabouts, 10-foot-long, cat-rigged boats that were once ubiquitous at yacht clubs in the Northeast. The tubby yet fun-to-sail Turnabout has largely been replaced by the Optimist, a lightweight single-handed dinghy that is sailed and raced by youngsters around the world, including at SJYC. “I love Turnabouts, and I would never get rid of them,” says Jacobs.

southport yacht club maine

The advantage of the Turnabout is that it can hold three kids, four if they are small. At SJYC, this means a junior instructor—who volunteers with the morning class and sails in the afternoon—can be in a boat with a couple of beginners. Some of the 25 Turnabouts in the yacht club’s fleet, with names like Huzzah , Bandito , Windjoy , and Hi-Ho , have spent summers in Cozy Harbor for decades, passed down between generations or transferred to a new family. My parents sold ours, painted pale yellow and named Sea Nymph by some unknown former sailor, when my brothers and I were in college. Years later, just as my son and niece were starting the program, their grandparents found our old boat and bought it back.

As the instructors ferry the kids and their gear by Boston Whaler out to the field of Turnabouts, senior instructor Shannon Killian notes that it’s high tide, and the wind is just right to allow the class to sail out of the harbor through “the gut,” a rare treat. A narrow passage leading to the Sheepscot at the back of the harbor, the gut is impassible at all but high tide. Today the light breeze coming from the south allows the fleet to glide through with the wind at their backs. Once they are out in the river, the wind picks up slightly and instructors tail the fleet in motorboats offering instructions and encouragement. “Avery, bear off first, get your speed up, and then tack,” Killian calls to a boat that has slowed down by sailing too close to the wind. “It’s nice and puffy out here,” Abraham says as he sails by. “Kids who might be a little tentative may come for a week or two at this level, then when they get the fever they’ll stay for the whole summer,” says Killian. Like every SJYC instructor, she came up through the program, beginning at age eight, and went on to race at Salve Regina University in Rhode Island, where she was named to the Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association’s 2015–16 All-Academic Sailing Team. She has been coming back to teach in Southport for ten years. “The instructors here bring a great energy,” says Jacobs, “and if a new kid is feeling a little shy, I’ll call over Shannon or her sister, Jen, and the next thing you know they’re playing and laughing.”

southport yacht club maine

For the past hour or so, the Turnabout sailors have tacked back and forth between the shoreline and the center of the river, learning how to turn efficiently and to trim their sails. Killian blows a whistle to call them back toward the harbor, and suddenly a small armada is breezing toward us on a reach; the wind has risen enough to create wake against the bows as the little boats sail past. I remember the feeling of being in my own Turnabout in a good wind, one hand on the tiller and the other holding the mainsheet, feeling the salt air and the sunshine on my face as I made for the harbor, and I see the same sense of contentment in this group of morning-class sailors, many of whose family names I know well, having grown up spending summers on the water with their parents and grandparents.

Some of these kids may go on to race sailboats competitively, while others, like me, will never catch the racing fever but will jump at every chance to go sailing. And, whether they have sailed here for a season or for years, they will come back to this place where, summer after summer, the docks go in, the star charts go up, the fleet of Turnabouts returns to its moorings, and the breeze reliably picks up in the afternoon—same as it ever was.

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Southport Junior Yacht Club: Powered by Youth

Teaching sailing, as well as learning how.

Photographs by Adrienne Chandler

Cozy Harbor, located midway down the western shore of Southport Island at the mouth of the Sheepscot River, is almost invisible from the river, obscured from view by David’s Island to its west and Pratt’s Island to its south. Just two-tenths of a mile from end to end, the harbor’s maximum depth at mean low water is nine feet, and that’s just in one spot. Yet within its tight confines lie more than a hundred moorings—home to lobsterboats, recreational powerboats, daysailers, dinghies, and even a 38' Alden yawl. Along the shore are unpretentious, mostly 19th-century houses with the occasional dock and float. During the summer there are so many boats that you could almost hop from one side of Cozy Harbor to the other without ever getting your feet wet, but the harbor is all-but-deserted during the winter, save for a couple of working lobsterboats.

southport yacht club maine

In its earliest iteration, the club was centered around Pratt’s vision of racing outboard motorboats on Sheepscot Bay. There were regular races for boats 19' to 25' long, plus meetings, picnics, and poker evenings. There were an annual regatta, a lobster stew banquet, a clambake, and a dance and beauty contest. Membership was small, however, and by the time of the Great Depression, the club’s days seemed numbered. Then, in 1937, the White family from Malden, Massachusetts, came to the rescue.

southport yacht club maine

In the 1940s and 1950s the Southport Junior Yacht Club was open to youngsters aged 10 to 18. It appointed its own junior officers and offered limited instruction to its youngest members. When the Junior Sailing Program was introduced in the 1960s, the teaching of sailing took center stage. The boat used was the Turnabout, the beamy 10-footer that remains the foundation of the program to this day. 

southport yacht club maine

As commodore, Custer Carroll recognized the importance of involving young members. “There are kids in the sailing program today who are third generation,” she said. “Their parents and grandparents learned to sail in Turnabouts, sometimes even the same  Turnabout… that continuity is huge.” 

Today’s Southport Junior Yacht Club Sailing Foundation is, on the surface, like most other sailing programs in this part of the world. The program is open to all, to the children of non-members and club members alike, and with one fee for all. There is a scholarship fund available. Kids range in age from 7 to 18; there is a morning program for the younger less-experienced children, and an afternoon program for the older ones. The club uses Turnabouts, Optimists, 420s, and Boston Whalers and their equivalents. 

But beneath the surface something very different is happening at Southport: With the exception of Director Will Jacobs (himself a one-time Junior Sailing Program student), the entire program is run by kids: college-aged kids and younger. And they are all either current members or graduates of the program. 

southport yacht club maine

“To have an instructor who’s gone through the program, who understands the program, the philosophy, the parents, the community… the connection is very important,” said Jacobs. “So we have afternoon students who come help in the morning class, unpaid. After a few seasons some of those helpers become Junior Instructors; now they get paid to work in the mornings, and then go back to being students in the afternoon. Eventually, Junior Instructors can become Senior Instructors and then they work all day, Monday to Friday.” 

There is a generally accepted understanding that if you want to become an instructor, you must pay your dues in the ranks of the unpaid helpers—if you care enough to help out when you’re young, chances are you have what it takes to be a future leader.

The morning program has a maximum attendance of 50 kids looked after by Jacobs, 18 paid instructors, and between 8 and 12 helpers. The students are divided into groups depending on their level of experience, and the senior instructors figure out who’s in which boat and with whom. 

Making it fun is huge at Southport. As well as evening events like Ice Cream Socials and Bingo specials, there are weekly happenings from kickball on Wednesday afternoons to Friday Fundays for the morning class. But, of course, learning to sail is always there. The morning program is run exclusively in Turnabouts, two to three students per boat, with the focus on sailing and basic seamanship. On fair-weather days, the fleet goes out of the harbor into the Sheepscot. On less easy days, and especially when there’s fog, the kids stay inside the harbor, learning to dodge and weave among the many moored boats and each other. 

southport yacht club maine

In the afternoons, the fleet is mixed. An average day will see 10 Turnabouts, 20 Optimists, and 10 to 15 420s—at least 55 kids—sailing off the moorings. In 2016 the club added a J/24 to the fleet—some kids will sail the J/boat and nothing else, but the majority will sail it for an afternoon here and there. It’s up to them. The prime focus of the afternoon is on racing, but it is never the only focus.

“We do racing but we do all of the other stuff too: rowing, docking, mooring. We do knots, talk about seamanship skills in terms of being safe and respecting the boat. We talk tides and currents and winds. We have had sailors who go on to sail in college but we have many, many more who’ve gone through here and continue to sail well into adulthood and still love it,” Jacobs said. “Are we producing hotshot sailors? No. We’re producing really strong sailors who love sailing, who appreciate the ocean and sailing.”

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That philosophy is the essence of  Southport Yacht Club. While memberships of yacht clubs up and down the country are struggling or in decline, at Southport the membership continues to grow.

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On a gentle morning in August I joined Will Jacobs in one of the club’s Whalers and we headed out into the Sheepscot to do what he does most summer mornings: watch 20 or more Turnabouts go sailing. We heard small children hurling affectionate insults at one another; we fended off a boat as it came alongside to allow two giggly girls to tell us they were headed in for a bathroom break; we paused to watch a crew execute a series of shaky jibes and saw arms extended for a high-five before the boat turned up onto a reach. 

southport yacht club maine

“You were asking about the core of the Southport Yacht Club,” said Jacobs. “Well, here it is, right here: the love of sailing, appreciating the ocean, and having fun with it. Look around us—there are 50 kids out here having fun on the water, loving sailing. And you know… chances are they’ll go right on loving it for the rest of their lives.” 

He paused and looked back to his fleet of small boats. “I’d choose that any day over one superstar who goes on to the Olympics.”       

One-time Managing Editor of WoodenBoat magazine, Jenny Bennett has taught small-boat sailing throughout her adult life. A native of Southwest England, she now lives in Seacoast New Hampshire and summers on Southport, Maine.

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  • Foundation Board and Instructors
  • Photo Archives
  • Welcome to Jr. Sailing
  • Rock the Boat 5K
  • Turnabout Races Sailing Instructions
  • Seguin Island Trophy Race
  • Round Southport Race
  • 2023 Race Results
  • 2022 Race Results
  • 2021 Race Results
  • 2020 Race Results
  • 2019 Race Results
  • 2018 Race Results
  • Maine State Optis



June 29, 2024  Norma Smith Turnabout Races  1:00

The first start is outside Cozy Harbor at 1pm.

Sailing Instructions

    July 6, 2024   Firecracker Turnabout Races   1:00

July 14, 2024   Round Southport Race

Registration at Regattaman

The Prestigious 'Round Southport Trophy

2024 Round Southport NOR.docx

2024 Round Southport SI.pdf

Race Start Times are Here:

Coming Soon

July 20, 2024 Five Islands Ice Cream Race for Turnabouts  

Second Annual Race

 I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream! For at least 100 years one of the classic SYC afternoon turnabout sails has been to cross the Sheepscot to Five Islands, buy some ice cream, and then return. It’s a “Race/Sail” because not only are racers welcome, but those who just want to participate in a supervised turnabout sail to Five Islands are also welcome. Don’t worry about the wind disappearing and leaving you stranded on the other side of the Sheepscot because we will have SYC patrol boats on hand to tow you back to Cozy Harbor if the wind should disappear (or become too strong). Two special rules for this event: 1) Each boat must have two people on board. The reason for this is that frequently the Five Island docks get crowded. So for this event, when turnabouts get to Five Islands they will drop off one person to be the ice cream buyer while the other person sails around in the harbor waiting for the ice cream buyer to return to the dock. Boats picking up a returning ice cream buyer will have priority over boats dropping off an ice cream buyer. 2) No running on the Five Islands docks. Participants are responsible for paying for their own ice cream. Current ice cream prices run from $3 for a small cone/cup to $7 for a pint. The official starting time and location is 1:00 at the Cedarbush red nun outside Cozy Harbor. If you don’t have your own turnabout and wish to participate, please talk to Shannon Killian to borrow a boat. 

  July 27, 2024 Seguin Island Trophy Race  

See the Seguin Island Race Page

August 3, 2024 Pratt's Island Turnabout Races 1:00

 This is a handicap race for yachts 13 feet and over.

Notice of Race  HERE

Register   HERE

Sailing Instructions  HERE

Southport Yacht Club

Southport Yacht Club SupplierHero Wedding Venues

Southport Yacht Club is a spectacular waterfront wedding venue on the Gold Coast, overlooking a 300-berth superyacht marina and the sparkling waters of the Broadwater. Aside from the picturesque setting, you’ll love Southport Yacht Club’s bespoke wedding packages, mouthwatering menus, and exceptional service for your Gold Coast wedding.

Southport Yacht Club offers a picture-perfect setting for your Gold Coast wedding, surrounded by stunning superyachts and breathtaking waterfront views . Say your vows on the floating pontoon, then slip away for wedding photos as your guests enjoy cocktails on the garden lawn or waterfront decking. Later, as night falls, continue the party in the club’s elegant elevated reception space overlooking the twinkling lights and bobbing boats in the marina. 

At Southport Yacht Club, you’ll have the convenience of hosting your entire wedding day in one place , with no need to go elsewhere for your ceremony and photos. This all-in-one destination wedding venue on the Gold Coast offers the complete package, boasting an array of beautiful ceremony areas, unrivalled photoshoot locations, and elegant function spaces, all housed within one stunning waterfront location. 

Choose from 3 ceremony locations for your Southport Yacht Club wedding:

  • Waterscape Pontoon: Located on the Broadwater in front of the Main Beach Clubhouse, the Floating Pontoon offers a unique setting for intimate wedding ceremonies at Southport Yacht Club.
  • Western Deck: The Western Deck is a beautiful open-air ceremony space on the ground level of the Main Beach Clubhouse. This idyllic spot overlooks the stunning marina and Broadwater.
  • Quarter Deck: For a classic garden wedding ceremony, the sundrenched Quarter Deck and lawn overlooking the marina and Broadwater is the perfect spot.

What Southport Yacht Club weddings are like:

  • Unrivalled location overlooking the shimmering waters of the Gold Coast’s Broadwater
  • Stunning indoor and outdoor wedding spaces, including a 'world first' floating pontoon
  • Impeccable service from the club’s dedicated events team
  • Mouthwatering menus with packages to suit all tastes and budgets
  • Endless photo backdrops, including the 300-berth marina and private beach
  • Plenty of hotels and resorts nearby for guest accommodation

What does a wedding at Southport Yacht Club Gold Coast cost?

Southport Yacht Club’s wedding reception packages range from $109 per person to $179 per person, and ceremonies range from $600 to $1000.

What’s the capacity for events and weddings at Southport Yacht Club Gold Coast?

The spacious Compass Room can accommodate up to 300 guests, and the Western Deck has space for 120 standing guests and 100 seated.

Southport Yacht Club Queensland Wedding Venue

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Couples interested in Southport Yacht Club also enquired with the following suppliers

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Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary

Currumbin, Queensland

Vibe Hotel Gold Coast

Vibe Hotel Gold Coast

Surfers Paradise, Queensland

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InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Resort

Sanctuary Cove, Queensland

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Southport Yacht Club Marine Market

May 11 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.

On Saturday, May 11th, 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Southport Yacht Club (SYC) is hosting the Annual Marine Market at Morningstar Marina in Southport.

This year, all booths have all been sold – so expect a great selection of merchandise. There will be a variety of vendors selling new and slightly used marine supplies, marine themed jewelry and decor and other marine products – something for everyone!

Come on down to Morningstar Marina in downtown Southport, a beautiful location on the Cape Fear River – a BBQ food truck will be there too!

SYC will donate all booth rental proceeds to Sea Biscuit Wildlife Shelter.

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Southport Flag Ceremony – Nightly

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City of Southport Contacts

Emergency: DIAL 9-1-1 Non-emergency: Police: (910) 457-7911 Fire: (910) 457-7915 City Information:  (910) 457-7900 Address:  Southport City Hall, 1029 N. Howe Street, Southport, NC 28461 Hours:  8:30 am - 5:00 pm  (City observes State holidays)

Fort Johnston-Southport Museum & Visitors' Center

Hours: Monday - Saturday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm For more information: (910) 457-7927 Address: 203 E. Bay Street, Southport, NC 28461

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  • 2021 Race Results
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  • 2019 Race Results
  • 2018 Race Results
  • Maine State Optis


The 'Round Southport Race is an annual reverse handicap pursuit race collaboratively sponsored by SYC and BHYC


Round-the-Island 2024

SYC is hosting the race this year. 

Registration at Regattaman

2024 Round Southport NOR

2024 Round Southport SI.pdf

Find your start time here:


The Prestigious 'Round Southport Trophy

Who will Win the Treasured Trash Can!

The first three finishers for each club determine the winner of the Trash Can Trophy

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Southport Junior Yacht Club

This week was the seventh of the Southport Junior Yacht Club. We had sun and smiles throughout the week, especially for Bingo on Wednesday! 

Throughout the week, we had eight new swimmers: Isla Anand, Corbett Chapman, Beatrice Davis, Arzetta Garey, Josie Gibbons, Sydney Gibbons, Grayson Helming and Aiden Nunan. They leaped into the Maine water and were then rewarded with hot chocolate and a day in Turnabouts. 

The morning class had a calm week of sailing on the Sheepscot most days this week. Only Friday was spent on land, but even then we had a day of fun playing charades, knot-scotch, are you smarter than an instructor, and harbor navigation with life jackets!

With sightings of porpoises and journeys to the harbor of Five Islands, the morning class sailors at SYC had high spirits and learned new skills each day! 

In the afternoon class, we had a competitive week. The 420s had three race days, one of which was the Junior Round Southport Race against Boothbay Yacht Club sailors. While there was a light breeze, a highlight was when Skye Harrington and Finn Uhrich cut through the Newagen harbor and went from fifteenth to third! SYC sailors know the local waters! Some of our Opti sailors also joined in for the race and raced BHYC’s Fevas. While we didn’t win, we had a day of friendly competition and good sportsmanship.

This Wednesday, we had my personal favorite event, Bingo! With seventy-four prizes, all generously donated by local businesses, we had an amazing night. With the sound of bingo cards banging on the tables, and shouts when we called a number, bingo nights at SYC remind us all of the best parts about our special yacht club. While we only have one more week of the sailing program, we continue to make memories and the most of each moment.

Next week, we will begin to pack up our yacht club and end the week with our annual SYC Banquet at the Southport Town Hall at 6 p.m. where we will celebrate the sailors and the summer of 2024.

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  4. Southport Yacht Club

    southport yacht club maine

  5. An Action-Packed start to 2015 for Southport Yacht Club

    southport yacht club maine

  6. Southport Island Yacht Club. Southport Island, Maine. #boothbayharbor #

    southport yacht club maine


  1. Southport Yacht Club

    SOUTHPORT YACHT CLUB. M A I N E. SAILING PROGRAM. Junior Sailing Program offered in summer months to children ages 7-18. JOIN. Since 1923, Southport Yacht Club has provided sailing, racing and community. CALENDAR. Races, lobster bakes, Bingo! and more... Celebrating our 101st Season of Sailing on the Sheepscot River!

  2. Southport Yacht Club

    The Southport Yacht Club located in Cosy Harbor, Maine offers sailing instruction to young sailors on the mouth of the Sheepscot River. For almost 100 years our sailing program has grown to provide its participants exceptional instruction and the opportunity to share with friends the pleasures of sailing the Maine Coast.

  3. Southport Yacht Club

    About Us. Southport Yacht Club - The Southport Yacht Club (SYC) is a corporation owned by its members and governed by a Board of Directors. The Club owns and maintains two buildings and dock facilities on Cosy Harbor Road on the shore of Cosy Harbor on Southport Island, Maine. The Club has a mission and 100-year history of promoting boating ...

  4. Southport Yacht Club

    The Southport Junior Yacht Club Sailing Foundation is pleased to be the Organizing Authority for the 2024 Maine State Opti Championship Regatta! Join us on Wednesday July 31 & Thursday August 1 at the Southport Yacht Club to witness the enthusiasm and skill of Maine's Opti sailors. We expect 50 excited sailors in the RWB and Green Fleets.

  5. Wind at Their Backs

    The Southport Yacht Club was launched in 1923 in a former general store, bowling alley, and snack bar that now houses the seasonal restaurant Cozy's Dockside. In the late 1930s the club moved across the driveway to the Cozy Harbor House, a gray-shingled Cape that had been a summer hotel. ... The SJYC is the only sailing program in Maine that ...

  6. Southport Yacht Club, Maine

    Since 1923, the Club owns and maintains two buildings and dock facilities on Cosy Harbor Road on the shore of Cosy Harbor on Southport Island, Maine. The Club has a mission and 100-year history of promoting boating on the Maine coast with an emphasis on sailing through the junior program now run by the Southport Junior Yacht Club Sailing ...

  7. Southport Junior Yacht Club: Powered by Youth

    It was not to be, but under White's leadership, three things did happen: the club acquired the Cozy Harbor House, sailboat racing was introduced, and—perhaps most importantly—the Southport Junior Yacht Club was established. In the 1940s and 1950s the Southport Junior Yacht Club was open to youngsters aged 10 to 18.

  8. Southport Yacht Club

    August has gotten started with a wave of excitement as we hosted the Maine State Optimist Championship Regatta last week. Forty four tiny boats conquered the Sheepscot River's swift currents and ...

  9. Southport Yacht Club

    Click the button and follow the instructions to update your profile and pay membership dues. Join us as a new member. Please fill out the membership application below: Associate (age 21-30) - $80.00 (USD) Bundle (up to 1 members) Subscription period: 1 year, on: June 1st No automatically recurring payments An individual member between the ages ...

  10. Southport Yacht Club

    A group of SYC members traveled to the Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club Regatta on July 24 and 25. The Shipyard Cup Classics Challenge included 60 boats racing through the islands of Boothbay Harbor.

  11. Southport Yacht Club

    Southport junior sailors traveled to Prouts Neck Yacht Club to compete in the Maine State 420 Championship Regatta last week. Our eight sailors joined the line of over forty boats all hailing from ...

  12. Southport Yacht Club

    Southport Yacht Club - Racing. July 1, 2023 Hendricks Head Open Race 1:00. This is a handicap race for yachts 13 feet and over. Notice of Race HERE. Register HERE. Sailing Instructions HERE. July 2, 2023 Firecracker Turnabout Races 1:00. The first start is outside Cozy Harbor at 1pm. Sailing Instructions.

  13. Southport Yacht Club

    Contact Us. Address: 38 Cosy Harbor Road . Southport, Maine 04576. Phone: 207-633-5767. Email: [email protected]

  14. Southport Yacht Club

    Southport Yacht Club. Anne Grimes Rand. Tue, 08/06/2024 - 12:15pm. The start of the Rock the Boat 5K. Courtesy of Hollyanna Bates. What an exciting week on the SYC campus! We hosted the Maine ...

  15. Southport Yacht Club

    Southport Yacht Club is a spectacular waterfront wedding venue on the Gold Coast, overlooking a 300-berth superyacht marina and the sparkling waters of the Broadwater. Aside from the picturesque setting, you'll love Southport Yacht Club's bespoke wedding packages, mouthwatering menus, and exceptional service for your Gold Coast wedding.

  16. Southport Yacht Club

    Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: 28: 29

  17. Southport Junior Yacht Club

    Southport Junior Yacht Club. Eleanor Marshall. Mon, 08/05/2024 - 10:00am. This week was the sixth of the Southport Yacht Club sailing program. It was filled to the brim with fun and different ...

  18. Southport Yacht Club Marine Market

    On Saturday, May 11th, 2024 from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Southport Yacht Club (SYC) is hosting the Annual Marine Market at Morningstar Marina in Southport. This year, all booths have all been sold - so expect a great selection of merchandise. There will be a variety of vendors selling new and slightly used marine supplies, marine themed jewelry ...

  19. Southport Yacht Club

    Round Southport Race. The 'Round Southport Race is an annual reverse handicap pursuit race collaboratively sponsored by SYC and BHYC. Round-the-Island 2024. SYC is hosting the race this year. Registration at Regattaman. 2024 Round Southport NOR. 2024 Round Southport SI.pdf.

  20. Southport Junior Yacht Club

    Eleanor Marshall. Mon, 08/12/2024 - 9:45am. This week was the seventh of the Southport Junior Yacht Club. We had sun and smiles throughout the week, especially for Bingo on Wednesday! Throughout ...