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I Love Poland – nowa formuła

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I Love Poland to wyjątkowy, największy projekt promujący Polskę za granicą. Zrodził się z inicjatywy Polskiej Fundacji Narodowej i zakładał udział polskiego jachtu w najważniejszych i najbardziej prestiżowych regatach na świecie oraz szkolenie młodego pokolenia polskich regatowych żeglarzy oceanicznych, z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnego jachtu, świetnego zespołu i najlepszych rozwiązań technicznych. W tym celu Polska Fundacja Narodowa sfinansowała zakup supernowoczesnego jachtu jednokadłubowego trzeciej generacji Volvo Open 70 o długości 21,5 i szerokości 5,35 oraz 34. metrowym maszcie.

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Inauguracja projektu odbyła się 11 września 2018 roku w żeglarskiej wiosce w Gdyni a już 30 września jacht pożegnał Polskę, wypływając ze Szczecina do portugalskiego Cascais. Tu rozpoczął się trening i po kilku tygodniach przygotowań, jacht przepłynął na drugą stronę Atlantyku. W lutym 2019 roku I Love Poland promował Polskę w Miami, gdzie wraz z żaglowcem Darem Młodzieży przypominał o nadchodzącej rocznicy 100-lecia odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości, podczas trwającego tam zjazdu Polonii.

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Pierwszym sprawdzianem sportowym dla jachtu i nowej załogi był udział w 39. edycji St. Maarten Heineken Regatta na Karaibach w marcu 2019 roku. Regaty te okazały się zwycięskie, I Love Poland zajął pierwsze miejsce w klasyfikacji generalnej, wygrywając we wszystkich czterech wyścigach, w tym w najbardziej prestiżowej kategorii najszybszego opłynięcia wyspy St. Maarten.

W kwietniu 2019 roku I Love Poland przybył  do Nowego Jorku, gdzie promował Polskę przy okazji innego projektu Polskiej Fundacji Narodowej, premiery filmu „Poland: The Royal Tour”.

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W 2019 roku nowy Zarząd Polskiej Fundacji Narodowej podjął decyzję o zmianie formuły projektu i jacht stał się jednostką dydaktyczną, na której pokładzie szkolą się nowe pokolenia młodych polskich regatowych żeglarzy oceanicznych. W listopadzie 2019 r. ruszyła I edycja Programu Szkoleniowego. Z nadesłanych 430 zgłoszeń, kapituła złożona ze znanych osobowości żeglarskich, reprezentujących najważniejsze instytucje, wyłoniła 40 finalistów konkursu. Szczęśliwa czterdziestka wzięła udział w specjalistycznym, bezpłatnym zgrupowaniu w ośrodkach olimpijskich, które było zarazem drugim etapem programu. Zgrupowanie wyłoniło sześcioro laureatów, dla których nagrodą było uczestnictwo w treningach I Love Poland w portugalskim Cascais.   

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W lutym 2020 I Love Poland wziął udział w klasycznych regatach RORC Caribbean 600 Salida de Antigua entre Anguilla y Guadalupe, załoga jachtu I Love Poland zdobyła 2. miejsce w klasyfikacji monokadłubowców oraz 5. miejsce w klasie IRC Zero.

Kolejne 40. Heineken Regatta Saint Marteen, w których udział wziął jacht I Love Poland odbyły się w marcu 2020 roku. Załoga na 6 startów zdobyła trzy pierwsze miejsca, dwa drugie oraz jedno trzecie.

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W obu karaibskich regatach jako pełnoprawni załoganci brali udział dwaj laureaci wyłonieni w I edycji programu szkoleniowego I Love Poland.

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Coroczny przegląd serwisowy  jachtu został przeprowadzony w sierpniu tego roku. Zaplanowane są zgrupowania w Cascais oraz na Malcie, gdzie po kilku dniach treningów, przygotowań i ostatecznych serwisów, jacht wystartuje w regatach Rolex Malta Middle Sea Race 2020. Następnie już w Cascais planowane są intensywne treningi, tak aby jak najlepiej przygotować jacht i załogę do nadchodzącego sezonu 2021 i startu w pierwszych w nim regatach Caribbean 600. Na jesieni 2020 roku zaplanowana jest II edycja programu szkoleniowego I Love Poland.

Jacht I Love Poland należący do Polskiej Fundacji Narodowej, pod polską banderą, pierwszy w swojej klasie przeciął linię mety 41. Rolex Middle Sea Race 2020. I Love Poland zwyciężył w klasyfikacji monokadłubowców, w tym liczącym 693 Mm wyścigu, który jest ceniony na równi z angielskim Rolex Fastnet Race i australijskim Rolex Sydney-Hobart. Kapitan jachtu Grzegorz Baranowski nie krył zadowolenia i dziękował kibicom za żywiołowe wsparcie podczas wyścigu. Gratulacje dla załogi przekazał także Ambasador RP na Malcie Tomasz Czyszek oraz Zarząd Polskiej Fundacji Narodowej.

Na początku listopada 2020 rozpoczęła się II. edycja programu szkoleniowego I LOVE POLAND. Nadrzędnym celem programu szkoleniowego było stworzenie możliwości kontynuacji kariery sportowej dla polskich żeglarzy regatowych, których możliwości dalszego rozwoju na jachtach typu dinghy, windsurfingu i inne zostały już wyczerpane. Pośrednim celem było wybranie spośród uczestników programu żeglarzy, którzy po odpowiednim przeszkoleniu mogliby się stać częścią stałej bądź lotnej załogi regatowej jachtu I LOVE POLAND.

Do programu szkoleniowego nadesłano ponad 300 zgłoszeń i po wnikliwej analizie wszystkich kandydatur wyłoniono 20 osób, które musiały przejść serię rozmów kwalifikacyjnych, wideokonferencji oraz zostać pozytywnie ocenione przez załogę jachtu I LOVE POLAND. Finalnie wybranych zostało 8. młodych żeglarzy, którzy mogli wziąć udział w szkoleniu, odbywającym się na początku grudnia w portugalskim porcie Cascais.

Uczestnicy szkolenia z pomocą stałej załogi jachtu zdobywali cenne doświadczenie i szlifowali swoje umiejętności. Każdy dzień to zadania żeglarskie, ale również zajęcia teoretyczne. Krótkie odprawy odbywały się na bieżąco na jachcie. Wieczorem zaś omawiano i analizowano na podstawie nagranych materiałów realizowane manewry.

„Chcemy oprzeć się o ludzi, którzy już brali udział w zawodach, bo dla nich pewne sytuacje i terminologia żeglarska nie są obce. Mając plan, by laureaci wystartowali z nami w regatach, nie możemy sobie pozwolić, by te osoby nie wiedziały, jakie są manewry i nie znały żagli – do czego służą oraz w jakich zakresach kątów pracują. Nie oczekujemy, że ktoś, kto przyjdzie pierwszy raz, będzie z tego typu jachtem obeznany, więc będziemy stopniowo wdrażać wszystkie etapy, ale jest to jacht zrobiony dla profesjonalistów, więc kandydat nie powinien mieć wyobrażeń o żeglarskim rejsie, a o ewidentnie sportowej przygodzie”. – powiedział kapitan ILP Grzegorz Baranowski.

Tych kilka dni spędzonych na Oceanie Atlantyckim, a także późniejsze analizy zdecydowanie podniosły umiejętności wszystkich laureatów. Ostatecznie nominacje do załogi I LOVE POLAND otrzymało dwóch kursantów- Jacek Nowak i Igor Tarasiuk.

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Treningi w Cascais

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40 Heineken Regatta Saint Marteen

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Rolex Middle Sea Race

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II. edycja programu szkoleniowego

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The I love Poland yacht wins the "Rolex Middle Sea Race 2020" regatta

Regatta rolex middle sea race 2020  ended with the victory of the polish yacht i love poland, which on october 21 was the first to reach the finish line of the sailing race in the waters around sicily., fall edition  rolex middle sea race 2020.

This year's regatta is the 41st edition of the 600-mile classic sailing race starting from Malta. The competition started on October 17th and lasted nearly 5 days. 56 yachts took part in the competition, which traditionally had a 600-mile stretch to cover the waters around Sicily. Rolex Middle Sea Race is valued as much as English Rolex Fastnet Race and Australian Rolex Sydney-Hobart.  The Polish crew was headed by Captain Grzegorz Baranowski, and the winning crew in the Valletta port in Malta was welcomed by the Polish ambassador, Tomasz Czyszek and his wife.

On behalf of the Board of the Polish National Foundation, I congratulate Captain Baranowski and the I LOVE POLAND Team. The idea of the project is to promote Poland by showing professionalism, unique skills, self-discipline, perseverance and courage, i.e. attributes not so much individual, but specific characteristics of the national character, through which the crew arouses positive emotions and shapes the attitudes of Poles aware of their heritage. The measure of success is taking up challenges in borderline situations. The I LOVE POLAND crew proved by their participation and successes in last year's and this year's regattas that it is important to talk about Poland primarily by inspiring - said Dr. Marcin Zarzecki, president of the PFN Management Board.

I LOVE POLAND - an expensive way to promote Poland in the world

The I LOVE POLAND yacht was built in 2011 in the USA and was created for the needs of the ocean regatta Volvo Ocean Race , one of the most difficult competitions of this type in the world. It is a class class monohull yacht Volvo Open 70 , purchased by the Polish National Foundation for a considerable amount 900 thousand euro . The purchase price can be considered a bargain, because the cost of purchasing a new unit of this type is about 6-7 million. This expenditure makes I LOVE POLAND the most expensive yacht flying the Polish flag, owned by a budgetary unit. The presentation of the boat took place on September 12, 2018 in Gdynia.

On the centenary of our country regaining independence, we are starting a beautiful project for the development of Polish sailing. We also want to show that we love Poland, that Poland is a modern country with modern technologies - said the then president of the Polish National Foundation Filip Rdesiński

Part of the I LOVE POLAND crew consists of graduates of the training of young sailors initiated by the Polish National Foundation. In December 2019, the first edition of recruitment for the training project "I LOVE POLAND" started. More than 430 applications were submitted, of which 106 young sailors completed the STCW Integrated Safety Course. The jury selected the finalists who took part in the free training camp and are now part of the ILP team.

This is not the first victory for I LOVE POLAND

The beginnings of the I LOVE POLAND career under the Polish flag were not happy. The yacht broke down and needed repair in the United States. The repair cost unofficially amounted to approx. 1 million. PLN, and the unit was immobilized for several months and could not take part in any regatta. Then he came lockdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic and competitions were not possible. Fortunately for everyone, the streak was about to change.

The I LOVE POLAND crew returned to the game after a break caused by the epidemic. The year 2020 started well for the I LOVE POLAND team, because they were won in February  second place (in its class) in regattas Caribbean 600, and less than a month later  first place in St. Maarten Heineken Regatta.

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Source and photo from PFN press materials

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I love poland volvo 70 wins the ima transatlantic trophy.

I Love Poland Volvo 70 wins the IMA Transatlantic Trophy

Organised by the Royal Ocean Racing Club in association with the International Maxi Association & Yacht Club de France Calero Marinas - Marina Lanzarote, Arrecife, Canary Islands to Camper & Nicholsons Port Louis Marina, Grenada

Image: Monohull Line Honours victory for the young team on the Polish National Foundation's I Love Poland © Arthur Daniel/RORC

The Polish National Foundation’s Volvo 70 I Love Poland (POL), skippered by Grzegorz Baranowski crossed the finish line outside Camper & Nicholsons Port Louis Marina, Grenada on Tuesday 17th January 2023. Taking Monohull Line Honours in under nine days, the all-Polish team lifted the IMA Transatlantic Trophy.

I Love Poland Crew: Grzegorz Baranowski, Mateusz Byrski, Arkadiusz Fedusio, Adam Glogowski, Grzegorz Gozdzik, Robert Hajduk, Dominik Janowczyk, Pacyfik Koseski, Konrad Lipski, Borys Michniewicz, Bartosz Nowicki, Filip Pietrzak, Patryk Richter, Jakub Surowiec.

Nine of the I Love Poland crew are under 35 years of age and skipper Grzegorz Baranowski is the leader and oldest member of the team. A highly accomplished match racer, Baranowski became involved in the Polish National Foundation programme in the early stages. I Love Poland is successfully producing top class Polish offshore sailors.

“I am very proud of the team. Last year was our first Transatlantic Race and our aim was to complete the race safely. This year, safety was still the top priority but with more experienced sailors on board, and some new youngsters, we could push harder. To win this race flying the Polish flag, with an all-Polish crew is just perfect. I Love Poland race with a lot of passion and emotion; you can feel the power on board. A Volvo 70 was made for ocean racing and in 15-20 knots of wind speed it is really wet on deck, but she really starts to fly. The RORC Transatlantic Race is the perfect start to our Caribbean programme and next we will sail to Antigua to race in the RORC Caribbean 600,” commented Grzegorz Baranowski dockside.

I Love Poland navigator is Konrad Lipski, who is just 27 years old but has the experience and maturity way beyond his years. Not many navigators of that age can have taken Monohull Line Honours in the Rolex Middle Sea Race, Roschier Baltic Sea Race, and now the RORC Transatlantic Race.

“From the beginning we knew that it was likely to be an almost classic trade winds race,” commented Konrad Lipski. “However, it was a bit shiftier than usual and there was a variety of sailing conditions, from over 20 knots to very light winds. We had a plan at the beginning and we stuck to it. I was a bit nervous when we were very far south and the shift was late in coming, but by then we had built up a good lead and we could be a bit more conservative, so we gybed back towards the rhumb line. For me personally, I had to withdraw from the crew last year because of Covid, and you never know if you will get another chance. So, it is fantastic to do this race again and to win Monohull Line Honours makes me very proud.”

I Love Poland was met dockside by Zara Tremlett and the Port Louis team with two cases of cold beer. The Grenada Tourism Authority representative Alyssa Bierzynski, whose father is Polish, presented I Love Poland with a gift basket of Grenadian goods. After safely mooring up on the Superyacht Dock at Camper & Nicholsons Port Louis Marina, the I Love Poland team went to the Victory Bar & Restaurant; 14 burgers and fries were very much devoured and appreciated!

'I Love Poland' racing yacht is about to arrive in Plymouth

The 'I Love Poland' racing yacht, based in Gdynia, is expected to make its debut in Britain’s Ocean City

  • 22:29, 12 NOV 2018

Plymouth has been selected as the perfect geographical ‘pit-stop’ for the crew, who are en-route to their winter training base in Lisbon

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A group of Polish sailors will be spreading the message about their country’s cultural and sporting achievements on a visit to Plymouth this week.

The “I Love Poland” racing yacht, based in Gdynia, is expected to make its debut in Britain’s Ocean City on Tuesday or Wednesday. Gdynia in Poland and Plymouth are twinned.

The crew are on their way to a winter training base in Lisbon, before heading across the Atlantic in February for a series of races.

In May next year the yacht will attempt to break the record of 6 days, 22hr and 8 minutes from Newport, Rhode Island, to Lizard Point in Cornwall. They will then stop off in Plymouth on their way to race in Sweden.

The crew, whose ages range from 21-52, are skippered by experienced competitive sailor Jaroslaw Kaczorowski.

Mr Kaczorowski has taken part in a number of high level races including The Race 2000 and Mini Transat 2006. The crew are also supported by Grzegorz Baranowski who is the current Vice World Champion in ORC (Offshore Racing Congress) and a previous World Champion in match racing.

What is the 'I Love Polard' yacht?

The yacht is VO70 footer, originally built in New England in 2011-2012 for the Volvo Ocean Race

The ‘I Love Poland’ yacht – a VO70 footer built in New England in 2011-2012 for the Volvo Ocean Race – is an educational and sporting project funded by the Polish National Foundation. The project aims to support young Polish sailors who are launching an international competitive sailing career, particularly in ocean regattas and to promote Polish sailing worldwide.

Filip Rdesinski, chairman of the Polish National Foundation Board said: “I am thrilled that I Love Poland, the yacht that is traveling around the world to promote our country, has called at Plymouth, the first foreign port on its international voyage.

“It was no accident that we chose this beautiful English city and port to stage our event. Plymouth is home to plenty of Polish highlights. It is a sister city to Gdynia, the first port built by the newly independent Polish state, and the hometown of our skipper and four crew members”.

What are they doing here?

While in Plymouth the crew will undertake educational visits and promotional events to promote Polish sailing and culture to a wider audience.

The week-long visit will see presentations to local schools, young sailors and cadets.

There are also talks about Polish history and culture by historian Martin Hazell and Patrick Ney at the Royal William Yard’s Ocean Studios on Friday. The crew will host a series of organised open deck visits in their berth at the Mayflower Marina.

The crew, whose ages range from 21-52 years, are skippered by experienced, competitive sailor Jarosław Kaczorowski

Charles Bush, MD of Mayflower Marina said: “Over recent years we have forged links with a number of Polish sailors and most notably this year, Szymon Kuczynski returned to Mayflower Marina in May following his record breaking 270 day, solo, non-stop circumnavigation in his 23ft yacht Atlantic Puffin.

"In September, Polish skipper Asia (Joanna) Pajkowska set sail from Mayflower Marina in her 40ft yacht Fanfan on a solo non-stop circumnavigation. If successful, Asia will be the first female Polish sailor to complete this voyage, and she’ll cover at least 21,000 nautical miles and will be at sea for around 200-220 days!

"Whilst ‘I LOVE POLAND’ is berthed at Mayflower Marina there will opportunities for local school children and members of the Polish community to visit the boat and celebrate the particular relationship between Plymouth and Poland. We are very pleased to play our part in facilitating the visit.”

As part of the yacht’s visit to Plymouth, Polish Ambassador for the UK, Arkady Rzegocky and Filip Rdesinski, chairman of the Polish National Foundation Board will join yacht skipper Jaroslaw Kaczorowski in laying wreaths at the RAF and Allied Forces Monument and Polish Navy Memorial Plaque on Plymouth Hoe on Sunday.

Polish Ambassador Arkady Rzegocki said: “I am so pleased that in this special year of the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining independence we can celebrate our maritime history in the city of Plymouth – a sister city of the port of Gdynia. It is here that the Polish Navy ships were based during the Second World War, fighting alongside their British comrades.

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Jacht "I Love Poland" sprzedany. Tajemnicza transakcja

Polska Fundacja Narodowa sprzedała jacht "I Love Poland", który miał promować Polskę na morzach i oceanach. Szczegóły transakcji są jednak owiane tajemnicą.

Jacht "I Love Poland"

Jacht "I Love Poland" został zakupiony w 2018 roku za ponad 900 tysięcy euro. Miał to być jeden ze sztandarowych projektów Polskiej Fundacji Narodowej. Jacht miał pływać po całym świecie i promować Polskę na 100-lecie odzyskania niepodległości.

Za sterami jachtu miał stanąć mistrz olimpijski Mateusz Kusznierewicz. Współpracę jednak zerwano, łódź wyruszyła z inną załogą. W kwietniu 2019 roku jacht uległ uszkodzeniu w Stanach Zjednoczonych. W 2020 roku był ponownie remontowany.

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Miliony z PFN na rejs dookoła świata. Mateusz Kusznierewicz wyjaśnia

Kto kupił jacht.

Jak podaje "Gazeta Wyborcza" jacht został finalnie sprzedany. Potwierdził to Cezary Jurkiewicz z zarządu PFN. Dodaje, że formuła projektu "zużyła się" i zaczął on generować koszty.

Jurkiewicz zapewnia, że fundacja na jego sprzedaży ani nie straciła, ani nie zarobiła. - Na pewno uzyskaliśmy cenę odpowiadającą kwocie, za którą jacht został kupiony - powiedział w rozmowie z "GW".

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Anonimowy informator "GW" mówi, że jacht miał szkolić polskich żeglarzy regatowych i trafić do szkoły morskiej w Szczecinie. Ale PFN "sprzedała go jakiejś firmie zagranicznej z południa Europy".

Czytaj więcej:

13,5 mln zł na Polską Fundację Narodową. Brejza ujawnia gigantyczne przelewy

Szef KRRiT wszczął postępowanie przeciw TVN. Błyskawiczna reakcja

Źródło: "Gazeta Wyborcza"

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i love poland yacht

Published on January 17th, 2023 | by Editor

Volvo 70 claims line honors in Transatlantic Race

Published on January 17th, 2023 by Editor -->

St George’s, Grenada (January 17, 2023) – The Polish National Foundation’s Volvo 70 I Love Poland (POL), skippered by Grzegorz Baranowski, crossed the 2023 RORC Transatlantic Race finish line today to take Monohull Line Honors in 08:23:37:07.

Giovanni Soldini’s Maserati Multi70 took Multihull Line Honors on January 13, setting a new multihull race record of 5 days 5 hours 46 mins 26 secs. I Love Poland fell short of the monohull elapsed record of 7 days, 22 hrs, 01 mins, 04 secs set in 2022 by the 100ft VPLP Design/Verdier Comanche, skippered by Mitch Booth.

I Love Poland Crew: Grzegorz Baranowski, Mateusz Byrski, Arkadiusz Fedusio, Adam Glogowski, Grzegorz Gozdzik, Robert Hajduk, Dominik Janowczyk, Pacyfik Koseski, Konrad Lipski, Borys Michniewicz, Bartosz Nowicki, Filip Pietrzak, Patryk Richter, and Jakub Surowiec.

Nine of the I Love Poland crew are under 35 years of age and skipper Grzegorz Baranowski is the leader and oldest member of the team. A highly accomplished match racer, Baranowski became involved in the Polish National Foundation program in the early stages to train Polish offshore sailors.

i love poland yacht

“Last year was our first Transatlantic Race and our aim was to complete the race safely,” said Baranowski. “This year, safety was still the top priority but with more experienced sailors on board, and some new youngsters, we could push harder.

“To win this race flying the Polish flag, with an all-Polish crew is just perfect. I Love Poland race with a lot of passion and emotion; you can feel the power on board. A Volvo 70 was made for ocean racing and in 15-20 knots of wind speed it is really wet on deck, but she really starts to fly.

“The RORC Transatlantic Race is the perfect start to our Caribbean program and next we will sail to Antigua to race in the RORC Caribbean 600.”

I Love Poland navigator Konrad Lipski is just 27 years old but has already claimed Monohull Line Honors in the Rolex Middle Sea Race, Roschier Baltic Sea Race, and now the RORC Transatlantic Race.

“From the beginning we knew that it was likely to be an almost classic trade winds race,” said Lipski. “However, it was a bit shiftier than usual and there was a variety of sailing conditions, from over 20 knots to very light winds. We had a plan at the beginning and we stuck to it.

“I was a bit nervous when we were very far south and the shift was late in coming, but by then we had built up a good lead and we could be a bit more conservative, so we gybed back towards the rhumb line.

“For me personally, I had to withdraw from the crew last year because of COVID, and you never know if you will get another chance. So, it is fantastic to do this race again and to win Monohull Line Honors makes me very proud.”

Race details – Entry list – Tracker – Results – Facebook

The 9th edition of the RORC Transatlantic Race started January 8 from the Spanish island of Lanzarote of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, with 21 entries racing under the IRC and MOCRA Rating Rules competing on the 3,000 nm course to Grenada.

Multihull elapsed record is 5 days 5 hours 46 mins 26 secs set in 2023 by Giovanni Soldini’s Maserati Multi70.

Monohull elapsed record is 7 days, 22 hrs, 01 mins, 04 secs set in 2022 by the 100ft VPLP Design/Verdier Comanche, skippered by Mitch Booth.

Source: RORC

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Tags: RORC Transatlantic Race , Volvo Open 70

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Baltic Sea Race Lead shot ILP_Pepe Korteniemi 2022

Volvo Open 70 I Love Poland, owned by the Polish National Foundation and skippered by Grzegorz Baranowski crossed the finish line in Helsinki to take Line Honours for the Roschier Baltic Sea Race © Pepe Korteniemi

Baltic Sea Race – I Love Poland takes Line Honours

Helsinki, 24 July, 2022: Volvo Open 70 I Love Poland, owned by the Polish National Foundation and skippered by Grzegorz Baranowski crossed the finish line in Helsinki to take Line Honours for the Roschier Baltic Sea Race at 19:27:35 EEST on Sunday 24th July 2022. The elapsed time was 3 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes, 37 seconds, setting the Monohull Race Record.

An astonishing light airs battle decided the Line Honours winner for the Roschier Baltic Sea Race. I Love Poland crossed the finish line just 700 metres ahead of Tilmar Hansen’s German TP52 Outsider. Volvo 70 GP Bullhound with Per Roman at the helm was less than an hour behind I Love Poland after three days of racing. VO65 Ambersail was at one stage 18 miles in front of I Love Poland on the final leg, but finished fourth, 28 minutes behind GP Bullhound.

I Love Poland was presented with the Bobby Lowein Wheel for winning Monohull Line Honours. The trophy was a highly regarded award for past performance racing classes in the Fastnet Race. Previous winners of the trophy include world famous Maxi yachts: Rothmans, Alexia, Longobarda and Leopard; and now I Love Poland will be the latest boat to be inscribed on the trophy.

“We are really happy, we have done it,” commented a very proud Grzegorz Baranowski, skipper of I Love Poland. “The plan was to fight to the end and it was exactly that. There were a few wind holes, but we crossed the line first and we are delighted. When I look at the names on this trophy, we are so proud that ours will go with them. I am even more proud of my young crew who are trying their best to go forward. Thank you to the organisers of this race, it has been a privilege to compete in the first Roschier Baltic Sea Race.”

Ambersail 2, GP Bullhound and I Love Poland had all led the fleet during the 635 nautical mile race. The Outsider crew sportingly gave a respectful three cheers to the I Love Poland team after crossing the finish line. I Love Poland returned the gesture before heading ashore for a cold case of Finnish Fat Lizard Beer.

The German Carkeek 47 Störtebeker was the next team to finish the Roschier Baltic Sea Race at 23.57 local time. (Further news later)…

The official race supporters of the Roschier Baltic Sea Race are: The City of Helsinki; The Nyländska Jaktklubben (NJK), Finnish Offshore Racing Association (AMP); Helsingfors Segelklubb (HSK); FINIRC and the Xtra Stærk Ocean Racing Society.

For further information and to follow the Roschier Baltic Sea Race please go to:



ENDS/… Louay Habib


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The Volvo Ocean 70 is the state-of-the-art yacht used in the Volvo Ocean Race. The VO70 'ABN AMRO TWO' skippered by Sebastien Josse holds the monohull 24 hour record at 562.96 nautical miles averaging 23.45 knots.

© Paul Todd / Volvo Ocean Race

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The current position of AIOLOS is at Aegean Sea reported 87 days ago by AIS. The vessel AIOLOS (MMSI 261081010) is a Sailing vessel and currently sailing under the flag of Poland .

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