Boating at night - Navigation lights to display in Canada Requirements in Canada

  • Boating Safety Equipment
  • Types of navigation lights
  • Boat Navigation Lights rules and requirements at night

Powerboats navigation lights at night

navigation lights

  • Powerboats less than 12 meters (39,4") in length
  • Powerboats of 12 meters (39,4") and over in length
  • Powerboats at anchor

Properly lit sailboat at night

properly lit sailboat at night

  • Sailboats under 7 m (23’)
  • Sailboats from 7 m (23’) to under 20 m (65’7”)
  • Sailboats 20 m (65’7”) and over
  • Sailboats operating under motor power
  • Sailboats at anchor

Commercial boats navigation lights at night

navigation lights fishing boat

  • Navigation lights for a vessel engaged in fishing  

Navigation lights for a vessel engaged in trawling

Navigation lights for a power-driven vessel when towing.

  • Navigation lights for a government vessel

Navigation lights for powerboats less than 12 meters (39,4") in length

A power driven vessel of less than 12 meters in length, and underway, may display, from sunset to sunrise:

All-round light (white) forward and,

Sidelights (red – green).

Navigation lights for boats

Navigation lights for powerboats of 12 meters (39,4") and over in length

A power driven vessel of 12 meters and over in length, and underway, may display, from sunset to sunrise:

Masthead light (white) forward,

Sternlight (white) and,

Navigation lights for powerboats of 12 meters (39,4

Navigation lights for powerboats at anchor

At anchor,  the operator of a pleasure craft shall display, from sunset to sunrise, in the fore part,  an all-round light .  A powerboat anchored at night must display  an all-round light .

Navigation lights for powerboats at anchor

What is a properly lit sailboat at night?

Navigation lights for sailboats under 7 m (23’).

and underway, may display, from sunset to sunrise:

Sidelights (red – green) and,

Sternlight (white).

  • 1 lantern, combining the sidelights and stern light above.

Navigation lights for sailboats under 7 m (23’)

Navigation lights for sailboats from 7 m (23’) to under 20 m (65’7”)

  • Sternlight , and
  • 1 lantern, combining the sidelights and stern light above

Navigation lights for sailboats from 7 m (23’) to under 20 m (65’7”)

Optional - A sailing vessel may exhibit at or near the top of the mast, two all-round lights in a vertical line: the upper one red and the lower one green. These lights are shown along with the sidelights and sternlight.

Navigation lights for sailboats 20 m (65’7”) and over

Navigation lights for sailboats 20 m (65’7”) and over

Navigation lights for sailboats operating under motor power

Sailboats are considered powerboats when they have the engines on - even if the sails are up. 

Masthead light  (white) forward,

Sternlight  (white).

Navigation lights for sailboats at anchor

Navigation lights for sailboats operating under motor power

Navigation lights for kayak or canoe (human-powered vessels) at night

Navigation lights are also required for  human-powered vessels (canoe, kayak)  or for a sailing pleasure craft of less than 7 meters in length not under power. When underway,  the operator  shall, from sunset to sunrise, display, if practical, sidelights and a stern light, but if the operator cannot, he/she must have at hand , a   flashlight   or lighted lantern emitting a white light which must be lit in enough time to prevent a collision.

Navigation lights for kayak or canoe (human-powered vessels)

Navigation lights for a vessel engaged in fishing 

Sidelights ,

Sternlight and

All-around light in a vertical line, the upper being red over white light. When making way through the water.

Navigation lights for ships engaged in fishing 

A  vessel when engaged in trawling , which means dragging a dredge net or other fishing apparatus through the water, shall display:

Two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being green and the lower white. When making way through the water,

Sidelights and 


Navigation lights for a vessel engaged in trawling

Navigation lights for a government vessel (Police boat)

Any government vessel or any vessel that is owned or operated by a harbor, river, county or municipal police force may display a blue flashing light to identify itself as such, in the following cases

When it is providing assistance in any waters to any vessel or other craft;

When it is engaged in law enforcement duties in Canadian waters.


Power-driven vessel when towing shall show sidelights, a sternlight, and a towing light in a vertical line above the sternlight, and two masthead lights in a vertical line. When the length of the tow, measuring from the stern of the towing vessel to the after end of the tow exceeds 200 meters, three such lights in a vertical line shall be displayed.

Apart from the regular navigation lights, when a boat tows another vessel in distress or in need of assistance for any reason, shall take all possible measures to show the relation between the towed vessel and the vessel doing the towing. A vessel towing must try to shine a light on the towing cable to make it as visible as possible, so that other boats do not come into contact with the cable.

A vessel being tow shall display sidelights and a sternlight. If it is not possible, it must display one all-around white light at each of the fore and aft ends.  

Navigation lights for a power-driven vessel pushing another

A power-driven vessel, when pushing another , shall display the sidelights, a sternlight, and two superimposed masthead lights. 

The vessel being pushed, and not part of a composite unit, must display its sidelights at the bow. When a vessel is pushing another, if both are connected in a rigid, composite unit, they will be regarded as one unit, thus showing the appropriate lights.

Navigation lights Examples

Sailing vessel seen from starboard side.

Sailing vessel seen from starboard side

Sailing vessel seen from the front

Sailing vessel seen from the front

Power-driven vessel anchored

Power-driven vessel anchored

Power-driven vessel seen from starboard side

Power-driven vessel seen from starboard side

Power-driven vessel seen from port side

Power-driven vessel seen from port side

Power-driven vessel seen from the stern (back)

Power-driven vessel seen from the stern (back)

Would you like to learn more about boating safety and be able to drive a boat?

Aceboater s'  boating safety course  is accredited by Transport Canada to train students on the rules of navigation, buoys and their meanings, boating navigation lights, hazards, how to respond to emergency situations, boating laws and more.

Our course, once successfully completed, will give you the official  pleasure craft operator card  from Transport Canada, valid throughout North America.

I want my official  Canadian boating license .

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Navigation Lights for Sailboats (And How To Read Them)

Navigation Lights for Sailboats (And How To Read Them) | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Capt Chris German

June 15, 2022

Navigation lights on a sailboat can be confusing. If you understand the reason behind why they are the way they are however, they can make a lot more sense.

At their heart, sailboats are really just a power boat and as such must adhere to all power boat rules such as navigation lights. Other times however, a sailboat is classified in a special category. They have a set of additional lights they CAN show as an option, but are not always required to do so.

That’s about as clear as mud if you ask me and I contend that that is where the confusion about lighting a sailboat begins.

Just because you can show a light to identify yourself in times of low visibility, does not mean you have to and then we add in a little sibling rivalry between power and sail and things get downright adversarial when it comes to navigation and the night.

Table of contents

The USCG says You’re a Power Boat Whether You Like It or Not

Much to the consternation of many a sailor who has earned a commercial license to drive their sailboat, when you received your credential from the USCG it says you are a master of steam and power across the top with no mention of wind as a source of propulsion.

It is not until you read the back pages of your little red book that feels like a passport and looks like a US Sailing credential, that you will see the term “sail auxiliary”. That is because most of the time the U.S. Coast Guard knows that you are primarily reliant on your mechanical power to propel your vessel.

It's a sad thing, but the days of commercially viable sail boats are done and all but the most select few even have sails let alone use them as their primary power source. All sail boats by law are powerboats, but not all powerboats are sailboats.

Navigation Lights for a Power Boat

As a power boat, you are required to show certain lights and have been required to do so before power was even invented. 

In the days of man powered vessels like the viking ships who relied on oars while in close quarters to power their vessels, they needed to show other boats, friend or foe, where they were by showing lanterns in the dark to identify themselves. As you know, it is a time honored rule among all the nations of the world both past and present, that you must avoid a collision at all costs while at sea and even the viking knew that you should not run into things.

By lighting the front and back of your boat, you could warn other boats of your presence as well as identify which way you were heading. As such there is a very specific rule in the Code of Federal Regulations Number 46 (CFR46 by common name) that spells out with detail how many, the color, the luminosity or brightness, the angle of visibility and the location of all of the lights required for navigation on every single boat, seaplane, submarine and other nondescript vessel conceived by man to date that they must show while underway in reduced visibility.

And there is no flexibility in the rules.

As such a power boat, and by extension all sailboats, MUST, without question show one green light on the starboard bow and one red light on the port bow and one all around white light or lights while operating in reduced visibility. These lights should shine at all 360 degrees of visibility with the bow lights shining at an angle of dead ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam and the stern lights shining 225 degrees dead aft. A forward facing masthead light that is white in color shall shine forward to comply with the directive that all vessels must carry an all around white light. For more read here .

As you can see, there isn’t much wiggle room when it comes to lights that must be shown.

Sailboats get a little flexibility with lights

Sailboats however, are a little different when they are in fact sailboats, which is only when you are entirely reliant on the wind for power and in no way reliant on any mechanical or manual means of propulsion. And for good reason.

Back in the day when men were men and sailboats were wooden, fire was a major concern. Sails were coated with wax and other flammable substances and the wood on boats was saturated with oils and grease. Even the ropes were plant materials saturated with oils to keep them pliable and strong.

Add those highly flammable substances to a parching environment like the sea and you had what was essentially a giant floating tinderbox.

Then tell that giant floating tinderbox that they need to identify themselves to the world at large at night using oil lamps with flames because batteries and lights were not invented yet. It didn't take very long or very many ships burning to the water line for the Governments to say to the sailboats, you get to do things a little different.

As such, sailboats are given special dispensation when it comes to lights aloft. They don't have to show an all around white light in their rigging because no one wanted to set their rig on fire with oil lamps 60 feet up in their rig.

However, when a sailboat takes their sails down such as when they are powered or at anchor, they must resume the display of an all around white light or lights aloft. That became a real challenge with aluminum masts and the disappearance of rat lines on the shrouds because there was no easy way to climb the rig and check the bulbs up the mast on a regular basis. 

Red over Green Sailing Machine

I have no idea where the history of this particular light comes from, but if you ever take a deck exam with the USCG, you better remember this mnemonic. An all around red light over an all around green may be displayed on a vessel during times of reduced visibility to indicate that a vessel is operating under sail power alone. 

I won’t even speculate on how or why they came up with this particular light configuration, but if you want to use these lights as a sailing vessel, you can do so, but that means that you will need three all round lights at the top of your mast, an all around white, an all around red and an all around green, just in that order.

The red over green is to be displayed in addition to the running lights or the red and green bow lights with the 225 degree stern light. As always, when the motor comes on, so does the steaming light or the forward facing white light that is also usually about ¾ of the way up on your mast to complete the requirement of an all around white light that indicates a power vessel.

What is a “steaming light” and why are you mentioning it now?

Most sailboat electrical panels will have a switch that is labelled “steaming light” and it will only come on when your anchor light is off. This is probably the most confusing part of sailboat navigation lights so if you are confused about this, you're in good company as most people are. 

A “steaming” light is named thusly, going back to the days of steam powered sailboats where when they fired up their boilers and doused the sails, they became a power boat once again. There aren’t too many steam powered boats, let alone steam powered sailboats, but the name stuck and it is a vestige of a bygone era.

Either way, when you fire up your motor, you turn on your “steaming light” and that locks out the all around white light which is used for anchoring to minimize the number of switches on your panel and reduce the number of wires in your mast. The fewer wires, the less chance of something not working or becoming disconnected.

The steaming light and the anchor light both go up the mast, but you can’t use an all around white light while using the 225 degree stern light at the deck level because to other boaters you would look like you have two white lights from the stern and that would be confusing.

The anchor light is used exclusively for anchoring while the steaming light is used to indicate you are a power vessel while underway.

As to why I am mentioning it now in the article, is because this would have blown your mind if I started with this subject cause it can be really confusing stuff.

Aspect Recognition with Lights

Remember when I said earlier that lights can help you tell others which way you are heading as well as tell you which way other boats are heading? That is called the aspect of the vessel and the USCG tests you on this for your deck exam as well. 

Knowing that the bow lights go 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on both sides or 112.5 degrees on each side, and the stern light faces 225 degrees aft for a total of 360 degrees of visibility, you can tell a lot about where a boat is heading and who has the right of way.

One thing that's easy to remember is red means stop and if you see a vessel's red light, it means stop as you are the give way vessel and approaching the other vessel from his port side. Conversely it works with green as well as that means you are approaching from the other vessel's starboard side and you are the standon vessel.

If you see a red and green light equally low on the horizon, that means your heading dead on into another vessel's path and conversely if all you see is a white light low on the horizon, it means you are overtaking another vessel power or sail, we don’t care because it is an overtaking situation. However, any time you do see a white light aloft in addition to the red and green bow lights, you know you are encountering a power boat.

Then there are angular approaches as well, where you see white and red or white and green light low on the horizon. You know in that case you are seeing a portion of the bow lights and stern lights from the side approaches of a vessel. Based on which direction those lights are heading, you can deduce which way that boat is going in relation to your boat.

So put it all together and you see a green light and a white light low on the horizon with a red over green light aloft, you know that you are approaching a sailboat that is traveling to your port and that might make you the standon vessel. That is of course, if we didn’t concern ourselves with windward and leeward and port tacks and starboard tacks, but that is a discussion for another article. So stay tuned when we talk about sailing rules and the right of way. But for now, do good, have fun and sail far.

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Capt Chris German is a life long sailor and licensed captain who has taught thousands to sail over the last 20 years. In 2007, he founded a US Sailing-based community sailing school in Bridgeport, CT for inner city youth and families. When Hurricane Sandy forced him to abandon those efforts, he moved to North Carolina where he set out to share this love for broadcasting and sailing with a growing web-based television audience through The Charted Life Television Network.

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Navigation Lights for Sailboats (And How To Read Them)

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Buoys and Markers

From: Transport Canada

Transport Publication - TP 10038 E (2003)

  • Table of Contents
  • Definitions
  • Navigating Safely
  • Safety on the Job
  • Equipment and Installations
  • Life Saving Equipment
  • Weather Information
  • Emergencies
  • Distress Signals
  • Document Information

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Buoys and markers are invaluable guides to safe navigation. The system of buoys used in Canada is outlined below. Complete details of the system are available from all Coast Guard offices, chart distributors, or CHS chart distributors.

Upstream direction: is the direction taken by a vessel when proceeding from seaward, toward the headwaters of a river, into a harbour or with the flood tide.  

Lateral Buoys

Keep all solid green buoys on your port (left) side when moving in the upstream direction.

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Navigation Lights

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Navigation: Anchor Lights

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Marine Navigation Lights

are important for a safe and enjoyable boating experience. Whether sailing through calm waters or rough seas, or you're outfitting a sailing boat, marine vessel, or recreational boat, our extensive range of boat navigation lights ensures you're visible to other vessels and obstacles, even in low-visibility conditions.

offer superior brightness and energy efficiency. These lights are perfect for long voyages, providing reliable performance without draining your boat's battery. are an excellent choice for those seeking both functionality and style. These lights are corrosion-resistant, making them ideal for harsh marine environments while adding a sleek look to your vessel. and are required to indicate your vessel's front and sides, prevent collisions, and ensure compliance with maritime regulations. for a streamlined look. These lights are installed flush with the surface of your boat, reducing snagging and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your vessel. indicate the starboard side of your boat. These lights are designed to be bright and easily distinguishable, ensuring other vessels can easily identify your boat's orientation.

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AAA 106 Anchor Light 6CP 8W 12V Incandescent

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AAA 106-LD LED Anchor Light

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AAA Allround Fixed White Light

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AAA LED Red & Green Combination Bow Light

Black LED Bi-colour navigation light for boats less than 12 meters.

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AAA Masthead LED Navigation Light Series 25 Style

LED Steaming light for boats up to 39'.

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AAA Masthead Navigation Light Series 25 Style

Masthead steaming light for boats up to 12 meters.

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AAA Navigation Lights Series 40 Style

2 NM Visibility, For boats up to 20M (63'). Bulb Type: Bayonet 12V/25W

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AAA Port LED Navigation Light Series 25 Style

For boats up to 12 M (39'). Visibility: 1 NM

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AAA Port Navigation Light Series 25 Style

Port running light for boats up 12 meters.

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AAA Red & Green Combination Bow Light 5W

Chrome and plastic economy 5W bi-color light for use on powerboats under 12 M (39'). Approximately 4" long x 3" wide.

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AAA Red & Green Combination Bow Light Series 25 Style

Approximate Dimensions: 2-1/2" W x 3" H x 2-1/4" D

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AAA Red & Green LED Combination Bow Light

Bi-color LED Bow Light with chrome-plated zinc housing and nylon base.

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AAA Starboard LED Navigation Light Series 25 Style

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AAA Starboard Navigation Light Series 25 Style

Green running light for boats up to 12 meters.

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AAA Stern LED Navigation Light Series 25 Style

LED Lifetime of 50,000 hours.

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AAA Stern Navigation Light Series 25 Style

White 135° stern light for boats up to 12 meters.

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AAA Transom Waterproof Halogen Light Flush Mount

20 watt, 12 volt. 5-3/4" x 3-3/4"

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AAA Tri-Colour Anchor Light LED Series 40

Tri-Colour navigation light with Anchor light.

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All Round White Anchor LED Light 2NM USCGC

Dimensions: 3-5/8" (92mm) H x 2-1/4" (57mm) Wide. High USCG Certified.

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Aqua Signal Series 40 All Round Red

These lights have been time tested and this patented design is the industry standard by which all other designs are compared.

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Aqua Signal Series 40 Port Light

Series 40 Port navigation light with 25 Watt 12V DC bulb. Approved for vessels up to 20 metres in length (65').

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Attwood Combo Bow Light

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Easterner LED Fixed Mount All-Round Anchor Light 4 in.

USCG 2 NM. 4" x 2" diameter. 1 Watt LED bulb.

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Flush Mount Navigation Side Lights LED

Flush mounted 304SS Side lights. LED

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Flush Transom Light LED

Victory flush transom light. 3 inch diameter, 12 volt bulb. Waterproof construction with two gaskets

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Hella NaviLED All-Round Light 2NM Black

NaviLED lamps use less than 10% of the power required to run a bulb navigation lamp of the same visible distance. No bulbs, No maintenance. Ultra long service life

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Hella NaviLED Port and Starboard Navigation Lights 2NM Black

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Hella NaviLED PRO Navigation Light Black Case

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Hella NaviLED TRIO Tri-Colour with Anchor Navigation Lights 2NM Black

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Hella Series 3562 Navigation Light Black Case

Height: 3" x Width: 2-1/2" x Depth: 2". Comes with 12V, 10W Bulb included

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Lunasea LED Ultra Light Tri-Colour Anchor & Flashing Strobe

Two NM Tri-Colour LED Light with navigation, anchor and strobe functions. 4 Watt's of power consumption. Features an emergency flash and auto daylight turn-off for the anchor light.

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Nav Light - Stern or Companionway

Stainless steel Stern navigation light, or use for companionway. Surface mount. 2-1/2in. outside diameter.

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Nav Light LED Stainless Steel 112 deg. 1NM visibility

stainless steel LED nav light - 112 deg. Visibility. LED bulb included. 1 Nautical Mile

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Nav Light LED Stainless Steel 225 deg. 2NM visibility Bi-colour

stainless steel LED nav light - 225 deg. Visibility. LED bulb included. 2 Nautical Mile

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Nav Lights Side Mount Port & Starboard SS

Stainless steel nav lights - port and starboard. Side mount. 2-1/2in. outside diameter.

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Nav Lights Stainless Steel - Port & Starboard

Pair of stainless steel nav lights - port and starboard. 135 deg. #: 22321 #: 12292 #: 22948 #: 36634 #: 36633 #: 22141 #: 22294 
  $69.95 #: 36630 #: 22140 #: 16156 #: 22143 #: 22191 #: 36631 #: 22139 #: 36632 #: 22142 #: 22359 #: 10936 #: 12954 #: 22264 #: 22062 #: 22180 #: 36628 #: 22168 #: 22169 #: 99246 #: 11554 #: 99244 
  $289.95  #: 16218 #: 41087 #: 16160 #: 15751 #: 15752 #: 16144 #: 16143 


Features to Consider While Purchasing Navigation Light for Your Boat?

  • Durability : We only offer durable navigation lights in harsh marine environments, ensuring they remain functional and reliable in extreme weather conditions.
  • Visibility : We offer navigation lights designed to provide maximum visibility, even in low-light conditions, to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the water.
  • Compliance : We only offer navigation lights that meet US Coast Guard regulations, giving you confidence that you meet all necessary safety standards.

Why Choose Binnacle for Your Navigation Lights?

  • Quality Assurance: We source navigation lights from reputable manufacturers, including AAA Worldwide Enterprises of Taiwan , Hella Marine , Aqua Signal , and Perko Inc known for their high-quality marine navigation lights.
  • Variety: We offer a comprehensive range of navigation lights, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your vessel.
  • Hassle-Free Return Policy: You may return your purchase to us (with a return authorization number - use this form ) within 30 days, and we will refund the product's purchase price. Items that are cut to order (rope, wire, etc), software, chart cards, and printed materials (paper charts, books) are not returnable.
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Guide to LED Pontoon Boat Lights

  • By Elliott Stark
  • August 20, 2024

Lights on a pontoon boat

Whether on the lake, river or bay, nothing packs a party quite like a pontoon boat. Recent advancements in LED lighting take the pontoon boat party to a whole new level. What follows is our take on dialing in your pontoon boat led lighting setup.

What Lights Does a Pontoon Boat Need?

Like all vessels, the right pontoon boat LED lighting setup involves a combination of lights that you’re required to have and those that make the experience more fun. Whether navigation lights, spreader bars, underwater lighting or light strips around the deck, LED lights are functional, versatile and quite a bit of fun. 

OPT7 Aura LED Marine Boat Lights

LED setups offer a number of customization possibilities. For instance, they may be:

  • Dimmable: You can control and adjust the brightness and lumen output via apps on your marine electronics or smartphone.
  • Multi-color changing: The same bulb can produce an incredible variety of colors. Previous lighting options, if they had the ability to change color at all, were extremely limited. 
  • Syncable with sound: With the right setup and installation, you can make the lights on your pontoon boat change in brightness and color to music. LED light strips like these are really cool for kids and adults alike.

Base Mount Fold-Down LED All-Round Navigation Pole Light

Lighting for Pontoon Boats: Legal Requirements

The exact lighting setup you will need depends on the length of your pontoon boat. Be sure to check the legal requirements for your situation. The requirements include the number of lights, angle of light emitted, and visible range of the light.

At its most basic, your pontoon boat needs the following:

  • Masthead lights: These are typically white lights that are mounted in a place that is visible to other boats. This base-mounted, fold down LED pole light is a great example. 
  • Navigation lights: These are the classic red and green lights mounted on the bow of your boat. In addition to being required by law, they let other vessels know which direction you are traveling at night. 
  • Stern lights : You also need stern lights mounted on the back of your boat and an all-around light. 

Five Oceans Boat Stern Light

‘Nice-to-Have’ Lights for a Pontoon Boat

Beyond the lights required by law, you can outfit your pontoon with an incredible variety of exciting LED lighting options. Consider illuminating the dock, installing courtesy lights along pathways and steps, and adding submersible underwater LED lights . 

90led boat marine led underwater lights

You also have many options when it comes to deck lighting. For instance, you can mount a series of recessed LED lights along the walls or beneath the covering boards. You can also mount an LED light strip to run the length of your pontoon boat.

Bass Pro Shops LED Docking light

Other great varieties of pontoon boat LED lights include:

  • Spreader lights to illuminate where you’re going 
  • Utility livewell lights
  • Tube lights that light the console

Boating’s Top Spotlights for Boaters provides a breakdown of spotlight options for your pontoon boat.  

Bass Pro Shops Livewell LED Light

Benefits of LED Lights for Pontoon Boats

LED lights for pontoon boats provide a wide ranging number of benefits. They provide a significant energy savings and produce less heat than other forms of lighting. 

The primary benefits include:

  • Energy efficiency : LED lights draw less battery power to produce the same number of lumens than do halogen or incandescent lights. 
  • Longevity and durability : When properly maintained, LED lights last longer and stand up to the elements. If you do need to replace a bulb, they’re more consistent between lights than other types of lighting.
  • Brightness and visibility : LED lights produce more light in smaller packages than other types of boat lighting. 
  • Versatility in color: LED lighting systems allow you to customize the color of your boat’s lighting. You can also control many LED light kits with apps. 

TACO Marine T-Top LED Tube Light

Installing Pontoon Boat LED Lights

Just as there are many LED lighting products, you have a range of installation options. Hire a professional, or install them yourself. Integrate all your pontoon boat LED lights into a single circuit, or install and control them individually. 

Check out the 2024 Pontoon Boat Buyer’s Guide for some design inspiration. This review of the SunCatcher Elite provides some additional perspective. 

Marine Mounting Considerations

Where and how you mount your LED lighting systems depends on your boat’s setup and the look you’re after. You can install a series of individual recessed lights or mount an LED strip on a track . 

RecPro 20'-25' Pontoon Boat Under Deck LED Lights

Professional vs. DIY Pontoon Light Installation

Most LED lighting systems are wired into your pontoon boat’s battery system. If you are technical, you may be able to install a new lighting system or modify the one you have. 

Professional installation is a great option, too. Professionals understand your boat’s voltage (and can make sure to install the appropriate lights). Most LED manufacturers make them in 12V and 24V options. 

How you install LED lights on your pontoon boat also depends on how complex and feature-rich you’d like your system to be. When you start including dimmability and app control, or integrating different LED lighting components, the installation gets more complex. 

Maintaining LED Pontoon Lights 

When properly maintained, your pontoon boat LED lighting system will last a long time. Clean and dry the lights after use to keep them in ship shape. Make sure that your connections are secure and that the wiring and batteries stay dry.

If you use your pontoon boat in saltwater, take extra care to avoid corrosion. Also, be sure to test your navigation lights before you leave the dock. Being in the middle of the lake at night is no time to find out that your lights are out. 

Make a Safe Investment in LED Pontoon Boat Lights

So you’ve got your pontoon boat. You know the many benefits of LED lighting setups. Now it’s time to bring a fully customized, brighter LED setup to the biggest party on the water. Pontoon boats are great. They’re even better with LEDs. 

What lights should be on when boating at night?

You’ll need navigation lights (a red and green light on the bow), stern lighting on the back of your boat, a masthead light, and an all-around light. These are the basics, and you can of course add to this. 

Where do the lights go on a pontoon boat?

To satisfy the law, you’ll need lights on the bow, on the stern, and atop the console. From there, you could illuminate the deck, any steps, and maybe even beneath the water’s surface under your pontoon boat. Where you place them depends on the design you’re after.

Will lightning strike a pontoon boat?

Any time you are on the water, you should be aware of the weather. If there is lighting in the vicinity, you should consider heading to shore. Lighting can strike boats of all kinds, pontoon boats included.

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    The Binnacle is Canada's premier supplier of marine, sailing and boating accessories and equipment. We stock an extensive range of gear for recreational boating, sailing and boats of all kinds. The Binnacle Yachting Equipment Ltd. 1065 Purcell's Cove Rd., Halifax, NS, Canada B3N 1R2 +1 902-475-3602 Home Login Specials New Products Shopping Cart

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    Base Mount Fold-Down LED All-Round Navigation Pole Light 9", 2 Nautical Miles Visibility. NaviLED 360 Pro LED All-Round Port Navigation Light, Black Housing, 2 Nautical Miles Visibility. LightArmor™ Deck Mount 2NM LED Port Navigation Light. Rub Rail Mounted LED Navigation Light Set, 3 3/8", without plug.

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  22. Guide to LED Pontoon Boat Lights

    Like all vessels, the right pontoon boat LED lighting setup involves a combination of lights that you're required to have and those that make the experience more fun. Whether navigation lights, spreader bars, underwater lighting or light strips around the deck, LED lights are functional, versatile and quite a bit of fun. ...