yacht week mediterranean

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Yacht Week: the mega swimsuit party in the Mediterranean for the leaders of the future

Luxury experience, every year, a fleet of yachts with students from the top universities on board gather on the most prestigious shores of the mediterranean to network and have a great time.

Decenas de personas en una de las fiestas de Yacht Week

Dozens of people at one of the Yacht Week parties

Yacht Week: the mega swimsuit party in the Mediterranean for the leaders of the future

The Yacht Week that explores the coast of Croatia is organized from May to August

Despite appearances, these boys and girls in swimsuits dealing with a perpetual hangover are the leaders of the future. As the DJ on the Buzz Boat, the floating console, drops yet another beat, the future founders of tech startups, millionaire fund managers, or Wall Street stockbrokers meet, network, and exchange advice on million-dollar investments.

The clientele, in fact, is well defined: ambitious students of prestigious MBA programs with an unstoppable desire to celebrate in what has become a sort of initiatory rite, where anyone aspiring to a bright future in the business world must participate at least once in their lifetime to mingle with other 'predestined' for greatness.

Jóvenes estudiantes disfrutan de la Yacht Week

Young students enjoy the Yacht Week

Indeed, the Yacht Week is not for everyone. The price for a bed ranges from approximately 700 to 2500 euros per person, depending on the chosen destination and type of boat, catamaran or speedboat, with or without air conditioning. This does not include the cost of the flight to the chosen country, but on board, participants have at their disposal a skipper and a full kitchen with the option (extra) of a personal chef, bedding and towels, and of course, Wi-Fi, because when not swimming, most are on Instagram.

The price for a bed ranges from approximately 700 to 2500 euros per person, prices that are not affordable for everyone

It must be said that once the adventure sets sail, expenses increase significantly and credit cards become the absolute stars of the parties, where the gigantic bottles that reach the tables are directly proportional to the possibility of making good friends. Without hypocrisy, it is an experience reserved for people who have no qualms about spending rivers of money on outrageously expensive drinks and who boast a good tolerance to alcohol during a week that will be anything but relaxing.

Vista aérea de la Yacht Week

Aerial view of the Yacht Week

The average age is 27 years old and to participate, you must respect some unwritten rules. The most important one: strict gender parity on board, meaning each yacht must have a 50-50 balance between men and women. For those traveling alone or for groups that fail to form a balanced crew, there is CrewFinder, a sort of internal nautical Tinder where you can find the ideal travel companions.

Here equality has little to do, since, as you can easily imagine, the 'romantic' allure of the adventure is quite central, just as it is on the Camino de Santiago. So much so that the captains of the boats with the most attractive crews are often 'bribed' by participants trying to secure a berth close to their ship. It's the law of the sea: he who pays, chooses his neighbors. A pirate raid, drinks, and charm will do the rest.

Jóvenes disfrutando en la Yacht Week, una exclusiva fiesta no apta para todos los bolsillos

Young people enjoying themselves at the Yacht Week, an exclusive party not suitable for all budgets

The fleet, composed of up to 50 boats, gathers in a circle in small bays, where they spend the night. Parties take place on board – each boat may host a different party challenging often the capacity of the boat – or on land, in exclusive locations rented by the organization for their raves. Indeed, each day of the Yacht Week follows a precise schedule: wake up (not necessarily at dawn), a swim to ease the hangover, sailing to the next destination, another swim, nighttime party. To the mix, a cultural or sports stop is added, such as cliff jumping or a seaside yoga session.

The Yacht Week was born almost as a joke in 2005, when a group of Swedish friends and sailors decided that a simple boat vacation was not enough. The following year, they founded the company Day 8 in London, and in 2008, Erik Biörklund and William Wenkel, with the sea in their hearts and some business ideas in mind, convinced a charter company to reserve ten yachts for them. From there, it was a success: 963 yachts, almost 85,000 nautical miles traveled just in 2022, and an annual turnover of 9 million dollars.

Yach Week en una playa de Croacia

Yacht Week on a beach in Croatia

In addition to the Yacht Week in Croatia, the original and most famous floating party, the company organizes many other itineraries in Greece, Sardinia, or Tahiti, all with a carefully curated soundtrack: Latin, Hip Hop, Afrobeats, or techno. At the same time, there are other travel experiences at sea or in the snow with evocative names like The Ski Week , Yacht&Friends , and Quarterdeck .

Some coincidences led to the success of this entertainment factory for the young elite: in 2008, the economic crisis struck and many yachts were left unrented, allowing Biörklund and Wenkel to form their small fleet with limited expenses. But, above all, those were the years when social networks were consolidating, and Yacht Week is the perfect creature for the triumph of the selfie. A promotional video posted on YouTube went viral in 2009, showing scenes of beautiful young people having fun in a Mediterranean paradise, yachts, and beach parties. Since then, each expedition is accompanied by professional photographers who fuel this FOMO circuit, the marketing mechanism based on social envy.

Fiesta a bordo de una de las embarcaciones de la Yacht Week

Party on board one of the boats of the Yacht Week

A success of such magnitude could not be immune to controversies. Some destinations, such as the Croatian island of Hvar, have repeatedly tried to distance themselves from the noisy group of the Yacht Week, which the national press has described as “Sodom and Gomorrah at sea.” Nevertheless, the party keeps coming back every year, also thanks to a remarkable diplomatic effort with local authorities by the organizers, who have, among other things, taken care of the restoration and transformation into an event space and cultural center of Fort George, a Croatian fortified citadel from the 19th century built by the British and overlooking two natural bays of Vis, one of the least developed islands in the country.

We don't know exactly how many of these young, rich, tanned, and ambitious individuals will contribute to the fate of the planet and humanity, and how many, on the other hand, will only return home with a massive headache and perhaps a new tattoo. What is certain is that few will regret having taken part in the biggest party of their lives.

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yacht week mediterranean

Set Sail in Style! Inside the Ultimate Travel Adventure Experience of 'Yacht Week'

S ummer vacation options are vast these days, with new variations of trips and tours in different parts of the world popping up every year, making holiday choices endless for traveller's seeking an overseas getaway, however in the world of ultimate luxury and adventure travel, few experiences rival the exhilaration of Yacht Week .

Yacht Week is a sailing adventure journey like no other, set against the stunning backdrop of the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas that has quickly become a bucket list travel experience for tourists worldwide seeking the yachting life adventure of a lifetime.

The Yacht Week journey is about so much more than just the destinations—it's about the voyage itself. They say you never forget your first, which is very true of this experience, as OK! got an exclusive VIP experience onboard our first Yacht Week and the unforgettable ultimate travel adventure on the high seas it promised.

The Yacht Week adventure begins the moment you step aboard your private yacht with your fellow sailors and embark on your sailing trip for the week. The first decision of the Yacht Week journey begins with choosing whether you're boarding with a group or just looking for a cabin.

Options are available for all types of sailors, whether you have a group of up to 10 friends you'd like to charter your own yacht with, or if you're a solo sailor or with a small group seeking other sailors to fill your yacht cabins. All variations are welcome as the Yacht Week team partners people up in different combinations dependent on needs, and how bare essentials or luxurious you wish to make your experience. One necessity that every yacht is provided with is a skipper, who most importantly will sail the yacht, but also act as a leader onboard the vessel as you set sail on the charter.

" I grew up on fishing boats with my Dad," explains Finn , the skipper of our yacht for the week, "Every week it's a new group of people to get to know, a whole new dynamic of people to watch experience Yacht week for the first time. It's pretty incredible" .

That special experience Finn speaks of is one that many come seeking every year as Yacht Week season begins.'The Summer of Love', was the name of the Yacht Week 2024 season, with week long routes in Greece , Sicily and the original Croatia route ,which was the route sailed on this particular journey.

" We went for the no frills yacht option. No air conditioning, no host," explains Tyson , 25, from Toronto who was onboard his yacht with three friends also from Canada. Tyson and his friends ended up cabin matched with four girls in their mid twenties from Brazil. " We got lucky, it's been a great cabin match for us with our yacht", Tyson says with a coy grin on his face.

The cabin booking system tries to be as gender split as possible, and for those not wanting to risk putting the fate of their yacht mates grouping into someone else's hand, there is Crew Finder; a Facebook group that works as sort of an internal nautical friend finder, where you can find your ideal travel companion group and form your own yacht crew without the aid of the Yacht Week cabin booking system. Despite many yacht mates been assigned together seemingly at random, there weren't many complaints of ill matched cabins that could be observed on this route with most Yacht Week guests expressing their surprise at the quick bonds that had formed from day 1, with strangers quickly becoming a family unit onboard, and the close living quarters onboard forcing you to become very comfortable, very quickly, with your fellow sailors.

That aforementioned host Tyson and his friends chose to forego from their trip, is an optional addition on a Yacht Week charter, where each yacht has the option for an onboard host who can cook meals for you and provide that added luxury of waking up and not having to worry about which one of your cabin mates is going to boil a egg, or even brew some morning coffee for the group. The host can take care of all that, and forget about a simple boiled egg for breakfast, it's quite amazing what the Yacht Week hosts are able to cook up in a simple yacht galley, often whipping up onboard meals that could rival local restaurants with all the added special touches and impeccable presentation.

" I first came as a guest for yacht week in 2019 " , explains Babi , the Brazilian born host of our particular yacht. " After that week I knew I wanted to keep coming back to Yacht Week, so I decided the easiest way to do that was to work for Yacht Week" .

As a Yacht week host, Babi is assigned a different yacht each week where she must complete the weekly grocery shopping for the yacht and decide what meals she'll cook for her assigned group, while also having to take into account food allergies or any dietary requirements of the onboard guests; no small feat in today's world of various picky preferences eaters. From vegans to gluten free, creating a meal that suits all tastes and preferences can prove more than a little challenging at times, but Babi considers it well worth it.

" I love my job, sure it can be difficult at times, but its hard to complain when this is the backdrop every day.'" she says as she stares out into the crystal blue Croatian waters.

Yacht Week was born almost as a joke in 2006, when friends from Sweden, William Wenkel, Johan Kuylenstierna and Erik Biörklund decided to create a travel adventure for explorers and sailing enthusiasts like themselves. The inspiration struck while they were skippering sailboats during family sailing holidays the previous year and they realized they were able to visit stunning, often secluded locations only reachable by boat, but the trips primarily only catered to families.

Wanting to offer a similar experience for close friends, they approached their charter company and persuaded them to reserve a few boats for the following summer. The idea took off from there, and the rest is history; Yacht Week was born. Today, that close-knit group of friends has grown into a vibrant community of over 70,000, with no signs of slowing down. Yacht Week has united adventurous souls, vast seas, and a collective of musicians, collaborators, sailors, and partygoers with more than 1.4 million guests having joined the Yacht Week experience to date over the past 18 years since it's inception.

" We all met through our husbands actually, " explains Rachel, 32, who hails from Texas and was experiencing her first Yacht week with five girlfriends, all military wives currently stationed with their husbands on service in Northern Italy.

" We wanted to do a girls trip together, so we decided on Yacht Week because we'd heard a lot of great things about it and thought it'd be such a different vacation experience than just spending a week in a hotel in Europe somewhere," Rachel says.

The promise of a travel experience outside the norm is one that many have been drawn to of late, with the typical European vacation no longer satisfying the average traveller who seeks an experience a little more outside the box than what may have been yearned for in the past. After all, in the days of social media influencers and aspirational travel adventures, spending a week onboard a yacht is a travel vacation that's sure to make anyone's instagram followers more than a little envious.

" We are ready to win the Yacht Week regatta. We have a whole Texan cowgirl theme ready to go" Rachel says.

This regatta she's referring to is another Yacht Week highlight, where each yacht dresses to a chosen theme, as the yachts form a parade on the seas, with sailors going all out with effort to claim the victory trophy as the Regatta winner for the week.

An 'Under the sea' theme, Winter wonderland Christmas and a performing circus act were just some of the highlights of this weeks regatta, but they were no match for the 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' themed yacht, armed with costumed Oompa Loompas and Golden Ticket themed bathing suits ,that ended up claiming a much deserved Yacht Week regatta victory. Watching the absolute insanity of 40 plus yachts sailing through the Croatian seas, filled with sailors dressed in different themed outfits while busting out dance moves and battling it out to take victory, is a win for anyone lucky enough to bear witness to a Yacht Week Regatta.

" I was worried we'd maybe be too old", confesses Jana, 36, a New Zealander traveling with her friend Renee, 35 " We'd always wanted to do Yacht Week, but figured we'd never find enough friends who could come. When we realized we could be matched with other pairs of friends and solo sailors to make up a full yacht, we decided to just go for it and booked in."

The question of age is a common one for group travel adventures like Yacht Week, and can sometimes be a cause for concern for potential sailors who feel they may not be young enough to participate, especially if judging by the social media videos and online photographs that tend to highlight an early 20's crowd, often frolicking on inflatables in the water while knocking back beers like a college frat party. However once aboard your Yacht Week experience it quickly becomes apparent that Yacht Week is so much more than the debaucherous partying and endless drinking that it may initially appear to be and there's a wider spectrum of ages than just early twenty somethings.

" The 9's are out sweet spot" explains Barry Gifford , CEO of Yacht week, " 29 and 39, is an age where people really want to do something like Yacht week, but may not have a group of friends who can just drop everything and go sailing around Europe for a week "

While partying is definitely a highlight focus of Yacht Week and the weekly sail itinerary definitely has more than a few unforgettable parties on schedule, the community of a Yacht Week sail group forms so quickly through these parties that they can truly be whatever experience guests want to take from them. Whether that experience be sitting in the corner with a small group taking in all the festivities from afar, or dancing the night away on the crowded dance floor keeping the party going late into the night, there's an experience that can be accommodated for every preference. One of the scheduled nights perfect for this is the 'Garden of love' party that takes place at the Yacht week owned Fort George in Vis, Croatia. This Croatian fortified citadel from the 19th century that overlooks two natural bays of Vis, is a venue that could easily stand in for a location in 'Game Of Thrones' , and provides an incredible locale for an epic party venue that puts the average indoor nightclub setting to shame.

Another highlight of the week is the Circle and Tunnel raft events, which you've likely seen many photos of from Yacht Week marketing materials and previous Yacht Week guests social media posts. That birds eye drone view of a perfectly formed circle or two tunnel lined rows of all the yachts for the week docked in perfect symmetry in the middle of the crystal blue bay look almost CGI generated they're so visually breathtaking, but we can confirm there's no cheeky editing tricks here, it truly looks as spectacular in reality as the photos depict.

The Tunnel Raft party in particular ends up serving as quasi nautical house party hopping event, as sailors climb aboard each others yachts in search of whichever social vibe they are feeling for the occasion. While some Yachts might be celebrating in a more low key fashion with quiet chats over drinks and perhaps a game of cards, others are taking the party up a few notches and welcoming fellow sailors onboard into their home for the week, and dancing the night away on whichever yacht has ultimately become the unofficial party host boat for the night.

" I love that we've become the party yacht for the tunnel raft." says Megan, 24 ,from New York, who's catamaran yacht she set sail on with six girlfriends had become the unofficial party host yacht of the night " As long as nobody messes with our playlist, we are happy to keep this party going to sunrise" she says with a smile, clearly proud to play host yacht to one of the most memorable Yacht Week experiences that serves as an ultimate group bonding experience.

After the Yacht Week experience sadly comes to an end for another week, with all the yachts safely docked back at shore and the sailor guests having to return to the reality of life on land once again, it's impossible to label the Yacht Week experience as just another vacation. It’s a week long journey that allows you to break away from the daily routine of life and get onboard with an escape to a new reality of life on a yacht, where every day of the week brings a new adventure.

" Everything we do is dedicated to the guest experience. We really feel the weight of making sure we live up to being the best week of our guests' lives. " explains Yacht Week CEO Barry Gifford.

This guest experience Barry refers to is clearly a top priority for the Yacht Week team, and been witness to the camaraderie that is built so quickly among sailors throughout the week is truly something special. From strangers on day one to some lifelong friendships formed by Day 7, Yacht Week offers an experience like no other, blending relaxation, celebration, and adventure into one unforgettable journey that one needs to experience themself to really understand what an unforgettable travel escapade it is.

If you're ready to join the adventure and experience the Yacht Week phenomenon, bookings are now open for 2025 Season , you start planning today for a sailing adventure of a lifetime, and get ready to check Yacht Week off your travel bucket list experiences.

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  • Travel Guide

The Best Route On The Yacht Week

Published: October 19, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Mabelle Trahan



Welcome to The Yacht Week, an unparalleled adventure that combines sailing, partying, and exploring some of the most breathtaking destinations around the world. If you’re a lover of the open sea and crave a unique travel experience, then The Yacht Week is the perfect getaway for you.

Imagine embarking on a week-long journey aboard a luxurious yacht, surrounded by crystal-clear waters, idyllic islands, and a group of like-minded individuals looking to make memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a novice, The Yacht Week offers an unforgettable experience for everyone.

This article will guide you through the best routes to choose from when embarking on a Yacht Week adventure. Each route offers its own unique charm, cultural experiences, and breathtaking landscapes. Whether you prefer the Mediterranean allure, the Caribbean’s tropical paradise, or the enchanting Adriatic Sea, there’s a route that will captivate your heart and provide an adventure like no other.

So grab your sunscreen, pack your bags, and get ready for an extraordinary journey. Let’s dive into the magnificent world of The Yacht Week and uncover the best routes that will take you on an unforgettable adventure.

The Yacht Week: An Overview

The Yacht Week is a unique and exhilarating sailing event that takes place in various breathtaking locations across the globe. It brings together adventure seekers, sailing enthusiasts, and those looking for a one-of-a-kind vacation experience. Whether you’re a solo traveler or part of a tight-knit group, The Yacht Week offers the ultimate opportunity to unwind, explore, and party in stunning surroundings.

During The Yacht Week, participants have the chance to charter their own yacht or join a flotilla, creating a fleet of sailboats that navigate the designated routes. Each day is filled with exciting activities, from beautiful beach excursions to vibrant parties, where you can let loose and dance the night away.

What sets The Yacht Week apart is the sense of camaraderie and community it fosters. Throughout the journey, you’ll have the chance to meet and connect with like-minded individuals from all over the world. Whether you’re sharing a yacht with strangers or sailing with your closest friends, The Yacht Week creates an environment where friendships are forged and memories are made.

The Yacht Week offers a range of route options, each with its own set of highlights and experiences. From the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean to the lush islands of the Caribbean, there’s a route to suit every taste and preference. No matter which route you choose, you can expect stunning landscapes, vibrant nightlife, and a multitude of activities that cater to your adventurous spirit.

One of the key attractions of The Yacht Week is the flexibility it provides. You can choose to be as relaxed or as lively as you desire. If you prefer a more tranquil experience, you can spend your days soaking up the sun on deck, swimming in sparkling coves, and exploring charming local towns. For those seeking a vibrant party scene, The Yacht Week offers renowned beach clubs, exclusive events, and parties that continue long into the night.

Regardless of your sailing experience, The Yacht Week is accessible to all. If you’re new to sailing, you can opt for a skippered yacht, allowing you to sit back and enjoy the journey while an experienced skipper takes care of navigation and safety. If you’re a seasoned sailor, you have the freedom to take control of your own yacht and explore the stunning destinations at your own pace.

Now that you have an overview of what The Yacht Week entails, let’s dive into the various routes available and discover the best destinations to explore during this extraordinary adventure.

How to Choose the Best Route

With so many incredible routes to choose from, selecting the best option for your Yacht Week adventure might seem overwhelming. However, by considering a few key factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and desires.

Firstly, think about the type of experience you’re seeking. Are you looking for a laid-back vacation, with plenty of opportunities to relax on pristine beaches and explore charming local towns? Or, do you prefer a more energetic and vibrant atmosphere, with buzzing nightlife and lively parties? Each route offers a unique blend of tranquility and excitement, so identifying your preferred ambiance is the first step in selecting the right route.

Secondly, take into account the time of year and weather conditions. Different routes have different optimal sailing seasons, and understanding the climate patterns can greatly enhance your Yacht Week experience. For instance, if you prefer warm weather and calm seas, the Mediterranean in the summer months may be the ideal choice. Alternatively, if you want to escape the winter blues, the Caribbean offers a tropical paradise during the colder months.

Another critical consideration is the destinations and attractions along each route. Do you have a particular fascination with ancient ruins and historical sites? Or, are you more intrigued by picturesque islands and hidden coves? Researching the unique landmarks and activities available on each route will help you narrow down your options and choose the one that aligns with your interests.

It’s also worth considering the accessibility and logistics of each route. Some routes may require specific visas or travel arrangements, while others may be more accessible from your home country. Keeping these practicalities in mind can help streamline your decision-making process and ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey.

Lastly, seek inspiration and recommendations from others who have embarked on The Yacht Week before. Online forums, travel blogs, and social media platforms are filled with stories and insights from fellow adventurers. Their firsthand experiences and advice can provide invaluable guidance, helping you make an informed choice.

By carefully considering the atmosphere, weather, attractions, logistics, and recommendations, you can confidently select the route that suits your preferences and creates a truly unforgettable Yacht Week experience. So, let’s delve into the various routes on offer and explore the remarkable destinations that await your discovery.

Route 1: Mediterranean Escape

Embark on a journey through the stunning turquoise waters of the Mediterranean and immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of this iconic region. The Mediterranean route offers a diverse range of destinations, from the vibrant coastal towns of Italy and the glamorous French Riviera to the ancient ruins of Greece and the picturesque islands of Croatia.

Start your Mediterranean escape in the enchanting city of Split, Croatia. Explore the UNESCO-listed Diocletian’s Palace, meander through the narrow streets of the Old Town, and indulge in delicious seafood at local restaurants. As you set sail, visit the stunning islands of Hvar and Vis, where you can bask in the sun, swim in secluded coves, and experience vibrant nightlife.

Next, head to the magnificent Dubrovnik, known as the “Pearl of the Adriatic.” Walk along the ancient city walls, visit the famous Game of Thrones filming locations, and enjoy breathtaking views of the turquoise sea. From Dubrovnik, venture south to the idyllic coastal towns of Montenegro, such as Kotor and Budva, where old-world charm meets stunning natural landscapes.

As you sail west, you’ll reach the enchanting Ionian Islands of Greece, including Corfu, Paxos, and Zakynthos. Dive into crystal-clear waters, anchor in secluded bays, and indulge in traditional Greek cuisine. Greece is a haven for history and culture enthusiasts, with ancient ruins and archaeological sites scattered throughout the islands.

Continuing your Mediterranean adventure, head to the Amalfi Coast in Italy, with its dramatic cliffs, charming seaside villages, and world-class cuisine. Visit the stunning towns of Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello, and indulge in authentic Italian gelato as you soak in the breathtaking views.

Finally, cruise to the glamorous French Riviera, where you can experience the glitz and glamour of destinations like Cannes, Monaco, and Saint-Tropez. Explore luxurious marinas, stroll along stunning promenades, and rub shoulders with the rich and famous at exclusive beach clubs and restaurants.

This Mediterranean route offers a captivating blend of natural beauty, fascinating history, delightful cuisines, and vibrant nightlife. It’s an ideal choice for those seeking a diverse and immersive yachting experience in one of the world’s most iconic regions.

Join The Yacht Week’s Mediterranean Escape and create memories that will last a lifetime as you sail through sparkling waters, discover hidden gems, and immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of the Mediterranean.

Route 2: Caribbean Paradise

Escape to a tropical paradise with The Yacht Week’s Caribbean route. This route takes you through the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea, where you’ll discover a captivating blend of pristine beaches, lush islands, and vibrant local culture.

Begin your Caribbean adventure in the picturesque British Virgin Islands. Set sail from Tortola and explore the idyllic islands of Jost Van Dyke, home to the famous Foxy’s Tamarind Bar, and Virgin Gorda, renowned for its stunning rock formations at The Baths. Dive into the crystal-clear waters, snorkel among colorful coral reefs, and relax on secluded white-sand beaches.

Continue your journey south to the enchanting St. Martin-St. Maarten, an island divided between the French and Dutch. Experience the fusion of European and Caribbean influences, indulge in exquisite cuisine, and explore the vibrant markets and boutiques that line the streets.

Next, sail to the dreamy island of St. Barthélemy, known for its luxurious resorts, upscale shopping, and stunning beaches. Enjoy the laid-back atmosphere, go snorkeling in clear waters teeming with marine life, and soak in the breathtaking views from scenic vantage points.

As you cruise further south, you’ll reach the vibrant and culturally rich islands of Saint Lucia, Dominica, and Grenada. Dive into the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea and explore the abundant marine life, or venture inland to discover lush rainforests, majestic waterfalls, and hot springs.

Conclude your Caribbean paradise journey in the captivating archipelago of the Bahamas. From the vibrant streets of Nassau to the secluded paradise of the Exumas, this tropical haven offers a plethora of activities. Swim with pigs in the Exumas, explore stunning coral reefs, and unwind on pristine, uninhabited islands.

The Caribbean route offers a fusion of relaxation, natural beauty, and vibrant cultural experiences. Immerse yourself in the laid-back Caribbean lifestyle, indulge in delicious local cuisine, dance to the rhythm of reggae and calypso music, and create memories that will last a lifetime in this paradise on Earth.

Join The Yacht Week’s Caribbean Paradise and sail through azure waters, immerse yourself in island culture, and experience the true essence of Caribbean bliss.

Route 3: Adriatic Adventure

Embark on an unforgettable Adriatic adventure with The Yacht Week’s route through the stunning coastlines of Croatia and Montenegro. Prepare to be captivated by the beauty of this region as you sail through crystal-clear waters, explore charming coastal towns, and discover hidden gems along the way.

Begin your journey in the vibrant city of Split, Croatia, where you’ll board your yacht and set sail along the picturesque Dalmatian coast. Explore the stunning islands of Brac and Hvar, known for their beautiful beaches, historic landmarks, and bustling nightlife. Indulge in authentic Croatian cuisine, savoring fresh seafood and local delicacies.

As you continue south, you’ll reach the captivating city of Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Walk along the ancient city walls, immerse yourself in history and culture, and take in the breathtaking views of the Adriatic Sea. Visit nearby islands such as Mljet and Korcula, where you can relax on pristine beaches and explore charming old towns.

From Dubrovnik, venture into the magnificent Bay of Kotor in Montenegro. This UNESCO-listed site offers stunning fjord-like scenery, lush green mountains, and charming coastal towns. Explore the medieval city of Kotor, hike up to the fortress for panoramic views, and relax in the tranquil town of Perast, with its picturesque islands and baroque architecture.

Continue your Adriatic adventure by sailing north, visiting hidden gems such as the island of Vis, known for its untouched beauty and deep blue caves. Explore the stunning Pakleni Islands, a group of small islets dotted with secluded beaches and hidden coves.

One of the highlights of the Adriatic Adventure route is the iconic party destination, Hvar. Experience the vibrant nightlife, indulge in beach clubs and rooftop bars, and dance the night away under the stars. Hvar also offers beautiful beaches, charming streets, and stunning sunsets for those seeking a more relaxed atmosphere.

Conclude your Adriatic adventure in Split, where you can take time to explore the historic Diocletian’s Palace, wander down the vibrant waterfront promenade, and savor the local cuisine.

The Adriatic Adventure route offers a perfect blend of history, culture, natural beauty, and vibrant nightlife. Immerse yourself in the charm of the Adriatic coast, sail through stunning landscapes, and create unforgettable memories as you explore the treasures of Croatia and Montenegro.

Join The Yacht Week’s Adriatic Adventure and experience the Adriatic Sea like never before. Prepare to be enchanted by the beauty of this region and discover the hidden gems that await along the sparkling coastline.

Route 4: Thai Island Hopping

Embark on a tropical paradise adventure with The Yacht Week’s Thai Island Hopping route. This route takes you through the captivating Andaman Sea, where you’ll discover the breathtaking beauty of Thailand’s stunning islands, vibrant culture, and mouthwatering cuisine.

Begin your journey in Phuket, known as the “Pearl of the Andaman,” with its bustling markets, vibrant nightlife, and stunning beaches. Explore the famous Patong Beach, snorkel in the crystal-clear waters of Phi Phi Islands, and immerse yourself in the vibrant street food scene.

As you set sail, visit the iconic James Bond Island, made famous by the movie “The Man with the Golden Gun.” Enjoy the dramatic limestone cliffs, limestone caves, and pristine beaches. Continue your exploration by visiting the stunning Phang Nga Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with its emerald-green waters and towering karsts.

Next, sail to the enchanting Phi Phi Islands, renowned for their white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant coral reefs. Dive into the underwater world and witness the colorful marine life, relax on the breathtaking Maya Bay, and explore the lively nightlife of Phi Phi Don.

Continue your island hopping adventure to the mesmerizing Krabi province, where you’ll find a paradise of towering limestone cliffs, hidden lagoons, and secluded beaches. Visit Railay Beach, a world-famous rock climbing destination, enjoy the stunning views from the Tiger Cave Temple, and relax on the pristine beaches of Koh Hong.

As you sail further south, explore the breathtaking islands of the Trang Archipelago. Discover the picturesque beaches and turquoise waters of Koh Rok, snorkel among vibrant coral reefs at Koh Kradan, and witness the unique beauty of the Emerald Cave on Koh Mook.

The Thai Island Hopping route also takes you to the idyllic islands of Koh Lanta and Phang Nga. Enjoy the laid-back atmosphere, visit charming local villages, and indulge in traditional Thai cuisine.

Conclude your Thai island hopping adventure back in Phuket, where you can reflect on the incredible journey you’ve experienced. Take time to explore the Old Town, visit stunning viewpoints overlooking the island, and sample more of the delicious local cuisine.

The Thai Island Hopping route offers a perfect combination of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and vibrant island vibes. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Thai islands, sail through crystal-clear waters, and create lifelong memories in this tropical paradise.

Join The Yacht Week’s Thai Island Hopping and discover the stunning islands of Thailand, where every view is a postcard-worthy scene and every moment is filled with adventure.

Route 5: Cyclades Discovery

Embark on a journey through the mesmerizing Cyclades Islands with The Yacht Week’s Cyclades Discovery route. This route will take you on an exploration of the iconic Greek islands, where you’ll discover the ancient history, picturesque landscapes, and charming island life.

Your adventure begins in Athens, the capital city of Greece. Take time to explore the historic sites, such as the world-renowned Acropolis, before setting sail for the Cyclades Islands. As you leave the mainland and sail into the Aegean Sea, get ready to be astounded by the sheer beauty that awaits.

The Cyclades Islands are known for their iconic white-washed buildings, blue-domed churches, and narrow cobblestone streets. Your first stop is the cosmopolitan island of Mykonos, famous for its vibrant nightlife and luxurious beach clubs. Dance the night away in the trendy bars of Mykonos Town and relax on the beautiful beaches during the day.

From Mykonos, sail to the captivating island of Paros, known for its charming villages, stunning beaches, and traditional Greek architecture. Explore the labyrinthine streets of Parikia, visit the beautiful fishing village of Naoussa, and relax on the golden sands of Kolymbithres.

Next, head to the unique volcanic island of Santorini, renowned for its dramatic caldera views, picturesque cliffside towns, and breathtaking sunsets. Wander through the narrow streets of Oia, visit the ancient ruins of Akrotiri, and unwind on the distinct black and red sand beaches.

Continue your Cyclades adventure by sailing to the laid-back island of Naxos, with its beautiful landscapes, historic sites, and charming villages. Explore the ancient Portara in Naxos Town, hike to the summit of Mount Zas, and relax on the stunning beaches of Agios Prokopios and Plaka.

Your journey doesn’t end there. Head to the lesser-known gems of the Cyclades, such as Milos and Syros. Discover the unique rock formations and hidden coves of Milos, and wander through the elegant streets of Ermoupoli, the capital of Syros.

Conclude your Cyclades Discovery route back in Athens, where you can reflect on the incredible experiences you’ve had while sailing through the Cyclades Islands. Indulge in Greek cuisine, visit world-class museums, and immerse yourself in the city’s vibrant atmosphere.

The Cyclades Discovery route offers a perfect blend of ancient history, stunning landscapes, and authentic Greek island experiences. Immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of the Cyclades, sail through the azure blue waters, and create lasting memories in this magical part of Greece.

Join The Yacht Week’s Cyclades Discovery and unlock the beauty of the Cyclades Islands, where the rich Greek culture and breathtaking landscapes await your discovery.

Route 6: Baltic Sea Expedition

Embark on a unique and adventurous journey through the Baltic Sea with The Yacht Week’s Baltic Sea Expedition route. This route will take you through the striking landscapes, charming coastal towns, and rich cultural history of Northern Europe.

Start your expedition in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, and set sail on the Baltic Sea. Explore the picturesque archipelago that surrounds the city, with its thousands of islands and scenic beauty. Discover hidden coves, anchor in tranquil bays, and take in the stunning views of the Swedish coastline.

Continue your Baltic Sea adventure by sailing to the beautiful Finnish archipelago, where you’ll visit the vibrant city of Helsinki and its surrounding islands. Experience the unique blend of Scandinavian and Russian influences, explore the bustling markets, and marvel at the breathtaking architecture.

As you sail further east, you’ll reach the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Explore the charming old town of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, with its medieval streets and fortified walls. Wander through the vibrant city of Riga, Latvia, and immerse yourself in its rich history and lively art scene. Finally, visit the coastal cities of Klaipeda and Palanga in Lithuania, known for their beautiful sandy beaches and vibrant seaside atmosphere.

Next, journey to the stunning Gulf of Finland and visit the vibrant city of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of this historic city, visit iconic landmarks such as the Hermitage Museum and the Peter and Paul Fortress, and enjoy the vibrant cultural scene.

As you sail back west, stop at the Gulf of Riga and visit the picturesque Estonian islands of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. Explore the unspoiled nature, visit medieval castles, and unwind on the tranquil beaches of these hidden gems.

Conclude your Baltic Sea Expedition in the fascinating city of Copenhagen, Denmark. Explore the charming Nyhavn waterfront, visit the iconic Little Mermaid statue, and savor Danish delicacies. Reflect on the incredible journey you’ve had, filled with stunning landscapes, rich history, and the unique charm of the Baltic Sea region.

The Baltic Sea Expedition route offers a remarkable blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and vibrant city life. Sail through serene waters, explore captivating coastal towns, and immerse yourself in the rich history and traditions of the Baltic Sea region.

Join The Yacht Week’s Baltic Sea Expedition and experience the wonders of Northern Europe on a truly unforgettable adventure.

Route 7: Montenegro and Croatia Exploration

Embark on a captivating journey through the stunning coastlines of Montenegro and Croatia with The Yacht Week’s Montenegro and Croatia Exploration route. This route offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant coastal cities.

Start your exploration in the breathtaking Bay of Kotor, Montenegro. Sail through the fjord-like bay surrounded by towering mountains, visit charming coastal towns such as Perast and Tivat, and discover the stunning Blue Grotto for a memorable swimming experience.

As you continue your journey, head north along the Adriatic coast and discover the enchanting city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. Explore the UNESCO-listed Old Town, walk along the ancient city walls, and soak in the stunning views of the azure sea. Don’t forget to indulge in local delicacies and experience the bustling nightlife.

Next, set sail to the captivating islands of the Dalmatian coast. Visit the iconic island of Hvar, known for its luxury resorts, vibrant nightlife, and beautiful beaches. Explore the charming island of Korcula, believed to be the birthplace of Marco Polo, and immerse yourself in the authentic island atmosphere.

Continue your Montenegro and Croatia exploration by sailing south to the stunning island of Vis. Explore ancient ruins, dive into crystal-clear waters, and enjoy the relaxed charm of this hidden gem.

As you cruise further north, visit the picturesque town of Split, Croatia. Discover the beautiful Diocletian’s Palace, wander through the lively streets of the Old Town, and enjoy the lively waterfront promenade. Split also serves as a starting point for various excursions to nearby islands.

Conclude your Montenegro and Croatia Exploration route back in the Bay of Kotor, where you can reflect on the incredible journey you’ve had. Take time to explore the charming coastal towns, hike up to the fortress for panoramic views, and savor the delicious local cuisine.

The Montenegro and Croatia Exploration route offers a perfect combination of natural landscapes, historic towns, and vibrant coastal cities. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage, sail through crystal-clear waters, and create lifelong memories in this remarkable part of the Adriatic coastline.

Join The Yacht Week’s Montenegro and Croatia Exploration and embark on an extraordinary journey through the stunning beauty and cultural richness of Montenegro and Croatia.

The Yacht Week offers a unique and exhilarating adventure that combines the thrill of sailing with the beauty of stunning destinations around the world. Whether you choose the Mediterranean Route, Caribbean Paradise, Adriatic Adventure, Thai Island Hopping, Cyclades Discovery, Baltic Sea Expedition, or Montenegro and Croatia Exploration, each route promises its own set of captivating experiences and breathtaking landscapes.

From the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean to the vibrant islands of the Caribbean, The Yacht Week caters to all preferences and desires. Whether you’re seeking relaxation on pristine beaches, exploration of ancient ruins, vibrant nightlife, or immersion in unique cultural experiences, there’s a route that will exceed your expectations.

Throughout your Yacht Week adventure, you’ll have the chance to meet like-minded individuals from all over the world, forging friendships and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re an experienced sailor or a novice, The Yacht Week provides a safe and enjoyable environment for all, with options to charter your own yacht or join a flotilla.

Remember, when selecting the best route for your Yacht Week experience, consider factors such as the atmosphere, weather, attractions, logistics, and recommendations from others who have embarked on this adventure before. By thoughtfully choosing your route, you can ensure an unforgettable journey that aligns with your preferences and desires.

Whether you’re sailing through the sparkling waters of the Mediterranean, exploring the tropical paradise of the Caribbean, delving into the rich history of the Adriatic, immersing yourself in the culture of Thailand, discovering the Greek Cyclades, embarking on a Baltic Sea expedition, or exploring the coastal treasures of Montenegro and Croatia, The Yacht Week promises a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

So, gather your friends, pack your bags, and get ready to set sail on a remarkable journey filled with breathtaking landscapes, vibrant parties, and unforgettable experiences. The Yacht Week awaits your arrival, ready to take you on an extraordinary adventure that will leave you with memories to cherish for years to come.


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NBC New York

British tech magnate Mike Lynch, 2 US citizens among missing after luxury yacht sinks off Sicily

15 people were rescued and one body believed to be the cook was found near the wreck, but six others were unaccounted for and believed inside the hull, by andrea rosa and nicole winfield | the associated press • published august 19, 2024 • updated on august 19, 2024 at 6:21 pm.

British tech magnate Mike Lynch and five other people were missing after their luxury sailing yacht sank during a freak storm off Sicily early Monday, Italy’s civil protection and authorities said. Lynch’s wife and 14 other people survived.

Lynch, who was  acquitted in June  in a big U.S. fraud trial, was among six people who remain unaccounted for after their chartered sailboat sank off Porticello, when a tornado over the water known as a waterspout struck the area overnight, said Salvo Cocina of Sicily’s civil protection agency.

One body was recovered, and police divers spent the day trying to reach the hull of the ship, which was resting at a depth of 50 meters (163 feet) off Porticello where it had been anchored, rescue authorities said. They returned to the site after 10 p.m. to see if it would be possible to search through the night, when weather conditions were expected to worsen, said Luca Cari, spokesman of the fire rescue service.

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It had a crew of 10 people and 12 passengers, the Italian coast guard said. A sudden fierce storm had battered the area overnight, and struck the place precisely where the 56-meter (184-foot) British-flagged Bayesian had been moored.

“They were in the wrong place at the wrong time,” said Cocina, noting that another superyacht nearby wasn't as badly damaged and helped rescue some of the 15 survivors, who included Lynch's wife Angela Bacares.

The Bayesian was notable for its single 75-meter (246-feet) mast — one of the world’s tallest made of aluminum and which was lit up at night, just hours before it sank. Online charter sites listed it for rent for up to 195,000 euros (about $215,000) a week.

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One of the survivors, identified as Charlotte Golunski, said she momentarily lost hold of her 1-year-old daughter Sofia in the water, but then managed to hold her up over the waves until a lifeboat inflated and they were both pulled to safety, Italian news agency ANSA reported, quoting the mother. The father, James Emsley, also survived, said Cocina.

U.S. & World

yacht week mediterranean

Titan submersible testimony to enter fourth day after panel hears of malfunction and discord

yacht week mediterranean

Mexican president blames the US for bloodshed in Sinaloa as cartel violence surges

Karsten Borner, the captain of the Sir Robert Baden Powell, said he had noticed the Bayesian nearby during the storm but after it calmed he saw a red flare and realized the ship had simply disappeared, ANSA and the Giornale di Sicilia newspaper reported. Borner said he and a crew member boarded their tender and found a lifeboat with 15 people, some of them injured, who they then took aboard and alerted the coast guard.

Eight of those rescued were hospitalized while the others were taken to a hotel. One body believed to be the cook was found near the wreck, but six others were unaccounted for and believed inside the hull, said Cari, the fire rescue spokesperson. The rescue operations, which were visible from shore, involved helicopters and rescue boats from the coast guard, fire rescue and civil protection service.

#Palermo , naufragio imbarcazione a Porticello: recuperato dai #sommozzatori dei #vigilidelfuoco il corpo senza vita di un uomo, all’esterno del relitto. Proseguono le operazioni di ricerca con il coordinamento in mare della @guardiacostiera [ #19agosto 11:30] pic.twitter.com/Y2m9o5ohCe — Vigili del Fuoco (@vigilidelfuoco) August 19, 2024

Fisherman Francesco Cefalu’ said he had seen a flare from shore at around 4:30 a.m. and immediately set out to the site but by the time he got there, the Bayesian had already sunk, with only cushions, wood and other items from the superyacht floating in the water.

“But for the rest, we didn’t find anyone,” he said from the port hours later. He said that he immediately alerted the coast guard and stayed on site for three hours, but didn't find any survivors. “I think they are inside, all the missing people.”

He said he had been up early to check the weather to see if he could go fishing, and surmised that a sudden waterspout had struck the yacht.

“It could be that the mast broke, or the anchor at the prow pulled it, I don’t know,” he said.

Cocina said the crew and passengers hailed from a variety of countries: In addition to Britain and the United States, passengers and crew were from Antigua, France, Germany, Ireland, Myanmar, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Spain, he said.

Among the dead and missing, four were British, two were American, and one was a man with dual citizenship from Canada and Antigua, according to Luciano Pischedda, the Italian Coast Guard official overseeing the rescue operations.

The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch is deploying a team of four inspectors to Italy to conduct a preliminary assessment. The Foreign Commonwealth and Development office said it was “providing consular support to a number of British nationals and their families.”

Dutch foreign ministry spokesperson Casper Soetekouw said the lone Dutch citizen on board, a man, had been rescued and was not in life-threatening condition.

Lynch, once hailed as Britain’s king of technology, was cleared in June of fraud and conspiracy charges related to Hewlett Packard’s $11 billion takeover of his company, Autonomy Corp.

The not-guilty verdicts followed an 11-week criminal trial in San Francisco that delved into the history of HP’s  2011 acquisition  of Autonomy, a business software firm founded by Lynch.

The  fraud accusations  represented a dramatic turn in the fortunes of an entrepreneur once described as the Bill Gates of Britain — a title he seemed to live up to when he netted an $800 million from the Autonomy sale.

The acquittal vindicated Lynch, who had vehemently denied wrong doing and portrayed HP as a technological train wreck.

“I’m looking forward to returning the UK and getting back to what I love most: my family and innovating in my field,” Lynch said in a statement released after the verdict.

The yacht, built in 2008 by the Italian firm Perini Navi, can accommodate 12 passengers in four double cabins, a triple and the master suite, plus crew accommodations, according to Charter World and Yacht Charters.

The vessel, which previously was named Salute when it flew under a Dutch flag, featured a sleek, minimalist interior of light wood with Japanese accents designed by the French designer Remi Tessier, according to descriptions and photos on the charter sites.

AP writers Danica Kirka and Sylvia Hui contributed from London.

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yacht week mediterranean

Blooming flowers overlooking a bustling harbor against a backdrop of rugged mountains under a cloud-speckled sky.

  • The Mediterranean

Yacht Charter Mediterranean 2024

Discover the ultimate Mediterranean yacht charter guide with Northrop & Johnson. We offer a complete selection of the best Mediterranean private charter yachts available for rent this season in Europe – featuring exclusive locations, itineraries, and boat prices. Northrop & Johnson offers a choice of crewed motor and sailing superyachts for hire in the Med from US$50,000 per week in  France ,  Greece ,  Italy ,  Croatia ,  Turkey , and many more summer charter destinations, with tailor-made boating itineraries.

An elegant couple leans affectionately against the railing of a luxurious yacht, gazing out at the riviera coastline during the Cannes Film Festival.

Why charter a luxury yacht in the Med this summer?

  • Picturesque villages and vibrant cities
  • Great fishing and fresh fish
  • World-class restaurants
  • stunning scenery and pretty sheltered bays
  • Incredible food and fine dining
  • Mediterranean climate
  • Beautiful beaches and people
  • Island-hopping adventures
  • Crystal-clear waters and calm seas
  • Scenic coastlines
  • World-class marinas and service providers
  • Exclusive beach clubs and resorts
  • Warm hospitality

Best yachts for charter in the Mediterranean

Motor yachts for charter in the mediterranean, sailing yacht rentals in the mediterranean, mediterranean yacht charter destinations.

Chartering in the Mediterranean offers a unique yacht charter vacation experience. Enjoy picturesque villages and vibrant cities, incredible food and fine dining, stunning scenery and pretty sheltered bays, beautiful beaches and people, crystal-clear waters and calm seas, scenic coastlines, and world-class marinas and service providers – all while enjoying island-hopping adventures, great fishing, fresh fish, world-class restaurants, exclusive beach clubs and resorts, and warm hospitality under the sun-drenched Mediterranean climate.

The most desirable destinations selected by yacht charterers last year in the Med

Aerial perspective of a Sardinian marina with yachts docked in crystal-clear waters.

Best for family

Sunset view over the lavish cityscape of Monaco, a premier destination for luxury yacht charters on the French Riviera

Best for friends

The historic waterfront of Genoa, with its renowned architecture, as seen from the Italian Riviera yacht route.

Best for food

Luxury yachts moored in the harbor of Calvi, with the historic citadel in view, under the Corsican sun.

Best for scenery

Palm fronds frame a serene view of anchored yachts near the mystical rock of Es Vedrà, off the coast of Ibiza.

Best all-rounder

Charming Oia village in Santorini, with vibrant flowers and classic Cycladic architecture, a prime yacht charter stop.

Best to be seen

yacht week mediterranean

Typically, the Mediterranean is divided into Western Mediterranean yacht charters and Eastern Mediterranean luxury yacht charters. These two areas are very different regions to explore.

What are the best Mediterranean yacht charter itineraries?

Tranquil evening view of Bodrum Marina filled with yachts, with the iconic Bodrum Castle in the backdrop, reflecting Turkey's ancient charm and modern luxury.

Choosing a Yacht for a Mediterranean Yacht Charter

Northrop & Johnson’s charter brokers in Monaco, Fort Lauderdale, and worldwide have access to over 1,000 charter yachts to rent available in the East and West Mediterranean, including luxury charter vessels from renowned shipyards Sunseeker , Princess , Amels , and Feadship in multiple models. Mediterranean yachts are available from popular embarkation ports such as Nice , Monaco , Mykonos , Ibiza , Athens , Barcelona , Dubrovnik , and more.

What type of yacht can you hire in the Mediterranean?

Aerial shot of Sailing Yacht LAMIMA for Charter in the Med

Enjoy the unrivaled experience of setting sail on a crewed sailboat charter in the Mediterranean.

vivere motor yacht right facing profile

Indulge in unrivaled comfort and utmost luxury on a motor yacht for charter in Europe.

LONESTAR Catamaran for Charter | N&J Catamarn Yachts for Charter

From Catamarans to Trimarans, enjoy the perfect combination of enhanced stability and sailing experience.

236-foot (72m) explorer yacht BLUE DE NIMES profile

Explore the most remote destinations in style on a crewed explorer yacht charter in the Med.

yacht week mediterranean

What are the best charter yachts available in the Mediterranean this summer?

Northrop & Johnson has access to all private crewed charter yachts on the market, plus off-market yachts for charter. We are here to help save you time by working on your behalf to handpick the best charter vessels based on your needs and then managing every aspect of your yachting holiday. Contact our private yacht charter specialists, and they will show you which yachts are available for your dates, budget, and party size. They will also craft an incredible charter itinerary that expertly meets your needs.

Our selection of the best yachts for charter in the Mediterranean

Our selection of the motor yachts for charter in the mediterranean, our selection of the sailing yachts for charter in the mediterranean, everything you need to know about a mediterranean yacht charter, how many people can i take with me on a mediterranean boat rental.

Most luxury boat rentals have five or six staterooms or cabins in various configurations, including twins, double, queen, and king beds. On most charter yachts, you can customize the configuration of the cabins dependent on the number of guests. This will allow you to take between six and 12 charter guests. Depending on the charter vessel, staterooms may include ensuite bathrooms, state-of-the-art entertainment systems, private study areas, and walk-in wardrobes. Larger mega yachts may have additional cabins for staff members like nannies, security, or personal butlers.

What are the sleeping arrangements aboard a yacht?

It depends on the yacht. For example, you could ask for a master cabin that is separate from your yacht charter guests if you want enhanced levels of privacy. If you are one big family, you can request a yacht with cabins closer together. If sleeping arrangements, including the placement of cabins, are an important consideration, then let your charter broker know.

Are kids allowed on a yacht charter?

Of course, kids are welcome aboard a yacht charter in the Mediterranean. Most yachts welcome nannies, too, with some larger superyachts having additional staff rooms specifically for nannies. A yacht charter offers a wonderful family vacation. Onboard amenities, including swimming pools and cinema rooms, are guaranteed to keep youngsters entertained, as too are the water toys, such as snorkeling gear, inflatables, fishing gear, and kayaks. With advanced notice, the crew can also arrange fun, kid-friendly activities, such as treasure hunts or fun fancy-dress parties.

Where do the crew sleep on a yacht?

The crew quarters are separate from guests. Charter crew are highly professional and are trained to provide exceptional service levels with the utmost discretion. They will be as visible as you want them to be.

How long is the luxury yacht charter season in the Mediterranean and when is the best time to go?

The best time to charter a yacht in the Mediterranean is between May and October.

Summer yacht charters in the Mediterranean are most sought after in July or August, but June after the Cannes Film Festival and the Monaco Grand Prix is typically viewed as the season’s start date. Some charterers prefer off-peak season trips to avoid crowds and kids and to enjoy the warm, quieter waters of September and October. Let our yacht charter brokers know your dates and budget, and we will do the hard work for you, including finding the right luxury boat for your dates and desired experiences.

What is the air temperature in the Med by month?

It will depend on where you go, but these are a guide to air temperatures on a Mediterranean superyacht charter in France/Italy:

  • May – 20C/68F
  • June – 24C/75F
  • July – 30C/86F
  • August – 35/95F
  • September – 30C/86F
  • October – 25C/77F

What is the water temperature in the Med by month?

It will depend on where you go, but below is a guide to water temperatures on a Mediterranean superyacht charter in France/Italy:

  • June – 23C/73F
  • July – 25C/77F
  • August – 26C/79F
  • September – 24C/75F
  • October – 23C/73F

How long is a Mediterranean yacht charter?

How long you charter a private yacht in the Mediterranean is up to you and will depend on your cruising itinerary, but an average yacht charter in the Med will be seven days. Northrop & Johnson’s charter specialists have booked luxury yacht charters for a week, 10 days, two weeks, and often longer. Contact our charter experts if you want to book a yacht vacation in the Mediterranean.

When should I book my motor or sailing yacht charter in Europe?

If you know the superyacht and the crew you would like to book next summer, it is imperative that you reserve your spot at least six months in advance. Popular boat types, like a Ferretti or Sunseeker charter yacht, are always in high demand. Last-minute yacht charters are also available and often at a competitive price; however, this often means forgoing your first boat of choice. Contact a yacht charter broker at Northrop & Johnson and let them find your ideal boat.

How much does a Mediterranean yacht charter cost?

The cost of a yacht charter in the Mediterranean with Northrop & Johnson starts at about $50,000 per week and will include the charter yacht and crew. You will then be charged for additional costs, including fuel, provisions, marina fees, and other expenses in your advanced provisioning allowance (APA). For larger and newer superyachts, you can pay up to $500,000 per week, not including the APA .

What is an Advance Provisioning Allowance, or APA?

The Advanced Provisioning Allowance acts as a bank account and is designed to cover expenses that cannot be fixed in advance, such as food and drink, fuel, and berthing fees. The APA is typically around 25 to 35%. of the yacht charter fee and is paid before the charter commences. The captain is responsible for logging all APA expenses, and you can view the expenses at any time during your boat charter. Any funds left in the APA at the end of your charter holiday are immediately refunded to you.

Where are the best airports to fly into to easily embark your charter yacht in the Mediterranean Sea?

Depending on your itinerary, these are some of the most accessible airports for easy arrival for your private yacht charter:

  • Nice Cote D’Azur Airport
  • Monaco Heliport
  • Ibiza Airport
  • Mykonos Airport
  • Athens Airport
  • Naples Aiport

What can I expect on a crewed yacht charter in Europe? What do the crew do?

The crew aboard a yacht charter is there to ensure you have the best possible charter experience. Whether cruising in France , Italy , Croatia , Spain , Greece , or Turkey , the yacht crew are there to make your yachting holiday one to remember.

What will the crew do for me on a Mediterranean superyacht charter?

Northrop & Johnson does not handle bareboat yacht charters. All our superyacht charters include a captain, or skipper, and a crew who will make your yacht charter vacation the best experience possible in the Mediterranean in the heart of Europe. A typical crew will include a captain, deck crew, interior crew, and a private chef. Additional crew may include a sommelier, personal fitness trainer, and beauty therapists. The exact roles of the crew will depend on the size and type of your vessel, but you can expect:

  • A captain who is responsible for navigating the yacht and ensuring that all safety regulations are followed
  • Deck crew who take care of the yacht’s exterior, including maintenance tasks such as cleaning, refueling the vessel, water sports activities, and more
  • Interior crew who provide five-star guest services such as serving meals, drinks, cleaning and maintaining the interior, including staterooms, laundry, and more
  • A chef who will prepare gourmet meals to your liking.

Ultimately, the crew will strive to make your experience enjoyable and stress-free by handling even the smallest details during your luxury yacht charter.

Can I decide which meals will be made onboard a yacht charter?

Yes, the menu is completely up to you. You and all guests will provide a preference sheet prior to embarking so the chef and interior crew can provision and have all of your favorites aboard the yacht.

“As a chef, I believe in using fresh, locally sourced ingredients to create unique and flavorful dishes that are tailored to my guests’ palate. I take pride in creating truly memorable dining experiences that are sure to please.” Chef onboard  a private yacht

How do I book my luxury yacht charter in the Mediterranean?

After you’ve decided on the destination and dates and even the yachts and itineraries you’re interested in, our charter brokers will take it from there. Contact a Northrop & Johnson charter broker and we will discuss all your wants and needs with you, and then we will send you a short list of available yachts for charter that fit your criteria. Once we have found the right yacht for you, we will draw up a MYBA contract and work with the yacht’s charter manager to make your Mediterranean yacht charter vacation a reality. We will handle everything from organizing the payments, the APA, and even the arrival and departure.

Do I sign a contract for a yacht charter in the Mediterranean?

When chartering a yacht in the Mediterranean, you will need to sign a charter agreement or contract. This contract will outline the terms and conditions of your yacht charter, including the duration of the trip and details of any additional services that you may require. The agreement will also stipulate how much you will be expected to pay in terms of the charter fee and may include other important information such as insurance policies, liability waivers, and maintenance requirements.

How can I pay for a yacht charter with N&J?

You will pay Northrop & Johnson directly for your yacht charter, including the APA.

What commission does the yacht charter broker take?

The yacht charter broker takes a fee of 15% of the total charter fee.

When should I go on a Mediterranean yacht charter? For how long and how much will it cost me?

Western mediterranean yacht charters.

A coastal village by the mountainous shoreline, a stunning destination for N&J yacht charters in Spain.

Eastern Mediterranean Yacht Charters

Pristine Montenegrin coastline with yachts and boats, a prime location for N&J yacht charter customers seeking relaxation and exploration.

What are the most searched destinations for Mediterranean yacht charters at the moment?

  • Yacht charter Greece
  • Yacht charter Croatia
  • Yacht charter Italy
  • Yacht charter Sardinia
  • Yacht charter Balearics

Modern yacht cruising off the coast of Monaco | Yachts for Sale | N&J

Which is better, a Mediterranean or Caribbean yacht charter?

Whether a Mediterranean yacht charter or a Caribbean yacht charter is best will depend on your personal preference. However, typically, the Mediterranean is the charter destination of choice during the western hemisphere’s summer months, while the Caribbean is a popular superyacht destination during the winter months. Popular Mediterranean cruising grounds include the Amalfi Coast, the Greek Islands, the Balearic Islands, the French Riviera, and the Dalmatian Coast. All of these destinations offer upscale marinas, refined attractions, and world-class service providers for an incredible holiday on the water.

What are the top boat brands to rent in the Med?

In Europe, yachts from all shipyards are available for charter. Whether you want to rent a Westport, a Lurssen, a Sunseeker, or a Heesen, we have all the boats available to charter. Browse our top picks or save time and get in touch with a broker who has up-to-date availability and yacht charter pricing by request.

Amels Yacht Charter

Baglietto Yacht Charter

Benetti Yacht Charter

Ferretti Yacht Charter

Feadship Yacht Charter

Lurssen Yacht Charter

Palmer Johnson Yacht Charter

Perini Navi Yacht Charter

Pershing Yacht Charter

Princess Yacht Charter

Sanlorenzo Yacht Charter

Sunseeker Yacht Charter

Turquoise Yachts Charter

Westport Yacht Charter

Oceanco Yacht Charter

Numarine Yacht Charter

yacht week mediterranean

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I work as a private chef on board a luxury yacht in the British Virgin Islands. Here's what I make for my guests in a day.

Hannah Staddon works as a private chef on Mucho Gusto, a luxury yacht in the British Virgin Islands.

With her husband, Dominic Baldzuhn, the yacht's captain, they take guests on weeklong trips.

From sushi to wagyu steaks, here's everything Staddon makes for her guests.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Hannah Staddon, a 31-year-old private chef who works onboard the Mucho Gusto , a luxury charter in the British Virgin Islands. It has been edited for length and clarity.

I've been in the industry for around 13 years. I started as a yacht stewardess in the Mediterranean. I worked as a stew for about three years before gravitating toward the kitchen.

At one point, a chef I was working with didn't enjoy baking — but I was pretty good at it. That jumpstarted my interest in cooking, and I saved up through another season to put myself through chef's school back in South Africa, where I'm from.

I worked as a crew chef for a 160-foot yacht for a bit, but I realized I didn't even really like crew cooking because they just made food in big batches.

I cooked for 10 to 14 people daily for about four or five months. But I was getting burned out, and I wanted to be creative and make small, beautiful things.

So, my partner and I started looking for a boat together, and we ended up working together on board Mucho Gusto.

It's been seven years, and we haven't looked back.

My day in a nutshell

I get up at about 6 a.m. As soon as I wake up, I start prepping pastries, laying out the tables, and getting our guests coffee.

I usually make a continental spread for breakfast with homemade granola yogurt, fruit plates, and pastries. Then, I'll have a hot option for the day, like eggs benedict or waffles.

I like cooking light and healthy food. So I do spreads, sometimes with homemade focaccia, and then a protein, depending on the guests' preferences.

I also try to source most of my produce from local farmers and fishermen.

Lunches vary between plated salads and buffet-style courses. I whip up homemade ice cream, so there's always a selection available for dessert at lunch.

I start prepping dinner at about 5 p.m. and usually serve it at around 7 p.m.

Depending on how active the guests have been, I may serve a little snack plate before dinner, like some fresh fruits or a charcuterie board.

By about 7 p.m., once all the guests have showered and are ready for dinner, I'll have set the table. Dominic, meanwhile, serves sundown cocktails.

Unless guests request a lighter meal, we usually do three courses — starters, mains, and desserts. I've gotten good reviews for my sushi spreads, in particular.

My homemade pasta is also generally a winner.

Sometimes, I make black pepper and truffle pasta with sauteed mushrooms and a big wagyu steak. People go nuts for that, so I must be doing something right.

We have an age limit of 12 on board the yacht. But at that age, many kids still have a limited palate, so food looks like chicken nuggets and chips or pizza all week. They generally only eat maybe two or three different meals.

Generally, mums communicate their preferences to me. So, I ensure that chicken nuggets and chips are stocked on board and heat them 20 minutes before meals.

After dessert, we clean up, stack the dishwasher, and prep for the next day. If I need to make focaccia dough or I'm doing cinnamon buns the next morning, I've got to make all the dough that evening.

After that, I can typically go to bed, which could be any time between 9:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.

Better than other restaurant jobs

Something I've enjoyed about the job is that I get to be a lot more involved with what's happening outside the kitchen,

If you're confined to working in a kitchen all day, you can feel detached from what happens outside it. And in a restaurant kitchen, you're often making the meal you've been told to make, as opposed to getting to be creative.

That's different on a yacht. I get to understand the guests and build relationships with them. And that's my favorite part of the job.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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Why: Choose a Mediterranean Yacht Charter?

Mediterranean yacht charter vacations are always by far and away the most popular summer location. You can read hundreds of our client endorsements here . Think the French Riviera, Monaco, Italy, Croatia, Sardinia, Spain and Greece. This is where most of the large crewed superyachts are concentrated and this is where also where you will find a huge variety of interesting places and cultures to experience. The Mediterranean (or Med’ for short) has everything. The area covers a large diversity of countries, cultures landscapes and experiences. Yet, the fantastic thing is that they are relatively close together, so you can create convenient and action packed itineraries very easily. On top of this, the yachting infrastructure in Europe is second to none so there are dozens of beautiful marinas filled with beautiful private superyachts and mega yachts that can be chartered as well as all the shops, restaurants, bars and conveniences that you could need. Because of its popularity the Mediterranean has an incredible choice of charter boats available to rent, both motor (power) yachts and sailing yachts, including the ever more widespread large luxury private superyacht charters.

How Much Does it Cost To Charter a Yacht in The Mediterranean?

Mediterranean yacht charter prices vary according to the size, style and age of the yacht. Our luxury superyacht charter yachts rent from 30,000 Euro to over 1,000,000 per week, plus expenses, in the form of an advanced provisioning allowance (APA). Conversely, smaller 'all inclusive' type vacations cost between Euro 15,000 to 50,000 per week. Here is the full list of all the charter yachts and here are the current Mediterranean yachts with special discounted prices .

Timing & Weather: The Mediterranean Yachting Season

The Mediterranean yachting season generally runs from April to the end of October. During the height of the season, in July and August, the climate is warm and sunny and the winds tend to be light. While this is the high season for all tourism, you can still easily avoid onshore tourists while afloat. The weather can also be good during the shoulder seasons.

Tip: Shoulder Season Means Value & Choice

Another good time to charter your yacht is generally on either of the shoulder seasons from April-May and September-October. These periods fall each side of the main summer season when the temperatures are still comfortable. September, for instance, is an underrated time of the year because the weather is usually good (if not too hot) but the sea is at its maximum temperature which is ideal for swimming. At this time there is greater choice of berths and anchorages for your boating vacation and the onshore tourists are not present in their largest numbers.

Beneteau Italy, Mediterranean

Yachts: The Mediterranean Charter Yachts

Please contact the friendly team at CharterWorld for prompt service and advice and the best crewed luxury yacht charters.

A yacht charter with CharterWorld is a fantastic way to experience the best of the world's coastline, pristine white beaches, sparkling azure waters, vividly colored marine life, national parks, secluded bays or dynamic nightlife; the list is endless. A yacht vacation allows you freedom and choice in some of the most spectacular locations around the world.

Because the Mediterranean covers many countries over a large area and because it is the most popular luxury yacht destination in the world (around 60%), there is a huge range of luxury motor yacht charters available this season, from , right through to the . From the moment you embark on a Mediterranean motor yacht your world will become relaxation, pleasure and delight - your professional motor yacht crew are there to make this happen. .

This season there is an incredible range of beautifully designed and built luxury sailing yachts now available for charter vacations around the world, and particularly in the superyacht hot spot the Mediterranean. A list of smaller Mediterranean sailing yachts can be viewed here and you can browse the largest super sailing yachts here. The Mediterranean is hands down the most chartered area. Within the Med', destinations like the French and Italian Rivieras, Sardinia, The Balearic Islands in Spain, Croatia and Greece continually remain at the top of the list for those favoured by luxury yacht owners and vacationers alike. .

For one reason or another certain yachts are more popular this year. Taste varies but generally if the yacht is new, stylish, has a proven crew, and offers good value then it be coveted and booked out early in the season. Charter brokers recommendations also increase a charter yacht's popularity as these are based on past performance and feedback. Also brokers often visit the yacht, meet the crew and judge it's condition before offering their advice. Charter yacht popularity is constantly evolving, but here is a selection of yachts we have found to be .

Sometimes luxury yachts offer discounted prices in the Mediterranean when, for instance, they have availability in shoulder season or they have a last minute cancellation. Most specials are not advertised because the client ends up getting the discounted rate after successful negotiation by their charter broker. Nevertheless, have a look at the Mediterranean boats on special in just in case there is a boat which looks just right for you and you family and friends. As the largest and most popular yacht holiday destination, there are usually a good number of specials available as advertised on our Med' .

There are a number of yacht events in the Med this year where you can charter a yacht for the event. The Monaco Grand Prix is popular as certain yachts are able to be moored track-side for the best view if the race. Later in the year the Monaco Yacht Show certainly bears a worthy mention. Down the French Riviera coast a little we also have a couple of notable events in Cannes, namely the Cannes Film Festival and MIPIM. St Tropez hosts some important sailing yacht racing events. Sardinia also host an important yacht racing regatta called the superyacht cup. There are various boat shows in the Mediterranean such as the Barcelona Charter Show. Here are .

Endorsements and positive feedback from clients is one of the most important measures of how good a yacht, crew, charter broker and destination really is. Accordingly, we gather feedback from all the clients that are interested in providing it so that we can can use this wealth of real experience to constantly assess the quality of the superyachts and crews that we offer, as well as our own performance. Combined with brokers visiting the boats and crew, this is one crucial way we can recommend the best yachts each year. If you would like to see some of this client feedback .

Important Spots: Consider These For Your Mediterranean Yacht Charter

Mediterranean yachting holiday locations are unequaled in their natural beauty, cultural heritage, passion, glamour and style. There was a time when the Mediterranean was the center of the known and civilized world and for private yacht charter vacations, to an extent, it still is. Today, the clear azure waters of the Mediterranean maintain a cachet of culture, history, sophistication, luxury yachts and stunning beauty, all with an endearing reputation of unrestrained energy.

The sunny Mediterranean is often conveniently split into two main areas - The Western Mediterranean and the Eastern Mediterranean . Both parts are culturally unique, yet both are lipped with stunning beaches, hidden coves, majestic ports and luxury yachts. Yachts of all sizes and shapes grace the Mediterranean, some are large motor yachts, some are sleek sailing yachts, some performance orientated and others of a more comfortable cruising style. This fabled area provides the untamed extravagance of the French Riviera , the gravity-defying architecture of the Italian coasts, the unaffected charms of Croatia, the fragrant orange groves of Spain , the exotic lure of Turkey and Greece , the birthplace of civilization.

"There was a time when the Mediterranean was the center of the known and civilized world and for private yacht charter vacations, to an extent, it still is."

The Mediterranean charter area takes in the Tyrrhenian, Ionian, Aegean and Adriatic seas. It includes the austere and striking islands of Sardinia , Corsica , the Balearics and Malta . Some of the most famous private yacht charter spots include Monaco , Nice , Cannes , St Tropez , Capri , Portofino , Amalfi , Positano, Porto Cervo, Palma de Mallorca , Valencia , Barcelona, Dalmatians, Corfu, Mykonos, Piraeus, Bodrum and Marmaris, to name a few. And some of the charter boat countries bordering the Mediterranean include France , Spain , Italy, Croatia , and Greece .

Yacht Ariadna

Ranked: The Top 7 Mediterranean Yacht Charter Locations

Possibly the most sought after yacht vacation ground in the Mediterranean, the in Southern , is the playground of the world's rich and famous and it’s the domain of magnificent superyachts and mega yachts. The luxury charter Mecca of the Cote d'Azur runs from St Tropez, to the Italian border. It is composed of 100 miles of possibly the most extravagant and exclusive waterfront in the world including the famous ports of Monaco, Cap Dail, Ville Franche, Cap Ferrat, Nice, Antibes, Golfe Juan and Cannes. Along the French Riviera (Cote d'Azur) there are over 30 harbours and more than 3000 restaurants to visit.

The coast, like the French coast, also attracts luxury yachts of the highest quality. A short sail from the endearing chaos of Naples, Italy, can find you at the famously chic Isle of Capri, or the stunning Amalfi Coast. Italy's other yachting highlights include the islands of Ischia, Elba and Ponza, the quaint fishing village of Portofino, the buried city of Pompeii and the prestigious Costa Smeralda of .

With typical Mediterranean charm, warm days and clear blue skies, has grown from strength to strength as a luxury coastal destination in the last decade. It is now one of the very top yachting destinations by popularity. Boasting many national parks and UNESCO World Heritage zones, there are so many fantastic places to see along the Croatia and Montenegro coastlines in the eastern Adriatic sea. Spots worth mentioning include Brac, Dubrovnik, Hvar, Split, Mljet, Vinisce and Trogir. With over a thousand islands, calm winds and turquoise waters, the Dalmatian Islands will make an unforgettable yacht charter holiday. Likewise is a current favourite with it's mix of wonderful historic villages, large dramatic mountains and superb superyacht marinas.

The of have recently become one of Europe's favourite private yacht playgrounds. The constant sunshine, clear blue waters and rugged landscape are steeped in an energetic culture comprised of both old and new. The history is prevalent in Gothic castles, museums and ancient cobbled streets, whilst the famous Spanish nightlife, lives on in tapas bars, nightclubs and port side cafes. A sailing holiday in The Balearics will allow you to experience more than the average mainland holidaymaker could even imagine.

, Turkey and Croatia are situated in the Eastern Mediterranean with centuries of history, culture and mythology. The Aegean and Mediterranean seas between Greece and Turkey were once touched by the Carians, Lycians, Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. The turquoise waters are scattered with sheltered bays, ancient ruins and archaeological sites including Greek cities, sunken Roman harbours and Crusader castles. Greece has such a wealth of culture, history and intrigue. The natural beauty of these great holiday areas is equally enchanting. On your Greece yacht charter vacation you will be greeted with the warm, colourful vista of traditional waterfront villages, as you approach from the sparkling blue sea.

provides a very rich and ancient history and culture as well as the fascinating Erupting Aeolian Volcanic Islands. There is much to see but also much to experience in the form of amazing southern Italian food and the warm Italian people and culture. Being an island, there is no better way to travel than by yacht. Another Island is . Here a private holiday will take you through years of history, openly displayed as part of the charm, from the moment you arrive in the superyacht filled Valetta Harbour. In Malta the past is mixed with the present in a passionate display of life and culture. Malta is more than just a historical gem though; it's also an outstanding sailing destination with warm sunshine and clear blue skies from April to October.

was once touched by the Carians, Lycians, Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. You too can sail upon ancient ruins an archaeological sites including old Greek cities, sunken Roman harbours and Crusader castles. Turkey offers more coastline than any other country in the Mediterranean and one of the most photographed beaches in the Med is Oludeniz or Blue Lagoon. The Blue Lagoon is known for its calm, crystal-clear waters, ideal for swimming, water-sports and among the best places in the world to para-glide.

Yacht Charter Itineraries: For The Mediterranean

The Med' has a huge variation and diversity with respect to what to see and do and experience culturally. There is any number of possible routes you can take on your yacht so we typically customise these to suit you and your particular interests and requests. Bespoke individualized charter itineraries aside, we also publish some general itineraries to give you inspiration. Here are a few examples of Mediterranean yacht charter itineraries: , , , , , , - you can see the rest of the general list of Mediterranean yacht charter Itineraries or request your own personal bespoke Mediterranean yacht charter Itinerary .

and also writes about the Mediterranean . Matha discusses the trending charter hot spots and Croatian bars and clubs . Colin covers Croatian Gulets and Sally takes a look at Turkey . For all the broker advice articles click .

One of the best charter vacation ‘life hacks’ is booking your vacation during the off season, especially in the Med' where there is strong demand for the best yachts in the best locations. Off or Shoulder season Mediterranean yacht charters can give the best of both worlds: both lower price and quiet serenity. Many specials are during the off season - see the yacht specials available . If you are looking to avoid the crowds and the highest charter rates try a shoulder season yacht charter. It can cost much less and you get the beaches to yourself. Your flights will also be cheaper along with transfers hotels and resorts. More about .

This is the best of the best - the top ten of superyachts and superyacht charter. Whether its the largest yachts, the best destinations, the largest swimming pools, the most famous yachts, the most expensive, the best water toys selection or simply an expert charter broker recommending the best value charter yachts available, this is where we rank, judge and mark luxury yachts and luxury yacht charters. View examples of .

Why CharterWorld?

CharterWorld is a specialist charter company with all the yachts in the Mediterranean at the best price. With the industry’s top professional yacht brokers and every yacht in all the Mediterranean available you will be well served. If there is a boat or cruising area in the Mediterranean, or elsewhere, that you are interested in which is not covered here, please contact us and we will provide you with that information personally and free of charge.

See The Yachts & Specials Below or  View all the yachts for charter in the Mediterranean here

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  • French Riviera / Cote d' Azur
  • Natural Mediterranean
  • Eastern Mediterranean
  • Top Mediterranean Charter Spots
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  • South of France Yacht Charter
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  • Turkey Yacht Charter
  • Croatia Yacht Charter
  • Mediterranean Itinerary
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  • Mediterranean Yacht Charter Specials and Discounts
  • Mediterranean Dive Sites
  • Mediterranean Top 10 Beaches
  • Current Mediterranean Charter Special Prices
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  • MEDITERRANEAN Luxury Yacht News

MEDITERRANEAN Yacht Charter Enquiry

Dear Chelsea, Everything was great, the Itinerary was amazing, we really enjoy all the places we visited. The crew was really nice, and we had a great time in the Mediterranean. Steve is a great Captain and would definitely charter again with him. I think our friend also rented a boat from you after I recommend he speak with you for a Charter in Greece. Please send the remaining money to Steve account as a tip for all of the crew. Thank you for everything; we had a great time, and best regards. - Chartered a motor yacht in the Mediterranean.

Yachting Destinations Near the Mediterranean

In close proximity to the Mediterranean are a number of exciting sailing destination.

JETSETTER Italian Riviera

French Riviera

yacht week mediterranean

Yachts for Charter in the Mediterranean

Romea | from eur€ 1,100,000/wk.

The 81m Yacht ROMEA

80M MODERN CUSTOM YACHT | From EUR€ 1,085,000/wk

Aerial View

PHOENIX 2 | From EUR€ 1,000,000/wk

Phoenix 2 Running Shot

O'PARI | From EUR€ 1,000,000/wk

Motor Yacht O'Pari

85M EXPLORER YACHT | From US$ 950,000/wk

85m Luxury Explorer Yacht

85m CUSTOM SUPERYACHT | From US$ 945,000/wk

86m Custom Superyacht With Jetskis

GOLDEN HORIZON | From EUR€ 910,000/wk


82m CUSTOM SUPERYACHT | From EUR€ 875,000/wk

cruising profile of the 82m mega yacht

BOLD | From EUR€ 875,000/wk

Superyacht BOLD

85M CUSTOM MEGA YACHT | From EUR€ 875,000/wk

Luxury Superyacht BOLD By Silver Yachts

74m CRN 131 | From US$ 870,000/wk

74m yacht by CRN

HBC | From EUR€ 850,000/wk

Aft View

Latest News About Mediterranean Superyachts

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The mediterranean yacht charter specials, 5% discount location: east mediterranean.

Sailing Yacht DOUBLE EAGLE

DOUBLE EAGLE | From EUR€ 33,250.00/wk

Special rate location: greece.

NATALIA V With Tenders

NATALIA V | From EUR€ 114,750.00/wk

Special offer location: west mediterranean.

Motor Yacht KAR

KAR | From EUR€ 50,000.00/wk

Super yacht ROCKET ONE

M/Y ROCKET ONE | From EUR€ 160,000.00/wk

Special offer location: croatia.


ONE BLUE | From EUR€ 89,820.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: greece and turkey.

Superyacht ARIELA

ARIELA | From EUR€ 103,500.00/wk

Motor Yacht NOOR II - SL102 By Sanlorenzo

NOOR II | From EUR€ 94,500.00/wk

10% discount location: france.

Running Shot

CYAN | From EUR€ 157,500.00/wk

Charter yacht disclaimer.

This document is not contractual. The yacht charters and their particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed. CharterWorld Limited does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. All information is subject to change without notice and is without warrantee. A professional CharterWorld yacht charter consultant will discuss each charter during your charter selection process. Starting prices are shown in a range of currencies for a one-week charter, unless otherwise marked. Exact pricing and other details will be confirmed on the particular charter contract. Just follow the "reserve this yacht charter" link for your chosen yacht charter or contact us and someone from the CharterWorld team will be in touch shortly.

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Windward Islands Yachting Company

Mediterranean Yacht Charters: The Full Price List

yacht week mediterranean

A yacht charter in the Mediterranean is a great way to delve into the wonders of this breathtaking region, where endless summer sunsets await and a rich tapestry of culture beckons at every turn.

Knowing the true price of a yacht charter in the Mediterranean isn’t always as simple as it should be. The region is made out of different countries with different rules, VAT and costs of living, and the same yacht can be chartered at a very different price depending on several variables that you should be aware of.

Here is a breakdown of the prices to expect if you want to rent a boat in the Mediterranean, along with some insider tips from us if you want to sail in the region “on a budget”. 

What are the factors that influence the price of a yacht charter in the Mediterranean?

It’s important to know the different factors that can influence the price of a yacht charter in the Mediterranean region. With all the variables clearly laid out, you will be able to make more informed decisions and play with one variable over the other to adjust your yacht charter to your budget .

The type of yacht you want to charter in the Mediterranean: a yacht is a broad word covering a wide range of budgets

The yacht you are going to charter is the variable that will likely influence the most the total cost of your yacht charter.

The Mediterranean region has a very broad selection of yacht available for rental, and the price range is simply huge: from 700€ a week for the cheapest bareboat rentals up to more than 1,000,000€ a week for the biggest superyachts.

In most cases in the Mediterranean, the bigger the yacht, the higher the price . Longer yachts have more crew to operate them, use more fuel and are generally more high maintenance than the smaller ones. The APA of a yacht rental is directly proportional to its base-fee, so be prepared to have a higher APA with a bigger yacht.

The demand for specific yachts can also significantly increase the price of the yacht. This is especially true for bigger / historical yachts that have their followers, and less the case for bareboat rentals.

yacht week mediterranean

The destination (and country) of your Mediterranean yacht charter: a big influence on the final price

Where you are going to sail your yacht has a big influence on the total cost of your charter. It would be a mistake to think of the Mediterranean region as a place where prices are more or less unified.

There are big price differences between Mediterranean countries due to various reasons: 

  • Regulations (VAT, taxes…) that influence transactions in general or sailing in particular
  • Labour costs : minimum salary can be multiplied by 5 depending on your country around the Mediterranean belt
  • Demand : some destinations are in very high demand with very limited offer, some don’t have this issue
  • Exclusivity : some parts of the Mediterranean are more luxurious, more private and more “selective” than others, which makes the prices go up

So, even if you spend most of your time onboard your chartered yacht, the rental price of the same boat in different countries can vary quite significantly as moorings, taxes, staff and on-land activities in general won’t necessarily cost the same.

How luxurious you want your yacht charter to be: an important variable for the final price

The base fee of a yacht charter usually only covers the cost of chartering the yacht itself. You need to add the Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA) on top of it to cover the variable costs.

The APA is directly proportional to your yacht (so usually the bigger the yacht the higher the APA), but also to how luxurious you want your charter to be.

If you want to eat luxurious food and high-end alcohol during your yacht rental, expect to pay a little more than if you go for simplicity.

To know more about the price of chartering luxury yachts, we highly recommend you to read “ How much does it cost to rent a yacht? “, or to use our calculator below to get a free estimate based on a yacht you’ve seen and/or your budget.

yacht week mediterranean

The season: the price of yacht rentals aren’t stable throughout the year in the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean is a very seasonal region , and the yacht rental market isn’t an exception.

The Summer season is by far the most popular time to discover the Mediterranean area. In consequence, people come from all over the world to travel to the France Riviera, Italy, Greece or the Balearics during that time of the year. Most prices are at their highest during Summer: hotels, plane tickets, but also yacht rentals.

The shoulder season , which is from April to June and September to October, is also a popular choice. The weather is usually pleasant, the crowds on the lower end, and prices are more budget-friendly. A good “budget vs weather” compromise.

Winter in Europe is by far the lowest season in the Mediterranean, and the best one to enjoy the biggest deals if you are not hunting for the hottest temperatures and sunniest weather.

The below example with Greece is a great illustration of weather, season and hence price variability of yachts charters in the Mediterranean.

Meteo in Greece during the year

How late (or early) you are when you are booking your yacht: something you shouldn’t sleep on in the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean region has the same issue as most yachting hotspots in the world: the boats available for rental are in limited numbers . On top of it, as we previously mentioned, the season is much shorter in the Mediterranean than in other regions such as the Caribbean.

It can therefore be wise to book a lot in advance of a yacht charter in high season if she is usually in demand, as the chances of her being booked at your dates are high.

On the other hand, last minute bookings are also a way to enjoy good deals with the boats that haven’t been booked or that got cancelled. You sacrifice being picky on the boat you rent and on planning in advance your trip, but you might save up a little in return.

What is the minimum price to rent a yacht in the Mediterranean region (yacht base-fee only)?

Now that we have the variables out of the way, here are some of the minimum prices you can expect for yacht charters in the Mediterranean region. The prices below do not include expenses and APA. 

1,200€ / week : the minimum price for bareboat yacht rentals in Mediterranean

Bareboat charter

If you have the qualifications to sail a boat yourself without a skipper, you can start renting a yacht from 1200€ / week in the Mediterranean region.

At this price, you usually have a simple sailboat for up to 6 passengers, and you are more likely to be in the Eastern regions of the Mediterranean, such as Croatia or Turkey, although you can still find great deals at very similar costs in more expensive countries such as France.

2,500€ / week: the minimum price to rent a yacht with a skipper in the Mediterranean region

If you need an experienced skipper to safely sail your yacht during your charter, the minimum price is around the 2,500€ / week throughout the Mediterranean region.

The price of the skipper can vary significantly depending on the country and the season you are sailing. Some Mediterranean countries may have cheapear labour costs than others, but the demand can influence the price both up and down.

8,000€ / week: the starting price for fully crewed yachts in the Mediterranean

For a luxury yacht with a full crew in the Mediterranean region, the low end price is around the 8,000€ mark per week for sailing yacht and sailing catamarans. 

Above 15,000€ / week , you start to be in luxury yacht charters territory, with longer yachts and/or more staff to add luxury to your experience.

The cost to charter superyachts in the Mediterranean starts at around 50,000€ / week with no upper limit.

Yacht charter price range in the Mediterranean (EUR per week incl. taxes & food & beverage)

If you want to know the price ranges of a yacht charter in the Mediterranean, here is the full breakdown based on the type of yacht, its size and including the usual variable costs (Food & Beverage, APA, VAT, taxes etc…)

Keep in mind: these are ranges. You will find a lot more yachts available for rental in the middle of these price ranges rather than at their extremities. 

€1,500- €8,000€2,500 – €15,000€5,000-€14,000
A skipper in the Mediterranean costs approximately €150 to €300/day
€8,000 – €40,000€15,000 – €75,000N/A€20,000 – €70,000
From €80,000From €150,000N/Afrom €150,000
From €150,000N/AN/Afrom €260,000

Want to see the prices of our yachts available in the Mediterranean region? Check them directly here and filter according to your criterias.

Our tips to decrease the total cost of your yacht charter in the Mediterranean

There are several ways to decrease the total cost of your yacht charter in the Mediterranean region. Here are some tips.

Pick a Mediterranean country where the cost of living is on the lower end

The cost of living can influence the total budget of your sailing holidays. It can therefore be smarter to pick one of the cheap Mediterranean countries for your yacht charter, especially if you plan on spending a lot of time on-land, which can increase your mooring fees and activities prices.

Most affordable regions in the Mediterranean for yacht rental

Here is a list of regions where the cost of living is lower and/or that are less popular than most famous Mediterranean yachting hotspots:

  • Most of Turkey
  • Most of Croatia
  • Greece (especially outside the main touristic islands)

yacht week mediterranean

Expensive regions in the Mediterranean that you might want to avoid if you are on a budget

The following regions in the Mediterranean tend to be the most expensive, which can get even worse in the highest season:

  • Cannes, Nice, St Tropez and other famous cities of the French Riviera
  • Barcelona and Marbella in Spain
  • Ibiza and the rest of the Balearics (Spain)
  • Venice in Italy

Charter a yacht in the Mediterranean during the shoulder season to get great deals

A great way to save money but still enjoy the wonders of the Mediterranean region is to rent a yacht during the shoulder season.

The further you are from the main summer months (July-August) and the likelier you are to find big discounts. Keep an eye on our exlusive offers if you are looking for a good deal.

Many yachts are simply never rented out during winter and the months around it, and so their owners are willing to discount their prices drastically for the adventurous sailor.

The shoulder season in the Mediterranean, especially May-June and September-October, is a time where the weather is still very nice, most tourists are gone and the price much more affordable. You do need to sacrifice a bit of heat and sun, but the gamble usually pays off!

A big yacht isn’t always better than a small yacht

If you want to charter a yacht on a budget, do not feel shy to go towards smaller yachts.

Bigger yachts aren’t always the answer to everything. Sure, they are usually more comfortable and more luxurious than the smaller ones, but that doesn’t mean you should sleep on shorter boats.

The sailing feelings can be very thrilling and sometimes even more intense on a smaller yacht than on bigger ones. A small group of friends or family members and an experienced skipper is usually more than enough to be a guarantee to have the time of your life during a yacht charter around the Mediterranean.

yacht week mediterranean

There is no “one size fits all” budget when it comes to yacht charters prices in the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean is a huge sailing playground covering several countries with different regulations and levels of popularity and exclusivity.

One sure is certain though, the Mediterranean doesn’t have any shortage in terms of areas that can be explored on a yacht! With all the kind of yachts available for rental in the region, you are sure to find one that suits your need and your budget.

Contact our team if you want to receive more details about a Mediterranean yacht charter.


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Mediterranean Yacht Charters

A Mediterranean yacht charter is a perfect way to explore the Old-World charms, beautiful white-sand beaches, and stunning landscapes of the region. From the Michelin-starred restaurants and high-roller casinos of Monaco to the swanky beach clubs of St. Tropez and glimmering beaches of Sardinia, The West Mediterranean boasts some of the best and most beautiful cruising grounds in the world.

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Chakra Profile

282.2ft / 84m

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278.1ft / 83m

titania main

239.6ft / 71m

Yacht Serenity 236

Serenity 236

236.3ft / 70m

Yacht Charter Mediterranean: Where to Go

Few luxury yachting destinations compare to the Mediterranean, which includes the Amalfi Coast, the Italian and French Rivieras, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and the Aeolian Islands, and the Balearic Islands of Spain on the west and Croatia, Greece and Turkey on the east.

The cruising grounds of the West Mediterranean represents the finest in luxury yachting . Stunning anchorages, world-class marinas, postcard-worthy beaches, and lively city centers welcome yacht charter guests across the entire region. Some top Mediterranean yacht charter destinations include:

  • Croatia – The charm of Croatian old seaside town and villages is unmatched. The water is crystal clear and breezes are gentle – making Croatia the perfect summer destination for yachting.
  • France – From the glitz and glamour of the French Riviera, which includes the amazing beaches of St. Tropez and Nice and famed palaces of Monaco, to the charming ports and windswept islands of Corsica, France is one of the most desirable locales for a luxury yacht charter.
  • Greece – Greece has very diverse cruising grounds – from the lush Ionian Islands to the rocky and historic Cyclades. If you are looking for the perfect mix of history, upscale dining and clear waters, Greece is the place to be.
  • Italy – Breathtaking landscapes, exclusive beach clubs, and incredible food and drink are a few reasons to explore Italy’s yachting destinations, which include the Italian Riviera, Sardinia, Sicily, and the Aeolian Islands, and the stunning Amalfi Coast.
  • Spain – Spain’s luxurious and mysterious Balearic Islands, which include the gorgeous coastal towns of Mallorca and the famed nightclubs on Ibiza, offer plenty to do and explore: All-night parties, amazing beaches, ancient ruins, lively festivals, and amazing Spanish cuisine.
  • Turkey – Beautiful mile long beaches, charming seaside villages and friendly locals make Turkey a desirable summer charter destination.

Mediterranean Yacht Charter Highlights

  • Fine dining, amazing local wines, and indulgent cuisine
  • Charming Medieval towns and Roman ruins
  • Miles-long beaches & upscale beach clubs
  • Tranquil landscapes matched with glamorous ports of call
  • Amazing nightlife and vibrant culture
  • Breathtaking scenery, islands, and protected landscapes

Yacht Season in the Mediterranean: late May through late September

The Mediterranean has become the world’s top destination for summer yacht charters for jetsetters , celebrities, and the well-to-do. During the summer months – and particularly in July and August – the ports of the West Mediterranean teem with luxury super yachts and well-heeled guests. It’s the place to be, and visitors are welcomed by the most incredible weather, water temperatures, and cruising conditions.

During the summer months, temperatures hover in the mid-70s and reach highs in the mid-80s in July and August. With plenty of sun, the summer offers the best weather for enjoying a yacht charter in the region.

Throughout summer, the waters of the Mediterranean hover in the 70s and offer ideal temperatures for watersports, swimming, and enjoying the beaches. There’s a steady breeze, great for a sailing charter, with waves in the 2-4 foot range.

Yacht Rental Mediterranean: Motor Yacht

The Mediterranean is the world’s most desirable luxury yachting destination , and as such, you’ll find a selection of some of the finest motor yachts for hire available anywhere in the world: From tri-deck superyachts – which the best in luxury amenities – to sleek, sporty motor catamarans.

Luxury motor yachts deliver amazing cruising across the Mediterranean and ensure smooth, comfortable passages. Hiring a motor yacht will also allow you to cover more ground and see more of the Med’s lovely scenery. Marinas in the South of France, the Italian Riviera, Amalfi, and Mallorca are where you’ll find the region’s most luxurious super yachts , although motor yachts are available in every location.

Turquoise Yacht

182ft / 54m

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Yacht Hire Mediterranean: Sailing Yachts

One of the world’s top sailing destinations , the Mediterranean is the place to be to charter a luxury sailing yacht . Beautifully appointed luxury cruisers with state-of-the-art sailing systems allow you to have a classic Med sailing experience while delivering the best in comfort and amenities.

Although you’ll find incredible sailing and sailing yachts for hire throughout the region, the steady breezes of Sardinia, the French Riviera, Corsica, and the Balearic Islands make these some of the best locales for a luxury sailing charter. In these locations, you’ll find a wide range of luxury sailing super yachts , as well as exhilarating summertime sailing.

Mediterranean Yacht Charters: What to Do and See

The Mediterranean offers adventures to suit every yacht charter guest’s taste. From tours of ancient ruins and Old World churches to luxury shopping and the legendary casinos of Monaco, you’ll find it all.

Whether you plan to party all night in Ibiza, or you’d rather relax with a glass of wine in a historic city center, you’re in for a luxury travel experienc e unlike any other. What should you plan to do and see? Here are some of the reasons the Mediterranean is the world’s most popular destination for a luxury yacht charter :

History The body of water the Romans called “mare nostrum” (or “our sea”) is full of historical landmarks important to all of modern Western civilization, from the basilicas of Italy to the earliest churches and monasteries of France and Spain. It’s an architectural goldmine and an inspiration to those who visit. UNESCO World Heritage Sites dot the landscape, as do museums, galleries, and centuries-old historical markers. If you’re interested in art and culture, you’ll love it here.

Food It’s no secret that most of the cities, towns, and villages bordering the Mediterranean Sea are famous for their cuisines. And for foodies, the Mediterranean is a destination like no other. In every port of call, you’ll find a place serving to-die-for foods. From the Michelin-starred restaurants of Monaco to the seaside cafes in Cannes, charter guests are welcomed by great food wherever they go.

Luxury Shopping The Mediterranean is one of the world’s top fashion destinations, with France and Italy holding as much significance in the industry as New York City. Across the region, visitors can explore high-end designer boutiques selling couture garments, accessories, and handbags. Planning to shop? Try Le Metropole Shopping center in Monte-Carlo, one of the world’s best fashion shopping centers. Porto Cervo in Sardinia and La Croisette in Cannes are also must-visit shopping destinations.

Festivals In the Mediterranean, guests are regularly treated to great food, wine, sporting, and cultural festivals. Cannes Film Festival, of course, might be the most famous, drawing A-list celebrities from around the world. Yet, every weekend in the summer, there’s a seaside festival to attend.

Water Sports The waters in the Mediterranean are inviting, and chances are, you’ll spend quite a bit of time in the water while on charter. In particular, the Mediterranean is a hotspot for kitesurfing and windsurfing – especially throughout Italy. Yet, sea kayaking and paddle-boarding are other top activities on a Mediterranean charter. Bottom line, you’ll bask in the sapphire waters during your visit.

Scuba Diving The Mediterranean is rich with history inland, as well as under the sea. In fact, you’ll find incredible dive spots throughout the region. Secca della Colombara and Punta Omo Morto in Italy are favorite dive spots, for example.

Wine For wine-lovers, the Mediterranean is a mecca, offering the best glasses in all of the world. The region’s wine-making tradition, of course, goes back thousands of years, and in every port of call, you’ll find a wine bar, cellar, or bodega serving the best wines. From Sassicaia and Ornellaia from Italy to Bordeaux from France, wine lovers will find much to try and taste in the Mediterranean.

Beach Hopping The Mediterranean offers it all. Art, culture, food, you name it. But there’s another reason to book a luxury yacht charter : Mediterranean beaches! From the Amalfi Coast to Ibiza, from St. Tropez to Sicily, you’ll be welcomed by sun-soaked, white-sand beaches offering the best spots to relax and take in the scenery in every port of call.

Super Yacht Charter: Cruising Conditions

Across the Mediterranean, charter guests are welcomed by amazing cruising conditions: Small swells, calm seas, and amazing weather. Yet each destination offers its own unique cruising experience.

  • Corsica – Corsica offers more than 700 miles of coastline to explore and is known for its upscale marinas, ports, and stunning anchorages. In particular, the Strait of Bonifacio is a top sailing destination, thanks to its steady natural breezes. Around the island, visitors are welcomed by calm seas and cooling breezes throughout summer, as well as warm water conditions.
  • French Riviera – The South of France has a short coastline – just about 400 nautical miles – but there’s much to see and explore along the Cote d’Azur. Here, you’ll find a collection of the world’s most exclusive marinas – like Port Hercule in Monaco and Port de Saint Tropez Marina – and breathtaking anchorages. (Plaga Mala, for example, is a super-tranquil South of France beach anchorage.) Cruising conditions here are ideal: Steady winds, easy 2- to 4-foot swells in summer, and cool breezes.
  • Spain – The Balearic Islands some of the most beautiful anchorages in all of the Mediterranean. The island of Espalmador is a favorite superyacht anchorage. Plus, the marinas like Mallorca’s Club du Mar attract some of the finest superyachts in the world. Sailing is great throughout summer with warm sea winds – June through August. Spring and fall offer more challenging conditions.
  • Sardinia – One of the top sailing destinations in the Mediterranean, sailors come for the steady sea breezes, as well as the protected waters and safe harbors. Calm seas and warm waters welcome visitors in summer.
  • Italian Riviera – An ideal motor yachting destination , with some of the most exclusive marinas in the country including at Portofino and San Remo, the Italian Riviera is an ideal spot for a luxury motor yachting experience.
  • Amalfi Coast – Here you’ll find a collection of some of the most breathtaking anchorages anywhere in the world: Marina Piccola near Capri and the Pontine Islands are two see-it-to-believe-it anchorages. Due to its somewhat longer passage, Amalfi tends to be better for motor yachts.
  • Sicily – The northern and eastern coasts of Sicily offer the best in sail and motor yachting. Here you’ll find well-established marinas, protected waters, and short passages between destinations. In the nearby Aeolian Islands, island hopping in calm seas is a tradition.

Planning Your Trip: Boat Charter Mediterranean Sample Itineraries

The itinerary for your Mediterranean yacht charter will be packed with adventure, incredible scenery, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Your itinerary, of course, will be customized to your exact preferences, but these sample itineraries provide an idea of the possibilities.

  • French Riviera – This week-long sojourn in the South of France whisks you away to the region’s most exciting destinations. Set sail in glamourous Monaco, before exploring the beautiful beaches of Cannes, St. Tropez, and the Porquerolles Islands. You’ll see all of the Cote d’Azur’s must-see ports on this France yacht charter.
  • Amalfi Coast – This adventure in Amalfi takes you to some of the most incredible islands and villages on the coast. Set sail from Naples, before stopping off on the beautiful islands of Procida and Ischia. Capri, Salerno, and Positano are also on the itinerary – a few of the most exclusive destinations in the region.
  • Balearic Islands – This exploration of Spain’s islands takes you to the most exclusive ports: From the stunning city of Palma on Mallorca to Cala Portinatx on Ibiza and the lovely island of Formentera. You’ll also explore a mix of Mallorca’s quieter, more exclusive eastern ports.

Yacht Rental Mediterranean Sea: How Much Does It Cost?

Mediterranean yacht charter prices can vary significantly, depending on your destination, the yacht your hire, and your itinerary. In general, luxury super yachts rent from $100,000 to more than $1,000,000 per week, plus expenses. Guests must fund an advanced provisioning allowance (APA), which covers expenses like docking fees, fuel, and food, and drink. There are some smaller yachts for hire in the Mediterranean from $20,000 to $75,000 per week.

Plan your dream yacht charter in the Mediterranean with Worldwide Boat. Contact a Worldwide Boat broker today to learn more about our exclusive Mediterranean offerings and yachts available in the region.

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Turquoise Yacht

120ft / 36m

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2,336  Crewed Luxury Yachts for Charter in the Mediterranean

Mediterranean Yacht Charter

A Mediterranean yacht charter offers an exceedingly rich mixture of cultures, history and landscapes amongst the world's most popular yacht rental destinations. Home to iconic luxury charter locations like the sun-dappled French Riviera and the Amalfi Coast , and innumerable island paradises found in Greece , Croatia and Turkey , a yacht charter in the Mediterranean offers a range of picturesque cruising grounds bound to whet the appetite of any yacht charter guest.

Enclosed by three continents, the Mediterranean's exciting fusion of modern metropolises, sun-soaked beaches, archaeological delights and pleasant year-round weather provide the foundation for an unforgettable charter vacation. And thanks to the region's insatiable popularity, there is a wealth of choice when it comes to renting a yacht in the Mediterranean. Luxury motor yachts, sailing yachts, catamarans and even gulet charters can all be rented in these epic cruising grounds.

There is also a spectacular array of yacht charter itinerary options in the Mediterranean too, meaning whether you are looking to unwind or turn up the party dial to the max, there is something for everyone.

Mediterranean Yacht Charters: At a Glance

landscape view of popular charter destination Santorini in Greece

  • Cinematic landscapes  Make up the show-stoppingly beautiful jigsaw that is the Mediterranean. From cosmopolitan thrills to blindingly white beaches and eyepopping blue waters, the choice is all yours.
  • Easily accessible The Mediterranean is extremely well-connected to the US and most worldwide destinations, ensuring you travel with ease.
  • Long cruising season Warm temperatures extend well into October in East Mediterranean destinations like Croatia, Greece and Turkey.
  • Endless adventure and entertainment The Mediterranean is full of intrigue: it's an island-hopping, diving and snorkelling wonderland, a designer shopping mecca, and home to some of the world's most glamorous events. Simply put, the Mediterranean is the place to see and be seen.
  • Top-end superyacht marinas The region has some of the most sought-after berth slips in the world, replete with state-of-the-art facilities, hip boutiques and restaurants, as well as jaw-dropping panoramas aplenty, of course.

Why Greece is the perfect superyacht charter destination

Popular Destinations for Yacht Rentals in the Mediterranean

superyacht destination porto cervo and one of its beaches with crystal clear waters

Luxury yacht charters in the Mediterranean are divided into two distinct cruising grounds. The West Mediterranean has been the superyacht hotspot du jour for decades, with the most popular yacht rental destinations undeniably being the South of France, Monaco ,  Italy , Sardinia, Corsica and the Ibiza. Diverse and exciting, these countries offer some of the finest cuisines, architecture, cities, and coastlines to be found in the region.

But East Mediterranean yacht rental destinations like Greece and  Turkey are also buzzing with charter activity, thanks to their incredible culture and history, spellbinding anchorages and boundless islands that make for a rip-roaring yacht charter itinerary. Montenegro and Croatia yacht charters are also becoming increasingly in-demand, with a number of state-of-the-art superyacht marinas having been developed in recent years adding to their attractiveness.

Popular West Mediterranean Regions

There are some locations that garner considerably more attention for superyacht vacations in the Mediterranean than others, which means we highly recommend you book as far in advance as possible if you are considering any of these cruising grounds.

The most popular West Mediterranean yacht charter locations are:

  • The French Riviera: comprising a glittering medley of some of the world's most glamorous hotspots like Saint Tropez , Cannes, Antibes, and Monaco, think world-class restaurants, night-time revelry and endlessly alluring bays and beaches to choose from.
  • The Italian Riviera:  places like Portofino and Cinque Terre are adored for their pastel-perfect villages, otherworldly vistas, and incomparable cuisine.
  • The Amalfi Coast: the heavenly towns of Positano, Sorrento, Ravello and the island of Capri make a yacht charter here an intoxicatingly beautiful experience.
  • Ibiza : international party capital and an upscale bohemian hotspot, Ibiza 's appeal endures.

Popular East Mediterranean Regions

The most popular East Mediterranean yacht charter locations include:

  • Cyclades Islands: the most popular yachting destination in Greece, with a staggering 220 islands to cruise to, including hedonist haven Mykonos , romantic Santorini, and myriad archeological delights in Delos.
  • Ionian Islands : an idyllic Greek island-chain promising pine-scented beauty and serene coves at every turn, with highlights being Corfu, Ithica and Cephalonia.
  • Dubrovnik and Hvar: Croatian cities steeped in historical significance with ample cultural highlights, plus balmy weather all-summer-long late into the season.
  • Bodrum: a vibrant port city in southwestern Turkey thrumming with life, packed with ultra-chic bars, beach clubs and restaurants and topaz-coloured bays.

5 reasons to visit Ravello on your Amalfi Coast yacht charter

Highlights of a Mediterranean Yacht Charter

cinque terre colourful houses in italy

A Mediterranean yacht rental vacation offers a mesmerizing selection of things to see and do. Here is our small selection of some of the most outstanding:

Don't Miss:

  • Cinque Terre:  a string of sorbet-coloured fishing towns carved into the hills overlooking the sea in Italy.

Porto Cervo:  a luxury-lovers nirvana, with its high-end shops and designer emporiums close to the main port.

Promenade de la Croisette,  in Cannes: one of the most famous avenues in the world; peppered with high-end boutiques and Belle Époque hotels.

The Blue Grotto:  a stunning semi-submerged cave in Capri where the light refracts the sunlight from outside creating an optical illusion.

Hotel Splendido:  head to Portofino for sundowners and to try out one of their world-famous peach bellinis.

Porto-Vecchio:  Corsica's most charming town.

Porquerolles : oft-cited as the best island in the French Riviera renowned for its crystal clear waters and fragrant forests.

Îles d'Hyères : one of the best anchorage spots in the South of France.

Les Voiles : world-famous sailing regatta that takes place in Saint Tropez in September.

Villefranche-sur-Mer : postcard-perfect French fishing village.

Casino de Monte-Carlo : set pulses racing at this Belle Époque glory in the heart of Monaco. 

Monaco Yacht Show : one of the most important events in the yachting calendar.

Shipwreck Beach  (Navagio Beach): legendary beach in Greece, famous for the large shipwreck lying on the sand.

Nammos : come to this landmark beach club in Greece for a night of uber-luxe revelry amid the world's gliteratti.

Zlatni Rat (Golden Horn):  located on the southern coast of Brač, Croatia regularly listed as one of the top beaches in Europe.

Diocletian’s Palace, Split : UNESCO site within the walls of Split’s historic and thriving town.

Who Goes on a Mediterranean Yacht Charter?

amalfi coast beyonce

The cultural heartbeat of the rich and famous in the summertime, the Mediterranean has long been welcoming the jet set to its sun-drenched shores. Well-to-do hedonists and socialites enjoy the beach club buzz, designer boutiques and glittering throng of exclusive events found in hotspots like the South of France and Monaco, where some of the most important dates in the calendar year like the Monaco Grand Prix and Cannes Film Festival also take place.

Equally, with an outstanding array of tranquil beaches, bays and inlets to explore, the Mediterranean is also a veritable nirvana for families or those simply seeking serenity on their yacht charter vacation.

History and Culture

Ancient ruins at sunset in charter location greece

The Mediterranean sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean, bordering more than 22 different countries, and over 3,000 islands, the largest two being the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia.  Its name comes from two Latin words: 'Medius” (Middle) and “Terra” (Earth/Soil), roughly translated as the center of the Earth, and the sea itself is thought to be more than 5 million years old.

In terms of Mediterranean culture, there isn't a one size fits all approach — each and every country in the region has their own. But we can say that there are some overarching themes: an appreciation of the finer things in life being one of them: of nature and of cuisine.

Types of Yacht Charters in the Mediterranean

A luxury crewed  yacht rental vacation in the Mediterranean is without a doubt the best way to lap up the natural splendor of this magical region, offering you access to a dizzying array of splendid spots far from the typical tourist trail. 

With an extensive selection of vessels available to choose from, the perfect yacht for you and your charter party is destined to be out there. Unsure whether a crewed motor yacht charter, sailing yacht charter, or in some cases, a gulet charter will work best for you? We've laid out the main aspects to consider before making a final decision.

Motor Yacht Charters in the Mediterranean

range of charter motor yachts docked at portofino,italy

A crewed motor yacht charter  in the Mediterranean is the epitome of luxury. With seven-star amenities and hotel-serviced living coupled with a completely unrivaled level of privacy, it's no wonder a motor yacht has evergreen appeal. Uncover awe-inspiring that are only accessible by boat, and experience what it's like to have your own floating palace.

There is a huge variety of Mediterranean motor yachts available, from 100m superyachts with all the latest charter-focused amenities to small speedy weekend cruisers, or somewhere in between. But do keep in mind when selecting your motor yacht that slips here are in high demand during the summertime, which means it's more likely you will spend time at anchor.

As for yacht types, those with planing hulls are perfect if you want to zip through locations at speed quickly. However, they are usually less stable at anchor. 

Displacement and semi-displacement hulls are slower and make up most of the global charter fleet, They are more comfortable, voluminous, and more stable with at anchor stabilizers. 

Sailing Yacht Charters in the Mediterranean

marina in porto cervo italy

Selecting a luxury crewed  sailing yacht charter in the Mediterranean is a wonderful choice for guests looking for a slower vacation pace, where you will be wooed by the sailing yacht's old-school charm. Plus, with most sailing conditions in the Mediterranean being extremely favorable, typified by calm seas and light winds (apart from the Meltemi at certain times in Turkey and Greece), this is absolutely a sailing paradise.

And with an extensive selection of catamarans, monohulls and racer sailers available, it won't be difficult to find a charter sailing yacht in the Mediterranean that will meet your requirements.

Gulet Charters in the Mediterranean

Turkish Gulets blue water cruising

In  Turkey  & Croatia you also have an additional charter option: the possibility of renting a gulet  with a full crew. Gulets are traditionally Turkish-built wooden motor sailor yachts which are usually much larger in volume than your average sailing yacht, with an abundance of open-plan living spaces.

Turkish gulet yachts are less expensive than other charter vessels of the same size, and can often offer all-inclusive or semi-inclusive packages, meaning you don’t need to worry about additional expenses such as food and drink. They also normally include a standard number of cruising hours per day.  Plus, their crew are often local to the region that they cruise in, meaning they can double as tour guides and can provide a lot of valuable expertise.

You can visit Greek Islands on your Turkish gulet charter vacation, but you will need to embark and disembark in a port in Turkey unless it has a Greek Charter Licence - which is very rare. 

Gulets are not available in the West Mediterranean cruising areas.

How Much Does It Cost to Charter a Yacht in the Mediterranean?

The average price of a motor yacht or sailing yacht rental in the Mediterranean will depend on several factors, including the vessel's age, type, crew, as well as the duration of the vacation and whether it is high or low season.

With so many options available, there’s something to suit every type of budget. For convenience we have listed the average prices for motor yacht and sailing yacht charters in the Mediterranean below;

  • For motor yacht rentals in the Mediterranean, prices can range from $31,541 to $1.6m per week, plus expenses
  • For luxury sailing yacht rentals in the Mediterranean, prices can go from $20,491 to $532,784 weekly, plus expenses

One aspect to keep in mind is that there are important distinctions to be made between the average costs for West Mediterranean and East Mediterranean yachting vacations. While exact costs can vary from yacht to yacht, typically, West Mediterranean yacht charters will involve newer, larger vessels and include a high-quality, international workforce, and therefore tend to usually incur higher prices. Meanwhile, East Mediterranean yacht charters will usually use older vessels and feature highly knowledgeable local crews. 


When is the Best Time for Mediterranean Yacht Charters?

Traditional colourful Greek fishing boats in Pythagorion port, Samos island, Greece

The best time for a yachting vacation on the Mediterranean is between May and August, although weather is still pleasant in the shoulder months of April and September, with some East Mediterranean locations experiencing high temperatures well into October (Croatia, Turkey, Greece).

Yacht charter guests in the Mediterranean during these months can expect mellow seas, cloudless skies  long, sunbaked days and low rainfall.

However, if you are looking to evade the crowds and the heat, avoid July and August.

Where Should I Begin My Mediterranean Yacht Charter?

iconic yacht rental destination french riviera

France is by far the most popular starting point for the classic "Mediterranean milk-run charter" route (Saint Tropez to Portofino), with this term coined in the industry to reflect the most celebrated and chicest locations along the Côte d'Azur.

The best place to begin a Mediterranean yacht charter is in Nice for itineraries along the coast and towards the Italian Riviera, with the majority of guests flying into Nice Airport before being chauffeured to its port or Antibes. Cannes Vieux Port (which is a mere 30-minute drive from Nice's Airport) is also popular if beginning further west towards Saint-Tropez .

Ibiza is also a popular starting point for Balearics charters, while Positano and Ajaccio are useful embarkation ports for Amalfi Coast and Corsica yacht charters respectively.

For East Mediterranean itineraries, Athens is a popular choice for charters around Greece's Aegean archipelagos, with the highest concentration of yacht rentals, while superyachts cruising the Ionian and Adriatic Coast tend to be flexible, with charters embarking from any number of popular destinations; from Venice  in Italy down to Corfu  in Greece's Ionian Islands.

The best off-the-beaten-track places to visit in France by yacht

Popular Marinas and Moorings in the Mediterranean

Aerial view of charter yachts moored in port

There are many marinas in the Mediterranean, but there are some, especially within the French and Italian Riviera that are highly coveted such as St Tropez and Portofino, which means mooring costs in this region in the summer tend to be highest and availability is often extremely limited.

If you would like to spend a night in port while on your charter yacht in the Mediterranean, be sure to make this clear to your crew or your charter broker well in advance, as there is strong competition for slips.

Below is our selection of some of the finest and most popular marinas in the Mediterranean:

French Riviera Marinas

  • Vieux Port de Cannes  and Port Pierre Canto in Cannes, both cater to all sizes of yachts and with 1,200 berths.
  • Port Cogolin  in Saint Tropez, which boasts 1,600 berths for yachts of up to 50m/164ft, and Port Vauban in Antibes, which caters to yachts up to a 165m/541ft LOA.
  • Port de Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat , located near the idyllic village of Villefranche-sur-Mer. This marina has 560 berths that can accommodate yachts up to 60m/197ft in length.

Italian Riviera Marinas

  • Marina di Loano , not far from the French border can accommodate 900 vessels up to 77m/252ft in length.
  • Porto Mirabello , in La Spezia caters to yachts of up to 100m/328ft, and a perfect point for exploring the region's jaw-droppingly pretty Cinque Terre.

Amalfi Coast Marinas

  • Marina di Stabia  is one of the most popular places to begin a yacht charter on the Amalfi Coast, and boasts luxury facilities and the capacity to host yachts measuring up to 100m.

Marina Piccola  in Sorrento has 280 berths, catering to yachts measuring up to 40m.

Corsica Marinas

  • Port Ajaccio Tino Rossi , the capital's largest marina, has 300 slips and caters to yachts of up to 100m/328ft
  • Port Calvi , located in the northwest with 150 berths for yachts up to 65m/213ft LOA.
  • Port de Plaisance Saint-Florent  ,a pretty marina tucked away in the north with 920 slips, and in close proximity to vineyards and the stunning Saleccia beach.

Popular Marinas in Greece

Kos Marina , close to the enchanting island's old harbor, this marina has a capacity for up to 250 berths with a maximum length of 80m.

Gouvia Marina , Corfu's most popular, situated in a secluded bay, with mooring of yachts of up to 80m, and boasts 1235 slips.

Athens Marina , accommodating 130 slips measuring up to 130m. Provides plenty of amenities on land, including a helipad service.

Popular Marinas in Croatia and Montenegro

  • D-Marin Mandalina (Šibenik) , an award-winning marina set between two national parks in a naturally protected lagoon, with 429 sea berths for yachts up to 140m LOA and all modern marina facilities.
  • ACI Marina Split , 5-star marina offering 318 protected berths, accommodating superyachts up to 90m LOA, in the heart of Croatia’s jewel.
  • Porto Montenegro , award-winning marina offering an array of five star facilities, including a vibrant marina village, upscale bars, restaurants, designer emporiums and high-end boutiques, and catering to yachts up to 250m LOA.

Popular Marinas in Turkey

Kaş Marina , recently developed and has capacity for 450 yachts.

D-Marin Marina , tucked away in protected natural cove minutes from central Göcek with a 380 slip capacity for yachts up to 70m.

Setur Antalya Marina , renowned superyacht marina, capacity reaches 235 yachts.

Where to End a Mediterranean Yacht Charter

Superyachts moored in Bonifacio port in Corsica

Portofino is one of the best places to disembark your Mediterranean yacht charter if you are embarking on the typical week-long yachting vacation along 'the milk run' (incorporating destinations in the French Riviera and Ligurian Coast). Guests usually take a helicopter back to Nice or Genoa airport.

For two-week-long Mediterranean charter vacations, Bonifacio is one of the most popular places to finish a private yacht charter in the Mediterranean due to its outstanding natural beauty. It boasts one of the most stunning port entrances in Europe, bordered by soaring limestone cliffs on one side, and on the other its impressive medieval old town teeters on a hilltop. Upon leaving, guests are chauffeured to nearby Ajaccio international airport.

For East Mediterranean charters, Athens is a popular disembarkation port, as well as Porto Montenegro and Dubrovnik or Split on the Adriatic Coast, all of which offer good transport links with international airports.

5 reasons to visit Corsica on a luxury yacht charter

How to Book Your Yacht Charter in the Mediterranean

Ibiza harbor with anchored yachts at sunset

If you want to book a yachting vacation in the Mediterranean, we strongly advise booking through a qualified  yacht charter broker at least three months in advance. By doing so, you will increase the likelihood of securing your preferred dates and you will have a greater selection of yachts on offer to choose from.

This also ensures your yacht broker has enough time to craft a personalized itinerary and secure an overnight berth in the most popular marinas.

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Our yacht charter experts will:

  • Discuss your vacation plans
  • Check availability & shortlist suitable yachts
  • Negotiate booking & prepare your itinerary

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Explore the Mediterranean

West Mediterranean Guide

Guide to West Mediterranean

East Mediterranean Guide

Guide to East Mediterranean

The mediterranean yacht charter itineraries.

Our extensive range of Mediterranean yacht charter itineraries has been carefully curated by industry experts to ensure your luxury yacht charter in the Mediterranean is nothing short of magical. Browse our selection of itineraries by the number of days you intend to charter a yacht as well as the specific regions you are interested in.

If you are chartering a yacht in the Mediterranean for the first time, we strongly recommend the classic 7-day Mediterranean yacht charter route. Also known as the 'milk-run': a term coined by industry professionals to reflect the most refined locations along the Côte d'Azur, this itinerary begins in show-stopping St.Tropez, cruises towards the Italian Riviera and ends in sun-soaked Portofino. For 14-day luxury Mediterranean charters, incorporating Corsica into an itinerary is also a perennially popular choice.

Amalfi Coast, Italy

Discover the Mediterranean

Shopping, Scenic coastlines, cultural attractions, fine dining, luxury and fashion, pretty villages, island discovery

When to Go:

May - September

  • Barcelona, Nice, Athens, Naples, Dubrovnik, Rome

Luxury Yachts for Charter in the Mediterranean 2024 & 2025

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CC-Summer Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

95m   Lurssen

from $1,769,000 p/week ♦︎

Christina O Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Christina O

Carinthia VII Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Carinthia VII

Flying Fox Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Flying Fox 22

136m Lurssen

136m   2019

from $3,328,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Kismet Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

122m Lurssen

122m   2024

from $3,000,000 p/w eek

Ahpo Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

115m Lurssen

115m   2021

from $2,874,000 p/w eek ♦︎

IJE Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

108m Benetti

108m   2019

from $1,990,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Dream Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

107m Olympic Yacht Services

107m   1997/2022

from $2,211,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Black Pearl Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Black Pearl 14

105m Oceanco

105m   2018

Christina O Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Christina O 34

99m Canadian Vickers

99m   1943/2020

from $774,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Carinthia VII Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Carinthia VII 12

97m Lurssen

97m   2002/2023

from $1,547,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Faith Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

97m Feadship

97m   2017/2022

from $1,775,000 p/w eek ♦︎

CC-Summer Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

CC-Summer 12

95m Lurssen

from $1,769,000 p/w eek ♦︎

O'Pari Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

95m Golden Yachts

from $1,217,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Whisper Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

from $1,338,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lady S Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

93m Feadship

from $1,556,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Tatoosh Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

92m Nobiskrug

92m   2000/2023

from $1,050,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Aquarius Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Aquarius 12

92m Feadship

from $1,500,000 p/w eek

Moonlight II Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Moonlight II 36

91m Neorion

91m   2005/2020

from $713,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Tranquility Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Tranquility 22

92m Oceanco

92m   2014/2023

from $1,100,000 p/w eek

Nero Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

90m Corsair Yachts

90m   2007/2021

from $497,000 p/w eek

Phoenix 2 Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Phoenix 2 12

90m Lurssen

90m   2010/2024

from $1,000,000 p/w eek

Athena Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

90m Royal Huisman

90m   2004/2024

from $324,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Dar Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

90m Oceanco

90m   2018/2024

from $1,334,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lauren L Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Lauren L 36

90m Cassens-Werft

90m   2002/2008

from $768,000 p/w eek ♦︎ *

Barbara Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

89m Oceanco

Maltese Falcon Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Maltese Falcon 12

88m Perini Navi

88m   2006/2023

from $490,000 p/w eek

Project X Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Project X 12

88m Golden Yachts

from $1,222,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Chakra Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

86m Scheepswerf Gebr. van der Werf

86m   1998/2024

from $531,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Man of Steel Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Man of Steel 12

86m Oceanco

86m   2010/2023

Aquila Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

86m Derecktor Shipyards

86m   2010/2021

from $945,000 p/w eek

HBC Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

86m Abeking & Rasmussen

86m   2009/2024

from $939,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sunrays Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

86m   2010/2018

from $1,278,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Bold Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

85m SilverYachts

from $975,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Grand Ocean Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Grand Ocean 12

85m Blohm + Voss

85m   1990/2019

from $703,136 p/w eek

Meridian A Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Meridian A 12

85m Lurssen

85m   2011/2019

from $1,056,000 p/w eek ♦︎

O'Ptasia Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

O'Ptasia 12

85m Golden Yachts

85m   2018/2024

from $1,001,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Solandge Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Solandge 12

85m   2013/2022

from $1,111,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Victorious Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Victorious 12

85m Ak Yachts

from $890,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Le Ponant Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Le Ponant 32

84m   1990/2022

from $506,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Savannah Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Savannah 12

83m Feadship

83m   2015/2024

from $1,113,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Emir Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

83m Golden Yachts

83m   2004/2022

Romea Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

82m Abeking & Rasmussen

82m   2015/2021

from $1,223,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Alfa Nero Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Alfa Nero 12

81m Oceanco

81m   2007/2024

from $812,500 p/w eek *

Air Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

81m Feadship

81m   2011/2017

from $1,028,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Elements Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Elements 12

80m Yachtley

from $891,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Excellence Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Excellence 12

80m Abeking & Rasmussen

from $1,150,000 p/w eek

Aalto Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

80m Oceanco

80m   2007/2019

from $861,000 p/w eek ♦︎

My Dragon Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

My Dragon 12

80m Columbus Yachts

from $945,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Tatiana Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

80m Bilgin Yachts

from $860,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Mimtee Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

from $965,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Amaryllis Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Amaryllis 12

78m Abeking & Rasmussen

78m   2011/2022

from $770,000 p/w eek

Malia Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

78m Golden Yachts

78m   2023/2024

from $811,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Legend Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

77m IHC Verschure

77m   1974/2019

from $661,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Boadicea Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Boadicea 18

77m   1999/2024

from $645,000 p/w eek

Wheels Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

76m Oceanco

76m   2008/2019

from $878,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Cloudbreak Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Cloudbreak 22 6 12

75m Abeking & Rasmussen

from $834,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Kensho Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

75m Admiral Yachts

from $998,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Arrow Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

75m Feadship

from $900,000 p/w eek *

M'Brace Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

from $880,000 p/w eek

Cocoa Bean Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Cocoa Bean 12

74m Trinity Yachts

74m   2014/2020

from $611,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Starburst IV Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Starburst IV 12

from $1,010,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Naia Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

74m Freire Shipyard

74m   2011/2014

from $595,000 p/w eek

Lady Vera Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Lady Vera 12

74m Nobiskrug

74m   2011/2023

from $778,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Siren Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

74m   2008/2013

from $561,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Coral Ocean Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

Coral Ocean 12

73m Lurssen

73m   1994/2022

from $724,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Laurel Yacht Charter in Mediterranean

73m Delta Marine

73m   2006/2015

from $525,000 p/w eek

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Yacht Amenities

Top 'Things To Do' in the Mediterranean

Grand-Hôtel du Cap-Ferrat

The epitome of Côte d’Azur chic for more than a century

Porto Montenegro

Elite East Mediterranean superyacht marina and luxury complex

Krknjaši (Blue Lagoon Bay)

A dazzling emerald lagoon that beckons you to dive in

More Things To Do

Mediterranean Yacht Charter Q&A

We advise booking your Mediterranean yacht rental at least three months in advance to ensure you get the yacht you desire. The longer you leave it, the fewer choices you will have to rent in the Mediterranean.

One of the wonderful aspects about renting a yacht in the Mediterranean is the exceedingly long season. For example in West Mediterranean locations like France, Spain and Italy, the best time to visit is usually from May until September. This balmy weather extends to well into October in East Mediterranean destinations like Greece, Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey.

For your Mediterranean superyacht charter, you will need to provide a completed charter agreement and 50% of the charter fee as a deposit. This is payable once the contract has been signed.

When booking a Mediterranean yacht rental, do keep in mind the costs that aren't included in the base rate, namely VAT and the APA (Advance Provisioning Allowance). The APA is usually paid in advance of the charter and is commonly set at 30% of the charter fee. This allowance covers expenses such as fuel, berthing, food and drinks, as well as any special requests. 

Please consult your yacht charter broker for any other costs you may need to factor in for your yacht charter in the Mediterranean.

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Garibaldi Castle

Garibaldi Castle is a sprawling medieval construction that dominates the small town of Khryashchevka, Samara. Built in the Neo-Gothic Style the intricate facade, Historical exhibitions, and dazzling stories that runs through the Castle walls will leave you in wonder. Discover an all-new land that celebrates the magic of ancient history. Relive the romance of the Renaissance Era and magic of the past as the heroic tales of rebellion and royalty come to life with Garibaldi Castle’s extraordinary sculptures and gorgeous scenery. You’ll be swept away like never before! Here at Garibaldi Castle your wildest fantasies become a reality. Discover the imminently glamourous and magnificently quirky around every corner of our castle. Reflect on the regal beauty rich legacy of our world’s history. Every decorated archway and castle corridor leads to new medieval explorations that bring the vision to life.

DISCOVER THE MAGIC WITHIN !function(){switch(CHOSEN_THEME){case THEMES.NEMESIS:replaceParentInnerHTML(' ',"news-title-NaN");break;case THEMES.ALLY:replaceParentInnerHTML(' ',"news-title-NaN")}}();

Discover a place like no other and experience an all new, one-of-a-kind adventure. Nestled in the small town of Khryashchevka, Samara, Russia a medieval secret is waiting to be unveiled. Come join us for the enchantment, fun and adventure. Be apart of Garibaldi Castle and make memories that will last a lifetime.

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World-class amenities unite with sheer luxury and unique surroundings, to make sure that there’s nowhere you’d rather be. Let the story unfold as you explore the castle grounds on a magical horse and carriage ride, all while taking in the captivating views of medieval architecture that encompass you.

STORIES TO SHARE !function(){switch(CHOSEN_THEME){case THEMES.NEMESIS:replaceParentInnerHTML(' ',"news-title-NaN");break;case THEMES.ALLY:replaceParentInnerHTML(' ',"news-title-NaN")}}();

There’s a regal atmosphere amidst the Garibaldi Waterfront Oasis where the sunsets cast a sparkle over the Tranquil Samara River. If you dare to spoil yourself, take a voyage on the new Garibaldi Yacht, a decadent treat not to be missed. Feel the light breeze and enjoy spectacular waterfront views from our lounging area where modern meets traditional that will leave you telling stories for years to come.


  1. Yacht Week

    Get first-hand accounts from other Yacht Weekers. Be the first to see upcoming discounts and deals. And find our destination must-sees: from historic castle hikes to island-hopping cheat sheets. This is Yacht Week, the original floating festival. Seven days of sailing, exploring and dancing the night away with hundreds of like-minded travellers.

  2. The Original Floating Festival, Sicily

    Discover The Yacht Week Sicily—an extraordinary sailing journey through scenic islands, azure waters, and lively Mediterranean culture. Experience luxury yachts, breathtaking landscapes, and exclusive parties. Start your Sicilian yacht adventure today.

  3. Greece, Athens

    Indulge in mouthwatering Greek cuisine, bask in the Mediterranean sun's warm embrace, and dance the night away at legendary parties that even the ancient gods would envy. Here, you'll create timeless memories, even after one too many ouzos. Exclusive Yacht Week parties. Raft nights. Activities & adventures.

  4. Yacht Week

    Each Yacht Week route includes the best vibes on earth. MAY-AUG. Croatia. ... A delectable blend of disco and house in the heart of the Mediterranean. View. LATIN FESTIVAL. Vibras, Greece. A week-long celebration of Latin music, blending Reggaeton, Dembow, Salsa and Bachata. View. ULTRA FESTIVAL.

  5. Yacht Week: the mega swimsuit party in the Mediterranean for the

    In addition to the Yacht Week in Croatia, the original and most famous floating party, the company organizes many other itineraries in Greece, Sardinia, or Tahiti, all with a carefully curated ...

  6. The Ultimate Guide to The Yacht Week Greece Route

    Greece Route Details. This mid-paced route will be an unforgettable experience as you spend seven days on the Aegean Sea visiting Greece's most beautiful locales including the islands of Poros, Spetses and Dokos. With between 20-30 yachts joining your voyage, you're sure to make plenty of new friends in Europe's sunniest country.

  7. The Ultimate Guide to The Yacht Week Greece

    If you're looking for an unforgettable adventure on the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean, then The Yacht Week Greece is the perfect choice. This seven-day sailing event offers a unique opportunity to explore the stunning Greek islands, soak up the sun, and party in some of the hottest destinations in the region. ...

  8. Set Sail in Style! Inside the Ultimate Travel Adventure ...

    Yacht Week is a sailing adventure journey like no other, set against the stunning backdrop of the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas that has quickly become a bucket list travel experience for ...

  9. FORBES Does The Yacht Week: A Seven-Day Party In The Mediterranean

    Welcome to The Yacht Week, a 7-day tour of select seaside locales that Wenkel's company offers for three months in the Mediterranean every summer, before moving on to Thailand (December) and the ...

  10. The Best Route on The Yacht Week

    Join The Yacht Week's Mediterranean Escape and create memories that will last a lifetime as you sail through sparkling waters, discover hidden gems, and immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of the Mediterranean. Route 2: Caribbean Paradise. Escape to a tropical paradise with The Yacht Week's Caribbean route.

  11. 1 dead, 6 missing after luxury yacht Bayesian sinks off Sicily

    Online charter sites listed it for rent for up to 195,000 euros (about $215,000) a week. Get Tri-state area news delivered to your inbox. Sign up for NBC New York's News Headlines newsletter.

  12. Yacht Charter Mediterranean 2024

    The cost of a yacht charter in the Mediterranean with Northrop & Johnson starts at about $50,000 per week and will include the charter yacht and crew. You will then be charged for additional costs, including fuel, provisions, marina fees, and other expenses in your advanced provisioning allowance (APA). For larger and newer superyachts, you can ...

  13. Best Sailing Destinations in the Mediterranean 2024

    Mediterranean sailing is perfect for first-time sailors, families, couples and groups alike. ... our Lefkas one-week bareboat charter leads you through Meganisi, Vasiliki, ... Of our Agana options, we would recommend the Krka Flotilla for people taking a yacht charter for the first time. It's possibly the best way to soak up Agana's natural ...

  14. How Does The Yacht Week Work?

    There are 3 ways to join YW: 1. You gather a group of friends and book a yacht (the most common way). The price of the yacht is fixed and you split it between all crew members on board. 2. Grab one other friend and book a double cabin. You will then be placed on a yacht with other cabin bookers.

  15. I work as a private chef on board a luxury yacht in the British Virgin

    Hannah Staddon works as a private chef on Mucho Gusto, a luxury yacht in the British Virgin Islands. With her husband, Dominic Baldzuhn, the yacht's captain, they take guests on weeklong trips.

  16. Mediterranean Yacht Charter

    Mediterranean yacht charter prices vary according to the size, style and age of the yacht. Our luxury superyacht charter yachts rent from 30,000 Euro to over 1,000,000 per week, plus expenses, in the form of an advanced provisioning allowance (APA). Conversely, smaller 'all inclusive' type vacations cost between Euro 15,000 to 50,000 per week.

  17. Mediterranean Yacht Charters: The Full Price List

    For a luxury yacht with a full crew in the Mediterranean region, the low end price is around the 8,000€ mark per week for sailing yacht and sailing catamarans. Above 15,000€ / week, you start to be in luxury yacht charters territory, with longer yachts and/or more staff to add luxury to your experience. The cost to charter superyachts in ...

  18. Mediterranean Yacht Charters: Luxury Crewed Yachts

    Mediterranean yacht charter prices can vary significantly, depending on your destination, the yacht your hire, and your itinerary. In general, luxury super yachts rent from $100,000 to more than $1,000,000 per week, plus expenses. Guests must fund an advanced provisioning allowance (APA), which covers expenses like docking fees, fuel, and food ...

  19. Mediterranean Yacht Charters

    For convenience we have listed the average prices for motor yacht and sailing yacht charters in the Mediterranean below; For motor yacht rentals in the Mediterranean, prices can range from $31,541 to $1.6m per week, plus expenses. For luxury sailing yacht rentals in the Mediterranean, prices can go from $20,491 to $532,784 weekly, plus expenses.

  20. Mediterranean Yacht Charters & Sailing Vacations

    Mediterranean Skippered Yacht Charter. Our skippered yacht charters in the Mediterranean provide you with an expert skipper who will lead you around the Mediterranean Sea with class, sophistication and style.. Whether you want to explore the wonders of Croatia or lounge on the sun drenched beaches of Greece, a skippered yacht charter in the Mediterranean is ideal if you want to split your time ...

  21. Mediterranean yacht charter

    11 in 5 cabins. Price. From €259,000 p/week. Add to Compare. Show all yachts. "Summer is always a great time for island hopping and there are fewer places as beautiful and accessible as the Mediterranean when it comes to holiday islands. For beach lovers, sun queens and ocean dreamers, read on to find the perfect island or coastline for you."

  22. Summer of Love

    This year, Yacht Week celebrates the Summer of love. Seven days in paradise, living your best life at sea. In this haven, free spirits come together, forging connections as robust as yacht sails. ... started a yacht charter business in the Caribbean, had three kids, took our kids sailing in the Mediterranean for a year…TYW was the biggest ...

  23. THE 10 BEST Restaurants in Tolyatti (Updated September 2024)

    Hungry - go there. The best restaurant in Tolyatti by a long way. Food was great, service was ok... 4. Vosmaya Milya. The family visit I described was in April, the celebration of Maslennitsa... 5. Shveyk. The atmosphere is simple and inspired as in Prague.

  24. Tolyatti

    Tolyatti (alternatively spelled as "Togliatti") is a city in Samara Oblast in Russia. It is best known internationally as the headquarters of AvtoVAZ, manufacturer of the Lada automobile. AvtoVAZ is Russia's largest automaker and the factory itself is one of the largest in the world. For this reason, Tolyatti is often nicknamed "The Motor City" or "The Detroit of Russia".

  25. THE 10 BEST Tolyatti Sights & Historical Landmarks

    There is absolutely quietness when you enter through the main gate at a weekend. A lot of construction- and reconstruction works are going on, but this Sunday it was just peaceful and nobody was around except us.

  26. Inside the Castle

    Garibaldi Castle is a sprawling medieval construction that dominates the small town of Khryashchevka, Samara. Built in the Neo-Gothic Style the intricate facade, Historical exhibitions, and dazzling stories that runs through the Castle walls will leave you in wonder. Discover an all-new land that celebrates the magic of ancient history.