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Port de Sidi bou Said, Tunisia

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Zenobie Sailing Boat

  • 6 Passagers
  • Ajouter aux Favoris

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Bonheur Motorboat

  • 12 Passagers
  • Bateau à moteur

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Supreme Motorboat

  • 7 Passagers

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Saladin Yacht

  • 20 Passagers

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Majik Yacht

  • 10 Passagers

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Lina Motorboat

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Appelez nous

Location yacht TUNISIE

La Tunisie, fusion entre histoire et modernité, se dévoile majestueusement depuis la mer. Louer un yacht offre une perspective unique pour explorer ce pays, où les médinas rencontrent la Méditerranée.

Louer un yacht pour la Tunisie

Sidi bou said et carthage.

location yacht sidi bou said

  • Départ de Tunis et navigation vers Sidi Bou Said, un charmant village au bord de la mer Méditerranée.
  • Explorez les ruelles blanches et bleues de Sidi Bou Said, avec ses maisons traditionnelles et ses boutiques d’artisanat.
  • Visitez les ruines de Carthage, site archéologique fascinant qui était autrefois une puissante cité antique.
  • Dînez au restaurant Au Bon Vieux Temps à Sidi Bou Said, offrant une cuisine tunisienne raffinée dans une atmosphère agréable.

location yacht sidi bou said

  • Naviguez vers Hammamet, l’une des stations balnéaires les plus populaires de Tunisie.
  • Profitez des plages de sable doré et des eaux turquoise.
  • Visitez la médina de Hammamet avec ses ruelles étroites, ses souks et ses maisons traditionnelles.

Îles Kerkennah

location yacht sidi bou said

  • Mettez le cap sur les îles Kerkennah, un archipel préservé et paisible au large des côtes tunisiennes.
  • Explorez les villages de pêcheurs traditionnels et découvrez la vie insulaire authentique.
  • Profitez de la beauté naturelle de l’archipel en vous détendant sur des plages isolées.
  • Dînez sur le pont du yacht avec des mets locaux préparés par l’équipage.

location yacht sidi bou said

  • Naviguez vers l’île de Djerba, la plus grande île de la Tunisie.
  • Explorez la médina de Houmt Souk et ses souks animés.
  • Dînez au restaurant El Bahr, situé à Houmt Souk, qui propose des plats de poisson frais et des spécialités tunisiennes.

Île de Galite

location yacht sidi bou said

  • Mettez le cap sur l’île de Galite, une réserve naturelle préservée et peu visitée.
  • Profitez de la tranquillité et de la beauté sauvage de l’île, avec ses eaux cristallines et ses paysages spectaculaires.
  • Organisez un pique-nique sur une plage déserte pour une expérience unique.

Nos yachts à la location

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A partir de 66000 € /semaine

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A partir de 160000 € /semaine

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A partir de 37500 € /semaine

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A partir de 56000 € /semaine

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A partir de 31000 € /semaine

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A partir de 23000 € /semaine

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A partir de 24000 € /semaine

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Louer un yacht en Tunisie avec ATI Yachts

La location de yacht en Tunisie avec ATI Yachts est une démarche simplifiée, ouvrant les horizons vers des découvertes maritimes enrichissantes. Nous veillons à ce que chaque moment de votre séjour tunisien soit sans tracas, dévoilant la beauté du littoral en toute sérénité.

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Profitez d'une expérience de luxe à bord du prestigieux yacht "Majik" au port de Sidi Bou Said ! 

  • Catégorie: À la une
  • Description

Sidi Bou Said - Korbous

Sidi Bou Said - Ghar ElMelh


10 personnes

A Partir de 4000DT par groupe

location yacht sidi bou said

Détail de l’expérience   

Le yacht " Majik " offre une combinaison parfaite de style, de confort et d'élégance pour une journée inoubliable en mer. Que vous souhaitiez explorer les eaux cristallines de la Méditerranée, vous détendre sur le pont spacieux ou organiser une fête privée, ce yacht répondra à toutes vos attentes.

Vous pouvez partager cette expérience exclusive avec votre famille et vos amis les plus proches. Créez des souvenirs uniques en profitant des installations de qualité supérieure à bord, y compris des espaces de détente, des équipements de divertissement et une cuisine entièrement équipée.

Lors de votre réservation, pour la confirmer, vous allez devoir payer 50% à l'avance et le reste le jour J 

Tarif pour une journée  : Du Lundi au Samedi Du 09h00 jusqu’à 18h00

- Sidi Bou Said  à Korbous (Ras Fartas) : 4000 DT par Groupe

- Sidi Bou Said  à Ghar El Melh: 4400 DT par Groupe

Le prix comprend :

- L’équipage (un skipper et un marin)

- Équipements de sécurité

- L’assurance

- Le carburant

- Mini réfrigérateur

- Haut-Parleurs Bluetooth

Le prix ne comprend pas :

- La nourriture 

- Les boissons

Conditions :

- Fête autorisées

- Enfants autorisés

Merci de présenter une copie de votre pièce d'identité CIN le jour J

location yacht sidi bou said

Conditions d'annulation

- En cas de météo défavorable ou d'interdiction de sortie de la garde nationale, ou de panne du bateau, la balade en mer prévue  peut être annulée. Dans ce cas, une autre date sera proposé sans frais supplémentaire.

- En cas d'annulation par le client, il n'y aura aucun remboursement

Détails du produit

Fiche technique, références spécifiques.

location yacht sidi bou said

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  • ––Tunisie.co

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Local Knowledge | Superyacht Standards

Port Marina de Gammarth

A new marina, modern luxury.

The recently opened Port Marina de Gammarth is Tunisia’s newest marina – and one that promises to be an ideal alternative to the closed Bizerte. Located close to Tunis, this marina already has a reputation for luxury, and for captains it combines fantastic surroundings with berths for superyachts  to  35 metres.

Gammarth at a glance

  • The latest modern marina to open in Tunisia
  • 14 berths of 25 metres and one long-side berth of 35 metres
  • Electric gates, CCTV and 24-hour security guards
  • Side-to bunkering quay
  • Excellent location near high-quality restaurants and shops

Why berth at Gammarth with YST?

  • The perfect alternative to Bizerte

The closest marina in Tunisia to Tunis and a gas station, water and electricity available on the quay, some Captains prefer to use Marina Gammarth over Bizerte.  

  • An ideal location for non-VAT paid yachts

Located just outside the European Union but also within easy reach of the Western Mediterranean cruising grounds, Gammarth Marina occupies the ideal place for non-VAT paid yachts looking to sort their paperwork.

  Benefit from local knowledge with English-speaking experts

The language barrier need not concern you if you berth at Gammarth with YST. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff not only speak your language, but have extensive industry experience. That means you can trust us to take care of everything from customs paperwork to advising you on the best local restaurants.

Things to do in Gammarth

Discover tunisia with expert guides.

If you and your crew have a little time to spend in Tunisia, you can count on us to help you make the most of it. Not only can we offer insider tips on where to go and what to do, but we can even arrange excursions with expert guides, hand-picked by our team for their experience and flair.

Gammarth Beach

Stretching alongside the town, Gammarth Beach is a pleasant place to go to unwind and try out a few beach activities.

The nearby Residence Golf Course provides a modern golfing experience, with the course designed by Robert Trent Jones II. This 18-hole course allows you to tee off in scenic surroundings, thanks to its stunning natural setting between the sea and a salt lake.

Thanks to its location between Tunis and La Marsa, Gammarth is a great place for shopping. You will be spoilt for choice with everything from stylish boutiques to tempting delicatessens.


Nearby La Marsa is the ideal place to go for an evening out, whether you are seeking fine dining or to let your hair down in the local nightclubs.

Having inspired dramatic legends and sitting just outside Gammarth, the ancient city of Carthage is a must-visit. Encircled by 34 km walls, these historic ruins include Roman baths, ancient streets, homes and much more. Plus, you can visit the Carthage Museum to take a look at some of the amazing finds discovered here, including mosaics and statues.

Sidi Bou Said

With its beautiful clifftop location and pretty blue-and-white buildings, Sidi Bou Said is an enchanting place to visit. The spectacular sea views alone are worthy of a visit, but the town itself is just as scenic, looking very much like a slice of Greece. The streets are lined with flower-draped buildings, cafes, souvenir shops and art shops, helping to make a trip here an excellent day out.

Bardo Museum

The country’s finest museum is just a short distance from Gammarth in the capital city of Tunis. Housing an unmissable collection of ancient North African artefacts, it displays everything from Roman mosaics to early Islamic ceramics. What’s more, the collection is housed in a stunning palace, which is worth a visit in its own right.

Keen to try out Port Marina de Gammarth? Contact us today to find out more or make a booking.



Sidi Bou Said

Sidi Bou Said

Impossibly Charming and amazingly photogenic, Sidi Bou Said is a clifftop village of petite dimensions that seem to have fallen off an artist’s canvas. Unsurprisingly, artists have feted this little hamlet for decades. The whitewashed alleyways, wrought-iron window frames, and colourful blue doors are Tunisian village architecture at their finest, while the Mediterranean backdrop is the cherry on top. This is a place to while away a lazy afternoon, simply soaking up the laid-back atmosphere and maybe indulging in a spot of shopping at one of the many local artisan and handicraft stalls.

Sidi Bou Said has a reputation as a town of artists. Artists who have lived in or visited Sidi Bou Said include famous occultist  Aleister Crowley ,  Paul Klee ,  Gustave-Henri Jossot ,  August Macke  and Louis Moillet. Tunisian artists in Sidi Bou Said are members of École de Tunis (painting school of Tunis), such as  Yahia Turki , Brahim Dhahak and  Ammar Farhat . French philosopher  Michel Foucault  lived there for a number of years while teaching at the University of Tunis. French author  Andre Gide  also had a house in the town.

location yacht sidi bou said

In the 12th century/13th century AD Abu Said Ibn Khalaf Yahya al-Tamimi al-Beji arrived in the village of Jabal el-Menar and established a sanctuary. After his death in 1231, he was buried there. In the 18th century, Turkish governors of Tunis and wealthy citizens of the latter built residences in Sidi Bou Said.

During the 1920s,  Rodolphe d’Erlanger  applied the blue-white theme all over the town.   His home,  Ennejma Ezzahra , is now a museum.

One of the most famous landmarks of Sidi Bou Said is what is known as the “Nejma Zahra” palace, built by the English Count Erlanger, which shows the manifestations of love and beauty reflected in its decorations, angles and ruins. Today it has turned into a museum that displays musical instruments and organizes concerts of classical and Arabic music.

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Sidi bou said: travel guide to this stunning tunisian town.

Sidi Bou Said - Travel Guide

The beautiful coastal town of Sidi Bou Said is a must visit destination in Tunisia.

Famed for its historic streets and gorgeous white and blue buildings, Sidi Bou Said is about as picturesque a spot as they come, with its sea views and bougainvillea-laiden frontages.

Filled with cafes, photographic corners and beautiful rooftops, quaint Sidi Bou Said should not be missed off your Tunisia itinerary, so here’s everything you need to know about visiting it, including top things to do there, where to stay and the best places to eat…

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Me in Doorway

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  • Perfect 10 Day Tunisia Itinerary
  • Al Huwariyah: Tunisia’s Active Adventure Hotspot
  • Tunisia vs Egypt: Which is Better?

My trip to Tunisia was sponsored by the Authentic Tunisia campaign but, as always, all views are my own.

This page contains affiliate links meaning Big World Small Pockets may receive a small commission on any purchases at no extra cost to you.

Where is Sidi Bou Said?

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Minaret

Sidi Bou Said is located just outside the capital of Tunisia, Tunis.

It’s located in a region known as Carthage – the former capital of the country and an important trading post in Roman times.

Situated on a coastal cliff, Sidi Bou Said still boasts a beautiful sea town atmosphere and maintains a quaint, historic charm.

Frequented by wealthy Tunisians, many who come here at the weekend to escape the capital’s suburbs, Sidi Bou Said is quiet and peaceful – the perfect place to base yourself when first arriving in Tunisia.

In fact, I recommend heading here, rather than the capital, as you can easily explore Tunis from Sidi Bou Said if you wish.

Sidi Bou Said provides a much calmer atmosphere than bustling Tunis, is small and easy to get around, and is one of the most touristy places in Tunisia, which makes it a pretty soft landing spot.

But don’t be put off by me calling in touristy!

Given this is Tunisia, the tourist crowds as really pretty low and most visitors here are locals, which only adds to the appeal of this stunning seaside spot.

Why Visit Sidi Bou Said?

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Sea View

If I haven’t already spelled it out, Sidi Bou Said is a beautiful, peaceful coastal town that exudes holiday vibes.

Filled with cute café, stunning streets, as well as traditional Tunisian life, it’s a safe and easy place to enjoy, be that chilling at the coast, sipping coffee with the locals, snapping the historic doorways or visiting many of the ancient UNESCO sites around.

Quite frankly, its charm levels are off the scale!

The perfect place to ease into Tunisia, I felt perfectly safe wandering around here as a solo female, and loved discovering the hidden corners and beautiful photographic moments it provided.

If you enjoyed Chefchaouen in Morocco , you’re going to love Sidi Bou Said, which I consider even more enchanting… not least because it’s far less well known.

Now in the process of becoming UNESCO listed, I highly recommend visiting this lovely spot before everyone else discovers it too!

Brief History of Sidi Bou Said

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Rolled Rugs

Evidence of a settlement in this part of Tunisia dates back to Roman times, as well as the Phoenician rule – a seafaring civilisation that settled other parts of the south Mediterranean such as Lebanon too.

The village was expanded in the 11 th century by the Almoravids, but didn’t develop into anything like the town we recognise today until the 17th century, when the Tunisian bourgeois, attracted by the clean sea air, built most of the gorgeous traditional Arab-Andalusian houses you can still snap (and stay in) today.

Since 1915, it’s been necessary for all these houses to stick to the strict blue and white colour scheme, which help gave Sidi Bou Said the beguiling allure that remains to today.

Inspired by its stunning design and enchanting setting, Sidi Bou Said attracted artists and radical thinkers from across North Africa and Europe (including Simone de Beauvoir, Matisse, André Gide and Michel de Foucault) and developed a bohemian ambience that still persists in the cafés, shops and overall feel of the place.

Top Things to Do in Sidi Bou Said

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, People Talking

When it comes to the top things to do in Sidi Bou Sadi, then seriously wandering around the streets here soaking it all in has to be my top pick.

While not an activity in and of itself, Sidi Bou Said, is the sort of place you can just lose yourself in without a plan.

Perusing the shops, stopping for a tea, gazing over the sea and snapping a million photographs really is an activity here and personally, I can’t think of any better way to spend a day!

The top street for snaps here in my opinion is Rue Taieb Mhiri and its adjoining alleys, where gorgeous blue wooden doorways meet whitewashed walls that stream with bougainvillea and stories!

There’s also the city panorama platform further up this street and, not too far away, the Sidi Bou Said Lighthouse .

If you’re also into the relaxing feels, then heading to the Sidi Bou Said beach , located next to the harbour, is a great idea.

It’s accessed via a steep, small road, and is the perfect place to continue the chilled vibes.

Here the beach is free, but you can rent loungers and parasols if you wish.

There’s also water sports equipment for rent here if you do feel like being a bit more active.

Aside from the relaxing and soaking it all in, there are a couple of historical sites to visit in Sidi Bou Said, with Museum Dar el-Annabi , Palace Dar Nejma Ezzhar and Palais Dar Turki being my top picks.

The latter of these doubles as a guesthouse and wedding venue, but usually you can wander the gardens and peep inside the historic house and courtyard, which is done in the classic Arab-Andalusian style common across Tunisia.

If you’re not staying in a traditional Dar in Sidi Bou Said, then this one gives you a sneak peek into what they look like.

Another traditional space in town is Marsaoui Hammam – if you’re keen to get a classic Tunisian bath experience in Sidi Bou Said, then this is the place!

Including an authentic sauna and scrub experience, this is a tourist-friendly hammam with clear prices and clean surrounds, that also feels very genuine – it’s a great Tunisian experience!

The hammam is open every day except Tuesday, with female access between 10am and 6pm, and male access between 7pm and 10pm.

And finally, you can miss visiting the famous Carthage ruins and Punic Harbour just outside Sidi Bou Said.

2 very important historical sites (the ruins are even UNESCO listed), Carthage used to be the capital of the African province of the Roman Empire and was a huge Mediterranean trading port and incredibly affluent city as a result.

This historical site today is comprised of the city ruins, as well as battle sites, monuments and museums relating to the ancient empire that are dotted around it.

Included in this are the Carthage Punic Port and Museum , which are must visits, along with the Carthage National Museum .

You can wander these sites independently, but my recommendation is really to take a guide so you can understand more about what you are seeing.

This great half day walking tour is a super option, or why not add in an active element with this brilliant guided cycling tour .

Where to Stay?

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Window Box

The best accommodation in Sidi Bou Said are local apartments or guesthouses known as Dar .

These provide modern comforts amidst traditional décor and beautifully impart the feeling of Sidi Bou Said.

Dar Fatma provides good value double rooms with beautiful views over the coast from its rooftop terrace.

Dar Said offers a mix of rooms from deluxe doubles to standard singles. Brilliantly located in the heart of Sidi Bou Said, it’s clean and comfortable with a fantastic welcome!

La Villa Bleue boasts a great location with parking and delicious breakfasts too. The views are lovely and it has a pool!

Where to Eat?

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Food

Café des Nattes is the classic cafe in Sidi Bou Said you have to visit.

Once frequented by the great artists and thinkers of the 18 th and early 19 th century, it has survived to this day, remaining almost unchanged.

Sipping a coffee or mint tea here, you can just imagine the conversations that would have taken place in times gone by.

If you’ve been to Tangier in Morocco, then you’ll know what I mean!

For the Instagrammers and photographers among you, it’s all about heading for a drink or bite to eat with the best view in town at Café des Delices (also know as Café Sidi Chaabane).

If you’ve seen any amazing shots of Sidi Bou Said, with sweeping elevated coastal views, they were probably snapped here.

Restaurant Chargui is another top place to get dinner in the centre of Sidi Bou Said.

The outside terrace gets a lovely breeze and they serve up traditional Tunisian food with a relaxed local feel.

Head up to the top terrace for the best sea views.

When to Visit?

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Minaret View

The best time to visit Sidi Bou Said is during the spring and autumn months, when the warm temperatures and low rainfall making visiting northern Tunisia a delight.

May, June and September are the best months in my opinion. when clear skies days with long daylight hours are ideal for sightseeing and sunbathing.

Learn more about the best time to visit Tunisia, including a month by month breakdown here .

How Long to Spend There?

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Cafe

I recommend 2 days for Sidi Bou Said, which will allow you to explore this gorgeous town to its fullest, as well as enjoy a day trip out to the nearby Carthage ruins and Punic harbour.

How to Get There?

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Blue Door

Sidi Bou Said is incredibly close the Tunisia’s main international airport – Tunis-Carthage – which is why many people head there when they first arrive into Tunisia.

The perfect place to acclimatise to a new country, Sidi Bou Said is only about a 20 minute drive from the airport and can easily be made in a taxi.

I recommend the rideshare app Bolt  to ensure guaranteed prices and avoid any potential language barriers.

Flights into Tunis-Carthage Airport arrive from across Europe and the Middle East.

As always I use Skyscanner to find the best flight prices.

How to Get Around?

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Street and Door

It’s easy to walk around Sidi Bou Said, as the centre is compact and cobbled – in fact most of it is pedestrianised, so cars are a no-go!

When it comes to exploring beyond the town to nearby attractions such as the Carthage ruins, I recommend either using public transport or taking a half day tour.

Public transport is obviously cheaper, and you can use both the train or the bus to get around Carthage or into Tunis from Sidi Bou Said.

The TGM suburban railway operated by Transtu is the rail service you need. Line 1 operates to Carthage.

A bus service is also available – I recommend asking locals for the latest updates.

Alternatively, and especially if you’re into history, you may appreciate taking a day your from Sidi Bou Said, in particular to the Carthage ruins, so that you can learn more about this UNESCO historical site.

Check out these top day trips for more ideas.

Top Packing Items for Sidi Bou Said

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Rooftop Pool

For a full list of what I recommend you pack for Tunisia and what to wear in this country, especially as a female traveller, check out this article I write.

Otherwise, here’s a list of my top 5 packing items for Sidi Bou Said in particular…

#1 Good Camera – You’ll definitely want to do some snapping here!

#2 Decent Daypack – Needed to carry everything with you on day trips

#2 Water To Go Bottle – Ideal for drinking the tap water safely

#4 Comfy Walking Shoes – Key for sightseeing in comfort

#5 Portable Charger – A must for ensuring your phone and camera stay charged all day

Travel Insurance for Tunisia

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, House Front

Alternatively, if you’re a long-term traveller, digital nomad or frequent remote worker seeking travel health cover, check out Safetywing’s Nomad Insurance policies.

Travel Money for Tunisia

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Mosque View

The easy way to spend abroad with real exchange rates, no markups and no sneaky transaction fees, you can use your Wise card just like a debit card here… and it links easily with Google and Apple pay – sold! Grab yours here .

Recommended Tunisia Tours

Tunisia, Sidi Bou Said, Cactus

Alternatively, if you’d rather not travel Tunisia independently, these top Tunisia tours are another great way to experience an adventure here.

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Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia Travel Guide

And there you have it, my complete travel guide to Sidi Bou Said in Tunisia.

Hopefully this article will help you plan and enjoy an amazing time in this stunning Tunisian town.

It really is a must visit!

Are you planning to head to Tunisia soon?

Have any questions about travel there?

Then drop them into the comments box below and I’ll get back to you…

location yacht sidi bou said

Creator of Big World Small Pockets, Stephanie Parker is a travel addict! Originally from Jersey in the Channel Islands, Stephanie adventures the world collecting tips, advice and stories, to share with a smile

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24 Hours Layover

Sidi Bou Said: Exploring The Blue And White City Of Tunisia

By: Author Catrina McGrail

Posted on Last updated: February 28, 2024


Perched on top of a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea is the small city of Sidi Bou Said in Tunisia – a beautiful place full of picturesque blue and white buildings that is often compared to the more famous Chefchaouen in Morocco or Santorini in Greece.

sidi bou said Tunisia photography white and blue city

Sidi Bou Said is an absolute must-visit when it Tunisia. It is one of the most beautiful places in Tunisia , and you’ll find so many Instagrammable places just walking along the streets.

Elaborate and unique doorways, bougainvillaea flowers climbing the walls, idyllic market stalls, stunning architecture and breathtaking views, Sidi Bou Said is a charming and captivating place.

sidi bou said doorways white and blue city tunisia

There’s so much to see here, and it’s such a tranquil place full of natural beauty.

As Sidi Bou Said sits on a cliff overlooking the sea, the views are stunning, and the sunsets are particularly impressive. 

Here’s all you need to know to be able to enjoy a day in Sidi Bou Said – The Blue And White City of Tunisia!

sidi bou said doorways white and blue city tunisia

Why A Visit To Sidi Bou Said Is A Must When In Tunisia

The distinctive whitewashed buildings, adorned with vibrant blue doors and windows, make Sidi Bou Said a must-visit place in Tunisia.

sidi bou said Tunisia photography white and blue city

Wander through the quaint narrow alleyways lined with bougainvillea-draped walls, and discover hidden treasures at every turn, whether it’s the artisanal workshops or the quaint cafes.

From the charming cobblestone streets to its panoramic vistas, Sidi Bou Said captivates the hearts of both locals and travellers. Plus, it’s so close to the capital – Tunis, that you can easily visit on a half day trip.

sidi bou said doorways

Must-See Attractions and Photo Spots In Sidi Bou Said

There are no shortage of picturesque viewpoints and photo spots in Sidi Bou Said, with every corner offering postcard-worthy shots. The best thing to do is just wander around the streets and take in all the sights.

Get photos of the beautifully intricate colourful doorways, the beautiful architecture, and make sure to visit some cafes as they offer stunning panoramic sea views.

sidi bou said Tunisia photography

One of Sidi Bou Said’s most iconic landmarks is the Dar El Annabi, a beautifully restored 18th-century mansion that offers a really interesting glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of Tunisia’s elite in years gone by.

sidi bou said Tunisia photography

The entrance price is low and you’ll be given a cup of Tunisian mint tea to enjoy as you wander round.

sidi bou said Tunisia photography

If you want to browse for some souvenirs, the idyllic and bustling market stalls at Des Metiers and D’Art Lella Salha & Des Metiers sell a variety of handmade items, clothes and paintings. 

Best Cafes In Sidi Bou Said For Views

Sidi Bou Said is home to numerous cafes, and no visit here is complete without visiting a cafe or restaurant that offers stunning views.

Many cafes and restaurants in Sidi Bou Said specialise in Tunisian specialties, from savoury couscous dishes to freshly caught seafood.

sidi bou said rooftop white and blue city tunisia

There are lots of cute rooftop cafes along Rue Habib Thameur such as Dar Dallaji where you can look down onto the white and blue buildings below.

Cafe Des Nattes, on Rue Hedi Zarrouk, also offers panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding landscape.

The best place however to come for a tea and watch the sunset over the harbour is the iconic Cafe des Delices. Here is the Google maps location . If there’s only one cafe you visit when in Sidi Bou Said, it has to be this iconic one.

sidi bou said Tunisia photography white and blue city

This place features the famous view of Sidi Bou Said and the views are absolutely breathtaking.

sidi bou said Tunisia photography

The prices are a bit higher than other cafes in the area but it is worth it for the view! Get a mint tea and enjoy the sunset from here.

sidi bou said Tunisia photography

How To Get To Sidi Bou Said From Tunis

Sidi Bou Said is located 18km north of Tunis, and it is very easy to get there on public transport. You can easily visit it on a day trip or half day excursion.

Take the TGM light rail to Sidi Bou Said from Tunis Marine Station, located at the end of Habib Bourguiba. Don’t go to the Gare de Tunis station. The train is very affordable – a single ticket costs 0.7 dinar and the journey from Tunis to Sidi Bou Said takes 35 minutes.

sidi bou said Tunisia photography

Other Places To Visit Near Sidi Bou Said

Besides Tunis, there are a couple of other places nearby to Sidi Bou Said that are really worth exploring:

Carthage is a stunning town 3km from Sidi Bou Said and you can easily visit the two sights in one day. There are so many archaeological sights and things to see in Carthage , such as the ancient Roman amphitheatre ruins and Roman baths.

It takes 10 minutes to get to Carthage on the train from Sidi Bou Said. It’s on the same train line that goes back to Tunis – the TGM light rail, making it easy to combine them in a day trip.

Carthage is closer to Tunis than Sidi Bou Said, so most people like to visit Carthage in the morning, then enjoy Sidi Bou Said for lunch and the afternoon and stay for the sunset.

Carthage Tunisia photography

Both towns are so picturesque yet so different and I really recommend to visit both when you’re in Tunisia!

Located just past Sidi Bou Said is La Marsa – the fancy part of Tunisia. Lots of expats live here and you’ll find lots of bars that serve alcohol. Perfect for a night out if you still have the energy after your day of sightseeing!              

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Catrina McGrail

Catrina McGrail is a Travel Writer and ex-Flight Attendant based in Sydney, Australia. She has visited 85 countries and lived in several – including Italy, Australia, United Arab Emirates and England. Her work has been featured in a variety of popular travel publications including Fodors, Escape, Australian Traveller and Bear Grylls, as well as several international aviation and travel companies. She only writes about places she has personally visited, and aims to give real, honest advice to help her readers.

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location yacht sidi bou said

Sidi Bou Said – the white and blue village in Tunisia

location yacht sidi bou said

Sidi Bou Said is an incredibly charming town, approximately 20 km from Tunisia’s capital, Tunis. Images of the city is often seen on social media, with its beautiful white houses adorned with blue details. The town gained fame as an artist’s haven as far back as the 18th century, and many artists have lived, worked, and dreamed here, inspired by the town and its spirit.

There are still numerous artistic souls in the town, and you can often spot people drawing and painting around the town. It’s easy to understand why Sidi Bou Said is a popular destination.

narrow cobblestone streets and houses in white with blue details typical sidi bou said style in tunisia

Sidi Bou Said was one of the many stops we had during our busy week in Tunisia. For me, it remains one of the absolute highlights. In fact, our entire travel group fell so in love with the town that we had to change our original plans, wake up earlier, and return the following morning.

colourful ceramics and carpets placed outside a storefront in a street in sidi bou said

The beautiful Sidi Bou Said

Today, Sidi Bou Said is a beloved destination for both local travelers and tourists alike. The town is undoubtedly one of the most Instagrammed areas in Tunisia, and with good reason. There’s no shortage of picturesque scenes here!

flowers and plants in vases outside a house i sidi bou said

All the houses in the town are painted in the same shades of white and blue, giving it a very coherent and beautiful look. The tradition of white and blue dates back to the 18th century. The town somewhat resembles parts of Greece, both due to the colors and the decoration and embellishment of the houses.

two men sits outside their shop with colourful ceramics in sidi bou said

While the town may be small in size, it’s brimming with life. You’ll find guesthouses, hotels, cafes, restaurants, and art galleries. And, of course, a medina where you can buy ceramics, something else the town is known for.

Cafe des delices – a must see!

a group of people in the stairs towards cafe des delices

A visit to Sidi Bou Said is incomplete without a stop at the “Cafe des délices,” situated beautifully on the hillside. From your seat, you can enjoy a splendid view of the Mediterranean Sea. Here, you’re served strong Turkish coffee, local pastries, and if you’re lucky, live music.

view over the sea from café des delices in sidi bou said

During our visit, the atmosphere was vibrant among the many guests, with music, dance, and applause. The clientele was a joyful mix of Tunisians and tourists, making it all feel very authentic. The cafe is so beloved that it even has its own song – “Au café des délices” by Patrick Bruel.

a woman taking a photo of coffee and small cakes with her smartphone at cafe des delices

Indulge in local cuisine at La Villa Bleue.

the front of restaurant la villa bleue

La Villa Bleue is a cozy restaurant, centrally located in Sidi Bou Said. Here, you can savor various local Tunisian dishes. Rarely have I felt more regret over not being able to eat gluten than when I had to pass on the “brick” – a fried phyllo dough filled with potatoes, eggs, and tuna, which my fellow travelers quickly crowned as the best dish.

pool detail from inside restaurant la villa bleue

Despite missing out on the brick, I fortunately didn’t go hungry. My Salade Mechouia, a delightful salad with grilled vegetables, also disappeared quickly.

Sidi Bou Said – small town, big impression!

We initially visited the town in the afternoon and managed a quick stroll through the narrow cobblestone streets before the sun set. But, it wasn’t enough! Panic was evident in our eyes as we rushed around trying to capture all the scenes before sunset.

a woman in a blue dress with a hat with a bow on top walks through the medina in sidi bou said

Fortunately, it didn’t take much persuasion from our guide, Mohammed Meddeb, to plan a return visit to the town the next day.

a woman with yellow jacket and pink top with a scarf on her head walks past rock the kasbah and street art in sidi bou said

We woke up earlier than planned for an early morning in the little coastal town and wandered through the streets that had been so lively the evening before, almost entirely to ourselves. Highly recommended!

woman in floral skirt outside a house in sidi bou said

If you need a little pick-me-up amidst all the scenes, street vendors can tempt you with local specialties. Fried doughnuts (known as “sfenj,” “Bambalouni,” or “khfaf” in Tunisia) are a popular treat in Sidi Bou Said and can be bought on the street. According to those in the know, Bambalouni is where you’ll find the town’s best.

Arrange a photo safari in the narrow streets

One thing is clear: this town is a photographer’s dream. Whether you want to capture street photos, house portraits, or get lost in the details, the subjects here are endless! The many beautiful doors are a popular subject. If you’re looking for an activity in town, why not see who can find the most exquisite door?

typical sidi bou said - beautiful white house and blue details on door and window

Sidi Bou Said is a fantastic town that should definitely be visited if you’re in Tunisia. Its close proximity to the capital makes it a great day trip, but it’s also a wonderful place to spend a few days just unwinding. You’ll escape some of the hustle and bustle of the capital and enjoy a refreshing sea breeze. It’s still warm and pleasant – just a bit less humid.

a beautiful cobblestone street with stairs in sidi bou said with colourful carpets handing on the left side

About this post

This post is written after a sponsored press trip to Tunisia, in collaboration with  DiscoverTunisia , but with no instruction of what to write afterwards. All things written are of course entirely based on my own experiences and are my own honest review.

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Fint inlägg. gillade verkligen Sidi Bue Said.. kan tänka mig att bo där i några dagar 🙂

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Tusen takk for det. Og helt enig med deg, skulle gjerne hatt lenger tid i den byen, veldig kule vibber. 🙂

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The Tunisian Santorini: A beautiful gem, Sidi Bou Said

Nestled on the Mediterranean coast is the stunning Sidi Bou Said in Tunisia, Africa – a beautiful, picturesque village that bursts with charm and entices visitors with its vibrant blue and white architecture. 

This small, hidden haven is a true jewel of Tunisia, which offers a perfect blend of history, culture and coastal views. Whether you’re an intrepid explorer or a curious wanderer, Sidi Bou Said is a must-visit, lesser-known destination in Tunisia for an unforgettable experience.

A colourful street featuring blue and yellow Tunisian doors, architecture and geometric patterns with yellow and boot seating outside of a cafe

The Santorini of Tunisia

Sidi Bou Said is often described as the ‘Tunisian Santorini,’ and it’s clear to see why. Santorini is a bucket list destination for many who look to admire and photograph beautiful landscapes painted in crisp white and alluring blues. However, it’s no secret that a well-known destination like Santorini can often come with a high price tag. 

A Sidi Bou Said street with a white building and turquoise blue window frames and doors

When visiting Sidi Bou Said, be prepared to be mesmerised by the striking colour palette that adorns every corner and the Tunisian cultural charm that can be found within the architecture. Whitewashed walls embellished with bold blue or yellow doors and window frames create a sense of harmony as though you’ve entered a dreamlike world straight out of an artist’s imagination. 

location yacht sidi bou said

For an additional pop of colour, spot the many quaint orange trees that grow along the streets, as well as the vibrant bougainvillaea flowers that hang over the walls, adding the perfect splash of magenta across the cobbled town.

Tunisian culture and heritage

While the picturesque town is akin to a Greek landscape, you’ll find the unique Tunisian charm that makes Sidi Bou Said so unique. Most of the architecture features the traditional Tunisian door, which holds cultural significance and is considered to be an important aspect of the country’s architectural heritage. 

The doors in Tunisia are beautiful in their own right, featuring intricate designs and representing the rich artistic values within the country. This artistic flair is said to also exhibit elements of Islamic design and architecture, so expect to see geometric patterns, shapes and impressive craftsmanship throughout the town, and the country as a whole.

a blue Tunisian door in Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia with black geometric patterns

The predominant blue tones found across the town of Sidi Bou Said are known to represent protection from evil in Tunisia, as well as helping to keep homes cool in hotter climates. Another reason is that the colour blue is said to deter insects and mosquitos from entering homes, cafes and restaurants due to its water-like appearance. However, you’ll also find complimentary vibrant colours such as yellows. 

A yellow/mustard coloured Tunisian door in Sidi Bou Said with black geometric patterns. Further abstract style artwork are on the walls next to the door while geometric patterns are on the short staircase leading to the door

The significant Tunisian doors serve as a testament to Tunisia’s rich heritage, as well as offering an insight into the architectural and cultural identity of Tunisians. Therefore, when visiting Sidi Bou Said, remember to take a moment to embrace the beautiful talent represented in each door.

Take a break in Café des Délices

Featuring panoramic views of the harbour, bold umbrellas and colourful seating, Café des Délices is the perfect location to refresh, have a bite to eat and soak in the euphoria of Sidi Bou Said.

location yacht sidi bou said

The popular cafe can get busy in the hotter months; the team aims to accompany anyone who visits due to its spacious, open-air layout. Highlights include the fresh orange juice, which is a perfect addition after admiring the stunning orange trees within the town. Alternatively, try some Tunisian mint tea where the aroma will take you on a sensory journey through Tunsian’s culture.

location yacht sidi bou said

Aside from Café des Délices, there are plenty of other cafes and restaurants around Sidi Bou Said, so you’re sure to find a scenic place to unwind before you continue your exploring. However, when visiting, remember to ask for the prices before you order. There have been some negative reviews regarding price increases for tourists.

Grab some souvenirs

Sidi Bou Said has been an inspiration for artists, poets and writers in Tunisia and beyond. You can see this while walking around the enchanting town, and there are several souvenir shops where you can take a little bit of the Sidi Bou Said charm home with you.

A white and blue street in Tunisian Santroini, Sidi Bou Said with ceramic artwork

You’ll find handcrafted mosaics, Tunisian doors, hand-painted artwork inspired by the architecture, ceramics, and many more gifts. Souvenir stores may feature fixed-priced items, or you may need to haggle with the owners if you’re looking to make a purchase – this is very, very popular in the tourist destinations so ensure that you’re not being taken advantage of if you do decide to haggle. 

How to get to Sidi Bou Said

When travelling to Tunisia, you’ll likely find guided trips available to visit Sidi Bou Said. However, if you’re seeking the freedom to visit the town without a guide or group, you can visit via a taxi.

Although this may be a pricier trip, the driver will usually take you and pick you up – and if you’re lucky, they’ll tell you more about the cultural significance and history of the town.

location yacht sidi bou said

The drive is around two hours from Sousse, slightly over an hour from Hammamet, and just 20 minutes from the capital, Tunis. 

Plan your visit to the 'Tunisian Santorini'

Known as the Tunisian Santorini, the enchanting city of Sidi Bou Said holds its own, unique charm and cultural heritage which is all the more reason to visit. Immerse yourself in the architecture, walk around the cobbled streets, admire the breathtaking landscapes and art, and capture your memories with some stunning photographs – this lesser-known Tunisian gem promises a truly unforgettable experience.

location yacht sidi bou said

Kelsey is a travel writer who has featured in luxury travel publications such as Beau Monde Traveler, Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and Ladies What Travel. Kelsey is driven by her wanderlust and eagerness to visit new, lesser-known destinations. She loves getting creative, travel and lifestyle topics. Her travel list is forever growing.

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Kelsey Haslam

Kelsey is a travel writer who has featured in luxury travel publications such as Beau Monde Traveler, Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and Ladies What Travel.

Kelsey is driven by her wanderlust and eagerness to visit new, lesser-known destinations. She loves getting creative, travel and lifestyle topics. Her travel list is forever growing.

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The Mediterranean Traveller

Sidi Bou Said: A Guide to Tunisia’s Beautiful Blue and White Village

View of Sidi Bou Said out to sea

Tunisia’s Sidi Bou Said, with its clifftop setting, pretty whitewashed houses, and ornate blue doors, might just be the prettiest village you’ve never heard of.


You might be forgiven for thinking that this sugar cube-and-blue village overlooking a turquoise sea is in Greece. With its colours and domes, it bears a certain resemblance to iconic Santorini . But Sidi Bou Said is just 18km by train from the Tunis, the capital of Tunisia.

The village is a breath of fresh air after busy Tunis and serves as a weekend getaway for the city’ artists, bohemian youth, families and elite, as well as being a key stop on the Tunisia itineraries of tours and cruises. It overlooks the luminescent Bay of Tunis, with a steep road leading down to a pleasant beach and marina.

Clifftop Sidi Bou Said and it's beach from the sea

Artists have long been attracted by the light and the colours here. The streets are blindingly bright in the midday sun, but the surroundings here are surprisingly lush, with pops of pink bougainvillaea and geraniums accenting the blue and white colour scheme. Stroll around the streets and you’ll spot the occasional rebellious red and yellow door.

Moucharabiehs— the name for the wooden latticework screens around balconies and windows — keep interiors cool but ventilated and provide a further canvas.

To top off the sensory feast, jasmine and orange blossom scent the air here, with secret gardens and flower-filled courtyards hidden amongst the streets.

Jasmine flowers against blue metalwork

Sidi Bou Said is a small village and a popular weekend escape for Tunisians. It’s easily accessible on the train line from Carthage. Families head for the beach and bohemian youth to the shisha cafes. Until recently it was also a popular day trip stop for the resorts fanning out along the coast and cruise liners docking at the nearby La Goulette port.

The village itself is lined with luxury houses built for wealthy politicians and is immaculately maintained. It’s a somewhat manicured version of the exotic but beautiful nonetheless.

Pink bougainvillea against a blue door and white walls

Even with crowds, Sidi Bou Said somehow feels simultaneously touristy and undiscovered. It doesn’t take long to explore the tangle of narrow streets and there’s not much to do but recline in a variety of outdoor seating in cafes, people-watch and admire the sea views.

The evening brings a different atmosphere. You won’t find sunset cocktails here as the village faces west. Instead, the streets become silent as night falls and locals retreat to cafes in the modern end of town. Take a trip to Cafe De Nattes – the most famous cafe in town  – for shisha in its ornate and unusual interior, or just enjoy having the moonlit streets to yourself.

Shadow of a palm tree against a building in Sidi Bou Said


The most popular activity in Sidi Bou Said is to drink in the views from one of the numerous cafes or terraces. There is a road down to the beach at the base of the cliff if that turquoise water calls you.

Whilst you’re here, explore the legacy of the people who have shaped the village.

Abou Saïd Khalafa ben Yahia – this 13th-century teacher and Sufi retreated to the hilltop fort in later life and his presence was believed to protect Tunis from sea attacks. The village took his name and his tomb still attracts pilgrims (although it was largely burned in a fire in 2012). Many of the domed buildings were built in his honour.

Baron Rodolphe d’Erlanger – a French baron, musicologist and patron of the arts who moved to Sidi Bou Said in 1907.  His hilltop palace, Dar Ennejma Ezzhara  (the ‘The Star of Venus’ or ‘Sparkling Star’) hosted many musicians, artists and writers of the period, and is now a Museum of Arab and Mediterranean Music.


‘The Baron’ poured funds into the village and lobbied the local government to grant it protected status, including the blue and white paint scheme. Sidi Bou Said now forms part of a UNESCO World Heritage site along with the nearby ruins of Carthage.

You can also make your way down the steep road to the beach for a day in the sun. You’ll find cafes, parasols, loungers and watersports available (I tried windsurfing! It’s much more difficult than it looks).

Birdcages for sale in Sidi Bou Said


In the 19th and 20th centuries, Sidi Bou Said became a popular retreat for writers and artists: Flaubert, Chateaubriand, Simone de Beauvoir, and Matisse all passed through.  Most famously, Klee , Macke and Moilliet made the  ‘Journey to Tunis’ in 1914; the resulting paintings and sketches are a highlight of early Modernism.

The village retains its artistic influence; the streets are dotted with small galleries, workshops and traders. The local speciality craft here is wire bird cages which echo the village with their domed shapes and ornate blue and white filigree. Hunt out the workshop of Azouz Samouda to purchase the original and best.

Blue and white striped archway in Sidi Bou Said


Restaurant food here is, in general, disappointingly mediocre. Stick to street food and simple classics. You can’t go wrong with  salade tunisienne – Tunisia’s take on a  niçoise , with tuna, olives, and harissa.

Brik and salad on traditional Tunisian ceramics

The same goes for briks . A thin deep-fried filo pastry, briks distinguish themselves with their circular shape and addition of runny egg yolk to a spicy tuna or mince filling. I don’t know why these haven’t taken over the world yet.

Cafes are notable for their views rather than the food so head to  Café Sidi Chabaane or Cafes des Delices  for your mint tea with pine nuts ( thé aux pignons ). Round it all off with  bambaloni , a traditional doughnut, from one of the street traders.

Traditional pastries and mint tea in Sidi Bou Said


Sidi Bou Said is short on budget options (there’s no hostel) but excellent for  chi chi mid-range. Deal-hunters might also consider nearby resorts such as La Marsa.

Best luxury hotel ($130/£100 +) :

Dar Said  is the classic luxe option in town. This beautiful historic hotel is riad-style with 24 intricately-decorated rooms around a central courtyard, a small outdoor pool with views across the Mediterranean, and a hammam for guests.

Best boutique hotels ($70/£60 +) :

  • Hotel Bou Fares  is your opportunity to stay in a traditional riad accommodation with lovely tiled interiors and a patio for relaxing.
  • Dar Fatma has an Instagrammable rooftop pool and its clean minimalist white rooms are a bit less than Dar Said.
  • Chambre Verte  is a clean bright guesthouse in the white-and-blue style; all rooms have a bathroom.
  • Dar el Fell is a charming artsy hotel with quirky and colourful rooms and a rooftop with sea views for relaxing.

Best Airbnb listings :

  • Artists’ Workshop
  • Thierry’s Studio
  • Airbnb private room

Blue door on white walls in Sidi Bou Said


The ‘Blue Train’ links with Tunis Sidi Bou Said and the nearby Carthage ruins. Trains leave Tunis Marine TGM station in the Ville Nouvelle every 15 mins, take 35 minutes to Sidi Bou Said, and cost around 2 dinars.


It’s not really necessary to take a tour to Sidi Bou Said as the train is very easy to use and. That said, if you’re only in Tunis for a short amount of time and want to pack a lot into one then tours are available which include nearby sites such as the Bardo Museum, Carthage , or a guided tour of Tunis Medina .


I was lucky enough to visit Sidi Bou Said before the Arab Spring whilst sailing across the Mediterranean with the Phoenician Ship Expedition .

The UK Government has now declared most of Tunisia safe for travel again*, following improvements in security in the main tourist areas. Previously it had advised against all non-essential travel following terrorist attacks in 2015.

* Parts of the south and interior and certain areas near the borders with Algeria and Libya should still be avoided, and vigilance is advised at religious sites and during festivals. See the FCO  page for further information.

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#1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said

La Marsa Corniche, 2070 La Marsa, Tunisia – Show map

location yacht sidi bou said

#1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said Reserve now

#1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said, a property with a bar, is located in La Marsa, 1.4 km from Corniche Beach, 6.2 km from Salammbo Tophet Archaeological Museum, as well as 2.4 km from Sidi Bou Said Park. The property features mountain and city views, and is 300 metres from La Marsa Beach. Baron d'Erlanger Palace is 3.7 km away and Amphitheater of Carthage is 4.3 km from the boat. This 1-bedroom boat will provide you with a flat-screen TV, air conditioning and a living room. Guests can enjoy a meal on an outdoor dining area while overlooking the sea views. Byrsa is 4.8 km from the boat, while Sidi Bou Said Harbour is 5.1 km away. The nearest airport is Tunis–Carthage Airport, 8 km from #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said.

Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap

  • Swimming Pool
  • Parking on site

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Parking available on-site


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Facilities of #1 speed boat, sidi bou said.

  • Toilet paper
  • Free toiletries
  • Mountain view
  • Outdoor dining area
  • Outdoor furniture
  • Coffee machine
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Tea/Coffee maker
  • Air conditioning

House rules #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said takes special requests - add in the next step!

Child policies.

Children of any age are welcome.

To see correct prices and occupancy information, please add the number of children in your group and their ages to your search.

Cot and extra bed policies

Cots and extra beds are not available at this property.

FAQs about #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said

What are the check-in and check-out times at #1 speed boat, sidi bou said.

Check-in at #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said is from 08:00, and check-out is until 18:00.

How far is #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said from the centre of La Marsa?

#1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said is 0.8 miles from the centre of La Marsa. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

What is there to do at #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said?

How much does it cost to stay at #1 speed boat, sidi bou said.

The prices at #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said may vary depending on your stay (e.g. dates you select, hotel's policy etc.). See the prices by entering your dates.

Does #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said have a pool?

Yes, this hotel has a pool. Find out the details about the pool and other facilities on this page.

How close to the beach is #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said?

The nearest beach is just 350 yards from #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

The best of La Marsa

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  • Sidi Bou Saïd
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location yacht sidi bou said


  1. Visite Sidi Bou Said: o melhor de Sidi Bou Said, Tunes

    location yacht sidi bou said

  2. Sidi Bou Said

    location yacht sidi bou said

  3. Sidi Bou Said marina « YachtWorld UK

    location yacht sidi bou said

  4. Sidi Bou Said. Charming blue and white.

    location yacht sidi bou said

  5. Galerie photo

    location yacht sidi bou said


    location yacht sidi bou said


  1. Celebrate Love in Dubai's Flower Boat 🌹🛥️ #shorts #dubaiyacht #dubaiflowerboat #dubai


  1. SidiBoat

    Let's Feel a Yacht Trip Location de bateaux à sidi Bou Said Sidi Boat, votre partenaire de confiance pour des escapades maritimes exceptionnelles Location de bateaux Osez l'aventure avec Sidi Boat Le choix idéal pour des moments de détente et d'évasion en mer. A propos Louez / achetez un bateau au meilleur prix ...

  2. TuniBoat

    Première plateforme de location de bateaux de plaisance en Tunisie. TuniBoat vous propose un catalogue + 20 bateaux à louer à partir de 500 DT. Bateaux Assurés & Certifiés. ... Majik Yacht Port Sidi Bou Said. 10 Passagers; Yacht; Comparer; Ajouter aux Favoris 1.400 TND /Jour. Paradise Catamaran Port Kantaoui Sousse. 15 Passagers; Bateau à ...

  3. List Yachts Location

    Location Magik Yacht From 4 000 DT. Book Now 0 Clients Satisfaits 0 Bateaux 0 ans Expérience 0 Extras Get in touch . Port de Sidi Bou Said. [email protected] +216 55 066 099 Company. Location de bateaux; Presentation; Menu Food; Contact; Discover. Blog; FAQ's; Contact; Follow us. Restez connecter. Facebook ...

  4. TuniBoat

    Avec + 20 bateaux, louez un voilier, catamaran ou bateau à moteur au meilleur prix et profitez d'une escapade unique dans les plus belles mers Tunisiennes. TuniBoat vous permet une location en toute sérénité & confiance afin de vous offrir une expérience unique en famille ou entre amis. Quoi louer ?

  5. Location de Yacht Tunisie

    Dînez au restaurant Au Bon Vieux Temps à Sidi Bou Said, offrant une cuisine tunisienne raffinée dans une atmosphère agréable. Jour 2 " Hammamet. ... Louer un yacht en Tunisie avec ATI Yachts. La location de yacht en Tunisie avec ATI Yachts est une démarche simplifiée, ouvrant les horizons vers des découvertes maritimes enrichissantes. ...

  6. Sea Day Enjoy

    Sea Day Enjoy, Sidi Bou Saïd. 4,563 likes · 15 were here. Découvrez la beauté des îles et criques tunisiennes! Location yacht de luxe et bateau, Sortie en mer Zembra, Ghar El Melh, Korbous, Ain...

  7. Location bateau sidi bou said

    Location bateau sidi bou said, Sidi Bou Saïd, Tunisie. 6,665 likes · 6 talking about this. Shooting ‍♀️ sortie en famille ‍ ‍ ‍ ou en couple ️ Anniversaire

  8. Location Yacht luxe à Sidi Bou Said

    - Sidi Bou Said à Korbous (Ras Fartas) : 4000 DT par Groupe - Sidi Bou Said à Ghar El Melh: 4400 DT par Groupe. Le prix comprend : - L'équipage (un skipper et un marin) - Équipements de sécurité - L'assurance - Le carburant - Mini réfrigérateur - Haut-Parleurs Bluetooth. Le prix ne comprend pas : - La nourriture - Les boissons ...

  9. Port Marina de Gammarth

    Yacht Services Tunisia complete 15K walk for Breast Cancer; ... Sidi Bou Said. With its beautiful clifftop location and pretty blue-and-white buildings, Sidi Bou Said is an enchanting place to visit. The spectacular sea views alone are worthy of a visit, but the town itself is just as scenic, looking very much like a slice of Greece. ...

  10. #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said, La Marsa, Tunisie

    Doté d'un bar et offrant une vue sur la ville, le #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said est situé à La Marsa, à 300 mètres de la plage de La Marsa et à 1,4 km de celle de la Corniche. Offrant une vue sur la mer et la montagne, il se trouve à 6,2 km du musée archéologique de Salammbo Tophet.

  11. Sidi Bou Said

    In the 12th century/13th century AD Abu Said Ibn Khalaf Yahya al-Tamimi al-Beji arrived in the village of Jabal el-Menar and established a sanctuary. After his death in 1231, he was buried there. In the 18th century, Turkish governors of Tunis and wealthy citizens of the latter built residences in Sidi Bou Said.

  12. Sidi Bou Said: Travel Guide to this Stunning Tunisian Town

    The beautiful coastal town of Sidi Bou Said is a must visit destination in Tunisia. Famed for its historic streets and gorgeous white and blue buildings, Sidi Bou Said is about as picturesque a spot as they come, with its sea views and bougainvillea-laiden frontages. Filled with cafes, photographic corners and beautiful rooftops, quaint Sidi ...

  13. Sidi Bou Said: Exploring The Blue And White City Of Tunisia

    Sidi Bou Said is located 18km north of Tunis, and it is very easy to get there on public transport. You can easily visit it on a day trip or half day excursion. Take the TGM light rail to Sidi Bou Said from Tunis Marine Station, located at the end of Habib Bourguiba. Don't go to the Gare de Tunis station. The train is very affordable - a ...

  14. Sidi Bou Said

    August 20, 2023 In Tunisia. Sidi Bou Said is an incredibly charming town, approximately 20 km from Tunisia's capital, Tunis. Images of the city is often seen on social media, with its beautiful white houses adorned with blue details. The town gained fame as an artist's haven as far back as the 18th century, and many artists have lived ...

  15. The Tunisian Santorini: A beautiful gem, Sidi Bou Said

    by Kelsey Haslam. Nestled on the Mediterranean coast is the stunning Sidi Bou Said in Tunisia, Africa - a beautiful, picturesque village that bursts with charm and entices visitors with its vibrant blue and white architecture. This small, hidden haven is a true jewel of Tunisia, which offers a perfect blend of history, culture and coastal views.

  16. THE BEST Sidi Bou Said Boat Rides & Cruises

    Set sail on your destination's top-rated boat tours and cruises. Whether it's an entertaining and informative boat tour or a relaxing sunset dinner cruise, these are the best Sidi Bou Said cruises around. Looking for something more adventurous? Check out our list of must-do water activities in Sidi Bou Said. See reviews and photos of boat tours & water sports in Sidi Bou Said on Tripadvisor.

  17. 9 Things To Do For A Great Tunisian Time In Gorgeous Sidi Bou Said

    Félix. Known for its wonderful sky-blue wooden doors and photo-perfect whitewashed buildings, Sidi Bou Said is a charming town in northern Tunisia located on top of a steep cliff about 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the capital, Tunis. Easily reachable by the TGM train, which runs from Tunis to La Marsa, the picturesque Sidi Bou Said is Tunis ...

  18. #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said, La Marsa, Tunesië

    #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said ligt in La Marsa, op 3 minuten lopen van La Marsa plage en 1,4 km van Plage de la Corniche, en biedt een bar en uitzicht op de stad. De accommodatie heeft uitzicht op de zee en de bergen, en ligt op 6,2 km van Salammbo Tophet Archaeological Museum. De boot met 1 slaapkamer heeft een flatscreen-tv, airconditioning en ...

  19. Sidi Bou Said

    The 'Blue Train' links with Tunis Sidi Bou Said and the nearby Carthage ruins. Trains leave Tunis Marine TGM station in the Ville Nouvelle every 15 mins, take 35 minutes to Sidi Bou Said, and cost around 2 dinars. TOURS TO SIDI BOU SAID. It's not really necessary to take a tour to Sidi Bou Said as the train is very easy to use and.

  20. #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said, La Marsa (updated prices 2024)

    Just a 3-minute walk from La Marsa Beach and 0.9 miles from Corniche Beach, #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said features accommodations in La Marsa with a bar. The property is around 3.8 miles from Salammbo Tophet Archaeological Museum, 1.5 miles from Sidi Bou Said Park, and 2.3 miles from Baron d'Erlanger Palace.

  21. THE BEST Sidi Bou Said Boat Rides & Cruises

    Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location. Clear all filters. 1. Selima Ktari. Bike Tours • Stand Up Paddleboarding. Sidi Bou Said. ... Walking Tours in Sidi Bou Said Kayaking & Canoeing in Sidi Bou Said 4WD, ...

  22. Sidi Bou Said

    Sidi Bou Said (Arabic: سيدي بو سعيد Sīdi Bū Sʻīd ⓘ) is a town in northern Tunisia located about 20 km northeast from the capital, Tunis. [1]Cafe de delice and coast view. Named after a religious figure who lived there, Abu Said al-Baji, it was previously called Jbel el-Menar. The town itself is a tourist attraction and is known for its extensive use of blue and white.

  23. #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said, La Marsa (updated prices 2024)

    #1 SPEED BOAT, Sidi Bou Said, a property with a bar, is located in La Marsa, 1.4 km from Corniche Beach, 6.2 km from Salammbo Tophet Archaeological Museum, as well as 2.4 km from Sidi Bou Said Park. The property features mountain and city views, and is 300 metres from La Marsa Beach. Baron d'Erlanger Palace is 3.7 km away and Amphitheater of ...