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THE TRUTH ABOUT YACHT WEEK | 6 Things To Know Before You Go

Last summer, my friend and I spent a week exploring Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro then met up with Kiersten ‘The Blonde Abroad’ and the rest of our all-girls crew for a week of sailing in Greece with The Yacht Week . As a whole, I loved the experience, but there were several things I wish I would have know prior to booking the trip that would have allowed me to enjoy it to the fullest. So here are 6 things you should know before you go on Yacht Week.


1) The Yacht Week will be more expensive than you think!

I budgeted around $75 a day for food and drinks for our seven day trip and quickly realized that that was not going to be enough. Upon arriving, we were told we needed to go shopping for costumes for the sailing competition and parties. Next, we had to put money in for the “Kitty Fund,” which is food and drinks for the boat for the week. We also had to pitch in money to tip our skipper and pay for gas for the boat. At the parties you usually get 1 or 2 free drinks with your wristband, but after, that you pay for your drinks. So it can get expensive, especially if you want to splurge on bottle service. It’s nice to have a heads up on all this so you can budget accordingly. Bottom line: if you plan to drink and eat out and don’t want to worry about running out of money, you should plan to spend around $130 USD/day. Here’s a quick budget breakdown…

$150 Kitty $50 Costumes $525 ($75/Day Restaurants + Drinks x 7 Days) $100 Gas/Tip for Skipper $100 Bottle Service _______ $925 TOTAL


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2) The Yacht Week is more about partying and less about sailing

Yes, you will sail from island to island (my favorite part of the trip!), but the main focus of Yacht Week is the parties they throw. There is a big welcome party the night you arrive, and for the rest of the trip, there are day parties and night parties every single day. I didn’t fully understand this coming into the trip so I wasn’t in the right frame of mind, but once I realized the basic agenda was sailing from party to party, I was able to just go with the flow and also plan some other stuff I wanted to do, without feeling like I was going to miss out.

With that said, I highly recommend skipping one or two of the day parties and exploring instead. On the Greece Route , forget the day party at Love Bay Beach (it’s a dirt beach and not that pretty) and check out Poros! There is a lot to see and you only get one night there, so skip the day party and wander around this cute little town. Also, Hydra Island ( my favorite stop on the Greece Route ) is another must see! Definitely ditch the day party and spend your time exploring this magical place. There are so many gorgeous spots to take photos on both islands.


3) Unless you splurge on a bigger, nicer sailboat, you will not be able to use the toilet onboard for #2!

You can go pee on all the sailboats, but you can’t flush toilet paper down the toilets, and on many of them, you cannot go #2. I am sorry. I know this is a disgusting topic, but it is even more disgusting and horrifying to find yourself on a boat, sailing for hours or docked somewhere overnight, and realize there is nowhere that you can go to the bathroom. My friend Misha and I stayed at several hotels along the way because neither of us wanted to handle not having proper use of a toilet for days on end, but many girls were not as lucky, and there are some very embarrassing stories that I will not repeat here. Had we known about the bathroom situation prior, we would have splurged on a bigger sailboat that could accommodate people using the toilet. So make sure you look into this before you book your boat!


4) Your boat will get dirty real quick!

We had an all-girls crew and our cabin still got crazy dirty every day. Make a pact to all help clean. If everyone pitches in, it takes just a few minutes a day to keep your boat clean. Stay on top of dishes. Do them right after you are done eating, and try to keep all your personal stuff in your own cabin. The last thing you want is to spend a week in a tiny cramped, filthy space. This is the real Yacht Week v. your Instagram Yacht Week…


5) There is no air conditioning on the smaller sailboats

This is really not a big deal but when it’s very hot, it is hard to sleep in the cabins. I recommend bringing a yoga mat or buying one the first night you are there, so you can lay it out and sleep on the deck of the boat at night. And if you do choose to sleep on the deck, make sure someone sleeps next to you. A lot of people will be walking to and from the boats at all hours of the night, so it is safer to use the buddy system, especially for girls.


6) You will have the time of your life!

Just go!   If you can’t find a friend to go with you, just go on your own. Every single girl on our boat was amazing and our skipper,  Gregor , was one of the kindest and most responsible guys I have ever met! I had the time of my life and I can’t wait to go on another Yacht Week trip, especially now that I know what to expect. It is nothing like the real world and it will be an amazing experience!



Do you have you been on Yacht Week? Please share your stories, tips, and questions in the comments below! 

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6 Things To Know Before You Go On The Yacht Week

Vanessa Rivers

Hi! I’m Vanessa Rivers, a California surfer girl living in Malibu after seven years in London. I started Glitter&Mud to share my adventures around the world to help my readers make the most of their travels. I am a Founder of the popular travel community We Are Travel Girls and a proud mom to a little travel girl named Sadie. I hope my stories inspire you to travel more, see the beauty in the world around you, laugh more, love more and believe that anything is possible! EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER. BELIEVE. LOVE.

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Great article Vanessa! I have been on Yacht Week a couple of times now, its super fun, but its definitely good for newbies to Yacht Week to hear how to prepare to make sure they really enjoy it! Completely agree on splurging on a bigger better boat, we went for a much larger yacht for BVI than we had in Croatia and it made such a difference! (Having a stand up cubicle shower next to my cabin was a treat!!) Thanks for sharing your tips! You girls and the bikinis are really cute too!! xoxo

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Done yacht week three times – great experience. But as you said its about party. Now moved on to Sailing Nations which focuses more on sailing and has super interesting sailing destinations.

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Hi Bob! Thanks for sharing! I will have to check out Sailing Nations. Sounds very cool! I love being out on the water. Sailing makes you feel so free!

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I’ll be leaving in a few weeks. Wondering what the currency will be like and how much to exchange. Did you use Euros? Or Kuna?

Hi Liz! Greece is on the EURO. Are you coming from the US? Right now 1 USD = .90 EURO – Enjoy your trip! X

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Croatia is on the Kuna.

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Great article ! really helpful for rookie yacht weeks . I will leave in a few weeks for the Italy route. Do the budget shown here applies for italy as well?

Hi Gil! I haven’t bee on the Italy route yet but the activities and cost will probably be similar. Have fun!!!

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What currency is your estimated cost list in? Thanks so much!

Hi Eloise! It is in USD! X

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Hello Vanessa. I’ve got a group of 4-6 guys who want to go to Croatia next June and definitely want a higher end boat. I assume we should be able to set this up as their must be others who are willing to spend more to get more. A couple of questions; are all boats single sex boats? Would it be wise to get a few hotels at some of the ports/stops? How about paying for a single cabin? Basically I’m trying to gather as much information as possible before booking starts in a couple of weeks. Thank you, Chip

Hi Chip! If you just want the boat to be your 6 friends I am sure you can find a high-end boat that will work for you (you’ll just need to pay more for a nicer boat) but generally Yacht Week wants there to be at least 50% girls on the boat. So there are all girl boats and mixed male/female boats but rarely all male boats. However I am sure it is possible to have an all male boat. I would contact Yacht Week directly to ask about this: [email protected] | As far as hotels, if you get a nice boat with proper bathrooms you won’t need to rent hotel rooms. I would recommend putting the money you would spend on hotels rooms towards getting a nicer boat with nice, proper bathrooms. Have a blast on your trip! X

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Hi Vanessa, excellent piece of work! I wanted to ask you few things because i’m planning to go with some friends of mine from Argentina. If you can answer, that will be appreciated. 1. I read that a Hostess is really helpfull. But, the captain that is not included, is 100% neccesary? 2. How much is the bottle service approximately? 3. How much did you spend, between food, drinks, extras and yatch during the entire week? 4. It’s recommended to make a reservation just for me and my friend, and then the company join us with another group for the 50% rate of men?

Hi Juan! Thanks for your questions! 1) You don’t need a hostess but I am sure it would be nice to have one. You absolutely need a captain or a skipper to sail the boat. 2) Bottle service prices vary depending on where you go. We did the Greece route and I think our bottle service was about 150 EURO for 1 bottle but again this varies. 3) In my post you will see the price breakdown. It was approx $925 USD for the week for my trip. 4) Yes, I would book spots for you and your friend and the rest of the boat will be filled with a mix of males and females for a 50% female/male ratio.

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Your review was so helpful! We just booked a yacht for Greece!! Cannot wait!

Hi Sharita! I’m glad my post was helpful! Have a blast in Greece!!! X

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Hi Vanessa. Thanks for your blog post # 1 was most important for me as I definitely wanted to know how much additional cost I would be spending. I typically budget $100 per day for trips. Great blog post in general. I will be sharing this with my crew.

Thank you Orane! Glad you found the post useful! And thanks so much for sharing it. If you or your friends have any questions about The Yacht Week you are welcome to post them in the comments section here and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. X

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Hi! When I think of yacht week, I want those typical parties where the boats link together in the ocean and create a mini village to mingle for the day. I’ve only heard of this on Croatia routes. Does this happen for Greece at all?

Also what’s the age range like?

Hi Arly! This does happen on the Greece route, and I think all of the routes! The age range is typically a majority of people in their early to late twenties, with some people a little younger and some people in their early to mid thirties. Most people you will be in there twenties. I think I was twenty-nine when I went, which is on the older side! Have a blast!

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Hi Vanessa! Great article. My best friend and I plan on doing Croatia this summer! The $130/day you estimated, does that include the port fees and electric fees at each port? Thanks!

Hi Lindsey – thanks for reaching out. I don’t remember specific cost for port fees or any electric fees but I know our Kitty Fund that everyone pitched money into at the start of the trip cover all the boat related costs on the trip, so yes, all your boat fees are included in the $130/day! X

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Hey Lindsey, are you and your friend booking your own yatch? We’re looking for two girls to join our crew for week 25.

Question: the catamarans seem a lot more stable (and thus probably a better place to gather people for the party) whereas the Beneteau Oceanis 60 is just a sexy beast. We want to make sure we can have people over at our boat to party (and that it is stable enough for it). Which one do you think is the way to go (from your observations)?

Hi Kay – I am not a boat expert but I think any sailboat would be fine to have people on to “party” as long as you don’t go over the max weight limit for the boat. The skipper will let you know how many extra people you can have. X

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Have you reviewed or compared the two routes? I can’t decide between Croatia and Greece. I have visited both and loved them both for different reasons. But, I am so torn between the two routes.

Hi Jami! I have been to both Croatia and Greece but I have only done Yacht Week Greece. I can personally say YW Greece was amazing but don’t have any experience with the Croatia route. However I am sure it is amazing too! My friend Kirsten – The Blonde Abroad – has done both and she gives a good review here: http://theblondeabroad.com/2014/11/03/best-route-yacht-week/

Hope this is helpful!

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Hello Hello, may I ask what marina did you leave from and did you happen to see any yacht week prop stores near the marina are on your route? Someplace to buy floaties, temporary tattoos, UV body paint, and the like. We’re trying to maximize our carry on space by strategizing what we can buy in Athens.

Hi Lynette! I took this trip a few years ago so sorry I do not remember the name of the marina but I remember stores for everything we wanted to buy were within walking distance of our boat including a place to buy floaties, body paint and costumes etc! So unless there is something specific you want you can just go buy stuff with your boat crew when you arrive! 😉

Where do the floaties go after Yacht week? I leave in about 3 weeks and am purchasing floaties now. But every photo I see everyone is on a floatie. Would it make sense to just buy some off of them instead of lugging them half way accross the planet in a carry-on? Or is somewhere in Split just the location of the worlds largest floatie graveyard

Hi Jason! On the Greece route there was a store right in the harbor where we bought floaties the day before we set sail. I don’t know what people do with their floaties after yacht week. Mine got holes along the way and deflated so I threw them away but I would have given them to someone if they made it to the end! You can probably just wait and buy them when you get there. Maybe buy one floatie before and then get the rest when you arrive that way you know you at least have one!

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Vanessa, Great article. I’m planning on doing this with a few friends. I noticed that you kept bringing up bottle service as being expensive. What if we ended up buying a lot of supplies (booze included) before getting on the boat. Would that be an issue? Maybe you pointed this out already and I stupidly missed it. Thanks.

Hi Allen! Thanks for your comment! I just mentioned that if you want to splurge on bottle service it is expensive and can add up quickly. You can also of course buy supplies and just drink on the boat and not spend money when you go out to the parties but you can’t bring alcohol with you the clubs obviously, so if you want to drink while there you will need to factor in the extra cost of drinks. TYW gives you a wrist band that usually gives you at least 2 free drinks at each party but you have to buy your own drinks after that so just be sure to factor in the cost if you plan to drink when going out!

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Great read, very helpful! I noticed you mentioned 100$ for tip/gas (how many people were on the boat total?) Just trying to get a rough estimate on how much we should tip our skipper, including myself, we have 7 people.

Hi Jade! We had a crew of 8 girls. I think the amount you tip should depend more on how good your skipper is/ how much he does and how much your sailboat cost to rent. We had a small, cheaper boat but our skipper was really awesome so we wanted to tip him well. He went above and beyond to make sure we were all safe, happy and having fun! Hope this helps. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have more questions! Have fun!

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Is there a farewell party Friday night on the Greece route?

Hi Alyssa – Thanks for your comment. I don’t remember there being a farewell party on Friday night! X

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Thanks for the help! Does anyone have any recommendations for other cities/countries to visit before/after Croatia yacht week? Trying to book a 2-week trip overall, and there are so many options! Would love help narrowing it down! 🙂

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Hey Vanessa, There are 8 of us girls looking into booking this summer, Greece or Montenegro route but we are concerned about the age range. We are between 30-35…what was the age range like? Also, we were debating on if we book in pairs (cabins) and be on separate boats or if we book our own, what are your thoughts?

Hi Kelsy! Thanks for your comment! Most people are in their 20s on yacht week but there are lots of people in their 30s too so you girls won’t feel out of place. I would try to rent your own boat all together. It will be easier if you are all together otherwise you will spend most of the trip just trying to meet up. Yacht week is about relaxing and having fun so you don’t want to work about stuff like that on your trip. You will also have plenty of time to mix and mingle with other people at the parties and when you are docked together or anchored during the day together! Hope you ladies have a blast! If any of you want to write a guest post about what it is like to do yacht week in your 30s I would LOVE to publish your story here! X, Vanessa

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how much was it for each bottle for bottle service? would it be liter bottles or standard US 750ml bottles?

Hi! Bottle service in Greece when I went was around 150-200 EURO for US 750ml bottles. Cheers!

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Is there a ‘best’ month to do yacht week? My friends and I don’t want to do the Ultra music festival. Curious if July or August is better. Thanks!

Hi Kelly! I don’t think there is really a best month but you might find cheaper flights and the places you go to might be a little less crowded in August. June and July are peak high season so best to try to avoid touristy spots during those months if you can.

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Do you remember how much of your budget you were able to pay for with credit card, or how much of it had to be paid for with cash? I want to avoid converting too much of my money into cash euros for the Greece trip.

Hi Kurt! I paid for my spot on our boat with my credit card online prior to the trip. Everything else I paid for in cash. It is much easier if you have cash on hand to pay for meals and drinks etc. If you get bottle service at a bar you will be able to pay with a card but a drink here or there and meals where you are in a group it is much easier to each just throw in some cash. I would suggest taking maybe $300 out before you start the trip then getting more at one of your stops along the way that way just to be safe. I did not have anything stolen from me on the trip but it is always a risk if you have too much cash with you. Have fun! X, Vanessa

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Ibiza and Yacht week: Your Tropical Sustainable Packing List 2022

If you are lucky enough to be heading off on this years Yacht Week, travelling around some of the most beautiful Croatian islands and party all night long or jetting off to the sunny shores of Ibiza with endless days dancing poolside and found yourself wondering, 'Hmm what do I need to take with me?'

You don't want to over pack but then again you don't want that thought nibbling at the back of your mind that you have forgotten something. 

We have compiled a list of ideas of what to pack as well as some fantastic sustainable, eco-conscious brands to support if you need some new holiday essentials.

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1. BIKINIS! Of course and lots of them!

To be pool party ready, you need more than one bikini for sure when heading off to Ibiza and especially yacht week! And of course, we have got all the funky, fun prints for you girls to stand out from the crowd and get the party started!

We have so many different styles to change up your look day to day with mixing and matching between high waisted to cheeky and classic bikini bottoms, not to mention our functional but flirty bikini tops which make your tan pop!

Our bikini tops and swimsuits paired with a pair of ride or die demin shorts will create the perfect boat to party look! Giving you the most support whilst dancing the night away and look amazing as you do so.

When you are on holiday, you are living in your sandals - if your not bare foot  that is. 

Lets face it, the standard beach-bought flip-flops are yet another cause for pollution in our oceans! They might be cheap and cheerful for a short holiday getaway but it won't be long until they break.

Teva , is a sustainable brand with vegan, cruelty free sandals that are super comfortable. They give you that little bit of a platform and a great fashionable addition to your outfit. 

ibiza yacht week

3. Minimal Makeup

When you are in the sun all day everyday, heading coast to coast and beach to bar, you don't want to be wearing heavy makeup in the day.

Plastic Freedom is a fantastic website filled with every product you can imagine yet it is all either plastic free (hence the name), vegan or sustainable in some way shape or form. And with that they have a lot of  fabulous eco-friendly makeup  brands, better for the planet as well as light, easy makeup to take with you on the go when you are island hopping.

4. Sunnies -

Sunglasses are a must, of course, you don't want to spend your whole holiday squinting.

Birds frames use Bio‑acetate which is better for the environment and biodegradable. Unlike traditional acetate, bio‑acetate is made without the use oil‑based plasticisers. Have fabulous eyewear and helping make a better, more sustainable world... What more could you want!

ibiza yacht week

5. The perfect beach fit: Demin Shorts!

Throw on a pair of OG Levi's 501 original demin shorts over any swimsuit or bikini and you have a look that is timeless! The most convenient look for girls on the go, spending the day sunbathing and then heading into a beautiful town or city to explore and shop or even hitting some local bars. 

You can't go wrong with a pair of good sustainable demin shorts. Levi's are made to last, buy once and they will be with you for years or even generations!

As a large worldwide brand, it is amazing to see how transparent they are about the industry being a massive problem for climate change, as well as showing how they are continuously taking steps to make Levi's more sustainable. 

Learn more.  

6. Beach towel - Saved by the bell beach towel

Be sure to grab our retro 80's inspired beach towel before heading to the sandy shores of Ibiza! Our fabulous beach towel is our newest addition to the Saved by The Bell Collection and will be the softest and brightest on the beach. 

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7. Tote Bag

The 21st century's version of the iconic bottomless Mary Poppin bag - a tote bag! 

Our fabulous 'SUSTAINABILITY LOOKS GOOD ON YOU ' tote bag is an every day must as well as a bag for life, not just for a holiday!

Proudly show you're passion for sustainability with our slogan across the front of the bag with a stunning mermaid illustration to catch everyone's eyes. These tote bags are ethnically made, with organic cotton farmed without pesticides and only natural methods. Grab yours here !

8. Reef Safe Suncream!

Suncream, love it or hate it, it’s a beach must-have. We all want a tan but we don't want a nasty sunburn that'll haunt you for a week! 

Gone are those days of buying plastic bottles of suncream that will end up in landfills and potentially in the oceans when you can get yourself a 100% recyclable and vegan suncream from  Amazinc . 

Amazinc is also reef safe which is a big deal especially when spending the long days dipping in and out of the sea.

We would love to see all your holiday pics of you jetting off on your adventures in your Tide + Seek swimwear!

Tag us on Instagram  @tide.and.seek .

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Luxury yachts available for rent in Ibiza

This is a small selection of the yachts available for a motor or sailing yacht charter in Ibiza. Please contact your Burgess broker for a personalised selection.

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Rate from USD 3,000,000 per week

  • Length: 112m (367.4ft)
  • 36 guests in 19 cabins
  • Built: 2023, Freire Shipyard, Spain

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Please enquire

  • Length: 96.6m (316.8ft)
  • 12 guests in 7 cabins
  • Built: 2017 (refitted 2022), Feadship, De Vries Makkum, The Netherlands

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Rate from USD 497,000† per week

  • Length: 90.1m (295.6ft)
  • 12 guests in 6 cabins
  • Built: 2007 (refitted 2021), Corsair Yachts, China

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Rate from USD 1,100,000† per week

  • Length: 88.5m (290.4ft)
  • 12 guests in 8 cabins
  • Built: 2017, Oceanco, The Netherlands

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Rate from USD 490,000 per week

  • Length: 88m (288.6ft)
  • Built: 2006 (refitted 2023), Perini Navi, Italy

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Rate from USD 945,000† per week

  • Length: 85.6m (280.9ft)
  • Built: 2010 (refitted 2016), Derecktor Shipyard, United States Of America

ibiza yacht week

Rate from EUR 1,000,000 per week

  • Length: 85m (278.8ft)
  • 12 guests in 9 cabins
  • Built: 2017 (refitted 2024), Lurssen-Werft, Germany

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Rate from EUR 900,000 per week

  • 12 guests in 10 cabins
  • Built: 2018, Golden Yachts, Greece

ibiza yacht week

Rate from USD 1,150,000† per week

  • Length: 80m (262.5ft)
  • Built: 2019, Abeking & Rasmussen, Germany

ibiza yacht week


Rate from USD 870,000† per week

  • Length: 74m (242.7ft)
  • Built: 2017, CRN Ancona, Italy

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Let us organise your perfect Ibiza yacht charter itinerary.

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Creating the unforgettable is what we do at Burgess. It’s what our knowledge, experience and passion are all about. We take all the hassle out of the planning so you can just turn up and have the best holiday ever. 

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Luxe Adventure Traveler

Adventure Travel With a Glass of Wine

The Perfect 3-Day Weekend in Ibiza on a Yacht Charter

By Jennifer Dombrowski 18 Comments

3 Day Ibiza Yacht Charter Itinerary Pinterest Pin

Ibiza has a reputation as the party-hard, all-night rave summer hot spot of the Mediterranean. Come summer the White Isle is suddenly pulsating with as many tourists as the hottest new Manhattan club on a Saturday night, with the population growing from a mere 142,000 to literally millions. I’m not sure Tim was ever the clubbing kind. For me, that ship sailed after a few years of dragging my butt out of Vegas clubs and to bed just before dawn way too many times during my days at UNLV. Not really our cup of tea, Ibiza wasn’t even on our radar. That was until Boatsetter , a sort of Airbnb for boats, invited us to experience life’s little luxuries with an Ibiza yacht charter.

Looking at Ibiza Town from the marina

Yacht Charter with Boatsetter

You don’t have to be among the ultra rich to live large.

The average American boat owner only averages 26 days at sea per year. Those costly boats mostly sit in marinas only slightly more than my Audi TT sits tucked away in a garage beneath Bordeaux. Boatsetter connects boat owners and captains with the rest of us wish-we-had-a-boat-and-were-living-it-up-on-the-high-seas people. It’s a win-win: boat owners can make a little extra cash and the rest of us don’t need to actually own a boat or even need to know how to sail one.

How does Boatsetter work exactly? You simply pick your destination from over 600 destinations in the US and around the world, choose whether you want the boat with or without a captain, enter the number in your party and the date you want to sail the seas. You can then peruse the various boat options available, most of which are boat rental by owner, and choose the one perfect for your occasion. While a romantic charter for just the two of you might be reserved for a special occasion, splitting the cost between a group of friends suddenly makes boating like a baller pretty affordable.

The majority of Boatsetter’s customers rent a boat for a day or even just a half day. Though in Ibizia where the boats are all owned by a charter company instead of private individuals, multi-day charters and sleeping onboard are also an option.

The view of Ibiza Town from our bedroom porthole in the yacht

Ibiza recorded 7.1 million tourists in 2016, a record setting number. The majority visit in the summer months from June through August and thousands arrive per day via the various cruise ships porting in Ibiza Town. With crowded beaches and tapas bars bursting at the seams, nothing sounded better than the freedom to drop anchor and explore Ibiza’s more peaceful side and her surrounding islands as we wished.

We checked out some Boatsetter reviews, agreed it sounded like a service we should check out, and were soon on our way to Ibiza for a 2-night private yacht charter.

A drone shot of our yacht, Daddy Cool, anchored off of Formentera

Our yacht was the Daddy Cool , a 60-foot Princess v 58 power yacht that can sleep up to four in its two double cabins with en suite bathrooms plus the crew in the twin cabin, or accommodate up to 12 for a day charter. There’s also a kitchen with a fridge, stove top and coffee maker and a living room/indoor dining area. The entire cabin is air conditioned. This particular yacht was entirely refitted in 2017, so it was like being on a brand new yacht.

Our Daddy Cool luxury yacht charter included complimentary drinks including beer, wine, cava, sodas and water. It also included complimentary snacks, towels, snorkel equipment and a stand up paddle board. Fuel costs were not included and the estimated fuel cost for the day charter trip we did is € 450. Some of the Ibiza boat charters even have the option to rent extras like kayaks or jet skis to bring along for fun in the sun, depending on each boat’s “garage” storage capability.

Each boat is unique on the Boatsetter site, just as each apartment is unique on Airbnb. You should thoroughly read the description for what is and isn’t included and any rules (some boat owners don’t allow you to bring aboard dark liquids like red wine and grape juice that can stain, for example). Some charters have ability to arrange catering, others allows you to bring your own food and drink aboard, some include certain food and drink or you may have the opportunity to go ashore for lunch or dinner as we did. The descriptions also list amenities onboard. And just like Airbnb, you can message with the boat’s owner to get any questions you have answered before you rent a yacht for a day.

Architectur of Ibiza's oldest hotel

Day One: Eating Our Way Through Ibiza

Ibiza Town was just steps away from the marina where our Daddy Cool yacht was moored, which was perfect for checking out the various things to do in Ibiza Town. One of our favorite ways to explore cities is to join food tours, and our first order of business was to eat our way through the old and new towns on an evening Ibiza Food Tour .

We easily spotted our guide, Simon, a Brit that came and made Ibiza home over 25 years ago. It was immediately apparent he was incredibly knowledgeable and we were in for a good time.

Our first stop was all about discovering the local spirits produced on Ibiza. Though Frigola, a typical Ibizan liquor, is usually served after dinner as a digestive much as limoncello is in Italy, we were kicking off our evening with a glass of it. Wild thyme basically grows like weeds on Ibiza in summer and this liquor is made with the thyme gathered on a mid-summer’s morning, along with brandy, distilled water and a lot of sugar. It’s typically served neat, which is exactly how we enjoyed it.

Next up was a refreshing glass of Ibizkus Rosé, produced by Ibiza’s leading wine producer. While I wouldn’t think of Ibiza as a wine producing region, the Phoenicians introduced Monastrell grapes on the island around 500 BC. Wine-making has never really taken off with all the other tourist-driven ventures to dive in to, but we were intrigued to learn that there are a handful of vineyards in the north west corner of the island that make up one of Europe’s unlikeliest of wine trails. Perhaps on a return visit…

We fittingly finished up our first stop with Palo. It’s typical from the Balearic Islands, which Ibiza is the third largest of. The liqueur is made from the quinine plant originally from South America. The Countess of Chinchón discovered that quinine was growing in the Balearic Islands in the 17th century, and the plant had excellent medicinal values for treating things like malaria and digestive issues. Eventually it was used to make this Palo liqueur, but it’s so bitter that a heap of caramelized sugar and some other things had to be added to make it palatable. I wasn’t a fan of sipping it straight up, but after trying it we added tonic to it to make it a cocktail. It suddenly was a bit like drinking an alcoholic root beer, and that I can 100% get behind. Palo is typical as an apertif because it whets the appetite…and we were about to eat and eat and eat some more.

Our next stop is precisely why we love food tours. Boris Buono, the former chef at the first rendition of Michelin-star Noma in Copenhagen, came to Ibiza after what he said was a pretty low point in his life. He opened a secret restaurant tucked away behind a nameless door on a side street close to the UNESCO Dalt Vila. It’s next to one of the top Ibiza attractions, yet you’d never stumble upon this restaurant without being in-the-know.

As Boris is Danish-born, the menu is fittingly a Scandinavian take on Spanish tapas using only the best local ingredients available.

Smoked eel in gazpacho at Taller de Tapas in Ibiza Town

We had a smoked eel atop gazpacho, which was thoughtfully paired with a glass of Bodegas Parra Jimenez Verdejo. It’s so good we know we want to come back to Taller de Tapas for the full tasting menu dinner another night. Another couple on the food tour booked their dinner reservation for the next night as well.

Flaó, a typical type of cheesecake made in Ibiza topped with sugar

Weaving our way out of the cobbled streets of the Old Town, we’re all a bit skeptical as we followed Simon through the New Town. Here there’s not much in the way of architecture to lure the tourists over, but rising rent prices in the Old Town have made it so that many of Ibiza’s long time businesses have been forced to move over to the New Town. We make a stop to taste herbal tea made with the island’s plethora of wild grown herbs and sweetened with rosemary honey. We also pop in to Ibiza’s oldest bakery to taste savory and sweet pastries like the Flaó, a typical cheesecake made in Ibiza with goat cheese and spearmint, before getting a peek in to the back room.

A wall of jamon iberico hanging in a shop in Ibiza

And of course, you can’t come to Spain and not stuff yourself full of Jamón ibérico. We try three different grades of Jamón ibérico along with three Spanish cheeses, while getting a lesson on identifying the famous black ham from other less-worthy hams.

Two pintxos with a glass of tinto a verano at Restaurante Mar a Villa in Ibiza

Another of our favorite stops is for pintxos, and everyone in the group is instructed to select whichever two we’d like from the selection on the bar before heading to our reserved table. Carafes of Tinto de Verano, literally the “red wine of summer” and a simpler form of sangria, are soon passed around. It’s another spot so good – and so close to the marina – that we note it to come back to.

There’s always room for gelato, and the food tour finishes with a stop for two scoops of artisan gelato back in the Old Town.

A black and white lighthouse stands on the rocky island Illa des Porcs

Day Two: Formentera and Es Vedrà by Boatsetter Yacht Charter

Basically nothing happens before noon in Ibiza, and we had a leisurely morning before our crew arrived to ready the yacht for today’s outing to Formentera and Es Vedrà. Venturing out for a coffee and pastries, we pass the chaotic line of people already sweating and waiting to board the fast ferry boat from Ibiza to Formentera. We’re glad that’s not us.

Our crew consists of our captain José, and an attendant named Sandra. They’ve stocked up beer, wine, Cava, water and soft drinks along with snacks for us. Our only job is to literally kick back and relax.

Soon we’re sailing out of the marina and our private Ibiza to Formentera boat trip takes us past the already packed beach resorts that line the coast. Out on the water, we quickly forget that it’s barely noon and already a scorching day. Sandra cuts up melon for us, which is a perfectly refreshing snack while we watch the coastline of Ibiza get smaller.

The sandbar linking Formentera and s'Espalmador is uncovered at low tide and people are wading across

It’s not long before the first sandy spit of the island of Formentera comes in to view. Despite some clouds threatening a rain shower in the distance, the day’s conditions are perfect. The sea is calm, there’s little wave and no wind. It’s days just like this one that uncover the sandbar at low tide that allows people to walk right across it from Formentera to the private owned and uninhabited islet s’Espalmador. This pass is tricky to navigate thanks to a rocky ledge and since it’s low tide, the water is only about 1 meter deep.

Only smaller boats can anchor off of s’Espalmador. The beach here is also one of Spain’s infamous nude beaches.

Formentera is the smallest of the Balearic Islands at just 85 square kilometers, and is located only about 6 kilometers off the southern coast of Ibiza. But it feels like it may as well be a million miles away. Seventy percent of the long, mostly flat and narrow island is protected from developers. It’s also surrounded by the clearest waters in all of the Mediterranean, earning it the reputation as the Caribbean of Europe.

There’s just a handful of villages on the island punctuated by long expanses of open land. Though difficult to reach since the only way on or off of Formentera is by boat, the population swells from just 12,000 year round residents to more than 45,000 come the summer months. We sail on past the villages and hot spots that the tourists taking the ferry from Ibiza to Formentera make their way to.

The Torre de sa Punta Prima stands on a rocky cliff of Formentera as seen from the sea

The first local hidden spot Captain José wants to show us is one of the many caves of Formentera. The cave isn’t far from the Torre de sa Punta Prima, one of the 18th century watch towers built all around these islands to fend off pirate attacks. But it’s only accessible by boat and most visitors to Formentera never see it, despite practically standing on top of the cave if you make the hike up to the Torre de sa Punta Prima.

Jennifer poses on the bow of the yacht inside a cave along Formentera's coast

Captain shows off his yacht captaining skills and slowly pulls us right in to the cave. There’s a couple locals that have made their way along the coast in a skiff to climb up the cave walls and jump off the cliffs in to the mystical blue water illuminated by the sunlight.

The Palladium anchors off of Formentera

We anchored for a bit a little further down the coast of Formentera next to the mega yacht, Palladium. The Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov can apparently be found quite often around Ibiza and Formentera every summer and we watch his fleet of jet skis practice impressive acrobatics out on the water.

There’s also a smattering of deserted beaches in hidden little coves that we can use the stand up paddle boards we’ve brought along to get to, since the boats are regulated to anchor a certain distance offshore in order to protect the beaches. We’ve also got snorkel equipment, which comes with every Boatsetter Ibiza boat hire.

A red VW bus turned in to an Instagram photo booth at Chezz Gerdi on Formentera

Close to Spanish lunch time, we pull up anchor and make our way to the village of Es Pujols. There’s a free skiff service that takes yacht passengers like us from the yacht to shore, and Captain José calls for it to come pick us up. We go ashore for lunch at one of the best restaurants in Formentera: Chezz Gerdi .

Grilled octopus and a gin fizz rosé cocktail at Chezz Gerdi

Formentera practically has more Italians than Spaniards come summertime since the island is a favorite holiday spot for them. Chezz Gerdi pays homage to that with a fusion of the best ingredients from Italy, Spain and Formentera. As tempting as the king crab bar is, we always like to try the local dishes. Our waiter suggests the grilled Formentera octopus to start, followed by a squash ravioli with pear, herbs from the island and sage butter. Everything is light and flavorful, and perfect for such a hot day.

We lingered for a while quenching our thirst with gin fizz rosé cocktails while taking in the scene. A steady stream of visitors wander down along the beach boardwalk that connects Chezz Gerdi with the village of Es Pujols.

Yachts anchored off of Formentera shot with a drone

Before calling the skiff to take us back to our yacht, we wandered around the village a bit. It’s cute with a smattering of shops and bars and a few other restaurants. But it’s clearly the beach where the action and nearly everyone is. After all, the beaches are the number one things to do in Formentera.

An Elenora's falcon swoops down to the water in front of Es Vedrà

Waving goodbye to Formentera, we sailed toward Es Vedrà. After the North Pole and the Bermuda Triangle, it’s reputed as the third most magnetic place on earth. At least that’s what the locals love to tell you. The island is a protected nature reserve and you need to request special permission from the Balearic government to actually set foot on Es Vedrà. But as we sail entirely around it, we keep an eye over Captain José’s shoulder at the yacht’s compass.

There’s never been any scientific proof that Es Vedrà has any magnetic properties. It’s entirely made of limestone. The yacht’s instrument panel doesn’t give any indication of anything out of the ordinary. But all of our phones suddenly have no service.

A huge cave opening in the upper cliffs of Es Vedrà

The uninhabited island has a plethora of legends and tales about it. I’ve always been a lover of mythology and am fascinated that one legend says Es Vedrà is the home of the sirens that tried to lure Ulysses from his ship in Homer’s The Odyssey . Another claim is that the island is the tip of the Lost City of Atlantis. And yet another tells the tale of pirates’ buried treasure hidden away in the coves of the island.

What is true is that the cliffs of Es Vedrà shoot nearly vertical out of the water at a staggering 400 meters high. The colossal cliffs continue downward and you’d have to dive to a depth of 100 meters to reach their base. The rocky outcrop of an island is part of the Cala d’Hort Natural Reserve and though very few people are allowed to actually set foot on it, the wildlife on Es Vedrà is abundant and there’s 166 rare plant species. We can’t get close enough to spot the colorful Ibiza wall lizards that skitter about, but we can see the colony of endangered Eleonora’s falcons swooping around.

The pink sun just before it's ready to dip below the horizon with Es Vedrà silhoutted

Es Vedrà is also a spectacular place to watch the sunset. Truth be told, it’s one of the prettiest sunsets we’ve seen and it was a magical end to our yacht day trip to Formentera and Es Vedrà.

The dramatic main entrance to Dalt Vila slopes upward to a drawbridge flanked by two stone statues

Day Three: Ibiza Town and Dalt Vila

When it comes to what to do in Ibiza, you simply can’t leave this island without exploring Dalt Vila. Literally meaning the “Upper Town”, it spans 2500 years of history. It’s a treasure trove of shops, cafes and stunning viewpoints spanning from Ibiza to Formentera. Exploring Dalt Vila is also the best free thing to do in Ibiza.

The hill was first settled by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC. The Romans built a city here during the Roman Empire. Byzantines and Muslims passed through and left their mark. The Catalans took over in 1229 and built the formidable bastions in the 16th century to protect themselves against Berber pirates and the Ottomans.

Inside the maze of white washed streets in Dalt Vila

The roster of civilizations that called this hilltop home at one point or another is exactly why it feels like the Marrakech Medina meets Ancient Rome with a splash of the Greek Cyclades thrown in. We found ourselves dropped in to a cultural cocktail.

There’s three “official” routes for exploring Dalt Vila and checking off all the cultural sites and museums contained within this upper town. You can pick up a free map at the tourist office if you want to follow the routes. We decided to just start at the main entrance, the dramatic Portal de Ses Taules, which is flanked by two now headless Roman statues, and see where the wind carried us.

A cafe uses the stairs as seating with colorful beanbags and laundry is strung across the rooftop

Dalt Vila is mostly residential, as evidenced by all the laundry strung out between the buildings billowing in the breeze. There are cafes and bars, and some shops and galleries that beckon you to pop in. And we couldn’t help but peek in to the massive wooden doors left ajar, where we’d find tranquil courtyards with fragrant bougainvillea climbing the ancient walls.

The tower of the cathedral a top Dalt Vila

It’s worth climbing up the steep cobbled lanes and staircases to the cathedral which crowns the top of Dalt Vila. The views across the marina, sea and out to the mountains are truly spectacular.

Know Before You Go

How to get to Formentera: Only accessible by a boat to Formentera, there are fast ferries that operate crossing around 30 times per day in summer. Prices start from $25 each way. There are also some Ibiza boat tours that operate a day trip to Formentera, but all of them only offer sailing and swimming/snorkeling in coves off of Formentera. The Ibiza boat trips to Formentera start at $250 per person, and with a group an Ibiza boat charter shakes out to about the same cost per person as booking a tour.

Our Ibiza yacht charter was the Daddy Cool, a 60-foot Princess V58 that can accommodate 12 on a day charter or sleep up to four in the two double cabins for longer multi-day charters.

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Our trip to Ibiza and yacht charter was in partnership with Boatsetter in order to bring you this story. However, Luxe Adventure Traveler maintains full editorial control of the content published on this site. As always, all thoughts, opinions, and enthusiasm for travel are entirely our own. This article contains affiliate links. When you shop on Amazon or book on Boatsetter and Viator through our affiliate partner sites, we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

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About Jennifer Dombrowski

Jennifer Dombrowski is an independent travel publisher and an American expat who has lived in Bordeaux, France since 2016. She previously lived in Northern Italy in a small village near Venice for seven years where she fell in love with wine and wine tourism. She is an award-winning travel writer. She is also a travel correspondent on Traveling on the American Forces Radio Network. Luxe Adventure Traveler was named one of the top travel blogs to watch by the Huffington Post and TripAdvisor, and has been featured by top publications such as National Geographic, CNN, Buzzfeed, and Business Insider. Jennifer's photography has also been featured on publications such as USA Today and Travel + Leisure and on the Travel Channel.

August 5, 2018 at 1:26 AM

Wow, Boatsetter sounds like something I want to check out. I was good to hear that this was not just for the ultra rich. It might even get me to Ibiza as well. We are not at all partiers. The boat looked amazing. It reminded me of a yacht charter we did with friends in Bahamas. The Ibiza Food Tour looks like a great thing to try. Especially with some of the local rosé wine. So great to go exploring and not be on the big tour boats! Formentera looks like a perfect day trip. Renting a yacht looks like something we really want to try. Thanks for introducing this!

Jennifer Dombrowski says

August 5, 2018 at 1:39 PM

Boatsetter definitely isn’t just in Ibiza. They have a bunch of boat and yacht charters available even in the Bahamas, which we’d love to do a charter in!

Christina Pfeiffer says

August 5, 2018 at 4:34 AM

Chartering a yacht and cruising around seems like the perfect way to explore. I’ve always pictured Ibiza as a party town but this looks like a sophisticated way to live the lifestyle! What’s the best time of year to do this?

August 5, 2018 at 1:41 PM

For Ibiza, I bet end of April/early May or even late September/early October would be fantastic. It was super hot when we were ashore and this was the end of June.

August 5, 2018 at 11:33 AM

Oh man! You went on a yachy in ibiza! I am so jealous! I been to Ibiza before and love the landscape and the sunsets on the west coast. Reading through this sure did bring back some fantastic memories. I think another trip is due.

August 5, 2018 at 1:42 PM

We definitely think it was the best way to visit Ibiza. We’d love to do yacht charters more places now!

August 6, 2018 at 4:36 PM

How intriguing! I just clicked through to Boatsetter, and was happy to find that you can choose to have a captain, or not, — for me, I’d definitely need a captain! I’ve been on sailing trips before, and really enjoyed sleeping on boats. As you said, it’s such a different way to experience the coast of an island, or country. Your trip, and the FOOD, look amazing. Thank you for sharing! I’ll keep Boatsetter on my list of options.

August 8, 2018 at 12:23 PM

We definitely needed a captain too. Plus, with a captain you can really just kick back and relax.

Shweta says

August 7, 2018 at 7:17 AM

Thanks for sharing the info about Boatsetter. A great idea to rent a boat especially in the Mediterranean Sea with friends. I love taking food tours as well, Istanbul and Ljubljana comes to mind. Your food tour in Ibiza sounds great, finding local eateries and fresh produce is so worth it.

August 8, 2018 at 12:25 PM

Food tours are one of our favorite ways to discover a city. We’ve done a really good food tour in Ljubljana too when we lived only about 1.5 hours away in Italy.

August 7, 2018 at 10:18 AM

I went to Ibiza when I was 18 on a clubbing holiday! Lol. At the time I loved it, but I didn’t see much of Ibiza! This looks more up mystreet now, I had never thought of chartering a boat as I thought the prices would be sky high. But maybe it is worth a look! Ibiza is such a pretty island and seeing it from the water looks gorgeous. The food tour looks yummy!

August 8, 2018 at 12:27 PM

Ibiza and Formentera were really beautiful. We were pretty disappointed after visiting the Canary Islands, so between that and the club reputation we just hadn’t even considered going. Glad our Boatsetter experience totally proved our conceptions about Ibiza wrong.

Veronika Tomanova says

August 7, 2018 at 8:42 PM

What a good idea, if I decide to do my second yacht experience, I will check out Boatsetter. Last year, I was not happy with the skipper I had so I wish I could have more choices. And Ibiza must have been really amazing, too.

August 8, 2018 at 11:57 AM

Our captain was really great! He was really knowledgeable and told us stories about the places that we visited. Plus, he was just really easy going and enjoyable to be around. That’s just as important as the boat itself when you’re chartering a boat with captain since you’ll be together for the entire outing.

Sandy N Vyjay says

August 8, 2018 at 5:39 AM

Ibiza, the name itself conjures up images of an exotic place where the party never ends. Ibiza on a yacht charter sounds like a dream come true. Always thought that these kind of experiences were for the rich and famous. Boatsetter sounds like an incredible option. Was not aware of this unique platform. I can see you had some really amazing experiences on the yacht.

August 8, 2018 at 11:50 AM

We’ve only chartered a boat once before and it was because there was no other way to get to an island that we wanted to visit. It was also only for 4 hours. Chartering a yacht wasn’t something we had really looked in to either, and I’m impressed with the selection that Boatsetter offers. And like I said, if you can get a small group together to share the cost, I’ve totally paid more per person for tours on sailing boats and catamarans before.

Ami Bhat says

August 9, 2018 at 4:22 PM

The yacht does sound like a good idea. I love the town through your lens. I always thought it was hip and modern but it turned out different. would love to walk around and explore it all. I hope that someday I can get to it.

Kristina says

August 11, 2018 at 6:11 AM

Wow this is absolutely insane. The last time I visited Ibiza was in 2016 and I loved it. I’m definitely looking into Boatsetter next time.

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A Paradise of all Luxuries

Hidden beauties in ibiza..

In the Mediterranean’s Balearic archipelago lies Ibiza , a picture-perfect island known worldwide for its electric nightlife, pristine waters, white sandy beaches, and achingly beautiful sunsets. Ibiza has strong artistic roots originating from the 1960s, when creatives flocked to the island for its unique ambience, light, and freedom of expression. From the history of Ibiza Town across the breathtaking view from Sa Talaiassa to the sandy beaches of Cala Llenya and the epicurean social scene, “ The White Island ” of Ibiza is a must-visit.

Ibiza beyond the Crowds features exploring isolated coves, spotting wild orchids in almond groves, and strolling through whitewashed hamlets exuding peaceful allure. The island’s exhilarating hippie-era charm is ever-present, while its medieval citadel and rural one-horse hamlets evoke its rich Mediterranean history.

Book your paradise vacation to Ibiza with a Luxury Yacht Charter and discover the true wonders of the Balearic Islands . Many luxurious superyachts anchor in or close to Ibiza’s popular marinas, such as Marina Ibiza, Marina Magna Ibiza, or Marina Botafoch.

Exceptional highlights for your Ibizan yacht charter include ferrying to the island of Espalmador , cliff diving, waking up (or staying awake) for the sunrise over Es Vedra, scuba diving in Las Salinas National Park , and anchoring in the magical cove of Sol d’en Serra .

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Sant Antoni de Portmany

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Lawyer’s haunting seven-word post before vanishing on Bayesian yacht

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ibiza yacht week

A British lawyer missing after a yacht sank off the coast of Sicily shared a haunting message on social media before the incident.

Christopher Morvillo, a partner at Clifford Chance law firm, is one of six people still missing after the British-flagged Bayesian yacht was hit by a water spout and sank on Monday.

In a tragic LinkedIn post written about two months ago, he praised his colleagues for helping Mike Lynch , who is also missing from the yacht, and his business partner in court after being accused of fraud.

Follow Metro’s live blog for latest updates on the Sicily yacht sinking

Mike and Steven Chamberlain had been in court in San Francisco relating to the sale of his business, Autonomy, to Hewlett-Packard in 2011 for £8.6billion.

The business partners were found not guilty in court, and Christopher shared his delight at the verdict on LinkedIn just days after their acquittal.

Clifford Chance LLP partners, from left: Christopher J. Morvillo, Edward C. O'Callaghan, and David B. Raskin, stand for a photograph in New York, U.S., on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011.

He started by noting this was the first post he had ever shared on the site, before explaining: ‘Following the jury’s swift exoneration of our client, Mike Lynch, and his colleague, Steven Chamberlain, last week in San Francisco, I finally have something to say that I would like others to hear.

‘While I am proud to share the “Litigator of the Week” nod with my friends Brian Heberlig and Gary Lincenberg, this thrilling verdict flows directly from years of painstaking work by an extraordinary cross-border team, and I would like to recognize some of them as the Litigators of the Last Decade.’

Christopher went on to name several of his colleagues, praising them for their work in and out of the courtroom.

He wrapped up the post with seven haunting words: ‘And they all lived happily ever after…’

Christopher is one of six people still believed to be trapped underwater in the yacht’s hull, around 160ft underwater.

Christopher’s wife Neda is also missing, as are Mike Lynch, his 18-year-old daughter Hannah, Morgan Stanley International chair Jonathan Bloomer, and his wife Judy.

Divers have struggled to get below deck because they were blocked by debris which had shifted during the violent storm which caused the yacht to sink.

The yacht, which was built in 2008, has one of the world’s tallest aluminium masts which stands at 75 metres tall.

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The Most Beautiful Towns to Visit While Sailing in the Sea of Cortez

Sail around the Sea of Cortez to explore awesome towns like San Jose del Cabo

With indigenous monuments, turquoise waters and bright sunshine tempting you to spend all hours topside, you’d think that the Sea of Cortez was in a far off land – in fact, it’s hanging out right under the nose of the United States in Mexico . The Gulf of California has much more than Cabo’s crazy parties – think sportfishing, Unesco World Heritage sites and an abundance of marine life rather – making the Sea of Cortez waters something every avid sailor should explore.

Explore the towns along the Sea of Cortez.

ibiza yacht week

Another quiet fishing village that your yacht could regrettably sail past, La Ventana is the place to test your mastery of the wind on a kiteboard. Don’t worry, you won’t be the only newbie out on the water in the picturesque curved bay. If you prefer relaxation to recreation, take a dip a few kilometres north in the natural hot springs of El Sargento.

El Golfo de Santa Clara

Okay, hear us out – “Mexico’s armpit” may sound like the last place you’d want to take your yacht, but we’d never steer you into rough waters. El Golfo de Santa Clara is a small fishing village in Sonora where you can leisurely cast a line off the golden dune beaches dotted with saguaros and cacti. We think it’s a perfect pit stop – no pun intended – before you sail around Isla Montague to see where the Colorado River gives birth to the Sea of Cortez.

Puerto Penasco

ibiza yacht week

If you thought Sonora’s armpit pleasantly surprised you, then you certainly won’t turn your nose up at the livelier fishing city of Puerto Penasco – a short sail south. Rocky Point, as it’s called, is a hot vacation spot for US citizens who make the trip down to “Arizona’s Beach”. Golf is never a bad idea here – nor is people watching on the Malecon – but our vote is to pick up a souvenir at the SeaShell Museum and check out the huge fin whale skeleton outside of Cedo’s Environmental Centre.

ibiza yacht week

Guaymas is very much a mariner’s playground with its beaches just begging for hours of diving, kayaking and snorkelling. Pull into this port during Carnival and you’ll see where Mexico’s first celebrations of the holiday began. At any other time, stop off at the pearl farm to discover the process of harvesting Cortez Pearls. Make sure you snag some local dragon fruit ice cream before you hop back on board.

San Jose del Cabo

ibiza yacht week

While the newbies follow the flotilla to Cabo San Lucas, seasoned sailors will find a little more refinement in their revelry at San Jose del Cabo. This “Old Town” has a downtown arts district that’s as rich and colourful as the city’s history and culture. Naturally, you’ll find food options just as diverse, like the Tikin-Xic fish taco at Don Sanchez’s upscale eatery or the European-Mexican hybrid tapas Habanero’s Gastro Grill. And if you need to get a little crazy in Cabo, La Lupita has mezcal shots already lined up.

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Bahía de los Ángeles

Clinging to the eastern shore of the Baja California Peninsula is a coastal town that’ll turn you into a barnacle, too – Bahía de Los Angeles. The slow pace of this town is an absolute necessity and you’ll discover why as you patiently wait to watch great grey whales, sea turtles and sea birds make their way around the bay. A panguero will help you put your patience to the test when they take you out for a day of sport fishing for yellowtail horse mackerel, common dolphinfish and yellowtail amberjack.

ibiza yacht week

Yachting to La Paz is an activity in itself – you’ll likely spot thresher sharks, manta rays, whale sharks, seals and other sea life as you sail past the islands. Be prepared to show photos as the port is full of yachters who are all willing to swap stories with you over daiquiris at Club Cruceros. Captains Sunset Bar is another good spot to let a local’s loose lips spill where the best remote coves and beaches around the Sea of Cortez are.

ibiza yacht week

Loreto may be a sleepy city that sees very little tourism, but those fortunate enough to spend the day on these shores will be shocked that it hasn’t become riddled with resorts. The charming and colourful colonial architecture juxtaposes the crystal clear waters of Loreto National Marine Park – whose beauty can’t be captured as perfectly on camera. Spot blue and humpback whales as winter turns to spring, so keep your eyes peeled as you’re dining on torta sandwiches and local chocolate clams.

Tour the towns along the Sea of Cortez.

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The ultimate fish taco tour of baja california, mexico.

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Guide to Ibiza

Hedonistic party island with an idyllic twist

Ibiza’s 200km of coastline dotted with dozens of tiny coves, plethora of sun-kissed beaches and myriad stylish hotels, bars and restaurants ensure it is much more than its hedonistic party reputation suggests.

Set among the three main islands of the Balearics that also includes Mallorca and Menorca, Ibiza offers some of the most dazzling natural beauty in the Mediterranean and includes registered U.N. World Heritage Sites such as ‘God’s Finger’ in Benirràs Bay. It is also the closest of the Balearic Islands to mainland Spain and alongside its beautiful neighbouring island of Formentera can be part of a number of itinerary options.

Luxury charter yacht vacations in Ibiza can include a number of beautiful anchorages, with a week-long vacation usually featuring stop-offs in the more secluded and private bays situated around the outskirts of the island. The village of Santa Eulària offers beautiful architecture and churches and several quiet beaches where you can enjoy clear warm waters and spectacular views while San Antonio is known for its lively nightlife and magnificent annual firework display that celebrates the fiesta of Saint Bartholomew.

The island is also home to several secluded beaches best reached by luxury yacht, including Es Cubells which is Cubells nestled among terraces entwined with orange, lemon and olive groves and offers high quality, authentic family-run restaurants. For some more rugged exploration, visit the scenic beaches of Cala Codolar, Cala Llarga and Agua Blanca which vary from soft golden sand to pebbles and are fringed by lush woodland.

Ibiza is a fantastic Mediterranean yacht charter destination for summer, and with its constant easterly winds is a great choice for a sailing yacht charter. The hottest time of the year is July and August with temperatures reaching 30°C (85°F) most afternoons so it can also be an ideal option during spring and autumn when the weather is still good but the crowds have dispersed. If you are interested in a yachting vacation in the waters surrounding Ibiza, take a look at all luxury yachts available to rent in the Balearics . 

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Guide to Formentera

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Enter the world's ultimate pleasure dome


An unforgettable feast for all five senses

Nikki Beach, Ibiza

A summer state of mind

Hacienda Na Xamena

Ibiza’s original five-star haven

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To help you in your search for your perfect luxury charter yacht for your next vacation, we’ve selected some of the finest and most exclusive superyachts and megayachts that are currently available for charter in Ibiza.

Samurai yacht charter in Ibiza

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  2. ONE LIFE IBIZA Yacht Week. Official Trailer

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  5. Ibiza Yacht Charter Guide

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  6. Yacht Charter Ibiza

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  1. Yacht Week

    This is Yacht Week, the original floating festival. Seven days of sailing, exploring and dancing the night away with hundreds of like-minded travellers.

  2. The Yacht Week Ibiza

    13 years ago. I went to The Yacht Week in Croatia this summer. We were roughly 10 people (guys and girls) and we had a great time. It is the perfect vacation if you are looking for a mix of sailing, partying and meeting people from all over the world. The boat was new and clean and we had no issues.


    2) The Yacht Week is more about partying and less about sailing. Yes, you will sail from island to island (my favorite part of the trip!), but the main focus of Yacht Week is the parties they throw. There is a big welcome party the night you arrive, and for the rest of the trip, there are day parties and night parties every single day.

  4. Yacht Week (@theyachtweek) • Instagram photos and videos

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    13. Re: The Yacht Week Ibiza - Anyone Been? Just a Quick Clarity on the story from above, During week 30 of the Yacht week in the south route there was a mouse in one of the boats and as TYW doesnt own its boats this boats belong to the croatian charter companies, In this case Bavadria.

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  11. Luxury Yacht Rental Ibiza

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    Ibiza Yacht Charter Guide Ibiza, the third largest of Spain's Balearic Islands, is amongst the most sought-after yachting destinations in the world. It is nicknamed the "White Island" due to its timeless whitewashed architecture.This cosmopolitan destination is a picturesque paradise, with a vibrant nightlife to indulge in.

  13. Ibiza Yacht Charter Itineraries

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  14. The Perfect 3-Day Weekend in Ibiza on a Yacht Charter

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  15. Ibiza Luxury Yacht Charter • Noblesse Yachts

    Book your paradise vacation to Ibiza with a Luxury Yacht Charter and discover the true wonders of the Balearic Islands. Many luxurious superyachts anchor in or close to Ibiza's popular marinas, such as Marina Ibiza, Marina Magna Ibiza, or Marina Botafoch. Exceptional highlights for your Ibizan yacht charter include ferrying to the island of ...

  16. Lawyer's haunting seven-word post before vanishing on Bayesian yacht

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  20. Ibiza Yacht Charter Guide

    Comprehensive guide for yachting vacations in Ibiza - Find out when to go, what to see, photos, itineraries, climate & events.

  21. The Yacht Week Ibiza

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  22. Palo Alto Yacht Harbor tide charts and tide times for this week

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  24. Ibimimosa

    View Property Villa Franchesca Ref. 1018 Cala Jondal, San Jose, Ibiza Maximum Capacity: 10 Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 3 5 double bedrooms,3 bathrooms, 10 guests, close to Cala Jondal and many beaches