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Club Catamaran

About Club Catamaran Bodrum, which hosts thousands of people every year with its sea and magnificent nature, is a place where you can have the most enjoyable holiday. You can experience the best moments of entertainment in Bodrum, both during the day and at night. If you are in Bodrum, you can choose Club Catamaran, the world's first floating bar, to have fun in the evenings.

Founder and Manager DİLEK BİRGEN


Enjoy a hassle-free night where all we have to worry about is having fun with your friends

  • DJ Performance
  • Dance Performances
  • Concept Events
  • Local Foreign Drinks
  • Free Boat Service
  • Dancer Girls
  • Light Shows

VIP Reservation Club Catamaran

If you want to experience Club Catamaran entertainment as a VIP, make a reservation now and start experiencing the magic of Catamaran to the fullest.


Club Catamaran-Bodrum

Are you ready…to party all night?


Turkey » Mugla » Bodrum

Are you in Bodrum? Are you looking for a place to spend a crazy night in your summer holidays? If your answer is YES, then get on board in CLUB CATAMARAN ! Go offshore and party till dawn with a view of the Aegean at your feet. Here's to the moments we wish we can remember and to the nights we will never forget.

Club Catamaran is a floating nightclub based in Bodrum and is one of the city’s most popular nightlife venues offering weekly dance parties on the decks of a luxury outfitted catamaran. From June through September the ship is a weekend base for media parties, fashion shows and CD releases that recruit some of the biggest names of the DJ world. Most of the dance action takes place on the main deck of the ship, with its laser light system and mighty sound system that must terrify nighttime sea life. Nightly entertainment includes endless go-go boys and girls as well as a drag show with ensemble of Cher, Rhianna and Madonna.

Club Catamaran is specially designed and built as a floating club with a capacity of 1500 guests. Inside Catamaran there are 6 different bars, the huge glass dance floor of Catamaran enables the guests to “dance on water” and see the fish in the sea while dancing. Catamaran is the meeting point of most famous TV, cinema, theatre, magazine, music stars and the people of the high society while they are in Bodrum. When CATAMARAN is partying, out on the sea, for those who are late to join the party or for those who have to go back early there are boats doing shuttles, every 15 minutes, between Catamaran and the land. During the day, CATAMARAN is floating to Bodrum’s best beaches offering you the opportunity to enjoy dancing, swimming and sun burning on a floating beach bar!  

“Someone said that life is a party. You join in after it’s started and leave before it’s finished.” So live your craziest moments and have fun…at CATAMARAN…even if you want to leave before the party is over.... Don’t miss the chance of experiencing a “different, crazy night”!

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The present regulation sets out the rights and obligations regarding the use of the website (including the other sub-domains) as well as the contractual relationship between and its members. Upon registration, the members accept the General Terms and reconfirm the agreement with these General Terms each time they enter as users on In case of disagreement with any of the terms, they must relatively inform the Company and not proceed to the navigation and / or use of the services. Membership registration, site navigation and / or use of its services are considered as full and unconditional acceptance of the General Terms. At any time, without any penalty and unjustifiably reserves the right to partially or fully modify and / or to temporarily or permanently terminate the provision of its services without having any obligation to inform its members in advance.


1. Member:  Upon registration with, i.e. entering the requested personal data and accepting the Terms of Use, the person concerned becomes a "Member". The registration and membership is free of charge, personal, non-transferable and non assignable. Each member bears sole responsibility and is exclusively and solely based on the member's own statements regarding their personal data as well as their status as a legal or natural person, as an individual, as a supplier / business or as a trader. The requirement for using services, either as a seller or as a buyer, is the membership registration and the unconditional acceptance of these General Terms. 2. Product: the offered thing, service or right by one member to another. 3. Seller: the member who posts a marketing offer for a product on the Redblueguide website. 4. Buyer: the member who acquires (buys) a product offered by a seller. . 5. Offer: the posting created on the seller’s own responsibility on the product's electronic sub-page for the placement of a product on, which is binding for the seller and which the buyer accepts when concluding the electronic contract. In particular, all postings are created made under seller’s the sole responsibility, who is accountable for the content he publishes such as (a) the correct and lawful description of the products; (b) the material and descriptions accompanying the product e.g., photographs, statements about the product properties, promotional messages, any connection to other websites - links etc), c) the specific purchase and sale execution context (eg delivery time, costs, expenses, payment etc ). does not adopt, accept, and is not responsible for the seller’s offers.


1. objective. places at the disposal of its registered members as an online platform for offering and acquiring products, services and rights (hereafter "Products") by the members themselves.

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Moreover, as an intermediary for providing information society services does not have- according to the lay for its provided services- a general obligation to check the goods and / or services which are being put on sale by the Redblueguide members through the provided procedure. has the right to prohibit the supply of specific products and product groups at any time at its sole discretion and without mentioning the reasons. In any case allows for the posting for sales and specifically the sales of only legitimate products as well as genuine products and products to which the user / member is entitled to dispose. The distribution of fake or counterfeit products, replicas (henceforth non-genuine products) is prohibited, and users accept that is entitled, but not obliged) ired, within the terms of use and the law context to check the content posted by members concerning non-genuine products either by automated means of control or following complaints or where relevant to investigate data arising from the automated control or the complaint.

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Ending of membership is possible at any time by canceling participation through an email complaint to, provided that all of the following conditions have been met: a. The membership account is balanced, i.e. there is no outstanding balance on (due or unpaid), b. the member currently does not offer any product through confirms by email the cancellation of the participation and closes the corresponding account. Any ratings submitted by a member continue to appear after the members' account closure at The same applies to a third party ratings received by the member (for up to one month after deletion) and to their latest offers (for up to one month after deletion) as well as to any other information or data related to the execution of a transaction, any financial dispute with the Company or another member, any other dispute concerning relations with third parties, etc, Also, the General Terms continue to apply after any dissolution of membership in respect of personal data, membership statements upon registration, their offers, the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, the pricing and the completion of transactions, the debts of the members towards the Company, the legal nature of the Company and the prohibited products.

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catamaran bodrum video

Specially designed and manufactured as a floating club with a capacity of 1500 people, CATAMARAN is unique in the world in terms of size and “concept”. The catamaran boat has a total capacity of 2500 guests with its private pier, beach and beachfront club buildings. In addition to state-of-the-art sound and music systems, it has a total of 5 full bars, 4 (Octopus Bar, Sandal Bar, Oyster Bar and VIP Bar) on the boat and one on the beach. The wide glass dance floor by the sea offers the opportunity to watch the sea and the fish while dancing. Catamaran not only offers its guests the opportunity to dance and make music in a unique environment, but also to experience live shows every night that are unique to them, unlike anywhere else. The number of crew, service, security, technical teams, artists and administrative staff of the catamaran exceeds 100 people per season. Catamaran on display (like a museum) hundreds of thousands of times a day just out of curiosity. is visited by tourists. It is also frequented by celebrities from the world of television, cinema, theatre, magazines, music and high society who come to Bodrum.

catamaran bodrum video

Bodrum 7-day Private Boat Tour: Sailing On A Catamaran Charter All-Inclusive

Bodrum 7-day Private Boat Tour Sailing On A Catamaran Cruises All-Inclusive

Bodrum is a favorite city to spend the summer holidays in Turkey. There are many fun things to do that can be done here, one of which is a private boat tour for 7 days by sailing on a catamaran. The best among the many options are cruises which get all-inclusive service during the boat trip.

Everyone knows Bodrum. This city is one of the most popular and is proven to be visited by many tourists during the summer in Turkey.

Not only local people, but foreign tourists also flock to Bodrum during the summer.

There are many reasons why Bodrum is one of the main tourist destinations during summer in Turkey. Some of them are its excellent location, bright sun, beautiful sand beach, luxury, and lively nightlife.

Very beautiful beaches and green natural scenery are the main magnets that can attract a lot of tourists to come to Bodrum.

Bodrum is a slick combination of natural beauty and fun.

There are so many tour providers that provide boat trips from Bodrum. However, we see that there is something different, which is interesting to experience, namely a private boat tour with a luxurious catamaran charter.

And here you can find one of the tour packages as we mean.

Are you interested in doing a boat trip in Turkey? Some of these recommendations may be useful for you:

Best Private 3 Nights 4 Days Gulet Charter Cruise Tour From Kas To Kekova In Turkey In 2022

Best Private 3 Nights 4 Days Gulet Charter: Cruise Tour From Kas To Kekova in Turkey in 2024

boat trips to butterfly valley from oludeniz blue lagoon in fethiye turkey

Butterfly Valley Boat Trip (Tour) from Oludeniz Blue Lagoon: An Unforgettable Boat Sailing Experience in Fethiye Turkey

4-Day 3-Night Blue Gulet Cruise From Olympos (Antalya) To Fethiye Turkey

4-Day 3-Night Blue Gulet Cruise From Olympos (Antalya) To Fethiye Turkey

best boat trip (tour) during summer vacation in turkey

Best Boat Trip (Tour) During Summer Vacation In Turkey

Antalya Boat Tour Recommendations_an interesting experience by going on a boat trip

Antalya Boat Tour Recommendations: Get An Interesting Experience By Going On A Boat Trip In Turkey

What is a catamaran.

To make it easier to understand, as explained by Wikipedia, Catamaran is a type of boat or ship, which can be seen from its appearance, namely a ship with two parallel hulls of the same size.

Unlike the monohull boat, the catamaran is a geometrically stabilized boat, which comes from its wide beam.

The existing two hulls can reduce hydrodynamic drag and require less propulsion from the motor or sail. Coupled with its size which is usually wider than a monohull boat, the catamaran can reduce wave motion and heel.

Some people say, sailing with a catamaran is quieter than a boat in general.

From a little explanation about this catamaran, of course, you can already imagine a little how comfortable a private boat tour with this catamaran charter will be.

catamaran bodrum video

The reason why you need to consider taking a 7-day Bodrum private boat tour package, a boat trip by sailing on catamaran cruises all-inclusive.

Bodrum is a great location to start a sailing trip on Turkey’s Aegean coast. And in fact, Gokova Bay is considered one of the best sailing areas in Europe.

Here you can find lots of sunshine, clear blue skies, clear water, a good harbor, and of course the friendly local people.

We see that there is a Bodrum private boat tour package with a catamaran charter on Viator. And we think the tour program is very interesting.

In this private boat tour package with an all-inclusive catamaran from Bodrum, you can enjoy exclusive services for 7 days onboard. And all these services are all-inclusive in the price offered.

During the boat trip, you can relax while enjoying a luxurious catamaran complete with exclusive services, and you can already get free facilities such as:

  • Standup paddle,
  • Local drinks,
  • 6x breakfast.

As long as you join this private Bodrum boat tour package, you can enjoy exciting outdoor activities in the water such as snorkeling, diving, stand-up paddling, or fishing during the boat trip. And everything is all-inclusive.

The organizer of this private catamaran boat tour provides pick-up and drop-off services from the port in Bodrum. You can see the details here.

Are you already interested in this private boat tour package with a catamaran charter? Click the following button:

Interesting tourist attractions on a private boat tour for 7 days itinerary with a catamaran in bodrum..

Of course, you are wondering where we are going to spend time sailing by catamaran for 7 days in Bodrum, right?

And it turns out that this Bodrum private boat tour package has prepared everything carefully. Besides, later you will have the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty that is passed during the boat trip, and you will be invited to visit beautiful tourist spots.

Here is the itinerary and some tourist attractions that you will visit as long as you use this private boat tour package for 7 days in Bodrum:

Day 1: From Bodrum to Orak island (-/L/D).

The first destination on the first day of this private catamaran cruise is Orak Island. The island is 10 miles from Bodrum.

Orak Island is still part of the Bodrum district of Mugla province.

The main experience that you will get today is witnessing a very beautiful sunset for the first time.

You will be spoiled with a Pearl Sunset Welcome Dinner, where on this occasion you will also meet the crew and other fellow sailors.

Today we will spend the night in a catamaran cabin.

Day 2: Orak island to the Bay of Çökertme (B/L/D).

On the second day of this cruise, we will visit the amazing fishing village of Çökertme.

Around Çökertme bay, you can find pine and olive trees surrounding the bay.

ökertme is a favorite port of call for charter boats. Boats can stop here and be moored within 5-10 meters with a rope to the ground.

When we stop at the bay, you are allowed to swim in its clear blue water.

In the afternoon, at 1 pm, we will have our first lunch on board.

And at 2 pm we will continue our journey to the location for the night in a sheltered bay.

In the afternoon around 6 pm, you will be served a drink while you enjoy a very beautiful sunset.

We have dinner together on board at 7 pm.

And after that, around 8 pm, you can enjoy the beauty of the night sky and enjoy the warmth of the night and the Turkish sea.

Day 3: Çökertme Bay to Akbük Köyü Bay (B/L/D).

If you have the opportunity to visit Mugla, then don’t miss visiting this bay.

In fact, Akbük Köyü bay is considered a top destination in Mugla.

First, we will have lunch at a local restaurant along the Çökertme beach. The restaurants here offer delicious food at affordable prices.

After that, we will sail to the bay of Akbük Köyü.

At 6 pm we can enjoy the traditional Pearl Sunset Apero to witness the beautiful sunset.

The activity continued with dinner and culinary onboard at 7 pm.

Day 4: Akbük Köyü to Sedir Adasi / Cleopatra Island (B/L/D).

Although some people start the day with a heavy heart because they are reluctant to leave the peaceful bay of Akbük Köyü with its calm waters, today we are waiting for more adventures and other natural beauty.

After breakfast, start the day’s journey by visiting the ancient city of Karia.

And before we finally reach Cleopatra Island (Sedir Adasi), we will also have the opportunity to visit the ruins of Keramos in Akbük Köyü.

During the day you will be offered the option of having lunch on board or on land.

The journey continues to Cleopatra Island.

Today overnight in a catamaran cabin.

Day 5: Cleopatra Island or Sedir Adasi to Ingiliz Limani (B/L/D).

Today’s activities will be very exciting.

Today you will have the opportunity to experience the peaceful atmosphere of Cleopatra Island. Here you can witness why this island is famous for its golden sand beaches.

In addition to healing on Cleopatra Island, today you will also be invited to visit the ancient city of Cedrae which is famous for its ancient theater ruins.

The incredible theater area then becomes a special place to visit, especially for those of you who want to stretch your legs.

The ruins on the east side of the island are ruins dating back to Roman times.

If you want to get another different experience, you will also get other offers to try snorkeling, rowing, swimming, or just relaxing in the beautiful emerald green waters.

Lunch will be served on the boat from 12.30-1.30 pm.

After lunch, the journey will continue to Karaca (Ingiliz Limani). And today we will spend the night in the harbor here.

At 6 pm we can meet together while enjoying a cold drink and enjoying the beauty of the night here.

Today’s event then continued with dinner on the ship. Delicious dishes will be prepared by the chef there.

Today you will spend the night in a catamaran cabin.

Day 6: Ingiliz Limani to Yedi Adalar (B/L/D).

Once again, passengers sometimes feel sad today because today is the last day of sailing.

Yedi Adalar is a secluded bay located south of Tuzla. You can do some fun activities at Yedi Adalar such as swimming, snorkeling, sponge diving, and fishing. And some people even like to collect harpoon fish and sponges here.

On the boat trip to Yedi Adalar, we will also have the opportunity to visit several other beautiful bays. And along the way, you can see several other interesting spots such as the natural harbor of Kufre or explore with a leisurely walk on the edge of the Güllük forest.

Sunset Apero Time at 6 pm, we will witness the beautiful sunset as well as we will reminisce about our extraordinary experience during our private boat trip by catamaran for the last six days in Bodrum.

We will enjoy “Farewell Sailing Dinner” at 7 pm.

And the rest of the night we will chat about our experiences while we are together on this catamaran cruise.

Today we still spend the night in the catamaran cabin.

Day 7: Yedi Adalar to Bodrum (B/L/D).

The day will start with breakfast at Yedi Adalar.

And after finishing breakfast, we will continue the cruise back to Bodrum.

Our journey during the last voyage back to Bodrum will be treated to stunning natural scenery.

And when we arrive in Bodrum, we will still have the opportunity to explore its interesting city.

Tonight’s dinner, we will still together enjoy the beautiful sunset in Bodrum.

Our private boat tour by sailing with a catamaran in Bodrum for 6 nights 7 days ends today.

What people say: a review of a 7-day private boat tour package, sailing along the boat trip with a catamaran charter in Bodrum.

A Tripadvisor Reviewer said:

A dream came true. From start to finish, this was an incredible trip. From being greeted to the airport, arriving on board, the cabin and the entire experience, it was just amazing. Every day, fresh food was prepared by the host, three wonderful, and very healthy meals a day, from fish to steak, all accompanied by Turkish wines, breads and cheeses. It was superb! What’s more, as it was all inclusive, there were no additional hidden costs. I was able to use the paddle board, go swimming at sunrise and sunset, and experience life on board a catamaran, with the hospitality of the crew. It was one of my most memorable vacations ever.

What we can conclude:

  • All services during a private boat tour with a catamaran charter are all-inclusive.
  • There are no additional costs during the boat trip.
  • The service is very satisfying, starting from picking up at the airport to arriving at the catamaran boat.
  • The catamaran cabin and its facilities are satisfactory.
  • This private sailing boat tour on a catamaran is accompanied by a crew.
  • The food during the Bodrum boat trip for 7 days was satisfying.
  • The daily food is fresh, healthy,
  • The menu varies from fish dishes to steaks.
  • Additional facilities such as paddle boards on board may be used freely.
  • The team on the ship knows interesting stops so that passengers can have an exciting experience when swimming, snorkeling, and even just relaxing while enjoying the sunrise and sunset.
  • The crew is very friendly.
  • The boat crew is very experienced so they can provide a vacation experience that is hard to forget.

catamaran bodrum video


Boat tours or boat trips are one of the favorite things to do in Turkey.

When you plan to take a summer vacation in Turkey, especially in Bodrum, then you can really consider taking a private boat tour package for 6 nights 7 days with a catamaran charter. And choose the all-inclusive among the many packages available.

One of the advantages if you take a private all-inclusive boat tour in Bodrum is that there will be no additional costs when you do the boat trip.

A catamaran boat or a luxury yacht rental in Bodrum can be your choice as this type of boat model is not widely found here. And another advantage, a boat trip with a catamaran will feel calmer and more comfortable when compared to other boats.

Bodrum is a great place to start a cruise. Then a private boat tour for 7 days is expected to provide an unforgettable experience.

Look for an experienced crew or private boat tour operator. With them, you will get many opportunities to enjoy your relaxing time with fun.

If you are someone who wants a private boat tour experience as we described above, then you can consider taking this package.

For reference, people who use this private boat tour packages with catamaran charter also buy the following tour packages:

[ Or click here to see more tour packages in Bodrum ]

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Rosina Catamaran

Rosina Catamaran

€1,350 - €1,750

Daily Prices Between

  • Season Prices

The 4-cabin Bali 4.4 - Rosina catamaran was built in 2022 and is anchored off the coast of D-Marin Turgutreis, Turkey. Boat equipment includes classic mainsail, electric winches, generator, bimini awning and indoor GPS piloter. There is also a heater, air conditioning, sound system, deck speakers and flybridge. The fully equipped boat has a microwave oven, dishwasher, ice machine, freezer and coffee machine. Our boat is rented weekly, seven days from Saturday to Saturday. It is possible to rent with or without a captain. Please contact us for extras and detailed information.

Air Condition


music sound system

solar panel

catamaran bodrum video

  • Day 1: Bodrum. Embarkation on the boat at 15.00. Overnight stay in a nearby bay
  • Day 2: Orak Island-Collapse
  • Day 3: Seven Islands-Kubra-British Harbour
  • Day 4: Cleopatra Island-Karacasöğüt
  • Day 5: Löngöz Bay-Tuzla Bay
  • Day 6: Kargili Bay-Kissebükü
  • Day 7: Pabuç Burnu-Yali Çiftlik
  • Day 8: After Bodrum Breakfast, it is time to say goodbye at 10.00 at the latest.

 NOTE: Our route is a generally representative route and our captain determines the best route for you according to weather and availability conditions.

All our boats are moored in 2 bays per day.

Check-in to our boats is between 14:00 - 15:00 at noon and departures are 09:30 in the morning.

Weekly tours can be Saturday-Saturday / or Saturday-Friday. (It varies according to the boat.)

Takvim Getiriliyor... Lütfen Bekleyiniz...

  • 01 April 2025 - 31 May 2025
  • Dates Between
  • 01 June 2025 - 30 June 2025
  • 01 July 2025 - 31 August 2025
  • 01 September 2025 - 30 September 2025
  • 01 October 2025 - 31 October 2025

catamaran bodrum video

Boat Properties

  • Boat Code : ADAFK54
  • Boat Type : Catamarans
  • Build Year : 2022
  • Location : Bodrum
  • Lenght : 13,75 m
  • Width : 7,4 m
  • Bedrooms : 4
  • Bathrooms : 4
  • Air Conditioned
  • Guest Capacity : 8
  • Generator : 11 kwa Onan

Price Included



Price Excluded

Have questions.

You can contact us through the following communication channels to get information about our boats and your reservation process and to ask your questions.

+90 535 624 85 57 For English +90 530 590 89 23

[email protected] Whatsapp Contact

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[email protected]

(+1) 786 673 68 20

Boat & Catamaran charter in Bodrum  - Yacht Rental

Boat & Catamaran charter in Bodrum - Yacht Rental

Bodrum yacht rental.

With its azure waters, historic landmarks, and vibrant coastal vibe, Bodrum has long been synonymous with luxurious Mediterranean escapades. Nestled on the southwestern coast of Turkey, this enchanting peninsula beckons travelers with its perfect blend of ancient history, idyllic beaches, and cosmopolitan flair. Opting for a Bodrum yacht rental through Yachting.Rent ensures that you capture the essence of this region, all while basking in the epitome of luxury.

Imagine embarking on a journey where each day brings a new panorama of turquoise bays, secluded coves, and ancient harbors. Bodrum’s coastline, dotted with traditional white-washed houses, contrasts beautifully with the cerulean backdrop of the Aegean Sea. And with Yachting.Rent, every vista is appreciated from the vantage point of a top-notch vessel, fitted with all the modern amenities to make your voyage as comfortable as it is captivating.

But a Bodrum yacht rental is more than just scenic views. It’s an immersion into the area’s rich tapestry of history and culture. Sail to the ancient city of Halicarnassus, where the remnants of one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Mausoleum, await. Drop anchor near the iconic Bodrum Castle, a 15th-century fortress that now houses the Museum of Underwater Archaeology, showcasing treasures salvaged from shipwrecks in the Aegean.

As the sun sets, Bodrum transforms into a lively hub of entertainment. With its chic beach clubs, gourmet restaurants, and bustling bazaars, there’s no shortage of activities once you dock your yacht. Whether you fancy tasting the region’s famed cuisine, dancing the night away, or simply strolling through its maze-like streets – Bodrum promises a vibrant experience both on and off the water.

Yachting.Rent’s commitment to excellence ensures that every detail of your journey is catered to, from the initial route planning to the final anchorage. Our fleet boasts a range of vessels, each meticulously maintained and staffed by experienced professionals dedicated to making your Bodrum adventure truly unforgettable.

So, as the Aegean winds beckon and the allure of Bodrum’s shores grows stronger, remember that with Yachting.Rent, you’re not just renting a yacht; you’re stepping into a world of luxury, history, and unparalleled beauty. Join us, and let Bodrum’s magic unfold around you.

Daniel Goldman

CEO of Yachting.Rent

Boat & Catamaran charter in Bodrum

Bali 4.4 - 3 + 1 cab. - Apollo - 2022

Bali 4.5 – 4 + 2 cab. – Adria Chicha – 2017

Lagoon 450 F - 4 + 2 cab. - Shiva - 2018

Lagoon 450 F – 4 + 2 cab. – Shiva – 2018

Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab. - Eleni - 2023.

Lagoon 42 – 4 + 2 cab. – Hanselli – 2024

Lagoon 42 – 4 + 1 cab. – pirelli – 2024.

Saxdor 320 GTO - Kali - 2022

Saxdor 320 GTC – Olivia – 2022

Saxdor 320 gto – kali – 2022.

catamaran bodrum video

Why Choose Us

Yacht charter in Bodrum

Discover the captivating beauty of Bodrum with Yachting.Rent, where a world of sailing adventure awaits. A fusion of ancient history, azure waters, and vibrant culture, Bodrum is an unmissable sailing destination nestled along the stunning Turkish Riviera. With our comprehensive yacht charter service, you can explore this coastal gem in style, comfort, and ultimate luxury.

Yachting.Rent offers an extensive fleet of sailing yachts, motor yachts, catamarans, and luxury gulets, each designed to cater to a diverse range of preferences and needs. Whether you’re an experienced sailor seeking the thrill of the open sea or a family looking to enjoy a relaxed vacation, our tailor-made sailing experiences in Bodrum will create memories to last a lifetime.

Sailing in Bodrum provides an opportunity to uncover hidden coves, dine in picturesque seaside villages, and explore ancient ruins. The region’s mild climate and steady winds offer an ideal sailing environment, perfect for beginners and seasoned sailors alike.

Our carefully selected yachts are equipped with modern amenities and safety features, ensuring an unmatched level of comfort during your voyage. Choose from fully crewed options with experienced skippers and attentive staff or bareboat charters for those who prefer to take the helm themselves.

Here’s what sets Yachting.Rent apart in Bodrum:

Diverse Fleet : From elegant sailing boats to luxurious motor yachts, our varied fleet is maintained to the highest standards, offering options for every budget and group size.

Personalized Itineraries : Work closely with our dedicated team to craft a customized sailing itinerary. Explore Bodrum’s most iconic sights or venture off the beaten path – the choice is yours.

Experienced Crew : For those opting for a crewed charter, our professional and friendly staff will ensure an impeccable service. From navigation to catering, every detail is taken care of.

Top-notch Amenities : Enjoy state-of-the-art facilities onboard, including fully equipped kitchens, entertainment systems, and comfortable cabins, providing a home away from home.

Flexible Options : Whether you desire a day-trip, weekend getaway, or extended vacation, Yachting.Rent offers flexible charter durations to suit your schedule.

Convenient Location : Easily accessible from Bodrum’s main marinas, our yachts are strategically located for effortless embarkation and disembarkation.

Sustainable Sailing : Committed to responsible tourism, Yachting.Rent promotes eco-friendly practices, ensuring a sailing experience that respects the pristine environment of Bodrum.

24/7 Support : Our support team is always available, providing peace of mind throughout your sailing adventure. Assistance is just a phone call away.

Embark on a journey of discovery with Yachting.Rent in Bodrum, where each sailing experience is as unique as our clients. With an unwavering commitment to quality, flexibility, and personalized service, we strive to transform your sailing dreams into reality.

From the bustling streets of Bodrum City to the tranquility of secluded bays, the treasures of Bodrum are waiting to be explored. Let Yachting.Rent be your guide to this enchanting coastal paradise, providing an unforgettable sailing experience tailored to your every desire.

Connect with us today to start planning your extraordinary sailing adventure in Bodrum. Yachting.Rent promises an unparalleled yachting experience, where every moment is crafted with you in mind.

Satisfield Clients

Experiented Crew

Luxurious Boats

Premium Facilities

Featured Boats & Catamarans in Bodrum

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Boat type Sailboat Catamaran Motorboat Power catamaran Gulet

About Bodrum

Why is Bodrum a good sailing destination?

Bodrum, often dubbed as the “Jewel of the Aegean,” is an irresistible magnet for sailing enthusiasts. With its crystalline waters, sprawling coastline adorned with hidden coves and bays, and a skyline punctuated by historical wonders, it offers an unparalleled sailing experience. When you choose Yachting.Rent for your sailing escapades, you’re diving deep into the heart of what makes Bodrum a sailor’s paradise.

Imagine navigating through the Aegean’s turquoise embrace, where every twist and turn introduces a new scenic wonder. From the remnants of the ancient city of Halicarnassus to the majestic Bodrum Castle that stands sentinel over the town, the blend of antiquity with the pulse of modernity is truly enchanting.

And it’s not just the sights; the Aegean winds are ideal for those seeking a spirited sail, while the numerous tranquil bays offer perfect anchoring spots for those wanting a serene escape. The region’s climate ensures extended sailing seasons, making it a favorite for both seasoned sailors and beginners.

Nightfall in Bodrum presents a whole new world. The town pulsates with vibrant beach clubs, world-class restaurants, and bustling bazaars that provide ample entertainment once you’re off the deck.

Choosing Yachting.Rent ensures not just a voyage through Bodrum’s waters, but a journey that captures its soul. So, when pondering your next sailing destination, let Bodrum’s charm, enriched by Yachting.Rent’s services, be your siren call.

catamaran bodrum video


catamaran bodrum video

What Choose

Sailing boat or Catamaran, what to sail in Bodrum

Embark on an unforgettable sailing adventure in the stunning coastal town of Bodrum with a choice that suits your sailing style and preferences: a traditional sailing boat or a modern catamaran. As a premier destination along Turkey’s southwestern coast, Bodrum offers the perfect backdrop for a sailing experience filled with breathtaking views, turquoise waters, and rich history. At Yachting.Rent, we are here to help you choose the right vessel for your dream voyage.

Sailing Boat: Classic Charm & Agility

Opting for a sailing boat in Bodrum offers a touch of romance and tradition. Feel the sea breeze as you gracefully navigate the waves, exploring hidden coves and secluded beaches. Here’s why you might choose a sailing boat:

  • Performance : Sailing boats are known for their agility and responsiveness, giving you an exhilarating experience as you harness the winds.
  • Authenticity : Embrace the classic charm of sailing, connecting with the sea and the age-old tradition of wind-powered navigation.
  • Intimacy : Typically more compact than catamarans, sailing boats offer an intimate setting, perfect for couples or small groups.
  • Budget-Friendly : With various options available, sailing boats can provide a more budget-friendly alternative.

Catamaran: Stability & Space

If comfort and space are your priorities, a catamaran may be the perfect option for your Bodrum adventure. With dual hulls providing increased stability, catamarans are favored for their spacious design and smooth sailing experience. Here’s why a catamaran might be your choice:

  • Stability : Catamarans offer unparalleled stability on the water, making them a great option for families or those new to sailing.
  • Space : Enjoy expansive deck areas and roomy interiors, ideal for larger groups or those seeking added comfort and luxury.
  • Shallow Draft : The design allows you to explore shallower waters, reaching spots that may be inaccessible to deeper-hulled sailing boats.
  • Panoramic Views : The elevated position of the salon and large windows provide stunning panoramic views as you cruise the Bodrum coast.

Which to Choose?

The decision between a sailing boat and a catamaran depends on your personal preferences, budget, and the type of experience you desire:

  • For the pure thrill of sailing and a connection to nautical tradition, a sailing boat is an excellent choice.
  • For a luxurious and stable ride with added space, a catamaran will meet your needs.

Yachting.Rent: Your Bodrum Sailing Partner

At Yachting.Rent, we offer a carefully selected fleet of both sailing boats and catamarans, all maintained to the highest standards of safety and comfort. Our dedicated team is on hand to assist you in finding the perfect vessel for your Bodrum sailing adventure, tailoring the experience to your individual needs and desires.

Whether you’re navigating the historic Bodrum Peninsula or relaxing in a tranquil bay, the choice between a sailing boat and a catamaran will shape your unique journey. Connect with Yachting.Rent today, and let us guide you to the vessel that will turn your Bodrum sailing dreams into reality.

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A Gulet Cruise Adventure: Sailing the Aegean Sea in Traditional Turkish Style


Istanbul City Guide: A Unique Blend of Sailing and Culture


Visiting Ancient Ruins by Sea: Sailing to Ephesus and Troy

Check out sailing destinations by regions.

  • Aegean Region
  • Antalya Coast
  • Marmara Region
  • Mugla Province
  • Istanbul (Bosphorus)
  • Hisarönü Bay

Check out our favourite sailing destinations

  • British Virgin Islands
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • French Polynesia
  • Netherlands
  • New Caledonia
  • New Zealand
  • North Macedonia
  • Philippines
  • Saint Lucia
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • United Arab Emirates
  • US Virgin Islands

Our Offices

Miami Beach Marina 300 Alton Road Miami Beach, Florida 33139

Ground Floor 8-9 Marino Mart Fairview Clontarf, D03 X589 Dublin

Ground Floor 8-9 Marino Mart Fairview Clontarf, D03 X589 Dublin, Ireland

(+1) 786 673 6820

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