Rockin' good boats since 1961

Steve Rander’s Cal 20 Guide

Boat maintenance and everything you always wanted to know about your cal 20.

(Text below is work in progress to adapt the original to web content – click here for a PDF of the original book)

Your Cal’s Seaworthy Condition

  • Structure of a Cal 20
  • Fore and aft lower shroud attachments
  • Upper shroud attachments
  • Headstay attachment
  • Backstay attachment
  • Rudder attachments
  • Backing plates

Your Cal’s mast and rigging

  • Identifying your mast section
  • Rocking masts
  • Rigging wire inspection
  • Turnbuckles and clevis pins
  • Split rings and cotter pins
  • Single lower shrouds
  • Rigging a split backstay
  • Controlling mast travel
  • Your rig at the dock
  • Boom vangs and out hauls
  • How loose or tight should the rig be?
  • Rig adjustment at the dock

Going faster

  • Bottom preparation and paints
  • Keel fairing (what is allowed)
  • All those control lines
  • Installing KT meters or depth sounders
  • Fitting your engine plate (speed trap)

Going Racing

  • Required on board Gear
  • Cal-20 Bylaws
  • Fleet 7 Bylaws
  • PIYA Regulations,
  • USCG Requirements


My cal has water inside.

  • Companionway Hatch
  • Cockpit Drain
  • Gel coat, what is it?
  • Cracks in my deck serious or not?
  • Bottom blisters
  • Fiber glass repair

Painting My Cal-20

Photos of Cal-20 Details

Internet Links and U-Tube Demonstrations

North Tuning Guide

A Classy Twenty-Footer

Cal-20 A Pocket Cruiser

Cal-20 Owners Manual

Preparing a Cal-20 for Racing

Structure of a Cal-20

The Cal-20 is made up of basically three fiberglass parts bonded together with multiple pieces of plywood bonded or mechanically fastened to support the fiberglass parts and keep the whole box section from twisting.

The hull liner is bonded in place and has flanges to take the plywood bunk tops and bulkheads which in turn are tabbed to the hull.

There are additional transverse bulkheads forward forming a chain locker and forward bunk support. There have been three different interior arrangements over the years the most notable difference is that the early Cal-20’s had a full main bulkhead and later boats had posts to support the deck beam.

This structure is more complex then it first appears and relies on the sum of its parts to properly carry and transfer the dynamic sailing loads. Failure of any of the components may not appear to make any difference but it does.

Loose bunk tops or bulkheads allow the box like structure to twist while sailing. This twisting may mean that your hull shape may not be optimal or the rig may be sagging and not developing the power it should.

Checking the structure:

Look for rotten plywood throughout the boat and replace it as soon as time and money will allow.

Look for loose tabbing on bunks and bulkheads where they meet the hull (even the one under the bunk) repair loose tabbing by removing the old, sanding both the plywood and hull surface with 80 grit and the bonding new tabbing ( usually 3 laminates of 6oz fiberglass cloth) back in place with epoxy. Don’t forget to look on the back side to see if the object you are bonding wasn’t bonded on both sides.

Look for cracks in the liner and if found grind back and repair the laminate. Look to see if the cracked liner doesn’t need some additional reinforcement.

Check the deck in way of hardware and especially chain plate areas for rotten wood in both the deck and hardware backing blocks.

If things are really shot plan for a big winter project but in the mean time do an area repair in the high load areas.

Check the rudder attachments to the hull to be sure that their backing blocks are good and the bolts are not loose (Mine have a tendency to work loose).

Check for cracks in the deck along side the main hatch runners. These cracks often are structural and allow water to migrate to the 1X2 that the hatch track screws into causing it to rot out.

See diagram pg.40

Look and see if there is a piece of plywood under the cockpit (between it and the hull or liner) giving it support. If not you run the risk of having cracks form in the corners of the companionway cutout. This missing piece of plywood will also allow the deck to flex when sailing meaning the Headstay tension will constantly change.

The Cal-20 came from the builder with two lower shrouds and what was thought to be a robust rig. We have over the years worked to get more performance from our boats and have changed things from what the original builder had in mind.

The first thing we did was remove the forward lower shrouds so the jib would move easier across the deck as we tacked.

The next thing we did was to add a split backstay and an adjustment tackle

And now we have loosened up the rig so we can move the center of effort forward and aft as we change directions from up wind to down wind.

All of these changes have come at a price and the price is that we are loading parts of the boat beyond what they were designed for.

To keep our boats together in one piece we have to upgrade the strength of the attachment points that hold our rig up.

The first is the aft lower shroud attachment point. This can be done by removing the bronze casting from the deck that the forward lower use to attach to and bolting it on the underside of the deck to the aft lower shroud attachment point. Next get a ¼” turnbuckle and a small chain plate and attach them to the underside and bolt the chain plate through the hull side.

See diagram for chain plate pg.4

The next is the Headstay. It turns out that we can put so much tension on the Headstay with the backstay adjuster that it is possible to literally pull the deck off the hull.

The fix is easy, just attach a chain plate to the bow so that some of the bolts go through the hull and attach the Headstay to that chain plate instead of the bronze deck fitting.

See diagram pg. 5

Keel Bolts and Keel Fairing

Let’s start with the bolts, if the keel is in good condition or you don’t want to deal with it at this time the bolts can be removed one at a time while the boat is on the hard.

If the nuts are very rusty (probably why you want to replace them) it is unlikely they will come off and it will take a die grinder and cut off wheel to make a slice down one side. You can then place a cold chisel in the slit and break the nut into two halves. If you are unsuccessful have fun cutting the other side of the nut.

Once the nut is off you can pound the bolt down and out the bottom. Some fairing putty will most likely come with it.

If I am just replacing the bolts and not taking the keel loose for some reason you can take a little caulking cotton and wrap it around the shank of the new 5/8” 316 stainless steel flathead bolt and smear Life caulk around it and the hole before tightening the nut.

When you have done them all check to see that they are all close to the same tightness, how tight? 150 foot pounds should be enough (a 50 pound pull on a 3’ breaker bar).

If this is all you are doing check the fairing around the keel and repair as needed remembering it is ok to fair it into the hull both fore and aft but not side to side. You may only put a ¼” radius at the sides.

Keel Fairing

Keel fairing can be nothing more then chipping a few spots and puttying in a few divots. For this epoxy putty is the best. If you are only dealing with a little rust try Pettit Rust Loc Primer. Remove any flaking rust and apply three or more coats following the directions on the can.

Major keel work is an undertaking and ask around before you start it. It is best saved for a winter project if you wish to sail in the summer.

Remove the keel and take it to a sand blaster. Have it blasted to bare metal (I am reluctant to say grey metal as some of our keels will have holes blown through them before they get to that point. Once blasted take it your work place immediately and epoxy coat the whole thing. Once the epoxy “B” stages lay it down on one side and smear epoxy putty on one side making it a pretty as you can. Grind down the surface when cured and finish the rough fairing. Sand again and roll the keel over. This side will need a sanding before coating then smear your putty on this side. Let cure, sand and putty again. Sand it again then stand it up and finish and fairing before you bolt it back on the boat.

Bolting the keel back on

Check that the keel is straight front to back (some aren’t) Adjust the bolt holes if needed. Check to see that the keel is not angled to the port or starboard side when it is bolted up and the boat is supported level side to side (may require washers placed under the flange between the hull and keel. If this is the case there is only one way to put the keel back on and that is with epoxy). If you need to epoxy it on come see me first and let’s talk.

If the keel is going back on with Life Caulk just be sure and use enough, I still like a little cotton on the bolt shanks. Clean up all the extra caulk and then putty in the fairing remembering not to fair the sides.

Cal-20 Mast and Rigging

What mast and boom are on my boat?

A good rule of thumb is that hulls 70-340 had Spar Craft masts and booms and all others had Jensen masts and booms. The Jensen mast is 2 5/8”x 4” and the booms were 2 3/8”x 3 ½”. Some early boats had tapered masts, those which came with them could use them until they failed but could not replace them. No other boats are allowed to use tapered masts.

The original mast basses were two piece cast aluminum with an aft hinge pin. The failure of these basses when mast rocking became popular lead to the rocking mast basses.

All rigging wire should be inspected often it is 1/8” stainless 1×19 wire with swaged end terminals. Great care should be exercised when stepping masts to be sure that the turn buckles are faced aft before raising the mast. Be carful about snagging wires while stepping.

If any wire end should look corroded or have a broken strand at the swag

Or a kink in the wire it must be replaced before sailing again.

The same goes for bent turnbuckles. DO NOT STRIGHTEN A BENT TURNBUCKLE. Bent turnbuckles must be replaced.

All split rings or cotter pins should be tapped to prevent being snagged and pulled out by some sheet line.

Most everyone has eliminated the forward lower shrouds to make tacking easier. Due to this change the aft lower shroud attachment to the deck must be reinforced (see sketches).

The addition of a split backstay will give the racer much better control of the Headstay tension but it also means that the Headstay attachment to the bow must be reinforced (see sketches).

Putting a split backstay on is a simple matter of installing an extra chainplate on the stern and having the backstay cut and re-swaged by your local rigger.

How high to cut it and what to use as a tackle is subjective (note not higher the 10’ above the deck) so look around at other boats.

The whole mast rocking, loose rig thing started in California where the Cal-20’s race without spinnakers. It improves both up and down wind performance and has been adopted here in Portland as the thing to do.

With that said be aware that it does increase the load in every part of the standing rigging when it shock loads. Take care to secure your rig when you leave the dock so it is not banging around. It is also a good idea to try and reduce the shocks when sailing and crossing a motor boat wake.

Boom vangs can be of any configuration as long as they don’t hold the boom up (No Kicker style vangs). The Cal-20 boom has so little extension beyond the measurement band the one needs to either rig an internal multi part purchases or side blocks at the end of the boom.

We find ourselves utilizing the Cunningham, outhaul, Vang, sheet and backstay to shape main as well as the backstay, halyard and sheets to control the jib so take the time to be sure all is in good working order and easy to reach.

How loose should the rig be? See rig adjustment at the dock for a starting place.

Most important and most overlooked is to PRE FLIGHT your boat before going sailing each time. Look at or touch every cotter pin, clevis pin, and shackle. Trace the standing and running rigging with your eyes to be sure that all is in order. By taking the time to do this you will be assured of having a great sail without fire drills or failures.

Rig Adjustment at the dock

Most Cal-20’s are setting up their rigs so that they can rake aft up wind and rock forward down wind.

Start with the rig loose enough and with enough toggles in the Headstay to allow the measurements in the drawing to be reached 28’ +/- 1” from the upper black band to the top of the transom.

Allow enough slack in the adjustable backstay to allow 29” 5” +/- 1” when the rig is shoved forward.

Now adjust the uppers and aft lowers evenly on both sides of the boat so that when measured out from the mast parallel with the water 5’ above the deck you can deflect the uppers out to 18” and the lowers out to 21”. The jumpers should be adjusted to be slack (IE no load on them).

Please note: While this allows the rig to move forward and aft when it is sighted up from the bottom and the boat is under sail it should still be straight side to side but have a slight curve fore and aft.

Sailing a Cal with this rig configuration may place higher stress loads on the rigging then would a normally snug rig so take extra care to inspect wire ends, turnbuckles, clevis and cotter pins. Tape things to prevent snags or items coming loose. Don’t fail to inspect under tape for wire failures.

When sailing in light air with motor boat chop it may be prudent to tighten things up to prevent the rig from slamming.

Shock cords or line can be used to prevent the rig from slamming while the boat is tied to the dock.

It also may be prudent to sail with the rig tightened up in heavy conditions.

These instructions are not an endorsement of the loose rig they are only given as an approximation of what other Cal -20 sailors are doing.

As skipper you are responsible for the safety and security of your crew and vessel.

Going Faster

Bottom preparation is one of the major ways you can make your boat go faster right after learning to sail better, owning new sails and being first over the start line.

Bottom preparation can take as little or as much time as you can put into it but trust me every hour you put into your bottom will pay off on the race course.

I will start with the idea that you are a top notch sailor and are going out to win the nationals.

Take the rig out of the boat, take the keel off and roll the boat over so you can work on the bottom by pushing down not up.

Take all the paint off and fix any and all blisters by grinding them out and epoxy/glass repairing them.

Now take a 1×4 about 6 feet long and put some 80 grit sand paper on it (this comes in rolls with sticky on the back) and sand the bottom front to back. You will find that a couple blocks of wood glued to the back so you can hold on easier will help as will knee pads. It is also a good idea to lightly spray a little black lacquer on before you start to sand.

What you should see if the bottom was perfect is all the black gets sanded off and the bottom is smooth with no bumps or dips. Trust me this won’t be the case. So mark the dips with a felt pen by outlining them sand the black out of the dips and mix up some epoxy and micro spheres into putty and fill all the hollows. Use a wide sheet rock knife or a piece of metal if you need something longer. Go home and have a beer then come back the next morning and spray a little black tracer again and sand. When you have come back about six days or so things might be getting close so you will move to an acceptable under water primer and apply a few coats. Now you get to sand with 120 grit paper. When things have gotten to the point that you can come out in the dark and shine one light on the bottom and move it here and there and like what you see you are ready to turn it right side up and put it back together.

The keel was touched on lightly under Keel bolts pg 6 but it will need a similar treatment as the bottom of the hull. Keep in mind that there are limits under the rules as to how thick you can make the keel so when you are all done be sure that at no point is it thicker then 1 ½”.

The Rudder is the only thing left in contact with the water so if you are not using one of the fiberglass rudders but a wood one you must be sure that your rudder profile will fit the Cal-20 shape. There is some variation allowed and you will need to cut your blank out to the profile that you feel is best (I like the one that has the least amount of sweep back as the helm feel is lighter). Now you can proceed to shape the foil you like but again there is a maximum thickness when finished which is 2 ¼” and a minimum weight of 255 lbs. When you get all done be sure you have epoxy and glass coated the rudder so it won’t absorb water and never leave it in the water when not sailing.

All that is left to talk about is the bottom paint. If you are headed to the nationals or are 100% into racing then the answer is NO BOTTOM PAINT.

The bottom should have been worked down with multiple coats of epoxy primer and sanded to ever finer grit until now you are down around 400 or 600 grit and all the scratches follow the flow of the water meaning none go the wrong way.

If you are not that zealous a smooth bottom with no bumps or blisters and a prep sanding of 120 grit in a fore to aft direction and VC17 or SR21 applied will be your fastest bottom.

The next fastest is a smooth bottom with no blisters or ruff spots and what ever paint you are using (if not one of the two above) applied as smoothly as possible and perhaps a light sanding with wet paper.

Now that you have the underwater part of the boat is in perfect shape we need to look at the sails.

If they are old they are slow and that can get to the point that if they are a few hard races old they are slow which is why there are rules as to how often you can buy new sails. So the best answer is to take the very best care of the sails you have. Use the newest ones you have on race day and use the older ones for practice. Remember you can only have one set on board when you race.

I will not go into sail set as there is lots of information around on that subject.

I will mention however that if the controls for adjusting the shape of your sails are not convenient and easy to reach fix the problems and move the controls so you can adjust them easily.

Just imagine that you are trapped to leeward at the start line and need to power up and pull a bit ahead and then alter the shape so that you are now pointing better then the boat above you as you pull ahead (now you get why controls are important).

Most all of us here have adapted the rocking mast and that is covered under Rig Adjustment pg.11

Knot meters and depth sounders. Any thing that you put thru the hull that protrudes into the flow of water will slow you down.

Should you put a knot meter in or not? If you do be sure that the housing does not stick down. Make a recess in the hull bottom so that when the thru hull is installed it can be faired in completely and only the impeller sticks down.

While a knot meter may be a great tool to help tune your speed another boat beside you is a better tool. So get your head out of the knot meter and look at the boats around you.

Depth sounders in Cal-20’s should never be put thru the hull but glued to the inside with silicone. They will read just fine as long as you didn’t glue it on top of a void in your laminate.

The only time I have found one of value racing a Cal is on the long distance races and then only of marginal help. It was better to look at the beach I was sailing next to and judge the slope and if the beach was curving out into the water ahead.

Now that you have the underwater part of the boat in perfect shape we need to look at the sails. If they are old they are slow and that can get to the point that if they are a few hard races old they are slow which is why there are rules as to how often you can buy new sails. So the best answer is to take the very best care of the sails you have. Use the newest ones you have on race day and use the older ones for practice. Remember you can only have one set on board when you race.

Most all of us here have adapted the rocking mast and that is covered under Rig Adjustment pg .

Knot meters and depth sounders. Any thing that you put thru the hull that protrudes into the flow of water will slow you down. So should you put a knot meter in or not? If you do be sure that the housing does not stick down. Make a recess in the hull bottom so that when the thru hull is installed it can be faired in completely and only the impeller sticks down. While a knot meter may be a great tool to help tune your speed another boat beside you is a better tool. So get your head out of the knot meter and look at the boats around you. Depth sounders in Cal-20’s should never be put thru the hull but glued to the inside with silicone. The will read just fine as long as you didn’t glue it on top of a void in your laminate. The only time I have found one of value racing a Cal is on the long distance races and then only of marginal help. It was better to look at the beach I was sailing next to and judge the slope and if the beach was curving out into the water ahead.

Speed Trap AKA Outboard Well

Here is one of the reasons that some Cal’s go faster then others and why we pull our boats out over the winter so we can work on them a bit.

The photo on the next page shows a poorly fitting bottom plate on my outboard well. The little (no matter how small) lip hanging down catches water and creates drag.

The easiest way to fix this is to first be sure the plate is in with the right end forward (I have an arrow drawn on the inside in felt tip marker).

If it is in right and a bit of lip is hanging down take a hand saw and cut the bond loose between the wooden frame on the inside and the fiberglass bottom plate. It may take a couple cuts to create a bit of a gap. Mix up some epoxy putty and squeeze it into the gap. Clamp the gap closed until the epoxy cures.

Larger problems may take more drastic action like a total rebuild. There are only three things to remember in your zealous quest for the perfect motor well cover.

  • The cover must be removable without tools and it must pass water IE water poured in the well must flow out the bottom.
  • When you get all done with your creation the bottom plate can not be thicker then 3”.
  • You can not caulk the plate in place or putty up all the seams so it can’t be pushed out.

What ever you do to make your plate fit better will improve your performance.

When the perfect the motor plate is done you should not be able to see any difference in the bottom shape, only a thin line around the outer edge perhaps the thickness of a pencil line. This plate must be easily removable and it must drain water because if it doesn’t all your work will be for not as some measurer will not let you pass inspection. By the way I hope you did this work while you had the hull upside down.

The photo below shows a poorly fitting bottom plate on my outboard well. The little (no matter how small) lip hanging down catches water and creates drag.

Required Safety Equipment and Gear On Board

We race Cal-20’s here on the river in OCSA sanctioned races and as such utilize their Sailing Instructions and course charts. Additionally we are required to comply with the Bylaws of the Cal-20 Fleet and Local Fleet 7 bylaws. PIYA regulations and USCG requirements must also be met.

The following is a synapses of all the requirements and spell out what must be on board to legally race. There are a couple conflicts in the regulations which are spelled out at the bottom of the next page and which regulation takes precedence. The pages that follow are the complete rules and regulations.

Cal-20 By-Laws Require:

  • Sails for Class racing shall be limited to a mainsail and a class jib. The cloth weight shall not be less than three ounces.


  • All required government safety equipment must be carried. This includes a Type 1, 2 or 3 life preserver for each person; a bell, whistle or a horn; one throw-able Type 4 life preserver; and one fire extinguisher (if an engine or fuel is carried).
  • Suitable ground tackle must be carried on board at all times. The minimum allowable ground tackle is an 8-pound Danforth anchor or its equivalent, with 10 feet of 3/16 inch chain and 100 feet of 3/8 inch nylon line.

Cal-20 Fleet 7 Additional By-Laws Require:

1. Sails, Spinnaker equal to PHRF Standard size and not lighter then 3/4oz nylon

(.05 poly is approved)

2. Spinnaker pole of 7’4” inside jaw to inside jaw

3. Class whisker pole may be used with jib only

4. Outboard engine meeting the requirements of PIYA Cat III.

OCSA Safety Requires:

1. All Boats comply with USCG requirements for recreational boating.

2. All Boats comply with PIYA category IV regulations

3. Sail numbers required on Main Sail and Spinnaker

4. Navigation lights after sunset

PIYA category IV requires:

1. Soft wood plugs for any below water opening attached with short cord.

2. Adequate paddle(s) or oars

3. A commercially manufactured anchor, 150’ of line and ½ the boat length of chain.

4. Yachts name on all float-able safety gear.

5. Navigation lights after sunset

6. A Bailer, bucket or bilge pump.

7. A flotation device with a whistle, reflective tape and the ships or crews name for every person on board.

8. Engine, tanks, vents, batteries, etc. meet USCG requirements.

9. A signed copy of the PIYA regulations on board.

USCG requires:

1. State registration

2. State numbers and sticker

3. Life jacket for all on board

4. Type IV throw-able device

5. Three day/night flares

6. Ventilation for areas which hold fuel tanks

7. One B-1 fire extinguisher

8. A whistle or horn

9. Navigation lights after sunset

10. A type I, II, III MSD if a toilet is installed.

The only conflicting requirements I have found are the old Cal-20 requirement for 100 ft of anchor line and PIYA’s requirement of 150’ (150’ takes precedence)

The PIYA requirement for paddle(s) or oars in Cat IV and the Requirement for outboard in Cat III and Cal-20 Fleet 7 By-Laws (outboard takes precedence)

My Cal Has Water In Side

The sources of water inside a cal just like any other boat are endless.

Some are obvious like water running down the inside of the hull at a window or piece of deck hardware.

Others are less obvious like the bottom rudder bolts or the laminations around the outboard trunk. The keel bolts are a possibility but then so is the main hatch, fore hatch and seat hatch. What about those cracks where the cockpit sides meet the cockpit seats or along the main hatch runners? These are all possibilities.

How do I stop the water from getting in? First you have to identify the source.

You must dry the boat completely and that may take putting your crew on deck next to the starboard shroud and healing the boat over a bit bow down and moping water out from under the forward bunk or out from under the cabin side bunks. Water will also find its way in between the hull liner and the hull so it is not easy to get it dry but you must.

Start at the top and work your way down. Are there any deck fittings that are leaking? If so fix them by removing them and then re-bedding them. See the U-Tube links on page 51.

How about the windows? Seethe comments on page 39.

Now let’s look at the cracks along the main hatch runners and the ones in the cockpit. These two sets of cracks are caused from stress and many do not actually leak but if the stainless hatch slides are loose odds are the fasteners or cracks are leaking. Smearing some caulk on them might help for a day or two but they will need to be ground back about a half inch on each side and a bit of fiberglass and epoxy used to fix them (be neat as these are hard areas to detail. See pg 40

The fore deck hatch if it is original will be leaking where it is screwed to the deck but also in the joints in the corners. Remove it, clean it up and take it apart. Then glue it back together again. Be sure to put some cellophane package tape on the deck in the corners and lay out some protection on the bunk as you will want to re-glue this frame in place so it will fit when you are done. When the glue has cured pop it off and then bed it in Life caulk.

The main hatch might have cracks in the bottom corners (check that there is a support under the cockpit see photos pg 49)

If there are cracks in the corners remove the wood edging, grind a taper in the laminate and put some fiberglass and epoxy to fill up the taper. Now bed the wood trim back in place. Be particular about the bottom piece as water likes to run down the drop board and find its way in the corners.

The cockpit seat hatch has problems of its own. The first is that there is no drip lip on the edges of the hatch lid so water likes to run right around and drip inside. Yes a gasket on the lip of the cutout will help but it really needs a drip lip see pg 41.

We are now inside and you are going to have to crawl (slither) back with your flash light and get all the way back so you can see the rudder bolts. Have someone else stand at the back of the cockpit so they are under water. Give it a few minutes and if they leak you will need to remove the fitting and bolts (either 3 friends on the foredeck while you do this or get it back on the trailer) When you do bed the fitting and bolts be sure there is a backing block on the inside of something like ½” plywood about 3”x6” and fender washers. If you don’t want to crawl back there in a few weeks use nylock nuts.

Now before you slither out of that little hole you are in look at the bottom of the motor well. Look all the way around it as they leak at the base sometimes. If it is leaking mark the area and haul the boat to do a fiberglass / epoxy repair. Look and see if the cockpit drain you put in from the front right corner of the cockpit is leaking. If so fix it. See pg 43

The next things to look for are any old thru hulls. If there are any get rid of them see pg 42. Yes this needs to be done out of the water. If you have a knot meter or depth sounder that goes through the hull check to se if they are leaking.

The only other sources of leaks (as long as you don’t have hull damage) are the keel bolts. While checking the keel bolts don’t jump to the conclusion that they are leaking just because there is water in the bilge. I now you have dried everything and you set there and watch water seems to ooze up around the bolts. That does not mean they are leaking it may only mean that you still have water trapped between the liner and the hull. Heal the boat over and check under the bunks. Do it to both sides and the bow down and then stern down and only then suspect the bolts. If I have fixed everything else so I know no water is coming in I might go away for a day and then mop out the bilge again and recheck.

Window leaks

Cal-20’s have had two different windows from the factory over the years of production.

The first was a metal framed glass window. Window leaks were from two sources on these windows. The first was a failure of the bedding compound. Simply remove the screws on the inside and have someone catch the port as you push it out from the inside. Clean the frame and cabin side up with a putty knife and solvent. Bed the port back in place with widow caulk, Life caulk or foam tape. DO NOT USE 3M 5200 to bed windows or hardware.

The second leak source was a failure of the gasket in the window frame itself. The frame can be taken apart and the gasket replaced with caulk.

The second window used in the Cal’s was a plastic window made by GO Industries. The only leaks associated with these windows is a bedding failure so simply remove the windows, clean them up and bed them again with Lifeseal. Do not use any other sealant on these windows.

If you have broken windows or just want new ones ( they are lighter then glass ones) the Go Industries windows are still made and they will fit in any Cal 20. The windows are made by Mark Plastics in Corona, Ca.

Gel Coat, Crazing Cracks, Blisters and Fiberglass Repair

Gel coat is nothing more then polyester resin with talc and pigments added, it has no reinforcement and tends to be brittle. When the hulls, decks and liners are made they are built in a female mold. The gel coat is sprayed in first and to get good coverage in all the corners it often becomes thicker in spots then it should. This extra thickness is one of the reasons that gel coat cracks. For years these cracks have been called crazing cracks and owners have been told they are non structural. This may not be true in all cases.

The cracks that most concern us are the ones along the sides of the cockpit seats, companionway slider tracks and the bottom corners of the cockpit or companionway.

If any of these cracks are leaking water they should be repaired. Repairs amount to grinding away the surrounding area of the crack and laminating fiberglass across the crack to bridge the weak spot. Once repaired paint or gel coat can be used to replace the color.

Blisters are caused by the fact that the hulls are laminated of polyester resin as is the gel coat. The molecular make up of polyester resin is a loose structure which will allow water vapor transfer.

Here is how it happens, water vapor penetrates the gel coat and laminate until it finds an air bubble or pocket. It may be that it finds a bit of dirt or contaminate, maybe some extra Cobalt or MEKP (used to promote and cause the cure of the resin to take place). When the moisture finds any of these defects it will form a gas pocket due to a reaction with the defect and a blister is formed.

When blisters are small they are nothing more then a nuisance and tend to degrade performance by disturbing the water flow past the hull. When they get big they can start to be structural.

What is small and what is big and how do I fix them? Small is anything from the size of a pencil eraser to the size of a quarter and big is any thing larger.

Repairs can be as simple as taking a small grinder to the bottom and grinding out each blister. This can be tedious work if there are a lot as you must grind a little dish into the hull so that the blister is all gone. In the case of small blisters an epoxy putty can be used to fill the areas back up to smooth. Larger areas may need fiberglass laminated to rebuild the strength of the hull.

In extreme cases the entire gel coat is removed, the hull is allowed to dry out and then a barrier coat is applied after the blisters have been repaired.

Fiberglass repair is not hard if the project is small, repairs to hulls after a port/starboard collision is another matter and best left to the professionals.

Small fiberglass repair consists of analyzing why it is required in the first place. The cracks at the bottom of the companionway opening caused because there was no support under the cockpit will not stay repaired if the cockpit is not supported so analyze the cause before you repair.

The fiberglass must be ground away into a taper on each side of the defect. The rule of thumb is the taper should be 20/1 or 40/1 in high load areas. What this means is the defect in a ¼” thick hull will require a repair area of 5-10” on each side of the defect. Care should be exercised to replace the laminate with a similar laminate to what is being removed. In short you can not expect to replace woven roving with a repair of mat.

All of the flat panels in or Cal-20’s are stiffened with marine plywood.

Long time contamination with moisture will cause it to rot. Take a look at the deck around the lower shroud chain plate attachments as they are often in the worse condition. If the backing block (another piece of plywood) is rotten the deck is probably rotten as well.

Let’s assume this is your only rot problem. It is possible to remove the deck fitting, pry off the backing plate and then tap around the underside of the deck with a small hammer and listen. The areas that are rotten will sound dead (like you have just tapped on a book and opposed to tapping on your desk). Mark the area with a marker pen and cut the plywood out using a chisel and hammer. Do a neat job of it and if when you are done the area is small (less the 4-6 square inches) cut a new piece of plywood to fit the hole and glue it in with epoxy.

At this point you have eliminated the rot and replaced it with a filler block. You need to now replace the backing block which will have to be thicker and bigger then the old one as you are trying to spread the load. I would use a piece of ½” plywood about 8”x12” or bigger if necessary.

If your repair cut out area was larger you will need to grind or cut a taper in the deck plywood and grind a taper on the plywood you are going to put back forming a scarf like you would in fiberglass repair except that it only needs to be a 12/1 taper.

If the deck in your boat is in very bad condition you will need to plan for a winter of it and take the keel off and roll the boat upside down. Strip out all the plywood and glue in new. Come talk with me if you plan on this project as there are some helpful hints.

You now know why it is important to fix leaks and to keep water out of the boat. It is also important to provide ventilation so moisture in the boat will dissipate.

One side note here and that is when storing your boat out of the water in the winter time be sure to not tarp it down tight but provide ventilation. Also the boat will need to be stored slightly bow down so that water will not collect on the cockpit seats and flow into the seat hatch.

Painting Your Cal-20

Painting is all about preparation, the better the preparation the better the job will be.

There was a long discussion earlier on bottom preparation for racing and the bottom paint is applied with a thin foam roller to keep the film thickness thin.

Painting the hull sides of your Cal or new stripes are similar to doing the bottom except that the sand paper used to prepare the surface is 220-320 grit.

If you are going to paint the hull sides take the rub rail off first so you will have a professional looking job. Mask out what you don’t want painted and do the job early in the day before the breeze comes up. We here at Schooner creek paint in a heated indoor spray area with filtered ventilation. We spray the paint to give a perfect finish. DO NOT Spray at home.

There is a nice video of rolling and tipping on U-tube see pg.

To do the nonskid areas of the deck be sure you get all wax or other contaminates cleaned first, then sand or scotch-bright all the surfaces to be painted to break any shine. Then do your final masking and clean up before painting. I have found it best if you are going to add some type of nonskid material to the paint DON’T. Take the can of particles and punch a bunch of holes in the top like a salt shaker, roll your paint on and while it is still wet shake the particles on. Do a good job of getting more on then can absorb into the paint. Come back the next day and vacuum up all the extra and then roll on another coat of paint. It will look great.

I am no expert on outboards but here is what I have learned over the years.

Buy the lightest motor for the power requirements you need.

The Cal-20 can be pushed along nicely with a 3hp short shaft outboard if you are using the well.

If you are mounting the motor on the transom be sure to put a big backing block on the inside and watch where you mount the bracket (check with other owners).

The trick with using the well is getting the motor and motor plate in and out and keeping the water in the well from swamping the cockpit while motoring.

The trick of motor in and out is most of the forward way must be stopped before the change. The same goes for putting in the plate. I have an arrow on the inside of my plate to tell me which way is forward. When I go to put it in I shove it down with the front edge up until the last second when I pull up quickly on the line between the plate and top cover. If you have ever done other you may have had a very exciting moment while the plate was trying to pull you down and through the motor well.

Just remember to slow the boat up when taking the plate in or out.

As for keeping the water from sloshing up into the cockpit the best solution I have found is a piece of 3-4” foam rubber cut just larger then the hole in the well with a “V” notch cut half way into the back of the foam so you can pull it around the motor as you shove it into the hole. The foam does a great job of stopping the water and is easy to deal with when storing the engine.

When ever you are going to put the engine back into the locker be sure that you have shut the fuel off, closed the vent and run the engine to get rid of any fuel still in the carburetor.

Watch your fuel to oil mix carefully if you have an old two stroke and carry spare spark plugs and wrench. Better yet change a plug once before going out this spring just so you know how to do it and have all the tools you need.

When putting the boat away for the winter drain the fuel from the tank and put in new fuel in the spring.

Internet links and U-tube demonstrations Painting by Rolling and tipping Steve Seals site for parts Bedding hardware to prevent leaks Stopping leaks Fiberglass repair Blister repair Cal-20 By-Laws 2 stroke outboard care Restoration of a Cal-20

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Replacing bunks on trailer for Cal 20

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Hello All, New here, so please bear with me. I have a Cal 20 (about a ton of total weight) on a trailer with crumbling bunks. I'd like to replace them with boards; the boat lives on the trailer and I'd like better weight distribution. Anyone out there ever do this? Looking for any insights and ideas. Thanks!  

Here’s how I would approach this if you can’t launch the boat and leave it in the water: jack up the trailer placing it on jack stands and build a cradle out of 6x6 timbers to support the hull and then lower the trailer. The cradle needs to be built so that you use proper wood joinery and not rely on nails to support the load. Cross bracing in both directions will make the cradle sturdy. If you want to pull the trailer completely out from under the hull, the front cradle needs to clear the widest and tallest part of the trailer. I use this method when I work on my Venture.  

What do you mean by "better weight distribution?" How is the boat's weight not being adequately distributed on the trailer that has carried it for the past 50 years? I can understand replacing the pads if they're rotted or deteriorated, but if the pads have been satisfactory for 50 years, why replace them with boards?  

I can put the boat in the water. Where to put the boat while the bunks are replaced is not the issue, which explains why it was not the question. Responding to the other poster, I am not a mathemetician, physicist, whatever, so I can't numerically explain why a contact area about 20x greater would be more supportive, but I do know most of the Cal 20s I see on trailers have boards. Also, the 55 year old boat has not been on the 10 year old trailer for 55 years. I could explain that mathematically, but it should be obvious. Thanks for the responses, I've drawn up some plans to answer my own question.  

I have replaced them on my trailer, I used the same configuration as felt the trailer was originally fit for the boat. If the trailer is the original and was built/set up for your particular hull, more likely has taken in consideration all your questions and probably a replacement of strings will do the job. I did eye how the hull set on the trailer and felt the stringer adapted well to the hull. In my situation felt comfortable with what I have.  

Don't you love it when people get tasty when members try to help? Sometimes when the answer is not what they want to hear sometimes just human nature. This seems to be a solution looking for a problem your comments on weight distribution are quite accurate. truly do not understand the problem  

I don't fault the OP for misunderstanding my meaning. The internet makes it hard to communicate with enough clarity to avoid misunderstanding. I should have made my meaning more clear.  


cal 20 sailboat trailer

OP might needs to clarify pads and bunks. and use the correct terminology, or post pics. Everyone else is on the right track...if you have pads, and think you need to reengineer the trailer to now use bunks, you dont have a full understanding of how the boat is supported on the trailer. Swing keel boats sit on bunks, the weight of the boat fully on said bunks. fixed keel boats rest most of their weight on the keel, sitting on the reinforced frame of the trailer. The pads just more or less keep it from falling over. If you can see that the keel is not resting on the trailer frame, you might need to adjust the height of the pads or add a wooden block if one was there and might have fallen off or rotted away. Replacing the pads with some new wood and carpet is an easy job that can be done in about 20-30 min with some power tools, with the boat off the trailer.I would use 2 1x1ft pieces of 1/2" ply screwed together with the grain perpendicular to each other for each of the pads  

cal 20 sailboat trailer

some people just want to make work for them selves and reinvent the wheel. they will turn a repair/replacement project into a experiment by making it better and then not working as well. how many times i have seen owners that want to improve everything on their boat and when done no one wants to sail on the boat.  

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cal 20 sailboat trailer

is nearly 8' long and is self-bailing. Below she has four bunks, a head and storage bins. For her 20' length, she is one of the most practical boats imaginable. With the advent of expensive fiberglass resin (during the fuel crisis of 1973) and the new I.O.R. rule, Cal 20's gained rapidly in popularity. A lot of people wanted an active, simple, inexpensive one-design class boat that wasn’t going to be outdated by the next measurement rule change. Even today the resale value of a good, clean Cal 20 is approximately what the same boat might have cost new 30 years ago!

(by the bulkhead) where the crew naturally ends up. This "built-in" accommodation makes a Cal 20 a much more comfortable boat to race than many other boats around today.

. The design is relatively the same, but of heavier stock. Other weak areas are the headstay fitting and the aft lower chainplates. These chainplates are only supported by the deck of the boat and though the design is sound, tend to weaken with years of racing. Both problem areas are relatively easy to fix or reinforce. The headstay can be attached to a or tang, fastened directly to the hull of the boat, at the bow. The aft lower chainplates can be supported from below decks inside the boat with the addition of custom chainplates and turnbuckles (I have kits for both of these areas that can be easily installed). These modifications were taken care of on "4040" before we started racing her on the Bay.

. Having all the rigging adjustable from this central area of the boat enables the crew to make small adjustments to the rigging without having to move their weight around very much. The reduction in energy required to get the rigging adjusted, coupled with the fact that the crew isn't constantly having to shift their weight, means that the sails will be kept in better trim and the boat will be going faster more of the time. Having good rigging that is easy to work, and that works well, makes sailing much more enjoyable. You tend to learn faster how a sail should look in varying wind conditions and you tend to do what needs to be done, instead of putting it off and hoping that conditions will change. On "4040" we can do everything from the cockpit. We can reef the main in a matter of seconds even if it is blowing 30 knots!

is 8 to 1. The jib halyard adjuster is 5 to 1. The cunningham downhaul and the main halyard adjuster are 4 to 1. On windy San Francisco Bay these power ratios are none too much.

. The three mainsail control cams on the center line of the bridge i.e. vang, and outhaul are all led through swivel cam cleats. So is the . This makes it easier for the crew to adjust these highly used items from almost anywhere in the cockpit.

the jib sheets also helps to eliminate the crew having to shift their weight. Being able to sheet in the jib on the weather side of the boat, to the weather winch, enables the crew to keep the jib in good trim at all times, and their weight in the right position.

puts the mainsheet swivel cam cleat where either the skipper or the crew can reach the mainsheet easily while facing forward.

A view of a vintage Cal 20 from an original Jensen Marine brochure, circa 1966.

More and more Cal 20's are being transformed into high-tech (and relatively low-buck) race machines.
(Photo by Colin Gilboy)


Biggest Trailerable Sailboats

Biggest Trailerable Sailboats | Life of Sailing

Many sailboats up to about 27 feet in length can be trailered safely on American roads. These vessels are limited by weight, beam, and overall height.

In this article, we'll go over ten of the best large trailerable sailboats on the market. These vessels feature comfortable cabins, excellent sailing characteristics, and they all meet the requirements for towing on U.S. highways.

The best and largest trailerable sailboats are the Cal 20, the Catalina 22, the O'Day 240, The Islander 24, the Moore 24, the Cal 25, the Helms 25, the MacGregor 26, and the Nor'Sea 27. Most of these vessels can be towed behind a well-equipped truck or SUV.

We sourced information and vessel specifications for this article from sailboat manufacturers and record books. We also considered the opinions of sailors who own these vessels and sail them regularly.

Table of contents

What Makes a Sailboat Trailerable?

Trailerable sailboats must meet certain requirements in order to operate on American roads. The primary limitations are width (beam), as the vessel and its trailer must fit in regular traffic lanes and through tunnels. Another consideration is weight, as the vessel should be light enough to be towed by a 3/4 ton or 1-ton pickup truck.

Generally speaking, there's not a specific limit to boat weight in order to be towed. That said, most single and tandem-axle trailers can't exceed about 3,300 pounds per axle. With that in mind, the upper limit for a trailerable sailboat is around 7,000 to 8,000 pounds.

Keel type is an important factor to consider, as it determines how high off the ground the boat has to ride on the trailer. The majority of trailerable sailboats have a centerboard or swing keel that retracts for towing and beaching. Some vessels have shorter displacement keels or fin keels.

The maximum allowable for a trailerable sailboat is 8 ft 6 in. This is because these dimensions are the maximum limit for standard trailers on American roads. A larger boat can be transported on the road, but only as an oversize load.

In practice, very few trailerable sailboats have a beam of exactly 8 ft 6 in. The majority of large trailerable sailboats have a beam of between 7 1/2 ft and 8 ft 3 in. This makes it easier to negotiate tunnels and tighter traffic lanes.

Overall Length

The maximum trailer length for standard trailers is 65 ft, but it's nearly impossible for a trailerable sailboat of this length to meet the width requirements. In practice, the longest trailerable sailboats are around 30 ft in length or shorter. The average is about 20 to 25 ft.

In most states, the maximum height for a trailer load is 14 ft. This necessitates that the mast folds down and that the keel and vessel height combined doesn't exceed 14 ft. You must also take into account the height of the trailer, as a tall boat may not be able to clear highway overpasses.

10 Largest Trailerable Sailboats

Trailerable sailboats come in all shapes and sizes, including some large and roomy configurations. The vessels we chose range in length from 19 ft to 27 ft, and they offer the best accommodations on the market. Here are ten of the best large trailerable sailboats.

1. West Wight Potter 19

It's impossible to write an article about trailerable sailboats without mentioning the West Wight Potter 19. This vessel is perhaps the best and most capable in its class, and it offers surprisingly comfortable accommodations for a lightweight trailerable sailboat.

The West Wight Potter 19 is easy to sail fast and features a roomy cabin with a sink and space for a head. It's considered a pocket Cruiser, and it is very popular in coastal areas. Due to its lightweight construction, this fiberglass sailboat is trailerable behind an SUV or half-ton pickup.

The West Wight Potter 19 has positive buoyancy material throughout the whole, making it effectively unsinkable. Additionally, the mast and rigging collapse and set up in minutes. These vessels were produced up until recently, so they're common on the used market.

  • Lightweight
  • Rigs up fast
  • Roomy cabin
  • Relatively slow

The Cal 20 has been around for decades, and this capable racing boat is ideal the coastal cruising and sailing in semi-protected waters. That said, it's also quite seaworthy, as several have participated in TransPac races between San Francisco and Hawaii.

The Cal 20 is known for its low-profile cabin and easy trailering. At 20 ft in length overall, the Cal 20 is well within limits for trailering on American roads. While not the lightest trailerable sailboat on the list, a well-equipped pickup truck should tow it without issues.

The Cal 20 isn't the boat to choose if you're looking for the most spacious accommodations. That said, the cabin is functional, and the boat excels in handling. It's fast, safe, and agile, thanks to its long and thin profile. It's also a joy to sail in all kinds of weather conditions.

  • Easy to sail
  • Stable in high winds
  • Spartan cabin
  • Deep draft from the fixed keel

3. Catalina 22

The Catalina 22 is one of the most famous large trailerable sailboats ever built. It's one of Catalina's most popular models, and it was a big hit in the 1970s and 1980s. The Catalina 22 has a spacious and thoughtfully designed cabin with a wide companionway and a comfortable V-berth.

The Catalina 22 is a centerboard boat. This means that the keel retracts into the hull for trailering and lowers down easily using a system block-and-tackle or a crank. The vessel is 7.67 feet wide, making it easy to tow on typical American highways.

The vessel is still produced today, and over 15,000 have been built since 1969. This makes it one of the most popular sailboats ever, and hundreds are available on the used market for reasonable prices. Thanks to its superior handling and excellent design, the Catalina 22 is one of the best large trailerable sailboats available.

  • Well-designed cabin
  • Affordable iconic sailboat
  • Minimal headroom
  • Finicky companionway hatch

4. O'Day 240

The O'Day 240 is one of the more seagoing trailerable sailboats on our list. It's beamy and stable, and it handles well in rougher weather conditions. It has a surprisingly comfortable cabin for its size and measures just 24 feet in length overall.

The vessel's wide beam contributes to its stability. However, with a width of 8 ft 3 in, the O'Day 240 approaches the upper limit of trailerable dimensions. The vessel weighs more than comparably sized boats, so you'll need a more powerful vehicle to tow it.

The cabin of the O'Day 240 stands out. It features a V-berth, berthing aft, a galley, and space for a head. There's ample headroom throughout the cabin, which makes the O'Day 240 ideal for extended coastal cruising.

  • Stable Spacious cabin
  • May be too wide for comfortable trailering
  • Unusual cabin design

5. Islander 24

Islander is known for its larger sailboats (28 feet and larger), though it has produced a few excellent trailerable models. We chose the trailerable Islander 24, as it's known in the sailing community for its speed, comfort, and easy handling.

The phrase "they don't build them like they used to" applies to the Islander 24. When this vessel was designed in the early 1960s, boat manufacturers used more fiberglass and produced thicker hulls. This practice is costlier and made the boat weigh more. But it produced stronger vessels that last much longer than their flimsier contemporaries.

This fiberglass sailboat is thoughtfully designed and is well-suited for coastal cruising in the 21st century. It features stronger construction than similar models, and its keel design encourages stable and comfortable sailing.

  • Strong hull and deck
  • Stiff sailing
  • Great windward performance
  • Small cabin
  • Heavy trailer weight

6. Moore 24

The Moore 24 was the first in a new class of vessels called the ultralight displacement sailboat. It has the handling characteristics have a large keelboat but the dimensions of a coastal cruising trailer-sailer.

From the outside, the flush deck of the Moore 24 looks like it couldn't possibly accommodate a cabin. Closer inspection reveals that the vessel has a roomy cabin that resembles that of much larger boats. It features a galley, a head, a V-berth upfront, and attractive paneling throughout.

The Moore 24 is a pocket cruiser by all definitions. It's

an excellent choice for those looking for a trailerable and seaworthy sailboat. Though a bit taller than some other models, the vessel is still well within limits for on-road transportation.

  • Excellent handling
  • Large cabin
  • Heavier than many other 24-foot sailboats

The Cal 25 is essentially a stretched version of the Cal 20. It features the same basic hull design with the iconic flush deck and streamlined cabin. However, it's faster, offers superior accommodations, and it's more seaworthy.

The Cal 25 is known for its stiff handling characteristics in high winds. This is primarily due to its 1,700-pound lead keel, which keeps it upright and tracking straight. However, this does increase the overall weight of the vessel, which is an even 4,000 pounds dry. Thankfully, this is within the towing capacity of most standard pickup trucks.

The interior of the Cal 25 resembles the cabins of larger boats. In other words, it doesn't feel cramped. There's a large sitting area across from the galley and partitions separating the V-berth from the rest of the cabin. Overall, the Cal 25 is an excellent compact sailboat for racing or cruising.

  • Good accommodations
  • Marginal headroom in some areas

8. Helms 25

The Helms 25 is a compact vessel with a true swing keel. Unlike a centerboard, which descends through the hull straight down, a swing keel swings down on the hinge and occupies less space inside of the vessel. With the removal of the centerboard trunk, the Helms 25 retains its trailerable properties while freeing up living space in the cabin.

The Helms 25 is long and fast but not particularly tall. It fits well on a trailer, and its rounded hull doesn't pound in choppy water. The cabin is comfortable and features a small but usable galley, a table with two seating areas, a V-berth, and additional berthing aft.

Some versions of the Helms 25 also feature a separate head area between the V-berth and the central living spaces. The Helms 25 strikes the perfect balance between comfort, seaworthiness, and trailerability. It's safe and fun to sail and sells on the used market for affordable prices.

  • Spacious cabin
  • Long, narrow, and shallow
  • Not ideal for offshore sailing
  • Too long for some trailers

9. MacGregor 26

The MacGregor 26 is larger and more modern than most of the sailboats on our list. As a result, it takes advantage of recent design developments that make it an excellent large trailer-sailer. At 26 ft overall, the MacGregor 26 is also one of the fastest vessels on our list.

At first glance, the dimensions of the MacGregor 26 seem unusual. The hull shape resembles a bathtub, and the vessel's high profile is notable. These characteristics make it stable and easy to handle, and they also give it exceptional headroom in the cabin.

The McGregor 26 came in numerous configurations, which are designated with letters such as '26D' and '26M.' These include various cabin window orientations, colors, accessories, and interior layouts. Some versions of the MacGregor 26 came with a dual rudder setup, which is uncommon in its size range.

  • Modern design
  • Excellent headroom
  • Unusual shape

10. Nor'Sea 27

The final trailerable sailboat on our list is also the most capable. The Nor'Sea 27 is a true offshore sailboat with accommodations that rival any mid-size cruising sailboat. the Nor'Sea 27 is a full-keel displacement sailboat that's designed for stability and motion comfort. It's one of the beefiest sailboats that still fits on a trailer.

The Nor'Sea 27 features standing headroom throughout the cabin. It has a head, galley, and berthing area forward that converts into a table. The cabin is lined with attractive wood paneling, and the entire vessel has a very high level of fit and finish.

The Nor'Sea 27 is built for cruising, and it's ideal for longer voyages and offshore passages. If you're looking for a true cruising sailboat that stores well on a trailer, you can't go wrong with the NorSea 27. Due to its size and capabilities, you'll need a larger vehicle to trailer this vessel safely.

  • Biggest cabin
  • Full-size accommodations
  • Offshore capable
  • Too large for SUV towing
  • Slow to rig and disassemble


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Daniel Wade

I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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cal 20 sailboat trailer

You can enjoy the reliability and performance of a Load Rite trailer for your sailboat by specifying a custom trailer through your dealer.

We combine our modular pods with a keel board and winch stand options on any number of Load Rite or 5 STARR bunk models to conform to many sailboat applications. Each trailer must be specified on an individual basis. To get started, download the attached sailboat trailer specifications document before contacting your local Load Rite dealer . Your dealer will collect the model number and other details about your boat and work with our Customer Service and Engineering staff to come up with a recommendation and a quote for your Load Rite trailer.

All of these features are backed by the industry leading Load Rite 2 + 3 Warranty.

Specifications subject to change without notice.  Not responsible for publishing errors.


cal 20 sailboat trailer

Galvanized Steel Frame

Tubular structural steel, fully hot dip galvanized, provides the ultimate finish for any boat trailer.  Tubular design shrouds wiring and brake lines from damage.  All machining and welding is performed before galvanizing, so there are no surfaces left unprotected from a boat trailer’s ultimate enemy: corrosion.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Patented Aluminum I-Beam Frame

Patented designs offer many features that add functionality to a great look.  Integrated wire gutter beneath the top flange securely protects wiring and brakelines.  Models to 7,300 lbs. capacity feature a captured fastener channel along the bottom flange offering invisible mounting points for other features.  Web mounted crossbars strengthen the overall frame assembly.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Galvanized Crossbars and Tongue

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Torsion Axles

Torsion axles provide independent suspension, exceptional rigidity, corrosion resistance, and a far superior ride to any leaf spring suspension.  Available on most models.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Greaseable Hubs

Trailer with peace of mind knowing that you’ve inspected the condition and topped off the lubricant level in each hub of your trailer.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Disc Brakes (Where Installed)

This trailer is equipped with disc brakes (where installed).  Load Rite recommends disc brakes on all wheels where available.  Disc brakes are self-adjusting and self-cleaning and require minimal maintenance in order to continue to deliver top performance.  Follow maintenance tips in your Owners Manual for more detailed instructions.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

DOT Rated Tires and Lighting

All Load Rite original equipment tires and lighting components are fully DOT approved.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Balanced Wheels 13″ and Larger

CounterAct Wheel Bead Balancing is now included on all 13″ and larger wheel assemblies as a standard feature.  The wheels dynamically balance during each use. Visit for more information.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Aluminum Diamond Plate Fenders

A stylish design combined with extreme durability.  Standard on all single axle models with 13″ and larger wheels.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Heat-Shrunk Sealed, Concealed Wiring

Standard equipment on all trailers 17′ and longer except welded frame models.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Adjustable Carpeted Bunks

Traditionally known as V-bunks, this system offers both high strength and a wide range of adjustability.  Out of adjustment?  There are shorter and taller bolster brackets available in many heights.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

A winch is standard equipment on all boat and PWC models.  Capacity and features vary by application.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Tongue Jack

Tongue jacks are standard equipment on all Load Rite Elite models 90″ wide and wider except two-place PWC models, all 5 STARR models, and all UT, EQ, and CH models.  Appearance and specifications vary by application.  Tongue jacks are optional on all other models.

Load Rite Trailers NATM Certified

NATM Certified

Each year Load Rite trailers undergo a detailed inspection process in order to earn the right to proudly display this certification on products we manufacture.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

NMMA / NATM Certified

cal 20 sailboat trailer

2 Plus 3 Years Coupler to Taillight Warranty

Load Rite’s premiere warranty exclusive to our Elite line of trailers.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

102″ Overall Width (96″ and Wider Models)

Add extra width to standard 96″ wide trailers.


Swing Tongue

Applications are limited by trailer capacity and tongue length.  Not available on models exceeding 6,000 lbs. capacity.  Consult with a dealer.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Radial Tires

Smoother riding and longer wear life than many bias-ply tires.  A highly recommended upgrade.  Available for 13″ and larger wheels.

Load Rite Split Star aluminum wheel

Aluminum Wheels

A stylish option available with bias-ply or radial tires for most models in 12″, 13″, 14″, 15″ and 16″ sizes.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Spare Tire and Carrier

The most important option to consider, every trailer should have a spare tire readily available.  Consult dealer for recommended bracket for individual application.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Vault® Hubs

Vault® – The VAULT® “Hybrid Lubrication System” uses a semi-fluid oil in a pressurized chamber to give you the ultimate in wheel bearing lubrication and protection. At ambient temperatures the oil is thick with a viscosity approaching grease. As the bearing temperature rises during towing, the VAULT’s Hybrid Oil thins out replenishing the bearings with lubricant and dissipating heat. No inspection, no maintenance and no service required.  *Vault® hubs require Dexter axle.  Vault® and Kodiak® stainless disc brakes cannot be combined.

Consult a dealer to confirm application.

Brakes on All Axles

Important Safety Issue – Brake Requirements   

Brake laws vary by state and require dealers to sell trailers that comply with the brake laws of the state where the trailer will be registered.  This is a very important safety issue .  For full information contact the appropriate state Motor Vehicle Department.  As always, Load Rite recommends brakes on all axles where available.


Stainless Steel Disc Brakes

Optional stainless steel brakes available for most 14″, 15″ and 16″ wheel applications. Can be used with surge and electric over hydraulic actuators.*

May require optional axle installation.  Check with your local dealer before ordering.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Stainless Brakelines

A valuable upgrade to any trailer, but especially those to see service in coastal regions with salt water exposure.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Electric Over Hydraulic Brakes

EOH brakes offer electric in-cab control of standard hydraulic disc brakes.  Requires in-cab controller and 7-pin round electrical connection to the tow vehicle.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

LED Lighting

LED lights offer far greater reliability than incandescent fixtures.  Long-lasting and waterproof design make these lights ideal for any trailer application.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

2″ by 6″ Bunks

Marine grade carpet over 2″ x 6″ dimensional lumber.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Plastic Bunk Covers

These multi-purpose covers provide a smooth surface to help a metal-hulled boat or pontoon to slide easier when launching and loading.  They also offer an insulating barrier to help prevent corrosion for metallic hulled craft.  Protect your aluminum hull.

Highly recommended for metal-hulled boats and pontoon applications.  Not recommended for gel-coat, plastic, or painted metal hulls.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Steady Rest

Carpeted bunk section positioned above and perpendicular to the trailer tongue.  Provides an extra resting and balance point, and helps prevent keel contact with the tongue when loading in certain ramp conditions.


Carpeted Side Guides

Standard on most skiff and jon models.

Load Rite Trailer Drop Tongue Jack

Drop-Style Tongue Jack

An upgraded jack that provides greater capacities and fast setup with no need to swivel.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Tongue jacks are recommended on all trailers.  Appearance and specifications vary by application.  Tongue jacks are optional on all models where not original equipment.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Rubber Fenders

Rubber fenders are intended for use on dealer yard trailers.  Yard trailers need the flexibility to adapt to many different hull shapes without imparting any damage in the process.  Rubber fenders minimize the possibility of damage should the fender contact the boat hull.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Sailboat 5S-213600VT

cal 20 sailboat trailer

McGregor Sailboat

26 McGregor Sailboat on LR-AB25T6000102LT2 with modifications.

cal 20 sailboat trailer


Marshall-Sanderling on a modified 182800102VT.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Muscugos 18

Muscugos 18 on Load Rite 18240096VT with dealer installed support system.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Stuart 19, similar to Rhodes 19, on a 5S-17220090VW.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

On a custom fit 222650VSGG0.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

On a custom fit pod trailer.

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Pearson 22 2

cal 20 sailboat trailer

Warranty Information

Owners manual.

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cal 20 sailboat trailer

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  • Sailboat Guide

Cal 20 is a 20 ′ 0 ″ / 6.1 m monohull sailboat designed by C. William Lapworth and built by Jensen Marine/Cal Boats and Calgan Marine Ltd. between 1961 and 1975.

Drawing of Cal 20

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

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cal 20 sailboat trailer

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04-02-2010, 21:45  
Boat: Saving up for my dream girl
I want to know everything I can about this little , opinions and facts and everything in between!
05-02-2010, 04:53  
Boat: B24
05-02-2010, 10:16  
Boat: Saving up for my dream girl
, more interested in cruising. I'd like to hear from someone who's owned one for that purpose. You know, modifications, and anecdotes...
05-02-2010, 10:19  
Boat: Saving up for my dream girl
, I think, that found one in really bad shape on the and refurbished it themselves in the back yard, it's a really cool gallery (must be 100 pictures or so) but I'd like to have more written information, cost etc. etc.
05-02-2010, 10:20  
Boat: Saving up for my dream girl
08-02-2010, 07:34  
Boat: Columbia 28
20's and am based in Southern . Great sailing little boat.

I've done weekend trips to , about 35 miles each way and occasional 20kt breeze with pretty good swells/waves. Flush and no makes the a bit wet in these conditions, but the boat is up to the task. A completed the 2008 Singlehanded Transpac from SFO to . Here is a of that boat and gives you a good idea of the ultimate rig for an 20.

that matches the shape. I made one out of glass over and used a bungee attached to the inside and secured to a bracket at the top of the well. For cruising I would suggest a small (but large enough with reverse , maybe 4 - 5 hp) attached to an articulated bracket mounted on the transom far enough to avoid with the .

Good luck, and have fun
08-02-2010, 10:43  
Boat: Saving up for my dream girl
well stopper similar to yours. What's crazy is, I guess the first guy to do the SanFran to , a guy names Kun Poi Chin, didn't even have an outboard he used a pair of 8 foot oars to maneuver at harbor.
08-02-2010, 10:46  
Boat: Saving up for my dream girl
08-02-2010, 20:16  
Boat: Norseman 430, Jabberwock
08-02-2010, 21:32  
Boat: Beneteau 393
in nice shape and decent , a nice cooler that fit just right to get out of the slip, and a homemade to get her out of the during the . I paid more for the than the boat- the boat was a $200 or $250 , and the trailer was $450 from someone wanting to make some cash! The other Cal 20 was much nicer and was decked out below, with screens for windows and , a port-a-let, a REALLY nice , etc. We had great times on both. Mine was just for day , but my buddy and I took the other out for weekends to Manteo and good . I'd buy another one in a heartbeat right now!! Check out the if you are looking to buy one, mine flexed a lot, but my friend's was nice and firm. Also make sure no one screwed with the bulb, if I remember they weighed around 800 lbs, and some people apparently didn't like the weight. I liked it, it was very forgiving! It wasn't a sluggish boat either. Anyway, go for it and have fun! Great boat to learn on.

Now as for offshore- not me in that boat, but great for coastal "pocket cruising".
09-02-2010, 12:17  
Boat: Saving up for my dream girl
and bolted it back on it might not be perfectly straight and therefore start to produce a little when the picks up.
10-02-2010, 11:45  
Boat: Saving up for my dream girl
10-02-2010, 12:47  
Boat: 1962 28' Pearson Triton
on Florida's in the spring of 1979 in 25 kts of on our way to Cayo Costa during a two-week aboard our Cal 20; my parents, younger sister, and I (who camped ashore). Couldn't get the sea swing going (or maybe it was too rough). We ate cold ravioli out of the can. Great boat that shall always be associated with cold ravioli for me.
21-12-2010, 13:09  
. did this boat have a cored deck?
05-01-2011, 15:18  
as the material, bounced enough when when walked on to make me very nervous! But some demo and new 3/8" plywood returned the deck back into excellent shape.

The boat's a lot of fun.

Chris B
, ,
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Posted 2024-08-26 08:10

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Cal 20 Sailboat with Trailer $1800 OBO - $1,800 (Newport News)

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Cal 20 Sailboat with Trailer $1800 OBO - boats - by owner - marine...

Selling a 1975 Cal 20 Sailboat. Rigging is complete, has a mail sail and an older extra one, a jib, and a 150 percent genoa, jib roller furling, drop-down engine mount, and a nice trailer. The boat...

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columbia 22 on a cal 20 trailer

  • Thread starter Gary
  • Start date Apr 23, 2005
  • Brand-Specific Forums

I am going to paint my hull this summer and a friend of mine has a cal 20 on a trailer. She has told my I could use her trailer to paint my boat. I am wondering if my columbia 22 will fit. Her boat has a fixed keel draws 3'4", 2" more then mine, has a more narrow beam, about 8", weighs about 250 lbs less and is 2' shorter overall . She said the trailer, I have not seen ot yet, has adjustible, screw type pads. I have never trailered my boat before and have a fear of either squishing her trailer or having my boat topple off. I imagine that would only happen on the way back after painting. The round trip from the marina to my driveway and back, the neighbors are going to hate this, is only about 4 miles.  

good luck good luck ! why don't you just sink that crappy columbia pig. This site is for Cal sailboats. Fast beatiful boats not hoggy old columbias. Yeah and by the way how many racing fleets do you see for columbia 22s? None! Thats how many because they suck.  

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one design sailing for everyone

cal 20 sailboat trailer

62nd Cal 20 Class Championships Results

(hosted by Shoreline Yacht Club of Long Beach on July 26 – 28, 2024)

Listed below are the Class Championships perpetual award recipients:

• Class Champions: Jeff Ives and Phil Soma (Bravura) - ABYC • Neil Baker 2nd Place Finisher: Bill Schopp (Sluggo) – CBYC • Bronze Fleet Champions: Gwendolyn Hildebrand, Issac Sharp, Emerson Marquez, and Derson Eddowes (Misty Blue) - CBYC • Masters Champion: Mike DeBrincat (Bandini Mountain) - ABYC • Bud Gardiner (leader going into last day): Jeff Ives (Bravura) - ABYC • Top Finishing Woman Skipper: Cathy Black-Smith (PCH) - ABYC • Bravura (best looking boat): Mike DeBrincat (Bandini Mountain) - ABYC • The Hank (opposite of Bravura): Eric Conn (Project 14) – ABYC

Click HERE for a recap of this year’s Class Championships, photos, and full results summary and registration.

Long Beach Yacht Club

Go to

1970 Cal 20

Cal 20


  1. Steve Rander's Cal 20 Guide

    Rig Adjustment at the dock. Most Cal-20's are setting up their rigs so that they can rake aft up wind and rock forward down wind. Start with the rig loose enough and with enough toggles in the Headstay to allow the measurements in the drawing to be reached 28' +/- 1" from the upper black band to the top of the transom.

  2. Boat and Class Overview

    Cal 20's were (and still are) inexpensive to buy, own and maintain. The base price was $3,200 throughout most of the 60's which put her within reach of just about everyone. The cockpit is nearly 8' long and is self-bailing. Below she has four bunks, a head and storage bins. For her 20' length, she is one of the most practical boats imaginable.

  3. Replacing bunks on trailer for Cal 20

    The photo below shows a sailboat trailer with pads. While your boat weighs about 1,950 lbs, nearly half that amount is in the keel, which weighs 900 lbs. Only about 1050 lbs is supported by the pads. The keel's weight is carried by the trailer frame, as shown in the photo. While many trailers use boards to support the boats, newer trailers are ...

  4. A Classy 20 Footer

    The boat spent the winter of 1975 on her trailer in my back yard while I contemplated and assembled her rigging. "4040" represents my latest thinking on how to fit out and rig a Cal 20 for class racing without spinnaker gear, the way the boats are raced in the National Championships.

  5. Cal 20

    The Cal 20 is a small recreational keelboat, built predominantly of fiberglass.It has a fractional sloop rig, a transom-hung rudder and a fixed fin keel with a weighted bulb. It displaces 1,950 lb (885 kg) and carries 900 lb (408 kg) of ballast. [1]The boat has a draft of 3.33 ft (1.01 m) with the standard keel fitted and is normally fitted with a small outboard motor for docking and maneuvering.

  6. CAL 20

    Discount Sails-Cal_20. Electric Yacht. New Rudders. Sail Trailers. SeaWaterPro. SBD App - BR. top 1 ads row1. top 2 ads row2. top 3 ads row2. CAL 20. Save to Favorites ... Numbers below 20 indicate a lightweight racing boat, small dinghy and such; 20 to 30 indicates a coastal cruiser;

  7. 9 Best Trailerable Sailboats

    The Newport 27 measures 27-feet in length and feature a flush-deck design similar to the famous Cal 20. This sailboat, despite its trailerable size and weight, features surprisingly good handling characteristics and generous accommodations. ... And remember, the Hunter 27 is still a trailer sailor. The boat features a shoal draft of under 4 ...

  8. Biggest Trailerable Sailboats

    The best and largest trailerable sailboats are the Cal 20, the Catalina 22, the O'Day 240, The Islander 24, the Moore 24, the Cal 25, the Helms 25, the MacGregor 26, and the Nor'Sea 27. ... Keel type is an important factor to consider, as it determines how high off the ground the boat has to ride on the trailer. The majority of trailerable ...

  9. Sailboat

    We combine our modular pods with a keel board and winch stand options on any number of Load Rite or 5 STARR bunk models to conform to many sailboat applications. Each trailer must be specified on an individual basis. To get started, download the attached sailboat trailer specifications document before contacting your local Load Rite dealer.

  10. 1965 Cal 20' Sailboat & Trailer

    1965 Cal 20' Sailboat & Trailer - California. Price: $ 800. Make: Cal; ... 1992 Chaparral 20' Boat Locate... $ 2 Details. 1989 Ebbtide Campione 200 20' ... $ 100 Details. See all 20. About. Search-Boats is a Boats & Yachts classifieds search engine to find different boat types for sale New and Used.

  11. Cal 20 sailboats for sale by owner.

    Cal 20 preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Cal 20 used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... ' 14000 lb Trailer Green Bay, Wisconsin Asking $6,200. 29.9' Bristol 29.9 Tilghman, Maryland Asking $22,489. 16'5' Precision P-165 Bargain Storage Wylie Texas, Texas

  12. Cal 20

    Cal 20 is a 20′ 0″ / 6.1 m monohull sailboat designed by C. William Lapworth and built by Jensen Marine/Cal Boats and Calgan Marine Ltd. between 1961 and 1975. ... The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more. Formula. D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³ D ...

  13. Cal 20

    I had great experiences with two separate Cal 20's, one was mine and one was a friend's. Mine was a "beater" boat, ugly as hell and falling apart down below, but with sails in nice shape and decent rigging, a nice cooler that fit just right , a trolling motor to get out of the slip, and a homemade trailer to get her out of the water during the winter.I paid more for the trailer than the boat ...

  14. Cal 20 Sailboat with Trailer $1800 OBO

    propulsion type: sail. length overall (LOA): 20. Selling a 1975 Cal 20 Sailboat. Rigging is complete, has a mail sail and an older extra one, a jib, and a 150 percent genoa, jib roller furling, drop-down engine mount, and a nice trailer. The boat has been stored indoors for many years. Decks are solid, gelcoat looks nice especially for the age.

  15. columbia 22 on a cal 20 trailer

    I am going to paint my hull this summer and a friend of mine has a cal 20 on a trailer. She has told my I could use her trailer to paint my boat. I am wondering if my columbia 22 will fit. Her boat has a fixed keel draws 3'4", 2" more then mine, has a more narrow beam, about 8", weighs about 250...

  16. Cal 20

    one design sailing for everyone. one design sailing for everyone. 62nd Cal 20 Class Championships Results. (hosted by Shoreline Yacht Club of Long Beach on July 26 - 28, 2024) Listed below are the Class Championships perpetual award recipients: • Class Champions: Jeff Ives and Phil Soma (Bravura) - ABYC. • Neil Baker 2nd Place Finisher ...

  17. PDF Cal 20 Sailing Guide

    The competitive crew weight for the Cal 20 is between 340 and 500 lbs. It does seem that it is faster to be on the heavier side of the weight range. Move the crew weight as far forward as the cockpit will allow in all conditions. In light air, the crew weight should be as low in the boat as possible to reduce the pitching of the boat.

  18. Buy & Sell New & Used Trailers Cal 20 Triad Sailboat Trailer at

    Cal 20 Triad Sailboat Trailer. Trailer finish: Hot dip galvanized trailer frame. Coupler- Tie Down Model 66 surge brake actuator for drum brakes- requires customer supplied 2 inch ball with a minimum capacity of 3,700 pounds- required 4 way vehicle electrical wire. Find New & Used Trailers 80 triad trailers 2016 cal 20 private party.

  19. Cal 20 sailboat for sale

    Go to Sailing Texas classifieds for current sailboats for sale . 1964 Cal 20 Fixed keel Boat is in good condition includes trailer Honda 2hp Motor 2 sails, bottom and hull painted 8 months ago. 75 nautical books included Hello David, Well, I've sold the Cal20 to someone in this area who saw the ad in the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, so, you may ...

  20. Cal 20 sailboat for sale

    Trailer has not been painted since I built it, therefore, it looks rusty. The Cal 20 is a very stable and fast boat equipped with a fixed keel and a head. may consider trades Hello David, Your site works excellent! I sold the Cal to a happy new owner. I appreciate all your work and effort.

  21. Cal 20 restoration.

    My son and I recently purchased this 1963 Cal 20 #323 sailboat. We've both shown interest in the possibility of getting out and sailing someday. ... We purchased boat, trailer and 1963 evinrude for $1,000. There's a bunch of work involved: fiberglass repair, interior/exterior wood replacement, painting inside and out, figuring out why and what ...