Yacht Rental Porto di Brindisi

In the embrace of Italy's southeastern coast lies the ancient and enchanting Porto di Brindisi. With its rich maritime heritage and alluring waters, this port offers more than just a passage; it presents an invitation to a transcendent journey. The allure of sailing through its coastal wonders on a rented yacht, whether for adventure or tranquility, beckons travelers from all walks of life. This post seeks to explore the magnificence of this journey, guiding you through the why, the what, and the which of yacht rental in Porto di Brindisi. Join us as we delve into an odyssey that weaves history, nature, and human exploration into a tapestry as vast and intricate as the sea itself.

Why Rent a Yacht in Porto di Brindisi?

Yacht Rental Porto di Brindisi

In the far southeast of the boot that is Italy, the waters of the Adriatic embrace the ancient port of Porto di Brindisi. A port steeped in history and rich in culture, it stands as a threshold to the Mediterranean's wonders.

One might be drawn to this extraordinary place to embark on a nautical journey unlike any other. Renting a yacht in Porto di Brindisi isn't merely a matter of luxury or convenience; it's an entrance to a world teeming with life and stories.

The ancient mariners who once sailed these waters would marvel at the diversity of fish and marine mammals that one can witness here. The beautiful coastline, dotted with coves and sparkling beaches, beckons explorers to discover hidden treasures.

Renting a yacht here offers a unique opportunity to traverse these ancient seas at your own pace. Whether you are an experienced sailor or just seeking an adventure, the journey through Porto di Brindisi will undoubtedly captivate your heart.

❑ The Mystique of the Waters

The shimmering waters around Brindisi have been a gateway for countless civilizations. Greeks, Romans, and Byzantines have all been drawn to these shores, leaving behind an indelible mark on the landscape. The maritime history here is rich and textured, and it weaves itself into the very fabric of the sea.

The tapestry of life under these waves is breathtaking. From the microscopic plankton to the gracious dolphins, the waters provide a vibrant theatre for those who wish to observe and partake in the dance of nature.

Exploring Porto di Brindisi: A Yacht's Guide to Hidden Treasures

Porto di Brindisi is not just a gateway but a treasure trove of hidden gems waiting to be discovered by those who venture on its waters. The confluence of ancient cultures and natural splendor creates a mosaic that begs exploration. A yacht offers an exclusive opportunity to navigate through this exquisite landscape, touching the hidden pockets of beauty that are scattered along the coastline. Here's a glimpse of specific destinations that must not be missed on your nautical journey through Porto di Brindisi.

🚢 Torre Guaceto Marine Reserve

A nature lover's paradise, Torre Guaceto Marine Reserve offers a unique blend of rich biodiversity and stunning landscapes. From snorkeling among coral reefs to witnessing migratory birds, this protected area is a sanctuary of life.

🚢 Ostuni's White City

Nicknamed "The White City," Ostuni is a marvel of architecture and history. Its shimmering white walls can be seen from the sea, beckoning you to explore narrow alleys, ancient churches, and panoramic views from the hilltop.

🚢 The Caves of Santa Maria de Finibus Terrae

A visit to the southernmost point of Italy's heel leads to Santa Maria de Finibus Terrae and its mesmerizing caves. These natural formations tell a geological tale and offer an ethereal experience for those who wish to explore them by boat.

🚢 The Beaches of Specchiolla

For those seeking relaxation and serenity, the beaches of Specchiolla provide an oasis of golden sands and turquoise waters. It's a perfect spot to anchor your yacht and indulge in the Mediterranean sun.

🚢 Pilone's Rocky Inlets

For the adventurous, the rocky inlets near Pilone offer a challenging but rewarding exploration. The jagged cliffs and hidden coves provide an exhilarating sailing experience, coupled with breathtaking views.

🚢 Polignano a Mare

An enthralling town perched on limestone cliffs, Polignano a Mare is famous for its crystal-clear waters and thrilling cave explorations. You may anchor your yacht and wander through charming streets, or plunge into the sea to discover hidden underwater caves.

🚢 Lecce, The Florence of the South

Though a bit inland, a trip to the city of Lecce can be a captivating extension of your nautical journey. Known as "The Florence of the South," it's a place where Baroque architecture thrives, displaying a rich cultural heritage.

🚢 The Trulli of Alberobello

These unique and ancient limestone dwellings, known as Trulli, create an otherworldly landscape in Alberobello. Though not directly on the coast, a visit here can be arranged through local marinas, providing a cultural experience that's both enchanting and educational.

🚢 Savelletri di Fasano

A small fishing village that's a haven for seafood enthusiasts, Savelletri di Fasano allows visitors to experience authentic Italian coastal life. Here, the catch of the day can be enjoyed right off the boat, providing a gastronomic delight to complement your nautical adventure.

🚢 Taranto's Aragonese Castle

Steering towards Taranto, you will find a city that blends military history with natural beauty. The imposing Aragonese Castle stands guard over the entrance to the Old Town, narrating a history that dates back to the 15th century. Nearby, beautiful beaches provide ample opportunities for relaxation.

🚢 Grotta della Poesia

Translating to "Cave of Poetry," this natural pool is renowned for its astonishing beauty. Accessible by boat, the cave offers an extraordinary swimming experience in a setting that seems to have sprung from legend.

🚢 The Isle of Capo San Vito

This small island near Taranto provides an isolated retreat for those seeking solitude and unspoiled nature. With its lush vegetation, clear waters, and peaceful ambiance, Capo San Vito offers an intimate connection with the sea.

Embarking on a yacht from Porto di Brindisi allows one to write a personal chapter in the grand narrative of these waters. Each destination is a verse, a stanza in a poem that sings of beauty, adventure, and discovery. The places mentioned here are but a glimpse of what awaits you in this extraordinary odyssey.

What Should I Consider Before Renting a Yacht in Porto di Brindisi?

Yacht Rental Porto di Brindisi

Embarking on this journey demands careful contemplation. It's not merely a question of choosing a vessel; it's about aligning oneself with the sea's rhythm and respecting its ancient wisdom.

⛵ Understanding the Climate

The maritime climate of Porto di Brindisi is generally mild, but it can be capricious. Knowledge of seasonal weather patterns is essential to navigate these waters safely. The winds and currents must be your guides, not your adversaries.

⛵ Navigational Challenges

The coast is dotted with hidden rocks, sandbanks, and reefs that can challenge even the most seasoned sailor. A proper understanding of the local geography and close consultation with nautical charts is vital.

⛵ Compliance with Local Regulations

Maritime laws and regulations must be meticulously followed. It's essential to understand the local rules concerning safety, fishing, and environmental protection.

Which is the Best Yacht for Porto di Brindisi Waters?

To select the most fitting vessel for these waters, one must consider the balance between performance, comfort, and aesthetic appeal.

⛵ The Harmony of Design

A yacht with a blend of both elegance and functionality may be the ideal choice. Hull design and sail configuration must suit both the adventurous spirit and the tranquillity of the region.

⛵ Size and Capacity

The dimensions of the yacht should correspond to the intended use. A family seeking leisure might find solace in a larger vessel with ample space, while an adventurer might prefer a smaller, nimble craft.

⛵ Equipment and Technology

The integration of modern navigation tools and essential safety equipment is paramount. The combination of traditional maritime wisdom with contemporary technology provides an enriching and secure experience.

In conclusion, the yacht rental experience in Porto di Brindisi is not merely a transaction. It's a dance with history, a connection with the environment, and a journey into oneself. It's an odyssey that begins in the ancient port and stretches beyond the horizon, into the very essence of the sea.

The yachts, the waves, the winds – they are not merely tools or obstacles. They are companions in a symphony that has been played for millennia, waiting for you to join in and add your own unique note. The call of Porto di Brindisi is as timeless as the sea itself, inviting you to become part of something larger, something profound and utterly beautiful.

Frequently Asked Questions: Embarking on Your Voyage

We find ourselves amidst a multitude of inquiries as travelers contemplate the possibilities of a nautical exploration through Porto di Brindisi. The wonder and allure of these ancient waters stir questions in the hearts of those drawn to its shores. Here, we shall endeavor to illuminate some of the paths you may be contemplating as you prepare to embark on your journey. From the practicalities of the voyage to the essence of the experience, we shall address the queries that often arise in the minds of our fellow explorers.

What Is the Best Time to Rent a Yacht in Porto di Brindisi?

The gentle embrace of the Mediterranean climate blesses Porto di Brindisi with pleasant weather throughout the year. However, the months of May to October provide the most favorable conditions for sailing, with the summer bringing warmth to both air and sea.

How Can I Ensure Safety During My Voyage?

Safety is a dance with both preparation and respect. Knowledge of local weather conditions, adherence to maritime laws, and the selection of a well-equipped yacht are paramount. Engaging a skilled local guide or captain may enhance both safety and understanding of these magnificent waters.

What Options Are Available for Novice Sailors?

Fear not if the sea is calling you, yet you find yourself without the skills of navigation. Many yacht rental services offer the guidance of experienced captains and crew, allowing you to immerse yourself in the experience without the burden of command.

Is Fishing Permitted Along the Coast?

The waters teem with life, and many find joy in the ancient practice of fishing. However, respect for local regulations and protected marine areas must guide your actions. Inquire with local authorities or your yacht rental service to ensure compliance with all fishing laws.

Can I Customize My Route and Stops?

Indeed, the beauty of a yacht journey is the freedom it affords. Collaborating with rental agencies or your hired captain, you may craft a voyage that resonates with your interests and desires. Whether history, nature, or leisure calls to you, the coast around Brindisi offers a rich canvas to paint your adventure.

What Should I Pack for My Yacht Expedition?

Preparation is a vital companion on any journey. Pack according to the season, considering both the warmth of the day and the cool embrace of the evening sea breeze. Essentials such as sun protection, comfortable clothing, and personal necessities must not be overlooked.

We hope that these answers serve as waypoints on your path to discovery. The voyage awaiting you in Porto di Brindisi is a tapestry woven with threads of wonder, history, and natural splendor. May these insights guide you as you chart a course towards an experience that transcends the mere act of travel and elevates it to an odyssey of the soul.

barca yacht brindisi

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Yacht Partner is a leading company in southern Italy and will help you make the right decisions for your boat. With many years of experience and knowledge of the nautical market, this Italian boat dealership will guide you towards the most suitable choices for your needs in the areas of anchoring, mooring, safety at sea, boat transport, hydraulics and deck accessories. With a highly qualified boat sales staff, Yacht Partner goes one step further by offering insurance and financing services when purchasing a boat.  

Yacht Partner è un'azienda leader nel Sud Italia, che la aiuta a prendere le giuste decisioni nautiche. Con molti anni di esperienza e conoscenza del mercato nautico, questo concessionario italiano di barche la guiderà verso le scelte più adatte alle sue esigenze nelle aree dell'ancoraggio, dell'ormeggio, della sicurezza in mare, del trasporto di barche, dell'idraulica e degli accessori di coperta. Con un personale di vendita altamente qualificato, Yacht Partner fa un ulteriore passo avanti offrendo servizi di assicurazione e di finanziamento per l'acquisto di una barca.  

Rayonnant sur l'Italie du sud, Yacht Partner vous accompagne dans vos décisions nautiques . Fort de nombreuses années d'expériences et de connaissances sur le marché nautique, cette concession italienne de bateaux vous guide vers les choix les plus adaptés à vos besoins dans les domaines de l'ancrage, de l'amarrage, de la sécurité en mer, de transport de bateaux, d'hydraulique ou encore d'accessoires de pont. Avec un personnel hautement qualifié en vente de bateaux, Yacht Partner va plus loin en vous proposant des services d'assurances et de financements lors de l'acquisition d'un bateau.

Yacht Partner es una empresa líder en el sur de Italia, que le ayuda a tomar las decisiones náuticas correctas. Con muchos años de experiencia y conocimiento del mercado náutico, este concesionario italiano de barcos le guiará hacia las opciones más adecuadas para sus necesidades en las áreas de anclaje, amarre, seguridad en el mar, transporte de barcos, hidráulica y accesorios de cubierta. Con un personal de ventas de embarcaciones altamente cualificado, Yacht Partner va un paso más allá ofreciéndole servicios de seguros y financiación al comprar una embarcación.

Yacht Partner ist ein führendes Unternehmen in Süditalien, das Ihnen hilft, die richtigen nautischen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Mit seiner langjährigen Erfahrung und Kenntnis des Bootsmarktes wird dieser italienische Bootshändler Sie zu den am besten geeigneten Optionen für Ihre Bedürfnisse in den Bereichen Ankern, Festmachen, Sicherheit auf See, Bootstransport, Hydraulik und Deckszubehör führen. Mit seinem hochqualifizierten Verkaufspersonal geht Yacht Partner noch einen Schritt weiter und bietet Ihnen beim Kauf eines Bootes auch Versicherungs- und Finanzierungsdienstleistungen an.

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Maintenance Repair

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Noleggio barche a Brindisi

  • Noleggio barche
  • Noleggio barche in Italia

Noleggio Barca a motore Ilver 35 Brindisi

Ilver - 35 | 10 persone (1984)

  • Skipper offerto
  • Super proprietario
  • Cancellazione flessibile

A partire da  350 € /giorno

Noleggio Barca a motore Ilver 35 Cimawa Brindisi

Ilver - 35 Cimawa | 10 persone (1987)

  • Skipper obbligatorio

A partire da  400 € /giorno

Noleggio Barca senza patente  Baroni Gozzo Ostuni

Baroni - Gozzo | 12 persone (2010)

  • Senza patente
  • Carburante incluso

Noleggio Barca senza patente  Coverline brezza Ostuni

Coverline - brezza | 6 persone (2017)

A partire da  250 € /giorno.

Noleggio Barca a vela Beneteau Oceanis Brindisi

Beneteau - Oceanis | 8 persone (2004)

A partire da  500 € /giorno.

Noleggio Barca a vela Benetau OCEANIS 30.1 Brindisi

Benetau - OCEANIS 30.1 | 8 persone (2024)

A partire da  471 € /giorno.

Noleggio Barca a motore Canados 65 S Brindisi

Canados - 65 S | 14 persone (1986)

A partire da  3.500 € /giorno.

Noleggio Barca a motore Coverline Pescosa 5,80 Ostuni

Coverline - Pescosa 5,80 | 6 persone (2023)

  • Senza capitano

Noleggio Barca senza patente  Evo 590 Porto Cesareo

Porto Cesareo

Evo - 590 | 8 persone (2023)

A partire da  300 € /giorno.

Noleggio Barca senza patente  Mingolla Brava 18 Porto Cesareo

Mingolla - Brava 18 | 7 persone (2023)

Noleggio Barca a vela Benetau FIRST 18SE Villanova

Benetau - FIRST 18SE | 4 persone (2024)

  • Skipper facoltativo

A partire da  329 € /giorno

Noleggio Barca a vela Nord Cantieri Koala 39 Campomarino


Nord Cantieri - Koala 39 | 7 persone (1971)

A partire da  650 € /giorno.

Noleggio Barca a motore Sealine S43 Maruggio

Sealine - S43 | 10 persone (2004)

A partire da  1.100 € /giorno.

Noleggio Barca a motore Cranchi 44 Villanova

Cranchi - 44 | 10 persone (2023)

A partire da  2.500 € /giorno.

Noleggio Barca senza patente  Mingolla Brava 18 Porto Cesareo

DELPHIA YACHTS - 40.2 | 8 persone (2009)

A partire da  700 € /giorno.

Noleggio Barca a motore Ilver 39 spada Ostuni

Ilver - 39 spada | 11 persone (2002)

A partire da  2.000 € /giorno, barche brindisi, domande frequenti brindisi, quanto costa noleggiare una barca in alta e bassa stagione in brindisi.

I prezzi del noleggio barche in alta stagione in Brindisi sono di circa 518 € al giorno, mentre in bassa stagione sono di circa 445 € al giorno.

Qual è il prezzo giornaliero per assumere uno skipper in Brindisi?

Il costo per il noleggio di uno skipper in Brindisi può variare a seconda del proprietario della barca e della destinazione specifica. Tuttavia, in media, il prezzo è di circa 125 € al giorno.

Quali sono le marche di barche più popolari in Brindisi?

I costruttori di barche più popolari in Brindisi sono Bali e Lagoon.

Si può noleggiare una barca senza patente in Brindisi?

In Brindisi ci sono 21 barche disponibili per il noleggio senza patente. Inoltre, puoi noleggiare molte barche con skipper.

Posso includere accessori come attrezzatura per lo snorkeling, tavole da stand up paddle o wakeboard nel noleggio della mia barca in Brindisi?

Molti proprietari offrono vari extra che puoi aggiungere alla tua prenotazione in Brindisi. Ad esempio, Bagno, Bimini o Sunbeath.

Informazioni utili

Barche disponibili:21 barche
Barche popolari:Barca a vela, Barca a motore, Barca senza patente
Prezzo medio:285 € al giorno
Prezzo bassa stagione:445 €
Prezzo alta stagione:518 €
Produttori:Bali, Lagoon e altro ancora

Noleggia un barche vicino a Brindisi

A Brindisi, le barche di proprietà privata sono disponibili per il noleggio. Vedi altre barche nella zona.

  • Create an account

Marina di Brindisi - Marinedì

N°15 in Puglia

Types of moorings

Mooring lines

Stern to dock

Services and equipments


Sewage water facility

Video surveillance

Night watchman

Ice for sale

Lifting crane

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Harbor master's office hours

Places to visit during your stopover.

Aeroporto Brindisi

Aeroporto Brindisi


The community's opinion

Below are the reviews added by Navily users on the marina Marina di Brindisi - Marinedì. Download our free application on your smartphone to share your own experience with the community.

  • Rent a boat in Brindisi
  • Océans Evasion

Charter Motorboat Ilver 35 Brindisi

Motorboat - 10.00m — Ilver - 35 (1984)

  • Skipper offered
  • Super owner
  • Flexible cancellation

From  €350 / day

Charter Motorboat Ilver 35 Cimawa Brindisi

Motorboat - 10.70m — Ilver - 35 Cimawa (1987)

  • Skipper mandatory

From  €400 / day

Charter Boat without licence  Baroni Gozzo Ostuni

Boat without licence - 8.00m — Baroni - Gozzo (2010)

  • Without licence
  • Fuel included

Charter Boat without licence  Coverline brezza Ostuni

Boat without licence - 6.00m — Coverline - brezza (2017)

From  €250 / day.

Charter Sailboat Beneteau Oceanis Brindisi

Sailboat - 10.00m — Beneteau - Oceanis (2004)

From  €500 / day.

Charter Sailboat Benetau OCEANIS 30.1 Brindisi

Sailboat - 9.53m — Benetau - OCEANIS 30.1 (2024)

From  €471 / day.

Charter Motorboat Canados 65 S Brindisi

Motorboat - 21.00m — Canados - 65 S (1986)

From  €3,500 / day.

Charter Motorboat Coverline Pescosa 5,80 Ostuni

Motorboat - 5.80m — Coverline - Pescosa 5,80 (2023)

  • Without skipper

Charter Boat without licence  Evo 590 Porto Cesareo

Porto Cesareo

Boat without licence - 5.90m — Evo - 590 (2023)

From  €300 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  Mingolla Brava 18 Porto Cesareo

Boat without licence - 5.60m — Mingolla - Brava 18 (2023)

Charter Sailboat Benetau FIRST 18SE Villanova

Sailboat - 5.53m — Benetau - FIRST 18SE (2024)

  • Skipper optional

From  €329 / day

Charter Sailboat Nord Cantieri Koala 39 Campomarino


Sailboat - 12.00m — Nord Cantieri - Koala 39 (1971)

From  €650 / day.

Charter Motorboat Sealine S43 Maruggio

Motorboat - 14.00m — Sealine - S43 (2004)

From  €1,100 / day.

Charter Motorboat Cranchi 44 Villanova

Motorboat - 14.00m — Cranchi - 44 (2023)

From  €2,500 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  Mingolla Brava 18 Porto Cesareo

Sailboat - 12.25m — DELPHIA YACHTS - 40.2 (2009)

From  €700 / day.

Charter Motorboat Ilver 39 spada Ostuni

Motorboat - 11.25m — Ilver - 39 spada (2002)

From  €2,000 / day, rent a boat near brindisi.

In Brindisi, privately owned yachts are available to rent. See other yachts in the area.

Brindisi, Italy

Country side view of

Explore this destination

On Italy's picturesque Adriatic coast is Brindisi, steeped in history and Mediterranean splendour. Navigate the ancient Roman columns that stand as a testament to its rich past, or roam through Old Town, where narrow streets lead to hidden piazzas and quaint cafes. It serves as a gateway to the nearby town of Lecce, renowned for its Baroque architecture and UNESCO historic centre. With its spirited culture, delectable cuisine, and stunning coastal vistas, Brindisi is a masterpiece of tradition and beauty.

Rent a boat in Brindisi with or without a licence

  • Yacht charter
  • Rent a boat in Italy with or without a licence

Charter Motorboat Ilver 35 Brindisi

Ilver 35 (1984)

  • Skipper offered
  • Super owner
  • Flexible cancellation

From  €350 / day

Charter Motorboat Canados 65 S Brindisi

CANADOS 65 S (1986)

  • Skipper mandatory

From  €3,500 / day

Charter Boat without licence  Baroni Gozzo Ostuni

Boat without licence Baroni Gozzo 40hp (2010)

  • Without licence
  • Fuel included

From  €400 / day

Charter Boat without licence  Coverline brezza Ostuni

Boat without licence Coverline brezza 40hp (2017)

From  €250 / day.

Charter Sailboat Benetau OCEANIS 30.1 Brindisi

Sailboat Benetau OCEANIS 30.1 9.53m (2024)

From  €471 / day.

Charter Sailboat Beneteau Oceanis Brindisi

Beneteau oceanis clipper 323 (2004)

From  €500 / day.

Charter Motorboat Ilver 35 Cimawa Brindisi

Motorboat Ilver 35 Cimawa 480hp (1987)

Charter Motorboat Coverline Pescosa 5,80 Ostuni

Motorboat Coverline Pescosa 5,80 (2023)

  • Without skipper

Charter Boat without licence  Evo 590 Porto Cesareo

Porto Cesareo

Boat without licence Evo 590 40hp (2023)

From  €300 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  Mingolla Brava 18 Porto Cesareo

Boat without licence Mingolla Brava 18 40hp (2023)

Charter Sailboat Benetau FIRST 18SE Villanova

Sailboat Benetau FIRST 18SE 5.53m (2024)

  • Skipper optional

From  €329 / day

Charter Sailboat Nord Cantieri Koala 39 Campomarino


Sailing boat Campomarino di Maruggio (1971)

From  €650 / day.

Charter Motorboat Sealine S43 Maruggio

Motorboat Sealine S43 960hp (2004)

From  €1,100 / day.

Charter Motorboat Cranchi 44 Villanova

Motorboat Cranchi 44 800hp (2023)

From  €2,500 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  Mingolla Brava 18 Porto Cesareo

Sailboat DELPHIA YACHTS 40.2 12.25m (2009)

From  €700 / day.

Charter Motorboat Ilver 39 spada Ostuni

ILVER 39 SPADA (2002) (2002)

From  €2,000 / day, rent a boat in brindisi with click&boat.

In the heart of Salento, Brindisi is a fascinating port city, nestled between the wild beauty of the Adriatic coast and the hills of the Apulian hinterland. The city is known for its rich historical heritage, fascinating local traditions and the hospitality of its inhabitants. Its pristine beaches, bathed by crystal clear waters, are the ideal place for a relaxing day under the Apulian sun.

Brindisi also offers numerous tourist attractions, including the famous monument to the sailor of Italy, the splendid Cathedral and the impressive Castello Svevo. One of the most unique and evocative perspectives for admiring Brindisi is certainly from the sea.

With boat rental in Brindisi, you will be able to live an even more exciting travel experience, exploring the Adriatic coast at your own pace and discovering corners hidden and pristine bays that only a few are lucky enough to see. You can snorkel in the azure waters, sunbathe on the bow of your boat or simply relax and admire the breathtaking view.

For this reason, Click&Boat is your ideal resource for boat rental in Brindisi. With unbeatable prices, the possibility of renting with or without a skipper and a wide range of boats to choose from, Click&Boat makes boat rental a simple, safe and convenient experience

Find the ideal boat for your trip to Brindisi

Brindisi is the ideal destination for a boat trip, whether you are looking for a relaxing experience or an exciting adventure. First consider the number of your travel companions and find the solution that ensures a comfortable experience for everyone.

An inflatable boat could be the perfect choice if you are planning a trip with a small group. With an average capacity of 4-6 people, the dinghy offers a dynamic sailing experience and easy access to the most hidden and pristine bays.

For a more comfortable sailing experience, in case of a larger group, a sailing boat, a catamaran or a motor boat could be the perfect choice. These vehicles are more spacious and can accommodate 12-16 passengers on average.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Brindisi?

The price of renting a boat in Brindisi and surrounding areas depends above all on the season and the type of boat chosen. Below is an overview of the prices you can expect for the most popular types of boats.

What is included in the rental price?

Included in the rental price are things like basic equipment, VAT and port taxes. 

For other requests such as water sports equipment, the possibility of having a skipper on board, fuel or other special requests or services, it is usually necessary to pay extra. 

p>It is however important to ask these things before making the booking so as not to have any surprises and to be able to plan your trip down to the smallest details.Where to navigate in Brindisi?Brindisi offers a variety of fascinating destinations for those who wish to explore it by boat. Here is a list of some of the most fascinating locations: Torre Guaceto: Located north of Brindisi, Torre Guaceto is a protected natural area of ​​extraordinary beauty. It is ideal for spending a relaxing day on its pristine beaches. Torre Santa Sabina coast: This coastal area offers several sandy beaches and hidden coves. It is an ideal place for a day of peaceful sailing and to enjoy the sun and the sea. Island of Cretaccio: Small island that is part of the Tremiti archipelago, the Cretaccio Island is an excellent destination for those who love diving and snorkelling. Port of Brindisi: It is the beating heart of the city. With your boat rental in Brindisi, don't miss the opportunity to explore the life of the port and its picturesque surroundings. Coastal Dunes Regional Natural Park: It extends between Brindisi and Ostuni, offering breathtaking views, sandy beaches and extraordinary biodiversity. What is the best season to rent a boat in Brindisi? Brindisi's Mediterranean climate lends itself to boat rental for most of the year.The summer months, from June to August, offer ideal conditions for boat holidays, with almost guaranteed sunny days and crystal clear blue sea waters. In this period Brindisi comes alive, with a calendar full of cultural events, local festivals and outdoor activities that make the city even more fascinating.Spring and autumn in Brindisi also have their their unique charm. With fewer tourists around, these periods offer greater tranquility and the opportunity to discover the city and its coast at a slower, more relaxed pace.Rent a boat in Brindisi with or without a skipper?First of all, it is essential to consider your navigation skills. If you have good experience and feel comfortable operating a boat, bareboat chartering may be the right choice for you. This option gives you the freedom to browse at your leisure, explore destinations of your choice and create your own personalized itinerary. You can also enjoy the experience of sailing completely independently, enjoying a true sense of independence.However, if you do not have much sailing experience or prefer to relax and enjoy cruising without the responsibility of piloting the boat, renting a boat with a skipper could be the ideal option for you. A professional skipper will not only guide you through the waters of Brindisi, but may also share his local knowledge with you, suggesting the best places to visit.Ready for a unique experience? Rent a boat in Brindisi with Click&Boat and let yourself be surprised by the wonders of the city. Don't wait!

It is however important to ask these things before making the booking so as not to have any surprises and to be able to plan your trip down to the smallest details.

Where to navigate in Brindisi?

Coastal Dunes Regional Natural Park:

What is the best season to rent a boat in Brindisi?

Brindisi's Mediterranean climate lends itself to boat rental for most of the year.

The summer months, from June to August, offer ideal conditions for boat holidays, with almost guaranteed sunny days and crystal clear blue sea waters. In this period Brindisi comes alive, with a calendar full of cultural events, local festivals and outdoor activities that make the city even more fascinating.

Spring and autumn in Brindisi also have their their unique charm. With fewer tourists around, these periods offer greater tranquility and the opportunity to discover the city and its coast at a slower, more relaxed pace.

Rent a boat in Brindisi with or without a skipper?

First of all, it is essential to consider your navigation skills. If you have good experience and feel comfortable operating a boat, bareboat chartering may be the right choice for you. This option gives you the freedom to browse at your leisure, explore destinations of your choice and create your own personalized itinerary. You can also enjoy the experience of sailing completely independently, enjoying a true sense of independence.

However, if you do not have much sailing experience or prefer to relax and enjoy cruising without the responsibility of piloting the boat, renting a boat with a skipper could be the ideal option for you. A professional skipper will not only guide you through the waters of Brindisi, but may also share his local knowledge with you, suggesting the best places to visit.

Ready for a unique experience? Rent a boat in Brindisi with Click&Boat and let yourself be surprised by the wonders of the city. Don't wait!

Charter a boat near Brindisi

In Brindisi, privately owned yachts are available for charter. See other yachts in the area.


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